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Beyond - Legends Imitation is not always a compliment (Adrian/Marie)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Mira Grau, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Title: Imitation is not always a compliment
    Author: Anedon @Adalia-Durron
    Characters: Adrian Malek, Marie & Chalise Firestone
    Genre: Romance, Adventure
    Summary: Adrian and Marie have to deal with a mysterious new clan arriving on Dathomir.


    Marie gazed out of the window, to the distant plains. "How can they call themselves a clan?" She asked with her arms folded and a frown on her features.

    Adrian wasn't sure what to say, he had been living on Dathomir for years now but hadn't experienced something like this before. "They copy your... our traditions? Or at least attempt to?" He tried to recall what Sariah had told them.

    Marie snorted. "They're Hapan's, they aren't copying, they're making fun of them." She'd met Hapan's and she knew they would not attempt copy, no, this would be for fun, a lark as it were.

    "As if the Hapan's are that much better," Adrian said, remembering their first real date. Despite having grown up on Eriadu he had never looked down upon Dathomir, or at least he hoped he hadn´t. "Do you have an idea why?"

    She shrugged. "Who knows." Marie honestly had no idea why they'd do this. It felt like a they were laughing at her culture, and despite the fact she was changing things, it was still her home, her history, her traditions and making light of them was offensive.

    "It defenetly enrages the tribe," Adrian pointed out. "They look to us, as their leaders to do something about it."

    She narrowed her eyes and slowly turned to him. "Shall we show them the truth?"

    "What do you mean?" Adrian asked.

    She allowed a smile. "How about we get out our ceremonial battle armour and give them a scare?"

    Adrian returned her smile, "show them what real Dathomirian warriors look like? Why not." He didn't say it but a part of him was quite curious of these newcomers. But also worried their behavior could remind him of his first days on Dathomir.

    Having arranged a sitter for the children, Marie now found herself strapping herself into her ceremonial armour. The leather bodice fitted firmly and held her waist in, the leather skirt was longer on one side, Marie did not subscribe to the almost mini skirts the younger women wore. She had a bit more class and a little modesty. A small heel on her boots gave the exposed leg shape. Finally she clipped her short fabric cape over one shoulder with it's leather strapping. Standing before the reflector she smiled, it made her feel good because the simple fact was she looked good. Pulling her hair to one side she braided it to keep it out of the way, she wondered if these fakers would consider such things. Walking out the the common area she began to open the weapons locker, it was coded for protection and as she opened it she took a moment to pause and admire the beautifully crafted items inside.

    As always Adrian needed a while to get into his armor, a sleeveless piece of hard leather with some stylized metal elements on the chest. In addition came the sturdy leather bracers on his forearms as well as the leather boots. The dark cloak above was the last bit. When he had first worn the armor he had felt like an actor in a play but now it was almost becoming a second skin for him.

    Joining Marie at the weapons locker he took the two swords the Fallen Stars Clan had gifted him.

    Marie took out the quiver full of arrows and the longbow as well as he three daggers and her sword. She began to place them on her person before turning to inspect her husband. She smiled warmly and with a sparkle in her eyes. "You look really good."

    "Can only return that," Adrian said with a smile. Now that she was the tribes matriarch Marie clothes represented that, and gave an aura of dignity.

    "I think the ceremonial saddle for Fluffy too? Let's make this look good hey?"

    "Will we go alone or take others with us?" Adrian wondered, seemed like Marie was planning to go all out.

    She thought for a moment. "You said they are treating the males the old way, maybe some of our friends, my brother? To show them it's not like that." She was happy to go alone, she knew she could handle it., but she wanted to consider his thoughts too.

    "Guess so," Adrian mused. "Better take not too many though, so we can move quickly. Also lets hope your mother doesn't hear of this." Knowing the former matriarch well Adrian didn't dare to think how she would react to this mockery of her traditions.

    Standing as she slipped the weapons into the sheaths, she thought for a moment before turning to him. "You know, once again, you just made sense. I say we go alone, no one will think anything of that, we start gathering friends and suddenly mother is noticing. You're right.....again." She smirked and rolled her eyes with great exaggeration.

    "Then I guess we should hope she hasn´t heard of it yet," Adrian said, nodding slowly. "Could cause a war, or worse."

    She's not listening to most these days, she still sits on her ivory throne like she is better than ...........well everyone basically. No, this time of day she takes her bath, so she's fine for now............but I don't think we should waste time on all this. She hears they are on our land, you're right..........war." She gave her head a shake. "Right twice, anyone would think you were trying to make me look bad here!" She winked.

    "Believe me I know that feeling," Adrian said with a smile. "Especially from my first days on Dathomir." He placed a hand on her shoulder, "then its just the two of us against an entire clan. Like in the old days I guess."

    "Wasn't a problem then, won't be one now." She grinned. "Let's go, I think we have some spoiled upstarts to scare the crap out of."

    Less than 20 minutes later they found themselves riding Fluffy into the jungle to face the interlopers and show them the true Dathomirian way.


    Charlise reclined a little more, her bath was deep and hot, scented with oils and flower scents that had been gathered from the forest. This had to be the most favorite part of her day of late. Since stepping down allowing Marie to take control of the Clam she'd discovered a new way to spend her time and a much more relaxed lifestyle.

    When Gerrit entered the room he averted his eyes from his bathing mistress. Chalise had ordered him to never disrupt her bathing, unless it was a true emergency. "Mistress," he began, waiting for her to give him the permission to continue.

    Rolling her eyes in frustration she snapped "What is it?"

    "Sariah brought us news about the Roaring Dragons tribe today," they had heard of this new tribe before but had known little of them. "They are Hapans, and Sariah says they act in a mockery of our customs, our culture." He did not wish to go further in detail as Chalises wrath was well known to him.

    Slowly she turned him, her dark eyes narrowed as she did so. The milky colour of the treated water covering her body. "Hapans? You mean Offworlders?"

    "Yes, from those worlds allied to the Singing Mountain clan," Gerrit explained.

    Charlise made a guttural sound in her throat. She was angry again, as once again her daughters connection with the wider galaxy had brought things upon her Clan that she could not condone. "Where is my daughter?" She snapped.

    "The Matriach and her... lifemate headed out on her Rancor when I last saw them, I came here as fast as I could." Gerrit always felt a sense of jealousy when he thought of Marie and Adrian, as he wished Chalise would see him as an equal partner as well, not just a lover.

    "Naturally." Charlise grunted. "Get my robes and bring me my Rancor handler, and be quick about it!" She spoke sharply. "I don't need your laziness to deal with as well!"

    "Of course, mistress," Gerrit nodded as he hurried to take care of his mistress`s demands.

    She listened as the young man left and sighed. Part of her had seen how happy her daughter was, how they laughed together, how they were affectionate and how they were a team. Charlise had live a long time under the old ways, and now she craved more, she craved her daughters life.
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Cool scenario. Looks like more than one party will learn a lesson. :p =D=
    Adalia-Durron and Anedon like this.
  3. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
  4. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Chapter Two.

    "Do you actually plan to give the kids their own Rancors to raise?" Adrian asked Marie as they rode on Fluffy towards the valley where Sariah had stopped the newcomers. The summer heat of Dathomir burned down on them and Adrian wondered if it really had been the best idea to wear the full armor.

    "Our kids?" She asked over her shoulder before shrugging. "Not given it that much thought, but I guess so. Hey, you can have one too and then as Fluffy gets older she won't have to deal with us both." She added as she reached forward and roughly patted the beasts neck. She could sense his discomfort. "Is the heat getting to you? There is a hood on the cape you know, put it over your head."

    "So it gets even more heated?" Adrian asked with a smile. "You say I could get a Rancor as well?" He had never thought that was even possible for him.

    She smiled, "I don't have time to raise more rancors, or the energy. If you have one you can all learn together." She shrugged again, "just avoid letting one of our kids becoming dinner, and you should be right!"

    "Is that a real danger?" In the time he had now spend on Dathomir he had learned that Rancors where hardly the brutal mindless monsters holonet movies had turned them into.

    She giggled. "Not really, they can bite, but you treat them right, keep them fed and you should be fine to keep your fingers."

    "Great can´t wait to write Ilona about how we had to get Vikki's fingers out of some Rancors stomach," Adrian joked. "Think old Fluffy will give those pretenders quite a scare?"

    "Fluffy isn't as docile as you think and when she is playing she can look pretty scary to those who don't know her. You know, all teeth and noise?"

    "That for sure, bet these Hapan's have never seen anything like her," Adrian mused. "Maybe we feed one of them to her to teach the rest a lesson?"

    She laughed again softly. "Let's go with a little less dramatic. I suspect a tone and the sight of us might be enough to get their attention, I planned to play it by ear from there." She explained.

    "Okay, I'll have your back, as always," he made a pause. "Just hope we don't cause a war with Hapes."

    Marie shook her head. "Won't happen, Tenel Ka maybe the their Queen Mother but she is Dathomirian in her heart of hearts. She probably doesn't know what's going and if she did she'd shut it down herself." Marie had met the woman only briefly but she'd felt then that she home still was very important to her as much as her new home.

    "Good to know," Adrian said. "How far is it still?"

    At that moment Fluffy stopped and lifted her massive head, she sniffed and growled in her throat before snorting in disgust loudly.

    "Not far I'd say."

    "On foot from here?" Adrian asked, readying himself to jump down from Fluffy's saddle.

    "Yeah, sounds logical." She responded as she threw her leg over the saddle and dropped to the ground. "Fluffy, stay!" She ordered the animal who seemed more than content with the instructions as the alternative wasn't appealing. She watched as her husband joined her, "I said it before, and I'm saying it again, you look really good." She placed her hand on his chest. "Really.....good."

    "Thanks," he responded as he felt her touch on the hardboiled leather, "can only return it." Then a grin appeared on his face. "Ever thought it would lead to this? Us leading the tribe?"

    "I can say I never wanted it, but if it brings change, then it has to be this way." She conceded removing her hand, once again he'd missed her suggestion and implications, but she'd grown accustomed to her own man not being able to read women like she'd wanted. She turned, and pulled her bow off the saddle and put it over her shoulder. "Lets go."

    "Right behind you," Adrian responded as he followed her through the woodland.

    They'd only walked for five or so minutes up a precipice when the came to an out to a rocky outcrop over looking the area below. Marie instinctively crouched down as she approached the edge, laying her bow down beside her. At this stage she wanted no more than to observe and listen. This way her timing, no, their timing would be perfect.

    Adrian kneeled next down to her, wondering if he had missed something again. But they would later have time to think about that. Their "enemy" was close.

    "Honestly, how lazy can you be!" shouted a tall young blonde woman, scantly clad in a tight leather outfit. Her exposed skin painted with several red symbols and dragons.

    "As Lazy or as energetic as my Mistress requires." The strong dark haired young man said bowing his head with a flirtatious smile and kneeling in his small and barely covering leather loincloth.

    "Your mistress requires you to work, not to be lazy," she responded while returning the flirtatious look with one of her own.

    "I am doing my best Mistress." he said as he continued to construct a fragile looking accommodation. The very idea of sleeping out the jungle was a little exciting, the plans he'd made more so. This whole 'role play' was arousing on a few levels.

    "Then I hope for you, your 'best' is enough." She turned around to her 'sisters' who didn´t seem to have any more luck with their servants. "Slaves, can they do anything right?"

    Marie sighed softly. "Its a silly game, did you see the smirks on the men's faces? This is all a show for the nights activities." She whispered.

    "Reminds me a bit of us," Adrian whispered his face turning slightly red. "But we kept it in the bedroom."

    "Shush!" She hissed, "You know I don't talk like that at all." She turned to him, "I'm sure my suggestions are less reliant on your compliance!" Turning back Marie watched as the two men who were attempting to build shelters were muttering and chuckling to each other. Possibly talking about what else they could do to get their 'Mistress' ' attention. Looking up she was able to see the sun getting low in the sky. "I think our time to make an appearance is coming very soon, like now."

    Marie pulled her legs under her and slowly rose to her full height, removing her bow from her shoulder and knocking and arrow, she hoped Adrian would join her.

    Adrian rose up next to Marie, drawing out both of his swords and readying himself.

    Drawing a deep breath, she yelled. "Trespassers! You are on land belonging to Misty Falls Clan. Explain yourselves now!" She lifted her chin slightly, she didn't say who she was, who they were, she wanted them to ask.

    Adrian tried his best to keep a straight face at the screams and panicked reaction of the two young couples. But he had to give them some credit for at least not running away.

    Pushing her boyfriend behind her the tall blonde Hapan drew a crude spear, "who are you? Do you even know who we are?"

    Marie allowed a smile. "I don't care who you are. You are on my Clans land. I am Clan Mother Marie Firestone, and this is my life mate Adrian of Eriadu. This is our land. You will leave now, without question."

    The young man behind the blonde poked his head out. "Your land? Wait, are you like.......a real Dathomrian Witch?"

    "She is," Adrian said, relaxing himself a little bit. "Which amongst others makes me think you guys aren't real at all."

    The blonde woman just stared at them, seemingly unable to even form words to defend herself.

    "We need to get out of here." The young man hissed to his partner. "She's the real deal, look at her!"

    "Not so fast," Adrian said his voice stern, wanting to test these newcomers. He looked at the blonde women. "The men stay here, we take them as our slaves." He gave Marie a look hoping she would understand what he meant.

    Marie gave a sage nod. "He is right, the females will get off our land now, the males will come with us now. You have trespassed on our land and therefore forgo your rights as Males." She wanted to smirk but held it in. "In our Clan you will either become servants to our woman or work the fields."

    The second young man had not spoken till now. "Servants? What do you mean? I'll not be a servant!" The game has been fun, as the nightly rewards confirmed it, but this was beyond all belief. "I will not go with you!"

    "Seeing how lazy they are I think best just use them as Rancor food and that's that." Adrian 'muttered' towards Marie, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he turned to the women. "Get the two tied up, then we let you leave."

    "My family is rich and influential..." the smaller woman said, but her voice gave away her nervousness. "You have no idea what they could do to you if you harm us."

    Marie glanced at Adrian. "So is his. And this is not your holiday resort, you are in breech of our laws. You come here you live by our laws. Now do as he says and bind those males now before I let my rancor lose on all of you!"

    "Please, we didn´t know it was your land we..." the blonde woman stuttered.

    "Its simple," Adrian said. "Either you tie up your companions or our Rancor gets an extra large meal today."

    Shaking the women took some of the ropes they had with them and began tying up their companions with tent ropes.

    Looking over her shoulder while watching, Marie asked softly. "How long do we keep this up?"

    The first man began to resist and then he jumped up and began to run away.

    Marie sighed as she lifted her bow high, drawing it back and releasing a single arrow. It flew high through the air and came down on a sharp angle to hit the ground in front of the man. He skidded to a halt and stumbled backwards.

    "Where are you going?" Marie demanded as she loaded a second arrow. "Do I need to come down there to clarify things for you? Does he need to show you his warrior skills to clarify this?"

    "My family is rich, they´ll give you anything, please!" the blonde woman begged them.

    "Your decision," Adrian whispered back to Marie.

    "Anything?" he asked and the both women nodded.

    "Do we want their credits?" She whispered. "I don't."

    "How many of you are here on Dathomir?" Adrian asked.

    "A couple dozen," the red haired woman said after finishing tying up her friend.

    "Where are they?" he continued.

    Marie moved aside, they need to see she was not always in charge, they needed to see he was very capable of speaking and more to the point, he knew what he was doing right now.

    "West from here, in the valley along the river," the redhead said.

    "So you are even selling out your own kin?" Adrian shook his head. "And they want to live on Dathomir."

    Jumping off precipice, and approaching them, Marie glared closely at the men with a sardonic smile, Adrian looked at the women with appreciation.

    "You girls will learn the real way of the Witches when you are taken as trainees with the Huntress Masters, they are hard task masters, but you will learn fast. The stocks of good males is depleted, and we could use an injection of fresh blood, as it were..."

    "We could use a few females in that regard as well," Adrian said. "Red or blonde hair is a rarity here on Dathomir...." He had to use his entire willpower to keep his voice and face straight and not break this charade out of sheer disgust.

    He threw another look at Marie, ending it soon? They might have suffered enough.

    "But you claimed you would," the blonde woman begged.

    "That was before you offered to sell out your tribe," Adrian turned to Marie. "Honestly, I doubt these two could ever become huntresses. Let them work in the fields or bedrooms."

    To be continued.........
    Anedon likes this.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nice bit of coordinated team work to get information and cooperation
    Anedon likes this.
  6. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Thanks :)

    Having negotiated to take all four, they now walked in a line behind Adrian, and Marie brought up the rear followed by Fluffy. That alone had their captives scared half out of their skins as Adrian had hinted, she may well be hungry. The sun had long set and she trusted her husband knew the way and was relieved when the lit torches of the village could be made out.

    The taller of the men tried to stop. "No! I don't want to be a slave, I'm sorry, I will make amends for this insult to your people!" He protested as he turned to face Marie. The woman looked even more imposing and terrifying in the dim light.

    "Turn around, and don't speak to me again unless asked too!" Marie bellowed, part of her was already over this charade, but she wanted to show them their ways, however different, however unusual were not to be poked fun at, were not to be ridiculed in the fashion these people were doing so.

    "Think of the positive side," Adrian said, his voice dripping with Venom. "You will get a place to sleep and enough to eat to keep you on your feet, maybe even someone who wants to keep you." He had never thought he was even able to play this role for so long but felt it was necessary to get their point across.

    "Please," the blonde woman begged, her pride having evaporated during the way here. "Take me if you must but let the others go."

    "At least she has some backbone," Adrian told Marie. "Maybe we could keep her."

    "Maybe?" Marie called back as Fluffy let out a low growl. "Good girl." She soothed the rancor, knowing her mere presence was enough. The clearing area of the village opened up and a few that were on the streets stopped to look.

    Now was her time, Charlise had known they were coming, her scouts had returned and told her so she was ready as she, dressed in her regalia, stepped in front of the group with her formal guard. "DAUGHTER! WHAT DO YOU BRING TO OUR HOME!?"

    "Oh no," Adrian muttered. "Why is she here, now?"

    The Hapan women stared at Chalise and began to shiver even more than before.

    Marie strode up past Adrian. "Watch them" she hissed as she passed him.

    "Mother. Aren't you up a little late?" Marie asked calmly as she stood proud. "Its past your bed time." She cooed.

    Charlise pursed her lips firmly. "I am the former Clan mother; I take to my bed when and with who I choose."

    Marie smiled, her mother was living up to the old ways and giving their guests a show for sure. She rested the base of her bow on the toe of her boot and leaned on it. "Of course, you do Mother. "It's not what, its who by the way." She turned to the group. "These young humans are off worlders from the distant worlds of the Hapan system."

    Charlise frowned. "The world Tenel Ka resides over?" She questioned, as a Clan mother or former one, she knew all the equal leaders in her part of the world, their daughters and where they were.

    Marie gave a nod. "One in the same."

    "Do they come as guests?" She asked, “And if so, do they know our customs?"

    Marie smirked. "They think they do, but something go lost in translation and its more of a joke to them now."

    Marie turned to Adrian, flicking her head to indicate to bring their 'guests' forward.

    "Move," Adrian told the captives, unsure whether to keep up the charade or to break it. He saw how the other clan members looked at the Hapans, and their excuse for Dathomirian clothing.

    The Hapans continued to shiver, these were real warriors, an entire tribe, looking at them with either disdain or, in some cases, leering.

    Marie sighed as they walked past, "As you can see Mother, their attire leaves a lot to be desired." She gave her head a shake; it was time. "Mother, I have this under control, please allow me to do my job."

    Charlise looked the pathetic group up and down before looking to her son in law, as he stood behind them in his full regalia. She'd never say it out loud, but her daughter had made a fine choice, she'd chosen not many but one man and he was a fine specimen. She gave a nod with a wave of her hand. "We will do as you ask, show them the truth, show them who we are daughter and make them dispense with this.......foolish game." Charlise knew what these people were, knew who they were and what they were doing, she only hoped her daughter would rectify their misconstrued ideas as to what being Dathomirian was all about. "I wish to view this..."

    Marie turned back to the group, still leaning on her bow. "Ok love, truth time." She winked at her husband, hoping he'd explain and show them she respected him.

    Adrian stepped closer to the captives again. "Thing is, we do not keep slaves anymore. We are free men and women..." He waited for the Hapan’s to let out a sigh of relief, before he continued. "But we won´t tolerate mockeries of our culture, nor our world being turned into a holiday resort. You want to stay here you have to play by our rules." He gave them a weak smile, "thing is, there are still many tribes who aren´t as nice as we are, if they find you, you will either end up as slaves or as Rancor food for real. And even if you managed to avoid them somehow you wouldn´t survive your first winter in clothes like that."

    Marie chuckled. "He's right, do you even know how ridiculous you all look?" She took her weight off her bow. "Our customs are as important to our history and our lives as say....yours are. Would you disrespect Tenel Ka with this?" She asked the two young women.

    Both lowered their heads, but eventually the blonde woman dared to speak, "no. Even if we left Hapes to get away from its politics."

    "You should feel ashamed," Adrian said. "But it’s not too late to improve yourselves."

    The younger man looked up. "It’s not? What can we do? What do you want us to do."

    Marie approached him. "Well stop the travesty that is occurring, because I am telling you now, it gets out to the less enlightened Clans that you are here, you won't survive them." She turned to the women, "Spend some time with us, learn our ways, see we're not jokes and it’s not all about what you were making it all about."

    "Some of us will return with you to your group," Adrian said. "We teach you how to hunt, to farm, and to survive the wilderness. You will make your own clothes and tools. Until we´ve decided that you have learned enough. Also," he threw Marie and Chalise a look. "If your group wants to continue to stay on our tribes land, you will swear allegiance to us to the Misty Falls tribe, as our vassals."

    "The other option is for you to leave; we give you and the rest of your people a week to get off of Dathomir. If you do not, we will let the other tribes know of your presence here." It was an empty threat but he still made it to ensure the Hapan’s wouldn´t think about trying to weasel out of this.

    Marie smiled. "What say you?" She asked, knowing her mother was listening to everything and feeling her mother unspoken pride, not something she felt often at all.

    The older of the two-man nodded furiously. "Of course!" He turned to Adrian. "I like the way he dresses anyway!"

    "Yeah, we accept your conditions," the red-haired woman said. "We will learn from you, do whatever it takes."

    Adrian allowed himself a smile, "It’s something I earned, when I came here, I was made a slave and sold up there." He gestured towards the tribes central building.

    "It's true, cost me almost all my savings to get him back. Don't worry, the slave auctions are no more, but he is right, everything is earned, you don't get given anything here. Hard work is its own reward, and that's always been our way. Tonight, you will sleep in our village, tomorrow we will assemble a team to return with you." She explained.

    True to her word, she found bedding in her own hangar bay, allowing Adrian to show the young Hapan’s that their Clan was more advanced than most with the freight and repair business established by Marie. They were made to sleep on skins loaned to them and were given more appropriate garments.

    When the morning came Marie once again found herself at the window looking out, this time watching the procession leave the village. She sensed her husband nearby.

    "So, have you found some who are willing to go with them?" Adrian asked, laying an arm around his wife’s shoulders.

    "Yeah, was pretty easy, Mother sent some of her personal guard as well, they certainly will learn the hard way, but some of the modern thinking teams have gone too. Our bases are covered." She leaned into him.

    "Good to know, should definitely keep them on short leash for now, for their and our benefit." he was surprised Chalise was actually helping but glad about it nonetheless.

    "Should do." She was said thoughtfully. "Still think you looked really good yesterday, and last night, and between you and me......mother was impressed by you for the first time."

    "Finally," Adrian said. "You know, you... we should try to build on that. She is your mother, and you don´t want anything between you and her when you lose her." He lowered his head and thought of his own parents.

    "Later." She said softly before turning to him. "Three times I've told you how good you looked and three times you've missed my cue." She leaned in and kissed him deeply before whispering, "Are you listening now?"

    "I am," Adrian said, smiling. "So, do you want me to put on my 'ceremonial armour' once more?”

    "Hmm, sounds like a plan."
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Delightful and excellent resolution of what could've been a volatile situation. =D= Fantastic bit of couple yum at the end. :D
    Anedon likes this.