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Beyond - Legends January New Stories Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by LilyHobbitJedi, Jan 1, 2007.

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  1. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    Two New Stories for January 24, 2007

    Title: The Darkhelm Knights: Falling Through the Abyss of Darkness
    Author(s): TheJedi_Knight
    Timeframe: 500 ABY
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: Aventure, Action, Drama
    Summary: A new Mandalorian War leads a great Jedi Master to be exiled, and both the Mandalorians and Republics are almost crushed. The Mandalorians flee from the galaxy, but the Republic is still fighting to keep their hold of galaxy, becuase of many small conflicts. The Exile begins a group of Jedi Exiles to aide the Republic. This group becomes more trusted and is merged into the Republic. The Jedi Order is almost destroyed by the Republic for accusations of treason, and then spread out across the galaxy, exiled. The Exile leaves the galaxy, and the Mandalorians return, only to begin the same conflict. But this time...they're the stronger ones.
    Notes: This idea just popped out of my head, so... :p

    Title: Randomness of DOOM!!!
    Author(s): Darth-Oblivious
    Notes: I give The All-Powerful Uber-Author of DOOM, CAT, all credit for my brilliant inspiration and thank her profusely for the ideas within this story. So enjoy my RANDOMNESS OF DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
  3. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    Two New Stories for January 26, 2007

    Title: Mercy Upon Your Soul
    Author(s): JediNemesis
    Timeframe: post-Betrayal
    Characters: Mara Jade; Jacen Solo; Luke Skywalker; Ben Skywalker (sort of)
    Genre: AU. Drama. Angst. I have no idea.
    Summary: Three years have passed since My Face Towards Vengeance and Mara Jade has tracked down the man who murdered her son . . .
    Notes: I couldn't have written this if Vadey hadn't had the marvellous AU idea, and I couldn't have posted it without her kind permission. So thanks on two counts, VL

    Title: Running
    Author(s): MirandaFair
    Timeframe: L/M's honeymoon after "Union."
    Characters: Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker
    Genre: Romance/fluff
    Summary: Letting go of the past is hard to do. Moving on to face the future, that can be even more difficult for a person. Mara Jade Skywalker receives some unexpected advice while away on her and Luke's honeymoon.
    Notes: Thanks for reading! Salius is an original planet. Thank you to RedGold for reading this over and with the help in picking out a title. There is also a PM chapter. If anyone would like to read it, and if you're 18 or over, please let me know.
  4. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    One New Story for January 27, 2007

    Title: Three Kisses (And Other Clichés)
    Author(s): Knight_Aragorn
    Timeframe: set after The Last Command
    Genre: Luke/Mara vignette
    Summary: Pretty much what the title says.
    Notes: After a good few months of extended leave, it seems my muse has decided to drop by for a passing visit. I apologise in advance for any rustiness. It's been awhile.
  5. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    Four New Stories for January 28, 2007

    Title: Soul Shadows
    Author(s): Alexis_Wingstar
    Notes: All the characters are OC's. Maci and Mel are OC's made up by friends of mine for a RP on another site.

    Title: Bar Fight
    Author(s): brodiew
    Characters: Han Solo
    Genre: dramatic action
    Summary: see title
    Notes: A late night whim

    Title: Reunion
    Author(s): Darth-Oblivious

    Title: To Reign in Hell
    Author(s): vader_incarnate
    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Characters: Luke, Leia
    Genre: angst, drama, AU
    Keywords: vignette, dark!Luke
    Summary: You can't play nice if you expect to reign in hell.
    Notes: I started this two years ago. It's a little bit ridiculous how long some things have been sitting on my computer, so I decided to finish this, post, and have done with it. Thus, not completely polished and may not make the most sense.
  6. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    Three New Stories for January 29, 2007

    Title: Deception
    Author(s): Rebel_Radio
    Timeframe: 40 ABY
    Genre: Pretty much all there is, except angst. Okay, maybe a little angst.
    Keywords: Deception, Betrayal, Dark, Traitor
    Summary: When Jedi Knight Anakin Solo and his young apprentice Ben Skywalker barely escape from an illegal missile factory on Adumar, the Galactic Alliance readies a show of force. The target is Corellia, the legendary Han Solo's homeworld. A little roguish himself, Jacen Solo stands with the Galactic Alliance. But when the Corellians fight back, the small conflict gives way to an all-out war.
    Notes: Dedicated to my infinitely awesome Master, CassaSoloDaughterOfA.

    Title: Dream a Little Dream
    Author(s): Mira_Jade
    Timeframe: Legacy era ? no Legacy events though. This is a happy story.
    Characters: Jysella Horn/ Ben Skywalker, Jaina/Jag, others
    Genre: Humor, romance
    Summary: Jysella desperately needs advice, and on a more . . . . delicate nature. Yet it turns out that her master ? Jaina Solo is really no one to help. Not with the way her love life has gone. Chaos and hilarity ensue.
    Notes: Hello everyone, this story is something totally new for me. Something light and fluffy with no evil Sith lords, no take over the galaxy schemes, and no angst. * shudder* This is also my first time writing Benella, so tell me if I am doing anything wrong.

    Title: Sunshine
    Author(s): Gabri_Jade
    Timeframe: The end of VotF, after L/M leave Nirauan but before the last chapter.
    Genre: vignette, romance
    Summary: How did Luke and Mara break the news of their engagement, anyway?
    Notes: For oba, who says that more stories need to involve beaches, and who is going to be mad at me for not putting "a sweet L/M vignette" in the subject line like she told me to. Also for Trace, so she can stop pouting. See, I wrote something non-angsty! As always, thanks to LP and oba for their insightful beta work and constant encouragement.
  7. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    Four New Stories for January 30, 2007

    Title: Again
    Author(s): Padma-Starkiller
    Timeframe: Years after the saga
    Genre: Drama.
    Notes: Yes, there is no excuse for this. But this is what happens when you examine the idea of the Hapes Consortium, and decide *not* to focus on either the Queen, or someone attempting to be Queen. There must be other people there, somewhere. This is either a fan fiction for a completely retconned EU, or it's an AU. Maybe both. Either way, most of the EU, including the New Jedi Order, never happened. Just so you know.

    Title: A Fragile Truce
    Author(s): em88
    Timeframe: Post SOA
    Characters: Rogues, Wedge Antilles, Iella Antilles, Intel, others

    Title: Hidden Desire
    Author(s): Jedi-Ant

    Title: Star Wars: Serenity
    Author(s): Sinrebirth
  8. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    One New Story for January 31, 2007

    Title: Misguided Trust
    Author(s): SithGirl132
    Timeframe: Post-ROTJ
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Han, Emperor, Vader? don?t know who else will show up
    Genre: AU, drama
    Keywords: dark Luke, AU
    Summary: Luke turned to the Dark Side in the Battle of Endor, which the Empire won. Now he is fighting both his inner loyalties and his duties to the Empire. Which side will he pick?
    Notes: I got the idea for this story when I was doing psychology homework. I really should finish that homework, but this is much more interesting. I am writing this as it comes to me, so no guarantee of updates on a regular basis. If I get more psychology homework, this story should progress nicely. I don?t know where it will go or what will happen in the end, and I am writing as I get ideas.
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