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Science Fiction OPEN Justice League: Apokolips Now

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by TheAdmiral, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    Nightwing looked away only slightly embarrassed at the commissioner's statement that Arkham always cooperated with 'his lot'. There wasn't disdain in his voice but it was like being reminded of something that you should have remembered on your own. In his defense it had been a bit since he went to Coo-coocloudland. And one of the few times he went without the Old Man. Somethings have a bad habit of getting forgotten about.

    He gave a slight smile as Babs further explained what she meant, he knew she wasn't actually saying they do anything to harm the patient. She was right that Talon was cold blooded and would kill anyone if it suited his needs. However given the way he broke the inmate out, it seemed a little unlikely that he would choose to kill him now, once he'd gotten the man out of the asylum.

    Playfully Nightwing checked the phase of the moon, though he was unable to see it through the clouds.

    "Well it doesn't look like a full moon, so most of the lunatics will be tucked up in bed. But things here can change on a dime so, keep a look out." Babs was right, this felt like a prelude to some bigger plan, some piece of a larger whole that they weren't seeing. Maybe Tim or Babs could figure it out. While Dick was no stranger to investigations he'd be the frist to admit that he was nowhere near 'the worlds greatest detective' and likely wouldn't rank in the top 4.

    "Race you there?" Babs asked with that sly grin on her face that made his heart beat just a little faster.

    "I'll see you there." He said, an equally smoldering smile on his face. Waiting just a moment to make sure his competition was already on the move he rushed off bounding over rooftops. There was a part of him that wouldn't mind following her. He loved the way she moved through the city, lithe and strong, and the view wasn't too bad either. The way the lights of the city danced over her darkened suit as the cut through the night like a shadow, it was breath taking.

    However this was a race, and he wouldn't let it go without a fight. Besides she doesn't need the ego boost from him letting her win. In fact it was more likely to back fire on him.

    As he lept off the roof he fired his grapple gun swinging across the gap with the greatest ease. As he detached the cable he did a cheeky backflip. You can take the boy out of the circus, but you can't take the circus out of the boy. He knew how to put on a show.

    TAG: @Kurisan @Jerjerrod-Lennox @HanSolo29 @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas
  2. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    IC: Adrian Montrose
    Location: Roof, GCPD Headquarters, Gotham City

    This Talon fella sounds like real trouble…..

    Nightwing had thankfully given Adrian and his rather silent partner all the information they needed at least to get a feel for what they were dealing with. And what they were dealing with was what amounted to an assassin who worked for an organisation that wanted to basically control Gotham by the sounds of it. To become judge, juries and send executioners to do their dirty work. And this Court of Owls sounded like quite influential individuals, probably those who had had enough of society as it was and wanted to mould it to their needs.

    Typical rich people. Never happy with what they have, always wanting more.Never thinking of the little guy. I know Gotham is a hell hole but i’m sure justice can be restored or at least I hope so anyway. We don’t need rich people to dictate to people their own ideals. Which by the sounds of this Talon fella being an assassin is anybody who stands in their way….

    Nightwing seemed at ease with Adrian, probably Adrian’s Irish demeanour was hopefully starting to build a bridge between them. Of course Adrian was still not a fan of costumed vigilantes but maybe just maybe he may start to at least give them some respect.

    And it seemed that Nightwing was also taking Adrian's concerns seriously regarding possibly killing this man. Batgirl at the moment seemed to be taking more of a defensive stance towards him and seemed more interested in flirting with Nightwing.

    Hopefully he could start to build a bridge with her too. Adrian supposed that he may need some help with dealing with these costumed freaks. His partner seemed to be not responding and he would rather he not have to deal with this Talon on his own.

    Wake up fella he thought shooting him a look or you're going to be left behind….

    "No more questions sir" he said nodding to his boss "Nightwing has pretty much given us everything we need to know regarding this Talon bloke. I hope that we can bring him in for questioning as this Court of Owls should not be dictating things in this city. They sound like some of the criminal organisations I dealt with in London, thinking they are above the law"

    He nodded at Nightwing "Thank you for addressing my concerns" he then looked at Batgirl with a slight smile "I'm pretty sure the Commissioner has things well in hand. We'll keep the radio on and will listen out for anything. And since you may get there before us, make sure you don't pinch all the good stuff" he smirked.

    Nightwing then disappeared not looking at Montrose as he jumped, well it seemed it was time to go.

    "If you don't mind sir i'll also take the files, I would like to have a good sift through, see if anything pops up".

    Other than that he was ready to go.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral , @galactic-vagabond422 , @Kurisan , @HanSolo29
  3. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Red Hood
    Rooftops, Outside the Iceberg Lounge

    'Good evening, Red Hood??'

    Inside his protective helm, Red Hood raised an eyebrow. Deathstroke just offered a greeting and was not…attacking? That seemed both strange and significant, but could he trust it? Well, no, not entirely anyway.

    He wasn’t sure what to make of that, but Kite Man was certifiably hostile. In addition, the entire Iceberg Lounge would eventually figure out they had an active shooter on their hands. Jason started a mental countdown as he poised his weapons to blow away the first sign of ‘active’ trouble.

    “Deathstroke.” Red Hood answered curtly, aware that by speaking he was giving away his advantage and pin-pointing his position to the legendary assassin- but Slade had done the same for some odd reason.

    “I’m guessing I’m not the job?” He concluded, since Slade only hunted those he was contracted to kill or capture. Still, at the end of the statement, Jason moved suddenly, performing another seamless tumble and placing himself at a more manageable range, ending behind another outcropping that cut the line of sight. Kites were still coming down and he didn’t want to find himself suddenly taking on two opponents at once.

    Curious as he was about the sudden development, remaining at this location any longer was a bad idea, especially with The Talon being unaccounted for.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu, @The Jedi in the Pumas * ( @Master Vo'Un'Var ) Mentioned
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  4. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Fun with @TheAdmiral as Madame Xanadu

    IC John Constantine
    Madame Xanadu’s Shop

    The being affecting Xanadu continued to squeeze but also revealed itself. John recognized the creature, the man, but something was off. He looked deeper, gazing with his Sight. Something had taken Swamp Thing, had turned him into the creature that was now acting how he was.

    Dropping his Sight, reserving his energy, ”Demon, let him, let Xanadu go, pathetic you refuse to face one who can truly fight you.” his brogue drawled out. His hand reached out to the tentacles covering her. Muttering a few words of Latin he let energy flow into the chant. Power in his hand touched the closest, ”Let Her Go!”

    Swamp Thing's eyes flashed in an unnatural for him colour. "No, no my dear..." Alec said with a feminine voice. "I am not letting go of this one." a tentacle shot towards Constantine. There was a faint Greek accent and the only one who could control others and spoke the language was Circe.

    John smiled, the end of the still lit cig cropping in his mouth. ’Greek, huh. Definitely Circe.’ he thought as the tentacle flew toward him. ”Tsk Tsk, little goddess, why are you playing in the EFL rather than the Premier?”

    The tentacle hit and he yelled out, ”Arrrgghhh, gods and demons. Oh bugger, this is taking too long…” then grinned again as his form wavered. A hand came down on the back of Swamp Thing as he appeared from where he’d truly transported to, and he focused, running through the quick ritual of exorcism, even a slight reprieve would assist him to decide his next moves.

    The Swamp Thing loosened its grip on Madame Xanadu and she came crashing on the floor coughing and gasping for air. Circe cried in anger and swung the tentacle around causing further property damage to the store. "You will pay for this you insolent fool!" she growled "The time of reckoning is upon you." followed by a sinister giggle and Alec was freed, just like that. There was no point for Circe to keep on fighting a losing battle. There should be another way to silence the clairvoyant. The plan to set the Justice League Dark against the Swamp Thing did not work. Darkseid would not be pleased...

    Alec was confused. "John?" he asked with his deep and ancient sounding voice "Where am I?" he saw Madame Xanadu "The Green has been desecrated!" he cried. "That witch, Circe, did something to us." he kept on rambling "John Constantine, Madame Xanadu, I must warn you, the Parliament feels that something sinister and rotten is coming." and with that the Swamp Thing headed out only to disappear in the small lawn close to the store.

    The cigarette had dropped from his lips as he had attempted to exorcise Circe from Swamp Thing. Pulling out the pac he shook one out, bringing it to his lips as he sighed. A flick of a finger and the end was lit. Taking a deep drag, he breathed in the smoke. ”The Parliament, ehhh? Later.”

    He looked at Madame Xanadu, deep eyes scanning her for damage, ”Well, my old fortune telling friend, any idea why Circe was after you? What have you seen?” With the exertion of the attack his accent was even more pronounced.

    "Good..." she coughed "... to see you too... John..." Xanadu wheezed and coughed again. She then gingerly wobbled towards a chair and sat. It took her a few more moments before she could catch her breath. "There is a great shadow moving through the astral plane." the fortune teller started "I noticed it recently." she then gestured towards a pot asking him to pour her some water. "The currents have been changing, so I had to investigate and saw corruption and the shadow that I have mentioned. I don't know what it was, but we are in grave danger."

    He wandered over to the pot as she spoke, mind going over the last few minutes. Here he could sense the disquiet she spoke of even more than he had, unthinkingly, sensed back home. Picking up the pot, he poured a cup and returned to her. His accent still thick from the recent exertion, ”The Parliament, and now the astral plane. I was so focused on the last mission I mistook the rumblings I felt for aftershocks of that. Something is coming, is already here as well. I would prefer not making you go into that again, but I need answers. Together perhaps?”

    He held out the mug and awaited her answer.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral
  5. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC, The United States

    Aquaman listened, their was a lot of information going back and forth, a lot of information to contemplate. His head turned to Batman as he spoke on the possibility of returning to Gotham, he understood the sentiment, he too was worried about how Atlantis was doing. He looked back over to Wonder Woman who seemed to have taken charge since Superman's departure. She raised a good point, their were larger threats out there, he was confident the Atlanteans would be safe until his return.

    “Arthur, J’onn, the reports say Adam has an army. You are the mightiest amongst us. Will you go with Shazam?”

    Arthur smiled, nodding as he spoke. "Of course" In Arthur's mind this Black Adam was the most immediate threat, he would be sure that it would be dealt with.

    He turned his head to Supergirl, his face lit up and then quickly vanished as she spoke of this newcomer. How odd...

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas @TheAdmiral @Master Vo'Un'Var

    Harley Quinn

    Puddin' times over...

    Harley took the commotion in stride, grabbing her bat off the floor and surveying the carnage taking place. Looked up at the Joker, who had just fired his acid gun toward the Riddler.

    "Ah Puddin' that's no fair, ya know I forgot my one..." She teased as she twirled her bat around, she had no particular interest in staying, the boys can play their silly games. It was time to end things with a bang. She took out a cartoonishly large bundle of dynamite, she then looked down, only now realizing she had forgotten a lighter to ignite it with. Explosives weren't exactly her forte.

    "Mistah J, ya mind giving me a light?" As she said this she threw the dynamite across the room, upwards in the air, hoping that somehow, it would ignite.

    Chaos is so much fun...

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @greyjedi125 @The Jedi in the Pumas, @Master Vo'Un'Var @Darth_Elu

  6. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman
    Outside the Hall of Justice, Washington DC, the United States


    Diana strode out from the Hall of Justice to meet their new guests. She hoped the heroes of the JLA would back her up, and glanced to the sky to catch sight of Shazam.

    On the way, she considered the telepathic message that Martian Manhunter had sent. Her Tiara of Athena would block mental intrusions, but she had recognised his touch and lowered her defenses so he could speak to her mind.

    <And where will you be, Diana? If you need someone to monitor events, I believe it would be best that I take the position while you head for Kahndaq. As Princess, you may have some legitimate reasons backing you for possibly diplomatic talks with Black Adam. Furthermore, my telepathy can easily relay any events I discover from here.>

    She accepted his wise words. He was a valuable ally. She replied by forming the words in her mind, knowing he would read them.

    You may be right, J’onn, though I'm not much in the mood for diplomacy. It might take all of us to stop Black Adam’s army, but I fear to commit everyone at once, in case a greater danger appears. I admit it… I am unsure what to do until the enemy's strength is known.

    She waited on the marble steps and surveyed the convoy of black cars, and the chrome being that had emerged.

    J’onn sent a new message. <Though it would appear something else may be occurring that could alter our plans. It is best we take this one step at a time for now.>

    Yes, she thought back. I agree. Let us see how this develops…

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas @Master Vo'Un'Var @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun
  7. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC BWL
    The streets of Gotham

    Leaving City Hall behind, small laughs as he could see the police swarming the building, the red signal in the heavens wavering as they pulled it free from where he’d placed it. And then it was doused. A shrug, there would be other opportunities to gain the attention of others. Including, as he turned the button over and over in his hand, whoever this clown was whose face adorned the little circle of metal.

    Growls from the Rabid Robins made him look around, more Parademons had appeared. But it felt as though there were more than them, other things watching in the dark. But this was Gotham, something was always watching, trying to seek its advantage, take down the Bat, even if it wasn’t the Bat they expected.

    He was what he was but that also meant that, outside of his larger acts of destruction, there was no need to keep it all public. After all, if he was going to find the one on the button, making that one know he was hunting him, or even around, would make the hunt even harder. Reaching to his belt he pointed up with one hand a grappling hook shot forth. The Robins grabbed hold of his equipment belt and, swinging back and forth to dodge the shots from the Parademons, they landed on a rooftop shortly.

    Loosing the Robins from their chains, he darted across the rooftops, them following. A batarang here, the chained one there, and he kept the Parademons dodging and weaving, throwing off their aim. He skidded to a halt at one roofline, ducing and letting the closest demon dart higher to spot him. And in that moment the nearest Robin raced forward, leaping off his crouched back, claws ripping one wing from the demons back.

    Moving quickly again he saw that they were coming up to a construction site. Leaping and gliding between a square of girders, chased by a pair of Parademons he spun in the air, tossing a device. It shot open and razor fine webbing of metal formed in the square he’d shot through, a moment before. Both demons were caught in it and shredded, shrieking. Turning again he landed and began bounding up the girders, small chuckles drifting behind him.

    One Parademon got too close and he felt a blistering heat as a shot took him just above the kidney. The spinal armor stopped most of the shot but some still leaked through and a shrieking laugh pierced the night. He spun and the claws over his fingers ripped the weapon from the demon's hands, spinning it in his hands and leaving a cratered hole in the Parademon’s chest, watching it fall to its death below.

    He scanned the sky and it seemed, for now that was the last. Scanning the horizon one more time he noted the direction of the industrial district, knowing that many of the villains of this city tended to make their roosts in that area. A sharp whistle and the Robins bounded with him, the weapon slung at his side, leaping and gliding across the city. ’Time to begin my hunt’ he thought, relishing the mayhem to come as he closed on the mysterious figure on the button.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas
  8. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Rooftop, GCPD Headquarters, Gotham City

    Dick returned Barbara’s smile and said, “I’ll see you there.”

    Challenge accepted.

    Montrose thanked Dick for the explanation on the Talon then turned to Barbara and said, "I'm pretty sure the Commissioner has things well in hand. We'll keep the radio on and will listen out for anything. And since you may get there before us, make sure you don't pinch all the good stuff!"

    She smiled at the detective. She was warming up to this guy with his lovely accent and easy manner. She touched a hand to his cheek.

    “If there’s nothing you like left, maybe you can pinch me.”

    It was for Dick’s benefit really. She turned to see he was ready to leap into the night. She exhaled with excitement.

    “Excuse me, gentlemen!” she called over her shoulder as they turned and dashed together to the edge of the building.

    He swooped into the air, firing a grappling gun to secure a swing. Barbara was only a fraction of a second behind, her own line arrowing to its point, and she kicked off into a similar acrobatic arc. The air whistled past her ears, lifting her red hair. The adrenalin pulsed through her veins and her eyes widened with the thrill.

    She had to concentrate. She knew Dick would not give her any chance for a slip. Dick always pushed hard all the way. It was just in his nature, and she loved him for it.

    It was true he worked too hard for her liking. But Dick played hard, too.

    She glanced across as their breathtaking aerial display continued. The silhouettes he drew with his powerful body were exquisite. He did a cheeky backflip as he detached. Show off, she grinned, switching to a new line and altering her own trajectory.

    The dance continued at breakneck speed between the glowering towers of Gotham City. At some point they separated, each choosing a different route. Barbara went all out, desperate to beat him there and see his face.

    Finally, she reached the asylum and swooped down to the car park. Breathing hard from her exertions, she trotted deeper into the building, checking around. She could not see Dick at all. I wonder, did I beat him for once?


    TAG: @TheAdmiral @galactic-vagabond422 @HanSolo29 @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas
  9. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    To his credit he only looked behind himself a few times to watch Babs cut through the air. As their routes split off Nightwing started to focus. Having grown up on these rooftops he'd almost internalized a map of the city. He knew which roofs had good grapple points, which ones were close enough to simply leap across, and which one's had camera's watching them. It was a little sad to not have an audience to watch him, but without the need to put on a show he could save time. There were no showy flips and twists, just running and jumping from building to building. He had a race to win.

    As he cleared the last roof top and descended he landed in the Asylum parking lot. Cushioning his landing he rolled nearly silently, and came up hidden in shadows, just like the old man taught him. Looking around he didn't see Babs anywhere, was she hiding as well?

    Before he could finish his visual sweep he saw a dark dressed, and stunningly beautiful, figure drop from above. He didn't need to check twice, he knew that silhouette.

    Moving quietly he moved closer to her making sure to keep in her blind spots. With her back turned to him he walked up behind her, doing everything in his power not to chuckle.

    "Beat you." He whispered into her ear right before he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. His heart was pounding, and not just from the late night cardio. He knew he should keep focused on the mission, and he would. That didn't mean there wasn't time for just a bit of flirting.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @Kurisan @HanSolo29 @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas
  10. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Outside Arkham Asylum, Gotham City

    Barbara froze for a moment when she sensed the approach of another behind her. His footfalls were so soft as to be inaudible. She resisted the urge to whirl and attack for that critical moment long enough to identify the unique owner of such a stealthy approach. He was unmistakable, to her.

    "Beat you," Dick leaned in close behind her and whispered in her ear.

    Barbara felt the sting of annoyance. Not because he had won the race. There was no shame in coming second to the Nightwing. This was what he was best at - quicker even than Batman himself. There was no human on the planet that could catch him, and very few meta-humans at that. She was proud to be one of the very few that run him close.

    No; she was annoyed because she had allowed him to hide then sneak up on her. Yes, she had sensed him at the last moment, and again there were very few individuals that could get the drop on him. But if that had been a Talon, she would probably be dead now. She had to get better at that.

    His powerful arm slipped around her narrow waist. She melted into his embrace with a sigh. It had been too long since she had felt this. Unlike the other members of the Bat "family", Barbara's batsuit was not armoured. Dick, Alfred - even Bruce when he decided he cared at all - had all exhorted her to at least incorporate Kevlar. She had tried several armoured versions at their insistence, but the truth was being like a walking tank just slowed her down and restricted her movement. There was always a trade-off between speed and agility versus protection level of armour, and Barbara found her most effective defence was to simply not get hit. So her bodysuit was ultralight. And that meant she felt the contours of Dick's strong arm around her waist as if it were touching her bare skin.

    She twisted around to face him. She placed her hands on his broad shoulders while he pulled her closer. She raised her face to his and gently pulled him down to her.

    "Okay, you win," she whispered, and planted a long sensuous kiss on his lips.

    She ended the kiss, looked into his eyes and said, "But when this mission is over, you owe me a date, deal?"

    She hoped he would answer quickly. Surely the arrival of the detectives, and the horrors lurking in Gotham City's night, would end this little stolen moment of intimacy very soon...

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @TheAdmiral @HanSolo29 @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas
  11. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    As her arms slipped up to his shoulders his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close. His armor was lighter than the Old Man, thinner and more flexible to allow his stunning acrobatics. The point being, he could feel her body against his, feel her warmth against his chest. It was intoxicating being this close to her. Her fingers intertwined themselves in his dark locks and her couldn't help but let out a heavy breath. Slowly he bent down to meet her, the heat rising between them.

    As her lips touched his, he held her tighter, pressing her against him. His whole body felt warm, and his heart pounded in his chest. Little tingles spread throughout his body, from the top of his head where her hands massaged his scalp, to his toes that curled slightly in his boots. This feeling, being this close, to her, it was special, for many reasons. She knew him as both Dick and Nightwing, even as far back as Robin. They trained together, they fought together, they were as close as anyone could be to him.

    "But when this mission is over, you owe me a date, deal?" She said breaking the kiss.

    "Deal." He said smiling that shining smile he had his eyes twinkling with that mischievous grin. He pulled her close once again capturing her lips with his in another deep passionate kiss. He hoped that the detectives took their time, he wanted this to last just a little bit longer.

    TAG: @Kurisan @TheAdmiral @HanSolo29 @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  12. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Washington D.C, Hall of Justice

    He waited, confidently with his arms folded across his chest. The Government kept his existence private, only acknowledging him behind the deepest layers of security. But they could only keep him a secret for so long. Some of the heroes of the Justice League may have heard the rumored appearances, the covert meta involvement in international incidents, the deleted youtube videos of a man of silver skin flying over Air Force bases.

    When Wonder Woman, the Manhunter, SHAZAM and the rest of the heroes arrived to greet him, the Captain did not smile. Nor was he impressed. This was why villains were becoming more confident. More aggressive. Superman, despite being a boy scout, was a near god and the enemies of America and the Earth knew his power. It was what kept them in line. Batman...Wonder Woman...They were powerful. SHAZAM and the Green Lanterns. They were forces of justice. But they did not carry the same weight that the Man of Tomorrow did. Black Adam would likely not be stirring the international pot of trouble if he thought much of the Justice League. He attitude remained placid and face unreadable, but deep down...he would be seething. Was this the best the Justice League could offer when their leader was away?

    That's okay. That's why you're here, Nate. He thought to himself before speaking to Wonder Woman. She seemed to be the de facto leader.

    "Wonder Woman, I am here on behalf of the United States Armed Forces. My name is Captain Nate Adam, you can call me Atom, and I am here as the new liaison between the US Government and the Justice League. There are a number of dark issues brewing around the world and here at home, ma'am. Being that I am the liaison, this means that I will need to be made an official member of the Justice League. The President is tracking, ma'am, and sends you all his best."

    Tag: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @Master Vo'Un'Var @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral
  13. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman
    The steps of the Hall of Justice, Washington DC


    Diana watched the man with silver skin fold his arms and regard the Justice League without a smile. There was something in his expression, perhaps enhanced by the metallic skin. Coldness. Disdain. She tensed. Bruce had to have some files on this one. She recalled some reports of an unknown silver-skinned meta in appearances near military bases. Air Force. She believed he could possibly fly. What else?

    He did not attack. He addressed her.

    "Wonder Woman, I am here on behalf of the United States Armed Forces. My name is Captain Nate Adam, you can call me Atom, and I am here as the new liaison between the US Government and the Justice League. There are a number of dark issues brewing around the world and here at home, ma'am. Being that I am the liaison, this means that I will need to be made an official member of the Justice League. The President is tracking, ma'am, and sends you all his best."

    Diana raised one eyebrow. She turned to exchange looks with J’onn, Arthur, Bruce, and even young Billy above. With their nodded consent, she replied.

    “Welcome…” she considered a long moment how to address him. The opening would determine the tone of the conversation to come. He had offered a preferred name. He had called her ma’am. That might seem stiffly formal and make the likes of Hal laugh, but it was military tradition and it was respectful. She decided to return that respect. “… Captain Atom.”

    She continued, “We welcome any intel you can provide as liaison.”

    She smiled then. “That is an interesting suggestion from the US Government regarding official membership.”

    No-one, anywhere in the galaxy, dictated to the Justice League who would be inducted. Her ire was raised a little, but with the reassuring presence of the Justice League members around her, she bit down a sterner response. Perhaps this Atom could earn such a thing on his own merits? It would be a shame to outright refuse something just on principle.

    And it was not her decision, anyway. Bruce, J’onn, Arthur, Billy, all must have their say. Yes, she had her opinion, but she naturally rebelled against anyone who tried to force their will upon her without asking.

    “Perhaps we should discuss this inside?”

    Her gesture invited him into the Hall behind them, but as she turned she made eye contact with the other members of the JLA, to allow them to make their objections, or opinions, known…

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas
  14. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    He peered at all the government vehicles from his vantage point up in the air, his eyes squinting as he did so. Why so many to escort one super powered individual? It didn’t really make sense, at least to him.

    Needless to say, he didn’t trust it. The way this Captain Atom spoke didn’t help matters either.

    Slowly and methodically, Shazam floated down, and placed himself about three meters behind Wonder Woman while remaining afloat for about the same distance.

    Big Red folded his arms over his chest as he looked on, arcs of lighting coursed around his form like a shroud.

    He did spare a glance at his other 'teammates' while Wonder Woman addressed the man with the shiny metallic skin.

    “Perhaps we should discuss this inside?”

    He heard the Princess say. ( She was a Princess, right? )

    The suggestion was indeed a good one. Hopefully the ‘Captain’ thought so as well.

    Tag: @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  15. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Aquaman
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    Aquaman raised an eyebrow. The tone and demeanor of this newcomer, he did not like it, there was an air of disdain, as if he was looking down on the Justice League. He passed by Batman, catching the glance of Wonder Woman. The expression on Arthur's face was a deep, frown, the face of a king. No matter where this so called 'Captain Atom' came from the Justice League was not pushed around by anyone. Arthur had little interest in working with the United States government, still there were threats out there and they could certainly be a useful ally.

    He strode over to silver skinned man, standing face to face with the Captain, the Trident of Neptune glimmering its golden hue.

    "Your membership will be considered...'Atom' all depends on what you and the US government have to offer" Aquaman gave a smile, layered behind it was a hidden message. His tone warm and yet at a distance. Diplomatic one might say.

    Do not mess with us

    He stayed there, waiting for Atom to respond. His eyes gleaming not with menace nor warmness but somewhere in between.

    TAG: @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @greyjedi125 , @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  16. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: Sorry for taking a while to get to this!

    Martian Manhunter IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~

    Martian Manhunter allowed himself to stand not far from Wonder Woman’s right, showing a form of solidarity alongside the others. His eyes remained unmoving from this man. Nate was his name. He knew it before he spoke it. Why? Because he had thought to himself, which was a surface thought that Manhunter was allowing himself to probe to get a sense of this unknown.

    He seemed to hold some level of respect for the heroes of the Justice League, but only to a point. In the end, with the sole exception of Superman, the feelings of faint disgust were felt. Disappointment more accurately. Doubt. Likely toward their abilities and Earth’s current problems quite likely (he didn’t allow himself to go deep enough to get the exact angle it was pointed at, but he was good at predictions.)

    There was also a slightly troubling amount of pride in himself. That came through clearly.

    ~That’s okay. That’s why you’re here, Nate.~

    Martian Manhunter continued his silence, allowing the man to speak first so as not to disturb him. Many humans, no matter how metallic they looked, had a large issue with their minds being read. He couldn’t fault them for it. The mind was one’s last sanctuary of privacy after all. Have that breached and what was left?

    “Wonder Woman, I am here on behalf of the United States Armed Forces. My name is Captain Nate Adam, you can call me Atom, and I am here as the new liaison between the US Government and the Justice League. There are a number of dark issues brewing around the world and here at home, ma’am. Being that I am the liaison, this means that I will need to be made an official member of the Justice League. The President is tracking, ma’am, and sends you all his best.”

    This was interesting. The United States was trying to muscle its way into the Justice League? A scenario Batman had warned of multiple times in the past. Sadly, J’onn supposed it was inevitable to occur sooner or later.

    When Diana exchanged a look with him and the others, he was among them nodding his consent for her to move forward with the discussions. He trusted the Amazonian implicitly.

    “Welcome…Captain Atom. We welcome any intel you can provide as liaison. That is an interesting suggestion from the US Government regarding official membership. Perhaps we should discuss this inside?”

    A nice firm diplomatic stance. He approved heartily. Catching Wonder Woman’s glance one more time, he nodded again to show it.

    He watched carefully as Aquaman decided to test the Captain’s resolve a bit with his show of Kingly intimidation, getting almost into his face. His trident on full display. Not a move he typically agreed with, but he well understood what the Atlantean Monarch meant by it.

    “Your membership will be considered…’Atom’…it all depends on what you and the US government have to offer.”

    Manhunter allowed this moment to stand for a few more seconds, allowing Aquaman’s test to play out, but he didn’t want things to go too far. So he spoke at last in his calm, collected manner.

    “What we mean to say is that you will have to prove yourself to the Justice League on your own merits. Please, Captain, heed Wonder Woman’s suggestion and come inside so we can discuss how to proceed with this suggestion of the American government’s. I am certain we can all come to agree on a course of action…”

    He took in the two men standing face to face a second longer, gauging the thoughts of each carefully to make sure they didn’t come to blows. If for some reason, Atom decided to ‘show’ what he could offer directly to the King, Manhunter would immediately fly in between them with all his incredible speed and use his vast strength to intercept or deflect any blows between both of them. But only if such an unfortunate scenario played out. Otherwise he stood where he was.

    “…and find a way to prove ourselves to one another.”

    Tag: Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Captain Atom, & Shazam @TheAdmiral @Kurisan @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125
  17. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    OOC: I am sorry about the delay. Anyway @Master Vo'Un'Var had to step down, so I am taking over Batman for the time being.

    Hall of Justice, Washington DC, the United States

    Batman grunted in response, he did not want, nor needed to explain himself. There was something going on in Gotham, something that might be connected to what Hal told them about. It was too early to share with the rest of the League, he needed to investigate further before he could bring anyone in.

    Black Adam was a nuisance and a distraction. Besides Shazam and Wonder Woman will be more than enough to deal with him. His place was in Gotham.

    Then Supergirl barged in. He listened to her report and activated the HUD of his mask, it was connected to the Hall’s security feed and saw the governmental vehicles and the shiny man. Bruce had heard about him, Captain Atom was the name the governmental reports had given him.

    Why now?

    Kara joined the group and stood up next to the Martian Manhunter. They used to work together at the DEO so she gave him a broad grin. “Hey J’onn. How’s M’gann?” and noticed the cute guy with a lightning bolt on his chest and gave him a smile “Hey, I am Kara Zor-El, also known as Supergirl.”

    But there was no time to reply. They had to face this newcomer. Diana performed admirably… one might even say wondrously facing down the Atom. Batman was observing the whole exchange. Oh, he knew about him alright, had kept tabs on that project and of Waller’s squad of loonies.

    Having the government force itself into the League could have disastrous ramifications. Only Diana did not hide her identity, but if they knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne, Green Arrow - Oliver Queen and so on, that would endanger hundreds if not thousands of people who were related to them.

    Green Arrow did not hide his disdain “I say we refuse the offer.” he said in a gruff voice “I won’t have the government poke in on our privacy.” he pursed his lips under the hood.

    “We can at least hear him out.” Barry, the Flash, shrugged “You can always go all You have failed this city if he takes a wrong step.” he grinned at the jab to his friend.

    TAG: @Kurisan @The Jedi in the Pumas @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu

    Arkham Asylum

    “Ahem...” someone cleared his throat. “Hate to break up your reunion, lovebirds, but we have a job to do...” it was Detective Bullock. He had been assigned to liaise with the Asylum and the costumed freaks. He also had to keep the order at the Asylum as that escape attempt had agitated the crazies. And on top of that he had to perform his own investigation of some mysterious murders of inmates, then deforming their bodies in a gruesome manner. There was that recording of a classical piece of opera at the crime scenes...

    He scratched his bottom “I see you did not give my colleague the courtesy of arriving together.” Bullock scoffed “Do you want to go in or do you prefer to wait for the rookies?”

    TAG: @Kurisan @galactic-vagabond422 @Jerjerrod-Lennox @HanSolo29

    The Streets of Gotham

    Dinah and Helena were on patrol that evening. Barbara had been called for a mission for her Bat Family so the other two Birds of Prey had to do that on their own. They stopped several muggings and other violent attacks on pedestrians, but there was a conspicuous lack of super villains or the other usual lunatics that liked to crawl out of their holes whenever the big and scary Bat was out of town.

    The Canary was getting bored. Those guys were easy to deal with, so she was about to offer Helena that they maybe could go after any of the mafia groups her friend had qualms with and beat them. Then the police scanner crackled "Be advised, multiple shots and explosions coming from the Iceberg Lounge."

    Dinah grinned at Helena "It seems Cobblepot is throwing a party."

    "And we were not invited." Helena finished the sentence with a smirk.

    The duo jumped on their motorbikes heading towards the action. It seems the evening might be saved after all. They passed by the car carrying the two detectives going towards Arkham Asylum. Gotham can be quite the colourful place despite its dreary gothic visage.



    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas @Jerjerrod-Lennox @HanSolo29

    Madame Xanadu's Magic Shop

    Madame Xanadu took a sip and sighed as she sat. She closed her eyes for a second and then fixed John with a stare. The Shop was a mess, but she could use a bit of magic and everything will be fixed.

    “I had been poking around.” the Madame started carefully “The cards had told me that there was something going on.” she picked one of the tarot cards, it was a reversed King of Swords “I wanted to see who will be that tyrant that threatens our world, but there was a great shadow that was obscuring the view, then the Swamp Thing attacked me...” she pursed her lips “I am afraid John, you must warn Zatanna, the Justice League Dark must be ready.” the Madame was looking him right in the eyes “I have to find the Phantom Stranger and the others. We are in deep, deep trouble...”

    TAG: @darthbernael
  18. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman
    The steps of the Hall of Justice, Washington DC


    Diana considered the situation with increasing impatience. Billy had returned from his aerial recon and added his considerable presence to their team, hovering above the steps leading to the Hall of Justice. With her suspicions about the abilities of this Captain Atom, it was good to have someone of Shazam’s skills in attendance.

    Arthur decided to take matters further, stepping toward the newcomer and making an implied challenge with his impressive physique.

    He said, "Your membership will be considered...'Atom' all depends on what you and the US government have to offer."

    It seemed a fair summary to Diana, if delivered aggressively – a trait for which the Atlantean King was famed.

    J’onn was quiet, no doubt making his own telepathic enquiries. She felt the Martian tense beside her as Arthur threw down the gauntlet. As did she. The members of the Justice League were ever ready to come to each other's defence when needed.

    But still the silver-skinned man hesitated.

    Bruce said nothing at all. While not unusual behaviour from the Batman, Diana registered this as disapproval. She knew well how he felt about government intrusion and how this may compromise the secret identities of those that needed them in the Justice League. His earlier statement about returning to Gotham also played at the back of her mind. Perhaps he was already there, mentally. He did not object to them at least discussing this with Captain Atom.

    J’onn said in his calming voice, “What we mean to say is that you will have to prove yourself to the Justice League on your own merits. Please, Captain, heed Wonder Woman’s suggestion and come inside so we can discuss how to proceed with this suggestion of the American government’s. I am certain we can all come to agree on a course of action…and find a way to prove ourselves to one another.”

    And so, the would-be liaison had been invited three ways now, but the terms had been made clear.

    First, her own stern dismissal of his notion that he must be inducted, and counter-declaration that it would be considered a suggestion only. Then, Arthur’s more direct and blunt warning to Atom to rethink that particular idea if he would work with them. And finally J’onn evened the balance with a more courteous request for further discussion.

    The choice for the Justice League was clear: Hear him out, or reject him now and prepare for the consequences. Each of the team would have their own opinion, she knew.

    To Diana, it depended on exactly what Captain Atom said next…

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu

  19. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    The moment held for as long as it could, just the two of them, Dick and Barbara, though they were in their alter-egos. The two great heroes wouldn't be so flippant if they were acting in accordance with the rules laid out by the Old Man. Moments like this didn't come around often and sometimes you had to take them.

    "Ahem." A gravelly voice got his attention. Their time was up, the intimate scene broken by the arrival of the ever punctual Harvey Bullock. "Hate to break up your reunion, lovebirds, but we have a job to do...:"

    "Pick this up later." Nightwing whispered to Batgirl as he gave her a wink. "Harvey, been a while." Nightwing continued turning around to face the veteran detective with a somewhat shady past, now stuck doing babysitting duties for the patients in Arkham's House of Madness. "How are things at the madhouse, I hear one's gotten loose?" There was no blush on his face, easily swinging for intimacy to his affable nature on a dime, even though his heart was still racing underneath his armored suit.

    "I see you did not give my colleague the courtesy of arriving together." The detective said with a little derision. "Do you want to go in or do you prefer to wait for the rookies?"

    "What do you think Batgirl should we wait for the slowpokes and get them used to working with us, or take a look for ourselves first?"

    TAG: @Kurisan @TheAdmiral
    TheAdmiral and Darth_Elu like this.
  20. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    OOC: Sorry for the delay! Will be updating the Gotham Crew tonight!

    Washington D.C, Hall of Justice

    They misunderstood. Or were purposely playing ignorant to try to even negotiations. Even when the Atlantean King tried to his own aggressive way of negotiation, but like the villains of the world since Superman's disappearance... He was not intimidated or impressed. He took a step forward to meet Aquaman's gaze directly. Though it was clear he would be addressing Wonder Woman when he spoke.

    "Thank you, ma'am. It would be my pleasure to take the discussion inside." He turned his head over his shoulder to the agents dressed in black by the government vehicles. "Boys, you all wait out here." He turned back to Aquaman. "I'm confident there's nothing inside I can't handle." He moved past the Atlantean, respectfully not touching the King, but approached and passed Wonder Woman. He was leading the way into the Hall of Justice. As he passed the Manhunter, his eyes flashed sideways at the alien before setting on the doors of the Hall of Justice. He knew the Martian was probing him. He had been prepared for it. But there was nothing, on the surface, that the Captain had to hide. He wanted the Martian to know how he felt about the status of the league; it would mean there was less to explain moving forward. He would also, if the Martian was inclined to probe him on the walk back into the Hall, allow his thoughts on what was about to happen to be read openly: There would be no negotiations. He would be made a member of the League or the rights of the League to operate on American soil would be revoked.

    As the group moved inside the Hall of Justice, into the expansive lobby, Atom stopped and turned back to Wonder Woman.

    "Ma'am, I can understand the abruptness at a strange man appearing on the steps of the League, asking for membership. However, as you can tell by the escalation of Black Adam's international relations, the League's reputation in the world is not what it would be if...someone was here. That is why the President has sent me. I am of comparable power to Superman and have the backing of the American Government and the American Military. Allowing my membership into the league will send a message that the Alliance of Justice between the League and the US is stronger than ever and that those that seek to disrupt the world will not be tolerated."

    He stopped as he looked around the Hall of Justice. He looked upon some of the younger heroes. They were undisciplined and green behind the ears. Another correction that would need to be made.

    "That being said...The US government would love to continue allowing the Justice League to operate officially on US Soil with our backing. However, as you know, this was spearheaded by the fact that Superman is an American icon. He's as American, ma'am, as apple pie. Without him maintaining the foothold for the world to see, it gives the President pause...It gives our enemies pause. Reestablishing that connection is of the utmost importance not only for the country...but for the continued operation of the League. You tracking, ma'am?"

    Tag: @Darth_Elu @Kurisan @greyjedi125 @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral
  21. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Hall of Justice

    Arthur's blood began to boil. He stood there stunned for a moment as Atom moved passed him. Not only had he not addressed him, but he paid no attention to him. He then turned round and began to follow the rest of the heroes back inside. His eyes fluttered over to the Martian Manhunter.

    This is not okay

    It would be clear, without reading his mind, that Arthur was furious. He was not one to be pushed around. He then caught Wonder Woman's gaze, reflecting the same annoyance in his eyes. None of what the Captain said was untrue, but it only caused to infuriate the Atlantean King further. To him this not only served as the United States continuing to aggressively expand their global influence by strong arming their way into the League but also as a insult to the Kingdom of Atlantis. After all their King would be kowtowing to the United States government.

    The Atlantean King was not pleased, not even remotely. Part of him wanted to punch the silver skinned newcomer, part of him wanted to leave and stay in Atlantis. He would wait, fuming silently, wanting to see how the other members of the Justice League would respond. But one thing was clear, this 'Atom'...

    He had disrespected the League,

    He had disrespected the Kingdom of Atlantis

    But perhaps most of all he disrespected the fact that Superman stood for not just America but all of humanity.

    If they let him in the Justice League would quickly shift into yet another political, diplomatic and military pawn for the United States. His mind was made up, if the League let him in. Aquaman was done.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @TheAdmiral
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
  22. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    He’s not American. He’s Kryptonian. And he’s a World Icon who actually lives in a Frozen Wasteland.

    Shazam heard himself contradicting Captain Atom in his head, even as his brow became increasingly furrowed with every other word coming out of the man. Clearly, he could hear the man speaking, but he could hardly believed the words he was hearing.

    This guy…. Billy shook his head inwardly from sheer disbelief.

    Aquaman’s expression was far more ‘eloquent’ than his own. This man reminded him of King Agamemnon in his hubris and manner; making such outrageous demands. ( did he know that? uh, never mind.)

    This military man insinuated that World Peace rested upon the shoulders of a single man, who was presently absent, and only he and his office were capable of filling that role, and the entire Justice League had no choice but to comply or be evicted? Was this really happening right now…?

    Big Red had to blink several times just to regain his bearings. Never mind King Agamemnon, this guy believed himself to be Herakles in the flesh.

    Glancing at the others, Shazam did not dare interrupt Wonder Woman as she was in the middle of ‘negotiations’ with the fascistic newcomer. Speaking to the King of Atlantis might just set him off, and that was not something he wished to trigger.

    Floating himself over to the Martian Manhunter, Shazam spoke in a low whisper, though feeling a bit uncertain:

    “The Justice League can relocate to international waters or even space….right?"

    It was imperative that the JLA remain an unbiased organization for the benefit of all. Otherwise, such a major shift of power could trigger catastrophic consequences worldwide. He didn't need the wisdom of Solomon to figure that out.

    Tag: @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
  23. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    The Iceberg Lounge, Gotham City

    The Riddler grabbed one of his guards and pulled him in front to absorb the acid pellets. A twisted grin appeared on the Riddler's face as he watched the Joker caress Harley.

    "Blood from the pokes and send chills with your giggles
    So begins the War of Jokes and Riddles!"

    This was the moment that Bane had promised him when their kinship began. The time for him to prove once and for all that he was better than the Joker. And what would the Joker be without his Harley Quinn! He pointed his cane across the room at Harley with his left and spun his hat across the room with his right. The hat would spin and spin and spin until it hit the wall and...


    Exploded upon impact, marking the second rocking of the Iceberg Lounge. A truck backed into the wall and the door rolled up, revealing green attired henchmen who began to fire on the Joker with comical accuracy. From the Riddler's cane tip extended a neon net that wrapped around Harley Quinn, bringing the bat wielding menace to her knees. As the Riddler boarded the truck, it started to pull away, dragging Harley Quinn through the Iceberg Lounge, away from the Joker.

    Mr. Freeze and Bane walked into the cold night street of Gotham. Freeze watched as two motorbikes skirted down the street from around the corner and began to roar their way.

    Bane tucked his book into his pants pocket.

    "I want them alive." He demanded coldly.


    "It's time to teach you a lesson, sucker."

    The Green costumed villain NOT named the Riddler stood above Deathstroke and Red Hood, kites circling around him and a large one attached to his back.


    Hell yeah

    "Welcome to Bane's Kingdom, Deathy. Stand back while I deal with the boy!"

    He jumped off his spire and zipped towards Red Hood, explosive mini kites surrounding him. He was going for the kill. Though his confidence did not quite match his ability. Red Hood would have plenty of time to stop him, or escape. Hell, even Deathstroke had plenty of seconds as the kite meandered through the air towards Red Hood. Plenty of seconds...

    Interrupted by... A feeling...That feeling that had saved him for decades, one honed from being a mercenary in countless dangerous situations. The feeling of being in danger, from behind him out of the darkness...


    The tip of two swords touched his back and he'd have less than a second before he was impaled upon them.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth @Shadowsun @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @TheAdmiral

    Industrial Rooftops, Gotham City

    He's as good as they say he is.

    The laughter that cracked the skyline after the Batman Who Laughs was shot sent chills up the spine of his silent, hidden follower.

    His reflexes. His movements. His accuracy. He really is Batman. But you knew that already. You knew that when you were sent to retrieve the button. What's a Batman to a god, anyway?

    The Batman Who Laughs knew this Gotham like he knew all Gothams. He would know that in the direction he was headed were a few villainous hideouts.

    But the button would vibrate. A vibration that only an multiversal being such as the Batman Who Laughs would recognize as he swung through an opening where, clear in the distance, the Clock Tower of Gotham stood above the rest of the dark cityscape.


    Was he being summoned? Called? A trap, perhaps?

    The figure that stood atop the Clocktower looked familiar. The Batman Who Laughs had met speedsters before. This particular one he had never crossed paths with. He had never met before. In fact, he had ceased to exist in the multiverse at all a few years ago. Yet, here he was. To issue a warning.


    Tag: @darthbernael
  24. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Red Hood
    Rooftop near the Iceberg Lounge

    First and foremost, there was Deathstroke. Then, another explosion at the Iceberg Lounge. There was the sound of a truck and that of motorcycles in the distance. Now Kite Man and his annoying banter. This roof was becoming too crowded all of a sudden.

    'Bane’s Kingdom?'

    Red Hood made the mental note as he went into action. With his left hand, he fired continuous shots straight into Kite Man’s protective visor, fully intent on perforating the man’s skull. Was his K-Mart visor any good against armor piercing bullets?

    With his right hand, Jason fired his grappling hook at Kite-Man’s aerial conveyance, even as he jumped off the roof. The Kite would serve to take him down to street level and keep his target at a range of his choosing, that is, if he survived the shots to his head.

    Joker would be getting away if he didn’t act fast.

    Cobblepot hadn’t moved. Maybe he was truly dead after all. Lucky man.

    Deathstroke had not killed him.

    Bane was making his move.

    Batman was still MIA.

    Still, there was something missing. Who had sent him that mysterious text?

    [‘More dangerous than the Joker. Question Mark’]

    Even as he descended and kept on firing at Kite Man, Jason fully expected the dead or dying wanna-be-villain to stumble backwards and trip the explosives he’d set around his snipping perimeter. If that could happen (please), that would be one nagging name he could scratch-off his miscellaneous list of bargain-basement-villains.

    Tag: @The Jedi in the Pumas , (@Darth_Elu , @Shadowsun, @Sinrebirth, @TheAdmiral , Mentioned )
  25. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC


    This guy has steel balls. Diana felt her amusement rise over her impatience as the silver-skinned being dodged around Arthur while simultaneously trying to salvage some decorum and accept her invitation to come inside the building. The other members of the team were silently communicating their feelings to her. If looks could kill…

    Arthur looked ready to fight this interloper there and then. Bruce simmered like a volcano about to erupt. Even young Billy looked troubled. J’onn was quiet, and Diana was not sure what he was thinking.

    They stopped inside the high-ceilinged lobby and Captain Atom faced her. And so, now the discussion.

    It did not last long.

    Preceded by a lecture on the Justice League’s perceived weakness, he delivered his terms: There would be no negotiation, he would be made a member, or the US government wanted them to leave. That was it. Though he made a respectful apology that he understood the abruptness of his appearance.

    Diana arched an eyebrow. It was a conflicting message. Perhaps this captain was simply following orders. The insults about their weakness just made her smile. Villains had underestimated them many times before.

    Diana took a deep breath. Her teammates were agitated and ready to explode. Something bad would happen if she did not handle this correctly; with diplomacy, but with strength.

    “Black Adam is gravely mistaken,” she said. “If he thinks the Justice League is helpless or desperate, just because Superman is temporarily absent.”

    She hoped the warning – referenced to Black Adam – would also be heeded by Atom. She would not use Kal-El’s real name with outsiders.

    “Your commander-in-chief’s terms are troublesome. Our concern is saving the planet, not just your soil. You will give us time to consider the position, Captain. Then we will respond to your commander. Thank you for your time.” She gestured to door he had just arrived by.

    Thus she sought to use his military tradition in her favour. His rank was meaningless in a room full of generals. She had also shifted the point of ideological conflict away from the immediate present personalities, to between the Justice League and his commanding officer. She had completely ignored the ludicrous notion that the US was somehow worthy to claim Kal-El as their own icon. That did not merit a response.

    And yes, she had made clear they had no great need to operate on American soil. The country needed them far more than they needed it.

    In the end, what she really wanted was to let the Justice League members discuss and decide. She had given Captain Atom an easy but honourable way out: I understand you are just following orders. Give us time to respond. We do not need to fight each other yet, if at all.

    Diana leaned forward and gave him a suggestive smile that said, So back off for now, otherwise you are going to have to deal with me. Wanna play?

    She simply said, “You tracking, Cap’n?”

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas