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Index LEGACY Comics Index and Discussion ~~The End Of An Era~~

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Legacy_Index, Oct 4, 2007.

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  1. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    Just wanted to say:

    Merry Christmas to everyone in Jedi Council Forums! And a Happy New Year!
  2. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Happy New Year, Legacy fans!! :D

    Heads-up: Issue 18 hits shelves today! [face_dancing] Don't forget to highlight spoilers for one week (until Jan. 11th).

  3. moosemousse

    moosemousse CR Emeritus: FF-UK South star 6

    Oct 3, 2004

    I just hope I can get my copy and read it before the 11th, although I think it might be better if it's two weeks instead of one. My copy has to come over to the UK, then it goes to my parents' house and then it's forwarded to me. It's not exactly quick. [face_tired]
  4. karebear214

    karebear214 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2002
    I won't have time to go to the comic store until at least tomorrow (Boo!)
  5. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    ZOMG!!!!!!! Just when I think this story can?t get any better? [face_hypnotized]

    Spoiler-ish summary of Issue 18:

    Starts with the first 3 pages as seen in the preview on the DH site. We get the story of how Hett became Krayt and lo ?n behold it?s our old friend Vergere talking to him while he?s in the Embrace of Pain, giving him the same song and dance she gave Jacen in Traitor. Lotta exposition about Krayt?s new organic arm and Vong implants and how he had his vision to create the new order of Sith and Vergere left him because he had his own agenda and wouldn?t follow hers. Krayt goes off to Korriban to start the Sith order we see in Fury at the same time that the Vong invaded the GFFA at the beginning of the NJO. Krayt had tried to recruit Lumiya but she ?sided with Vergere and her creation, Darth Caedus? and the Sith order on Korriban have been biding their time until now.

    Back to present time: Cade finally gets out of the Embrace of Pain and promptly goes to Maladi?s lab (to rescue Hosk?) Talon is there, he tries to sweet-talk her and she knocks him out and calls him an ?idiot,? LOL.

    On the Mynock: Kee is teasing Blue about ?Captain Hunky? and ?Darth Hottie? [face_laugh] and Morrigan tells them to cut it out because it?s time to move.

    In Krayt?s chambers: Krayt tells Cade it?s time for him to make his ?sacrifice? to become a Sith (oh gawd, it's the LotF, I'm not still bitter [face_blush]) and that he must kill Hosk to do that. Cade?s response is brilliant: ?You need to get out more. Play a few hands of sabacc in a cantina somewhere, ?cause you sure overplayed this hand.? He refuses to kill Hosk and tells Krayt that his threats don?t mean squat because he knows Krayt needs him alive to heal him.

    I won?t even try to describe the next couple of pages, but there?s gorgeous dialogue from Hosk, who goes out Obi-Wan Kenobi style. Then we ?hear? his voice from the Force: ?There is no death. The Force will be with you, Cade Skywalker.? *sniff* I got a little vklepmt. @};-

    Cade is furious, says he?s gonna kill Krayt, and then turn the page and?

    It?s Force ghost KOL!!!! [face_love] [face_love] [face_love]

    Again, you have to see this scene ? it?s too much for words - but Kol speaks and then Cade shatters the case holding Kol?s lightsaber and takes his father?s weapon. I?d like to say he was going Jedi on us, but no ? his eyes are blazing yellow/red as he turns around and stabs Talon through the stomach.

    Back on the Mynock: They?re flying in fast and almost to Krayt?s tower.

    Back in Krayt?s tower: It?s Cade vs. Nihl and Krayt and the final panel is Krayt telling Cade that the dark side is the only path left to him and Cade?s eyes are fully Sith? [face_worried]

    EEEEEEEEEEEVIL CLIFFIE!!!!!!! [face_devil]

    And that?s totally longer than I meant it to be [face_blush] even though I left lotsa stuff out, but there?s just SO much story and awesome.


  6. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    Man, this story gets better and better!! I got #18 yesterday, and I have to say: Good job, Jan and John! Can't wait for #19!

    I grew happy to see Kol in Force Ghost. I bet Cade felt better to see his dad again. What really scared me was the last part of the panel, when Cade looked really angry with those Sith eyes. It was all good, though. And about the Mynock crew... can't wait to see them in action!

  7. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    SkywalkerShine - the second paragraph are spoilers and should be blacked out.
  8. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    Woah! Sorry about that! Totally forgot. Thanks, dianethx! :D
  9. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Sure, no problem, SkywalkerShine.

    I'm also looking forward to seeing the comic. I'll probably be getting it in about a week or so. Loving all the spoilers. I really love what Jan and John have done with this series. Really intense, heart-rendering angst, wonderful characters. Love it!
  10. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Another release this Wednesday: Legacy # 0 1/2 The is the second version of the Handbook and promises to have new entries and information. Shweet! :D
  11. Musing

    Musing Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 31, 2003
    Some interesting tidbits from Legacy #0 1/2...

    Morrigan Corde was "secretly married" to Kol Skywalker. I have to ask, why bother if they knew their relationship had an expiration date?

    Marasiah Fel has apparently completed her apprenticeship and has been formally knighted. Who decided that? Did someone else finish her training after Elke Vetter was killed? Or did Roan decide that fighting a lot of Sith on Vendaxa qualified as a final test?

    As a side note:
    No one's interested in Cade Skywalker, judging by the lack of activity on his thread Heir to the Skywalker Legacy: A Cade Skywalker Discussion Board :p

  12. RebelGrrl

    RebelGrrl Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 13, 2006
    Perhaps they did not go into it expecting to have an expiration date. It's something that Morrigan seems to have decided later, after Cade's birth.

    Personally, I was just as content for Morrigan and Kol to not have been married at all. I suppose it was done for the same reason why George Lucas had Anakin and Padme marry when that was not really necessary to the plot either. PG-rated morality. :D
  13. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    That was surprising! From the previous issues, I had the impression that Morrigan leaving Kol was something along the lines of 'This was fun, but wasn't really what I had in mind, so Peace Out.'

    For her to have made a commitment to him and then leave...well, that just adds a whole 'nuther layer.

  14. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    I also would rather that they weren't married than for her to leave a commitment like that.
  15. Jan_Duursema

    Jan_Duursema Comic Artist: -AOTC -Legacy -Republic star 4 VIP

    May 15, 2001
    Kol was apparently a bit of a traditionalist...
  16. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Jan!:eek: Are you allowed in here? [face_laugh] :p

    Just want to gush. Love the series! Love the artwork! Want more!!!

    Sorry, fangirl moment.

    Edit: I wasn't complaining about the relationship. Just was trying to see it from all sides. Certainly adds a layer for the two of them with Kol and his traditions.
  17. Musing

    Musing Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 31, 2003
    Does this mean Morrigan and Kol were still married at the time of his death? Leaving him isn't the same as divorcing him.
  18. Musing

    Musing Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 31, 2003
    Apologies for the lack of black out on my last doesn't seem to work on my computer. :mad:
  19. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999

    *trips in thread*

    Sorry, didn't mean to shout. What an honor to see you here! [:D]

    As to Kol/Morrigan, if we look back to what she said when she left, about Kol being trapped (I can't remember the exact word) by the Jedi and that Cade would be the same way, seems like she might have had some issues with the Jedi Order.(If Wolf & Co. aren't dead, makes me wonder if they'll know her...if they see her.)

    Or, what Jan said. [face_blush]

    Whatever happened, I'd love to get more of the back story someday.

    (edit - aaaaaaaand here I am forgetting HTR :oops: )
  20. karebear214

    karebear214 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2002
    Still haven't gotten to comic store! Gah!

    Also, HI JAN!! *waves enthusiastically*
  21. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Ah. I see the problem. You typed in . It has to be OR make sure that "Format Bar" is checked over on the left when you go to post and then you can use the drop-down menus.

    There you are! I was about to send out a search party. :p ;)

  22. karebear214

    karebear214 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2002
    Yeah, sorry. I'm working 2 jobs this month, so I don't have too much free time to cruise the boards, unfortunately.
  23. Musing

    Musing Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 31, 2003

    Thanks for the tip, Jedi Trace. [:D]

    Now, let's see...

    Issue #0 1/2 said that Kol was the head of the Jedi Order at the time he and Morrigan were married. Doesn't that seem kind of odd? I'd be more inclined to think that Kol was a Jedi Knight out in the field - not even a master, much less the head of the Jedi Order. I can't see how else he could be be naive enough to think a "secret marriage" would last or stay away for 2 years without a lot of questions being raised. Being the head of the Jedi Order is a highly visible position, and one with a lot of responsibilities. And I would think Morrigan would be even more reluctant to marry Kol if he were the Jedi Order's head. Apart from her issues with him being a Skywalker, it would be problematic for her career as an Imperial assassin.

  24. Musing

    Musing Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 31, 2003
    Drat. It still doesn't seem to work. [face_frustrated] Sorry again for the spoilers.
  25. TNPredsFan

    TNPredsFan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2004
    You're missing the tag at the end. Just add [/hl] to the end of your spoiler, and you should be fine. :)
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