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Star Wars Legacy of the Force: The Last Stand

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , May 4, 2019.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Captain Hoclaw
    Q-Platform, briefings, Eriadu,

    There was a brief gathering of people, and the meeting room was eventually upgraded to a general hangar that was spare.

    Welmo and Marie were absent for the moment, but everyone else was there; Quintad speaker Paige Rivoche-Tarkin, with the Nagai twins Rem and Rom, the tall imposing Anzati and curious looking Neti and his clearly-bounty hunter comrade Ebony... and of course the Adumari Trec. Joining them was the unique looking Ryn, Droma, who found a corner and sat down, crossed legs, and began burning incense as the meeting got under way. Adrian and Ilona were called in as well, to the top secret meeting.

    Indeed, the area was scanned to death by the a pair of burly looking CorSec officers, before allowing a relatively elderly woman in a Corellian Captain's uniform to step off the shuttle that had conveyed her from the Valorum. The shuttle looked as old as the Victory-class Star Destroyer undoubtedly was - some sixty years old, which was well past the retirement age for a capital ship. But then again they were paired by Carrack-class light cruisers, also Clone Wars era designs. It wasn't that the Confederation was desperate... they were incredibly desperate.

    The older woman, fit for someone in her eighties, looked to the gathered crewers, looking for the Adumari commander, as she wished to add his fighters to her force. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. The Quintad has made me aware of your joint bravery in defeating GA assassins and raiders, and Corellia comes to you all to ask for your assistance in ending the source of it all -" She pointed at the hologram projector hastily setup in the middle of the hangar, and a man in black appeared. "- Jacen Solo."

    He appeared, a caricature of him in many ways, sneering and his cape making him look more like Darth Vader than anyone else.

    "Among his personal staff is Tahiri Veila, a former Jedi like himself, and Aden Kya, the Third Fleet commander who recently authorised the asteroid bombardment of Commenor," Hoclaw said, stiffening slightly at the war crime. "Indeed, we believe Kya also ordered an assault on Taris which killed thousands of civilians at the time, though it could have been much much worse, and indeed repeated on Eriadu."

    She looked to them each in turn gravely. "Corellia intends to end that threat. The GA clearly has no understanding of war accords, and the rules of conflict. The attacks on Kashyyyk, Taris and Commenor speak clear to their intentions - let alone the disappearance of tens of thousands of Corellians and Bothans on Coruscant. The Galactic Empire is on it's way back, and only together can we defeat it."

    Hoclaw was talking them up, clearly. "In light of their behaviour, Corellian Admiral Delpin has offered a delegation to meet with Solo and negotiate the return of Corellia to the GA fold." She lifted a hand to forestall any comment. "This will be a ruse, and used as an opportunity to expose Solo and his core supporters." Hoclaw tapped her datapad and the image twitched to show the small Star Destroyer and light cruisers. "Stage one involves using my task force to draw Solo into place - a point of equal distance between Corellia and Coruscant, probably not far from Kuat - and stage two will see a larger group jump in and ambush his deployment."

    "I need pilots for my flagship, a maximum of twenty-four, and everyone else to the secondary group."

    The aged Captain nodded to herself. "I would appreciate any and all support that you can give to this. With the death of Solo, Veila and Kya, the GA's most hawkish commanders will be gone - the GA can be convinced to step back by our victory, and we understand that Admiral Niathal of the GA is looking for a way to end the war now before they lose anymore systems. Most of you will be aware that the Hapans have withdrawn from our neutrality pact, and it has put our armed forces on the back-foot. Today we lost Kuat, which we only captured from the GA a few days ago, and Commenor has been devastated. We already have reports of the GA Second Fleet preparing to attack Corellia, at which point Eriadu will be on it's own..."

    Paige Rivoche-Tarkin snorted slightly. It was a long shot, but it was probably their only shot, without Hapes. To think things were so delicately balanced that a non-enemy simply abandoning their pact was enough to turn the entire tide of the war. Even Eriadu couldn't undo all the harm Hapes had done... but she came from a strong, stubborn, people, and she knew they would come through.

    Clearing her throat, she spoke up, stepping beside Hoclaw. "So there you have it. As the new Speaker," Paige managed not to look at the Malek family at that point, "I would ask you to come through again, as the Heroes of the past days of battles. My life, and that of our Quintad, was saved by you, and the greater Eriadu as well. Now, we need to do that again, and in -" She glanced to Hoclaw. "Less than three days the war will turn on Eriadu's durasteel heart again."

    She made a fist of her hand, and raised it. "We have resisted every enemy that has ever came our way; the Sith; the Separatists; the Nagai; the Yuuzhan Vong. The tyranny of the Galactic Alliance we can defeat as well!"

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @adaml83 (single posts please)

    OOC: @galactic-vagabond422, outstanding TAG that is needed to move along things.

    @adaml83, @Adalia-Durron, @The Real Kyp Durron, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha , @Corellian_Outrider please move ahead to Corellia or Endor; you may assume if you headed to Endor I can NPC Seha, Valin and Kyle for any combo rendezvous.
  2. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Rhoen Aqullia and Natalia Keizar

    Rhoen banked hard around an asteroid using it's slight gravity to accelerate him around and behind a TIE fighter that was harassing one of his comrades. He picked it apart with accurate cannon fire sending it tumbling and crashing into one of the ever present rocks. His search for another target was interrupted by Syal contacting him.

    "Rhoen, be quiet; listen in to this." Dutifully he muted his receiver so he would not be heard. As he did that he descended on another solar paneled craft laying into it with rapid fire.

    "Antilles; it is Admiral Niathal and Colonel Solo," Even Rhoen's hair stood up on end hearing the slimy voice of the Co-Chief of State. "Colonel Kya has been relieved of command and ordered to withdraw to Coruscant. I shall assign a new commander to the Third. His actions against Commenor are a complete violation of any and all war protocols, and he must be returned to the capital. Can I rely upon you to escort him free?" Rhoen cut his speed diving under a fragment of an asteroid coming up underneath a K-Wing hunting for the Corvette. His mind was running two processes at once. His normal piloting and fighting, as well as the words Solo had spoken. At least someone respected the rules of war. Though he worried about how escorting Kya would go. By Rhoen's own account the Colonel was a good pilot in his own right, and given what he'd seen would have few scruples about opening fire on his former comrades. The K-Wing detonated under the lasers of Rhoen.

    "What do you want to do, Syal?" He asked when it was just the two of them. Waiting for her reply he snapped his X-Wing around slicing through the black as a TIE started opening fire on him glancing off his shields. With a quick flick of his stick he lowered down and cut his throttle letting the tail scream past him. With a gentle angle to his fighter he lit up the space with red bolts. They danced across the hull piercing right through the ball and destroying yet another fighter sent after him.

    "Natalia - it's Aden." The young woman stopped in her tracks, though she was still being evasive. "Colonel Solo has ordered me to return to Coruscant and face-trial. I have my Blur aboard; I can take it - we can go, far, far away. Will you come?" She swallowed hard. Her heart yearned to be close him, to have him hold her in his arms one more time. How could they do this, he was protecting the Alliance, had he not done enough? It felt unfair, as if they were just using him and then throwing him away when they were done. But, she had also sworn a duty to the Alliance, to serve it and defend it. How could she do that when she was running away with him. They would be fugitives, she would be separated from her family, from the only thing she'd ever known. But she would be with him, a man that made her feel alive, that didn't care where she came from. As the shots glanced off her shields she turned hard.

    Looking over her shoulder then to her sensors she watched Rhoen and Syal work in tandem, in perfect harmony to destroy a TIE wing pair. Banking hard she forced the TIE into a similarly tight turn before feinting port and burning hard to the starboard. The other Pilot took the bait and left themselves open for her counter.

    As she destroyed the fighter she looked to where she knew Aden was. And a decision was made, one that would break her heart.

    "Go without me. Aquilla and Antillies are skilled, they will not let you get away without a fight. I can...I can slow them down, distract them." Tears fell from her eyes, she knew what she was giving up. "I can assure your escape."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  3. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: I bit earlier than the previous post above, but if you're in the US it's that time of the decade... and I'm working... a lot.
    IC: Adam Lyons, Briana Odan, Admiral Teren Rogriss, Rooty Aran

    Adam looked at Briana after the heckling, "I want you to go on the mission with Ranger. I know you know why. Might want to pick a couple of pilots, just in case."

    Briana grinned, "I get to pick them?" she gleefully rubbed her hands together, "I have a trade for this one, I'll need you to talk to Swift, he's reminding me of when Voort left..."

    Adam winced.

    Adam grinned at Briana as he was getting Rogriss's signal and securing it, "I'd ask you to behave..."

    Briana smirked, "But you know better..."

    "Yep, I know better."

    At that moment Tawg entered the room.

    Rooty was set, his flight suit done up, his gear all in position as he strode toward the Communications room and stopped in the doorway. "You called Stealth?"

    The line cut in, and an official was present; Teren Rogriss. He looked old, but not too old. Definitely aristocratic, rather than Imperial. He had a cane, and he favoured it. Eyes of cutting intelligence swept the lot of them. "I assume there is a good reason that you have access to this frequency?"

    Adam turned to Rooty and was about to speak when the line cut in, "One minute Rooty, I have a couple of things I want to talk to you about, but stay here for this."

    He returned to the screen, "Yes, I believe having two medium-sized Adumari capital ships with four Adumari squadrons would suffice. Though I do have a couple of things I do want to discuss with you regarding the Ranger."

    Rooty noted the incoming call and slipped back slightly to be out of sight before leaning on the door frame. He began to absently pick at his flight suit for invisible fluff.

    Admiral Rogriss smiled slightly. "Adam Lyons, I should have known. Contacting me from Colonel Tehanis' secret base, no doubt." He caught on. "The Ranger? What of it?"

    Adam decided to respond to the first bit with some sarcasm, "We actually have a naming schedule for this base, I think today's is named after Rooty's big toe."

    Briana snorted, then muttered, "I think Jay would like that..."

    Adam stifled his smile, "I want to use your people to the best of their abilities, and even amongst this base we really only have enough for one of the ships, so I had the thought that the Ranger could be used by the Jedi group for their missions. I've discussed the possibility with two members of the Council, though I've had some difficulties of convincing them of the advantages of an escort carrier. I know that there's someone amongst Skywalker's friends that would know how to. Also, I think it might be a good idea to form a task force to take advantage of the improved starfighters. I don't know if the GA knows their capabilities yet." he offered a wicked smile.

    Rooty looked up at the mention of his name and raised a querying eyebrow. He'd never named his big toe, but he figured there were a lot of things he'd not done yet. Briana was right, Jay would be amused at the boost to his already healthy ego.

    Rogriss blinked. "Of course, yes. The Confederation will spare all it can to support the Jedi in their efforts to unseat Jacen Solo and his cadre..." He nodded along. "... though I imagine Tahiri Veila and Aden Kya have been added to that list of targets now?"

    Then a frown as he caught up. "Why are you talking to me and not Admiral Babo? He is with you, isn't he? The Sabaton reported he'd left...?"

    Adam shook his head, "I don't know for certain but they would be logical candidates. That said, Aden Kya is on our list. The good news is that Ranger shouldn't run into much risk since the Jedi's ships are all hyperspace capable, though a local squadron to protect Ranger would be a good idea. Given their capabilities of space superiority, the improved TIE Defenders would be almost ideal though..." Adam didn't know Trec's rank, "Colonel? ke Mattino's report did mention that there were improved Elite versions, of which would be even better. The downside from my point of view is that the Ranger would have to rely for now on meeting coordinates with the Jedi in order to keep their base secret. We've currently done the same for now, at least to keep the Alliance from looking in this direction."

    Adam sighed at the mention of Babo and out of the corner of his eyes, caught Briana sarcastically rolling her eyes, "He's currently on the Ranger...Admiral Babo... wants to use your people and my people in the primary force. Based on my observations, and on a couple of other trusted people who can work as analysts, he'd get your people and my people killed. I believe with what we have now, we can take out ships. Once the pilots here on base train up, and knock some rust off, I believe they can be as good as the pilots Trec ke Mattino commanded at Eriadu. I also believe if we can form a task force of elite pilots and smaller capital ship that carry a good amount of starfighters, we can potentially take out significant portions of a fleet, especially if we follow something in the Redemption scenario, as in we do what Warspite did, but with K-wings instead of TIE Bombers."

    He was paying attention now, Rooty had no intentions of dying, not even for his old Squadron's Leads, he did, however, note Adam's observations and filed them away. If Babo was in charge, he was very capable of saying 'Nope'. Then the mention of 'Redemption', he frowned. 'Torps' me mused as he recalled the Simulation he'd run years before.

    Rogriss paused. "Admiral Babo wants to respond to the Corellian's request for aid. I gather, from their various requests, including of an irregular force positioned at Eriadu, Admiral Delpin of Corellia wants twenty squadrons - two for in-system escort, and eighteen as part of the support."

    "So the second group would be tasked with destroying capital ships... if you want to test some new tactics out." Rogriss looked pained. "The Confederation has no offensive operations planned except the Corellian one, and Delpin knows it. If you want to join the holding actions at Corellia or Commenor - what's left of the defensive grid - you're welcome to, but I don't know if taking out some Third or Fifth Fleet ships will change the tide now. The GA Second Fleet is the larger of the deployments on the offensive - twenty Star Destroyers, twenty-one when the Anakin Solo is tagging along."

    There weren't many theaters to speak of now, and the Confederation didn't have the assets to make one. Bothawui had its fleet holding in Bothan Space to defend against the Second Fleet - Eriadu and Fondor had a few Destroyers in the mix but nothing notable.

    "Otherwise you're looking at raiding Coruscant..."

    Adam nodded, "And it's extremely important to know exactly what the Corellians are up to, and I want to be there. I just think that the pilots at this base need a little time."

    "I believe, for now, that precision might be the key. We know the main targets, so the objective might be to get them to reveal their true nature to the galaxy. It's already working with Kya, though Solo is the better target...though maybe more difficult. However, that might be where the Jedi come in."

    Adam shrugged, "Raids might be the best thing we can do, we can hit logistical supplies, maybe even take some if the opportunity is there. Then again I'm a pilot, not a fleet admiral, though I do know how to use starfighters at their best."

    The Admiral looked at another screen. "Delpin wants a team ready in three days. If you want to pass the request to Tehanis, you can of course and it's my preference but I won't dictate to irregular forces who know their strengths better than I. I can supply you targets of course, but it's going to be heavily defended ones."

    "If I find anything about Kya or Veila's location, I'll make sure to pass it over... we know where Solo will be, but being as I gather a Jedi team took a crack at him and failed, maybe that's out of your league..."

    He managed to make that not sound offensive.

    Rooty rolled his eyes. Jacen was indeed out of their league, he was aware of that. He knew the Jedi would be taking their own stance on that and the two Force-sensitives in the group were not even slightly prepared to face Solo. Adam's idea of 'hit and fade' made much more sense and he liked the odds.

    Adam smiled, "That's what Babo tried to do, dictate to irregular forces. It's why I'm talking to you."

    Adam was about to continue when Tawg rolled in and tootled at Adam. He understood it as "I have it." and it was confirmed when Tawg inserted his jack into the console and asked a question, "Who do I send this to?" Adam smiled as he looked at Tawg, "Admiral Rogriss, and Trec." he then looked up, "Admiral I'm sending you plans I want to use in Corellia, as I plan to be there. Also, I'd like to send the Ranger to meet with the Jedi group returning from wherever to their base to render aid. I want to send a couple of my pilots who have TIE Defender experience to escort them in." The plans were based on the idea of being in the position of the Warspite during the Redemption scenario, though it was modifiable enough to change the ships and starfighters on both sides.

    "Beyond that, it will be looking for weaknesses but I will be flying at Corellia."

    "Of course," the old man said, grinning, because Babo was a bit of an extremist at the best of times. Rogriss paused. "In Corellia as in with Delpin, or heading to defend Corellia itself?" He looked intrigued because he clearly had a full-blown war-time strategy and Rogriss hadn't seen anyone with that. Not even Phennir.

    Adam shook his head, "Not entirely sure right now, though I'd ideally like some dispersion. A scout would be helpful in that situation." he smiled, "Though the first thing is we need to get to Eriadu, so we can regroup before heading off. Sounds like a plan?"

    Rogriss nodded. “I gather Delpin is collecting fighter squadrons from Eriadu, so you can coordinate with her as necessary. As long some of your pilots deploy with her, as I want to find out what Corellia up to, either from the Valorum, or Corellia herself.”

    He paused. “Supreme Commander Phennir wants to find out, too.” At that Rogriss signed off, leaving them with the spectre of a very-disunited Confederation - the one where allies don’t share plans with their allies and the leader of the entire Confederate military can’t simply ask what’s going on.

    As was his style, Rooty had lost interest, and as they continued to speak his mind was wandering to Loriana, not even hearing what was being said. It wasn't the first time this had happened, probably wouldn't be the last.

    Briana saw Rooty's gaze wander and she grinned. She gently elbowed Adam and pointed at Rooty, "Him...him and..."

    Adam caught the gist of what Briana wanted, "HQ, you know that Loriana has had some TIE Defender training..."

    Briana nodded, almost a head-bob, gleefully, "Her! Those two! They'll fly escort."

    Adam grinned, "Done, Rooty, I'd hate to find out that she's faster than you."

    He heard his name and the words 'faster than'. "Whose faster than me?!" He demanded standing up straight. "No one, that's who!"


    Briana later caught up with Adam in the hanger as he was helping to prep his E-wing. “Do you really think she’s faster?

    Adam turned around and shrugged, “Don’t know, but it’s hard to resist messing with Rooty. By the way, what do you plan on flying?

    A starfighter…

    Adam sighed, “Just so you know, seems that there isn’t much room for an X-wing in this plan...and I know how much you like to deal damage…

    Briana grinned mischievously, “I know.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    OOC: Is Rooty still the fastest around, find out in the next episode!

  4. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    I just swapped the posts around so the continuity is right. ;)

    IC Rooty Aran, Loriana Starskimmer, Jay Sarkin, Jesse Coulson, Erbas Hawcron, Jem Vercetti. Heaps of thanks to @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha !!

    “Speed is set” Rooty spoke clearly and amused himself. It’d been at least 8 years since he’d even used that call sign, 8 long years and yet it came out as smoothly as if he’d been doing it regularly for years. He looked around a kind of thrill ran down his spine as he watched the ships around him lifting off, watching Adam’s E Wing and all the new ships with some of his older friends piloting them. He didn’t like leaving his A Wing, but knew it would be safer here. Adam had told him that he and Loriana would be leading them out and implied she was faster than him. No one was faster than Rooty Aran!

    Heading out he opened a channel to Loriana. “You set?”

    "Yes," she answered with a smile in her voice.

    "Speed is a nice callsign." Loriana thought and RubiJay's commentary scrolled across the displays.

    "Are you going to need me to be creative again?"

    Loriana chuckled softly. "I think this team will pull together and fly straighter than the last one did, Rubi."

    Rooty grinned under his helmet. "Addie gave it to me. There is only one speed for me in battle." He swung his Ship around, "So what do I call you?"

    Loriana considered the question. "I was always known as Dancer 3 before; how about Ace, if no one else has that, or can you think of a better name?"

    Sometimes, Loriana reflected, pilots got their 'names' after a few successful runs with their squad, and the names just seemed to suit the skills and personality.

    She was curious what Rooty's reply would be.

    Rooty eased his ship past the magfield as he listened. What would he call her? He allowed himself a smile, he’d call her a lot of things, but none of them were appropriate for a fighter pilot. Ace was so generic he thought, there wasn’t one with them but it didn’t feel special enough to him. “How about Starfire?” he offered, it felt right, felt special and a little dangerous.

    Loriana felt a glow of delight. "That's absolutely lovely! Thank you. Rubi, log that in as my official call-sign would you?"

    Rubi did so with a pleased blurp. She liked the sound of it, too.

    Rooty smiled again as he opened a channel the entire group. "Speed and Starfire heading up. Fall in."

    Jay had heard Rooty and smiled, he sounded like the Rooty she’d known for nearly 15 years. This was his home, his place and now he’d matured so much, leadership suited him. She’d outranked him when they’d both retired, but after the path she’d taken, he deserved this more than she did. Glancing over she noted Erbas in the ship nearby, he was consciously ignoring her and that suited her to be honest. The water under that bridge was muddy, tainted and poison.

    Rooty’s voice came through again and Jay looked across at him with surprise. “Starfire?” she questioned. “I was unaware she had a call…” She opened. “Wicked is set”

    Kids got four lit” Jem chimed in.

    “Hotshot is good” Erbas added, hoping his call would give him the bravado he needed.

    Jesse looked down at his console, they all sounded so cheerful. Maybe he could work well with this team, they seemed to gel well enough. “Blaze is on your six Speed” he responded before letting out his breath, things would get easier, in time.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @adaml83 @Corellian_Outrider @The Real Kyp Durron - WE'RE leaving Hawkbat!!!


    IC Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Emaline.
    Also Leaving.

    Once Briana was on board, Adalia had set the Crystal Dawn in to motion. She loved this ship and she loved flying her, with little or no effort she had the ship turning and heading out of the Hangar and off Hawkbat not knowing if they’d be back. Things were moving and she had to do what she could while she could.

    Briana had chosen to do some research in the common area so Emaline sat beside her marvelling at the older woman’s skills. “Jem says you love flying.” She said attempting to make conversation with her future sister in law.

    Adalia glanced over at the Ships who were currently also lifting off. “Jem’s right, its in my blood.” She saw the Stealth X lift off as well and sigh softly. Her life was changing so fast and keeping up was the challenge, his life was doing the same and she wondered and worried he’d be there when she needed him. Her heart was full, but tormented, the choices to be made were tough. “This ship’s easier right now, and honestly, she’s a dream to fly. Not to mention her hidden talents.” She smiled at Emaline as they exited the magfield.

    Emaline frowned. “Hidden talents?” she questioned.

    Adalia allowed a secretive smile. “Looks like a cruiser, feels like a yacht, is really a battle ship.” She winked.

    “Wait, this ship is weaponised?” Emaline was a little surprised as so far, she’d seen nothing but glitz, glamour and luxury.

    “Lothwolf in Sheeps clothing.” Adalia explained as she banked the ship to port to turn and avoid an asteroid. “Did you honestly believe I’d not have it armed?”

    Emaline giggled. “Well, no. My research says you probably have an armed hair brush.”

    Adalia laughed. “What? And Shoot myself in the head? I’m smarter than that.” It was a light moment and felt good. “Yeah, ok, I am often over protective and overly suspicious, but it comes with the territory I move in.”

    Emaline nodded. “I understand, Jem’s told me somethings.”

    Adalia glanced at her. “Some things?”

    “All good, I swear!”

  5. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Adrian and Ilona Malek

    "Look at her," Ilona whispered to her brother. "Survived an attempt on her life and now she is acting as if she single-handedly won the war against Darth Zul."

    Adrian nodded slowly as his disgust began to grow, again his eyes were on the tall figures behind Rivoche. "I bet my life one of them was the one I saw during the ambush."

    "Rivoche, Rivoche what are you doing," Ilona asked. "I always knew that you where a sellout just as your uncle but that you would be so brazen about it." The only question was too whom? Her husbands friends in the GA seemed unlikely, no, if Adrian was right, something darker seemed to be behind this. In this moment she wished she hadn't rejected the position speaker but at the same time she was glad their new mission would get them out of Rivoches grasp at least for a while.

    "Can you distract them for a sec?" Adrian asked and Ilona was pretty sure on what he wanted to do.

    So she took a deep breath and said. "Well spoken, I think it's time we remind the galaxy how real soldiers fight. We Eriaduans, don't need to rely on trickery or alien mercenaries to win our battles." With that she gave Rivoche and her two bodyguards a mockingly innocent look, before taking her place next to her brother again.

    Adrian gave his sister a short twinkle to confirm he had been successful. The pics of Rivoche cowered among two Nagai bodyguards could prove useful in the long run, to expose her as a traitor to the Quintad and a coward to the people. "What my sister wants to say," he said, addressing the Corellian Admiral. "Is that she and I are fully prepared for or new assignment to accompany you back to Corellia to assist you in any way."

    Tag: @Sinrebirth, @darthbernael
  6. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus

    Bernael had found a place against the nearest bulkhead, listening to the briefing as it progressed. He’d let his awareness flow around the gathering, feeling the various tensions that were bottled up in this space. One that was slightly humorous, but also potentially irritating, was that of the Maleks, toward Rivoche.

    He looked over to Romulus and Remus and saw an amused look on each of their faces. Both were scanning the room, as they should, but Remus was often looking more at that duo. He could have sworn he saw Remus give an exaggerated wink to that Adrian Malek at one point. And then it hit him, Adrian must be who Rom and Rem had said demanded they leave the Malek Estate.

    Renn had trailed behind the trio of Rivoche and the Nagai, disappointed they hadn’t had a chance to get down to the serious drinking yet. But such matters as these took precedence. He did not know anyone here directly, save Bernael, the Nagai, and Ebony, so he just absorbed the briefing as it took place. He gestured to Ebony to join him off to one side, feeling that the two of them had the least to contribute to the briefing right now. At the mention of Taris he snorted. He hadn’t been there but he’d spoken to the vampire afterward and he knew damn well who had stopped that bombardment.

    ’Rom, it is him, I am sure of it.’ Remus said-thought to Romulus, as she observed Adrian and Ilona.

    Romulus extended his scanning and looked over the Maleks, they did seem familiar and he could feel the dislike coming from the male. ’You saw him so I trust your word.’ he thought-replied.

    Rem saw the female Malek detach from beside her brother and let her eyes flick that direction for a moment. Rom grunted at the movement and saw a second movement, flashing his hand quickly, flinging a sliver dart across the open space between them, at the miniature camera, before it disappeared out of sight again. A frown upon his face, he shook his head in a minute motion at the male Malek.

    Rem gazed over at him, ’Distraction?’

    ’Distraction and Quartad politics, in this moment’ the disgust almost colored his thought.

    Bernael had seen the various motions and shook his head. ”Thank you for the informative briefing Captain Hoclaw. First,” he cast a disapproving gaze at both the Maleks and a slightly less so one at Rom and Rem. ”let's avoid partisan politics while trying to keep the Galaxy from bursting into flames. Second, as long as Rivoche is under the protection of Eriaduan forces, and she better be or I’ll change the balance of power myself, her bodyguards can go back to their usual work of removing lesser, key figures in the foes command structure.”

    He looked at Renn, the Neti shook his head, indicating he didn’t have much more to add. ”Thirdly, Solo is most assuredly a darksider and an extremely powerful one. See his family to understand why. And he is not the only Sith there, although they seem to be of opposite factions. Lastly, how I operate is more on the outside of the command structure so I will be there and giving aid, but do not expect to see me directly, unless it is needed.”

    Renn chuckled, ”You mean you’ll have us sitting back, chucking GA weaponry from near their own positions, at their own craft, like say a mine dispersal torpedo, to sew confusion among them?”

    Rom had continued scanning while Dad spoke, but at his mention of them, he nodded. It had been an adventure rescuing and getting Rivoche here but they did desire to get back to doing more, not just playing babysitter. Rem chuckled a bit as she caught the drift of Rom’s thoughts. She let her glance dart over to Dad, smiled slightly, then nodded as well.

    Bernael let his head dip in response to Rom and Rem then returned to observing the briefing, having said his piece.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @adaml83
  7. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    ~IC~ Mirax and Corran Horn
    Location: Hawkbat Base (classified) - Hangar - Pulsar Skate

    Mirax and Corran returned to the Pulsar Skate with Whistler in tow. As the seal of the hatch locked and they were back in their cabin did the couple finally spoke.

    “What to make all that?” Mirax asked.

    Corran pulled a face. “I think someone is being played.”

    Mirax arched her brow. “Us? ...Them?”

    Corran cupped his chin then shook his head. “Someone. They did give Kyp a free X-Wing, newer model at that.”

    Mirax let out a light laugh as she slipped out of her jacket. “Nothing is for free.”

    “I know, they want something from him, from us, though Kyp is no fool.”

    Mirax pursed her lips in an attempt to hide a smirk. “Did my ears deceive me?”

    “Well, I know Kyp and I can be like...” Corran gestured to find the right words as Mirax changed into a black top.

    “A married couple?” Mirax quipped.

    “...brothers-Hey!” Corran feigned a hurt look. “We have our differences though our interests overlaps too and that outweighs... Anywho, he could be playing them.”

    Adalia is neck deep in this too, committed to this group. Kyp could be following his heart... as you have done before.” Mirax lightly smiled as she sat down on the edge of their bed. “Though there is shared history amongst us all. I don’t think there is anything nefarious going on between Adam, Adalia and Kyp. They seem to have this angle all worked out regarding this Admiral Rogriss.

    “Mmhmm.” Corran shrugged. “That’s up to them. Depends on the plan and how charming they can be. I still feel that there is some catch to having this cruiser.”

    “You think they’re setting us up?”

    “Or make the Jedi a target.”

    “Don’t worry, if we do get it, I’ll have one of our people do a sweep of the ship.”

    “If we get it. Could be useful with providing aid to worlds in need.”

    “True, if I do get to Commander the ship, I’ll run it as I see fit.” Mirax flashed an impish grin which made Corran smile. “We don’t want to put the cart before the Kaduu, just a matter of deciding what we should do at this moment.”

    Corran sighed. “I will admit it would be handy having a carrier, and I know you can pull off the role of Command better than your father...”

    “Again, true.” Mirax smirked. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. Of course I will be better than my father though I was referring to more pressing concerns.”

    Kyle’s team and the possibility of a leak.”

    “I want to race in there and get the team out but we don’t know the full situation. Would we do more harm?” Mirax asked.

    “Possibly... we could meet them halfway and be on standby... either way we have to get a move on. For now, I think we should go with Adam’s group as it brings us close to which ever path we end up choosing.” Corran suggested.

    Mirax nodded. “Right, that hyperspace jump to where they need to go will let us mull over things.”

    “Right...” Corran stepped closer and took Mirax’s hand. “...and while they get their group ready to depart, I should contact Cilghal and advise her of what we know and advise of a possible leak.”

    “I thought we sorted that out with Sparks as the culprit.” She pulled Corran down to sit beside her.

    “Perhaps, best be safe than sorry.”

    “I suppose so...” the corner of Mirax’s mouth twitched, she then gave his cheek a kiss. “Go, contact Cilghal to get that over and done with and then we’ll have some time left over before we depart.”

    Corran nodded and nosed her nose. “Alright.” He whispered and gave a kiss. “I shall return.”

    Mirax watched as Corran stood up and moved to the door to go to their com station. She flopped backwards onto the bed. “Oh Corran?” She called out.

    “Hmmm?” Corran paused by the doorframe.

    “Your shirt is undone.”

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron @adaml83 @Sinrebirth @The Real Kyp Durron
  8. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Ebony Leon
    Eriadu station briefing

    Ebony entered the room silently, her eyes scanning everyone around her, their positions and their body language. Details were her thing. As her gaze hit Renn she noticed him gesturing for her to join him so as the discussion began, she sidled over to him.

    All this talk of strategy and war wasn’t her cup of …….well anything much really. Renn snorted beside her at the mention of Taris, she’d not been there but had heard about it through the underground. She noted that Bernael made it very clear the leadership on Eriadu was not to change, not now at least and when he looked over, she wasn’t sure if it was her or Renn he was looking too. Beside her Renn gave his head a shake and she realised it wasn’t her thankfully. She had nothing to add as she knew nothing. As Bernael went on she understood he wanted to run as a sort of ‘blocker’ against the GA. Renn’s input confirmed this to her. So, she was going to be what in all this? Cannon fodder? Ebony wanted her ship back with a full tank and co ordinates to the outer rim.

    TAG No one...
  9. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic - Kyp Durron
    Hawbat Base - Leaving

    This wasn’t right. Kyp looked over to the purple coloured Crystal Dawn and let out a sigh. He’d waited ten years to get married. It’d been ten years since he’d decided he wanted her as his wife and now it was done and he found himself sitting in a starfighter alone. This was not how he’d envisaged it. Lifting the Stealth X Wing off the hangar deck he turned it spaceward. Back to work as there was no rest when there was a war on. Things had gotten bad and he needed to get back to Endor. He only hoped he could convince Adalia to back out of this mess and join him. He didn’t fancy his chances.

    Tag @Adalia-Durron
  10. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Welmo, Marie Firestone
    Space Station above Eriadu - outside and in Confrontational mood!

    With the others occupied with the meeting, and he already had all he needed in respect of the ‘ambush’, Welmo caught Marie heading in and managed to intercept her. “Did you have a moment? I feel like I should clear the air?” He looked abashed, but what could he say. The others in the gunboat crew headed into the briefing, giving the pair a look, maybe a smirk or two, but not much else.

    Marie stopped and studied the man's features for a moment, she still didn't know what it was, but she didn't like him. "What air?" she asked, it truly was none of her business in the long run.

    "Well, there is some history between me and Ilona, after all, and I wouldn't want my first impression to be damaged," Welmo said sheepishly, trying to look embarrassed. "I do want to be a contributing member to the team, and what happened before shouldn't stop me from fighting the good fight, surely?"

    Marie shifted her weight to one leg, popping her hip as she folded her arms. “History huh? Judging by her reaction to you, it’s a lot more than that.” She looked him up and down, adopting her Dathomirian upbringing as she ‘appraised him’ with her cool gaze. “As to how useful you can be, I guess that depends on your allegiances.” She raised an eyebrow, “And your abilities, which so far haven’t impressed me much.” She'd not seen much but her gut feeling was he didn't deserve much more.

    Welmo met her gaze evenly. "I'm pretty good in a fight, thanks for asking," he said drily.

    "But I'd like to be better, and there's always room for improvement." He shrugged, and regarded her with the same eye. "Though less so for you, no doubt."

    “A lot less. Vong war Vet here and one of Antilles elite. I’m a Shadow Saber.” She was bragging, she knew that, but he needed to know who he was dealing with. “And I’m from Dathomir, so it’s going to take a lot for any….man….to impress me.”

    "Good, I do like a challenge," he said, stepping forward slightly, hand held out to shake. "Welmo Darb, former GA pilot for the Ninth Fleet. I was at Gilatter - didn't much like what I saw and so I'm here." Welmo's grin was intrigued. "Dathomiri? I've heard some wild stories about that world. Strong women, I gather."

    His smile broadened. "Can't go wrong with a woman who knows what she wants."

    It wasn't quite misogynistic, but it wasn't far off. The kind of ingratiating backhanded comment designed to barb while compliment.

    “And what she doesn’t” She looked down to his hand without extending her own. “Do yourself a favour, stay away from Ilona…” She leveled her brown eyes with his own eyes. “..and avoid me, like the plague, for your own safety. If you get in my way……….I won’t hesitate.” She left the threat hanging, knowing he would understand. She started to turn away, “Oh, the stories you heard are all true." Probably a lie, but it felt good to milk her home world's reputation.

    Welmo held his hands up. "Whoa, whoa! I'm not here to cause a fight. I just want to drive the GA back and end the war."

    "What's wrong with that?"

    “Nothing.” She looked away, cards on the table she thought as she turned back. “Look, I don’t know what it is, or why, but I don’t like you. Call it a Dathomirian Witch thing if you like, but my gut tells me you’re bad news. By all means push the GA any direction you like, away is good, but do it away from me. We clear?”

    Welmo looked crestfallen. "Well, alright then, I didn't mean to offend you, Marie. I just..." He paused, sighing a little. "Wanted to fit in, okay? I seem to piss off everyone I get to know and it just happens. But it's not your problem, so I'll just head in and catch up on the briefing."

    He paused as he half-turned. "Is that okay?"

    "No issue." She'd been harsh but something told her she had to be. If nothing else he knew to stay away from Ilona, it was clear the woman was not comfortable in his presence. She should listen to the briefing too, but she didn't want to follow him in, felt wrong. No, she'd wait and ask Adrian when it was done, she'd stay here and make sure the coast was clear.

    Welmo nodded, slowly, and headed in, briefly holding the door for her before he realised she wasn't following, and then he moved in, keeping his head down to avoid disrupting the discussion anymore if he had to. His guilt seeped into the Force, of course, but it was what it was.

    TAG @Anedon @Sinrebirth @darthbernael
  11. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Marie Firestone, Adrian Malek (combo with @Adalia-Durron)

    Marie paced. She wanted to know what was going on inside the briefing, but did not want anyone to even remotely associate her with Welmo, especially Ilona and Adrian. She knew he was bad news but had no proof, no back up and now she just wanted distance from him. She spun to look when the door opened.

    When Adrian returned from the briefing his mind was still in complete chaos over what they had seen in there. Ilona had excused herself and Adrian knew she would now send the picture he had taken to Tobin and inform him over what they had just wittnessed. His mood cleared as a bit as he saw Marie and he gave her a smile. "Ilona will be here again soon," he said lowering his vouce.

    She approached him. "What do I need to know?" She asked in hushed voice. "Are we moving out?"

    "Seems Wilhuff wasn´t the only Tarkin who made a living of selling out our world to sinister beings," Adrian told her quietly. "His niece is not only protected by the guys who attacked us down in the forrest but also there is another being, an Anzat I believe. First tought him to be just another hired goon, but he seems to be the one in charge here."

    Marie frowned. "I've never even heard of the Aznat." She muttered, "but the means little at all." She put her finger tips on her lips. "What's our next move?"

    "Only saw one in a book in school once," Adrian admitted, "Ilona might know more. Our move appears to still be the same. We head to Correllia, but there is more too it. They hope to lure Jacen and several of his commanders there under the guise of a truth, but in truth its a trap to assassinate them."

    Marie's eyes widened. "They think they can assassinate Jacen Solo?" She asked in disbelief. "That needs a Jedi, not just any Jedi either, a Master I'd think. Do we want to be in that mess?" Her mind raced thinking back to Adalia and knowing she knew where the Jedi were. "We need to get a message to Addie and Adam."

    "I don´t know," he admitted. "Maybe if just enough guns are fireing at him he couldn´t be able to protect himself from all shots, or maybe they try a bomb...." He chewed on his lip, he didn´t like any of this one bit. Jacen was their enemy sure, but killing someone under the flagg of truce was a despicable crime. "Of course, they should know." Adrian agreed. "Ilona lets our families allies know."

    Marie frowned. "He'll know. Don't they know how Force users work? Don't they know we can sense deception, lies, tricks and most of all danger?" She gave her head a shake. "I don't think we should go."

    "Me too," he admitted. "But Ilona is forced to go, and I can´t leave her alone with this."

    A moment later he added, "if you want to stay behind we wouldn´t think any less of you."

    She was trapped. "I'm not happy about this, but I will come too. I need to arm myself suitably, a single blaster is not enough." she tapped the one she now wore on her hip. "I need more, do you know where I can get some?" She glanced past him, taking note of the others leaving the briefing. The one in black must be the Aznat he spoke of, he felt........dark. "He's not Jedi, in fact, I sense nothing good there."

    "Thanks," Adrian said and resisted to impulse to try and hug her again. His gaze followed the Aznat for a moment as well, leave my homeworld alone we have problems enough of already. "We need to be carefull around him as well that´s true." Then with a smile he turned towards Marie, "but if you are seeking weapons we can help. You know what they say? Give an Eriaduan a piece of metal and he makes a sword out of it. Ilona should be able to get us acess to the amory here in no time."

    TAG: Anyone
  12. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic Emaline, Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Kyp Durron
    The Ranger - Gratitude to @Adalia-Durron - always amusing.

    Touching down on the deck of The Ranger, Adalia was a little nervous. Checking the screens, she saw all ships had returned with the extra ones as well. Admiral Babo would be more than a little pleased when he saw who’d come along for a visit. She closed her eyes and reached out to him, he was distracted by the landing and shut down, but sent back a wash of affection. It always warmed her heart how he could do that without really trying, for her it was an effort. Turning to Emaline she smiled. “You ready to meet an Admiral?”

    “Do I have too?” The young woman asked nervously.

    “No, not really, you can stay here if you like….for now.”

    “I think I’d prefer that, not really a diplomat nor do I know military protocols well enough to fit in.” Emaline explained.

    Adalia nodded as she got up and smoothed her top down. “Just don’t go taking off and stealing my ship.” She winked. “The Dawn means a lot to me.”

    Leaving the ship, she stopped at the bottom ramp and looked to the group of ships and picked out the Stealth X beside the Pulsar Skate. Babo would have to recognise the second ship, she was sure half the galaxy did.

    She approached the Stealth X and waited for the pilot to disembark, crossing her arms.

    Opening the canopy he looked down. Her arms were folded as she looked up. “Best not do that if you want to keep that secret.”

    Adalia frowned up before looking down, crossing her arms over her chest pulled the top in and emphasized her tummy, so she quickly dropped them, adjusting herself.

    He jumped down. “That’s better.”

    “Yeah, you try and carry another human about and hide it.” She quipped in an annoyed low tone.

    “I think I’ll leave that to the expert.” He winked at her before looking down slightly. “That’s a lot more than you usually display.” He added noting her neckline with a smile. “Not that I’m complaining at all.”

    She rolled her eyes, “Grow up!” She hissed with a scowl.

    “Just got married with no wedding night! Give me a break.” He attempted to fake frustration. Tormenting her amused him.

    “I think you’ve done enough damage.” She indicated to her belly with a raised eyebrow. Adalia knew he was taunting her, it was a game they always played and she liked to win it.

    She'd cornered him. She’d won this round. Never the war though.

    He smiled as he leaned in. “Wouldn’t call it damage.” He kissed her cheek. “I’d be careful. I think he’s listening.” He nodded toward her stomach.

    Adalia smirked and let a soft chuckle out. “Yeah, not when I’ve wanted this for so long…….there’ll be time when this is all over. Promise.” She hoped it would be over soon. “Come on, let’s get Corran and Mirax and meet up with Adam. I think the Admiral is going to be very surprised at his unexpected guests.”

    Tag @Corellian_Outrider @Sinrebirth @adaml83
  13. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Adam Lyons, Briana Odan

    Briana caught up with Adam as he was leaving the hanger and grinned, “Escaping a certain person?

    Adam grinned, “Nah going to talk to the Captain.” he paused, “Could you possibly talk to Corran and see if there’s some way to get a signal off?

    Briana shrugged, “Sure, do we know to who?

    Nope but they do.

    TAG: @Corellian_Outrider, @Sinrebirth


    IC: Trec ke Mattino

    Trec looked at Bernael, “I don’t know if anyone here can easily take on Sith...maybe we could work on the support structure. Colonel Tehanis was fairly easy considering that Solo brought in her worst enemy as a Co-Commander. The GAG and the regular Intelligence networks might be another example, given how some well known GA intelligence agents are now on the run. Maybe that could work on some of the others. Could you say that he’s...stable at the moment?

    He then looked at Ilona, “My apologies for our forces not getting there soon enough to prevent the injuries caused. That said, I have a question. Would you or your father have a list of tricks that worked in the past?” Glancing at the scenario that Adam had sent to Trec, which was showing AI-generated scenarios to the people in the briefing, and then back at the Eriadians, “Do you have starfighters capable of pulling this off?

    TAG: @Anedon, @Sinrebirth, @darthbernael
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  14. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Corran Horn, Mirax Terrik-Horn, Kyp Durron, Adalia Tehanis-Durron -Thanks heaps @Corellian_Outrider and @The Real Kyp Durron
    Flight Deck - The Ranger.

    “Looks like it’s show time.” Corran called as he powered off the communications console.

    “How did the news go?”

    Mirax asked from the top of the steps to the cockpit as she adjusted the holster on her belt.

    “As well as any... at least the Jedi have been informed so far.” Corran moved and caught Mirax as she jumped down to the main deck. “I think we have a crowd awaiting outside.”

    Mirax nodded, her eyes appraised him. “You aren’t going to change to your robes?”

    “I’m not here on official capacity, yet. Don’t want to give them the wrong impression.”

    “No, we don’t want that.” There was a hint of humour to her tone. “Come on, let’s check on the newly weds.”

    Whistler was already waiting for them and activated the ramp to lower as they approached. The couple started down, with Whistler in tow just as the ramp kissed the hangar deck.

    As they approached the Pulsar Skate Adalia noted the ramp lowering and the pair exiting. She raised her eyebrows. "We ready for this?"

    He looked to Corran. "Did you get it out?" Kyp asked.

    “Get what out?” Corran gave a quizzical look before Mirax answered “As ready as ever I suppose.”

    "A Message?" His expression one of slight annoyance.

    “Oh that, yes.” Corran shook his head. “I thought you were continuing the tangent you left us on about-“

    “Not now.” Mirax hushed.

    Kyp gave his head a slight shake in dismay.

    Looking from one to the other, Adalia had no idea what was going on but it wasn't the first time and she was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last. "Ok, you guys are not here as Jedi, you're here as friends.....ok?" She asked.

    Corran glanced to Kyp then looked to Addie. “That’s... why I’m here.”

    “And nothing about what just happened please? Not ready for the galaxy to know yet, got a gut feeling that Aden Kya would get a kick out of it, or worse.” Adalia suggested as a shiver ran down her spine, “Jacen.” Her memories of what Jacen had done were still coming back and they were still fresh in her mind.

    He felt her inner pain and attempted to lighten the mood. “What just happened? Did I miss something?” Kyp asked feigning confusion.

    “Is it the child?” Mirax whispered as she stepped close with concern.

    "That and the ceremony. No one's business." Adalia whispered back glancing at both Corran and Kyp.

    “It’s not our news to tell.” Corran whispered.

    “Is there a child?” Kyp asked in a soft voice and a cheeky grin.

    Adalia rolled her eyes and slapped his shoulder. “Yeah, he’s standing beside me.”

    “Congratulations, mother of two.”

    Adalia sighed. "Gee thanks." She was tired and right now his tormenting was just getting on her nerves. "Can you just not for this please?" It was almost begging.

    He knew when enough was enough. "Message received." He'd felt her wave of exhaustion. "You going to be ok?" He asked with concern.

    She put her hand on his shoulder for stability. "Tired, let's just get this done with, been a big day."

    TAG @Sinrebirth @adaml83
  15. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Ilona Malek, Adrian Malek, Marie Firestone

    When Ilona returned to Adrian and Marie she scanned the room but couldn't make out any trace of Rivoche or her non human entourage so she said quietly. "Something was done to the picture you took, not sure how it happened but I suspect it might have been Force related." She showed them the ruined picture on her datapad hoping that maybe Marie could identify what exactly had happened to her.

    "Thankfully whoever did this didn't think far enough and I was able to get some footage of the security cameras instead,"
    the perks of her position had allowed her access. "Taken a few of them on this datapad, send some to... other places just in case these are going to mysteriously vanish. Also sent some to Tobin, he had a look at it and here is where things get strange. He said members of the Tarkin family have been seen in company with several Nagai and a mysterious Anzat in the past. So it seems this connection, whatever it is goes much deeper than we actually thought."

    Marie scowled. "So they are in a long term collusion?" She queried.

    "I assume," Ilona said slowly. "Or the Tarkin's just have a strange preference when it comes to their mercenaries and bodyguards. We defenetly need to be very careful from here on out. Just glad Mom and Dad are safe."

    "Do they have good security?" Marie asked. "They should have." She was resting her hand once again on her blaster. Truth was Marie was itching to get back to what she did best, flying. "So what next? Where are we going?" She leaned closer, "Back to Hawkbat?" She whispered.

    "Wish we could," Adrian admitted. "But I think we still need to head to Corellia do we?" He turned to his sister.

    "Unless you want to risk everything in refusing that order," Ilona said. "If we did that they would declare Adrian a traitor once and for all and probably get the rest of the Confeds on Board with killing him."

    "Yeah, that's not going to happen." Marie declared. "Ok, Corellia it is." She sign resignedly. "Not been there in ...........well ever to be honest. Should be an adventure I guess." she shrugged.

    "It will," Ilona agreed. "Which is why I am grateful that you are still with us." She typed a few things on her datapad. "Send you the pictures. Can you send them to Adalia and the others so they know as well what we found out about?"

    "I can do that." Marie said, she needed to let Addie know what was going on. For all she knew they weren't even on Hawkbat anymore.

    Tag: Anyone
  16. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: A short response but it felt necessary to address both the sensing of Bernael and respond to Trek

    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus
    Briefing room

    Renn hung to the side, listening in to the briefing, a smile at Bernael’s little speech. He had little to contribute at the moment as he was only here because of the previous ‘adventure’ of theirs, and what was to come of it. He nodded to Ebony then looked around to see if there was a bar, the alcohol would have no effect but the nutrients inside would be a relief.

    Rom and Rem had stayed close to Rivoche, even though Rem was wanting to ruffle Adrian’s feathers even more. There was time for such still, if they chose but the Maleks were off on their own talking, for the moment. So they continued the duties that Father had given, until his orders changed.

    Bernael listened to Trek, considering what the man had to say. Aden, stable, not entirely no I would say. His loyalties are divided a dozen different ways, and his loyalty seems only to be to a specific mission, at the current time. And not necessarily one that his superiors in the GA would approve of. He even confronted Solo directly, at one point, to the point it could have cost him his life.”

    Pacing as he thought, ”The Jedi are the best bet to contain Solo, if they can rouse Luke from his stupor. But the others that threaten efforts, those can be dealt with in other ways and by other beings.”

    He felt a stirring in the currents of the Force as he spoke and his mind followed them. Where they led was interesting. He had felt the Dathomiran when he boarded but she was bold to have used her senses to try to feel his essence, whether passively or actively. He sent a thought to collide with her mental shields, with enough of a barb to entice a reaction from her, 'Little Nightwitch, a decent attempt but you have only read what you want to read of me. Dark calls to dark, but you ignore the light that exists there as well.'

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @adaml83
  17. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Marie Firestone
    Station above Eriadu.

    Marie wasn’t prepared, never had anyone ever ‘spoken’ to her through the Force, so when she felt the words, not heard, she shivered and turned to face the dark figure in the nearby room.

    The colour drained from her features.

    For one, how dare whatever he was refer to her as a Nightwitch, she was nothing of the sort! Two, the very idea of what he'd just done disturbed her beyond words and three, was he really trying to convince her the Darkness she felt wasn’t all there was? Marie was no Jedi, nor was she strong enough in the Force to confront a creature like this, her only option was to get distance between herself and the one called Bernael. She turned back swallowing hard as she did so before gently putting her hand on Adrian’s arm. “Can we go soon please?”

    TAG @Anedon @darthbernael @Sinrebirth
  18. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC Adrian Malek, Marie Firestone(combo with @Adalia-Durron)

    "What happened?" Adrian asked Marie, surprised by her touch as well as the worry he heard in her voice. Ilona had left them to get a few final pieces of equipment for the trip and organize the better blaster Marie had requested. So it was just him and Marie and he felt how he became a bit nervous again but fought that instinct down.

    She gave her head a slight shake. "Not here." she said quietly, "Someone here is making things.....uncomfortable for me. I just want to go." She kept her gaze down as she attempted to control her growing discomfort.

    "Okay," Adrian said, as his own worries grew. So far nothing had been able to scare Marie so whatever had happened must have been truly terrifying. "We could already head to the ship, see if Kat and the others are ready?"

    Marie nodded vigorously. "Yes please, let's just go."

    As they made their way towards the ship Adrian felt how his heart begin to race. What was going on here? He remembered the ruined picture he had tried to take. Had the Nagai once again used the Force to attack Marie? He felt anger rise inside of him again but also worry about Ilona. He hoped she would make it back safely.

    She felt his anger. "Stop that please. I'll explain later, just don't give me more to worry about please?" She hissed to him. His temper was an issue, she'd have to address at some point.

    "Okay," Adrian replied as they walked up the ramp. Kat was awaiting them and in the back he could see Welmo among the gathered soldiers. "Ilona will be here soon," he told his sisters XO.

    Kat responded with a quick nod.

    "Want to stay here with the men or find a more sheltered place?" Adrian asked. The ship possessed several small quarters for the passengers where they could talk.

    She glanced around, the man who'd she'd encountered earlier was there, Ilona's ex. "Private please, no one else needs to know."

    "So what's going on?" Adrian asked after the two had made their way into one of the small rooms and locked the door behind them.

    Marie wrapped her arms around herself. "I can't explain it, I 'felt' that thing, that Anzat talk to me.....didn't hear it, just felt every word. He called me a 'Nightwitch!'.......Is that supposed to be an insult? Night Sisters are the dark ones on my homeworld, was he implying I'm one of them?" She shivered slightly. "Tried to claim he's not all Darkness, but that's all I get from him." She shook her head. "Not a single word, just feelings that formed words in my mind, it was so creepy."

    "Not all dark?" Adrian laughed almost. "This being whatever he is tries to control our government, threatens our people and is probably involved in gods know many murders claims not to be dark?"

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  19. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Admiral Babo, Corran Horn, Mirax Terrik-Horn, Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Kyp Durron.
    On Board The Ranger.

    The Bothan Admiral had been following the logistics of the Valorum mission when he was interrupted by Adalia, followed by a woman he vaguely recognised, Corran Horn and Kyp Durron, Babo's eyes widened, and he closed down the galactic map instantly, taking a step over to the Jedi Masters

    "Masters Horn and Durron, this is a pleasure," he bared his fangs in a smile. "I was starting to wonder if I wasn't a prisoner here!"

    "Are we about to head to the Corellian rendezvous point, then?" His eyes nudged to Adalia, and the unknown - there was too many names for him to remember, and he hadn't commanded starfighter squadrons directly for years - and then back to Kyp, a hopeful glint to his gaze. "Or perhaps to meet with the rest of the Jedi Council?"

    Adalia leveled her gaze as she held up one hand noting she and Mirax had been ignored by him. "Admiral, you have it all wrong. These men are here merely as friends, nothing more." She glanced at Mirax for reassurance. "Pilots and back up if you will for Mirax and myself."

    Kyp inclined his head slightly. "Or bodyguards. You take your pick. Galaxy has become a dangerous place yet again."

    "True, true," Babo said, hiding his disappointment. "As bodyguards, what do you intend to do about the greater conflict then? I hear the Jedi attempt to... stop? Capture? Assassinate? Colonel Solo has ended poorly."

    "So what do you need of the Confederation to assist? We're on the back-foot again, thanks to Hapan neutrality..." His voice sounded hopeful for a moment. "Would you know anything about that...?"

    The Corellian ambush was looking less relevant by the minute; he opted not to speak further about it for the moment. But if the Corellians did kill Solo... or did swap sides...

    “Really?” Mirax responded. Her tone almost sharp as she heard Admiral Babo’s news regarding Kyle’s team. “How did you come by that so readily?”

    The corner of Corran’s mouth tugged and exchanged a ‘told you so look’ In Kyp’s direction before regarding the Bothan. He flashed an apologetic smile, “As stated by my employer, I am not here as a representative of the Jedi Order and cannot give any statements in that regards. As a former Rogue and CorSec Officer...” he shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine regarding Hapan neutrality.”

    He caught Corran's expression and wondered when he'd been told anything. But when he referred to himself as an employee Kyp was more than amused and decided to follow suit. "My employer has asked I not have an opinion. On anything much really."

    Adalia turned to raise an eyebrow to him, like she could stop him from having an opinion? Turning back she focused on the Admiral. "I'm currently unaware of the situation with the Hapen's and as for the events you're talking about, I know nothing. Where did you get your information, if I may ask?" She could ask the question without raising suspicion.

    "About the Jedi mission?" Babo shrugged. "I am a Bothan, my friends."

    "My reports suggest that two of the Jedi who went along died, and Master Katarn was at very least injured by Solo himself. No Jedi were captured," he eyed Corran. "By your expression I can presume your son was there, or perhaps your daughter, but neither were reported among the dead."

    The Bothan bared his fangs in a wry smile. "Though I imagine the Force would have told you if they were in trouble."

    Of course, he only had second-hand information from his spy network, and he knew no more than the GAG did. Which meant he didn't know anything about Seha, the child Kyp and Corran had escorted to Endor, nor much more than that Katarn's body wasn't accounted for.

    "But it should not surprise you that I have stayed in touch, though I've no interest in this location, which you have kept from me in any instance," Babo shrugged. "But what will it take for the Jedi to step in more forcibly against Solo and his Force using cohorts?"

    Adalia regarded him, she knew the Bothan network was infamous, almost notorious for leaking and finding information. "Can't answer those questions, like I said, they're here for us, no other reason. I would like make a proposal." She pursed her lips. "I don't believe you have been in a command position for sometime, and with that in mind I'd like to suggest a more experienced and decidedly better leader for The Ranger." She glanced to the woman beside her, as this might come as a surprise to her as well, and she wasn't sure Babo was inclined to offer her the position. Not one she wanted nor needed. "Mirax Terrik-Horn." Behind her she felt two reactions.

    He wanted to smile. When she was taking control it was best to stay out of her way. He loved that. Kyp looked down for a brief moment as he considered the options Babo had. He had no intention of attempting to sway the Admiral either way as he knew the woman in front of him better than that. She didn't need help convincing anyone of anything. Looking back he stared at the Bothan intently with no other desire than to reinforce Addie's suggestion.

    Corran inwardly chuckled, almost from disbelief. He had been expecting the suggestion to come but not presented so rapidly. Adalia was straight to the point.

    Mirax did not miss her cue. Hands on her hips, she tilted hear head a fraction and flashed a smile. There was a twinkle in her eyes.

    The Admiral looked at Mirax. "I'm more of a flag officer nowadays, true..." He looked at Kyp, Corran, Adalia and Mirax. "I'd need credentials before I hand over a Confederate asset just like that."

    "Because the Confederation doesn't have a great deal of assets and you're clearly re-interpreting orders worse than an Antilles would," Babo said with a self-depreciating chuckle. "So I'd appreciate some payback for our investment."

    He held up a hand. "Yes, parts of your group protected Eriadu but it's not as if the Eriaduan's couldn't have done that anyway. Solo, Kya, Veila - they're the big threats and all."

    "Credentials? Won't be hard to get." Adalia smiled knowing even if Mirax didn't have them, which she was sure she did, she'd fabricate them. "As for re interpreting orders worse than Wedge, I'll take that as a compliment." She smirked. "Adam's working on something with Briana, and if I know him as I think I do, your investment as you call it, will be paid back well enough." She paused for a moment, putting on this facade was hard work and she was already tired. "As for Eriadu, I have intel coming in constantly, I am, no, WE are very aware of the threats and the actions there. Facing down Solo is not a task to be taken lightly or by anyone here, Jedi or not." She knew there was one who would have to face Jacen if they were to win and he wasn't in this room. "But we will be doing our best to make his life a misery, trust me." She hoped those around her agreed.

    Babo paused, looking to the others for similarly comments, but rather clearly it was all out of his hands. He couldn't steer this show anymore than he wanted to. Perhaps he should have stayed with the Sabaton...

    “Not to mention, Mirax is a daughter of Corellia.” Corran reminded them. “Who else more appropriate than a Corellian to take the helm?”

    “I am not one to ignore sound advice.” Mirax smile evoke warmth. “If I am given command... and if you are interested, Admiral, would you like to be in an Advisory position?”

    Adalia wasn't sure where they were going with this at first, but once she did she smiled with confidence. This was going much better than she expected, well she hoped it would be. "What say you Admiral?"

    Sounds sublime,” Babi demurred. “The sooner we get on, the sooner the war can be over. I have a lot of advice to give, I promise you that.” A softer human-style smile, there.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Corellian_Outrider @The Real Kyp Durron (Thanks for the Collaboration!) @adaml83

  20. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Kyp Durron (as always [face_love])
    On Board The Ranger

    Mirax was off to get her ‘credentials’, that was either find them or create them, Adalia didn’t know for sure but either way she didn’t care as she closed the Admirals door. “I’m heading back to the Dawn for a bit, need the refresher and a rest, then I plan to find Adam, coming?”

    He watched Corran and Mirax turn a corner for answering. “We need to talk.” Kyp said in a low tone.

    Adalia stopped in her tracks sensing this was serious. “Ok…”

    He shook his head. “No.” He gestured for her to follow him.

    Adalia felt a sense of dread in her stomach, it’d been such a long time since he’d been serious and it was never good for her when he was. She followed as he made his way to the Crystal Dawn, stopping at the base of the ramp.

    “After you.” Kyp gestured for her to go ahead.

    “What have I done?” She asked as she cautiously passed him, for some reason guilt was settling in and she had no idea why. Stopping in the common are she turned. “Ok, it’s just us, what’s going on?” She demanded.

    He followed her silently and a part of him was a little amused as to how easy it was for him to discombobulate her. Few could do but he’d always been able too. She was demanding answers now. “I think I deserve an explanation.”

    Now she really was confused. “For what?” Adalia had no idea what he was talking about.

    Kyp soften his expression. He’d tormented her enough. “Relax.” He sat down and patted the seat beside him. “Sit down.”

    Adalia was cautious now, she’d seen his expression and felt the shift. “Having fun?”

    “Always. I’m talking about that night….” He paused, “The night I left. Moreso the reason for it.”

    Adalia frowned for a brief moment before lifting her hand and showing her new rings. “That whole point is moot now, isn’t it?” She wiggled her fingers.


    “What do you mean why?” She asked. “We’re married, that’s what you’ve wanted all along isn’t it?”

    “But why? You’ve made it abundantly clear over the years it was not on your ‘to do’ list. Yet suddenly you asked me? Why?”

    This was a confrontation, and she was cornered with it. Slipping to the side she stood biting her lip as she started to pace. “You know, when we met…it was …” she stopped with her eyes down, “tumultuous at best although it was intoxicating at the same time.” She continued pacing. “It didn’t take me long to know this was it for me. I’d found…’The one.’ “She stopped and looked at him. “I knew then I was going nowhere with no one else, ever again. So, when you asked me, I saw no reason, I saw no need. Call it defiance, call it stubbornness, but I’d made up my mind marriage wasn’t a necessary thing, ever.” She began to pace again, running her fingers through her long hair. “Even when I was …” The words were hard to say, “Pregnant the first time, I really didn’t have time to adjust to the thought before it was gone, over.” She wrapped her arms over her swollen stomach. “This time, I had time to adjust, think.” Spinning back to face him, “My mother.”

    She was talking about herself. This didn’t happen often so he was listening. He was leaning on the table now as he watched her pace. It warmed his heart to hear her say how she’d felt all those years ago. The memories of their first child surfaced and there was a pang of distant loss. Then she said something that was confusing. “Your mother?” Kyp questioned. “I thought she was….”

    Adalia nodded. “Dead, yes she is dead and has been for over 30 years.” She explained. “But she said things, lots of things, but some of them stuck with me.” She put on a posh sounding upper class voice. “A young lady should never have a child out of wedlock else she be seen as wanton and loose.”

    He smirked. He couldn’t help himself. “Well I never met her but I somehow feel I just did. Isn’t that a little ……….outdated?” He knew many worlds had strange customs and beliefs regarding relationships. This wasn’t one he was unfamiliar with. Kyp imagined his own mother would have said something similar. “But I do believe my mother would have agreed.”

    She pursed her lips before sitting back down beside him. “So, you get it? I suddenly realised I was about to do something my mother would have frowned upon.” She reached up and picked up a lock or his hair, twirling it in her fingers gently tugging at it.

    Kyp liked it when she did that to his hair. It tingled. “I get it.” He conceded softly. “Wish you’d given in sooner though. Told me this sooner.” He leaned into her. “You've frustrated me no end over the years.”

    “You know you love it and me.” She said before kissing him.

    It would have been easy to forget the galaxy was at war again. Would have been simple to just let this go where it would eventually go. Kyp knew they couldn’t. He pulled away. “I do. Time and place though Ads. This is neither.” He placed his hand on her cheek. “While we’ve got this moment I have to say something.”

    She sighed. “Here we go again.”

    “Just listen. I have a gut feeling Luke is about to move against Jacen. When he does he’s going to want us behind him. By us I mean the Jedi Masters.” He took her hands in his. “Facing Jacen or dealing with him is not high on my personal list of priorities. You know that. You need to know if something happens to me…..” He stopped to allow those words to sink in. “I will always be with you.”

    Adalia frowned. “That’s …..creepy.” She scowled, “And kinda weird! Please don’t talk like that, the last thing I or he,” She indicated her stomach, “need is a Jedi ghost haunting us! Promise me you’ll not take any stupid risks.”

    “I promise.” He kissed her gently. “Now I need to find Corran. Find out what the Council had to say.” He got up. “I’ll be back later.”

    Adalia watched him leave before sighing loudly wondering if he’d known the whole time, he must have as she did.

    “Ok Emaline, you can come out now.”

    Tag @Sinrebirth @Adalia-Durron @Corellian_Outrider
  21. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: A little, lets get to Corellia bit with @Adalia-Durron

    IC Bernael, Ren, Romulus, Remus, and Ebony
    Conference done, and moving on

    Bernael felt the disquiet in the Dathomiri and chuckled. She had some feeling but she didn't read very well, what she felt. The anger from the one with her he felt well, including that directed at him. Debating the paths to come, he considered the options. Ticking a finger to the Nagai, "Children, you have a choice, stay and guard Rivoche, if she stays or accompany me and show the ones that have doubted you what it means to follow our path."

    Rom looked at Rivoche, then at Rem, shrugged a shoulder at her as if leaving it up to her. She knew it had been years since they had travelled with Dad but an opportunity such as that was not one worth passing up. "We will join you, Father." she said plainly.

    A nod from Bernael, then Renn spoke up, "Hey vampire, and us?" he asked, indicating Ebony. "We coming too or are you leaving us here with Solo wanting to take her head?"

    Bernael chuckled, "Of course you're coming along, as long as Ebony still desires to travel with us."

    "It seems I still have little choice." Ebony was resigned at this point. While Jacen Solo was out there, with Aden Kya, she had no choice. If she wanted to stay alive and that was the ultimate drive behind her current actions.

    "So encouraging, Ebony, come on, you may get a chance to get out from under the ax and then you can run away from us both, pity though, think you're growing on the vampire." Renn chuckled then gestured to the hatch to return to the Fury.

    Bernael caught the byplay, frowning, because he hadn't yet caught what Renn meant. Looking to the Nagai, he nodded, then turned toward the hatch himself. Rom nodded to Rivoche, "If you need us again just call, we shall assist, you are Father's ward, so to speak." A quick gesture to Rem and they silently padded along behind Bernael. Until Rom spoke up, "So, Corellia, Dad?"

    He nodded, then looked at Renn and Ebony, "Unless either of you would prefer one of the other choices we have."

    "Zeltros?" Ebony suggested. "Could use a holiday."

    Renn chuckled, "Hey vampire, how long are you going to maintain your composure if we do that and I get her in a bikini?" he teased.

    Bernael frowned, then his eyes caught her, widened for a moment, then turned back toward the front. He got to the Fury and could hear Rom and Rem chuckling since they could feel what had crossed his mind. He shot them a look, but like any 'child' it only made their chuckles louder.

    Ebony snorted. "When Tattoine Freezes." she muttered.

    Renn moved closer as they reached and ascended the ramp, "What is wrong with him, Ebony?" he whispered.

    Bernael had already passed through the ship and was en route to the bridge so didn't hear the exchange. The Nagai had headed to their usual cabin so, for the moment, it was Renn and Ebony alone in the main lounge.

    Ebony frowned. "You're going to have to be more specific..........I suspect the list is long."

    "What specifically about him makes you think so little about him?" he asked.

    "You want a list?" She asked curiously. "Haven't you ever met someone who just........rubbed you the wrong way?"

    Renn chuckled, "I'm over 4000 years old, what do you think?"

    His face turned serious, "He has that effect on many people, but you see those two who came with? They're the tip of a very, very large iceberg. He rescued them as kids, raised them himself and now they follow in his footsteps and would do whatever he asks. As would the tens of thousands of others like them. Because he isn't the monolithic monster you assume he is." he finished quietly.

    "Yeah, but I'm not an orphan child looking for a father figure. Children often idolize their parents, or whoever raises them." She shrugged as she entered the Fury. "It forms a bond, one I don't have."

    He snorted, "I didn't mean to suggest he be a father figure to you. I was simply giving an example of how he's not what you assume." He paused, looking thoughtful, "Do you know what it is like to have the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders? How decisions you make could result in millions, trillions even living or dying? Now imagine that, day in and day out, all by yourself, no one to confide in, no one truly close to you, what would that do to you?"

    On the bridge, Bernael had the course set for Corellia, to enter deep outsystem, so that they could approach as quietly and as stealthily as possible, given the recent damage.

    Ebony stopped and scowled. "Why does what I think of him mean so much to you? I doubt he cares that much about my approval. As soon as Jacen is gone I will get back to my ship, fix it and be out of yours and his lives. And for the record, how could anyone know what you're asking?"

    "Because he does. And as to it a feeling. Did you happen to see his expression when I teased him and he really did look at you?" he asked. He was right, he had sensed something but this woman, attempting to tease it out of her, was as hard to do as any conversation he'd had. "Just talk to him, I don't care what about, but talk, and you'll see that things may be different from what you expect."

    She sighed loudly. "No, I didn't see his expression, horror?" She snorted. "I don't understand why it's so important, I doubt my words or thoughts are going to help him in any way. You said yourself he's been making galactic decisions for centuries."

    Renn sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, these quick to thought, short lived beings often didn't think further than the end of their own nose. "No, not horror, a sort of surprise at something he felt or saw when he studied you. And not in a bad way. Just please do as I asked and talk to him."

    He moved toward his workshop, "You'd be surprised what you find if you do. Possibly in a good way."

    Ebony gave her head a shake, "if the moment presents itself, I will say hello." It mattered little how Bernael saw her, she didn't see him any other way as a creature than she was a potential meal for when he got hungry.

    And then he disappeared into the workshop, leaving her alone for a few minutes. At which point Bernael came from the bridge, "The other's are in their quarters?" he asked, "Course is laid in to Corellia so we are on our way."

    As she seemed to have something on her mind he shrugged and made his way to the galley, to inform the kitchen droid about the numbers on board now.

    Remus emerged from her cabin, wandering into the main lounge, "Hi, you want privacy?" She asked, then plopped down on the sofa anyway, looking the other woman over, "'re the one distracting Dad."

    "I'm what?" Ebony was standing still and turned to face her in disbelief. "I'm doing nothing of the sort." She shook her head. "What is it with you lot and him, is he a god and I wasn't informed? Am I supposed to be on my knees worshipping his feet?" There was a part of her wishing she was back on her own ship, despite its damage.

    Rem laughed, "No Dad isn't a god but he works for.....well nevermind. But yes you have distracted him. I've never seen him look the way he did at you. Which tells me you're either a threat," suddenly there was a blaster pointed at Ebony's heart, "or something worse, something that could be important to him." The blaster vanished again. "So I came out to figure out which, for Rom's piece of mind.”

    A snort came from the hallway, "Rem, you little sneak, I told you we'd talk to her together." The male nagai wandered in and leaned against the wall, looking at Ebony.

    The blaster reveal did not cause her to move, years of training only caused her eyebrow to raise slightly. "No threat here." She spoke evenly. "And I doubt his head would be turned by a human female." She glanced at the male as he entered. "Got a hidden weapon too or just here to clean up the mess?"

    Rom chuckled, "I have plenty of weapons but this is more of what you might call a friendly conversation. Rem, you see though, is very protective of Dad. There have been those who sought to wile their way into his good graces, to take their place at his side that were....unworthy, shall we say. And she now thinks no one is good enough for him."

    He stood again, moving closer, and propped himself on the holo table. "You see, Nagai can sense things, maybe not from you about Dad, but in this case Dad let slip his defenses for a moment earlier. Probably why the tree talked to you too. I'd agree if he told you to talk to him. Rem....hopefully she'll avoid shooting you just in case, before then."

    Ebony rolled her eyes. "Enough." She stated. "I'm not trying to 'wile my way' anywhere except back to my ship and out of danger! I have no interest in the.....whatever the hell he is and I am NO threat to him or you or anyone. I made a stupid mistake in agreeing to a stupid contract which I broke when I realised I was in over my head. That's put a target on my back and all I want now is to disappear this this civil war or whatever the hell it is, is over." She snapped. "I'm going to my quarters, yes I was assigned some but if rent for it is required, I will pay. Now if you two will excuse me?" She didn't wait for an answer as she left the common area for her quarters.

    Bernael appeared from thin air, "Congratulations you two, and Renn for that matter, she is decent. I didn't hear all of it but now there is going to be even more discord in the air of my ship. Which is not what we need when we are about to go into battle. I do appreciate the concern you both have but I've lived long enough to know that no one will ever see me in the light you have described, Rom."

    He then made his way through the common area and disappeared into his quarters.

    Rom turned to Rem, "Well that went well. Let's just hope she does talk to Dad."

    They headed for their own quarters, Rem's last words echoing before they disappeared from sight, "I'll flay her alive if she hurts Dad."

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  22. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Emaline, Rooty, Jay, Erbas, Jem, Jesse, Adalia
    Hangar Deck - The Ranger

    “I wasn’t spying or anything like that!” Emaline protested urgently.

    Adalia smiled. “I know that. You know we both knew you were there.”

    Emaline gave her a quizzical look. “I was hidden, I made sure you couldn’t see me and I was so quiet!”

    Another smile. “There are other ways to find people when you have the knowledge.” She winked. “Did you want to find Jem now?”

    Emaline bit her lip and gave a brief nod. This all was a whole new world to the young woman, she’d never been off world till now and here she was on a battleship, about to go to war. She was partially excited but more frightened. She’d never dreamed she’d be fighting in the war. She followed the older woman off the ship and toward the waiting pilots who’d gathered to talk about what would come next but mostly to catch up. They all knew the journey ahead would be filled with Simulations orchestrated by Adam to teach them to be a team and to think outside the box. Some of them had done this with him before, but they all needed a refresher course.

    “Jem, got a delivery for you.” Adalia called out.

    Jem had been deep in conversation with Erbas and turned to see Emaline with Adalia, he gave a warm smile. “You sick of her already?” He asked with amusement.

    “Yeah, she’s so quiet she keeps sneaking up on me.”

    “I do not! I didn’t mean to over hear you and....….”

    “Relax Em, she’s teasing you.” Jem reassured her. “You’ll get used to it.” He slipped his arm around her before addressing his sister. “So what next?”

    “I’m going to see Adam, but if I know him you lot are in for a world of hurt with the Sims.”

    Erbas shook his head. “I knew it…….he’s gonna make this hell for us, isn’t he?”

    Adalia folded her arms. “What? War isn’t hell now, just Adam’s simulations?”

    “She’s right. War’s hell.” Jesse had been silent for some time, since the wedding to precise. “Jacen Solo needs to be stopped though. This is all starting to feel like a Rebellion.”

    Rooty had been listening. “It does you know, he’s right.”

    Adalia sighed and bit her lip as she formed the words. “Look, I am not telling anyone here to do or be part of anything they don’t want too. Your ships are on Hawkbat, if you want out, now is the time. I won’t be judging anyone, nor will Adam. You want to go, I can arrange a shuttle back right now, but it has to be now as we are close to leaving. Seriously, this is not your war, well not all of you, and I will understand and will not hold it against you. You all know what’s at stake. So, tell me now, so we don’t waste anyone’s time.” She’d looked at each pilot individually while making this speech and she meant every word.

    Rooty glanced at Jay, who looked to Jem, who shot a look to Erbas. These four had fought together before, the look on their faces told Adalia they’d do it again. “We’re in.” Rooty stated.

    Jesse felt he’d possibly made the wrong decision in following Adalia, but what was done was done and there was no point in playing coward now. “I’m in.”

    “Is Sweets coming back?” Jay asked, trying to find out if Marie would be with them.

    Adalia nodded. “She’s coming, with Adrian I think, and I hope there will be enough of you, ten maybe. Not a full team but I know you will be able to work together and make this count.” She turned to the newest pilot, Loriana, "How about you? You can go, no one will think less of you."

    Rooty looked to her, he didn't want to pressure the woman but he did want her to stay.

    TAG @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Sinrebirth @adaml83 @Corellian_Outrider @The Real Kyp Durron
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    The blend of cohesiveness and snark was fascinating and exhilarating to Loriana. Felt like a family who happened to work together. She smiled. "I'm in with you all for this mission; I know already I can trust you all and think we'll all make a point to make a difference that really counts." Tip the balance until things topple.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  24. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Rooty Aran, Jesse Coulson, Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Hangar Deck - The Ranger

    Adalia gave a nod and unfolded her arms. "Good, the deck officer will assign you quarters...." She gave a nod to Rooty, more out of habit.

    Rooty smiled before turning to Jesse. "Ok Boss, what next?" For a while Rooty had been thinking that Jesse actually outranked them all aside from Adalia and Adam. It was time he took that position.

    Jesse was taken aback and glanced from Adalia to Rooty, he was a little confused. "Who me?"

    Rooty nodded. "You out rank us all, it's your call."

    Jesse noted a nod and smile of agreeance from Adalia. "Ok then, let's get to our quarters, get cleaned up, find the mess hall and get fed. I have a feeling we're going to need the sustenance." It was good to be back in Command, even if it was only temporarily, it would take his mind off his thoughts. He really did believe they'd be worked hard in the coming hours.

    Rooty was pleased, not only had he made the right call regarding Jesse, but Loriana was coming with them. Turning to her he extended his elbow. "May I help you get your gear from your ship and escort you to your quarters?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
  25. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    [Hangar Deck, The Ranger]

    Loriana was totally in agreement with getting settled, cleaned up, and getting a meal. The day's activities had left her ravenous.

    "May I help you get your gear from your ship and escort you to your quarters?" Rooty Aran asked with a lopsided grin.
    Oh, Lori thought, that grin could be distracting and devastating ... warm and sincere as it no doubt was, with a hint of boyish roguishenss.

    Loriana replied: "Thank you. I think I can manage from here. I'll see you guys at mealtime."

    She wanted to look over the Sims section before they met up for any sort of briefing.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha