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Star Wars Legacy of the Force: The Last Stand

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , May 4, 2019.

  1. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic Corran Horn, Kyp Durron (gratitude to @Corellian_Outrider )
    Location: The Ranger - Hangar Deck

    It didn’t take long for Mirax to have her credentials looked over and her command awarded. Back on the Pulsar Skate, Corran received fortunate news. He left to find Kyp, post haste to inform him of what Cilghal had said.

    He reached the Pulsar Skate as Corran was disembarking and listened to the message he delivered. "So it's back to Endor?" Kyp mused. "If Valin is taking Kyle there and Luke's there with Cilghal." He paused. "There's little for us to do." He shrugged. "They can do more." He frowned. "Do we have to go now? Before they jump to Corellia?"

    “It seems that way.” Corran said.

    "So why now?" He glanced around the hangar deck. "I think we could be needed here." He was clutching at straws as he didn't really want to leave her again. Not her current condition and not with the threats they were both about to face.

    “I don’t know. All we be are bodyguards to some very capable hands. We might be a distraction for others looking to us, expecting us to be a two-person army and wave the enemy away with a gesture when we cannot fight a war for them. Besides, I am getting some sense of unease... at the edge of my mind...” Corran shook his head. “it’s hard to explain...’

    Kyp gave a slow nod as he put his hands on his hips. "Me too. Been trying to ignore it. I guess I can't keep doing that." He turned as his senses picked her up. She was heading toward the pilots and he watched for a moment. Even in her condition she exuded confidence in her stride and emotions. “Time to go.” He faced Corran again. “The ladies have this.”

    “It doesn’t make it any easier but we have to trust in our counterparts as they trust in us that they’ll come back... and we to them.”

    Tag No one
  2. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic Kyp Durron, Corran Horn
    Approach to Endor

    Leaving her hadn't been easy. It never really was he'd decided. No one knew what was coming next although the Force had hinted something big was coming. This time was a little harder knowing what she was facing in her condition. Knowing what he was probably having to face too. He'd not told Adalia but had a bad feeling with no idea why. He hoped Luke had come to his senses as his inaction was having an adverse affect on the Jedi as a whole. Kyp understood Luke's reaction to the loss of Mara as it had hit those not as close hard. The pain for Luke would run so very much deeper. What he did with that pain was the next question.

    Cilghal had reported Valin had arrived not long before them and that Kyle was barely alive. He knew that the man was a fighter but felt this was a hard fought battle to be won. Kyp felt he'd left one mess only to find another less straight forward one. The way the galaxy was going right now that was to be expected he decided.

    "Welcome home Squirt. Well home for what its worth." He muttered to Adalia's little droid. He'd agreed with his now wife in the idea that the droid would be more beneficial to him at this point. A series of warbles reassured him that things were under control here at least. "Let's see what the Grand Master has in mind."

    As he approached the landing pad Kyp's com opened. “I bet you didn’t expect to spend your wedding night with me.”

    He groaned outwardly. "I can think of better ways to spend it." He retorted.

    “Don’t worry Kyp, I didn’t expect to spend it with you either. Surprise!”

    He couldn't help but smile. "I would hope not."

    “At least you’re had a trial run a few months ago to tide you over till when you both get a chance.”

    He frowned. "This is getting uncomfortable. I think enough has been said about my private activities."

    “I understand. As soon as this... ‘charity calendar’ is launched and done, the sooner you both can enjoy a honeymoon.”

    Kyp snorted. "You mean fatherhood."

    “The more, the merrier...?” Corran offered. “A family vacation... someplace secluded.”

    He brought his Stealth X Wing into position to lower it to the pad. "She wants to go home. When this war is over we're heading to Akrian." It was her home and it made sense to take their first child to a solid home. His ship touched down. "Now let's find out what awaits us here."

    Tag @Sinrebirth @Corellian_Outrider
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Aden Kya
    Coruscant, cell

    The attack on Commenor was denounced unauthorised, and so Aden was arrested, but he noted that his name was kept from the HoloNet news. He was a simple 'Third Fleet commander'. Nothing more, and nothing less. He was less than nothing,

    In short order, his squadrons withdrew, and he was transported to the Anakin Solo, manacled, and blindfolded, and he awaited his fate. Jacen Solo dismissed the GAG officers, of course, sweeping into the room. A hand blanked the cameras, and the man looked at Aden with an appraising gaze.

    "You've essentially knocked Commenor out of the war, and you did so by breaking every single law about warfare."

    Aden simply dropped to one knee, baring his neck.

    Jacen snorted.

    "Rise, Darth Insipid."

    His eyes widened.

    Jacen knew.

    He knew.

    "My lord?" He said, uncertainly, but recognising the truth of what stood before him. The rumours about Jacen and Lumiya - the way that Jacen had groomed Ben Skywalker, and broke Tahiri Veila -

    A newly anointed Master, seeking an apprentice.

    "You may address me in secret as Darth Caedus."

    Aden's coughed, terrified, in some ways.

    A Dark Lord of the Sith.

    "We shall put you in command of a new squadron, and you can lead them in pursuit of what truly needs to be done."

    "My lord?" Aden said, his eyes searching.

    "You were right, for once. Her allies gather at Eriadu, and even now head to Corellia. I have a GAG agent among their numbers, which includes rogue Force users, Adumari squadrons, and more - together, they could bridge the gap between the Jedi and the Confederates."


    "Adalia Tehanis needs to die, my friend. Kill her, and you shall have earned your place as my Sith apprentice; the successor of all the Sith since Darth Bane."

    Aden's eyes could not widen anymore, and then, with a glow of yellow to them, he bowed again.

    "It will be done, my lord."

    TAG: No-One
    IC: White Eyes


    There was plenty of business to attend to. A Dark Jedi by the name of Alema Rar had been interfering in all manner of plan, as frustratingly as this Bernael, as maddening as Insipid, and as difficult to resolve as Adalia Tehanis.

    White Eyes - Darth Sidious - he stood, his last clone body, his prison, swaying slightly.

    In the shadows of the room he slept; Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the One Sith. It was his origins as a former Jedi that made him more useful in stasis as alive; by vanishing into the Force he could experience the truth more than Palpatine ever could.


    Thus Palpatine's old Grand Vizier, Mas Amedda, was also Darth Wyyrlok, the old Chagrian respecting the fallen Jedi who had removed one of his horns in a one-sided battle, and was now tasked with being the Voice of Krayt as he slumbered.

    In the nameless guise of White Eyes, Sidious was hidden from the Force, for he did not exist, the only distinguishing feature being the milky-pale eyes he had. "Speak."

    Power acted like a claw, driving into Wyyrlok's mind, and his eyes glassed over, suddenly one yellow, one blue.

    "Adrian Malek."

    A rumble; annoyance.

    "So be it."

    TAG: No-One, @Anedon (mentioned)
    IC: Admiral

    Corellia, arriving

    They were two forces, arriving for various reasons, flying their personal ships, small warships, carriers, and so forth. Jumping from Hawkbat or Eriadu to Corellia meant they arrived at roughly the same time, notwithstanding hyperlanes for many of them threaded GA territory and they would have to stage through various jumps either way.

    And when they did, they would be surprised to see that Galactic Alliance warships and starfighters were here - launching a raid. Center to it all was the battle carrier that they had recovered from Kuat - the Dodonna, a modern Star Destroyer-design, with as much firepower as all of them put-together, and ten squadrons of E-wings in its hangars.

    As the Valorum, the Victory-class Star Destroyer, their carrier, their frigate, and the two Carrack-class cruisers arrived, those ten squadrons boiled out of their hangars and divided themselves.

    Of those arriving from Hawkbat, they were faced by three squadrons of E-wings, some thirty-six fighters, which rushed forward to engage them. Adam, Erbas, Rooty, Jem, Jay, Jesse, Loriana - all here, regrouping after a swift change-over to the Ranger. They had to launch, and quick -

    The other seven squadrons launched for the Eriaduan arrivals. The Malek family, the twinned Nagai, Renn, Bernael, Ebony - back in her own ship, for the Serennians had sent it to Eriadu with a desire to be left alone - Welmo, keeping his distance, the Adumari and Trec's carrier, the Warrior -

    The larger warships had enough guns to hold the Dodonna even, but this was a battle all about what they had done for the GA before they had left.

    It was almost entirely a starfighter free-for-all, while the other vessels raiding Corellia engaged the battered Confederate defences.

    This rendezvous had became one more battle to move forward their lives -

    Together, they would decide on the turning point of the war, yes, but only if they survived.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @darthbernael, @adaml83
    IC: Ben Skywalker - Interlude, from Legacy of the Force: Fury
    Endor base

    Ben watched his father for a minute. Luke sat perfectly still, expressionless, blinking less often than was normal for a man who was awake. He had to be aware of Ben’s movements and scrutiny, but he did not react.

    Ben knew why. His father had been so solicitous of him in the days since his rescue from the Anakin Solo that Ben had begun snapping at him. The realization made Ben wince inside. Pain, self-consciousness, a pervasive feeling of betrayal from Jacen’s torture of him, and, for all he knew, teenage hormones everybody talked about all the time and made him twitchy and angry.

    Ben felt he had plenty of reasons to be twitchy and angry, reasons that went beyond the torture he had experienced. He suspected – he knew, deep down – that it had been Jacen, not Alema Rar, who had killed his mother. And in all the universe, he seemed to be the only one who recognized that fact. It was hard to be the one person keeping alive a thought that big.

    But his father didn’t deserve his anger. Maybe Ben couldn’t stop himself from being that way, but he could at least recognize that it wasn’t his father’s fault.

    Ben spent a few moments juggling words in his head, then moved over to sit beside his father – facing him, but in the same pose. The posture made his joints ache. The medics had said that he would ache for weeks after what Jacen had done to him.

    “You sent Valin Horn off on a mission.”

    “Yes, I did.”

    “Even though he’s the son of an old friend.”

    “I have to forget about that sort of thing when deciding who to send off on missions. If I don’t, I’ll compromise the ethics of the Order, and the trust the Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights have in me. I might even cause the downfall of the Order.”

    “Would you send me off on a mission where I might be killed?”

    “You’ve been on missions like that. Centerpoint.”

    “Yeah… with Jacen. You were actually sending Jacen, not me. Would you send me, as a Jedi Knight.”

    “When you’re a Jedi Knight. You’ve only just been appointed as my apprentice.”

    Ben took a deep breath. “If you could kill Jacen or save Valin from going to the dark side, which would you choice.”

    Luke didn’t answer.

    Ben fell silent. If he started talking again, his father could ignore the question. But Ben very much wanted to hear the answer.

    “Ben, I would kill Jacen.”

    “So you gave me special consideration you wouldn’t give Valin.”

    “Yes.” Luke lowered his gaze to his hands which rested in his lap. “Speaking as the Grand Master… I shouldn’t have.”

    “It makes me…” Ben choked up and stopped. He spent a few moments regaining control of his voice. “It makes me partly to blame that he’s still out there.”

    “No, it doesn’t.”

    “Yes, it does. And I’m not saying anything except… I don’t want any special treatment. Not anymore. Not when there’s anything important riding on it.”

    Luke nodded. “You’re right.” He gave Ben a sidelong look. “You realize what a concession that is for me to give. How hard it is for me, as your father, to do it.”


    “I want a concession from you.”

    “What is it?”

    “If you’re ever in the same position you were on the Anakin Solo, with Jacen at your mercy, you take your shot only if you can do it without hate. No kidding yourself, no logical gymnastics. Without hate.”

    “Deal.” Ben extended his hand.

    Luke shook it. “Kyp’s coming.” He glanced over his shoulder.

    Ben felt a little pulse in the Force and heard a click from the button on the doorjamb. The door slid open, revealing Kyp Durron in the act of reaching for the chime button outside.

    Kyp stepped in. “Grand Master. Apprentice Skywalker.” He held up the datapad in his other hand. “I have news.”

    Luke rose. “From Coruscant?”


    Luke moved to a table and sat, gesturing for Kyp to take the seat opposite. “Let’s hear it.”

    Kyp paused, glancing at Ben.

    Ben stood, too. “I’ll go. I need to arrange to be moved into the apprentice dormitory.”

    Luke shook his head. “You staying here is not special treatment. You’re my apprentice until and unless I decide to reassign you. Kyp, he can stay for this. He’s full of insights today.”

    Kyp shrugged and sat. Ben took a stuffed chair next to the table.

    Kyp’s voice became more sober. “The mission group reports partial success. Colonel Solo remains at large. Master Katarn was badly injured but has been successfully taken to a safe house. Jedi Mithric lost his life. The others are with Katarn. The droid-piloted shuttle did not get off the ground after its landing. The surviving team members did successfully evacuate through it into the undercity, but since it never got airborne, traces of their escape route were detected. We can anticipate that the undercity will not be a viable approach in the future.”

    Luke took in the news, shaking his head over Mithric’s death. “And the package.”

    “The package is on Colonel Solo.”

    Ben frowned, puzzled. “What’s the package?”

    “A tracer.” Luke outlined a square about five centimeters across on the table surface. “About so big. Black cloth. As long as it remains on Jacen, we can accurately plot where he is, get a better sense of his movements.”

    Ben considered that. “So… you were sure that the mission you sent Valin on would fail.”

    Kyp nodded. “The ambush portion of it, yes. Once I realized we couldn’t mount a successful grab-or-terminate mission against Jacen without being able to control the place and time, I decided that it should be as realistic as possible… but also that it would serve chiefly to set up future operations. Ones that have a chance of succeeding.”

    “Did the team members know?”

    Luke shook his head. “Only Master Katarn. We couldn’t risk any of the others being captured and tortured into confessing. I was certain Kyle would be able to escape – or die before being broken.”

    Kyp caught Ben’s eye. “So. Insights?”

    “Just that he’ll try to punish the Jedi now. He may have called them cowards and stuff in the holonews before, but he didn’t do anything that would make it impossible for you to go crawling back to him. Attacking him like this probably made it clear you’re not going back. He’ll discredit the Jedi every chance he gets and hunt with whatever resources he can.”

    Luke nodded. “We need to improve our resources, too. I think it’s time to call Wedge Antilles. Booster Terrik. Talon Karrde. See what kind of surprises we can arrange for Jacen. It’s time to come up with some new plans.”

    Kyp smiled at him. “Welcome back.”

    But there was a look in Luke’s eye, a distant worry, that told Ben that his father was not truly back, not truly recovered…

    Not yet.

    Outside the room, medical bay, Endor base

    Master Cilghal regarded Master Katarn’s slowly breathing form with concern, but he was stable, notwithstanding the hole running through him from Jacen’s blade. Her former apprentice, Tekli, a Jedi Knight in her own right, assisted silently. The Mon Calamari medic checked the instruments one more time, and looked to Valin, who was pensive.

    “He’ll be fine.”

    Valin’s worry deflated, and he sagged. Cilghal eyed the young man, and nodded to him. “Your father is outside.”

    “I know, but Master Katarn is my responsibility.”

    “Not quite,” Cilghal said softly. “You did incredibly well in the circumstances; against an incredibly powerful Force user. Master Katarn will be fine,” she repeated.

    “But Mithric is dead.”

    She paused, and gestured the door to the medbay open to Corran, who had also just returned from the frontline. Kyp’s marriage wasn’t a topic which had came up in conversation on Endor yet, and Kyp had been whisked away with the update for the Grandmaster.

    For all Valin knew, Kyp felt guilty sending Valin into danger.

    TAG: @Corellian_Outrider, @The Real Kyp Durron
  4. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Bernael, Ren, Romulus, and Remus
    Arriving at Corellia

    Ebony had departed, as quickly as she’d arrived. Bernael had smiled, slightly, at the sense of relief she’d evinced as she’d departed the Fury, thankful they’d saved her but not part of the ‘family’ as it were so glad to be away from him, at least.

    As they had transited hyper he and the other three had labored hard and long on the stealth system. They’d had to cobble together some parts, remake others, or engineer new ones, because he knew, in this battle, he’d need that extra edge. The astromechs had repaired much of the damage the Sith had caused to the outer portion of the ship as they flew, so the Fury was a solid 90% now, good enough to deal with what he thought was coming.

    He’d received a sense that things were going to be even more hectic, that there were deeper threats that would occur in the battle, so he’d briefed the others, let them know they would take an outer cover position, one that would allow them to quickly make an assessment and dive into the battle where it was needed before returning to a hidden position. The Nagai were given weapons duty, controlling the turrets and missile batteries. Renn was to use his Force powers as needed, and be their mechanic, any damage and he’d work with, direct the mechs to repair it as swiftly as possible. And he’d be the one searching for the biggest threats to subdue them swiftly.

    Before emergence, they had tested, fixed faults, and tested the stealth again. It would hold but Bernael was sure Renn would be cursing constantly as he made sure it, and other systems, stayed functional. And then the racing starfield of hyper resolved into the view of a system. A system already at war. ”Activate stealth, activate shields, launch drones.” he snapped out.

    The IFF codes of the ships and fighters before him identified them as GA ships already launching an assault upon Corellia. Around him others began to spring into view. Those had to be the fleet coming to hold off their opponents but, unsurprisingly, they were outnumbered already. Advising the pilot AI he had the Fury head system north, above the ecliptic. From that view he had a good view of the battle unfolding.

    Reaching into the bond he shared with Adalia, ’Partner, I am here, but hidden, advise those in command not to consider my craft an asset for direct assault, but I will take part as and where needed.’ He didn’t bother warning her that he felt something important would happen here because it would take her focus from the battle.

    Capital ships fired upon each other and upon rival fightercraft, fighters sped through the maze of the larger ships as they fought each other and tried to open lanes for the bombers to reach their targets. It was an enormous melee and often it was hard to tell friend from foe. Dropping delayed launch pods as he flew around and above the battle, he set their targeting systems to target the Dodanna, it’s shield generators, and other vital but exposed systems.

    Rom and Rem stayed in close communication with the pods as they deployed, shifting each after firing a missile or two at the craft, but also targeting smaller ships as they drifted through the targeting arrays. With the pods scattered across the orbit, they could afford losing many of them, but still used them sparingly, only when they had an obvious shot that stood a high probability of connecting.

    Renn raced back and forth through the engine room, checking the readouts, making sure the ship was running well. So far they had not run into trouble but, given what Bernael had said may be to come, they were going to find themselves in the thick of it very soon.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83
  5. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Ebony Leong
    On board Thunderchild

    She had her ship back and it felt so good. She had no idea why or who Bernael had managed to arrange it, but she was in the cockpit of The Thunderchild and it was her home. Looking out of her viewport she watched with interest as the mini fleet jumped out of system into hyperspace. She knew where they were going but this wasn't her fight. In fact getting closer to the man who had put a Death mark on her was not her perception of a good idea. Letting out a sigh she began to fire up Thunderchilds engine, glancing periodically at the empty space where the ships had been, the words Ren has spoken echoing in her ears. 'Talk to him, give him a chance' She'd not done that, maybe that was the mistake she'd made? He'd gotten her ship back and repaid to a high standard she'd noted. Maybe he wasn't all that bad? It wasn't like her to believe tales and rumours yet here she was doing just that.

    Putting her hands on the controls she gently nudged the ship to port and turned away, she knew where she could hide this this mess was over. That was the best she could do if she wanted to stay alive, both Aden Kya and Jacen Solo wanted her dead for not completing her mission. Ebony wasn't stupid, Bernael she'd realised was way beyond her pay range. It was time to lay low till this was over.

    TAG No one.
  6. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Adam Lyons, Briana Odan

    Adam and Briana were in a room onboard Ranger both of them were at terminals doing their own things. Adam received a notice from the bridge, and looked over at Briana, “HQ, what are you doing?”

    I need to keep an eye out for a bet…” Wraith bets were pretty well known among some circles, which caused Adam to grin, “How’d you know?

    Adam shook his head, “Bridge officer told me, you know they’d just patch you the feed… and..”

    Briana smirked, “They know we’re friends, and they know your approach, the Admiral’s approach…” she waved all the reasons down, “This is more fun, but that’s good to know.” she sighed, “Stealth am I losing touch on this?

    Adam shrugged, “HQ, I don’t know. You’re a computer expert by necessity, but not really a slicer and the Adumari are very good at this.” he rolled his chair over to where she was, “So what are the bets on Babo?

    Briana grinned, “I bet spaced, Tyria bets partners of some sort. There are some other random ones…

    Adam chuckled, “You know Tyria’s history with all this…

    Yep, maybe once in a little over 30 years, she could be wrong…

    Adam shook his head, “You really don’t understand the Force….

    Briana waved her fingers, “Ooooh, that magic stuff again.

    He raised an eyebrow, “It saved your life...mine and Swift’s as well. At least once.

    I know…Briana looked at the meeting breaking up, “Oh come on! I thought they’d at least beat him up a bit…

    TAG: No-one


    IC: Trec ke Mattino

    The previous several hours had gone by in a blur, both Kael and Briana were now on the Warrior, flying as two parts of a K-wing crew on one of the spare K-wings. Trec was quick to accept when they expressed their desire to blow something up and saw their skills in the simulators. The rest of the members of the wing had trained in the tactics and were ready to go.

    Now his all fighters from the Warrior were deployed, slightly more than four squadrons worth, along with the veteran volunteer squadron from the Ranger and the two from the Valorum, it was going to be interesting. Trec sent a brief message over to Adam’s starfighter, “Warspite?Trec received a comm click in confirmation.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, anyone in the battle
  7. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    ~OOC~ Special thanks to @Adalia-Durron for this joint venture :)

    ~IC~ Mirax Terrik Horn + Adalia Durron

    It was difficult seeing Corran and Kyp leave. Mirax wanted nothing more than to race back with them... to be there for her son. Her sense of duty outweighed her desire and she knew Adalia needed her here. The Ranger...

    The ship was a puzzling gift, especially with the underlying reasons as to how and why they have been given it. There are suspicions as to the true nature of it and she dare not let down her guard. There was a lot to do and yet so little time.

    For now, the Pulsar Skate was her sanctuary, an island located in hostile seas.

    "Mirax?" Adalia called from the up ramp, not wanting to board without permission. She'd learnt a long time ago that permission should always be asked as it can end badly otherwise.

    “Permission to come aboard is granted.” Mirax called out. She was situated by the holopad.

    Walking up Adalia began to sense where to find her friend and it didn't take her long.
    "Need help?" She offered as she entered the area. The Pulsar Skate wasn't as fancy as the Crystal Dawn, but it certainly was comfortable.

    Mirax managed a smile. “Maybe a moment to centre myself but I can always use company of good friends.”

    She smiled and gestured to the nearby lounge seat. "May I?"

    Mirax nodded, “Of course.”

    Sitting she sighed softly, the baby had been very restless since its father, her husband had left. She smiled slightly at that thought, she'd never dreamed she'd ever be married.

    Mirax caught the glint of light from the wedding band on Adalia’s hand. She smiled and leaned close.
    “How does it feel?” She asked, pointing to her own wedding band. “It certainly sparkles under the lights.”

    Another smile as she lifted her hand to admire the gemstones. "Feels weird. I was never going to do this, didn't think it was necessary." She gave her head a shake. "Curse my mother!"

    Mirax couldn’t help but laugh. She crinkled her nose and flashed a grin. “It was worth it though. You made a stunning bride annnnnd... I know you’ll make a wonderful mother.”

    "Time will tell......" She paused, "I have to be honest, I'm not keen on what ever Luke is planning. I have so much more at stake now.......well I always have had, but ..." She placed her hand on the squirming form in her belly, "more so now."

    Mirax pursed her lips and nodded in agreement. “It’s never easy and there will always be obstacles. There’s a part of me that cannot believe we got through the Yuuzhan Vong invasion with our families intact... It was difficult sending our children away and the brief time we together afterwards was beautiful. Its a shame they grow up so fast and for this fragile peace to shatter the way it has.” She glanced down to her lap. “Luke has been through some trauma...” she started, biting her bottom lip as she thought of the right words to use but then shrugged. “...I have to trust in hope... while doing what we do best to ensure things goes our way.”

    "I know that." Adalia conceded, "With the Jedi its all about sacrifice and duty. He's had to make a huge one, but.." she looked to the ceiling for a brief moment, "I'm not a Jedi, and I am not willing to sacrifice in the name of duty, or honour or whatever to be honest. When I escaped The Ocean, Jacen and Aden, I just wanted to get away from their nightmare......." She looked to Mirax, "Jacen hurt me Mirax, hurt me deeply and not just physically. I know what he is capable of and now someone who's hated me for 12 or so years is with him. I wanted to fight before, but now I am starting to question?" She gently rubbed her stomach, "Part of me wants to go home....but they'd find me there." He voice trailed off. "Tell me we are going to make a difference."

    “Jacen will get what is coming to him. Mark my words.” Mirax reached across to take Adalia’s hand. Giving an assuring squeeze. “We are making a difference and we are fighting for a better future... and I know it’s not the same but you always have a home with us. Family sticks together.”

    Adalia smirked. "Wow, that would be ..........interesting." She sighed loudly. "He said he might not come back." She confessed.

    Mirax tilted her head. “He, who?”

    Adalia frowned. "Aden!" She rolled her eyes, "Kyp! Who do you think? He didn't actually say it but...implied it. I'm not stupid, I brushed it off....but...." She wrapped her arms around her body, "Maybe he saw something I didn't or haven't? I'm not ready for that, I don't............I can't....... not yet."

    “Kyp will be back. He is a survivor, just like Corran.” Mirax shifted closer. “I’ll let you in on a secret. The future is never set in stone, no fate but what we make. I’ve been told that these visions the Jedi have are dreams that can be interpreted in numerous ways, depending on the individual And their point of view... Corran explained it in a more convoluted manner. Bottom line, Kyp will do what he thinks he should do to protect you. Sometimes the thinking can be afflicted by thick-headedness, details are overlooked or disregarded and some sense needs to be knocked into them.”

    Adalia laughed. "Oh I've done that myself a few times over the years. I know how they work, I've had them....still." She shrugged. "Anyway, enough of my hormonal melancholy. What's our next move? I think Adam's started the pilots on Sims, but does the Captain have a plan?"

    Mirax paused and sat up more so. “Well... to be honest, I feel unease with the ship. The way things had been arranged for us to have it. My gut tells me that something ticking is under the hood that might make our day miserable when it goes off. I would like to have some of my own consultants aboard to check things out. I have contacted a few trusty ones and can arrange a rendezvous.” She clasped her hands together and stretch her arms. “That’s the long term plan and they can get to us at the next waypoint... as for the upcoming battle... we are operating with a mixed group. I’d like to run some drills to gauge their performance. See if they can all work together more harmoniously.”

    Adalia understood but had to have her say. "You can trust mine, even the new one's. I only choose the best." She stated. "Test away, they won't fail." She added with confidence.

    “Thank you, I feel better hearing your endorsement. You know them better than I.” Mirax smiled.

    She snorted softly. "Some I know too well, just keep them clear of any free Corellian Ale!"

    Mirax chuckled. “Duly noted. We have to turn a profit on this venture one way or another.”

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @adaml83
  8. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Rockin' fun combo with @Adalia-Durron :cool:

    Rooty pulled hard to port. "On me Lori" he snapped, hoping she'd follow. The simulations are harder than he recalled from his past, but then Adam had learned so much more about ships and their capabilities. Right now a wing of E Wings were coming at them and without the knowledge of what the others were doing, this was his call. That'd been part of the plan he'd realised quickly, they were going to be in the dark as to what the other members of the newly formed Sabers would be doing. A team building exercise maybe? Didn't matter. "We're going down and under! Copy?"

    These sims looked to be challenging and realistic, Loriana thought.

    Lori commented to RubiJay: "These starfighters have juiced up R7 astromechs. Stay sharp!"

    Rubi's reply scrolled across her display: "Nothing I cannot handle."

    Lori chuckled and followed Rooty's trajectory. "Stay on him like a mynock, Rubi." She said, locking her weapons on staggered fire and ramping the shields to full.

    Looping under the E Wings he noted as they jointly turned to chase. "That's weird" he mused out loud knowing normally they'd split and take them on head to head. Granted by going at speed under the formation they'd ruled that out, but the fact they were moving as one confused Rooty. "What do you make of this Lori?" He'd taken to calling her that as a term of endearment, hoping she'd notice.

    Loriana answered: "The E-wings probably would like it if they could isolate us and pick us off. My thinking is I want to make use of our combined firepower in sync and then at the moment you judge best to peel off in separate directions and go on the offensive, when you think it'll have the most benefit."

    What Loriana didn't feel it necessary to add was that sims were also meant to throw all the most menacing scenarios to test the quick thinking of the ones running through them. Lori was prepared to 'wing it' but she also wanted to work at being part of a team until it became more automatic than anything else. Teamwork would heighten their survivability immeasurably.

    Rooty glanced over, a wry smile on his face. "Just like the old days." he muttered watching Loriana, "Almost." He opened his com, "Ok, I think they're buying it, ..." He paused. "They just split, three/two! I'll take the three, the other two are all yours." He suggested, "Going 180 and over."

    Lori moved in between the two E-wings, giving them full barrage of fire and then looped under and out so that their returning salvos landed on each other's shields and not hers. She continued on a forward trajectory moving out of targeting range of any pursuers

    Coming back around hard, Rooty now faced three E Wings, but he had something they didn't have, sheer dumb luck! He'd always been able to pull off the impossible in the past and he hoped his infamous 'luck' was still with him. "Ok, let's dance." he muttered pulling his yoke hard to port, putting himself into a spin and pulling the trigger to fire as he went. The E Wings were in a triangular formation and he knew just going one direction was not going to do it, so he began to jink the ship in unpredictable directions while in motion. He was taking fire, but mostly missing it and as he neared one of the E Wings exploded. "One done." he hissed through gritted teeth, the middle ship was taking hits now and dipping he saw the starboard ship pull off as its wing mate's wing blew off making it spiral down. Correcting his own spin to a stop he pulled around again, his head still swirling. "Lori, sit rep?" he asked over the com.

    "Great targeting. Need me to help or stand down?" Lori asked.

    "Take it out Lori" he grinned, his head was still adjusting and was more than happy to let her take it.

    Lori swooped back around and sent a blast of green laser fire into the nearest E-wing. It spunt down and out.

    "WOO HOO!!" Rooty called just as the screens went blank and the canopy popped open, slowly rising. "We did it!! What a team!?" He turned to face Loriana in the Simulator beside him. He glanced to the other side to see the others having completed their simulations, and was very satisfied.

    Loriana smiled back, feeling a surge of satisfaction. "Challenging sims ... works up an appetite." she commented. "I'm ready for some nerf burgers."

    He turned back and raised an eyebrow. "Its a date?" he queried.

    Loriana smirked. "If you want it to be." She answered and winked.

    He shot her a lopsided grin. "I certainly do!" He said standing up. "Corellian here, will take all my chances!"
  9. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Adrian Malek, Marie Firestone (combo with @Adalia-Durron)
    Perparing for battle

    Adrian stepped closer to Marie. They had spend most of the journey at the simulator to prepare for what was to come. Adrian had used a Valkyrie before but never in an actual combat situation, so this was new for him as well. Ilona had done her best to teach both of them and Adrian felt reasonably confident it would be enough. "Just remember," he said to Marie, and himself. "They are slower than X-Wings but the stronger shields, armor and weapons should make up for it."

    She gave a sage nod, "Got it, tougher but slower.......more like a Y Wing maybe?" She shot him a slight smile.

    "Goes in that direction, there is a bomber variant that is even slower," Adrian said returning the smile. He had enjoyed the time they had spent together at the simulator as it had helped him to be more confident around Marie, and not blush and stutter anymore when talking to her.

    "Wonderful." Marie muttered. "Thought you guys were all about technology?" She asked folding her arms, "And I thought Dathomir was backward." She smirked.

    "Hey!" Adrian returned the smirk, "one on one the Valkyrie beats any star fighter the Empire or the GA could muster. There is nothing backwards about it." It wasn't his ship of choice but he would defend his homeworld when it came to it. Then after a moment he asked, "how is Dathomir actually? My sister told me scary stories about it as a child. That the witches take mischievous boys who don't listen to their sisters."

    Marie snorted and rolled her eyes. "Your sister likes to intimidate you, even I see that already." She turned to him. "How about when this is all over you come and see for yourself sometime?" She wanted him to know who she was, who she really was, but didn't want to push the issue too much. Turning back she gazed out at the starlines. "Shouldn't we get to our ....tanks?" She teased.

    "Would that be possible?" Adrian asked, excited. "I would love to come with you then, to see Dathomir." He laughed at her second remark. "We should, Ilona asked me to check our ships for potential sabotage before we go into battle."

    She looked at him with concern. "Is that a possibility? I thought we were all on the same side here?" The prospect of flying a sabotaged craft filled her with a little dread.

    Adrian raised an eyebrow. Had she already forgotten? Stepping closer to her he muttered as quiet as he could, "Welmo, who know what he did while we where at the simulators."

    She frowned. "But me? Why me? And why you? Would he really?" Honor and trust were things she'd been raised with and as a Shadow Saber and before that a Wild Knightz, she'd never doubted or even had an inclination that anyone would consider such an act. She gave her head a shake. "I understand, I just don't get it, if that makes sense." She muttered before sighing. "I guess we'd best get too it then."

    "Its Eriaduan politics," Adrian quickly explained. "Easy way to get rid of a rival. Depending on who Welmo works for either one or both of us could be a target." He allowed himself a weak smile at Marie's innocence concerning this possibility. For him this danger had always been real.

    Marie gave her head another shake. "Wow......ok....." Politics never affected her much, there wasn't much in the way of any politics on Dathomir, more tribal and clan traditions and law, but the workings of politics eluded her. "Let's go then, show me what internal deception looks like." she said in an almost bitter tone.

    They'd made their way down to the hangar and Marie was scanning her ship. It was impressive to look at if nothing else, and she had to be honest when she realised she'd not know if anything was out of place. She didn't know what was in place.

    "Found anything yet?" Adrian asked Marie while he continued checking his on Valkyrie with R7s aid.

    She wanted to say 'Mines clear', but she didn't know. "Honestly, I have no idea what is supposed to be hanging of this and what isn't!" she called out in frustration.

    Adrian placed his hand on R7s dome, "can you help Marie with this?" He little guy bleeped as a reply and made his way over to the other ship.

    Adrian turned back to his, he noticed something. Some cables weren't where they where supposed to be. Someone had been tampering with them.

    Marie stepped back as the droid approached. "Go for it, for all I know the paint job is wrong!" she quipped folding her arms. It still confused her how she'd even have to consider doing this when were supposed to be with allies. It was a concept she simply could not understand.

    "Think I got something," Adrian called from his ship, these cables defenetly had been messed with, and behind them... "Is that a tracking device?" he asked Marie.

    Raising her eyebrows she left the droid to his work and made her way over just as he seemed to have found something. Leaning she frowned. "Not like any I've seen, but it doesn't look like it's supposed to be there." Marie said as she narrowed her eyes to look closely. "I wouldn't just pull it out though, if someone went to this much trouble, who knows what ever else they could have done?" She gave her head a shake in disbelief.

    "We can't let it stay!" Adrian protested. "If it is a tracking device who knows who is watching me through this, maybe the same people who ambushed us, or that creepy Anzat, hell Welmo has been living in the core for over a decade, who knows in whose pocket he is. It could be Jacen Solo, or Aden..."

    She turned to him. "Relax, I had no plans of leaving it!" She rolled her eyes. "Maybe get a droid to remove it and analyze it as it goes, that's all I meant."

    "Oh, sure," Adrian said, giving R7 a quick gesture to return to them. "Did you find something on Marie´s ship?" he asked. The droid gave him a negative response. "So just me, that´s curious, Ilona checked her fighter before and found nothing as well. Who would specifically hunt me? An Eriaduan enemy would target Ilona as well, while Jacen would want to see probably all of us dead."

    Marie was relieved at the droids result and tilted her head in thought. "Why track? I mean, if they wanted you dead, why not a bomb? Or something that'd make you lose control of your ship, or ...." she stopped, it occurred to her she was finding far too many way to kill him. "Are we sure it's just a tracker?"

    "They were at the cables as well," Adrian said. "Not sure what the result would be, but I think it would lead to problems with the energy." He thought about this for a moment. "Maybe they hope I retreat from battle early due to technical problems, and then they hope to use the tracker to find out where I head?" He thought of the Hawkbat base, giving him technical problems would force him to stay out of battle until he repair his fighter in a place like that.

    "You'd come back to this ship, or we know Addie's going to be there, whatever ship she's on." Marie shrugged. "Let's just get it removed and maybe set your droid on security watch till we get there?" She suggested.

    "Sure, but later we need to solve this mystery if we want to stay alive," Adrian said. "I really need to talk Adalia, once this battle is over, there are many things I need an answer to."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  10. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adam Lyons, Loriana Starskimmer, Rooty Aran, Erbas Hawcron, Jay Sarkin, Jem Vercetti, Jesse Coleson, Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Mess Hall - The Ranger - Thank you to @adaml83 and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha - love the interactions.

    The mess wasn't crowded, it was very late, but it wasn't like this group's body clocks had adjusted to the ships time. Thankfully the droids had been ordered to prepare food for them and they all now sat around a group of tables that had been pushed together, a bonding thing Jesse decided. He'd been quietly watching the interactions figuring out wings and who'd work well with who and having read the simulations he was sure he knew what to do. Slowly he stood. "Can I have your attention please?" he spoke loudly. Around him the pilots quietened down. "First, well done on the sims, pretty sure Adam wanted to test you all to the limit and the result is a team that seemed to gel........well faster than any team I've ever worked with before." He glanced at Rooty, Jay, Jem and Erbas, "Four of you here seemed to take to it a lot faster than I've seen before. I am guessing training did that?"

    Jay grinned. "Hey, Addie made it so we fitted in, or we broke."

    "She broke me." Jem smirked. "But as her brother it was expected!"

    Rooty tilted his head from where he sat beside Loriana. "So have you made a decision on who is where?"

    Jesse regarded him. "Yes, and Adalia advised me to pick and Executive Officer."

    Erbas sat up and smiled. "I accept."

    Jesse smirked. "You assume I'm leading......dangerous thing to do." He glanced at the nearby door. "I'll be your Executive Officer and I believe our Lead will arrive at any moment. In the meantime, Jay, you are with Erbas, you gelled in the sims" He turned. "Rooty, you did a great job with Loriana, so pairing you two up, its a good team." He glanced at his data pad. "We have word that Marie will be back with Adrian and Ilona soon, so I want Jem with Me for this, putting Ilona with our Lead and that leaves Marie and Adrian." he gave his head a shake, "I only hope they are up to speed and ready for this as well."

    Loriana glanced at Jesse. "Noob question here. But what kind of fighters will we be using and our personal astromechs, are they included?"

    Jesse smiled. "Choices, we have them. And our lead will explain them to you when he gets here." He glanced at the door again, the surprise was wearing off, or maybe it was just a thrill for him to be serving under another War hero again? He didn't know. "Look, Adam is Lead, but I think you all figured that out already. Pretty sure he'll go through it all when he gets here."

    "If he gets here!" Jay smirked. "He's forever crawling over plans and strategies!!" she remarked.

    Loriana grinned. "That's reassuring, having 1 main strategy and sounds like at least a handful backups just in case."

    "I heard that..." Adam walked in grinning. "Some of you fly crazier than others...Rooty. I'm not saying names...Rooty, but it'd be nice to keep as many of you alive as possible...Rooty." he chuckled a bit. "In terms of what you fly, it's up to you, but if you fly something of a familiar speed to what you flew before, then you should be good."

    "I've been coordinating with the Adumari since they've got four very good squadrons, including one of K-wings so they'll be doing the damage. For the starfighters, if you're faster than them, attack." Adam almost knew Rooty would like tha

    Loriana smiled. Rooty wouldn't be the only one who would like something fast.

    Rooty sat back and folded his arms. "Then its me in an A Wing." He shrugged, "my callsign is 'Speed' after all, and I take that all personally as I should Stealth!"

    Erbas groaned and rolled his eyes. "That was a long time ago, a very long time ago Rooty."

    Jay chuckled. "Might have been a long time ago, but seems like Rooty's ego didn't get the subspace message."

    "His ego gets them, but ignores them mostly." Jem smiled.

    Jesse glanced at Adam, he knew TIE Defenders were literally faster. "Are you so sure that an A Wing is the best option?" He looked to the others. "What would the rest of you choose?" This should be interesting as he addressed the first his eyes rested on. "Loriana?"

    Loriana said, "An A-wing." She grinned at Rooty. "Makes sense to have the same fighter craft as my wingmate."

    Adam glanced back at Jesse then at the group, "The TIE Defender is faster, and based on footage it was pretty decisive at Eriadu. Faster, more firepower, and also has ion cannons. I think we all remember Y saying what advantage it was to have ion cannons. With a TIE Defender, you'll be faster than anything except a K-wing that has engaged its SLAM drive."

    Loriana gave Rooty a long look in a silent question, hey! Something even faster? You sure you want to stick with an A-wing? She asked: "TIE defenders seem to have greater fire power and speed. How are they for shields and overall agility?"

    Erbas had been right, he'd been out of the loop too long and his inbuilt bias toward anything remotely Imperial - or at least from the Empire, seemed to be almost overwhelming common sense. One thing changed that, Rooty trusted Adam as much as he trusted Addie and himself. "That a fact huh?" he pursed his lips, they'd been flying TIE Defenders in the Sims but Rooty had not taken the ships stats into account. "I think I may reconsider that," he turned to Loriana, "and if my wing is following me..." He allowed the sentence to hang hoping for a silent connection and agreement.

    Adam nodded, "I'd say overall they have stronger shields than A-wings, they aren't as agile, but the Corraidhin improvements helped with acceleration and agility so the difference might not be as bad."

    "Convinced me, what do you say Lori?" He asked directly.

    Lori gave a nod. "All right with me."

    Erbas let out and exasperated sigh. "That was my last chance to make XO" He'd honestly believed his time had come.

    Jay gave her head a shake. "You never had a everything you do...." She muttered.

    Rooty glared at them both before standing and turning to Jesse. "Let me." He turned back to Jay and Erbas. "Look you two, I know there's history and I know it ended bitterly," He glanced at Jem, "Stars know it was bitter for us all!! But that was then and this is now, get over it and get on with it." He was now glaring at Jay mostly. "Hear me?"

    Jay narrowed her eyes. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" she growled threateningly.

    Erbas snorted. "Good luck there no-one tell her 'anything' she doesn't want to hear..." he muttered.

    Rooty spun and pointed at him. "That!! That is exactly what I'm talking about. Stop the snark, stop the snide remarks and just get the Kriff on with it." He turned back to Jay. "I am one of your oldest friends Jay, that's who I am." He turned to Jesse, "Sorry Sir, I know the history, felt it had to be me to sort it out." he turned to Adam. "Or him," he shot his thumb in Adam's direction, "and I figured he's got enough on his plate."

    Loriana's eyes widened at Rooty's words and demeanor. Her eyes glowed with approval. They didn't need anything to undermine their solidarity, best to try and clear it up beforehand. "Any time there's a Corellian in the room, I can always count on he or she telling it like it is." She murmured to him with a warm chuckle.

    Adam grinned at Loriana, "Some of us are more subtle than others...though I think many of the people here wouldn't think that my battle plans are all that subtle on the enemy. Not that I want to play fair..." he ended the sentence with a malicious grin.

    A tactical display on a nearby wall alerted them that enemy forces had just jumped into the system nearby, and Adam looked back at the group, "Ok, don't worry about the Star Destroyer, the K-wings will take care of it." glancing between displays he kept his attention on both the people in the mess and the display giving him information, "Looks like they can have anywhere between 8 and 10 squadrons and they'll be sending them this way soon. You can bet that we'll receive multiple squadrons against just us with the rest going after the Adumari/Eriadu force.

    He clapped, "So here's the short plan, TIE Defenders, you're space superiority, you fly, you shoot, you kill. I expect huge numbers from you, though if you can disable some with your ion cannons, that'd be good too. E-wings and XJs, we'll start with three waves of single-fired torpedoes, it'll make it easier for our Defender friends to pounce after that. I hope someone knows that we don't necessarily need either Ranger or Warrior here to support us as I suspect they'll need to support the K-wings more. We have hyperdrives, they don't."

    "Second, these ships have a bugout function, I recommend you use it. It won't keep you from being killed, but it will let you know when you're in over your head. Finally," he softened his voice, "Jay, Erbas, we don't have time now, but it's been nearly 10 years... let it go."

    He raised his voice again, "I think the others are waiting for us, lets go!"

    Wow Rooty, heard that from the Turbo lift." Adalia walked in shaking her head, "When did you become leadership material?" She asked approaching and stopping to look from Erbas to Jay. "He's right though, and I won't say anymore, you both get the picture." She turned to Adam. "We're coming out soon, better get this lot to their ships and prepped." Before scanning the group. "Remember what we are trying to do here, and dying isn't part of that, clear?" she stated firmly as she placed her hand on Jem's shoulder. "Emaline's on the Dawn, leaving her there as she's comfortable. Don't make me have to tell her you were stupid little brother."

    Jem looked up into his half sisters green eyes, "I got things to do, and I plan to see them through." He placed his hand on hers and squeezed gently.

    Adalia nodded and looked to them all. "Seriously, be careful, don't take risks and come back.....ok?"

    "Will do our best." Jesse said although he wondered how much of her intentions included him.

    Erbas sat up having slouched after his chastising. "You got it Addie, I didn't come back to made into dust."

    Jay gave her head a shake, he long dark locks bouncing slightly. "Me either, will do my best."

    Adalia turned to Rooty. "You?"

    He shot her a lopsided grin, "Who me? No need to worry about me Boss, I always come back, I have too. Who'd be the thorn in your side if I didn't?"

    Shaking her head and rolling her eye she then looked to Loriana, she didn't know the woman well, but it was clear Rooty had taken a shine to her. "You good for this?"

    Loriana gave a nod. "I am definitely up for every bit of it, particularly coming back and keeping my wingmate safe."

    Finally she approached Adam and moved behind him slipping her arm around his arm, "You too.....k?" She rested her head on his shoulder. "I know you will do your best out there." She pulled back. "If you all listen to him, this should be a walk in the park."

    Adam grinned at Addie, "Well someone has to point somewhere for you and others to blow it up..." he then looked at the others, "Everyone, trust the fighters, trust yourselves, and trust each other and we'll make it out alive. Also, believe this, we're on the right side, especially since I believe this group will do more to help end the war. Suit up and I'll meet you in the hanger."

    He turned to Adalia, "You know Ranger doesn't have to stay with the rest of the fleet right? In fact, if she helps with the refitting of the K-wings better results might occur that way."

    "We'll stay, I know Mirax, but good to know if we need to bug out." She knew Mirax would not back away from a fight, not this one especially. She was personally invested in it now. "I'll be on the bridge with Mirax, but let's keep that quiet." The idea of sending someone out with her callsign and transponder was still dancing in her mind, but the risk was too high as Adalia was aware she was a target now.

    "Force be with you all, let's do this."

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Corellian_Outrider
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Aden Kya
    Aboard the Megador, Coruscant orbit
    Well what do we have here...

    The Super Star Destroyer Megador was being repaired from it's ordeal at the Battle of Kuat not a week ago, wounded sufficiently that it had gone straight into dock when the Fourth Fleet retreated. The week-long engagement had blown a hole in the Galactic Alliance Defence Force, with the majority of the First, Sixth and Seventh Fleets lost, and half the Fifth Fleet the following day at the Battle of Kashyyyk.

    It would take a good three months for the Megador to be repaired, at which point the Galactic Alliance would have a potent weapon to retaliate against the Confederation and Hapans. For now, it would serve as Aden's new base of operations. He was officially imprisoned for the Commenor attack, but the crew of the Megador was made up of GAG officers and Imperials who basically approved of his actions, so there was no issue.

    He was in-charge of assembling a commando team to counter Adalia, Adam, and the others, especially those that had blown apart the Glory at Eriadu. With that in mind, he'd sent the Star Destroyer Dodonna to raid Corellia, to feint at Adalia - it was the ship she'd helped him recover from the Kuat shipyards, and now it had been turned back at her allies.

    It was mean-spirited, but he liked the idea of Adalia feeling responsible for every death the Dodonna inflicted. If she hadn't helped save the ship, it wouldn't be firing upon Corellia right now. It was the kind of petty thing she expected of him, so he may as well indulge her.

    Darth Insipid tapped his chin as he analysed the reports of Intelligence officers and teams, the black budget work, things the former New Republic Intelligence Director Hiram Drayson had kept off the books. The war had only been going for a few months - there were still plenty of formerly retired men and women who had yet to be signed-up. While a general call had been made out to officers and pilots, with former Intelligence operatives a more direct approach had to be used.

    They'd be perfect to deal with Adam and the others.

    Absolutely perfect.

    TAG: No One, mentions for @Adalia-Durron, @adaml83
    IC: Darth Wyyrlok

    Korriban, Cloister of XoXaan

    While White Eyes ran the latest meeting of the Sith to discuss what to do about the assassin Alema Rar, who had apparently happened upon the Force Phantom technique of Darth Vectivus, the Voice of Darth's Sidious and Krayt simply focused on his next task.

    Only he and Krayt knew the true identity of 'White Eyes', but there were many Sith that did not know each other's true face, and it was simply the way the Order functioned. This way, should a Sith be a turncoat, the Order would be insulated from that treachery. Even Darth Insipid, rogue that he was, could not do that much damage.

    But this Adrian Malek... Wyyrlok himself did not understand the vision that Krayt had interpreted, but he was rarely incorrect. As a former Jedi, the sleeping Sith Lord had access to the Force in a way that neither White Eyes or Wyyrlok had, allowing the three of them to enter into this deal of sorts. The Rule of One served well in the circumstances, and as both Krayt and Sidious were compromised by issues of flesh and bone, they required each other... for now.

    Wyyrlok walked a narrow path between each of them, but more One Sith knew Darth Krayt as their 'Master' and White Eyes played into that subterfuge. His identity was the most precious of all, after all; his continued survival was key to the resurrection of the Sith...

    The Chagrian dismissed his worries; the confrontation with the Anzati had shaken his resolve, and Insipid's actions threatened them. He needed to focus on the agents he intended to send after Adrian Malek. He flipped through screens vaguely, allowing the Force to guide him...

    TAG: No-one, mentions for @Anedon
    IC: Welmo Darb

    Skirmish over Corellia with the Dodonna

    The X-wing that Welmo was flying, it wasn't in the best shape. He grumbled loudly and often across the channels, noting how unresponsive it was, notwithstanding his last minute tweaks. E-wings flashed by, and he watched as the Anzati, Neti, and Nagi flight - threeships - made short work of several fighter craft.

    He found one which survived a pass with it's shields down and fired, his laser fire hammering the E-wing but it survived, chewed up but heading out the engagement. It wagged it's wings, almost as if it was going to fall apart. Welmo let it go, smiling to himself slightly - they'd picked apart the first squadron just fine.

    As he watched, a full squadron - twelve E-wings drew a bead on Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Rem's ship, the Fury, which clearly crewed by at least one Force user and painted itself as a threat, and each fired a single torpedo at them. Welmo winced - this wasn't going to be pretty -

    For Adrian and Marie, the Warrior was being targeted by E-wings, attempting to swarm Trec's ship, which was arguably particularly vulnerable to fighter runs. The Valorum, their much smaller Star Destroyer, was using it's two Carrack-cruiser escorts as shields, and they were holding close to the Corellian warships hull to add their defences to it. Welmo hissed, calling out over the comms as four E-wings peeled off to intercept them from behind. "Look out!"

    Faced with TIE Defenders and K-wings, the Dodonna's commander realised they had over-committed and recalled two squadrons of E-wings to defend the Star Destroyer as it opened fire at maximum range upon the Valorum, Ranger and the carrier, a third squadron of E-wing breaking off and attempting to paint the Defenders especially with targeting locks -

    Adam, Loriana, Rooty, Erbas , Jay, Jem, Jesse, Adalia - they'd all have the keening warning sound, and, where in X-wings, astromechs screeching panic -

    The E-wings near them peeled off, attempting to get in-front of the K-wings before their SLAM drives engaged, but a whole squadron broke off to target the Ranger -

    This was messy, no doubt of that, Welmo thought, and found another E-wing to run down - he was too far from anyone to help now.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  12. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus
    The Battle Rages

    The Fury, eons of battles under the ‘belt’ of the pilot AI swooped, dodged, and shuddered through the raging battle and explosions. Fighters, even three ship formations occasionally managed to penetrate the stealth field until Bernael had it deactivated to allow more power to be diverted to the shields and weapons systems. He nodded at the Nagai on occasion as they kept the ships off their back, including destroying many that had come their way.

    Bernael only occasionally had to add an organic pilot’s touch to the flight. In the back he could hear Renn cursing from time to time as he endeavoured to keep the systems all functioning. And then a large flight, twelve ships in total let loose their missiles at them at once. The ship began to spin and dodge, the counter missile batteries cycling into motion, Rom and Rem focusing for a moment on the defensive batteries.

    Bernael touched the weapons panel on his command chair and took command of the missile pods they had seeded the system with before the battle had begun the race to its climax. He felt the Fury shudder as a pair of the missiles got through the defensive fire and exploded close in. Damage warnings sounded for one of the upper closable wings and it looked as though they would have to set it down on it’s belly when they landed next as the compartment for one of the main gear had been mostly sheared through.

    Looking to the Nagai, ”Take that flight out, I get really annoyed when people mess with my ship. I will handle the missile pods.”

    He heard the missile batteries of the ship cycle, replacing counterbattery missiles with anti fighter ones, heard the turbolasers swing to target the fighters and then returned his focus to the pods. Tapping out an order he set a program, a sort of barrage that was called variable timed fire, the pods firing from all across the system, where he’d seeded them, shifting position and firing again, several times, in various trajectories that would cause them all to arrive as simultaneously as possible, in a wave across the Dodanna.

    The command went out and a dark smile crossed his face as the display lit again and again, with the launches of the missiles before their signatures went dark as they went ballistic until necessary maneuvers were needed, to adjust trajectories, and begin their attack runs. The missiles screamed in on their attack paths, several being destroyed as fighters strayed into their flight paths. But the overwhelming majority made their way to the Dodanna.

    Fireballs began to erupt against the shields but the sheer volume of fire meant that for every missile the shields or point defense took down two more got through. And then the eruptions began to occur on the body of the SD itself, first a shield generator and then another, mowing shields across half the ship.

    And still the missiles raced in, he didn’t often have to be involved in a fleet action so he often had an overabundance, but this was an opportunity to use them. Point defense turrets began to go silent and then debris, puffs of atmosphere, and flashes of explosions showed where the undefended missiles began to impact all across the exposed portion of the Dodanna. The final indignity came with the final wave finishing their run and the main entrance to the Dodanna’s hangar being damaged from two close-in explosions.

    Satisfied by the result, Bernael turned back to the nearby battle, firing the point defense weapons as needed, while the ship flew through the battle, as he’d planned, staying to the fringes, his part more to give the nudges needed to turn the tide rather than the close work, but the battle was reaching it’s crescendo.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83
  13. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Ilona Malek, Adrian Malek, Marie Firestone.
    In Valkyrie's coming into the battle - thanks to @Anedon - again! :p

    "Then let us see what you have learned since you left Eriadu, little brother," Ilona said over com as the two ships entered the void and prepared for combat.

    "You might be surprised." Adrian said in a quieter tone, still trying to get used to the unfamiliar controls of the Varkyrie.

    Marie grinned. "Don't let her un-nerve you..." She wanted to use the callsign she'd heard Adalia give him, but decided it wasn't time.

    Adrian rolled his eyes, was Marie taking every last tease from Ilona serious? "Not going to happen, I'm more worried about her, she's been fighting nothing but pirates for the last decades, not sure if she can hold her own in a real battle."

    Ilona grinned, "maybe we should make a game out of this." Taking aim, she destroyed the first of the E-Wing swarming their ship. For a brief moment she opened a private com channel to her brother, "how about if I win you finally tell Marie that you are into her?"

    Marie did a double take at the com. "What?" she muttered almost silently to herself. How did she respond to that? Drawing a deep breath, she smiled. "He doesn't have to, you just did."

    "Well thanks Ilona, pretty rich criticizing me while you are not even able to manage a com system properly," Adrian said bitterly. A part of him wanted to immediately deny any and all attraction to Marie but they were in a battle, and a part of him was glad it was out now. So, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "well it’s on you sister, if I win this, you will regret ever to have proposed this bet."

    Ilona lowered her head at her brothers words, while had wanted to tease him she didn't intend to have Marie listen in on them. So, she probably deserved whatever humiliation her brother would come up with after this battle, that was if they survived it.

    Marie smiled warmly. "You don't have to win anything might have already won something least I hope you think that. Come one, let's do this." She felt a surge of confidence and adrenaline, she had something to look forward too after the battle was done.

    "I might," Adrian said and his heart began to race, if that meant what he believed it did, then Marie... The counterfire of the E-Wings tore him back into the present. Returning the fire, he destroyed at least two of the enemy fighters in a couple of seconds, as much as he missed the speed of his X-Wing, the sheer firepower and durability of the Valkyrie began to warm up to him. Marie is right, in some ways Ilona's mistake did me a favour, but it won´t stop me from giving her some just deserts when this is over.

    "Kat, take half the squad towards the enemy battle ships," Ilona ordered her second. "My brother, Sweets and myself will take care of the remaining E-Wings. Will join you once we are done here." She continued, remembering the name Marie had first introduced herself to her.

    Marie followed close on Adrian's portside tail, "On your six, leave me something for me.....Youngblood, we're equals here!" She hinted at her homeworld, doubting anyone would pick up on it. She glanced around and saw other ships, she knew the Saber’s were there, but what were they flying?

    Adrian took down another E-Wing confident Marie would take care of the wingman. "As we should, though technically I'm still Vixens' second." Adrian said.

    "And currently you are both flying in my squadron," Ilona reminded them, "so stop flirting lovebirds and get to work."

    Marie giggled as she banked starboard and took aim at the destroyed crafts wingmate, her lasers bounced off the hull for a few seconds before tearing through, destroying it. "As you wish Boss lady." she quipped.

    "I prefer God Empress when amongst the squad!" Ilona replied keeping her voice as serious as she could.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @adaml83 @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Corellian_Outrider
  14. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Trec ke Mattino, Briana Odan, Kael Swiftflight, Among the Adumari, Invisible Lightning Lead, Lovely Broadcap Lead, Strike the Moons Lead

    Trec watched as the Eriadian Valkyries and knew the Sabers TIE Defenders would make their moves after the screen. He knew that the rest of the Sabers would be finding their targets. “Lightning Lead, Stars Five, bust a hole in this screen then get to the fighters screening the Dodonna. Broadcap Lead, ready?” He heard a comm click.

    Over the comm system, Briana and Kael heard Broadcap Lead over squadron frequency, “If you haven’t come up with your routes already, do so and send them to your pilots. Thirteen and Fourteen first.Briana had volunteered to bring down the shields and the very Wraith-like Lovely Broadcap Lead smiled and offered them to do so along with their wingman.

    Ten seconds.

    Trec keyed his comm, “Moons Lead, you should be getting rough coordinates to screen Broadcaps flightknife.” within a couple of seconds he received a rough area a little over 20 km above and behind the Dodonna. He also sent those coordinates to the captains of the Warrior and Ranger. He then switched to One Flight frequency, “A-wings, X-wings, pick a spot a bit closer, say ten kilometers or less away and be a beacon for runs on the Dodonna.” Switching back to squadron frequency, “Three Flight pick a point near their screen around the Dodonna and start finding targets and send torpedoes their way.

    With all those orders sent out the counter timed out and the squadrons dispersed, some quickly as the K-wings engaged their SLAM drives, some a bit slower in the Blade 34s case, and the TIE Defenders pounced on the close screen of E-wings.

    Around thirty seconds after the starfighters started their plans, the Warrior performed a micro-jump to roughly outside where the K-wings were to congregate before their runs on the Dodonna.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Corellian_Outrider (for Mirax), @Adalia-Durron, anyone else in the battle.
  15. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adam, Loriana, Mirax, Rooty, Jay, Erbas, Jem, Jesse & Adalia - heaps of thanks for this @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @adaml83 & @Corellian_Outrider
    The Battle has begun..........

    Lori was glad for the sims exercises, and she was confident they had allowed her to run through the worse-case scenarios and also tested her ability to strategize and come up with resourceful solutions under extreme pressure, and she hoped at the same time it would all prove to be enough since so much was at stake.

    She had top of the line targeting software and strong weaponry and shields. She would miss Rubi's 'running commentary,' which often served to ease the tension.

    Rooty's eyes scanned the controls, he had this, easy. He looked around and saw Lori's TIE Defender lifting and nearby both Jay and Erbas we gearing up having chosen the same ship, forming a Wing. Almost the old team but the addition was a good one. "Ok, let's show them what we got and not to mess with us!" He said over the open com.

    Jem hadn't felt this alive for a while but glancing toward the Crystal Dawn he saw Emaline standing at the top of the ramp watching, alive was good, but coming back that way was much more important he decided.

    "This ship makes me feel like I've just betrayed the Alliance!" Jay quipped in response. "

    "You'd know about betrayal." Erbas' bitter tone came through.

    "Give me a break! You can't talk!" Jay responded, her tone full of anger.

    "THAT'S ENOUGH Hotshot and Wicked!" Rooty snapped, "Grow the kriff up the pair of you!"

    "Thank you for your eloquent words there, Speed, now let's cut the chatter and get out there." Jesse was over the drama as well; it was time to get to work and this petty war has to stop now. He'd learned some of their callsigns, but he knew he'd forget them in the heat of battle. "We're ready when you are Stealth, Lead........Um which do you prefer?"

    Adam growled, "This is on duty, so Lead or One. Now they should know that I'm the one that points when Vixen wants to do damage, no one ever said it has to be physical..." he sighed, "Three flight, bust open the screen so the K-wings," glancing at his display on the squadron, including his two old friends, "Lovely Broadcaps can get through." there had been several discussions between Trec and himself on the K-wings attack on capital ships, particularly Star Destroyers, so the screen needed to go, "Once you're through head towards Dodonna and help the other Defenders there. One and two flight, find a unique target, and fire a torpedo." He suited his words to actions and let Tawg pick a target.

    Rooty raised his eyebrows at Adam's tone but responded anyway. "You got it Lead," busting through as ordered. He opened to his wing. "You all heard the man, we all good for this?" He needed to check.

    "As ready as I'll ever be," Loriana answered, double and triple checking her systems.

    "Heads in the game" Erbas quipped.

    "All here and set" Jay responded, she'd heard Adam's tone in the past, but grinned now, it meant he was playing for keeps and she loved that. She glanced over at Erbas' TIE Defender before opening a channel to him. "Just like old times?" she asked quietly.

    He voice came through quietly and he had to double take as he frowned and glanced at her ship before responding. "Almost."

    Jesse frowned. "Unique target? Will work on that Lead." he was somewhat confused. What defined as a 'unique' target? So, break through and hit the Dodonna, he could do that, "6, 7 & 8, form up once clear, we're going to follow 3 flight and clean up their mess before hitting our unique target."

    Jem smiled. He'd heard Adam growl before and he knew what unique meant. This should be good.

    Adam grinned, "Five, your droid can handle it, they coordinate with each other and it's all automatic." He shook his head, should have worked on this...if we had the luxury of time...

    Jesse gave a silent nod. "Understood Lead." He responded as he half glanced over his shoulder at his droid. "You've got this right?" The black domed droid squeaked and warbled a quick affirmative. "Good, let's go." He lifted his X Wing off the hangar deck and formed up with Jem, as they were a flight pair at this stage. The plan was at a later date to bring Adrian and Marie into this wing, but it was early days. He opened his com to Jem "You set 6?"

    "Ready as someone who's been out of the game for ten years can be." Jem responded with a touch of nerves in his voice. "But I can do this, I know I can." He closed his com. "I have to, for Em..." he muttered.

    The pair of X Wings swung out of the hangar behind the TIE Defenders, the order mattered little at this point and he could see Adam with the two pilots from The Ranger, he'd not met them but if Adam had chosen them, that was all he needed to know. Turning to the side he noted the battle had begun.

    Rooty whistled through his teeth. "That's a mess." He muttered before opening his com to his wing. "Ok, 12, take 11 and engage at will. 10, with me." He banked starboard, splitting the wing. Seconds later a pair of enemy ships hit his targeting system, "First target 10, keep up."

    Lori stuck to 9 like a mynock and fired her cannons and lasers in a steady multicolored barrage and watched as her hits seemed to do some damage.

    "Good shooting 8, keep it up, we got this one!" Rooty encouraged. "You good 10,11?"

    "All over this." Jay responded.

    "Just like old times." Erbas said, keeping Jay's earlier words in mind.

    Loriana continued sending salvos and was pleased to hear that 11 and 12 seemed to be working together in a friendly fashion.

    Adam glanced at his sensors, his comm frequency was on One Flight's frequency, "Ok One Flight, fire in!" he fired his torpedo at fire and watched it fly out at its target, though as fast as numbers were being whittled down, there wouldn't be a screen for long so he switched to squadron frequency, "Sabers, time for the screen around Dodonna, though it should have six squadrons on board, and keep an eye out for another phantom squadron."


    Making her way to the bridge Adalia stood quietly in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt the natural functions of those there. Mirax looked like she was meant to be there, like it was her destiny and she'd attained it. Placing her hand on her swollen stomach she sent thoughts to her son, he was restless, obviously sensing her own emotions as they swirled. She didn't want anyone to die for her, for this cause, for any reason but war meant death and that weighed heavily on her. From one side she heard a report from a young man "Saber flight launched." So, this was it, her friends were out there now, let's hope this hand dealt an 'Idiots array'.

    Adalia felt a twinge in her heart, something felt off, but she didn't know what. Slowly she approached Mirax. "Are they all launched?"

    Mirax stood with her arms loosely folded in front of her chest. One ear listening to the chatter of the crew while watched what was going on outside the viewport.

    She turned her head and looked to Adalia. “For this wave, yes. The next lot are prepped to launch once we make this jump.”

    Adalia gave a slight nod, "Micro jump?" Something felt off, and it was eating at her now. Should she tell Mirax? Moving closer to stand behind her, she leaned in to whisper. "Force is telling me not right."

    TAG @Sinrebirth
  16. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Trec ke Mattino, Briana Odan, Kael Swiftflight, Among the Adumari, Invisible Lightning Lead, Lovely Broadcap Lead, Strike the Moons Lead

    Trec watched as the leading Defender pilots moved in the direction of the two other E-wing squadrons when he received a message from Lightning Lead, “Like last time?Trec smiled, and sent a comm click to Lightning Lead, he then opened a signal to the fighters of Warrior and Ranger, “If your fighters happen to have ion cannons, I ask that you use them, I want to show that there is a good side that can offer mercy.”

    He switched over his squadron frequency, “Start the next phase.

    Meanwhile, Briana was getting a bit bored when over the comm system came Broadcap Lead’s voice, “Standby with our first attack.” she grinned and said over the intercom, “You ready Swift?” all she heard was a chuckle from her old friend, and the pilot said, “15 seconds before we start our run to take down their shields.” It appeared as if Moons Lead was now in a screening position close to the Broadcap K-wings. To the Stars had started to spread out to attack from multiple directions in order to hopefully spread out the remaining screen, though some were keeping an eye on Dodonna’s hanger bay.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron (anyone else involved in the battle, especially on a command level)

    Edit: You mean @Corellian_Outrider ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2020
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Welmo Darb
    Skirmish above Corellia

    As he watched, the E-wings - hardy, well equipped and shielded fighters - were being picked apart by the expert pilots before them. As Welmo dodged and fired continually at the same E-wing he was pursuing, he watched as the Dodonna took on a mine-field of damage along one side, and immediately began to roll away from what the Fury had sent it's way, having now depleted its stock of the expensive mines. Welmo was sure that whoever flew the Fury basically had blown about two million credits on that move.


    The Dodonna's shields shifted as it rolled, and fresh defenses - and fresh guns - were brought into range, resuming their long-distant bombardment of the Valorum, Warrior, Ranger, and the other ships, causing the bridge beneath Mirax and Adalia's feet to shake as the shields - and hull - tried to absorb the damage. There were a few reports of minor damage to all ships, but the E-wing kill count was wracking up.

    The captain of Dodonna had recalled some E-wings to fend off the K-wings, but clearly they were going to get through - the E-wings could not cover all angles, all threats, and the micro-jump of the Warrior meant there was a very likely chance that the reserve squadron wouldn't make it... the two Carrack-class cruisers moved forward at Adam's suggestion, the Glow-Worm and Vampire, and began opening firing with ion cannons on the enemy formation, which had fallen apart with all the chaos.

    The Dodonna realised it was outmatched, and swung it's nose away, all shields to rear - and that action allowed it to launch it's last squadron of fighters with the hull covered.

    Twelve TIE Defenders had just been launched.

    The popped up under the ship, and twelve torpedoes fired out - four at the Glow-Worm, four at the Vampire, and four at the Warrior!

    "Incoming!" shouted an officer aboard the Warrior!

    The Imperial Remnant had lent TIEs to the GA before...

    ... but these ones had red stripes.

    These were aces.

    Their torpedoes launched, and six of the TIE Defenders swung up towards the K-wings, ion and laser fire already exploding outward in precise bolts that peeled away shields and disabled a K-wing in the first moment -

    The E-wings regrouped, and redoubled their efforts, even as the Dodonna focused on escaping the system.

    In the chaos, three TIE Defenders picked out Marie and had her in their sights, angling at her from multiple directions, a clearly obvious threat -

    Another gunned for Kael, splashing her with ion-fire -

    Two more gunned their engines and headed towards the bridge of the Ranger -

    Mirax and Adalia, knowing their ships shields were down, would be reliant upon the others -

    Part of the Glow-Worm hull exploded outward, engulfing the Fury's position in fiery debris -

    This was bad.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Anedon, @Corellian_Outrider, @darthbernael
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
  18. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Jem Vercetti, Jesse Coulson, Adalia Tehanis-Durron.
    Where the Battle begins and gets messy.

    Jem pulled hard to port, his engine was burning internally and with two enemy ships on his six his heart was racing, this was it. He knew he couldn’t out run them, he only had minutes, no seconds to get his message out, so he opened his comm to The Ranger. “Ranger, put Vixen on now!” he almost ordered in a panicked tone.

    Adalia had been quietly listening to the battle comms and heard it, leaning over the officer’s shoulder. “I’m here Kid, talk to me.”

    “Sis, I’m going down, ….can’t fight….can’t run…..damaged.” He reported wrestling with is controls, “tell Emaline I’m sorry, tell her…….I love her and I’m really sorry.” Something exploded behind him.

    Adalia’s stomach rolled over, her little brother was about to die and it was her fault. She felt sick. “You’re just scared Jem, you got this, you’ve done this before.” She tried to encourage as she leaned forward and opened to all the team. “Can anyone give Jem a wing, a backup?”

    Jesse had just flown through the debris of he last kill and scanned his screen. “On it …..” he paused, “Vixen, I got it.” He dove downward toward Jem’s ship; it was trailing debris with two ships in hot pursuit. “Hang on Kid.” He used the name Adalia had called him, it made sense to him. Jem was a long way from him and Jesse was unsure as to if he could get there in time, gunning his engines he took power from weapons and transferred to engines to give him more, but would he make it?

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Corellian_Outrider
  19. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Marie Firestone, Adrian Malek, Ilona Malek
    In Battle. – Thank you to @Anedon

    “Get off!” Marie twisted her Valkyie left and right, jerking it o up and down but the three tails she’d picked up were very insistent. She’d moved shields to rear but was taking fire and due to the fact there were three of them, was struggling to avoid impacts now. It was time. “Lead, I need help!” She called to Ilona. “I think I’m being hunted!”

    "Quite the twisting," Ilona said as she saw the peril Marie was in. "The Valykrie is no X-Wing, its too slow to properly dodge, have the shield and Armor bear the attacks and instead go for a counter charge." For a moment she wondered if Adrian had truly shown Marie the way to use the Valykrie during their time in the simulator, or if instead they had done something else... But she rejected the thought as quickly as it had appeared. Marie was still in danger and something needed to be done. So, she moved her ship closer to the fight and opened fire on Marie´s pursuers to give her time to turn her ship around.

    For a second Adrian was disappointed Marie had called out to Ilona instead of him for help but he rejected the very thought of that as he immediately moved closer towards her. Opening a private channel, he said "Ilona is a jerk but she is right, the Valkyrie is no X-Wing, try to suppress your usual combat behaviour." It was a challenge for him as well, being used to an X-Wing for so long and only having gotten superficial training with a Valkyrie. Blasting apart one of the ships pursuing her he added, "remember the wager my dear sis and I have, we might be able to teach her a much needed lesson in humility soon enough." Tough as he was saying it, he also wondered why the enemies suddenly seemed to focused on Marie. Did they notice her inexperience with a Valkyrie and thus considered her an easy target? Or was there a different, more sinister reason?

    Ilona's tone annoyed Marie, she'd flown X Wings all her life and now she was being judged for not adjusting immediately. "It's a kriffin' learning curve!" She responded attempting to keep the bitterness from her tone but failing. Adrian's calming voice came back to her privately confirming she'd read the woman correctly. Straightening her trajectory, she pulled hard on the controls backward. "I'm going up and over, distract them if you can?" She asked him, "I think I can do this." She added sitting back as the craft pulled an almost 180 degree turn up at speed, the craft behind her had to adjust fast and she hoped Adrian could distract them long enough to not react fast enough.

    "Sure," Adrian responded as he opened fire at Marie's remaining pursuers. Diving his Valkyries firepower between them he didn't waste much time on aiming instead focusing on keeping his enemies occupied and distracted. "Got them something to play with. Your turn Sweets.“ Adrian said, using her nickname for the first time.

    Coming over from the top she was ready, one had slowed to deal with its new attacker but two remaining were just starting to turn their noses to follow. Even with inertial dampeners Marie was pushed hard against the seat as she gritted her teeth to keep the controls pulled as far back as possible, around her alarms were blaring as the ship was not designed to do this. Marie had her eyes at a slit, waiting for them to come into view as her targeting computer did its job, giving her the tone she needed. Her fingers wiggled the trigger and pulled it hard as laser fire spat forward and flooded the top of the two attacking ships. One exploded almost immediately, the second was hit, something blew and it pulled off its pursuit, attempting to escape, to no avail as it too met its messy end. Levelling out she allowed herself to breathe again, perspiration was running down her back and face, that'd been hard work. "Last one's yours Youngblood." She almost panted to him. She needed a drink.

    "Already on it," Adrian said as he took aim and blasted the fourth ship to bits. "We did it."

    "Good work you two," Ilona admitted a bit impressed at how seamlessly Marie and her brother where able to work together. And worried over the bet she had foolishly made with Adrian who was currently clearly ahead of her.


    IC Jem Vercetti Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Jesse Coulson
    In Battle

    Jem pulled hard to port, his engine was burning internally and with two enemy ships on his six his heart was racing, this was it. He knew he couldn’t out run them, he only had minutes, no seconds to get his message out, so he opened his comm to The Ranger. “Ranger, put Vixen on now!” he almost ordered in a panicked tone.

    Adalia had been quietly listening to the battle comms and heard it, leaning over the officer’s shoulder. “I’m here Kid, talk to me.”

    “Sis, I’m going down, ….can’t fight….can’t run…..damaged.” He reported wrestling with is controls, “tell Emaline I’m sorry, tell her…….I love her and I’m really sorry.” Something exploded behind him.

    Adalia’s stomach rolled over, her little brother was about to die and it was her fault. She felt sick. “You’re just scared Jem, you got this, you’ve done this before.” She tried to encourage as she leaned forward and opened to all the team. “Can anyone give Jem a wing, a backup?”

    Jesse had just flown through the debris of the last kill and scanned his screen. “On it …..” he paused, “Vixen, I got it.” He dove downward toward Jem’s ship; it was trailing debris with two ships in hot pursuit. “Hang on Kid.” He used the name Adalia had called him, it made sense to him. Jem was a long way from him and Jesse was unsure as to if he could get there in time, gunning his engines he took power from weapons and transferred to engines to give him more, but would he make it?


    IC Erbas Hawcron, Jay Sarkin
    In battle

    Jay pulled up as the enemy ship before her spun past, “Nice one Hotshot.” She complimented over private comm to Erbas. Their team work had come back like second nature, like waking up in the morning, or breathing, it felt natural and it felt good, right.

    “Wicked set up.” Erbas responded to her voice, using her call in a twist of words.
    “On your six.”

    Jay smiled, the old feelings were still there, she knew they were and for a while now she was struggling to ignore them. “Your turn next?” She asked. If she allowed herself to feel them, she knows he’d turn his back on her, and he had every right. She’d walked away when he wanted to marry her, she’d broken him and knew his forgiveness wasn’t even on the cards.

    “Happy to sit back here for now.” Erbas was playing this the way she wanted it, strictly business. Once this war was over and they’d done their bit to bring Jacen Solo and by connection, Aden Kya, he’d be gone again. This time he’d make sure no one ever found him, especially Jay Sarkin. He only had one heart, and he was not about to let her break it beyond repair again. He couldn’t.

    Jay nodded. “Ok, stick close.” The message from Vixen came over the comm but they were too far away, she frantically tried to find a solution, and Jesse’s offer was the only one that had come in. Her comm crackled.

    “He won’t make it.” Erbas confirmed. He could see it clearly.

    “No…” Jay breathed.


    IC Ebony Leong, Bernael Adalia Thank you to @darthbernael
    Just when I think I’m out, they suck me back in.


    Horrible emotion and one Ebony was sure she’d eliminated a long time ago. Yet, there it was, eating away at her mind and her soul. How did this happen? She’d been cold and distant, even rude to Bernael but now she was in hyperspace, the Thunderstar ready and primed for battle. Easing out of hyperspace she was presented with a mess of ships, her screens lit up with red and blue targets. “Hmmm.” She hummed as she picked out ‘The Fury’ and opened a comm to it. “Fury, Thunderstar in system, give me a target.”

    Bernael was busy, talons tapping various readouts, hearing Renn thumping back and forth around the ship, his bellows of frustration at the various dents, dings, and ruptures that flying through the cloud of debris had caused. And then the comm lit up, with a voice he hadn't expected, Ebony's. Taking a quick look at the display he tried to see where was the most dire circumstances for those he was assisting.

    Keying the comm, "There's a fighter out there, looking as though it's about to be swarmed under. And Imperial Aces out there too, so getting to that pilot before they do would be a good move."

    She found the target. “On it now.” Ebony knew what the Thunderstar could do and she smiled as she accelerated down and swung in behind the pursuing craft. She touched the comm, opening it to the ‘blue blips’ “You got Dark Lady taking out the enemy…. Hang in there.” She came in behind and grinned as she began to fire, her ship was heavily armed and heavily shielded. The pursuant’s stood no chance as she obliterated the ships. “Thank me later Ranger.”

    Adalia let her breath out, she didn’t realise she’d been holding it. “Kid, get out of there, you’re clear and no good now, bug out.” She ordered glancing to Mirax for confirmation of her order. “And Dark Lady was it, thank you and welcome to the fight, nice work there.”

    Ebony smirked. “For a good cause, or so I am led to believe.” She responded dryly.

    “I promise it is.” Adalia answered, the bad feeling had eased, but it was still there. Someone else was in trouble. She turned to Mirax with concern on her face.

    TAG @Corellian_Outrider @Sinrebirth @darthbernael @adaml83 @Anedon
  20. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus
    Corellia, Battle Unfolding

    The Fury was holding on, all the work Bernael had put into it over the eons was paying off. Renn was racing back and forth inside the ship, directing the, several, astromechs on their duties as they began to repair the damage that flying through the debris field of the Glow-worm. ”Are you trying to hit every piece of that?” he yelled toward the cockpit.

    Bernael chuckled, but then had to take a moment to respond to, of all people he wasn’t sure was going to be here, Ebony. Having done so, he yelled back, ”I have to give you something to do or you’d be even more grumpy.”

    A warning light on the panel before him told him that the stealth field was going to be sketchy until Renn got to it. ”Hey tree….get the stealth systems back online fully first.” he sent over the intercom this time.

    That accomplished, he turned to the Nagai, ”Prepare point defense systems, it’s going to get hot here very soon, the longer that stealth system is inoperable. We’re going to attempt to assist Adalia’s people." Tapping a command to the pilot AI he set a course that would have them diving in and out through the battle, using their speed and size to draw enemy craft away from the fighters as well as keep their foes guessing as to where they’d be next. For that, he’d turn the stealth on and off in short bursts.

    Returning to the display from the missile pods he saw that half of them still had stock available, ”Pricey but worth it for now.” he muttered, before having the pods track and use half of their remaining payload on the support craft the Dodanna had nearby and the rest reserved for hard lock shots of the TIEs he’d seen.

    The Fury looped up, toward galactic north, then flipped and dove down, through the system elliptic, jinking and weaving through the battle. The first two craft he had Romulus and Remus target were the TIEs headed toward the Ranger. Short range missiles and turbolaser battery fire reach out toward those two craft as the Fury blazed past, at twice the speed the TIEs were currently carrying.

    Now past the battle, below it, the Fury looped again and darted back to the North, mixing between the swarms of E-Wings and K-Wings, targeting those fighters he knew were supporting the retreating Dodanna. As he flew he reached out to Adalia, ’I’m here, trying to keep the GA forces busy but I still feel that something else is coming. Make sure your people are ready….’

    TAGS: @Corellian_Outrider, @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @adaml83, @Anedon
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    OOC -- Comboed with Adalia for this riveting post:

    IC Rooty Aran, Loriana Starskimmer
    Somewhere out there.

    Rooty heard the call, he heard the fear in Jem's tone. He'd been there before but right now he was too far away to be of any help. He felt sick. "Stay close Lori." he ordered, he didn't want to loose her.

    Loriana felt a lump form in her throat. She followed in Rooty's trail and hoped someone ... anyone could help Jem.

    "Ok, turn to point 75 and bank hard, see the four ships on our scopes? They're ours, let's go." Rooty said in seriousness. The word that Jem had been saved came through and Rooty breathed a sigh of relief. Turning his ship he hoped Loriana was with him.

    Loriana grinned and sped after the four ships, sending green bolts of energy at two of them knowing Rooty would take care of the others.

    Rooty glanced to the side to see the bolts shoot past, she was eager that was for sure, and he joined her fire on the same two ships. "Power in numbers Lori!" he quipped as one of the enemy ships took damage, and peeled off. "Let him go, you take that one out, and I'll start on the others." The other two ships peeled away, Rooty on their tails, "Stay on that one." He ordered.

    Lori targeted the ship and rolled out of harm's way as volleys of return fire caught her shields, which thankfully held.

    Something hit his shields, and again hard this time. "What was that?" He looked around but couldn't see anything. "Lori? Taking fire, can you see?" He began moving evasively.

    Loriana said, "I got it!" She strafed a steady barrage of green laser bolts. The enemy fighter took a hit in its maneuvering foils and spiraled and spun out of control.

    "Should be clear now." Loriana said.

    Rooty smirked, she had him, he liked that. Letting lose his fire on the two ships he was chasing and watching as his ships speed coupled with his skill had the two pilots saying their goodbyes, his mind wandered a little to how well Loriana had fitted with him. She'd shown it in simulations and now she was tight with her own skills. As the two ships blew apart before him he checked his screen and saw she was still right beside him and back slightly, on his six. He began to wonder if what was happening inside his mind and heart was happening a little too fast.

    Loriana kept her eyes on her scopes and continued heading in the desired end point for their wing.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Adalia-Durron
  22. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Bridge of the Ranger.

    She stood and watched the battle as the Rangers shields took fire. Something was still wrong, something she couldn't put her finger on was out there, her unborn son squirmed inside her reacting to her own emotions. Then she heard the voice in her head.

    , ’I’m here, trying to keep the GA forces busy but I still feel that something else is coming. Make sure your people are ready….’

    She gritted her teeth, she hated it when she was right about this stuff. Closing her emerald green eyes she concentrated. 'I feel it too.' was the best she could do, this was all so new to her, this manner of communication. Beside her someone reported that one of their own was crash landing on the hangar deck. She turned. "Jem" She breathed before turning to Mirax. "I'm going down to make sure he's ok, I'll be back."


    IC Jem Vercetti, Emaline, Adalia
    Ranger Hangar Deck

    Jem held the controls as they vibrated violently in his hands, his ship was falling apart with fires in the engine, sucking his oxygen and threatening to explode at any given moment. Sweat poured off his head and he felt it running down his back as he saw the hangar entrance and opened his comm. "Kid's coming in hot, clear out of my way!" he announced as he approached the Mag field and scanned the deck. They were ready for him, the area had been cleared and he saw the fire marshalls standing ready in the distance.

    He crossed the magfield and lowered his landing gear, it pounded against the deck and tore free from the craft as the belly hit the ground and skidded sideways. Jem let out a yell of defiance as the ship rolled to it side and a wing snapped off in a deafening roar and the sound of metal on metal echoed though the hangar. Finally the ship came to a rest and Jem found himself laying on his side pressed up against the cockpit. He realised he'd not been breathing and suddenly gasped in gulps of polluted air when the opposite side of the canopy was cut open. He looked up.

    "Always with the drama." Adalia smiled down at him but was pushed away as Emaline appeared.


    Jem flopped down and grinned. "Yes Dear."

    TAG @Sinrebirth @darthbernael @Corellian_Outrider @adaml83
  23. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: I think I have more voices than I you don't...yes you do!!!

    IC: Trec ke Mattino, Briana Odan, Kael Swiftflight, Among the Adumari, Invisible Lightning Lead, Lovely Broadcap Lead, Strike the Moons Lead, Adam Lyons

    Sithspawn, they got Fourteen!Briana spoke over the internal ship communications, “Swift come up with your targets.” She wasn’t quite as used to these gunner controls since this was the turbolaser turret. She looked at her sensors trying to figure out the largest threat to their K-wing.

    Shield generators as targets one and two, with three torpedoes each…

    She found it, “Don’t care, Swift! Can we make a run?” She fired at the incoming TIE Defender and noticed a horizontal red stripe on their solar arrays, she fired, “It’s the 181st! Better let your lead know!

    Broadcap Lead came over the comm, “Everyone attack now! No need to be fancy.Briana was pushed back in her seat when the SLAM drive engaged.

    Swift might as well double up on torpedoes on your targets...just in case…

    HQ you usually tell me to back off on my explosions...but these aren’t mine…” there was a pause, “and done. Looks like we’ve got friendlies incoming.

    Lovely broadcaps! Strike the Moons here, we see the six targets on our screens, we’re on them like farummes on their meals.” Moons Lead switched over to their squadron frequency, “One wing pair on each Defender with two torpedoes from each fighter, that should be enough for our least enough to keep them busy for their ride to disappear.” He waited for a few seconds, “Fire when!” Within a couple of seconds, 24 proton torpedoes launched out, 4 for each of their targets. “Broadcap Lead, Moons Lead that should keep them busy for a little bit.

    Trec smiled, “Good thinking Moons Lead, I think...D on D, missiles for the rest.

    He heard a snicker from Lightning Lead, “You don’t play fair.

    Adam’s voice crackled over the comm, “There’s an old Corellian saying, ‘fair fights are for suckers’, and I like that plan. I don’t think that there’s ever been this large a coordination among ships, but have to do that sometime. Sync our targets.

    Trec nodded, “Copy, tell your squadrons.” he switched over to squadron frequency, “Two Flight, your targets are around the Broadcaps, they should be busy with torpedoes, maybe even take some of them alive. Three take your wing and find the weak point in their screen, the rest of us are syncing with the Sabers to come up with targets,” he glanced at his display, “which should be coming up now.

    Adam had sent a comm click to their coded general frequency, then switched to his squadron’s frequency, “Five, take your flight after the Defenders around here, coordinate with the Lightnings, though it should be automatic.” He didn’t want to say it over comms, but the system was able to get updated trajectories from friendly fighters on their current target. “It’s the 181st, be careful, hopefully, we’ll disable some of them and they’ll realize we aren’t pushovers either.” he had a thought, “One Flight might be able to help you…” he switched over to One Flight frequency, “We have six targets that should get torpedoes, then it’ll be the E-wings that are left, go!” Quickly they had their targets.

    Very soon the K-wings of Lovely Broadcap, minus one that was disabled fired their torpedoes, six torpedoes for each shield generator on top of the bridge superstructure, the rest of the squadron targeted the engines and fired four torpedoes from each fighter.

    Strike the Moons in their Blade 34s kept close to fire torpedoes at any target that threatened either themselves or their escorts, now that the Defenders nearby had to avoid four proton torpedoes each.

    Invisible Lightning Flightknife opportunistically made runs on vulnerable TIE Defenders with lasers and ion cannons, assisted by One Flight of the Sabers who had launched two proton torpedoes each at the Defenders near them.

    Meanwhile, the E-wings and X-wings of To the Stars and followed by One Flight of the Sabers fired two torpedoes at the remaining E-wings left in the fight. Adam hadn’t wanted to use his torpedoes this much, but looking towards the rear of the Dodonna...he was glad he wasn’t on that ship.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Corellian_Outrider, @darthbernael, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha (basically everyone in the battle)

  24. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Welmo Darb
    Watching fireworks

    There really wasn't a lot to say about what happened next.

    One moment, the shredded E-wings and deflected TIE Defenders were fighting against the backdrop of the Dodonna, a modern variant of the venerable Imperial Star Destroyer, bulked out for increased fighter capacity. Next, it was peppered with missiles and torpedoes and fire, hull warped, turbolaser batteries blown apart, pockmarked with detonations that had the angular design resemble a cratered moon rather than deadly warship, and the very next, it went up in flames -

    Whatever ordnance had done what, it wasn't clear, but the Dodonna exploded, sending a shock-wave across local space, sweeping up them all - the K-wings, the E-wings, the TIE Defenders on both sides, the Fury, and shaking the Valorum and the other smaller warships in the area. Welmo swore as his fighter was thrown around, but he managed to get control quickly enough -

    How would the others do?

    Everyone was caught in the detonation to some extent, and with that, the GA raid on Corellia was done, and across the wider system ships were withdrawing and abandoning the assault, just one of a dozen such softening up attacks that the Corellians had weathered in the last few months.

    But even when the stardust settled, the Force still worried at Adalia, Bernael and Renn...

    It wasn’t over.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron, @adaml83, @darthbernael, @Anedon, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Corellian_Outrider, @The Real Kyp Durron (latter two for update only)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
  25. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus
    Corellia, battleground

    One moment the Fury was swooping through the various formations of fighters, trying to assist the defenders, firing at the incoming TIEs. The next it was thrown through space for a short distance. Bernael’s head snapped up and his eyes scanned the display before he found the cause. The Dodanna was simply gone. All that was left was debris flowing out from the epicenter of the explosion.

    Renn yelled from the engine room, ”What the hell are you doing, Vampire? I swear it just felt like you microjumped in this piece of garbage.”

    Bernael chuckled then called back, ”The Dodanna just blew, the GA seems to be departing now, with their capital ship gone. Not my fault this time and this ‘piece of garbage’ as you call it has been a great ship for millennia so no cursing her.”

    He turned his head to the duo, ”Set the point defense, turrets, and missile batteries to automatic and head to the supply room arm yourselves. Something is coming and I have a feeling this will be up close and person to person, not ship to ship.”

    Rom and Rem nodded, pressed a few buttons, then stood, exiting the Bridge. As they walked they chatted, mind to mind. ’Rom, think dad thinks those Sith are going to show up again?’ she thought/asked.

    He thought about what he’d felt from their ‘Dad’, ’Possibly, but whatever it is, it’s big and could be quite a problem.’

    Bernael ‘heard’ their conversation and grinned for a moment, they were partially right, but then again they didn’t have the same length of experience he did, or other things that helped him in his mission. A sigh sounded, then he reached out to Adalia, ’My partner, keep your forces on alert, the Dodanna may be gone but I do feel like this wasn’t the true threat, that’s yet to come.’

    TAGS: @Corellian_Outrider, @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @adaml83, @Anedon