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Star Wars Legacy of the Force: The Last Stand

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , May 4, 2019.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    [Combo with @Adalia-Durron, Rooty & Loriana]

    He'd been released and now Rooty was with Jem on the hangar deck checking their ships were ready to go, ready to fight. He'd opened the engine panel and was just looking over the contents as he chatted. "So, we've got a choice where we go, what are your thoughts Kid?"

    Jem stood nearby with his arms folded. "Me? I am still wondering what the hell I'm doing here." He glanced to the Crystal Dawn, "and why I bought Emaline with me on this adventure."

    Rooty chuckled. "Adventure, that's a word for this." He stood back and tilted his head as he looked things over. "But you didn't answer my question."

    Jem smiled. "Well seeing as you are my senior officer, how about I leave the decision to you?"

    "Coward." Rooty muttered with a cheeky grin as he stood back. At that moment he noticed her, she was like a breath of fresh air and in space on a battle ship, that was something special. Jem noticed his expression.

    "I'm going to talk to my lady, why don't you do the same, get her opinion."

    Rooty didn't really hear him. "Hmm, sure.....whatever." His eyes were focused on Loriana.

    Loriana smiled as Rooty approached, her expression equal parts relief and admiration. "You're amazing! You'd never guess you had a brush with a thug like Welmo and a Sith-spawned insurgent. Looks like we're about to get our choice of deployments; RubiJay's itching for action. That's what I get for not giving her a memory wipe." Loriana's tone was frankly teasing.

    Rooty grinned. "I was bred tough." He shrugged, "We have a choice, what are your thoughts?" He asked glancing at her droid, "And what does RubiJay have to say?"

    Loriana considered. "Seems to be a toss between the Valorum and the Warrior. What do you know about the specs and commanders for each? Rubi likes the strength of the name Warrior. Valorum I believe is named after a former Chancellor of the Republic, although I have a hard time recalling anything he did."

    "If my history serves me, not much really. He failed to stop a war and Palpatine." Rooty said, "And your droid is right, Warrior does sound to suit us more." He gave her a wink.

    Loriana answered, "Well, that's not a very auspicious association. I think I'll sign up for the Warrior, then."

    He looked down to his boots and shrugged. "Well that just made my choice easy." He looked back to her and gave her a warm smile, hoping he was getting his message across.

    Loriana blushed. "I cannot imagine anyone I'd rather have as a wingmate, and then maybe afterwards we can finally get around to enjoying some downtime. Seems like we haven't had much chance to even catch our breath much less a break."

    He looked forward to that too, for the first time in his life, he wanted to be grounded. "Agreed."
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis-Durron , Bernael - Combo with @darthbernael
    In Hyperspace - return journey

    Adalia was exhausted, she lay on the bed assigned her on board ‘The Fury’ staring at a bulkhead, her heart ached painfully as her body recovered the ordeal. Only two days she’d given birth to her son, a healthy boy who cried loudly upon arrival. She’d cradled him to her gazing in awe at the tiny screwed up face with the shock of almost black hair over 2cm long on his head. She’d cried. Mirax had been here holding her hand, Jem had fainted but had stayed as long as he could, but the one she’d wanted there had missed the event. She didn’t even know if Kyp knew about the early arrival of their son. It didn’t matter, it was probably better this way. What he didn't know, couldn't hurt him like it was her.

    Within an hour of the birth, she’d explained to Mirax and Adam what she was going to do, as she was not ready to drop out of this fight and by the same token could not risk the life of her child as she knew if Jacen, or worse in her mind, Aden got hold of him, well she didn’t want to consider that. She had to hide him, squirrel him away, for his own safety. She’d told them to act like she’d never been pregnant, to tell everyone to erase the memory as she planned to erase the existence of the boy. Tahiri had seen her in that condition, but her reports to her seniors would prove to be false, and make her position weaker.

    Bernael had offered to free her, to take her where she needed to be to set her plans in motion, and at speed. She had one location in mind, one person she trusted to do this, one person she knew would care for the boy like her own.

    They headed to Bakura and Adalia’s older cousin, Amber.

    Amber had already adopted two children and she’d told her the last time they’d spoken that she and her husband were in the process of seeking a third. Adalia had been right, as when they arrived in the dead of night, Amber was more than happy to pass this new child off as one she’d adopted in secret. She knew what was at stake and told her that she'd fight and die to protect the boy. Adalia knewit to be true but hoped it would not be necessary. No one would question it as the wheels had been in motion for her own adoption. She loved her cousin, but handing her new born son over to her was probably the hardest thing she’d ever done. Her milk had come in and she’d fed the boy for the last two days, but now that would stop. She knew she’d have to medicate to stop this natural function, and the pain of not being able to feed her own child was tremendous. She’d turned and left quickly, a ‘rip the tape off’ move, the faster the better. Not giving her time to cry, to morn the loss of the time she’d never get back. In her heart she knew she had to do this. He was the son of a Jedi Master and a Force sensitive woman; someone Aden especially would want to get his hands on. The man had a strange almost mentally disturbing obsession with her, she could almost see his sick sinister smile if he’d managed to get her child.


    It would never happen so long as there was breath in her body.

    The journey back was now in process as she hid in the quarters assigned. Somehow, she needed to find a way to fight, find away past this pain and anguish to lead with Adam and Mirax. Adalia had to dig in deep and find the reasons to keep going on this quest.

    During the trip to Bakura, Bernael had allowed Adalia time with her thoughts and her child, she needed that with what was to come. There was enough to do. Renn had been correct, he was displeased by the damage done to his ship. As well he was not entirely pleased that the spy was on the ship and was coming with them. One order of business was the repair of the hangar and another was a thorough inspection of the TIE to ensure there were no other surprises coming from it. Such a craft would come in handy in the near future, he mused.

    While the Nagai had not been the ones to have caused the damage he needed Renn for another item that needed doing. So Rom was assigned the inspection and testing of the TIE while Rem oversaw the astromechs repairing the hangar. One of Rom’s choices brought a slight smile to his face when the inspection was done, that the TIE was completely repainted, the same coloration as the Fury, it’s systems having been purged and completely replaced by ones somewhat similar to the Fury’s.

    When they had landed, he’d stayed in the background, Amber didn’t know him and this was not about him either. So he and the others stayed with the Fury, finishing the repairs and keeping Face from getting too curious. When Adalia returned Bernael could sense the despair, the depression, that clouded her senses but assisting her would come on their way back. He wasn’t going to stay on Bakura and give the GA a chance to figure out why they’d come or where they were.

    As the ship flew through hyper he decided it was time. The others were engaged in the repairs so he made his way to Adalia’s quarters, knocking on the hatch. ”I’m sure you don’t want to, but Adalia, we should talk.”

    She heard the knock and her eyes closed. She didn't want to deal with anything, she didn't want to be right now. What she'd just done was soul destroying and facing reality was almost too much to cope with.

    But she had too, she knew she had too.

    "Come in." She said in a deadpan voice as she sat up and wiped the tears that had been falling endlessly, away.

    The hatch opened as Bernael walked in, the corner of his mouth turning down at the wash of emotions that had been bottled up in the room as they washed over him. In here they were potent, concentrated, and unhealthy for her. He motioned with a finger and the chair from the desk of the chamber settled near the hatch, which shut behind him.

    He sat in the chair, silent for a moment as he gazed at Adalia. He could feel her pain like a jagged wound. His elbows propped on the arms of the chair and he concentrated as well, cleansing the room of the negative energy she was letting loose before sealing the room from electronic, audible, or any other intrusion while they spoke.

    His hands steepled before his face, eyes looking at her over them, ”Let it out Adalia, here and now. Tell me.” he told her.

    "About what?" She asked as she watched him. "I have nothing to say."

    His hands folded in front of him as he calmly looked at her. ”You are my partner, in your current state I would be able to feel your pain from another galaxy. If we return and you are in this state all the subterfuge in the galaxy will not keep Jacen or Aden from realizing they have been duped. So spill it.” Truth be told, he knew what was bothering her but he was not going to tell her that, her healing would only begin when she let it out herself.

    She snorted and looked away. "Seriously? You're asking me that? You blind? Or just not paying attention?" She looked back, her eyes glistened with unshed tears, yet almost blazing with emotion.

    Bernael’s expression changed, became one that asked, without words, ‘are you serious?’. His head tilted to the side as he did so before he sighed, ”Adalia, I am well over two thousand years old, do you truly think I do not know what you are feeling? I have not seen or spoken to my own offspring in centuries.”

    Sitting back in a more relaxed posture as his expression softened, ”I wanted you to say the words, not me, is why I asked. But this does not become you. You will see your son again, get to experience his life. What you have done is ensure he is safe and secure so that that future may come to pass. If you stay this way, however, what we have done here, what Jay went through to make it appear you were still with the others, will have been for naught. Jacen, Aden even, will pick up your emotions and realize they have been duped.” he stated flatly, without emotion.

    She stood and began to pace. "Don't your lot not even see their kids, send them off to some crazy training camp to either survive or die or some such kriff? And with all due respect, you have never given birth! Its much more to be a mother than to be a father! Hell any idiot can be a father!" She stopped with a grunt and a snort. "Truth is any idiot can be a mother and give birth, but that's just it. I grew him in me, I felt him move, I connected with him and then I dumped him!! Clearly I'm 'any idiot!' " She covered her face. "I haven't even told his father, gods, he might know, I don't know! He's got no name........" She stopped, removing her hands, "I did want to name him, I told Amber what I want to call him.........but making that choice without Kyp would be wrong." The tears were falling again. "I'm angry, I'm lost, I'm hurting and I don't know what to do to fix this."

    ”You are correct about my kind, for the most part. And no, I’ve never given birth, that too is correct. But a parent, from all I know, does what they can to make the galaxy a better place for their children to live in, however that means to the species of the parent.” He pulled his feet close to the chair to avoid her pacing. ”So take that pain, that anger, that fear, and use it. Don’t let it show to Aden or Jacen, wield it against them. Make the galaxy better for your child by doing so. But if you remain this way you will not be of help to them or to the ‘family’ of yours that are your friends.”

    She stopped and glared. "What? You think that wasn't part of my plan?" Looking to the ceiling she let her breath out slowly as she gained control of her emotions. "I need to get in control and I need to figure a way to not look like this." She looked down, she'd given birth but the swell of her stomach has only reduced by 50% if that. Sadly no female body generally returns to normal over night after such an event. "I need them to think there never was a baby....does that make sense? They can't know, not till this is over." Adalia gave her head a shake "And I want him to know, I need Kyp to know. If something happens to either of us...." She let that trail off.

    Bernael sighed, emotions were always something that caused him pause. He could and did feel them to a small degree but to the depths that most other species did he didn’t understand them. Lazily gesturing with one hand, ”Your body I can take care of easily, it’s somewhat similar to what I did with Jay. So do not worry about that.”

    Thinking for a moment, the corner of his mouth turned down slightly then returned to a neutral expression, ”I do have my ways of getting a message to the Jedi in general. I could reach out and tell him mind to mind but doubt he’d like that much. But I can probably reach him, or have him reached to ensure he knows.”

    Adalia's mind had been racing for so long with plans, plots, ideas, flights of fancy even, but she did have one thing. "Adam gave me a way, encrypted and convoluted, but I can send a minute long message that he can hopefully decrypt. I didn't want to use it, it might be heard by someone, but........if we say the middle of nowhere?" She hoped he understood her thought process.

    Bernael smiled slightly, ”We just need to drop out of hyper, we’re not exactly near anywhere important at the moment. Even better would be to stop in the outskirts of a GA system and make them chase their own tails as the message goes out. The choice is yours.”

    She nodded. "Thank you. For everything. This is not your lot in life, I know, but I appreciate everything you are doing. I hope to repay your kindness one day." She said quietly. Adalia had no idea what the future held but she was sure he was going to be part of it.

    At that he stood, his shadow, cast by the lighting, falling over her. In a voice not entirely his, ”Child, partner you are. This is what one does for a partner, not for repayment but because it is right. And that is recognized.” He nodded to her, ”Now, what say we get you back in shape, Adalia.”

    She stepped back slightly, realising that 'the Balance' had spoken, then Bernael did. The former surprised her, the latter concerned her, "this is going to hurt, isn't it?"

    TAG @Sinrebirth @adaml83

  3. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Kyp Durron - Gratitude to Adalia.
    Life changing News across the Void.

    Adalia knew this was no more than a vocal call, and it couldn’t be long, so she sat on the end of the bed recovering from Bernael’s ‘creative machinations’ which had managed to bring her swollen belly to almost flat and with medical assistance, she no long was able to feed a baby. The empty feeling this gave her was cavernous, something she’d have to get past. Using the commlink Adam had given her she connected it to the ships communication systems and utilizing the complicated algorithms to hide the source and where it was heading, she hope he was able to speak to her.

    He didn’t have to find Luke as he felt himself being summoned. They were about to move. With Corran in tow he made his way toward Luke. Then something he’d been holding close in his pocket began to vibrate. He stopped. This was the commlink Adam had given him and the only direct connection to Adalia and it was active. He pulled it out and moved away from Corran as this was private.

    He questioned as he opened the line.

    “Hey you, I can’t talk long. Please be sitting down.”


    “I gave birth three days ago; our son was born at 8 months but is healthy and well. I have so much to tell you.”

    He was silent as this was more than ‘are you sitting down’ news.

    “Are you there?

    “Yes. I’m here. Little shocked. You’re, ok?” Kyp did not know what to say.

    “I’m fine, on my way back to give Aden and Jacen hell. I’m doing my bit.” She said trying to sound courageous.

    “Way back? Where from? Where’s …..have you named him?” This was a lot to take in.

    “He’s hidden from everyone, he’s very safe. I can’t let Jacen or Aden know he even exists and no, but I have a name.”

    “Hidden? Where? What name?” There were so many questions and he knew there was no time to ask them all.

    “Trust me, he’s safe and I won’t tell you, just in case. Jesse, I want to call him Jesse.”

    “What?” That last bit had come as more than a surprise. “Why Jesse?”

    “One of Jacen’s agents boarded our ship, shot Jesse Coulson in cold blood when he was trying to protect me. The guy was trying to take me to Jacen. He died in my arms, trying to save me and our baby.”

    Kyp stared at the commlink in disbelief. He’d been aware of the other man’s keen interest in his new wife but had no issue with it as trust was not a problem. The idea of naming his son after the man was more than a little bizarre. He knew these were unusual and extenuating circumstances to take into consideration.

    “Are you there?” She asked again.

    “Yeah. I’m here. That’s a lot to ask Ads. You know I trust you and your instincts and you have good reasons. If you believe that should be his name then it will be his name.” He conceded. He’d hoped they’d been able to have more of a discussion on the is subject but clearly circumstances were not going to allow that.

    “Jesse Durron.” She tried to sound happy, “it’s perfect. I miss you; I wish I was with you, this has been the hardest three days of my life, leaving him nearly tore me apart, but I have to stop Jacen, I have to make this galaxy better for him. He can’t live in it the way it is." She paused, "I’m nearly out of time.”

    His heart ached. She was so far away but he’d felt pain from her without knowing why. He knew why now. “I love you Ads. It will be over soon at least I hope it will. We’ll all be together soon.”

    “I hope so, I have to go, stay safe, don’t take big risks, you have a son now who needs you, …………and a wife. She needs and wants you.”

    He smiled. “Works both ways.”

    “We will see you soon. I Love you!”

    The connection went dead as Kyp stared at the commlink. He had a son and his name was Jesse. He needed to get this war over so they could be a family.

    Tag @Sinrebirth.
  4. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Valentina Calles, Aden Kya, Tahiri Veila (combo with @Sinrebirth)

    Valentina made her way towards the meeting point. She had never met this 'Aden Kya' before but apparently he had sucked up to the right people in the command elements to get promoted. She just hoped it was't another idiot from the rim, or one of those incompetent nobles who had never worked a single day in their lives to earn the position they had been given. Valentina had dealt with both in the past, sometimes even with people who where both at the same time.

    Approaching him she gave a quick salute. "Colonel Valentina Calles, at your service."

    "Colonel, welcome," Aden said, returning the salute. He held out his hand to shake in greeting.

    "Thank you for coming, I appreciate it. The GA is at a delicate juncture now, so we need all hands on deck."

    "As it should be," Valentina agreed. But of course as always the core to shoulder the burden on their own.

    "I presume you are aware of how much we lost at the Battle of Kuat, and how the Hapan secession means we are technically outnumbered by the Confederate fleet - if not for the Hapans refusing to join up, we'd be unable to maintain the war against the Confederation, in-fact." Aden was carefully dropping commentary.

    It wasn't precisely a state secret that the Jedi, Wookiees and Hapans had left, indeed Colonel Solo had allowed the media to mudsling at the Jedi since their assassination attempt on him. Similarly, the Battle of Kuat had lasted a month and wrecked three fleets. With the loss of half the Fifth and the Hapan-donated Eighth, the GA was in relatively dire straits.

    Valentina chewed on her lip for a moment. "A lot of what they have is rabble, militia forces. If we stand together a professional military should be able to deal with them. Plus they will likely abandon and betray each other should the tide turn. All of these worlds and systems are only in it for themselves. They have no honor nor loyalty towards each other."

    "Precisely," Aden said, easily. "And with the Hutts contribution destroyed, and the Commenori essentially knocked out of the war, those cracks are beginning to show," he said. "Corellia has requested a diplomatic meeting, kept as a secret from the other members of the Confederation."

    He smiled, as he lead her to the ready-room. "What do you think about that?"

    "If it where one of the others I would suspect they are trying to save themselves," Valentina said. "But not the Correllians, their 'pride' wouldn't let them, especially now when, as you said they think they've got the upper hand." She made a pause. "I think they either want to hang back for a while and let their 'allies' do the fighting and dying for them, then backstab. us once our back is turned, or its a flat out trap. Maybe the Jedi are involved."

    Then a smile grew on her face. "I say we broadcast this. Let the galaxy know what self serving rats the Correllians are. It will seed mistrust and discord amongst the Confederation."

    "Admiral Niathal and Colonel Solo agree that it is a trap, and intend to launch a more potent trap. They've ordered the Third and what is left of the Fifth to hold on the offensive, and they are having the entire Second Fleet hold nearby," Aden said, carefully. Her plan made sense, but it wouldn't get them what they truly wanted; the Jedi, or, specifically, Adalia. "In anticipation of the Jedi intervening - in one shape or another - we are to set up a second trap, with our specialized forces and advanced forces. Tahiri Veila is a loyal Jedi and will be apart of this force."

    "As would you, especially as we expect the irregulars supporting the Jedi to include an old colleague of yours."

    Valentina raised an eyebrow, this seemed quite risky to her. But maybe that was the way they had to go. "Someone I know?"

    "Now what was his name..." Aden tapped his chin. "Ah yes."

    "Adrian?" He nodded. "Adrian Malek; he joined the rebels that fled Rogue Wing with a dozen fighters. They've been agitating our operations ever since." The man's expression cooled, amused.

    "Adrian?" she raised an eyebrow as she remembered. "He shouldn't be much of a threat, I remember him as a weak and fearful individual." When she had first heard about an Eriaduan joining her squad she had expected it would cause trouble, but instead Adrian had been easily controllable and she had in time even taken pleasure in seeing him squirm.

    "So you aren't interested in killing him?" Aden looked amused. "I had expected you to wish for his untimely demise."

    Valentina grinned, "I'm not the pest control. I only squish bugs if they are in my way." To be honest she had barely thought about Adrian since he had left her squadron. Pushing him around had been amusing but others would come to take his place.

    "Well then, he is a bug to Colonel Solo and Admiral Niathal, so we will be squashing him," Aden said, eyes lit with some glee. "But it pleases me that there you have no issue with squishing." He tapped his chin. "So we will be positioned to ensure that the trap is pulled off. Remind me; do you have flight experience, or shall I set you up with a GAG squad and a lander?"

    "Can do either, have done both in the past," Valentina said, now a slightly bit creeped out by Aden. I just hope he isn´t in charge of protecting my back as trigger happy as he seems to be.

    Aden nodded. "Good, good. We have six X-wings assigned to this team, which I shall be calling Dark Squadron. We will be relying upon the most efficient and loyal members of the GA, but presently only number three with ourselves. I have some ex-Intelligence operatives I am trying to coax out of retirement, but if they continue to refuse we'll have to eliminate them, just in-case."

    "But you'll be operating with myself and Tahiri Veila for now."

    "Oh will she?" Tahiri's voice was pitched at an annoyed level. She looked a little battered, fresh from her mission aboard the Ranger. It had brought her back to Coruscant empty-handed, and less a GAG operative in Adalia's squadrons, which was not a good thing at all. "Is she another Force user?"

    Dark Squadron? Are we now proclaim openly that we are the bad guys? Valentina chuckled a bit.

    "I am not," she said to Tahiri after briefly shivering at her sudden appearance. "Who did that to you?"

    "A few of Adalia's pilots..." she rued, naming them all. "I was trying to bring in Adalia and her baby, but no luck."

    "BABY?" Aden said, eyes wide. "That's perfect. We need to find her, or the baby, we'll have the perfect leverage -"

    Tahiri gave him a warning expression, and Aden cut short.

    A grin had appeared on Valentinas face as Tahiri had told them who beat her up. She allowed Adrian to get the better of her? Honestly, how pathetic is that? But it vanished as the conversation continued. They want to steal a baby? What was going on here? But she felt she could get in trouble if she asked about it or even made her discomfort known so she decided to remain silent.

    Aden cut a glance to her. “What? We’re fighting an enemy that has secret assault fleets, terrorists on payroll, and sends Dark Jedi assassins after children. If you’ve an opinion on our strategy then I’d like to hear it.”

    Tahiri looked like she wanted to interject but didn’t.

    "No, sir," Valentina replied. Worried on how they could have known. "I think in a war like this we should strive for victory... by any means necessary." What did she even care? She had a job to do and shouldn't feel guilty about it. She hated how exposed Aden made her feel. "If there is anything else you need?" she asked, hoping to get out of this situation.

    "No," Aden said. "Go get settled in, and I shall do a briefing soon."

    Tahiri glowered at him. Aden corrected himself with a smirk. "We. We will do a briefing soon."

    Tag: Anyone
  5. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC: Adrian & Ilona Malek, Jay Sarkin, Marie Firestone, Erbas Hawcron
    Hangar Deck - Remains of the Ranger - Combo with @Anedon !

    Marie had found Erbas and Jay and was more than a little surprised. "Gods you look just like her, well your eyes aren't quite her colour but" She breathed as she took in Jays appearance.

    "Yeah, kinda creepy really." Erbas said folding his arms, "I like her better the way she was."

    "And as soon as Addie gets back, I will be that way, despite the pain." Jay said in a lower tone.

    "It was painful?" Marie asked with concern.

    "Wasn't pretty, that's for sure." Erbas responded.

    Marie's nerves tingled, he was near and she turned to see Adrian approaching.

    "So do you guys already know on which ship you want to go?" Adrian asked them, seeking to integrate himself further with Adalia´s crew.

    "Not yet." Erbas said, glancing across the hangar to where Rooty was. "I think they're going with the Warrior."

    "Will admit I haven't thought much of it yet," Adrian said, looking at his feet for a moment. "Was caught up with other things..." Like being beaten half to death or even worse nearly breaking his... friendship with Marie.

    Marie smiled warmly. "Time to think, but if Rooty is going with The Warrior, why would be break up the Sabers?" She asked turning to Jay and Erbas? "That wouldn't make sense."

    "Then guess I'm coming with you," Adrian said. "Guess I should be a honorary Saber by now." He allowed himself a small smile.

    "And my place is with my brother," llona said firmly as she approached them. "After what happened in the last days I'm not letting you go alone anytime soon." She was glad to see her brother wounds where healing, the bruises disappearing.

    Marie watched the woman approach and pressed her lips into a firm line before speaking. "I think Adrian is very capable of taking care of himself." She defended. Marie did not like the way Ilona treated her younger brother as incapable of caring for himself without her. She knew otherwise.

    "If that's the case why are you doing it then?" Ilona asked before biting her lip. She took a deep breath and raised her hands. "Sorry, but I am worried about him."

    Adrian rolled his eyes at Ilona once again acting as his mother. "Its okay, Ilona. I can handle this myself. Though if you want to come with us I won't stop you."

    Marie's temper flared, she didn't like this woman's patronizing manner. "I was not! And Don't worry about him, he's fine!"

    Jay could see the friction and grabbed her friends arm. "Marie........?"

    "Sorry Adalia," Ilona said. "I just... he is my little brother and my parents asked me to keep an eye on him." And I failed, she added in her thoughts, she been so focused on Welmo that Adrian had nearly died, she couldn't allow herself another mistake like that.

    Jay smiled, she so wanted to continue the masquerade for Marie's sake if for no other reason, but she knew that would come back to bite her. She stepped close to Ilona and spoke in a low voice. "I'm Jay, disguised at Addie so she could get away for a few days, she had the baby and needed to hide it." Jay explained quickly.

    "Oh," Ilona said lowering her gaze as her face turned red. Why was this always happening to her? Did the universe try to make her look like a fool? "Sorry," she added after a moment.

    Adrian allowed himself a smile at his sisters embarrassment and took a step closer to Marie. "Thanks," he said. "But I think we have to take Ilona with us. Someone needs to have an eye on her and prevent her from embarrassing herself again."

    Marie raised her eyebrows. "Well we can do that. Welcome aboard Ilona."

    "Thanks, Marie." Ilona said, while giving Adrian a poisoned look.

    "I'm sure you will do well at that little brother."

    TAG @Sinrebirth @adaml83
  6. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Briana Odan, Kael Swiftflight, Trec ke Mattino, Adam Lyons

    I say he’s sweet on you.

    What!?” part of her fury was simulated, it was a game, an old game. From before the Vong War even. Then again she usually had it figured out before someone approached or…

    Kael was almost chuckling, “He’s been really nice to you, especially after the mission.

    Swift, I was the gunner that helped protect the ship, you were the bombardier of course he’s going to be nice to us. Then again maybe he’d rather talk to me rather than look at you and your goggles. I mean, how many mechanics, especially female mechanics have laughed at you?

    All of them…, “Most, then again it’s been Rachel leading it most times. Stealth must have taught her that one.

    Briana chuckled, “He doesn’t need to teach her anything about that. Stealth is smart enough to not play that game. Not that he does anyway.” She knew Adam well enough that he didn’t particularly like playing games like that.

    And everyone says she’s nice…

    She is, she just doesn’t like your goggles, most people don’t, especially when you don’t clean them.

    Kael sighed, for such a short flight, it was going to be a long flight.


    Trec had recorded his message, talked to his squadron commanders, and gave them their assignments. Strike the Moons’ commander wasn’t happy but if it meant saving a ship or crew then that’s what mattered the most, and both the crew and the squadron commander were going to be in communication with Adam’s contact to make sure it would be a quiet transfer.

    He’d also quietly given the order to all squadrons to be courteous to Adam and Adalia’s group along with the Wraiths. It’d make sense to keep them as assets at least for the duration of the war. To that extent, he’d received a request for information from both Adam’s old Wraith friends and Broadcap Thirteen’s pilot sent a similar request for information.

    There were a lot of questions about what was being deployed on both sides, and a particular series of questions about...Trec shook his head in disbelief, Centerpoint Station. When he has a hunch, they listen.

    He passed on the request and maybe a request that this gets forwarded up the chain of command, all the way up.


    Adam didn’t like keeping his friends in the dark, but there’d just been a leak and maybe this time it was necessary. He’d sent a quick statement to the rest of the squadron that he was planning on moving over to Warrior, though he had his own ideas on what they’d do.

    There had been a couple of talks with Trec about strategy moving forward and he thought that the current problem was solved. He’d also sent a couple of messages to Ranger’s Adumari captain to be presented to both the perator and Supreme Commander Rogriss.

    While distracted with the big picture, Tawg was flying around getting images for the Ranger’s captain to further assess the damage to see what was possible. There were hopes, but it was a long shot, not that Adam cared too much for long shots. Tawg had sent a brief message to one of Adam’s contacts who sent back a reply along with a brief, amusing story about a couple of people on the Errant Venture. It’d probably make Wedge question the influence that Adam and his friends had on his daughters.

    Then there was Addie...he didn’t know much more than she was leaving for a few days and that she’d be back. That usually meant he’d need targets by then, and feelers were out for that. He’d also need to see Bernael’s transformation of Jay when there was the chance. He didn’t know how he felt about the entire situation, but there wasn’t time to figure that out now. The best thing to do would be to find time to breathe...or put Aden in this situation. Adam smiled maliciously. That’s an idea.

    Adam’s comm popped, it was the Adumari captain, “You think you can make it long enough?

    Good, I’ll be moving over to the Warrior, soon enough. If you have my messages along with...everything else I provided,” he heard a chuckle over the other end, Adam had sent a lot of information along with some requests, “then I can only wish that you and your crew make it back to Adumar soon, and send back a message with good news after that.

    With that he sent his E-wing off on a course towards the Warrior and he could see Strike the Moons flightknife deploy in two groups, one almost immediately jumped towards its destination, and the other moved to protect Ranger. Elsewhere he could see To the Stars starfighters out on Seek and Destroy patrols to destroy anything nearby that their pilots didn’t approve of.

    Adam admired their aggression, This’ll be interesting…

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @darthbernael (mostly just to catch my characters up to yours)
  7. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Aden Kya
    Aboard the Megador, Coruscant shipyards and then -

    The briefing was pretty simple.

    As Aden had said, Corellians had offered to betray the entire Confederation and rejoin at a secret summit that they had insisted Jacen Solo attend. The Second Fleet was to be stationed nearby, and they were to be the C Team, in-case they were needed.

    Their three X-wings were to pace the Anakin Solo and hang above the ecliptic, able to jump to the summit rendezvous or the Second Fleet as need be. Tahiri would be Dark Two, and Valentina was Dark Three. They didn’t have three more pilots yet, but they were elites so they simply had to punch above their weight.

    After two days of simulations of Commenori and Hutt forces attempting an ambush, and Dark Squadron having to help the Anakin Solo punch out, the order was given; they were launch.

    Aboard the Anakin Solo, Coruscant

    Caedus relaxed in the Command Salon, away from the bustle and noise of the bridge, waiting for the exit from Coruscant space and the short hyperspace jump to the rendezvous point with the Corellian task force.

    “The pilot reports readiness for hyperspace jump,” Lieutenant Tebut reported. “But we’re being hailed by a private yacht identifying itself as the Love Commander.”

    Caedus grimaced and briefly considered blowing the vehicle out of space. But no, Lando was only nearly useless, and the old gamblers instinct for self-preservation meant that he often had some helpful information at hand.

    “Calrissian, give me one good reason -“ But the face that materialised was not the of Lando Calrissian. It was Leia Organa Solo. “Mother.”

    Leia gave him a slight smile. It seemed to Caedus a very sad one. “Oh, I’m not Mom anymore.”

    “Not really, no. What do you need? I’m in a but of a hurry.”

    “I need to speak to you.”

    “That’s your need, not mine.” Leia stared at him, silent, implacable. She had to be up to something. Caedus tried to detect what he could of her through the Force. He could sense her, a bright and distinctive presence, alone on the yacht.

    Interesting. So Han wasn’t with her; nor where there any strangers present. No assassins who might be targeting him. No Hapans come to retrieve Allana.

    Well, he’d simply take her aboard, listen to what she had to say, and then throw her in prison, ending the danger she posed to his administration. Han would come after her, and Caedus would throw Han in prison, too. Suddenly he felt cheered by his mother’s unexpected visit.

    He sighed as it giving in. “Very well.”

    The Anakin Solo launched, after its brief pause. Aden clicked his comms to Tahiri and Valentina to follow.

    Minutes later, two security guards entered the Command Salon with Leia between them. They presented a ridiculous picture - two tall men in crisp uniforms, their buckles, buttons, visors and blasters gleaming, flanking a diminutive graying woman in plain Jedi robes.

    Still, Caedus didn’t think Leia looked diminished enough. She needed to be in restraints, her lightsaber missing from her belt, her expression crestfallen, her eyes defeated. She needed to be suffering for all her misbehaviour since the conflict with Corellia began. Well, reality would match his imagination soon enough.

    Leia looked him over. Clearly, the visual image he presented - a tall, dangerous Force-user in all-black garments and cloak - was again reminding her of her father more than her son, and Caedus enjoyed having discomforted her. But she didn’t let what she was feeling be reflected in her face or voice. “Jacen, it’s time for you to look at yourself.”

    “I’m well aware of what I look like, Mother. I have to cultivate my image carefully for holonews appearances.”

    “I’m not talking about your looks. I’m talking about your life.”

    He sighed. “You know, I was actually hoping you get some exciting, imaginative new argument to sway me from my path. Not that it has a chance of succeeding. But it would have been more entertaining. Don’t you her some new heart-wrenching appeal? Some brilliant metaphor to hurl at me and cause me to double over in anguish of guilt, to reevaluate my whole ethical structure?”

    In the private hangar bay set aside for the use of the Anakin Solo’s commander, a team of security specialists, carrying standard scanning gear, walked down the yacht’s boarding ramp. Moments after the last one reached the hangar floor, the ramp rose into place, sealing then yacht.

    Jaina Solo, stretched out on her back in an oppressively enclosed space, watched them leave. A shielded date Fred led from the portable monitor she held into the metal wall of this smuggling compartment.

    Beside her, Han stirred but did not open his eyes. “Are they gone?”

    An ominous scratching sounded from the far end of the compartment. Jaina looked past her feet to the cage situated there in the compartment floor. Within it was a stunted tree bole, and holding on to the sculpture was a reptile.

    Jaina wrinkled her nose at the ysalamir. “I hate that thing.” But so long as Jaina and Han, and Zekk and Jag in the next compartment, remained nearby, Jacen could not detect them.

    Of course, Force-sensitives within the bubble were blind to the Force while they remained there.

    They excited their plan in several stages, each accomplished very quickly and with the precision that only Jedi and someone like Han Solo could manage; all with the aim of accessing Jacen’s shuttle, which was, quite thankfully, in this hangar.

    Silently, the four exited the Love Commander through a cargo hatch in the blind spot between her starboard side and the hangar wall. Jaina, carrying an electronics package constructed by Iella Antilles - a package now disguised as a mouse droid - reached a wall datajack and plugged in. The programming subverted security measures and began sending looped recordings instead of the live feeds to the bridge.

    After a very brief altercation, Han helped Zekk strip down the armour from the taller of the guards and Don it. Zekk pulled the helmet down low and picked up the guard’s blaster rifle. “Next stop, the tractor beams... and the installation of some very specialised holocomm gear.”

    Han gave him a lopsided smile. “Jacen’s going to get sick of people improving his ship.”



    A second set of doors, the ones leading forward to the bridge, opened. Lieutenant Tebut stood there, looking momentarily surprised to have interrupted the heated exchange between two of the most famous people in the galaxy.

    Grateful for the reprieve, Caedus swivelled his chair towards her. “Yes?”

    “We’ve dropped out of hyperspace, Colonel. We’re at the negotiation site.”

    “Thank you,” Caedus rose. “Come to the bridge, Mother. In the unlikely event that this is not some sort of trap by your Confederation friends, you might witness a successful negotiation for their legitimate return to the Galactic Alliance.”

    Caedus marched up the walkway to the vast viewports at the bow end. “Report.”

    “They dropped out of hyperspace thirty seconds after we did. Their numbers match ours, ship for ship. We’re running data on the ships themselves. The Anakin Solo’s opposite number is the Star Destroyer Valorum.

    Valorum? Caedus’s surprise was genuine. “Intelligence, best guess; did they name her for one of Palpatine’s political opponents to goad me?”

    “No, sir. That was her original name upon launch, about sixty years ago. She’s Victory-class, from the last years of the Old Republic.”

    Caedus turned to his mother. “Ancient hardware. They’re getting desperate.” Leia nodded.

    The intelligence officer called out as his datapad tweetled. “That’s the breakdown of enemy forces, sir.”

    He didn’t even bother to read the listing. “Let’s get this farce moving.”

    There was no hologram - monitors all over the bridge flickered simultaneously to show an aging woman, long-faced, in the uniform of a Corellian Defence Force Captain.

    Caedus moved up to stand before one of the monitors. Tebut nodded to him to let him know it’s holocam was broadcasting; sending the message also to the Second Fleet and Dark Squadron, which Aden piped through to Tahiri and Valentina. Caedus allowed a little discontent to creep into his voice. “A captain? They only sent a naval captain for this negotiation?”

    “Captain Hoclaw.” The Corellian woman gave him a mock-friendly greeting, as she, too, piped the comm through to the hangar bay - letting the pilots stationed there know that the event had started, including the only recently returned Adalia, as well as Ilona, Adrian & Mirax. The Star Destroyer and two Carrack light cruisers of Force A had became Force Yimi.

    Of course, Face Loran was able to access the feed and pipe it through to the Fury and it’s occupants. He was in the comms seat, leaving Bernael, Renn, Rom and Rem to decide on pilot, co-pilot, and gunners. Meanwhile, aboard the Warrior, They were put on high-alert, pilots rushing to ships and Corellian carriers carrying fifteen squadrons of fighters prepared. Force B had became named Force Zexx commanded by Trec. While the Warrior supplied fully armed and stocked and fuelled K-wings, Blades and TIE Defenders to the likes of Rooty, Jay, Marie, Erbas, Emaline, Jem, Adam, Briana and Kael, the Corellians had numerous A-9 Vigilance’s.

    Overall command was with Admiral Delpin, back in the Corellian system.

    Hoclaw knew all of this, and plowed on. “Technically, you’re a colonel, as I recall. But we both have the power and authority to enter into binding negotiations.”

    “I suppose,” Caedus said, drawling. “So you’re prepared to surrender?”

    All manner of Corellian aboard the Valorum scoffed at that, one could not say how Adalia, Ilona, Adrian and Mirax would respond; even on the GA side, Aden chortled on the Dark Squadron channel. Similarly, those aboard the Warrior and Fury would hear Jacen Solo’s words. Face snorted.

    Hoclaw cracked a smile and replied evenly. She was not afraid of a thirty-odd year old going through an emo phase.

    “I’m prepared to come to the best agreement that is in everyone’s interest, involving the Corellian system’s return to the Galactic Alliance. But if your first words are going to be, So you’re prepared to surrender, this could take even longer than it has to. I see you’re standing. Perhaps you should summon a chair.”

    Caedus could see that Captain Hoclaw was seated in a comfortably padded officer’s chair at the back of the bridge. “Thank you, no. Let’s begin.”

    TAG: @Anedon, @Adalia-Durron, @Corellian_Outrider, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83, @darthbernael

    OOC: This is merely a TAG to get us two days forward to the Big Meet. You can all hear the chat between Captain Hoclaw and Colonel Solo, where you are. Of course Kyp and Corran are essentially en route for this TAG, but be prepared!
  8. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Adam Lyons, Briana Odan, Kael Swiftflight

    There had been a briefing laying out the squadron roles, Adam, Rooty, and Loriana going on their sneaky mission, the rest of the squadron under Jay Sarkin’s command would be flying as point defense for the Warrior, while Kael and Briana would find targets to strike back at...and maybe some piracy. A Wraith tradition at its finest.

    Briana caught up to Adam as he was briskly walking towards the hangar bay, “Stealth, you’re still doing too much,”

    Adam didn’t stop, “Really? I’m letting a young Adumari officer handle his squadrons,”

    Briana kept up, “Well yeah…

    I’m having people run recon missions, of which I’m taking the most dangerous, and I have cover for the other mission.

    You’d do that…

    And I’m having you, and apparently Cartann Intelligence finding targets for us to strike at, just because Aden deserves it.

    You know that we can cause chaos and I guess you’re right on the second part…but you’re missing something.


    You running the strategy for all of this.

    Adam whirled around suddenly stopping Briana in her tracks, “And who do you think can do that right now? Who do you think that we can trust that won’t throw away people as if they were nothing?

    Briana opened her mouth but was speechless, she didn’t know. What surprised her more was the anger in his eyes, the only time before where she’d seen him this angry was after Voort left, she wondered if this was how he was in the cockpit.

    Adam turned around, “Oh and I need you and Swift to get your hands on a communications satellite.” and with that, he walked away.

    Briana looked a little dejected as Kael walked up, “He looked angry…

    That was a couple of days ago, Briana and Kael had procured a satellite and placed it a little way out from the meeting place naming it FYS42-OB1138, and after speaking to some of the Shadow Sabers came up with a password that Kael hoped would adequately describe Adalia’s temper at the moment. They also limited it to the Warrior, its starfighter compliment, Bernael, his group, the Wraiths’ datapads for those people in-system, and Adalia’s datapad.

    Briana was still sulking a bit. Kael put his hand on her shoulder, “You have to put yourself in his mind, especially recently. You know that he’s aware of what exactly he has, and what they lost, mostly due to things outside of his control. That and he’s been lied to from multiple people on the Confederation side, and you know how he is about that…

    Briana chuckled a bit, “Usually that leads to the three of us in a K-wing...blowing a lot of things up.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron (mention only), @darthbernael (mention only), @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha (mention only)
  9. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Watching....Listening.......controlling herself.

    She leaned forward in her standing position and placed her hands on the table to listen. Adalia's concentration was deep, and her underlying anger palpable. She tilted her head as Jacen spoke and subconsciously was grinding her teeth at his image. He'd tried to kill her, that was something she wasn't going to forget anytime soon. If Bernael hadn't stepped in, not only her but her son would be gone, he would pay for that alone. She felt her lip twitch at the man's arrogance, his stance alone screamed it. Knowing she couldn't be heard she muttered. "Lowly Captain huh,.....wish they'd asked me." Truth was she'd not negotiate with him, she'd fire on him and she knew that was counter productive. When he asked for surrender she rolled her eyes, not everyone rolled over for him and he had to know that. "Idiot." She murmured. This was going to be long winded, drawn out and pathetically painful as neither were going to stand down. Adalia stood straight and let out her breath slowly, she didn't like this wait and see approach and looked to Mirax attempting to gage the other woman's reaction. "Thoughts?" She asked those in the room with her.

    TAG Whoever is in the room with her! @Corellian_Outrider @Anedon @adaml83
  10. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003

    IC: Adam Lyons, Rooty Aran, Loriana Starskimmer
    Adam's secret den of planning - thanks to @adaml83 and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, kinda liking being Rooty! :p

    Adam had left orders onboard Warrior that Jay is put in charge of the squadron for the duration of this mission. Their orders were to be point defense for the Warrior since they weren't complete at the moment so it'd be ideally the easiest mission at the time. He'd also hinted to Jay to simulate Addie's anger based on memories at Oracle Base. Looking up from his notes he grinned weakly at his two companions, "Sorry for the lack of notice, but time hasn't been our friend...again. Do all of the assignments make sense?"

    Adam gestured towards himself, "I fly a StealthX to see what sort of lie is going on at the meeting point." Pointing at Loriana, "You investigate to see if Centerpoint Station is active in the other StealthX." Nodding towards Rooty, "For us officially you're in your A-wing as Loriana's backup, unofficially you're testing your A-wing to see if any tweaks need to be made to it. Though to everyone else, those are reversed, and you can add that it's part of a job interview if you want. Any questions?"

    Loriana nodded to Adam. "Sounds straightforward enough. I just check Centerpoint for signs of functionality and report back either way. Any code phrases you want me to use?" She grinned.

    Adam nodded, "You may be there for a bit and..." he thought for a couple of minutes, "maybe if you route the messages through Rooty. I don't know how well they can detect messages, and that could mitigate the risks there."

    Rooty smirked. "None from me, I get to play while everyone else is working. Loving this gig." He turned to Loriana, "I got your back though, you can trust me."

    Adam chuckled at Rooty and shook his head as he spoke quietly, "Gotta go fast..." he cleared his throat before continuing, "I don't know if there's a real A-wing test pilot on staff, so they could really use the information on what A-wing pilots want, just saying."

    Adam looked at both Loriana and Rooty, "I'll let the two of you figure out how you want to communicate with the two of us when you're flying, but right now Loriana if you want to go ahead and prep for flight, you can. Rooty, if you could stay for a second, I have a question for you."

    Loriana nodded. "I'll do that then."

    Rooty gave a nod, “I’ll catch you up outside Lori.” He gave her a confident look as she got up and left, watching her go and letting out a very low whistle, he was being rude, he knew it but he couldn’t help but appreciate her. He watched her close the door before turning back. “What’d you need?”

    Adam kept his voice low, “You know Jay better than I do, how capable is she in leading the squadron, especially as Addie?”

    A wry almost sinister smile touched the man’s lips. “She’s got this nailed, in fact, I suspect she is probably more dangerous than I am these days.”

    Adam matched Rooty's grin, "Good, that's what I was hoping to hear." he nodded towards the door, "Let's go we've got people to spy on, and potentially something spectacular to witness."

    TAG @Sinrebirth
  11. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: This combo is brought to you by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, and the many voices of @Adalia-Durron and myself

    IC: Adam Lyons, Rooty Aran, Loriana Starskimmer

    Adam keyed the comm, "Looks like we have a satellite near the meeting point, here's the number and the password." He sent it, then read the name of the satellite and the password before he laughed, "Remember, real Wraiths play games like this. Fake Wraiths try to get your squadron removed from the base."

    Adam turned on the feed and turned it off in about thirty seconds, "I get it, you're emotional, you have daddy and granddaddy issues, but do guys like you always have to dress in black? Couldn't you dress like a clown for a change?" He looked down, realizing that his comm was on, "Sorry you two, good thing we're not military. Have any ideas before we lift off?"

    Rooty had been literally joyriding, the A-Wing was fast, and the HUD was a very welcome addition. He'd been listening in while he put the ship through its paces and when Adam spoke he couldn't help but laugh. "Clown huh? How about an Ewok?" he quipped with a good deal of 'tongue in cheek' humour.

    Adam grinned, "Nah I know how useful Ewoks can be, in fact, I think there's one the two of you should meet once this war is all over with."

    They'd lifted off, Rooty naturally all over the place as a good joyrider acts, Adam was watching the show when he realized something, "You know we should have come up with designations for this mission, but we can work with callsigns, Speed and Lori, do you have a callsign?"

    Loriana was mystified by the clown reference and decided to find out about that later. She said, "I'm Starfire."

    Adam nodded, "Starfire, it wasn't in your records...Anyways, Speed I believe there's a testing area relatively close to where Centerpoint is, and you can have your fun there. Starfire, you may want to do runs and send information to Speed there, he can then send it out there. Also if Centerpoint is indeed active, please record it. It'll be important later."

    Adam glanced at his Chrono display, "Looks like I have a minute or two before I have to jump, any last questions or comments from either of you?"

    Loriana set her sensors to record any subtle activity on Centerpoint, being sure to keep out of the possible targeting range. She sent probes on random bursts so as not to unintentionally activate anything.

    Thankfully, it seemed like the station was dormant; if anyone wanted to activate it, they'd have to use encrypted codes. A good failsafe against an unexpected disaster, she thought.

    Adam checked his sensors one last time, "Be careful you two..." before jumping out to the meeting point to spy on that particular exchange.

    "Careful is my middle......" Rooty stopped, "naw I can't even finish that sentence." He said with a good deal of amusement. "Clear skies to you Stealth."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  12. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: A combo with our GM

    IC Bernael, Renn, and Face
    Onboard the Fury

    Bernael checked on Rom and Rem as they ran the Fury, keeping it in stealth and pacing the Valorum. Their job, for the meantime, was that, making sure that their ship was where it needed to be, close to where Adalia was and prepared to take action as needed.

    Once that was done he made his way to the main lounge, meeting Renn and the one named Face again. ”So there he is, the Dark one himself here for the ‘negotiations’.” He watched as the discussion began. ”How soon is it believed that treachery will occur?” he asked the man he knew had to be one of the most active spies in the galaxy.

    Renn chuckled, ”Vampire, don’t let yourself get overeager, I’m sure Face knows and will let us know, probably moments before it happens, just for the dramatic flair.” he said merrily.

    Face shrugged. “I’m gonna take it that the ‘Dark One’ is Jacen Solo, but that’s no surprise - he’s a Skywalker by blood. I’ve heard some say he has the potential to be more powerful than Palpatine or Vader.”

    “But as to his treachery, I’ve dug into the GA network, and I’ve lost track of the Second Fleet. But I can’t see Jacen bringing twenty Star Destroyers here - I bet he’s sent it to attack somewhere in the Confederation in the meantime - if he gets a big win and he brings Corellia back into the GA...” Face’s tone grew tight. “He’ll win whatever elections come after the war with that popularity.”

    The idea of Jacen consolidating his reign with a democratic mandate was unpleasant.

    Bernael nodded to Face, ”Yes, Jacen is one of the most powerful Sith in existence right now. There are others out there, Renn and I met some of them, but Jacen outpaces them by a full factor of Power.”

    Renn was thinking quickly, about what Face had said about the Second Fleet. Aden’s not here, is he? I’d say you are right, they plan an attack to try to force the Confederation to their knees, led by Aden. Which will force this negotiation into a potential surrender.”

    Bernael growled, Renn was astute and he didn’t seem wrong in his observation. He touched a stud, ”Rom, Contact society assets around the galaxy, find the missing Second Fleet of the GA.”

    ”On it, Father.” came the reply.

    They dove in, and at least Jacen and Hoclaw were negotiating in earnest - it was going to take a while. Plenty of time for the Society to locate the Second - and Aden Kya.

    Face did his own analysis. “It will probably be Bothawui they hit; unlike Corellia, it’s escaped most of the direct fighting. With Commenor crippled, hitting Bothawui will be a perfect blow...”

    Rom and Rem would have data that the Bothan fleet was at full strength - twenty Assault Cruisers, which was, with the sector’s fixed defences, far too much for the Second Fleet; alone, anyway.

    Rom transferred data as it came in, from the Society. Each new burst caused Bernael to think deeper and deeper. Something was off, the Second Fleet had all but vanished. He took a seat , leaning back against the back of it, as he thought.

    Renn combed through the data as well, ”Hmmm, hit Corellia, not a good target at the moment, Bothawuii is too well defended, Commenor is in chaos.” His long digits tapped the table the display sat on as he considered.

    Bernael’s head turned, ”Renn, yes, I think you are right. Tighten your mental shields, mine are a vault now. If we can keep that thought locked up they may believe they still have the advantage.”

    He looked at Face, ”Think, spy, if the worlds are too inappropriate a target, what would be? Don’t not let that thought complete or Jacen may hear.”

    Face replied to Renn. “Fondor? The largest Confederate shipyards, probably enough to give half a fleet a run for its money - but Jacen would need thirty Star Destroyers and a lot of troops to be able to secure the orbitals and the planet and beat up the Fondorians.”

    In the Force, Jacen was more power than any of them had ever encountered. Even Bernael, who had crossed paths with Darth’s Ruin, Bane and even a younger Sidious, would be concerned. Jacen’s power was essentially limitless; and he wasn’t even looking for them. He was so arrogant he was merely content to snarl and bicker with Captain Hoclaw.

    The two forces present here weren’t evenly matched; the Anakin Solo could blow up the Valorum and its escorts without any danger to itself. Which meant they’d absolutely need the reinforcements - the sixteen squadrons and the Warrior. With Adam and Trec’s advanced fighters they’d be able to drive the Anakin Solo off, as long as he had no reinforcements -

    “Ah,” Face said, tripping over something. “Three X-wings left the Coruscant system separately with the Anakin; Dark Squadron, a newly formed GAG special forces group.” He tapped screens. “I reckon I can track them down... they’re not here, so they must be nearby...”

    With his short experience being around Jacen on the Anakin Solo Bernael was sure that the man didn’t care or was not looking for them. As dark as he was he was a Chosen One so even though they could sense him, there was no reciprocation of notice. But thinking too hard about him he knew could potentially attract Solo’s attention.

    He frowned, turning to Face, ”We’re beneath Jacen’s notice here, for the moment but a full Fleet and a special forces group of X-Wings both ‘missing’, is not a good thing. If those are Force users aboard then his plan truly is to stall the negotiation until at least those fighters get set and then try to destroy his foes here.”

    “Well,” Face said... “I’m somewhat surprised your danger sense isn’t exploding if there is a fleet and special forces poised to pounce.”

    He glanced at the collective Force users. Indeed, none of them had a sense of pending danger... the GA fleet wasn’t prepared to ambush the Corellian delegation - Jacen Solo was actually playing it straight.

    Face kept looking at the Force users.

    Bernael’s head tilted to the side for a moment, ”Something is coming I just cannot sense exactly…” He spun turning to Renn.

    Whose eyes widened as he spoke, ”He knows...He doesn’t know who we are exactly but he knows there are Force Users opposing him that are not Jedi. Ones that have aided Adalia. And he’s just letting his presence be felt to keep us from sensing where the true threat is...” he trailed off.

    Face frowned. "I don't know what to do!" He squeezed his fists. "Is Jacen prone to tail-wagging, just to keep everyone off edge? I thought he habitually hid in the Force. If he's showing off, then why? Does he expect there to be Force users here?"

    But even then, Jacen's presence wasn't eclipsing all the ships, preventing Renn and the others from sensing anything. He simply had a sphere of strength up around his Star Destroyer and two escorts. That was it - he wasn't trying to make it so they couldn't detect the others - Adalia was outside his sphere aboard the Valorum, and completely detectable.

    "Or is he just hedging his bets?" Face had an epiphany. "Wait. Maybe Jacen expects a trap, so he's playing it straight until the Corellians trip-up. That way he gets to keep his narrative as the good guy!"

    Bernael thought more on the situation. Jacen was smart, savvy, and powerful. There could be many reasons for why he was here. Of course what Face had said made sense but there would also be other reasons. And then he added in the data about other things they had spoken about.

    ”Wait...he is the bait he began. ”Perhaps bait is the wrong word. He’s making it obvious that he, and his power, are here. Which means people will not look elsewhere for him. Which means that other forces can move more freely and accomplish something. We’re missing something though, the where.”

    Renn looked up, ”Did we eliminate any of the worlds for any reason that could be considered weak. I mean, do any of them have anything worth attacking that would be worth the use of the full Second Fleet, or perhaps a smaller, covert strike team?” he asked, as much to himself as to the other two.

    "Bait!" Face sat up. "We can't comm though... and I don't want to rely upon Force impressions." He hesitated. "Do we board the Valorum, or leave? Or get closer to the Anakin Solo?"

    He had nothing else analysis wise to add; Fondor had the largest shipyards, Bothawui the largest fleet, Commenor was crippled, Corellia was essentially battered into surrender, and had nothing else to throw at the cause. The Hutts were out of the war, and Eriadu had only just joined.

    The conversation between Hoclaw and Jacen continued in the background; the Colonel had just demanded Corellia foot the cost of all war reparations - and all the blame.

    Hoclaw wasn’t having any of it.

    "... and asking us to bear a tremendously disproportionate burden of the cost of rebuilding. If I agree to the numbers you suggest, the Corellian system would be reduced to poverty for generations." There was a long pause. "No, that's not justice. That's vindictiveness, and it presupposes that the entire burden of blame, that every wrong done in the course of these events, should be laid at the feet of the Corellian government."

    Then she riposted and asked him to step down! It was probably a good thing they couldn’t see either face.

    “Step down? Why would I?"

    "Because if you do, we might be able to transform this conversation from a simple negotiation to a genuine peace. We might bring an end to this war. I could take the fact of your cooperation to the Confederation as a whole. My superiors tell me that a concession like that would earn a lot of favour within the Confederation."

    But Jacen’s irritation was obvious. “That’s not on the table. Captain, you’ve heard my terms. I will not budge on any of them. In fact, as I grow annoyed with you, I will make them harsher. I’ll give you ten standard minutes to accept them as is. If you do not, when we begin talking again, you’ll be in a worse bargaining position.”

    At that he signed off!

    Bernael stood, went to the hatch to the bridge, speaking to Rem, telling her to get close to the Valorum, outside the field of influence of Jacen and to reduce the odds that he’d listen in. The bond he had with Adalia meant that he doubted that Jacen could hear their conversation but everything that could even the odds he would do.

    When he returned he faced Face, ”We will do what we can to warn the others about what we see, believe but beyond that it is up to them as to how they act on the information. Yes, it is cold but that is how it works.”

    He turned back to Renn, ”Have the Society assets in the Confederation prepare for further attacks, give them the data we have, tell them that Father says to be ready.”

    As they got close to the Valorum Bernael reached out to Adalia, ’Adalia, something is wrong with this situation and I cannot put my finger on it but... You’ve got five minutes to get over here if you’re going to do so and then we’re boosting away from what feels like a trap here.’ he sent her.

    Looking at Renn, ”Tell Rem, four minutes and then we get out of here. If we get any guests from the Valorum then we do, but otherwise we’re not getting taken in here by whatever Jacen might have going.”

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Anedon, @Adalia-Durron, @Corellian_Outrider, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Leia Organa Solo - continuing the scene
    Aboard the Anakin Solo, bridge

    It was worth mentioning that the team aboard the Valorum wasn't authorised to go deeper into the ship, though there were plenty of techs and droids to hand on the exact level the hangar was present on. Otherwise, nope - no further, and definitely not to the bridge, which was a shame, as Captain Hoclaw would have happily had a chat and caf with Adalia.

    But as it was, Leia watched the conversation between her son and the Corellian captain and frowned. She moved to the stern end of the stern end of the bridge and leaned in so close that her right ear was adjacent to the device's main speaker.

    She shook her head and returned to the center of the walkway, dropping nimbly to land beside the bald-headed intelligence officer who had been providing data to Jacen.

    "Can you give me an isolated audio feed of just the Corellian's side of the transmission? So I can hear without all this ambient noise?"

    "I could, of course." Rather than be alarmed, he offered her a sardonic smile. "But I won't. Technically, you're a prisoner of war."

    "You mean I'm the enemy."

    "Yes, that's what I meant."

    "I'm also Colonel Solo's mother, and this vessel was named for my youngest son. I don't want to see either one destroyed. Which might happen if my worst case-suspicions turn out to be true and I don't get some cooperation."

    The officer looked at her for a long moment, then sighed. Over Leia's shoulder, he called. "Tebut! Isolation helmet, please."

    Leia donned it and immediately heard Captain Howclaw speaking - Jacen had just demanded Corellia meet all postwar reparations for starting the war. Leia winced, and if she had known, would have wondered what Adalia, Bernael, Face, Adam, Trec, Loriana, Adrian, Aden and so forth would have said to that.

    "... and asking us to bear a tremendously disproportionate burden of the cost of rebuilding. If I agree to the numbers you suggest, the Corellian system would be reduced to poverty for generations." There was a long pause. "No, that's not justice. That's vindictiveness, and it presupposes that the entire burden of blame, that every wrong done in the course of these events, should be laid at the feet of the Corellian government."

    There was no other nose. No background comversation, no clatter of fingers across keyboards.

    Hastily Leia removed the helmet. "Can you send a message, a text message to Jacen's monitor so he can read it but Captain Hoclaw can't see it?"

    "Of course."

    "Here's my message."

    She told him, and as the words registered, she could see his instant decision to send the message on to his commander.

    As Caedus continued expressing his very reasonable demands, words appeared at the bottom of his monitor screen.


    Despite the distraction, Caedus did not miss the import of Captain Hoclaw's last words. He adopted a look of mild confusion. "Step down? Why would I?"

    "Because if you do, we might be able to transform this conversation from a simple negotiation to a genuine peace. We might bring an end to this war. I could take the fact of your cooperation to the Confederation as a whole. My superiors tell me that a concession like that would earn a lot of favour within the Confederation."

    Caedus felt a flash of irritation. “That’s not on the table.” He was also growing impatient. Why had the Confederates not sprung their trap? Perhaps they would not until became clear that the negotiations could not, would not, succeed.

    “Captain, you’ve heard my terms. I will not budge on any of them. In fact, as I grow annoyed with you, I will make them harsher. I’ll give you ten standard minutes to accept them as is. If you do not, when we begin talking again, you’ll be in a worse bargaining position.” He switched off the monitor and Tebut, alert, cut the transmission altogether.

    Caedus turned. The bridge walkway behind him was empty. “Where is my - where is Jedi Solo?”

    The intelligence officer gestured towards the doors at the stern end of the bridge. “The guard there accompanied her back into the Command Salon.”

    “Ah.” Caedus concealed the sudden chill those words stabbed into his heart. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.” At a trot, Darth Caedus headed aft for what he hoped would not be a confrontation with his mother.

    Centerpoint Station; fire-control chamber

    As with every such enterprise - the use of an unbelievably complicated, incalculably important piece of machinery in the hands of the military - the involved parties were divided into groups, each of them secretly condescending and uncomprehending to the others.

    In one open area, where one a twice-human height droid that had believed it was Anakin Solo had lived - and died - military officers in the uniform of the Corellian Defence Force now waited. One of them, a woman in white instead of lower-ranked browns, irritably consulted her chrono. Tall and broad-shouldered, she had an intelligent expression and a gaze that moved everywhere in the chamber, cataloging hundreds of details and events.

    Sadras Koyan, a short, burly man with thinning hair and an aggressive manner, had a gaze as sweeping and restless as that of the white-uniformed woman, but he seemed less to be registering details than waiting for some signal to satisfy his impatience. Beside him stood Denjax Teppler, a younger man, with bland but confidence inspiring features. Teppler had worn many occupational hats since the crisis had begun in Corellia; he was now Minister of Information - a post disparagingly, and accurately, referred to in other offices as Minister of Propaganda.

    Finally Koran’s patience broke. “What’s the holdup, Admiral Delpin?”

    The woman in white moved toward him, stopping at the edge of her group as though it were an invisible national border. “Sim firings are suggesting an unacceptable chance of catastrophic failure. We’re locking down and locking out the subsystems that are most likely to be damaged by overloads. It’s just a matter of a few minutes.”

    “Solo is going to jump out of there before we can even get the thing online!”

    Teppler shook his head. “I don’t think so, sir. Captain Hoclaw says they’re in a brief break between conversations, but that Captain Solo is giving Hoclaw so much to work with, she could probably stall him until her next birthday.”

    “Oh.” Mollified, Koyan nodded. “All right, then.”

    One of the technicians at the control board nodded in response to something over his earpiece. He turned and flashed five fingers at Admiral Delpin. She, in then, caught Koran’s eye. “Five minutes.”

    Koyan nodded and mopped sweat from his forehead and cheeks with his sleeve. “Good.”

    And so you have the explanation why none of the Force users couldn't sense a specific danger; there wasn’t one - the superweapon wasn’t even working yet!

    TAG: No-one

    Mentions for @Anedon, @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron, @Corellian_Outrider, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83 only, just to add context to combos started and not started; you are welcome to react to the rest of the Jacen-Hoclaw chitchat...

    ... ten minutes to the drama, is all you can say IC...

    ... but OOC...

  14. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    Thanks to @adaml83 and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha - still liking being Rooty. [face_love]

    IC: Adam Lyons
    In his Stealth X

    Adam jumped into the meeting point some way out, looked towards Tawg, "Do we have any idea where it would be safe if Centerpoint fires?" He realized who he was near and went into the technique that he'd learned years ago to hide, he didn't know how effective it would be with some of the other Force users around, but it had worked before, and he was hoping it would work again.


    IC: Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Bridge of the Valorum

    He was at it again, Adalia's mind tingled as she could hear his voice. ’Adalia, something is wrong with this situation and I cannot put my finger on it but... You’ve got five minutes to get over here if you’re going to do so and then we’re boosting away from what feels like a trap here.’ Doing this with Jacen Solo so close was a risk, surely he knew there was a chance Solo would know he was there? There was a good chance he knew Adalia was there, she'd never learned to hide herself in the Force, and she briefly wondered if he saw her as Kyp did. He'd once described her at the shining light he gravitated toward. She looked down and narrowed her eyes to concentrate. 'I know, I feel it. Moving out.' She sent him the message in her thoughts before looking up to Adrian and Ilona who stood almost at attention near the door, but not quite. Looking toward Mirax she flicked her head, indicating for her to follow then she moved across to the siblings to stand between them facing away. "It's time to go, now. No questions." She hissed.


    IC: Loriana Starskimmer
    In her Stealth X

    Lori suddenly felt a prickle along her spine. If anything, it was too quiet. A moment ago she had felt relieved but now it was almost like the games she had played with her siblings growing up... They would jump out of hiding and tackle/tickle her after she had no idea they were nearby. This though didn't feel so mischievously innocent.

    She sent a quick text-only message to Rooty. Best we keep our distance and have our engine hot and primed to make tracks.

    Loriana appended her sensor log to the message and commented aloud to Rubi: "Keep our engines revved."

    Rubi blooped an acknowledgement.

    IC: Rooty Aran
    In his A Wing

    He had performed a few moves, nothing too fancy but Rooty had been enjoying himself when the message came through, he immediately patched it through. "Speed heard Starfire say the lights are on." he hoped the cryptic message would be understood.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Corellian_Outrider
  15. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    OOC: Is it weird that @Adalia-Durron and myself are some of the more sane characters? Maybe not when it involves Jacen Solo negotiating in Fury. Also @Sinrebirth for providing the quotes from Fury.

    IC: Trec ke Mattino, Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Kael Swiftflight, Briana Odan, Jay Sarkin, Erbas Hawcron, Jem Vercetti, Marie Firestone, Rooty Aran

    There was only one briefing room big enough to hold the entire complement of pilots, gunners, bombardiers, and it was going to be packed. Fortunately, some of the pilots were already on another mission, and others that were needed were on another ship. He checked on the signal to the other ship and sent a brief message, "Receiving?"

    There was no response so Trec could only hope they were listening.

    Leaning against a nearby bulkhead on board the Valorum, Adalia stood silently waiting. She wasn't taking charge, as had been in the past, and worked well, Adam did that. It silently amused her that even with a ten-year break some things had not changed at all. He was always the brains and she was the destruction, he just pointed her in the right direction. She was internally in turmoil, her heart torn in two directions across the galaxy, and the anger and frustration at those who'd caused this pain were close to the surface. This had to end soon and she planned to make it happen any way she could.

    She heard his voice. It was time.

    Trec was still fiddling with the connection when both Kael and Briana walked into the briefing room, Briana looked at Kael, "He doesn't know rule number one..."

    Briana worked over to Trec briskly, "Rule number one, you can't do everything!" She then fixed the connection, particularly to the satellite in a way where it'd require connection to the satellite She looked around and saw it was mostly empty, "There are two things weird about that negotiation, One, I'm pretty sure Valorum's empty, or at least the bridge."

    Trec glanced between Briana and Kael, before Kael spoke up, "That's...concerning... and the other thing?"

    "Jacen Solo is insane. He looked like he was reasonable while asking for scorched earth."

    "...So like two farummes headbutting each other repeatedly?" Trec offered.

    Kael shook his head confused, "Yeah..."

    Onboard the Warrior the members of the former Shadow Sabers watched the feed and listened to the comm chatter. Rooty's final comment made Jay roll her currently green eyes. "Some things never change it seems."

    Erbas sighed, "and other things do."

    Jay turned to him and scowled. "Meaning what?"

    Jem stepped between them. "That's enough you two. This is not the time and place."

    Marie watched but her gut was telling her something else. "He's right." She said in a low tone, "You can play the 'I don't like you but I really do' game later."

    Both Erbas and Jay turned to face her, about to open their mouths to protest when Marie held up her hand. "Stop! We all can see it, wake up you two, might have been over in the past, but it's clear you both didn't let it go! Right now we have bigger things to concentrate on, so shut it down!" She then frowned, "Gods I can't handle you looking like her Jay, it's freaky!"

    "I have to agree with you." Erbas said, "Great admiration for Addie..........but...."

    Jem smirked. "Careful, I might blab."

    Trec waved the group in, "Thanks for coming, Jay, you really do look like Adalia. If you could, could you possibly come down here and sit at the command table upfront? You don't need to say anything, just look angry. Adam said you'd probably know how to do that. So if we're going to lie, might as well make it a good one."

    Jay chuckled and flicked her thumb at Erbas. "Get him to stand behind me and glare. Won't be hard for me to fake it." She moved forward and took the seat.

    Erbas rolled his eyes but did as suggested.

    Trec glanced at the four Sabers before looking at Marie and Jem with a look that tries to say, If they misbehave, their punishment is up to you. Briana caught the look and laughed quietly to herself.

    The room was filling up and he cleared his throat, "Come on in everyone, the briefing is about to begin." He looked at Jay, "Is everyone from your squadron here, at least everyone who isn't already on another mission?"

    Jay glanced around, "yeah, two are with ......" She paused for anyone else listening, "the Valorum." Just in case someone was looking on a believing her disguise, she had to keep quiet where Adalia actually was.

    The conversation between Hoclaw and Jacen continued in the background; the Colonel had just demanded Corellia foot the cost of all war reparations - and all the blame.

    Hoclaw wasn’t having any of it.

    "... and asking us to bear a tremendously disproportionate burden of the cost of rebuilding. If I agree to the numbers you suggest, the Corellian system would be reduced to poverty for generations." There was a long pause. "No, that's not justice. That's vindictiveness, and it presupposes that the entire burden of blame, that every wrong done in the course of these events, should be laid at the feet of the Corellian government."

    Then she riposted and asked him to step down! It was probably a good thing they couldn’t see either face.

    “Step down? Why would I?"

    "Because if you do, we might be able to transform this conversation from a simple negotiation to a genuine peace. We might bring an end to this war. I could take the fact of your cooperation to the Confederation as a whole. My superiors tell me that a concession like that would earn a lot of favour within the Confederation."

    But Jacen’s irritation was obvious. “That’s not on the table. Captain, you’ve heard my terms. I will not budge on any of them. In fact, as I grow annoyed with you, I will make them harsher. I’ll give you ten standard minutes to accept them as is. If you do not, when we begin talking again, you’ll be in a worse bargaining position.”

    At that, he signed off!

    Adalia had been listening, there was a lot to hear, the negotiations, and in her ear, the team on the Warrior and others. She'd smirked at Rooty's words, rolled her eyes at Jay and Erbas and raised an appreciative eyebrow as Marie's stepping in. That was a move she'd have done, seemed that Marie had only gotten stronger in the passing years, a good thing. A feeling washed over her, one of dread, she turned to look at the Captain from her position, who was still 'aggressively negotiating' with Jacen. There was nothing there, turning she glanced at Ilona and Adrian, they seemed relaxed, but something was niggling at her mind. A sense of danger.

    Trec listened quietly to the negotiation between the insane and the deceiver, he looked at everyone, "This is why you don't send a crazy person to a diplomatic negotiation. It will only harden their resolve."

    He brought up the holo display and turned down the negotiations, though it looked like Briana was paying close attention to the conversations, "First the plan that they're presenting is that we'll join the task force looking to ambush the negotiations, but we're not playing that game due to some...inattention on their part that has reduced our numbers."

    Trec motioned towards Jay/Addie, "Their leadership suspects some deception on both sides, so members are investigating to see if Centerpoint Station is, in fact, active." he did his best to silence the chatter, "Which if that's the case it would put us in more danger than any leader here cares to face." He could see nodding from his squadron commanders, "That and it would be safe to assume that they would have a task force as we have, maybe two. So our plan is to find them and hit them hard and fast."

    "Our A-wings and TIE Defenders," indicating his and Invisible Lightning's pilots, "Will try to find them and the K-wings of Lovely Broadcaps Flightknife, will hit any isolated major ship. However," he brought up a holo of Ession Strike, "if this ship is spotted alone, I would think some of our commando friends should maybe try to take it." There was a predatory smile on Briana's face with Kael nodding, "I understand they have a history with that ship. Any questions, comments?"

    One of the K-wing pilots raised their hand, "What are the actual targets for the squadrons?"

    Trec smiled, "That depends on if and when we find another task force. To the Stars will do a little bit of everything from scouting, to escorting the bombers, to space superiority. Invisible Lightning, when not scouting will be space superiority. Lovely Broadcaps, if we find a capital ship...need I say more?" He heard a chuckle from his pilots, particularly the K-wing pilots and crew. Looking to the Sabers, "Given that you're down some people, you'll be point defense for the Warrior."

    He looked at the Sabers individually, "I want to personally thank you all, particularly Adam and you Adalia," looking directly at Jay/Addie, he knew what the real deal was, but partly it was for his pilot and partly it was for Adalia herself to hear, "due to the actions of the two of you, managed to defy one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, and then brought in your own people who volunteered to join. I can only wish to have people who feel about me in the future that way. Also, it allowed us the chance to prove ourselves." Looking at his other pilots, he could see several of them nodding especially the squadron commanders, "We all owe you quite a bit because of that."

    He had performed a few moves, nothing too fancy but Rooty had been enjoying himself when the message came through, he immediately patched it through. "Speed heard Starfire say the lights are on." he hoped the cryptic message would be understood.

    Trec looked back at the assembled pilots, "Ok we need to move now, pilots, to your fighters. Scouts, be ready to launch as soon as possible."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, (mentions only after this), @Adalia-Durron, @The Real Kyp Durron, @Corellian_Outrider ( many Horns are there? :p), @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @darthbernael
  16. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis-Durron, Ilona Malek, Adrian Malek, Mirax Terrik-Horn (appearance) Thanks heaps to @Anedon
    On Board the Valorum - for now.

    He was at it again, Adalia's mind tingled as she could hear his voice. ’Adalia, something is wrong with this situation and I cannot put my finger on it but... You’ve got five minutes to get over here if you’re going to do so and then we’re boosting away from what feels like a trap here.’ Doing this with Jacen Solo so close was a risk, surely he knew there was a chance Solo would know he was there? There was a good chance he knew Adalia was there, she'd never learned to hide herself in the Force, and she briefly wondered if he saw her as Kyp did. He'd once described her at the shining light he gravitated toward. She looked down and narrowed her eyes to concentrate. 'I know, I feel it. Moving out.' She sent him the message in her thoughts before looking up to Adrian and Ilona who stood almost at attention near the door, but not quite. Looking toward Mirax she flicked her head, indicating for her to follow then she moved across to the siblings to stand between them facing away. "It's time to go, now. No questions." She hissed.

    Ilona opened her mouth to protest or at least inquire further but Adrian firmly placed his hand on her shoulder. As their eyes met Ilona understood his unspoken message. So she swallowed her reply and gave Adalia a nod.

    Adrian had been visibly hurt on the journey here, saddened that Marie had chosen to stay with her squad instead of coming with him, but now he was glad Ilona at least stood with him.

    "Our ships are in the hangar," he muttered to Adalia. "We can leave quickly if need be."

    "Keep walking." She whispered back. They reached the turbo lift and it opened almost immediately. She waited for the moment when they were all in and the doors closed. "Get to your ships and get the frack off this crate. Do not wait for us, do not look back."

    "What about you?" Ilona said, not wanting to abandon a fellow soldier.

    She turned to Mirax. "We're both pretty resourceful, you will follow my orders. We clear?" Adalia said in a firm tone as the doors opened. "Move it. We have less than five minutes."

    Ilona rolled her eyes, she wasn't even under Adalia's command but being treated like this? She could only internally shake her head.

    "Okay," Adrian said. He trusted Adalia but also felt disappointed she still didn't seem to trust him.

    Adalia felt the wave of annoyance from Ilona as the four of them entered the hangar. "You can stay if you like Ilona, whatever happens will not be my problem." She stopped and turned to the woman. "You could learn to trust me like your brother, he knows I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't important." There was no time to argue. "Come on Mirax, let's find something to get off the ship with." The pair of women strode away.

    TAG @Corellian_Outrider @Sinrebirth
  17. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Aden, Valentina, Tahiri (Combo with @Sinrebirth)
    X-wing, second rendezvous

    The three X-wings hung above the ecliptic, sensors showing the black ISD and Corellian VSD beneath them. They were listening to the comms.

    “I mean they did start the war - the rearming Centerpoint, planning a secession, building a secret assault in the fleet,” Aden was saying.

    Tahiri was loath to agree with him on anything and so didn’t.

    "True, but they are a part of the core, even if its the red headed stepchild," Valentina said. "Lets not let their Rim lackeys get away. They should pay up as well, for more than just this war if you ask me." Again the trauma of the fall of Coruscant returned in front of her eyes, the Rim, especially the South had just sat idly by while the core burned.

    Aden rued as much. "Eriadu definitely sat back, ditto Bespin. They could have done more."

    "Sluis Van was hit by the Confederation, though," Tahiri added; she couldn't help herself.

    "And the Bothans made it so Coruscant fell to the Vong - your point? Our mild harassment of Bothan Space isn't nearly enough punishment," he emphasied. "I would like to see a Commenor-level response for all the Confederate members."

    The reparations commentary shifted to a request Jacen step down. Aden was speechless!

    Valentina felt a cold shiver run down her spine, had they just read her thoughts? She hadn´t said anything about the Vong War out loud. For the next few seconds she thought if there was a way to protect her mind from this but that was probably futile.

    "Honestly it would be best if all of those places are put under military occupation for at least 25 years, those local elites need to be destroyed. With the Bothans you can make that 50 and with the Eriaduans best to remove that world entirely, spread the people all over the galaxy. Like the people of Alderaan."

    The reference to the last war was all both Tahiri and Aden had needed to revisit their own private issues with the Yuuzhan Vong - Tahiri, tortured to the point of a schizophrenic break, losing Anakin - Aden, enslaved at Fondor and implanted with coral, only his grandmothers pursuit of his fate had saved him.

    "Sounds good to me" Aden said. "And there is no way that Colonel Solo is going to step down."

    "None whatsoever," Tahiri agreed.

    "He is the kind of statesman who only leaves his office with his feet first," Valentina agreed and deliberatly not mentioned the rumors she had heard that Solo was of Correllian royal descent himself.

    "I don't get why the Corellians mentioned it..." Aden hesitated.

    "What is it?" Tahiri said.

    "It's just odd. The Corellians don't have the strength to do a decent ambush and defend Corellia, but here we are. They're negotiating, and I don't have anything particular specific warning me... but it hardly seems genuine..." Aden's political gears were whirring. "Why Jacen, and not Niathal? Would they have accepted us asking for Koyan to step down?" He was referencing the Corellian leader. "Or Admiral Delpin, who planned the attack on Hapes, according to Intel?"

    "Centerpoint?" Valentina suggested. "If they somehow get it operational? The collateral damage would be insane but... if they are desperate. Could this be a trap?"

    "Centerpoint?" Aden paused. "They'd target Coruscant first if they managed to fix that."

    There was a click as he shifted to a private line. "Tahiri doesn't know, but Centerpoint was tied to her deceased boyfriend - Anakin Solo. Full imprinting. The Corellians tried to recreate Anakin as a droid, but Colonel Solo and Ben Skywalker led a mission to cripple it. There is no way the Corellians can use it - the tech there is a hundred millennia old, completely insane."

    Aden did feel concern rising within him though. He didn't yet click over to the main channel, though he felt Tahiri's curiosity at being cut-out the chat.

    "Wasn´t the second Death Star also supposed to be unoperationable?" Valentina muttered. "R9 can you do a scan of the station? Just in case?"

    R9 did a negative. They were equally between Coruscant and Corellia, hanging in deep space.

    It suspected there were some Corellian assets hiding in a nearby nebula, much like the Second Fleet was taking advantage of the space beween stars to hide. But nothing superweapon-esque.

    Aden looped in Tahiri. "I think we should head in-system, and get ready. I feel something odd."

    "We were told to wait until the Corellians attack," Tahiri reminded him.

    Vexed, Aden hissed. "I know that. But we can't just sit here and do nothing."

    The conversation hit a dead end, and Jacen gave the conversation a ten minute break. Aden had expected to hear from him, but the minutes crept by, and he realised, three minutes after, that Jacen was preoccupied.

    "We go in," he said, firmly.

    "No, we don't," Tahiri replied just as firmly.

    "I say we wait," Valentina said. "If we attack now the confeds will blame us for breaking the negotiations, it would mean a huge sucess for their propaganda."

    Aden seethed. He had been overruled. He clicked off. Tahiri sighed. “I’d watch your back now. Colonel Kya is a vindictive barve.” Her tone became a purr. “As someone with the ear of Colonel Solo... I can do my bit if you want."

    "If it helps, sure." Valentina responded after a moment. She trusted Tahiri more than Aden, at least she seemed to be more sane and stable, even if the fact that Adrian Malek had been able to kick her butt didn't exactly make her look competend.

    Tahiri smiled slightly and signed off. That left Valentine and Aden and Tahiri to continue watching.

    Less than five minutes later, the Force became charged -

    The Valorum advanced -

    Starfighters leapt in -

    Tag: Anyone
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Darth Caedus
    Command Salon, Anakin Solo, rendezvous

    He strode into the Command Salon, and then, into his private office. The guard, a muscular man with yellow skin, was there, slumped in Caedus's desk chair, unconscious. A bruise was already beginning to appear on his chin. Leia was nowhere to be seen.

    Caedus shoved him and the rolling chair aside, hearing but not looking as the chair toppled and deposited the guard on the floor. Caedus brought up his desk monitor and clicked it over instantly to his secret chambers, where Allana now lived.

    There was was, curled up on a little daybed. Nearby, unwatched, an entertainment broadcast in which Ewoks spoke Basic and befriended shipwrecked little girls. Caedus tensed, remembering the deception he had perpetrated in Tenel Ka's palace, but saw her features and relaxed. This was the real Allana.

    He thumbed his comlink to life. "Security. Find Leia Solo."

    "Sir, she's approaching your personal hangar."

    Caedus sniffed. "Alert the guards there; secure both internal and external bay doors. If she tries to perform a bypass, or begins to cut through them with her lightsaber, unsecure the outer doors, open them, and vent the hangar to space. I doubt she'll want to play in hard vacuum." He smirked.

    "Yes sir." There was a pause. "Doors secured remotely, sir.. there's no sign of them on holocam."

    Caedus moved to the wall panel concealing the secret door that led to those chambers. It opened before him, and he stepped through into the one of the best-kept secrets aboard ship. The narrow corridor led aft, to a succession of small rooms that almost no one living knew about. A few steps later, he was with the same happy view of Allana he had seen on his monitor.

    She opened her eyes, groggy, and yawned. "No more work?"

    "I'm sorry. Lots more work, but I wanted to stop in to look at you."

    No, Allan had not been Leia's objective. So what is? Sabotage of the long-range turbolasers? Surely she knows that Luke took care of them. They won't be repaired for weeks. The security officer's voice crackled across his comlink almost immediately. "Sir, Jedi Solo reached the bay doors. We had them locked down, but thye opened right up for her and she walked in. Holocam image inside doesn't show her. The holocams must have been subverted."

    Caedus hissed in frustration. "Vent the outer doors immediately."

    We did, sir. Issued the command, I mean. The system acknowledged, but exterior holocams show the doors still shut."

    "Bring up all weapons, prepare to blast that yacht to plasma the instant it launches."

    He spun, re-entered the room he had just left, and smiled down to his daughter. "I was wrong. Work is done for a little while. Let's go for a fun ride."

    Centerpoint Station, Fire-Control Chamber

    The chief technician's voice was quiet and sombre. "Anakin Solo imprinting lockout bypasses are holding. Energy charge is holding. Targeting system is holding. We read ready."

    Admiral Delpin nodded. "Acknowledge ready." She turned Koyan's way. "We await your authorization to launch."

    Koyan gulped. "Launch authorized. Admiral Delpin, I also authorize you to fire the weapon. Don't wait for me to authorize. Fire when you think the moment is perfect."

    "Acknowledged," Delpin raised her comlink. "Force Yimi, move in. Force Zexx, all squadrons, make your jump and commence your attack." She paused long enough to hear two confirmations, then turned back toward Koyan. "We're committed."

    Aboard the Valorum, hangar, Force Yimi

    The call came in before the full ten minutes were up - Adalia, Ilona, Adrian, Mirax may have been preparing to go, but Delpin gave the order and the Valorum began accelerating to battle speed, making launching from the hangar into a much more difficult - and scraping the Fury as it went! Face swore, and undoubtedly Renn, Rom and Rom wouldn't be impressed - especially as the cloak was down from the damage. Two Carrack light cruisers moved up to flank them, strobing the distant Anakin Solo with ion fire and issuing orders to launch the two squadrons from the Valorum hangar -

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @Corellian_Outrider
    Aboard the Anakin Solo, hangar

    Finally, they were - double doors leading into the main starfighter bay. He glanced at the arrayed ranks of starfighters - old and new, trusted and experimental - and veered towards the line of various TIE series.

    One in particular - an experimental design he'd flown once - drew his eye. The prototype TIE Reconnaissance Fighter, nicknamed the Blur by GA pilots, resembled the TIE Bomber - it had a low-profile, curved solar array wings and two cylindrical fuselages mounted side by side, making the vessel look curiously like a pair of macrobinoculars mounted between a pair of cupped hands. Unlike the situation with the original bomber, the port-side pod on the Blur was an electronics housing, carrying a modern-era hyperdrive, astronavigation computers, a shield generator, life-support systems, and sophisticated electronic countermeasures; it was the closest thing to StealthX to come out of Sienar, its manufacturer. This Blur was painted in black, undecorated except for small Galactic Alliance symbols on the outer wings.

    Not waiting for a boarding ladder, Caedus leapt atop the Blur and lifted he boarding hatch.

    His comlink beeped. Carefully, he clambered with Allana down into the cockpit, pulled the hatch shut, and settled into the pilot's couch before answering. "Yes?"

    It was his sensor officer. "Sir, sixteen squadrons of starfighters have dropped out of hyperspace. They're heading toward us at full speed. The Confederation capital ships are also moving in." The fighters were part of Force Zexx, commanded by Trec. Rooty, Jay, Marie, Erbas, Emaline, Jem, Adam, Briana and Kael were given the self-same orders by Admiral Delpin to deploy, and dozens of A-9 Vigilances were launched from the rendezvous - but whatever their thoughts of the battle now, their friends aboard the Valorum were imperilled.

    TAG: @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83, @Adalia-Durron

    "Signal Admiral Limpan. Tell her to bring the Second Fleet in now. Launch all starfighters from all vessels." As he spoke, Caedus powered up the Blur and glanced his way through his way through preflight. "Move the Anakin Solo to the rear of the formation and do not, repeat, do not bring up our shields until the last possible moment, or until the diagnostics that are running pronounce them safe, whichever comes first."

    "Yes, sir."

    "I'm launching now." Allana in his lap, Caedus finished pulling webbing tight over the two of them, then activated the Blur's repulsors. In his haste, he caused the vehicle to nearly jump off the hangar floor - and then he was outside. Caedus breathed easier for a minute. Outside, surrounded by hard vaccum, with enemy starfighters and warships racing in his direction, at last he felt safe.

    Caedus brought the Blur around and above the Anakin Solo, giving him an unimpeded view of the vessel and open space before it. Allana cooed with appreciation at the vista of stars and ships.

    Suddenly there were more ships. A bluish streak resolved into the curved, graceful lines of the Mon Cal cruiser Blue Diver, flagship of the GA Second Fleet, forward and to port of the Blur's position. Other capital ships, a score of them, ended their hyperspace jumps in formation all around the vessels already on station. Starfighters now began to stream out of the Anakin Solo's belly and the starfighter bays of other vessels like piranha-beetles swarming out of a just-damaged nest. The Mawrunner took command of the fighter swarm and deployed the squadron including Syal and Rhoen.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 (mention only)

    Caedus frowned. Curiously, the Confederation starfighter force was not hammering its way into the GA formation and going after the big ships. They remained skirmishing in a big furball just before the formation. He shook his head. This was the most extraordinarily stupid way to lose a surprise attack he had ever seen.

    Abruptly, his father's voice sounded in his ears, words spoken twenty years before or more. Jacen, when you're so much smarter than your opponent that you know you don't even have to make an effort to beat him, that's when he smiles and hands you the vibroblade he just cut your heart out with.

    Caedus shook his head to clear the memory away. His father didn't have anything to teach him anymore.

    "Somebody went away." Allana's voice was faint.


    "Somebody went away. And somebody else. They're going away." There was now a world of hurt and dread in Allana's voice. Caedus leaned forward to see what he could of her face and was surprised to witness tears rolling down her cheeks. But what -

    Then he knew the answer. She was Force-sensitive. Pilots were dying, and she was feeling the diminishment in the Force that accompanied each death. Inured as he was to death in combat, he paid no more attention to it than he would to a breeze stirring his hair. But Allana was experiencing each event as a little stab of pain.

    He hesitated, caught off guard. What could he tell her to make the pain go away? No soothing words would keep her from feeling each distant loss, and he was suddenly helpless.

    His anguish became rage, rage at Leia and her companions sneaking aboard and forcing him to abandon his flagship in-case they had a bomb; rage at the Corellians for launching another dishonourable trap; rage at the galaxy for making it so he had to take his daughter -

    He activated his comlink.

    "Dark Squadron," he addressed the secondary backup force led of Aden, Tahiri and Valentina.

    "Make sure that the Valorum burns."

    TAG: @Anedon
    Anakin Solo, hangar

    Han eased the yoke forward. The Love Commander glided to the entryway, and her prow emerged through the atmospheric shield.

    But Han did not increase thrust for a run into space. As the yacht's nose entered vacuum, Han meticulously turned to port, toward Anakin Solo's stern. Leaving the hangar, the yacht maintained a distance of less, than two meters from the Star Destroyer's hull - too close for the ship's guns to target him. They could not depress that far, and even if they could, a clean hit would hull the yacht and damage the Anakin Solo itself.

    Jaina nodded. "Nice. Slow as a teenager taking her first speeder parking test... but nice."

    Han shot her a dirty look. "Now we just have to find the perfect time to make our run for it."

    Edge of the battle

    The StealthXs of Red Sword Flight - Luke, Kyp, Corran, Tyria Tainer, the Rodia Twool, and Sanola Ti of Dathomir - dropped out of hyperspace and were confronted by the vista of the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet drawn up in tight formation, the Confederation task force approaching it in some sort of suicidal, spread-out array, and a furious screen of starfighter dogfights raging between them.

    Luke felt a distraction, something drawing his attention away from the engagement zone toward an empty area of space far to the port side of the GA capital ships. It took him a moment to recognize the source of the distraction - Twool, whose StealthX carried fewer armaments but better sensors than the other vehicles of Sword Flight.

    Twool, whose job it was to detect Jacen Solo's tracking device with those sensors.

    Twool had to be tracking Jacen now, and Jacen had to be at the point toward which Twool had directed Luke's attention.

    Luke felt, and quickly attempted to quell, a sense of excitement, even celebration. If Jacen was out on some sort of joyride, perhaps observing the capital ship engagement from a safe distance, then the Jedi might be able to ignore several levels of Jacen's defences that they had prepared for. The cargo compartments of their StealthXs were loaded with equipment especially chosen and crafted for this mission - which originally entailed having the squadron up to the Anakin Solo as it wanted in space, then launching a salvo of engine-crippling proton torpedoes and heaving most of the Jedi retaliatory attacks and starfighters while Luke and Kyp, laden with equipment, secretly boarded and tried to reach Jacen.

    If Jacen really was hovering away from the Anakin Solo, though, Luke's squadron could conceivably just fly over to him and compel his surrender... or shoot him...

    TAG: @The Real Kyp Durron, @Corellian_Outrider
    Last edited: May 11, 2021
  20. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Adam Lyons, Tawg

    Adam was used to waiting and was familiar with sneaking around. He’d just never done it with something designed for stealth, so this was fun. What wasn’t fun were the variables that Tawg was feeding him.

    Tawg was calculating possibilities, first was figuring out the size that any beam from Centerpoint could be, which meant looking up holos of the station to figure out dimensions. The best guess was kilometers in diameter which was frightening in itself. Another question was whether whatever it hit would explode or just be vaporized. Both options created a set of calculations in themselves. Finally among the possibilities was the target, Jacen Solo, or destruction of the largest force there? If it was Jacen, then Anakin Solo would be a logical target. The problem was that the ship's captain was Kral Nevil who Adam had flown with, in separate squadrons, at Borleias during the Vong War. Adam wasn't keen to kill good people who happened to be on the wrong side in his opinion.

    Forces jumped in, sixteen starfighter squadrons jumped in roughly from behind Anakin Solo. In response, Alliance forces deployed what looked like a task force portion of a fleet. Also, though the information was very sketchy, there seemed to be additional emissions near the Anakin Solo, there were no visuals, but to Adam, that meant stealthy fighters and dangerous pilots. Adam moved to investigate, though Tawg provided data of what could arguably be a simulation of a five-kilometer beam of light and a ten-kilometer beam of light centered on the group of capital ships, and then on the Anakin Solo. Adam sighed, it was the usual problem with dangerous information gathering.

    Maybe maximum visual range could work.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @The Real Kyp Durron, @Corellian_Outrider (there's an interloper to your Caedus party)
  21. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Adrian & Ilona Malek
    Leaving the ship

    "Ilona we need to talk," Adrian said firmly as they climbed up to their starships. He knew this was hardly the time for something like this but they needed to get this off their minds once and for all. The hangar was buzzing more and more with activity, confirming to him that Adalia had been right. They needed to leave.

    "What is it?" Ilona was still annoyed at this. She asked herself why she had come here, why she had given up the opportunity to become speaker of Eriadu to be with her brother when neither he nor anyone else showed her any shred of gratitude for it, but instead gave her nothing but lectures.

    "I'm not a child anymore, you don´t have to guide my every step in this galaxy, nor antagonize other people for trying to get close to me."

    "I came here to help you, to fight at your side, and yet you say I'm the one to antagonize people?" Ilona said as they switched the conversations to the coms of their respective ships. "They are the ones who mock and provoke me, treat me like a child instead of respecting me as an ally. How does this make me the bad girl?" Why didn't her brother see this? She felt more and more heated, it was them who had brought their family in danger, by dragging them into this war. Her father had almost died and Ilona had nearly lost an arm.

    "Ilona!" Adrian said angrily through com as all the frustrations broke out of him. "Nobody forced you to come here, so please don't act like you are a victim of them. They know and respect me, it's your treatment of both me and them that has them think you are the bad girl. They see you as a spoiled brat who feels entitled to rule over her younger brother."

    Who is the spoiled child here? Ilona had almost shot back, but bit her lip as she brought her ship out of the hangar. Her life had been filled with duty and responsibility, while Adrian had been able to enjoy the comforts of being the second born child. For a moment she wanted to yell at him, to tell him to shut it. But then her moment of rage was overcome by sadness as she thought of what her parents would say if they saw them fighting like that. Was that what they had become? A family like Tobin's where everyone fought each other?

    "Look, Ilona," Adrian continued, his voice serious but no longer aggressive. The ship was speeding up so he needed to concentrate further on getting out of the hangar in one piece. "I know that isn't you. But the way you are currently acting makes them think that. If you want them to treat you with respect you should first give that respect to me as well." He took a deep breath before saying, "I made a mistake, I should have listened to you about the GA military, or at least let you know what was going on there instead of silently taking the abuse."

    Ilona looked up, taken aback Adrian was admitting this. She had known what was happening to him there and wanted to help, but his stubbornness had kept him there, had lead to him push her and other away to bear his burden alone.

    "But that doesn't mean that every decision I make is wrong, or that I can't learn from my mistakes," Adrian added, hoping she would see his point.

    "And now you are blindly trusting Adalia?" Ilona asked as their ships shot into the void. She anger was gone but this action, it still puzzled her. Not that she by now doubted that something was afloat.

    "I do, because I promised that to her, because in the short time I've known her, she's taught me more than I have learned in many other places in years. If she has a bad feeling, we better listen to her," then a further peace offering he added, "if it turns out to be wrong you can lecture her all you want if we return. I will ensure she listens to all of it. But if she is right, maybe consider listening to her in the future."

    Ilona took a deep breath, "fine, I will trust you two on this."

    "You are my sister Ilona, I love you. Let us do this together, just as we did in the past, I have your back and you have mine, okay?"

    Ilona thought about this for a moment. She had never experienced this kind of maturity from her brother, never heard that tone in his voice before. Whatever Adalia was, Ilona couldn't deny that she had helped her brother grow. "Love you too brother, forgive me if I occasionally go too far in showing that."

    Tag: Anyone
  22. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    ~IC~ Mirax Terrik-Horn, Adalia Tehanis-Durron
    Location: Valorum, Victory-class Star Destroyer

    Mirax followed Adalia’s directive without question as they went to the hanger with Adrian and Ilona. As they arrived, there was a shudder felt throughout the deck.

    “Ahh.. the Valorum has started moving.” Mirax stated out loud to Adalia. “I knew this ship was old but I didn’t realise it was that old.... but then again, the name does give it away.”

    Adalia stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide as she spun to face Mirax. "He's here...." she frowned slightly,'re here……..both our guys are here……out there!" The deck was still shuddering. "I have a really bad feeling about this!"

    “Ah, joy!” Mirax exclaimed with mock humour. “Now would be a great time for us to skedaddle. You have an exit strategy in mind?”

    "In what you mean?" Adalia scanned the far clearing hangar deck, the squadrons were launching and there wasn't much left. Then in the back corner she saw something covered with dust. "Over there!" she pointed.

    Keeping pace, Mirax looked over to where Adalia had pointed. “Ahh... I think that’s the relics and spare parts section of this flying museum.”

    "I only hope there is something that works!" Adalia said as she broke in to a run.

    “Beggars can’t be choosers.” Mirax said as she went around the opposite side to make the search quicker.

    Adalia pulled a tarpaulin cover off something, or two somethings. They looked like 'project' ships that someone had spent a great deal of time restoring and bringing back to former glory. "I think we hit the jackpot Mirax!"

    “ ARC-170 with missing wing... a wing for a V-19 Torrent... wonder how much these goes for on the market-Oh?” Mirax stopped and looked over. “What one is it?”

    “I think this has been restored!”

    “That’s a miracle amongst these relics and derelicts...” Mirax muttered. “See if you can find me something Nubian and shiny, please.”

    Adalia began to pull more of the tarpaulins off, this seemed to be a corner where older enthusiasts were restoring classics. "OH! I got a Head hunter in ......dubious colours!"

    “Dubious could work.” Mirax said and came around. “As long as it still flies.” She ducked under the wing and around to quickly inspect the fuselage. “Layout similar to the ARC... must be vintage Clone Wars era or early Civil War...” she climbed up onto the cockpit. The hatch didn’t budge and she yanked hard to open it open. “Beggars can’t be choosers. I see if it starts. If no, I’m bunking with you.”

    Adalia had moved back to the A Wing. "We don't have time to be choosers Mirax!" She looked around the hangar to see ships launching all over and, in the distance, she could see the two Valkyries moving out. She was relieved they were getting clear. Climbing up on to the craft she found the button to open the cockpit and to her relief it popped open. What it revealed was almost as glaringly garish as the exterior. The hot pink interior was an assault on her eyes almost as much as the hot pink and orange lightening streaks across the outer shell. "Like the lady said, beggars and all." she muttered as she jumped in.

    Mirax quick started the engines and systems. There was a whine and then a spluttering sound before a mechanical groan.

    “I may as well get out and push.” She climbed up and moved along the top of the fuselage and gave the oversized engines a sharp kick with her boot.

    The engines spluttered and flared to life and she scrambled back into the cockpit and sealed the hatch

    Flicking a series of switches from memory as it had been at least 20 years since she’d even sat in an A Wing, before pushing the start button.


    “Great.” She muttered as she scanned the controls and readouts. She found it, a switch under the control yoke, a fuel cut off system. “Clever when not in use.” She muttered as she touched it and it glowed green. She tried the engines again to be rewarded with a roar. “Ok, we got power.”

    Adalia immediately began to work the communications. “Mirax? You there? I got power.” She broadcasted on a low frequency close range comm message.

    “I’ve got some life... it either flies or explodes...” Mirax responded. “Here goes...”

    The Z-95 slowly lifted off the deck. “Repulsors are steady... sublights, powering up...”

    The exhaust flared bright as more power fed into the engines and the craft glided slowly towards the exit of the hanger.

    “I’ll coast until you are airborne. How are you?”

    Adalia was able to get the repulsors working. “I’m off the deck…” easing the yoke forward, “and I’m moving.” She reported.

    Mirax crinkled her nose and grinned. “Time to Rock ‘n Roll?”

    Adalia smirked. “In this thing, I think I could easily do that. Rocking and rolling on your six!” She quipped as she accelerated up behind the Headhunter. “Sweet ride …………do you have a call?”

    “Myra.” There was a hint of a smile inflected in Mirax’s voice.

    Adalia was able to swing out from behind Mirax and side up to her. "Myra it is. You know who I am, so let's do this. I have a feeling we are about to get into it. I only hope I got something to bring to this party." She began to scan for weapons and when she found the button to bring them on-line, she pursed her lips and pressed it, it lit up. “Ok, I might have weapons here!”

    “Check our IFFs, our friends know we are friends...right?” Mirax asked. “Hyperdrive is functional too.”

    Adalia was checking her hyperdrive. "Looks like this is a great restoration, aside from the colours, got hyper too." She scanned the console, "IFF's changing now, don't want to get shot down!"

    “That would spoil a good run.” Mirax muttered.

    “Do we got targets?” Adalia asked scanning the ancient screen, she hadn’t even flown in her new X Wing but missed the HUD already as the dots on the screen changed colours. “Ok, readouts coming in, we got targets.”

    The two vintage fighters shot out of the Star Destroyer’s hangar and into the fray

    “Following your lead, Vixen” Mirax allowed the A-Wing to overshoot her.

    It’d been a while, but the blood was pumping, the underlying anger at the perpetrators of this war and the bitterness at the toll it had taken on her was surfacing. “Let’s do this.”

    TAG @Sinrebirth @Anedon
  23. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    IC: Trec ke Mattino, Warrior’s fighter coordinator, Warrior’s Captain, Invisible Lightning Lead

    Trec was waiting a few minutes before climbing into his X-wing just in case the Captain of the Warrior decided to get in touch.

    Then again he wasn't part of the batch of the fighters who had launched immediately, Invisible Lighting, the TIE Defenders, and A-wings of his squadron, To the Stars, had already launched in pairs to look for additional Alliance task forces. Portions of the Second Fleet were found fairly quickly but they left the area since it would be too strong a force to attack. Not that it mattered, Second Fleet jumped soon anyways to join Anakin Solo.

    Not that it mattered, Warrior jumped to provide vector information to the A-9 squadrons. The Command channel was busy, “Seems like something’s going on near Valorum, deploy three squadrons towards it.” It was a prearranged command between Trec, the starfighter coordinator, and Warrior’s captain.

    The captain spoke next, “What do we do about Antilles?

    Good question…Trec pondered for a minute, “data update her starfighter to blue, only a data update.

    There’s a new sensor report, an A-wing and...a Headhunter!? They’re leaving the vicinity of the Valorum.the starfighter coordinator spoke after a couple of minutes, “looks like a couple of those Eriadian fighters as well…

    Trec smiled, “If they aren’t already make them as blue, and send an additional squadron of A-9s.

    I’ll add a question with some meeting coordinates in case they want an upgrade.” from Warrior’s captain. Once it seemed clear that the A-9s had joined, Warrior jumped to another portion of the battlefield.

    Second Fleet jumped,” from Invisible Lightning Lead, “Though that’s obvious now, we wanted distance. Currently searching for a third force.

    Good hunting…

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @Corellian_Outrider
  24. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    (A brief Cameo by our favorite triple threat brought to you by @Sinrebirth and myself)

    : Tiom Riordan, Syal Antilles, Rhoen Aquilla
    Aboard the Mawrunner, Second Fleet

    The mission briefing had been simple enough.

    The Corellians had offered to enter into secret peace talks, intending to bring a single Star Destroyer and two cruisers, and co-Chief of State Jacen Solo was going to attend with the Anakin Solo and two escorts. Nobody believed the Corellians were really going to abandon their allies, but at the same time they had to appear to be agreeable to a negotiated conclusion.

    But on the highly likely event it was a trap, the entire Second Fleet was to jump in and thrash whatever little trap the Corellians had set up. The Mawrunner, as a frigate within the Second, was on high alert, and Syal, as the squadron leader, was to take point. It had been a few weeks since they all first sat down and worked through things - or, rather, allowed their emotions to talk.

    Tiom couldn't be happier as it meant Syal had Rhoen when he was not around, and he had Rhoen to watch her back, as she had at Kuat, at Commenor, and more recently during the raids on Corellia. Today was just another day in their new-normal, and as ever Tiom would be aboard the Mawrunner, Syal would be in command of her Aleph, and Rhoen had an X-wing assigned to them.

    Yawning, Tiom stretched in the bed and sat up to turn off the alarm on his side.

    Rhoen's eyes snapped open, taking a deep breath. It was just another day, another day alive in a civil war that tore the galaxy apart. It felt like time just flew by after the 'Talk' as he'd come to call it. His heart was still a little unsure but, he couldn't help the way he felt seeing the smile on Syal's face. It was not the solution he wanted but, it was something they could all live with. In the end, they were all facing death every day, there wasn't time for petty squabbles or a distracting love triangle. It was the smart thing to do, the wise thing to do, and he knew it.

    Sitting up he turned to the side. He hoped that these were actual peace talks and not some ploy to draw out the Republic. He wanted this war to end, he wanted the questions and quandaries to end.

    Syal was with Rhoen, actually. She was still asleep, as she was want to do - sleep though alarms. But she was a workaholic, and often stayed up late analysing reports and new straighter models, especially chasing down what scant data there was about the new Mandalorian fighter, which was said to be coated in beskar.

    Rhoen wouldn’t remember her crawling into bed with him, but it was a new development. Tiom had given them privacy as and when, and been generally very content with how happy Syal was, and very supportive of Rhoen’s concerns.

    There was only the one bed in the officer’s quarters, but there was also a couch and dining area and even a small kitchen; Syal had earned this billing as a squadron leader. The couch folded open into a double-bed, which was a perk that Tiom had managed to swing with Operations.

    It was very domestic, but the old adage was that in wartime relationships moved quicker than not.

    Rhoen pulled on his boots giving a nod to Tiom, a slight thanks for giving up the bed for the night. It was still odd, figuring out how to make this all work, with the three of them. The officers quarters went a long way, having all three of them be in the same space made them get used to being together. He turned to Syal still asleep in the bed next to him, not that he remembered her joining him. It must have been a long night for the squadron leader looking over the new fighter being added to the mix.

    He moved a lock of hair out of her face and leaned over laid a kiss on the side of her head. He'd let her sleep in for a little longer as he moved to start making something quick. There wasn't much time but, he would give his love some time to wake up.

    "Eggs?" He asked Tiom looking for any breakfast orders.

    “Eggs works,” Tiom said, looking for his pants. He absently scratched at his side. “So how do you think today is going to shake out?”

    “I hope we don’t have to go anywhere near him.” Of course he was referring to Jacen, but nobody dare say that aloud.

    "Got it." Rhoen opened the small fridge grabbing a few eggs and cracking them into the heated pan. He though about the question as the eggs began to sizzle. "I want it to be peaceful, that we don't even have to deploy. That all we do is stay on standby and never leave the 'runner."

    He shivered a little thinking of their co-head of state, and full time creep.

    "I do hope the same. Something is up there." He shook his head pointing his spatula at the pants Tiom was looking for. "Though it could just be the war, it does things to people."

    Tiom looked down. “Thanks.” He picked them up, walked over as he held them, thoughtful. “If Corellia does rejoin, they’ll be no need for his way of doing things. If all the Corellians really want is him out, then really the war coming to an end is the best way to do that.”

    “With no crisis, elections can restart.” He stepped to the stool by the breakfast bar that was opposite the hob and frying eggs. He slid onto it. “So yeah, I hope we’re not needed.” He looked back at Syal, sleeping still.

    “So when are you going to propose to her too?”

    "What?" Rhoen turned a look of confusion on his face. "'s ah..." His mind was racing and fighting. She was engaged to Tiom, he was the one she was going to marry, he was steady, he'd known her for longer. The farmboy was just an add on, an accepted third angle. "You, can't be...I mean, how...This...I'm still getting used to what this is. I don't know about making it permanent..."

    Tiom grinned. “Sorry, that was mean of me.” He chuckled, turning on the stool to hitch his pants up, hopping off to tug them over his hips. He slipped around into the kitchen to make caf.

    “It’s not as it Syal and I have been dating long either, Rhoen. We only went when she transferred. But we’re engaged.” Tiom shrugged as he turned on the machine. “I’m just pointing out that there’s no ladder with this. It’s literally whatever feels best for us.”

    He looked over his shoulder at Rhoen. “Best for you, too.”

    The smell of eggs and coffee - or was it coffee and eggs? - caused Syal’s nose to crinkle. She sat up, looking over at the kitchen, pulling her blanket up with one hand while rubbing sleep from her eyes with the other. When she blinked, she grinned. “I could get used to this.”

    Tiom laid out plates for Rhoen. “Princess Antilles, your manservants are assembled.”

    She laughed. “But my breakfast is not at my actual bed yet. You’re slacking.” Her sparkling eyes swept over Rhoen, happy as they could be.

    "On it's way princess." He said serving up the eggs. Best for him, was making it official really the best thing for him? He'd just fallen into love with her, and this was a war. Was this really the time to be doing that? And he wasn't sure he was there yet. Sure they worked well in combat, and she was fun person to be around, and he loved her but was that enough? It was all too soon, and he was still too focused on the war they were fighting. Though he did enjoy spending time out of the cockpit with her. It gave him a place to chill, to be normal.

    "Here you go." he said setting the plate down before her and planting a kiss on Syal's forhead.

    She took the plate and reached for him, turning the kiss on her forehead into one on his lips. She held him there, and Tiom joked as he approached with caf. "Get a room already," he said with a grin, placing the cup on the bedside.

    Syal stuck out her tongue at Tiom and he laughed, heading back for his own caf and Rhoen's. He handed it over, perching on the stool. "Are we awake enough to talk work yet?"

    He enjoyed these little scenes just quiet moments of intimacy. Taking a seat he took a sip of his caff feeling the warmth work through him.

    "Well, we can give it a shot." Rhoen said with a smile.

    Syal sat a bit straighter. “Has anything happened?”

    Tiom shook his head. “Scuttlebutt has it that the Corellians have invited us to come aboard the Star Destroyer they’re bringing,” he said, “but we expect that Colonel Solo will refuse and comm the negotiations. The Second Fleet is to hold off until called in, but Admiral Limpan has confirmed that the entire Second is here just in-case.”

    That meant nineteen Star Destroyers and Star Cruisers, as well as some four hundred support ships. It was a massive deployment, and with how the entire Confederation only had fifty capital ships left, more than enough to handle whatever trap they had in mind. The Third Fleet and half the Fifth Fkeet remained at the front too, keeping the enemy off-balance.

    "That's an awfully large force to be deploying for a peace talk." Rhoen said furrowing his brow. He took a long sip of his caff, thoughts swirling in his head. Was this a protective force trying to keep the peace, or could this be a ploy to draw out the Corellians to destroy there forces. He wouldn't put it past Solo to do it. Though he kept that though to himself. "Well it should be enough to keep them honest...or try something crazy...

    Syal nodded. “Colonel Solo was always the kind of leader to go big or go home. The plan has him and the Anakin Solo exposed to start so... he’s not planning on causing trouble unless they do.”

    “That’d be unethical,” Tiom said, finishing his caf. He placed it in the sink and went looking for his shirt. He’d have to be on the bridge soon enough, and wanted a shower before.

    Syal leaned over to the chrono on the table as she finished up her eggs, making an appreciative noise; Rhoen was a good cook and they all loved his food. “We’ve an hour until we need to be up and running.”

    Tiom pushed open the refresher door. “Anyone joining me?” He cracked a grin their way.

    Syal threw a pillow at the door. At least all she had to do was slip into pilot gear, like Rhoen. Tiom had officer attire to get into.

    Rhoen gave Syal a smile as Tiom stepped into the fresher. Time was running out, they only had an hour left before they became pilots, and not just three young beings making the best of a bad situation. Taking a seat next to Syal on the bed he warmly took Syal's hand.

    "You doing ok?"

    Syal squeezed his hand back, and leaned in to kiss him deeply; hard, even. It was an anxious kiss, and that energy translated into fervour. Breaking for air, she grinned. “Sorry, I needed that.”

    She stood from the bed, still holding his hand as she peered for the rest of her attire. “This could end the war, and I’m excited and terrified what is going to happen after - not just with Corellia, or with Solo and Niathal,” she breathed out. “But with us, too. These weeks have been the very best of my life, but I can already hear the people; how can you be engaged to Tiom after a few months? How can you be seeing two guys? Do you intend to date more? Are they allowed to date other people?”

    It is true that people were fairly progressive nowadays, what with all numbers of genders, species, sexualities and the like, but when most human families settled into nuclear connections - though infamously it had been long suggested that Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel and Zekk would have just solved all their problems by sharing; the love triangle trope was a bit outdated it could be said - Syal didn’t want Rhoen or Tiom to get any flak because of their situation.

    For now nobody was paying any attention; it was war, and everyone had other things to deal with. But at some point she’d need to speak to her parents about it - and if she had to she’d bring up Snap, her father’s adopted son - but she was already tensing up -

    “And I really need to be concentrating on Jacen Solo and what’s going on right now.”

    She smiled tiredly.

    "Hey, it's ok." Rhoen said standing up with her and wrapping his arms around in a warm hug. "We'll take it as it comes. And if anyone has anything smart to say, we will kindly remind them that we ended a war together, that we cut across the sky, earning the highest combat efficiency in the fleet together. Just because our personal life is..." He wanted to say a mess, an absolute disaster but, he held off, "Interesting, doesn't take away from what we've done. No other person that criticizes us can take away what we have, a deeper connection than they will ever know." He looked into her her eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. He still had his issues with this situation but he knew he would do anything to protect Syal...and Tiom was a good man too. So for now he kept it buried down in his chest. "Let them talk, you've already done more than they will ever do."

    Syal heard what he didn't say, and laughed. "You were going to say mess!"

    She mock pushed his shoulder, and then listened. "So have you, Rhoen - both of our families have given a lot to the Alliance."

    "I literally could not be happier that you moved in, Rhoen. Seriously. Tiom is happier too - he felt so inadequate before - like he couldn't be everything to me, but I had never asked him to be." Syal looked rueful. "I wanted him to be Tiom, and because of you, he can be that, and not worry about all the other parts - because he can share parts of himself and I can share parts of me, with you." Syal smiled... and hoped he was listening; she wanted him to be Rhoen, not whatever he thought he had to be.

    He looked away playfully as she pushed his shoulder not wanting to give voice to his doubts. He tried to listen he really did. Tried to understand being himself, who he wanted to be. He joined this fight to continue his mother's legacy, to carry on the fight she started back at Hoth. He wanted to walk in her footsteps. Syal, and Tiom were unexpected, something thrown into his life to turn his world upside down.

    "I'm still...learning..." He admitted, "I just wanted to be a pilot, a soldier for a good cause like my mom. You..." He kissed the top of her head. "Threw everything off. Now I just want to be with you. I want to keep you safe, and have you watching my back out there. I'm not sure I should share or what parts there are."

    “It’s all up to you,” Syal said, leaving his hand to collect her garments and pilots outfit. She looped them over one forearm, and took his hand again, leading him to the refresher. They’d all need a shower before they went on to their deployments, after all. She stopped outside, leaning in the bulkhead.

    “I don’t mind, as long as you’re here.” She smiled. “I love you, Rhoen.” Her eyes widened as if she hadn’t meant to say that aloud.

    He let out a chuckle and smiled.

    "I love you too..."

    Syal’s expression lit up, and she kissed him back. Tiom opened the door, hair wet, towel around his waist. “Did I just hear the L word?” He grinned, and Syal laughed out loud.

    "I think you just got water in your ears..." Rhoen shot back mussing up Tiom's still wet hair. Though he did lock eyes with Syal, his heart beating fast. He meant every letter of that word. In spite of everything that had happened between them, he did love her. He would continue to love her. He leaned in giving Syal another kiss while Tiom was still distracted.

    "Get a shower...I'll take a quick one after you..." In his heart he wanted to suggest him joining her but, he couldn't bring the words to his lips.

    Syal kissed him one more time. "I do actually need a shower, so next time, you best join me." She kissed Tiom. "You too, mister." Tiom grinned back at her. "Hey, I already invited you."

    "And I actually want a clean, which is why I'm turning you both down, flyboys."

    Laughing, he reached after her and grabbed a smaller towel for his hair, looping it around his neck as she closed the refresher.

    "Looks like you were getting on well," Tiom said with a smile. With only a towel around his waist otherwise, he went to make himself another caf; he was notoriously bad for needing one caf after the over. But Tiom was happy to drink decaf; he just liked the taste of it.

    "Yeah...I might just be getting the hang of this, relationship." Rhoen said taking Syal's plate and his own and starting to wash them. As he did he gave a sidelong glance at Tiom. He saw what Syal did in him, he was fun, caring and was always there with a joke. He had an easy smile and made everyone feel a little more relaxed. In Rhoen's darkest moments in the deepest parts of his infatuation he'd thought terrible things, of doing horrible things to Tiom. Now though he'd found a respect for the man, even a friendship. They were brought together by love for a woman and maybe found something for each other.

    "You doing alright? I think everyone's nerves are a little on edge. This feel like the end right?"

    "The end of the war, hopefully," Tiom said. he brought a caf over. "I am ready for it to be over, Rhoen. I really am."

    He settled on the bar. "I am glad you're getting the hang of it, I think we're going to be good together - good for you, good for Syal, good for me." He wasn't speaking romantically, though he imagined they'd become family to each other inevitably so. Their connection through Syal was one where they'd love seeing her happy, no matter who made her happy. "What did you think about what I said?"

    "About the engagement?" He sounded a little embarrassed. "I had this silly idea, of the three of us sharing a wedding day, to Syal, that is. I wanted to see what you thought, is all."

    "I am too Tiom, I am too..." Rhoen was just having a cup of water when he suddenly stopped. Turning his head to the side eyes wide. A shared wedding day, the scandal of it all was one thing, a thing Rhoen could look past. But it was his heart that was in conflict. He still felt like an interloper in this relationship. In spite of everything the pair had told him, and how he let his heart be pulled this way and that. There was still a part of him that couldn't understand why he was here, why he was doing this. The mere thought of a triple marriage threw his mind for a loop and shut down most of his higher functions for a moment.

    "Um..." he said finally swallowing. "Would you be ok with that? I mean, this kinda thing is still new to us and before this started I was more than willing to step aside..." he could feel his walls coming up, and this wasn't the time for it. They started this relationship to leave the drama behind, to focus on the mission and this was the biggest mission they've had. No, he couldn't let himself close off not now.

    "I do love her, and you, despite everything, I do." He leaned his back against the bar looking out into the space. "But, I'm just, I'm conflicted, this isn't exactly how I saw my life going...not that I'm complaining or hate's just you know, we're raised with all these rules and customs. You find a partner, you date, you propose and you start a life together...there wasn't any mention of Partners..." He reached out, taking Tiom's hand, "So, I don't know, I still feel like you got there first. You get the honor of marrying her. But, that just sounds wrong doesn't it. But I still don't feel right asking to marry Syal when she's made a choice...This is all so new...and I just don't know..."

    Tiom smiled. "That's the best bit. It's DIY relationshipping, without all that messy pressure to run up a ladder. I mean, it's already a war relationship, so it's going to move faster anyway. Look at Han and Leia, or Jaina and Jag and Zekk. Bad example, even," he laughed. Their love triangle was notorious. "If we're happy, especially when we're not overthinking what other people expect, then that's all that matters to me. If anyone gives us stick for what we're doing together - as fully consenting adults - then they're just weird. It's a galaxy of millions of species and dozens of genders and sexualities. It happens."

    He placed a hand on Rhoen's shoulder and took a softer tone. "And yes, I love you too, in spite of it all." He reached up and messed with his hair. He could hear Syal finishing up, the water turning off. "Now go and shower already. If we're not ready half an hour before the mission, you know she'll freak out."

    He hesitated and leaned over to kiss him on the top of the head - about as physically affectionate he was sure of - and then turned back hungrily to his caf. He needed to drink three more cups before they were out of this room!

    "There's also no plan for it goes sideways, or even if it does work there's that terrifying feeling of not knowing if your next step is off a cliff." He gave voice to his concerns, though having a long illustrious history of fast moving relationships during conflicts did give him some solace...even if a little fleeting. "At least we'll have each other huh?" he said squeezing Tiom's hand. They both were still getting used to this, just them. Syal was still the center for both of them but, they couldn't avoid each other forever. They might not be entirely sure what they were doing but they were going to do something.

    "Yeah yeah, I'm going..." He said walking away from Tiom with a little wink. Catching sight of Syal leaving the refresher he couldn't help but stare. It confirmed for him that she was still the most radiant being he'd ever seen...though Tiom was growing on him. As much as he would like to oggle her he had to get ready for the upcoming mission, he had to clear his mind and be prepared. Though he hoped he didn't have to launch.

    It was a quick shower, the quickest of the three he would guess. And in no time he was in his flightsuit ready to head out.

    Syal and Tiom were at the kitchenette table, holding hands and watching him emerge. They wolf-whistled him and threw clothes at him, grinning.

    They had time, but not much, before Syal called the squadron to their ships for the preflight prep. They’d have to get going to their stations, Tiom aboard the Mawrunner with flight control, and them in their squadrons. Dancer Squadron, regrouped with trainees fresh from the Academy, with her as Lead and Rhoen as her co-pilot, an experimental mixed unit of Aleph’s and X-wings - four of the former and eight of the latter.

    They’d be deployed if and only if the Corellians were planning an ambush.

    If and only if.

    But for now they could just be themselves.

    It was as natural as breathing for him sliding into the cockpit of his X-Wing and popping his helmet on. As ever a holo of his mother rested on his instrument panel a constant reminder of why he flew...though maybe one day that image would change. Through the canopy as it lowered he saw her, Syal, dressed for war, a conflict he wished they didn't have to keep fighting. He threw her a thumbs up smiling a little. His heart was stead and calm as it always was before a fight. It was hard to shake the conversation he had with Tiom, he should just ask...just take the plunge. That's what he did when they got into this mess...and what's the worst that could happen. The war would be over soon, and they could sort out the intricacies of it all later. He caught her eye through the panes of transparasteel and across the hangar.

    "Syal..." he said over their private channel. Over his shoulder he saw some of the other pilots getting to their ships. It was hard to think that he and Syal were now the veterans of this outfit, the oldest of the group. The rest of their pilots were young right out of the academy. Just kids, then again so were he and Syal. Kids aboud to have a very important discussion. "You think after this mission we could talk...I have something I'd like to ask you..."

    Syal replied instantly. “Of course, honey.” There was a Sullustan chitter in the background. “I know, I know. You need a female and I have two males which is setting off the galactic cosmic balance of mates.” She rolled her eyes; you could hear it in her voice. “But I wanted to say something too - before we head off.”

    “I love you, Rhoen,” Syal said, as firmly as she could.

    Before he could reply, the discussion between Corellian Captain Hoclaw and Colonel Solo was piped in for all to hear. “Looks like the show is starting,” Syal said, drily. Her knee began to bounce.

    "Love you too..." he replied smiling broadly. Taking a deep breath he focused on the words, hoping against hope that it would turn out ok, that this war would end.

    The argument continued. Jacen wanted Corellia to bear all the reparations costs of the war; Hoclaw proposed that Jacen step down. It wasn’t going anywhere.

    They called a ten minute recess. As soon as it started, Tiom commed their personal comlinks - mainly so the Sullustan couldn’t hear it over a ship to ship comm. “Well this isn’t encouraging,” he said drily.

    "No it is not..." Rhoen replied. Those were quiet some opening gambits and neither seemed ready or willing to step down. In his head he could see it working out, but he wasn't sure if either side wanted that. Or did they want the war to continue? No he couldn't think like that. No one wanted the war to continue. "Though maybe their just testing each other's extremes...what they really want before starting to compromise..."

    Syal sounded baffled. “I mean, I’ve seen the data - the Corellian’s brought a sixty year old VSD and two Carrack’s. That’s bad. Maybe they are paranoid enough expect us to attack their diplomats, but even then - surely they want to project strength?”

    “I don’t understand either position right now,” Tiom admitted. “If they ambush Colonel Solo with a fleet of ancient ships, we’re going to obliterate them.”

    "Maybe they have a force in reserve? Something we don't know about?" Rhoen shook his head. "If they were coming looking to save face, they wouldn't hold so strongly to their demands. They must feel like they're an equal is some regard. You don't fight this hard when you know you can't win. At least not when you're negotiating. Something doesn't feel right..."

    Less than five minutes into the break, it happened - the Valorum and its escorts began advancing - and over a dozen Corellian fighter squadrons leaped in. “Ambush!” Syal hissed.

    Tiom spoke quickly. “I love you guys, we’ll get orders -“

    Their comlinks were overridden by Admiral Limpan’s voice. “Second Fleet is launching, all fighters prepare for immediate deployment on reversion.”

    Outside the hangar, the stars stretched as the Mawrunner leapt into hyperspace -

    “Dancer Squadron, we’re out first, make sure you’re ready!” Syal called out to them all -

    A long growl left Rhoen's throat. Seemed the war was still on.

    "Yes mam'" he called out over the coms setting a good example for the rookies that filled their squadron. With practiced motions he readied his X-Wing for battle. Activated his shields, charged his lasers and calibrated his targeting computer all in the matter of moments.

    "I got your back Syal..." He said over the private line.

    Syal looked over from her fighter cockpit. Blew him an imaginary kiss. Her Sullustan co-pilot shook his head again.

    “I trust you to pay attention to what’s shooting me, not my backside, hun.” You could hear her grin.

    The jump lasted seconds. “LAUNCH!”

    "You know I'm good enough to keep my eye on both." He said with a grin, clear in his voice.

    As they reverted and the order was given to launch he was right behind his lover, s-foils locking into attack position.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron @Anedon @Corellian_Outrider @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @adaml83 @The Real Kyp Durron @Sinrebirth
  25. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: A quick little combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC Bernael, Renn, Romulus, and Remus
    By the Valorum

    Renn let out as much of a curse as Bernael did when the screech metal on metal echoed in the Fury. He bounded to his feet, Rem, come with me, they better not have taken out the stealth systems again.” She bounded out of the corridor from the bridge and followed him, disappearing into the engineering spaces. Seconds later he came back out, his bark dark and his eyes smoldering, ”Are you sure your ship isn’t cursed, vampire? Yet again someone’s ripped through the control runs to the stealth system, we’re open to everyone around.” he growled out.

    Bernael spun and called out to Rom, ”Get those engines going, we’re in the middle of what is now a battlefield and this is not our conflict, not entirely.” His head turned to Rem, ”Get on the weapons, I’m sure we’re going to have to defend and, possibly, attack to get clear.” Turning back to Renn, ”You know what you need, fix things.

    Finally he turned to Face, ”I’m sure you have input but I told you how I act and this is part of it. We are moving to a better vantage point as I’m sure this specific point in space was chosen for a reason and I’d rather not be here when that reason becomes evident.” As he spoke the engines roared and the Fury began to move, shifting as it did, Rom flying an evasive pattern.

    Face hesitated, and nodded. “Just let me provide tactical analysis - it’s what I’m good at.” There were dozens of A-9 Vigilance’s, a swift little Interceptor with a powerful under-cannon. They began firing as soon as they appeared, and then the Second Fleet joined and vomited hundreds of fighters into the mix -

    And then the Valorum entered the furball, firing defensive weapons and then -

    Holding? In the middle of a fighter storm.

    The Second Fleet hesitated, all positioned in-front of the skulking Anakin Solo. Face didn’t like that. “This is quite possibly the worst ambush I have ever seen -“

    A pair of bolts spanged off them -

    An A-9 shot -

    And then their sensors went wild as a GA X-wing hurled a torpedo at them -

    Nobody knew who they were, so everyone was firing at them! They needed to climb, or at least pick a side!

    Before Bernael could give a command Rem was already on the attacks coming their way, Defensive turrets fired on incoming torpedoes, shrapnel from the destroyed weapons clanging against the hull. Renn, from the engine spaces, cursed more and more with each sound. Rom’s flying seemed erratic but he was weaving between the dueling fighters, attempting to minimize the collateral damage from attacks, the shields shifting constantly.

    Bernael turned to Face, ”The comm console is there, you may wish to send a message to our recent allies before they decide we are GA and truly attempt to destroy us.” he told the spy, pointing at the table in the main lounge. ”It would be...unfortunate, if we must remove any of their fighters from the battle, even though it now seems they attempted their own ambush, with not enough forces.”

    Face reached for the comms, thinking aloud. "Once we get out of this furball, we're basically going to watch the Corellians get crushed. I have no idea what the play is here. Is the Confederation going to make a push to secure territory while the Second Fleet is here?"

    It was frustrating him, but he pulled on the headset. "What are you wanting, Mr Anzati, sir?"

    Renn chimed in. "I can't keep track of Adalia in all this. Is she still aboard the Valorum?"

    Bernael turned toward Face, ”Corellians, that’s right, they’re behind this negotiations, hmmmm.” He spun, toward the bridge, ”Rom, we better get well clear, the Corellians are up to something and it’s something that can reach out and touch us here.”

    He chuckled at Renn’s comment. Raising his voice once more, ”Good thought, I’ll try to reach her.”

    There was a lot of ‘static’ in the Force, suggesting that Force users, strong ones, were all around. But he didn’t entirely need that to reach Adalia. He touched their bond, kept secure by the Balance itself, ’Tell your people not to fire on the Fury, your hulking ship ripped the stealth systems so everyone is shooting at us. And, what could the Corellians be up to, this now seems like their trap, no other reason they’d be willing to sacrifice you and the Valorum otherwise.

    With the battle raging he didn't think she'd reply but he hoped it made her allies cease shooting at his ship.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Anedon, @Adalia-Durron, @Corellian_Outrider, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @adaml83