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Let's talk about what will be GOOD about AOTC

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Oscar_the_Gungan, Jan 3, 2002.

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  1. ParanoidAni-droid

    ParanoidAni-droid Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    "Anakin, a speeder you already have. You cannot take on another... the code FORBIDS it!"
  2. The_Gobbler

    The_Gobbler Jedi Youngling

    Jan 6, 2002

    Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, Padme in tight revealing costumes, and bad-ass jedi saber battles. Oh yeah, and the Fett clan. :)
  3. Darth_Xero

    Darth_Xero Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 13, 2001
    Since I have not read anything concerning the storyline to Ep.2 I could not tell you 100 % that Anakin will be piloting anything other than a Speeder, but that?s precisely the reason why I say it is possible. Sure we have not "SEEN" any evidence that Ani would indeed pilot a Star Fighter of any kind in "AotC" but it is still a possibility. ;) Don't lose faith.

    And to those that have been soiled already, keep the answer to yourselves, we want to be surprised! :D
  4. Crimson_Jedi

    Crimson_Jedi Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 9, 2001
    On this issue of Anakin and piloting, all I have to say is that I am really looking forward to seeing Anakin fight as a young adult, whether in man-to-man combat or space fights. I look forward to seeing the subtle, nascent spirit of Vader in the fighting technique of the One Who Will Bring Balance.
  5. That_Wascally_Droid

    That_Wascally_Droid Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 29, 2001
    Note: no spoilers below.

    And just think, these are all broad generalities. Imagine how utterly cool some of the details will be EG, what happens on planets (obviously a chase on Coruscant for example), what the characters do and how they fit into the plot (we know Jango fights, but what does he do? What does Anakin do? Obi-Wan?), and of course all the things you guys had been given official hints at (Nightclub, Obi-Wan's mission, clones) and how they all fit.
    We've got so much to look forward to!
  6. Jedi knight Pozzi

    Jedi knight Pozzi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 2, 2000
    And then Episode III. :)
  7. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    Episode III will be the best i reckon!
    Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, Amidala, and Palpatine! Obi-Wan and Yoda are my two favorite characters, and EpIII will focus on them! EEEEK!
  8. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    on second thought! when i think about it more... it seems only likely that Anakin will own a Jedi starfighter himself! UNLESS, they are only meant for fully-fledged Jedi masters! eh?
  9. AnakenX

    AnakenX Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 6, 2002
    Guyz ! this topic just gave me back faith ! after all the stuff people said about star wars , like :
    it's dead , it will never be the same , star wars is gone bad , and someother bull**** about episode 1 disappointement , that almost killed me ! i loved ep 1 ! i realy did ! and i got soooooo excited about ep 2 , i see the forbidden love trailer every day ! it makes me wander , it's a movie by itself ! lol ... guyz , i realy approciate what your doing in here , forget about the cons and backsets and things that lacked our faith ! think about the glory we are going to have ! the beauty of what we are going to experience , the tearing of our eyes when we walk out of the theatre , wondering about the truth and the non-truth , the only thing that makes me sure i'm ganna love it is that i do love it ! i dont need any LOTR or harry potter fan to come and criticize AOTC infront of me ! he cant change my mind ! cuz i'm a fan ! hell no i'm not ganna give up on lucas ! or on AOTC ! they say EP1 sucked ? let them drown in the fire of anger ! they paid 5 bucks to see the movie and they didnt enjoy ! i did enjoy ! asking me what am i excited about in AOTC ? everything ! the clones ! anakin ! the love story ! john williams wil spark us again with another Duel-of-the-fates-style music track ! yoda will rock the galaxy ! jango fett will make a hell of a character ! man i can keep talking til the movie comes ...
  10. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    nice speech! and well-met!
  11. Bossk_BountyHunter

    Bossk_BountyHunter Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 3, 2002
    that speach has now made me excited
  12. AnakenX

    AnakenX Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 6, 2002
    YES ! let's start the revolution ! i want you to be excited ! cuz if u wasnt , who will be ? we are the fans and we'r the ones to be fired up !
  13. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    Viva la AOTC!
  14. Oscar_the_Gungan

    Oscar_the_Gungan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Star Wars in pretty far from being dead. Don't let the anti people convince you they are a small yet vocal minority.
    Everyone will get blown away in May.
    I'm actually starting to think those two guys in Seattle are heroes showing the world SW is alive and well.
  15. That_Wascally_Droid

    That_Wascally_Droid Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 29, 2001
    No. . . they're people with way too much free time on their hands. . .
  16. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    Some Star Wars fans go out of their way to criticize it, and i don't know why. I go out of my way to praise it, because it's like a family member. I love a family member, warts and all.
  17. hanshootsfirst

    hanshootsfirst Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 20, 2001
    Viva AOTC indeed! I can't believe that any SW fan that has seen those trailers can be doing anything but peeing their pants with excitement. I'm 26...I have two college degrees...but when I think about Anakin chopping off the head of whoever it is at the end of Forbidden Love, I'm five years old again, crying in disbelief because Luke just got his hand cut off. It's going to be magical. I'm not just blowing smoke to join in with the thread. I'm stunned at the lack of life on this site and the baffling response people (SW fans and otherwise) have had towards the perfectly competent but plodding and joyless FOTR. Let me quote from Roger Ebert in his review for ANH: "If you were to ask me what films we will still be watching from this century in 100 years, I would say early Chaplin and Keaton, The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca probably, Gone With the Wind maybe, AND STAR WARS DEFINITELY!"
    That's gotta make ya'all feel pretty good. The Two Towers? needs it?...Matrix 2?...whatever...I'm going to get questions from my childhood answered for me on May 16th...even if you didn't like TPM, how can you resist the possibility of a truly magical experience.
    If you want a well dramatized editorial, FOTR is for you...if you're too hip and cynical for words, Matrix 2 is coming soon...if you're an idiot, we have Goldmember for you. But if you want to be moved, transported, wowed, and stimulated by hundreds of years of human mythology transplanted into the only frontier yet to be explored by human mythmaking, you need only wait five little months.
  18. Oscar_the_Gungan

    Oscar_the_Gungan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    well, said hanshootsfirst. How many films can anyine think of besides an SW film where people cheered when the movie began let alone when it ended.
    Some people knock it for acting quality or cheesy dialogue, but they just don't get it. SW tells a powerful story mostly because of the strength of its imagery. It is actually very poetic and it effectively uses the tools the film medium offers so that 20 minutes of exposition is not necessary.
    Lucas is someone who realizes that film is a visual medium not a literary medium.
  19. Raz Zaphon

    Raz Zaphon Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2000
    I like this thread.

    I'm very, very spoiled, I have read quite alot of the script, and words can't describe how awesome this movie will be. The plot is genius. Anakins emotional journey, the twists in Padmes character, Obi-Wans adventure, the clones, Palpatine and politics, the role of the Jedi... it all fits in perfectly between TPM and the OT in a way no one but George Lucas could have thought of. The action scenes will be the best shown in any movie ever, and the funny thing is that they haven't even shown how many action scenes there will be in the current trailer, nor have they shown how good the actions scenes you do know about will be. The dialogue is clever and engaging, and the trailers show that the actors are great. This has the potential to be the best Star Wars film ever, and even if it isn't, you'll end up absolutely loving it as long as you loved the other Star Wars movies.

    Attack of the Clones will be too awesome for words.
  20. HL&S

    HL&S Magistrate Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 2001
    Like Raz, i'm as gitty as a little school girl about this movie.

    They really haven't shown the great money shots of the movie yet. You people will enjoy it.
  21. AnakenX

    AnakenX Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 6, 2002
    guyz , i want you to post a link to this thread anywhere you go in the discussion forums , let the complaining 6 years old girls resist the power of the FORCE !
    what will you do when darth vader discovers you'v been complaining about some stupid Out-Of-Sync uppearance in his movie ? get ready to be strangled ! let's face it , also those who complain know they wont be able to sleep if they delay buying an AOTC ticket the same night the movie arrives ! so why complaining ? you know what ? i'm ready to pay a ticket price only to see that shot when jango fett fights Obi Wan ! it's so thrilling ! when he flies paralleling that tower , with the darth vader powerful breathing sound , and then the picture fades to black ! like it's telling you "hey you , we'r not over yet ! hold your pants ! we are about to see those guyz have a hell of a fight !" ... have you imagined what power and what feeling will you have when you look at Obi Wan deflecting those power blasts by Jango fett ? remember that shot when the clones get in that ship in the 3 trailers ? imagine the music you will hear when they get in ! they power of the clones ! the same power we felt of when we first saw the battle droids landing on naboo ! the same power we felt of when the storm troopers moved into the picture in the Empire Strikes Back ! guyz , be ready for a big giant experience !

    and by the way , i want to point out that i'm a 3 year old fan ! i didnt know star wars before i accedintaly chose to see star wars episode 1 in the theatre ! it could be any movie that i pick , but i picked episode 1 , so that means episode 1 was the reason i love star wars ! not the trilogy ! then i saw the trilogy ..... first Ep1 , then Ep6 , then Ep 5 and then i saw Ep4 ......weird huh ?
  22. Jeremiah_Bullfrog

    Jeremiah_Bullfrog Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 7, 2001
    A well-written script and some good dialogue. The Forbidden Love trailer already gives us a glimpse of this in the waterfall scene.
  23. Duckman

    Duckman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2000
    "Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, Padme in tight revealing costumes"

    Dooku and Obi-Wan will be in revealing costumes as well? Count me outta this one!

  24. Jedi knight Pozzi

    Jedi knight Pozzi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 2, 2000
    If you've room in your sig, put a link to this thread in. :)
  25. Qui-John

    Qui-John Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 8, 1999
    What a splendid idea. :)


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