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Letters To Those Who Will Listen

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by Jedi Milan-Kenobi, May 8, 2000.

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  1. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Okay my idea of the genocide of the Jedi Knights I kinda of invision something like the Jewish Holocaust in WWII. This is a add on story. If you want to add on write a letter telling your history as a Jedi and anything else. Sort of trying to keep the history of the Jedi Knights alive sort of thing so...any takers?
  2. Maelisaandii

    Maelisaandii Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2000
    Sounds cool. I'd love to!
  3. Mara Jade Emperor's Hand

    Mara Jade Emperor's Hand Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 1, 1999
    Kewl. I'd love to.

  4. light_sabe_r

    light_sabe_r Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    When and where do we start?
  5. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    I'm in! Wow, this is eerie. I was just thinking earlier this afternoon about what my character would have gone through and how she would have met her end during the Great Jedi Purge, and then BOOM, this thread comes up. Great minds, I guess.

    Looking forward to the opportunity!

    - Rani
  6. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Just write a will be put into a story format later. I would right now but I have homework.
  7. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Dear Sir Or Madam:

    As I write this my end has come in sight. I am not afraid, at least I try not to be. Ever since I can was drilled into my head that fear led to the dark side. But as I sit in this cell no bigger than a broom closet I begin to wonder those teachings.

    Never in my whole life as I Jedi have I seen a Knight cry. But now I have, right now a Knight by the name of Erik Armand holds his best friend Terrance who weeps uncontrolably.

    Most of us try to hold our spirits up. The key word being there is try. We comfort eachother as best as we can but, sometimes these emotional wounds are too deep to heal.

    I miss my home, I realize that a Jedi should not care about those types of possesions. I don't, I miss the people there.

    My twin sister, Quin-Li. We probably couldn't have looked more diffrent. Heh...many times we questioned the fact that we were twins. But we loved eachother, just the same. Even though I may have hopes that I will see my sisters face again, I know that soon, I will be going to a place where there is no coming back from.

    I miss my husband Christian, I loved him so much. He was always good to me. I can't remember a time where he didn't drop whatever busniess he had to be with me. I guess that's why I married him. But if he reads this someday. I want him to know that I loved him. I may have not shown it as much as I probably should have, but it was there all the time.

    To my daughter, Arianna, I hope you will grow to know the meaning of freedom. Be thankful for what you have and never look down on anyone. It hurts me to think I will never be able to see you grow up and have a family of your own one day. I know you will probably not remember me the way I wish you could. But I want to know that you had a mother that loved you, and wished all the best for you in your life's journey.

    I have writen this letter in hopes to put some light into the darkness that has fallen over this galaxy. The Jedi are not your enemy, we would easily give our life to help a mere stranger. Us Knights have given our lives to protect every person within the Republic.

    And as the time grows longer, more and more of us are being sent to our deaths for the protection we had given to the galaxy.

    There are so many of us in this small cell. So many are so young. Erik: 30, Terrance: 25, Myself: 23, and others as young as 13. My padawan was here with me. But I was forced to watch her die through a one way mirror and was powerless to save her.

    Please remember the ones who have given their lives so that others may live. As I end this letter the main door to the cell opens and I fear of who might be next.

    Anen Li

    [This message has been edited by Jedi Milan-Kenobi (edited 05-08-2000).]
  8. Jedi Erica Amidala

    Jedi Erica Amidala Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 16, 1999
    This is an awesome idea! Count me in!
  9. Geoff Morton

    Geoff Morton Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 18, 1998
    I knew it would be my turn soon. It had to be.

    Victoria was so pale. She'd lost so much blood fighting the Sith. My healing touch brought some comfort, but I could do little for her. It would be time that told, and I knew that time was something we did not have.

    Coruscant was dark; unholy; forbidding. From the window I could see the fires streaking up towards the sky from the Jedi temple. More than symbolically, at that point, I knew the order was broken.

    She sighed and cried out in her fitful sleep, and I ran to her. I could soothe her, and try to give her some of my lifeforce, but she lingered at the threshold, and the decision to jump was hers. All I could do was try to give her some reason not to, however small.

    I'd felt the tremors and spikes in the Force, surging and ebbing for days. The renegade did his work, and did it well. Caught unawares by his deceptions, we were unprepared for a betrayal from within our own midst. I can only imagine the feelings Master Windu must have felt when the traitor begged him to meet him in the temple, with claims of the identity of the Jedi who'd fallen to the Sith. Windu went alone, not understanding the need for a secret meeting, but trusting in the boy. I'm told that Master Windu did not even have his lightsaber ignited when the Sith struck him down.

    I can feel something drawing closer. It is the renegade. He knows I'm here, and he's come to finish what was begun with Victoria. Not enough will it be that she'd never walk again on her own limbs, nor see with her own eyes. No, she must be eliminated... eradicated... completely purged. As must we all.

    We, who took the boy in, not all without misgivings, but all with trust and affection. He who we took in betrayed us, and hunts us down and murders us like animals in the forest. It's rumoured he has a chamber full of captured lightsabers along the wall, some still with severed hands grasping them. I don't know if it's true or not, but I don't care.

    What is true, is that I know that I, and Victoria, are about to die. I can sense his presence on the other side of the door.

    Were I a stronger man, I would take her life myself, so that her passing would be an act of love and mercy. Were I a stronger man, I would take up her lightsaber and cast my life away fighting, casting my faith into the Force that the blade could find it's mark and end this genocide of faith. Were I a stronger man, I would die on my feet.

    But no, I am not such a man. Instead I shall only watch as the lightsaber of the traitor cleaves through my door, which blows into the room like a leaf in the wind and clanging to the floor like a disgarded robe.

    I shall not watch as the traitor strides into the room with his lightsaber drawn, it's hum filling my ears like a locust plague, and his hatred assaulting my mind like a raging storm on the ocean.

    I shall only huddle over my dear Victoria, so that when the cold blade of Anakin Skywalker cleaves us both from the bosom of life, she shall be in the arms of one who loved her, although he lacked the strength to ever tell her, save when she could no longer hear...
  10. Maelisaandii

    Maelisaandii Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2000
    My daughter,

    Is there justice in the galaxy? As a Jedi, I once was an advocate of such. Peace and justice. My life. My code. My existence. Until you. Until you filled my life with a joy few can ever experiance. Joy from sorrow, what a perfect redemption for someone like me.

    I never told you the things I should. Now it is too late. So I'll tell you now, though you'll never hear me. You will never hear anything again. I watched you die, my daughter. Killed before my eyes. I survived, and you did not. Why, why oh why did they only take my eyes? They took them, leaving my last sight that of you. You, limp and lifeless. And me, a piteous failure as they gleefully ground my life into the ground.

    I never told you about your father. He was no father to you. He was a wraith, something that intruded on my life only once, to disappear into the mist. The others, they told me that you were a mistake. You were never meant to exist. You were only the product of a humiliation that your mother could never endure. It wasn't true. I endured it, and you, my love, were not a mistake. I wanted you. With the core of my being I wanted you. I loved you like I'd never loved anything, not even my beloved Master. You might have thought you were the product of rape, but that can't be so. You came to be from my love. My love created you, and sustained us both.

    These are horrific times, and while I am glad you will have no pain, I would wish so much for you to see the light that has to come after. I sit here, in he dark, dank corner where I have lived for a year, and hope that there will be redemption someday. Redemption for our kind, rescue from the evil that hunts us.

    The evil that is capable of murdering an innocent baby before her mother's eyes. I watched, even though my mind screamed for me to look away. I could not, for to look away would be to deny you those last moments. The last comfort of knowing that your mother knew what they had done to you.

    I have lived in this cell ever since. Why they have not killed me yet, I'll never know. Perhaps he wants to savor my despair further. I can't see to write, the Force must be my guide, the corner of my robe my surface. My own blood is my pen. Perhaps someone will find this (Oh, Force, don't let it be him!) and think of you. And your mother who could not save you.

    You were in my life for such a short time. Wait for me, my darling Ceilya, for I will be joining you shortly.

    In Aeternum,
    Rahas Valjehn
  11. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Oh gosh, this is really sad. Shall there be more??

  12. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
  13. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    Dear T'lor,

    They found us. We were so careful to shield our presence, but it made no difference. Whoever sensed us out here, halfway to the Rim, they must be so powerful in the Dark Side that I wonder if even the greatest of us will ever be able to escape with their lives.

    Crèche Mother Aralyn was killed instantly by the boarding party when she refused to surrender the children. All these years, I've underestimated the courage of the Healers and Mothers, silently comparing their passive ways with the Knights' strength, right up until the extermination of the Order began. What a pompous fool I've been, T'lor. At least I realized it now, before it was too late.

    The crèche children we were taking to safety were murdered before our ship was even tractored back to the waiting destroyer. Seth and I tried in vain to keep them quiet, to prevent their crying from provoking or annoying our captors, but the little ones were just too small to understand. All they knew was Mother Aralyn wasn't protecting them anymore, and they were in danger. The commander kept shouting for them to be silent, but that only served to scare them even more. I could feel them feeding off of each other's fear until no amount of mind-tricks or reassurance could stop the avalanche of terror they felt, or their wailing. There were just too many of them.

    I shielded Seth's eyes against my shoulder, but as the commander activated the outer door to the air lock, I couldn't protect him from feeling as I did, their final screams of pain and terror of those fourteen small children echoing in our minds. I can't stop grieving for them. I can't help wondering how many of the other crèche teams made it to safety with their cargo, the future of the Jedi, intact.

    They tortured Seth, trying to extract from him the locations of our hiding places and secret temples. I don't think they could have broken him, even if he had known. I wish you could have met him, T'lor. He reminded me so much of you when you and I were new padawans, I know you would have liked him. He had your discipline, and your determination. I was going to give him the wood flute you once gave me for his 13th birthday.

    I don't dare try to reach you through our bond, for fear the fallen Jedi that found us will sense it and track it to you. I only know that you're still alive, or I would have felt your death rip what's left of my soul right out of me. You're alive, thank the Force, and I can only pray that you and those with you are still safe. I'm glad it's me and not you.

    You've always said I was the strong one. You're wrong, T'lor, I think it was you. It was you that always found a way to give me hope when things seemed their worst, and you never allowed yourself credit enough for that. You always thought you were the one that needed me more than I you, and out of pride I always let you go on believing that. Yours was the voice of reason that always managed to counter my endless impatience. I hope you realize what your friendship has meant to me, and what an impact having you as a soul sister has had on my life.

    It will be my turn soon, and I know what is waiting for me after seeing it through Seth's young eyes, and feeling it with him. In the end, I made sure he knew he wasn't alone, that I was with him in the fledgling bond we shared. I remember now the pain one feels when Death, rather than Jedi, severs a bond within the Force. I hadn't felt that since Davin died. I can't bring myself to put you through that, T'lor, much less have you share with me the pain of the torture leading up to it.

    Forgive me for leaving you like this, especially without you knowing why. I have to go now, but I'll be with you soon.

    May the Force be with us both,

    - Rani

    [This message has been edited by Rani Veko (edited 05-09-2000).]
  14. Jedi Igraine

    Jedi Igraine Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 20, 1999
    Hello All I couldn't resist throwing in my two bits worth. The piece I'm adding in is from a fic I started on this list back at the beginning of the year.

    I unfortunately haven't had a lot of time as of late to devote to working on it, but I thought the first chapter was appropriate to what you are doing. So if it works for you use it, if it doesn't then ignore it.

    I am a hunted man.

    I am among the last of an order of galactic warriors sworn to uphold justice. Where once our ranks numbered in the thousands now only a handful remain.

    I am Sol-Aryn Jaeger, a Jedi Knight and Master.

    I have witnessed more death and destruction than any one being should ever be privy to in a lifetime. I have witnessed the death of my padawan, my student, and the closest thing I ever had to a son. My family has been slaughtered for the crime of my birth, and my brethren have been decimated to the point of extinction by this damnable witch-hunt of Palpatine?s.

    When the good name of the Jedi became mired in baseless accusations, lies and scandal, Palpatine convinced the governing bodies of the Republic that the Jedi were an outdated and antiquated order from a forgotten age.

    The order was disbanded when charges of treason were brought against the members of the high council. They were tried, and most were, in Palpatine?s words, ?brought to justice.? Those that managed to escape found refuge where they could and the extermination began.

    Soon, Palpatine?s dark minions will come for me.
    I can not hide forever. Nor does my destiny lie along that path?
  15. Jedi Igraine

    Jedi Igraine Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 20, 1999
    Sorry about the double post.


    [This message has been edited by Jedi Igraine (edited 05-09-2000).]
  16. HealerLeona

    HealerLeona Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2000
    These letters are so intense, the visuals portrayed so heartbreaking. They leave me in such anguish.

    Incredibly well done to all the authors.
  17. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
  18. Mara Jade Emperor's Hand

    Mara Jade Emperor's Hand Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 1, 1999
    My darling Rwi-jun:

    I have never before called you 'darling,' perhaps because I myself did not realize how dear you had become to me. No... that is a lie. I have always known how much you meant to me; I was merely too scared to admit it to you, too scared to tell you that you were the man I loved.

    Only now, dear Rwi-jun, I realize what a fool I have been. Only now, as I lay dying in the midst of endless death, one more casuality to go unmourned, one more dead carcass for the Dark Ones to spit on. Only now, as my world falls around my ears, my friends and family struck down before my eyes. Only now... when it is too late to ever tell you how I feel.

    I don't even know if you're still alive. So many have died in front of me in the last few days that I have numbed myself to it. Isn't that horrible? But it's the only way I can keep my heart from breaking, Rwi-jun, because if I mourned every death I would be unable to go on. Men, women, children... so many children, Rwi-jun. Murdered. Killed in cold blood even as they begged for mercy. I cannot think of it; the images are too much for me. What sort of evil is this, that such innocent ones should be robbed of life?

    And those I knew...

    Do you remember Kira? She was so full of life, always smiling and telling jokes and comforting people when they were sad or lonely. I remember most of all her selflessness, her willingness to put others before herself. She died because of that, Rwi-jun. She was covering a group that was trying to escape and was struck down by one of the Dark Ones. I can still see her as she died, her face frozen in an expression of shock and anger and intense sadness, blood pouring from the huge wound ripped in her belly... And I was helpless to save her. I could only watch.

    Kira... Eri-wen... Dyl-eri... Rasia... I can scarce believe what my eyes have seen. So many familiar faces...

    And I fear that time is running out for me as well. I am gravely injured, Rwi-jun; I've lost so much blood from the wound to my leg. I tied on a tourniquet, but nothing seems to stanch the bloodflow. With every beating of my heart, I feel more of my lifeblood slip from the bounds of my body. I cannot get up; I can barely scribble these last words on this scrap of paper.

    Remember when I said that I was scared to admit that I loved you, Rwi-jun? Well, now I know better; I am no longer frightened of what I feel for you. All the fear has left me. I feel utterly calm, though around me my Jedi brethen lay wounded and dying as I am. Perhaps I have finally found peace with the Force, but more than that, I have made peace with my heart. As I die now, my only regrets are that I will never hold you in my arms... but wherever you are, Rwi-jun, alive or dead, know that I love you with every fiber of my being, every part of my soul.

    With all of my heart's love,
    Jen-kei Nesedi
  19. Lwyn`nya Kenobi

    Lwyn`nya Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 19, 1999
    **okay, I'll give this a shot! Have some mood music while you read:"Wish You Were Here" ~ Pink Floyd"Chains" ~ Tears For Fears

    Remember, you need RealPlayer to listen to it.


    My dear friends,

    When did this world suddenly turn so dark? Historians could look back and try to give an approximate date, and given the politics and power struggles they would estimate the time to be when the Senate was dissolved. Others might argue that this chaos began when Chancellor Palpatine took office and built his armada of starships.

    The true date? Thirdmonth, 20,045. In the power reactor of Naboo's central city: Theed. In the space of a promise made to a dying man.

    It almost seems unreal, doesn't it? The Jedi Order, believed to be the strongest force in the galaxy, now almost extinct. How? I ask myself this question daily as there is not much left for me to do, and I nearly choke on the answer.

    We were betrayed. From the inside.

    And the fault is mine.

    It is dangerous for me to visit your mass gravesite, my friends, but there are days in which I wish the Emperor's minions would find me here. I would take out as many as I could, a suicide mission in hopes of putting right what I've done wrong, and let Death take me quickly as I cannot take this guilt.

    Perhaps that is why I have survived, as penance for my sins. For all of your blood that stains my soul. Or perhaps it was because I knew my Apprentice, where he would go, where he would strike.

    After all, I was the one who taught him.

    Regrettably, I do not even know half of your names, but we were all a family. And it seems wrong that I should be standing when all of you have fallen. It feels wrong that I still live because I knew the weapon of your destruction well enough to escape the carnage.

    Yet that is the betrayal on my part, my failure. I knew my Apprentice's fighting skill so well and yet I didn't know he suffered from nightmares constantly in sleep. I knew his tactics better than anyone and yet I never knew that he loved Alderaanian cake. I knew him professionally, not personally, perhaps because I wouldn't let him in. I would honor my Master's dying wish. I would train a Jedi. And sadly that's all I did.

    You should have seen him, my friends, when I first met him. So young, so bright and full of promise. Always with a smile for everyone. In many ways he reminded me of me at that age, and if I knew this, I should have known he'd share my need for connection. To be wanted. To be cared for.

    My Master gave him this. Perhaps that is why I resented my Apprentice at first, because I had fought so hard to win my Master's love and respect, and the boy hardly had to try. It was just given to him. Even now, so many years later, it still hurts. I fought against my Master's rejection time and again, even when the Council tried to aid me in becoming his Padawan.

    But Qui-Gon never fought for me like he had with Anakin. He . . . he said I was ready for my Trials and until that moment I truly believed that I was. Yet when my Master continued to use that as an excuse to finish with me and to train Anakin, I doubted myself. And in that instant, the whole decade I had spent with my Master came into question. If events on Naboo had happened earlier when I was fifteen years of age, would Qui-Gon still have tried to turn me away to train Anakin? That thought rocked me to the core of my being.

    Thinking about it now, I can see where Anakin's downfall came. It was never his fault, my friends. I caused his doubt. I caused his anger. I ruined him.

    Forgive me, Anakin. Forgive me for what you've become because I didn't care enough to see it happening till it was too late.

    I will not ask for your forgiveness, my friends. I can not. I do not deserve it. But I will ask that you not hold Anakin to blame for this holocaust. He is no more than my failures have made of him and if anyone stands to be on trial for this, it is me. I failed as a Master, I failed as a friend, and I fail
  20. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    I feel the force has failed me; failed us all. And I fear that failure will cost us our lives.

    I had always believed that the force was all-powerful and all knowing. That the force would always protect us. That the force was life everlasting. Wasn?t that was what our masters always taught us? Where in the halls of the Sith was the force when the Dark Ones came and killed my children and tortured my wife. It took hours for them to finish with the perverse pleasures they found in watching my loved ones writhe in agony. Their screams still echo in my mind, cutting deeper and deeper into my soul.

    They were so wonderful, always bringing light into my life even when I was away on a diplomatic assignment. The innocent laughter of the twins would make my heart soar, and the soft embrace and tender kisses of Chel could heal more thoroughly than any bacta. I could feel the quiet reassurance of their thoughts from seemingly anywhere in the galaxy.

    But now everything is silent except for the dull roar of distant fires. The flames that destroyed our home have long since died down. I suppose the flames couldn?t find any more of the children?s toys to consume in their fury. Or perhaps the Dark Ones quenched the flames to deny me a quick death and thus prolong my suffering.

    I think I can still hear the soft moaning of Chel. I can?t tell how far from me she is, but she is definitely still alive. She is calling my name, over and over. Gods! I wish I could go to her. To tell her that it will be all right. Even though I don?t believe it. I would do anything for her; anything to comfort her, but I was unable to saver her. I don?t even have the strength to end her pain once and for all.

    I hear another sound now. Not the quiet sounds of happy memories. Those have turned to ashes and the ashes have been scattered on the wind. Not the harsh sound of a lightsaber come to finish me off. I would welcome that oblivion now. No, this is the sweet sound of someone whispering in my brain, telling me that everything will be all right. It is the seductive sound of power, promising to heal Chel, to give me the strength to find the ones who did this to us and give me my revenge. And I welcome it. I have nothing to live for now and everything to gain.

    Beside me, Chel gives a final raspy breath and is still, but I can feel her final thoughts. They are of the two of us. Together on the day we were granted our Knighthood and accepted our place among the protectors of the galaxy. Surrounded by friends and family as we repeated the Jedi Code.

    There is no emotion; there is peace
    There is no ignorance; there is knowledge
    There is no passion; there is serenity
    There is no death; there is the Force.
  21. jodiwent

    jodiwent Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2000
    I have to hide them. No mater the cost to me. No one can know who or what they are. Yes I have always loved her but I would not have taken your life for anything in the world. You died before all the real trouble started. Maybe you have more peace than I.

    Will little Hal ever know his real name and that his father was once a proud and strong knight of the jedi order. We do not dare tell him. He must be oblivious. My position here on Corellia offers a little protected. I can fanagle things so no one will ever know.

    I do not know where I get the nerve to think we'll get away with it, I just hope that my one act of defiance will 'stick it' to palpatane and that black encased lap dog of his.

    It is rummored that Vader was once a jedi. I find this hard to believe after all the murder and destruction they have spread across the galaxsy.

    Even this letter puts us in danger. Yet I must say good bye again my jedi freind and good bye to all the others. I hope your deaths will not be swept under the carpet of history. One day your light may return.

    With all love and respect R. Horn.
  22. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    i am glad to see someone did obi
  23. Jedi_Daphne

    Jedi_Daphne Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 30, 2000
    Dearest Nicholae,

    There is to be a trial. A farce I am sure, but a trial nevertheless. They charge the Council with conspiracy against the new empire. No matter though. After the attack on the Temple, only Master Yoda and I still live, and only I remain on Coruscant.

    In the dark moments, here, alone, I must stop myself from reaching out for you. I trust the Force that you and the others have found safety in the rim. I could not bear to continue the fight knowing all has been for naught.

    K'vel came to see me. He was disguised of course, and it broke my heart to see the day when Jedi must forswear their identity in lieu of survival. His shields found their purpose however, and the dark ones knew nothing of his training. I sent Clara with him. I have trusted my life to him since his twelfth year, and now I entrust our daughter's as well.

    They will be coming shortly Nicholae. I am afraid, but I will not betray the only family I have known. The Jedi. You. K'vel. Clara.

    Nicholae, you know so well why words aren't necessary. Only this - forgive me, and know my love goes with you forever. May the Force be with us all.

  24. Jedi_Master_Insei

    Jedi_Master_Insei Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 1, 2000
    Dearest companions,

    It is from the bowels of this once-great city that I write this letter. Only here I dare feel safe. When the Temple was attacked, I took my Z-95 into the skies for one last glorious run, before piloting it on a suicide course to the dark depths of Coruscant. I had intended to die in an impact with the bottommost levels, not allowing their evil dark side to take me, but this proved futile, as two walkways stopped the wings, bringing me to a halt, where I was rescued by some smugglers.

    I think again of the laughter all we Jedi once shared within the halls of the Temple. The joy, unbridled, unhindered. Friends among friends. Then the slaughter began. Only a last-minute diversion using the droids as targets allowed me to escape, yet I feel ashamed. Even they were worthy of life, perhaps even more than I am. They might have been memory-wiped, but at least they then wouldn't have to live with the fact that scores of their friends died, died in what could only be called a holocaust.

    Yet, I escaped. For what reason, I do not know. Maybe fate, destiny? but I would rather give my life up if it would mean that I could save my friends, my friends from the Academy.

    In a month, one of my friends is going to give me a ride off this god-forsaken rock. We will be making a trip? to nowhere. Just out of this life?

    May the Force be with all of us in this dire time,

    Insei Katsuo
  25. HealerLeona

    HealerLeona Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2000
    These letters are heartbreaking. Though fiction, everyone has put such thought, such feelings into their posts I'm stunned.

    Awesome jobs authors.
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