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Star Wars OPEN Lords of the Empire: Episode I – TIDES OF DARKNESS

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by HanSolo29 , Jun 9, 2024.

  1. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    Lords of the Empire: Episode I – Tides of Darkness



    Years have passed since the Battle of Nubia, and years more since the Coruscant Accords established the Galactic Empire following the defeat at Jakku. The Lords of the Empire are secretly Sith Lords and have seized the eight sectors left to the Imperials by the New Republic. The Grand Vizier Mas Amedda has vanished, abandoning the Empire to the Triumvirate, High Lords, and Sith.

    But not all Imperials abided by the treaty, though, with Admirals and Moffs in the Deep Core, Outer Rim, and even, it is rumored the Unknown Regions. More of the Navy swears loyalty to those warlords than the legitimate Empire, and the New Republic prowls for treaty breaches. The Jedi grow in strength and number in the sun, while the Sith seclude themselves in the shadows.

    The Imperial Knights still exist, in that grey between the Empire it was, and the Empire it could be, and the future is at stake for all…

    … because the Sith are not the only darkness in those shadows.

    Welcome to Chapter III of Dark Reach - Lords of the Empire, the latest in the New Sith Trials series.

    When the End of Time consumed the Legacy era, devastating the Grand Sith Empire, which had only recently defeated the Galactic Federation Triumvirate in battle, the surviving members of the New Sith Order escaped into a different timeline - a very different one, where the old Galactic Empire sued for peace a year after the Battle of Endor, leaving a much weakened Imperial presence across, initially, a third of the galaxy.

    By the time the Sith took control of it, slaying the Imperial Senate, a quarter remained under the Empire's hand, and now, five years after the war ended, and just after the events of The Mandalorian, the Sith have to manage their ultimate victory over the New Republic and the hated Luke Skywalker, who has vowed to strike down the Sith if they make a move against the galaxy.

    But it is from their own past that their greatest threat emerged - the One Sith, but the New Sith Order resisted, and struck down Sith Emperor Darth Krayt. The Lords of the Sith are now the Imperial Lords, commanding the eight remaining sectors of the Galactic Empire - standing firm against the pressures of the New Republic Senate and the Imperial Remnants; warlords who wish to ignite the war again…
  2. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Dark Reach: Episode III – Lords of the Empire: I: Tides of Darkness


    Welcome to the third installment of the Dark Reach series!


    Dark Reach: Episode III - LORDS OF THE EMPIRE chronicles the continuing story of the True Sith Empire and its disciples. As was true of the previous installments, this game will serve as an extension of the EUC Sith Empire. Members of that group will find participation here to be of significant benefit to their progress, but non-members who are interested may still join as a Jedi or Sith character, or even a non-force user. Players will be given a degree of control of storylines based on the actions their characters take, and there will be a degree of parallel development between the EUC and RPF.

    Your GMs are Sinrebirth, Lady Belligerent, and HanSolo29!


    Following the events of 155 ABY, the remaining survivors of the Battle of Mortis flee across time to 5 ABY, one year following the destruction of the second Death Star…

    There they reluctantly swear allegiance to Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Empire of the Hand for the sake of their own survival.

    Installed as the governors of Zakuul, rechristened New Moraband, the Sith begin to make their mark in this new time. Darth Insipid begins laying plans and enlists seven Sith to recreate an order of his own vision, Darth Bellorum scours the unknown regions for commodities to sell on the black market, and Darth Haretisch secures resources for an Imperial intelligence agency consisting of his own power base.

    Ultimately all paths lead to one destination - a luxury casino ship, a retrofitted Star Destroyer, named the Luxury Elite. The Sith strike up a business deal with the crime family which owns and operates the resort, with Sith scheduled in two months' time in a high-profile prize-fight.

    When the day comes, however, betrayal strikes the Sith once again. Darth Insipid reveals himself as the new leader of the First Order and carries out a successful attack on the Night Herald’s capital ship. Bellorum enacts her own coup, murdering the entire crime family, having paid off the ship’s security team months before using the funds from a jewel heist. A First Order dreadnought decants from hyperspace, and the Luxury Elite erupts into violence at every corner as Bellorum orders the other triumvirs and their forces removed from the ship.

    Ultimately Bellorum secures control of the ship and her enemies are routed. The stage is set.

    The War of Three

    For six months, each side subtly maneuvers and builds strength, until at last, the skirmishes erupt into full-scale pitched battle on New Moraband.

    Darth Haretisch’s Imperium of the Fist wins the day, but not without a high cost as the Twilight Sun obliterates the citadel in an orbital strike at Bellorum’s command, neutralizing the planet’s only strategic value.

    Several of the fallen, among other Sith who have disappeared, are kidnapped and brought unknowingly to the Bedlam Asylum, where the sinister Dr. Shadow engages in macabre experiments.

    Meanwhile, Aryan Graul grapples with civil unrest while trying to tame Nirauan, the capital of Thrawn’s old Empire of the Hand, Insipid stages an attack on a treasure ship hauling the larger part of Bellorum’s wealth, and an Imperium special forces team targets Heskal on a desolate planet.

    The First Order continues to raid and the unknown regions even as Insipid attempts to unlock the secrets surrounding Dr. Shadow, while the Imperium and Twilight Sun meet in pitched battle again in the Hapes Cluster. Darth Haretisch is captured, and the Imperium is forced to retreat to Nirauan to regroup.

    Aryan Graul takes control of the Imperium, while Hel leads a rescue attempt to Hapes to recover the Imperator.

    All roads meet at Bedlam, where Dr. Shadow has revealed himself as the real Snoke and Insipid as only an impostor - and that Thrawn was staged to bait them. The two clash and Snoke takes control of the First Order, as Jerod arrives with the full Imperium fleet, now allied with Darth Bellorum’s Twilight Sun.

    Battle erupts, and revelations are made - Snoke has staged the battle in an attempt to open the gate to the World Between Worlds, intending to escape into the multiverse. Typhojem reaches through to destroy both fleets, and in a heroic act, Darth Insipid launches half the remaining Sith through the gateway to safety before slamming the door shut.

    The Past and Aftermath of Bedlam

    Darths Haretisch, Bellorum, Syren, Aryan Graul, Jerod, Grievance Vexx, and Darth Anark emerge in 1200 BBY, in the heart of the New Sith Wars, and Insipid is left to pick up the pieces with Darth Kronos, Soliloquy, Serapis, Ravenous, Cocytus and others.

    Darth Insipid's group is reinforced by the arrival of Renn, Bernael, and Helinith from their original timeline as well as the recovery of Manticore, while Darth Haretisch and Bellorum lead their Sith to stake out a corner of the galaxy in their time. Insipid is confronted by twin clones of Kronos and his lover, Esmerelda, originally serving Darth Bellorum's Twilight Sun, but now working for Snoke. Haretisch and Bellorum contend with the mysterious Ren, who pursues them. Cocytus goes rogue even as Darth Insipid sends his Sith to secure control of the isolated Hapan Consortium, resulting in Helinith becoming Queen Mother and fending off a coup attempt sponsored by Snoke. With the deaths of the twins, the Sith regroup as Bellorum's group is mysteriously returned to Hapes by Ren and a final Sith is ferried across from the End of Time; Azathoth.

    Regrouped, the Sith led by Darth Insipid advance upon Snoke's base in the Maw, while those led by Bellorum take Coruscant to secure control of the old Empire. The death of Snoke and slaughter of the Imperial Senate places the Sith in ultimate control of their destiny.

    The One Sith

    From before the End of Time emerges a new threat. The One Sith, thousands strong, depart the old timeline some twenty years earlier, before the One Sith Empire was defeated and usurped by the Grand Sith Empire.

    As the New Sith Order entrench in Imperial Space and establish the Imperial Knights, ceding Coruscant and preparing to infiltrate the New Republic, the One Sith secretly ensnare the Tapani Sector and bait the New Sith with dark side artefacts and alliances with the native Mecrosa Order. Eventually the Tapani Sector is revealed to be in the pocket of the One Sith and they pounce on Nubia, where several Lords were investigating the Change; the concept behind the End of Time.


    The Battle of Nubia sees the New Sith call in the Hapans, Pykes and Imperial Knights, as well as friendly Tapani High Lords, and shatter the One Sith offensive through time itself. The Imperial Knights completely screen the civilians; the New Sith defeat many more their number; the Lords of the Sith defeat Darth Krayt and shatter the portal - he is a walking Change, and his defeat saves everything.

    But the Empire they had cultivated didn’t come to their aid. Returning to Imperial Space, they find that Grand Vizier Amedda has abandoned the Empire, and he ordered the Navy to stay put. The Lords of the Empire take a more direct hand in rule, bringing certainty to the region…

    Years pass, and the New Republic and wider Imperial Remnant falls into a Cold War - one which the Galactic Empire stays out of.

    For now…
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    3. HOW TO JOIN

    To join the game, first read the entire opening post.

    Next, fill out the character sheet template provided, and private message to Sinrebirth, Lady Belligerent, and HanSolo29 for discussion and approval. They will advise on the next steps. Sheets will be approved but are not to be posted until the GMs said, and posts may continue at the party.

    Lastly, creativity in character creation is encouraged - characters with unusual species and backgrounds are appreciated, provided that they work within the narrative framework of the story and universe in which it takes place. Players should be willing to work with GMs in developing characters who fit the environment and are still the vision of their creators.


    As has been demonstrated in the previous installment, character death can and will happen over the course of the game. It should be a rare occurrence, but players who fail to follow instructions out of character, and/or intentionally disrespect a high-ranking lord in-character may find themselves dead. The player in question may create a new character if they wish to continue playing - that new character's level, and the corresponding player's standing within the larger Sith Empire organization - are at the full discretion of the GMs and their advisors.



    Physical Attributes:

    Occupation/Title: High Lord, Sith Lord, Sith Apprentice, Imperial Master, Imperial Knight, Imperial Apprentice, Bounty Hunter, General, Officer or Army Trooper


    The Imperial Knights


    1. All posts must be TOS-friendly.
    2. Character level in-game is tied intrinsically with rank in the Sith Empire.
    3. The GM team reserves the right to alter or disregard any post and/or remove any player or character from the game due to godmoding, unfollowed instructions, or behavioral concerns.
    4. The GM team retains final decision on all story-related decisions for all characters within the framework of the game. By submitting a character sheet you agree that the GMs may resolve your character's story any way they see fit - but the GMs claim no exclusivity in the character's use with regards to other games. There is no such thing as intellectual property among creations of Star Wars fan fiction.
    5. The main objectives are to have fun and to tell a compelling story. This game is not a competition, save with ourselves. Be courteous to your fellow players and be mindful of their experience.
    6. Challenge yourself to improve. The GM team is here as a resource - consult on anything you're unsure about and ask as many questions as you need to. Take note of the good and bad habits of other players.
    7. When creating a new character, keep in mind that the game takes place in 15 ABY, in the new Disney continuity circa 9 ABY. In other words, there is only a small New Jedi Order currently in existence, and any trained Force users will have been in hiding dating back to Order 66 in 19 BBY or be former members of the Empire.
    8. All combo posts must be approved by a GM and include the GM team.
    9. Two Player Characters per Player.

    The Imperial Army
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  4. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    The Eight Lords


    The Empire’s worlds:

    1. Tinnel IV (Core; loyal population, near Nubia) - commanded by Empress Bellorum Graul (@Lady_Belligerent)
    2. Loronar and Byblos (Colonies; industrial hub) - commanded by Darth Insipid (@Sinrebirth)
    3. Denon and Iseno (Inner Rim; trade and political hub) - commanded by Emperor Aryan Graul (@HanSolo29)
    4. Commenor and Cato Neimodia (Colonies; rebellious but trade hub) - commanded by Darth Serapis (@DarthIshyZ)
    5. Rendili and Rydonni (Core; primary shipyard) - commanded by Soliloquy (@Mitth_Fisto)
    6. Trellen and Humbarine (Core; trade hub) - commanded by Lady Hekate (@Nehru_Amidala)
    7. Exodeen, Quellor, and Boudolayz (Colonies; trade and culture) - commanded by Darth Iudex (@Silvertough)
    8. Koensayr and Aquilae (Colonies; technology) - commanded by Darth Bernael (@darthbernael)
  5. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008

    The Galactic Empire

    The Coruscanti based regime loses the war with the New Republic at the Battle of Jakku. By that point, thirteen Deep Core Warlords have seceded, and several sectors have gone rogue. A third of the galaxy is under the command of Grand Vizier Amedda, but it’s a regime crippled.

    Corellia, Chandrila and Hosnian Prime had joined the New Republic already, and six months before Jakku, Kuat had fallen to Admiral Ackbar. The remaining Imperial fleets defending the territory between Coruscant and Chandrila had already been crippled at the Battle of Galitan, and Fondor fell just before the defeat at Jakku.

    The Imperial Navy is reduced to less than a hundred Star Destroyers, while the Deep Core warlords commands some three hundred. Twenty Star Destroyers are ceded to the Empire, with the rest expected to be dismantled and handed over - but thirty flee into the Outer Rim with Admiral Rogriss. So too is the rest of the Empire - save for eight sectors in the Core and Inner Rim. Rendilli is left with the Empire, but Coruscant was ceded too. The annexation of the rest of the Empire is to follow.

    More, Stormtroopers are banned, reparations are agreed, and a list of officers named as war criminals. Grand Vizier Amedda and Admiral Rogriss are to manage that, and the removal of the Moffs.

    A year of dismantling the Empire follows, with nearly a tenth of the territory handed over, essentially severing the Empire Proper from the Outer Rim Moffs, Pentastar Alignment, and handful of rogue sectors that remain. Skirmishes abound, yes, with those who do not abide by the treaty - including Admiral Daala, Ambassador Furgan and Moff Tavira - but the New Republic by and large annexes the Empire up to the Deep Core and very Outer Rim.

    The Empire sits out in the Core and Inner Rim, and a year after the treaty continues to exhort the warlords and Moffs to abide by the accords. The Moffs and wider Admiralty despise the treaty, with even supporters of the Empire joining the warlords. Pellaeon, for example, commits to the Admirals Teradoc.


    When Daala heads into the Deep Core, she gasses thirteen warlords and takes twelve factions over. Grand Moff Gann manages to stay independent. Appointed Daala’s successor, Pellaeon withdraws the fleets from the Deep Core to unify with the Moffs and Pentastar Alignment, establishing the True Empire and even a border against the New Republic, whose control beyond the Mid Rim is largely theoretical anyway.

    The Galactic Empire is, thus, isolated. Legitimate, yes, but with a mere eight sectors and twenty Imperial Star Destroyers it is hardly the pinnacle of power or health. It is a rump Empire, and its territories are divided between loyal or difficult. A full surrender is expected any day, until a series of internal conflicts result in a new generation of Imperial Lords rising up besides Grand Vizier Amedda, first solidifying his power base against the Moffs, and then overthrowing him.

    A trio of Emperor’s and Empress’s now rule a Circle of Lords, but even within such a small Empire, their rule is weak. Their power may be absolute against the Empire itself, but the Lords will need to secure their future.
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The State of the Wider Empire

    The legitimate Empire, as defined by the Coruscant Accords, is eight sectors, but a quarter of the galaxy remains within the Imperial embrace.

    As such, the majority of the regime is criminal, in the eyes of galactic law. The Sith Lords of the Empire are obliged to keep to those terms, and consider every Imperial outside their borders as Traitors to the Throne.

    Chief among them is the Deep Core, the Imperial Remnant, as well as the Fortress Worlds. Beyond the Knowns, two other powers, the First Order and Empire of the Hand, both of which the Sith historically crossed paths with during the War of Three, exist, too…

    The Deep Core

    The centre of the galaxy includes an unassailable gravitic heartland. Grand Moff Moff Gann, and Moffs Tethys and Foga Brill are aggressively managed by Admiral Daala, but with sixty Imperial Star Destroyers between them, it is a powerful faction commanding dozens of sectors.


    Admiral Daala, head of the illegal continuation of government in the Deep Core

    The Imperial Remnant

    In the distant Outer Rim, with the capital on Orinda, is the so-called True Empire movement, led by Admiral Pellaeon and the Moff Council. Commanding a string of economic holdings on the Hydian Way, the shipyards of Yaga Minor, Ord Trasi and Jaemus, and a knot of human colony worlds, the Imperial Remnant is not the largest of the traitors, but it is the most well equipped - some two hundred Star Destroyers and a pair of dreadnoughts.


    The Imperial Victory at Orinda, four years before


    The War Criminal Moffs, on Orinda, led by Captain Pellaeon, illegally known as Admiral Pellaeon

    The Fortress Worlds

    Not so much a unified state as a selection of planets that stand apart, they are militarily powerful - but isolated. Belgaroth and Aargau in the Core, Gyndine in the Expansion Region, Linuri in the Mid Rim and then Makem Te, Rintooine and Lianna in the Outer Rim. The seven of them are a crown of powerful military systems with minimal fleet strength but enough defensive capabilities to drive off a fleet. The New Republic has left them be, waiting for economics to force those worlds to surrender their isolation. The eighth, Carida, was destroyed by the Sun Crusher some five years earlier.

    The First Order

    Imperials fleeing into the Unknown Regions from the Battle of Jakku set up their own pocket kingdom based around the Super Star Destroyer Eclipse and commanded by Grand Admiral Sloane. With Grand Moff Randd, Surface Marshall Veers and General Hux commanding their ten Imperial Star Destroyers, the First Order aspires to a leaner military bureaucracy - and considers the signatories of the Coruscant Accords to all be traitors. Its disdain is only more deeply felt for the Empire of the Hand, who they consider supremely arrogant and not worthy of the name Imperials.


    Grand Admiral Sloane

    The Empire of the Hand

    Founded by Grand Admiral Thrawn and commanded by Admiral Voss Parck thereafter, it follows the concept of Imperialism as a matter of responsibility, using Order as a shield against the chaos of the Unknown Terrors. With hundreds of newly mapped sectors, dozens of Star Destroyers and a network of allies, the Hand is more confederation than Empire, pursuing its own goals. It has clashed with the First Order over resources, but considers the radicals an irritating minority and nothing more; the Empire of the Hand has ascended above petty squabbles with Rebels.


    The Empire of the Hand six years ago (top left)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
  7. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    The State of the Galaxy

    The Galaxy is divided.

    The New Republic has steadily annexed the former Imperial holdings up to the Outer Rim, though the Republic control is largely theoretical beyond that line.

    Nonetheless, seventy percent of the galaxy falls within the New Republic’s borders, though only sixteen thousand worlds of the million within have opted for full membership. The New Republic Defence Force is a quartet of seventy-five capital ship fleet groups. More than a match for a larger Imperial Fleet due to advanced Mon Calamari designs, the New Republic could crush any of the Imperial factions - if they knew of them, that is - but due to their vaunted democracy, and refusal to acknowledge any other power bar the rump Empire commanded by the Circle of Lords, they have not done so.

    But with the Six Major Shipyards - Kuat, Fondor, Corellia, Mon Calamari, Bilbringi and Sluis Van - in New Republic hands, the Defence Force is incredibly well equipped.

    The Coruscant Accords

    While the treaty imposed restrictions on territory, Stormtrooper Corps, and reparations upon the Empire, it also saw Coruscant ceded to the New Republic. Though the capital remains on Chandrila, the Senate has settled on the former Imperial capital, and a reconstruction of Coruscant has seen much of the galactic focus inexorably shift to the planet.

    The New Republic’s Four Fleets represent a mere tenth of the military might the former Rebels commanded five years ago. Ninety percent of the Navy was dismantled at the scrapyard’s of Corellia, Raxus Prime and Bracca, with a certain number of ships transferred to loyal sector fleets with armament restrictions. To disband some twenty-seven hundred capital ships and thousands of escorts would seem like suicide to a Sith Lord, but the New Republic is committed to the strength of its principles and institutions, rather than its martial might.


    The New Jedi Order

    From his headquarters on Yavin 4, Luke Skywalker has rose up a crop of ten Jedi Masters and dozens of Jedi Knights. While his Ossus academy has started slow, the Order has reoccupied the Temple on Coruscant, enriching its structure with histories gathered anew by the Masters. Jedi now fan out across the galaxy dealing with rogue Imperials and Sith cults, and even the ancient burial world of Korriban has been stormed by the New Jedi Order. The New Republic may be more militant than the Old, but the New Jedi are less numerous than the Old, and so the two compliment each other - no moreso than because Luke’s sister, Leia, is the current New Republic Chief of State.


    The Neutral States

    Most of the galaxy is balkanised outside of the Empire, even inside nominally New Republic space. Many sectors stand independent, and many nations act of their own accord. The Bakurans, the Eriaduans, the Pirate Kingdom, New Separatist Union, and the Senex Lords are just examples inside the southern quadrant. There are plenty prominent across the galaxy - the Free Trade Worlds, the Hutts, the Tion Cluster, Mandalorians, Nouane, Commonality, Centrality, and so on.

    All of them have one thing in common; they are waiting to see what happens between the New Republic and wider Empire. Thrawn and the Reborn Palpatine struck back at the established New Republic in a surprise manner, and few are willing to commit to the future if there is a chance they will be caught out on the wrong side again…

  8. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    The Sith Holocrons

    The Empire is, nonetheless, a Sith one.

    Beneath the veneer of Imperialism, the Lords of the Empire remain so, and they have their own stock of resources and power to draw from to maintain the darkness.


    The Sith Holocron of Soa is in the hands of the Empress Bellorum…

    Gorog’s Holocron belongs to Insipid but he is happy for the Sith to speak to the Killik Sith Lord. So too is the Holocron of Dread Rur, but he guards that somewhat more jealously…


    The Holocrons of Ajunta Pall, Darth Traya and Darth Millennial are in the possession of the Sith Order as a whole, and usually in the care of the current Loremaster. The current Sith Academy is on Boudolayz, the former Imperial Archives.

    The New Sith Order will rise again…
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Lumiya

    The Dark Lady of the Sith regarded her apprentice.


    Not as blunt an instrument as Flint, nor as treacherous as Carnor Jax. The latter had been intending to betray her the moment they had power, which was merely political. It would have been quaint had his death not severed the link between her and Nom Anor.

    A snort, and Lumiya regarded the young woman on her knees beneath her, in supplication, but also clearly ready to fight at a moments notice. Coiled, like a snake. She too sought to rise politically, but not without mastery of the Force. Not without true power.

    For long years Lumiya had trained this one, and now she was poised to take her throne. Lumiya wasn’t overly concerned about such things; the Empire was a shadow of its former self, some five years after the Battle of Jakku. Years of training following the Second Battle of Naboo, and she was ready to take her own Sith name. But Lumiya didn’t believe she would.

    She wouldn’t want one.

    She would rule as Empress Palpatine.

    But she had begun her latest machination, and Lumiya watched besides her. Ederlathh summoned her Inner Council.

    Her consort, Sulrenea. Her military general, Sinclair. Her Grand Vizier, Mas Amedda. They were all present. The trio of Star Destroyers under their command had been working through Imperial holdouts in the Mandalore Sector, recapturing Shogun, Ordo, Gargon and Concord Dawn, as a prelude to an offensive on Moff Gideon’s holdings on Mandalore - but his rule had been ended by the Mandalorians themselves recently. The sector was free of Imperial influence, as agreed, and Sulrenea had accrued wealth and contracts from dozens of secretly Imperial companies.

    “My friends, it is time to knit the wider Empire back together under my command. The peace has served us, but now it is time for war.” She smiled drily. “We shall discuss the new Lords of the Empire and decide where best to strike.”

    Mas Amedda cleared his throat. “I have news of K’zk too, though Sybelle continues to evade me. The current era Aryan Graul is resolved, at very least.” They’d had to contend with two for a spell, but deciphering the origin of these New Sith had taken little time… especially with Mas briefly on the inside of their plans.

    Lumiya simply watched her apprentice in silence.


    TAG: @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @Silvertough

    Please submit sheets to the co-GMs for Sulrenea, Sinclair and K’zk!
  10. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    GMs Sinrebirth, Lady_Belligerent, & HanSolo29 Approved!

    Name: Soliloquy
    : How crass...also yes.
    Age: After 10,000 I seem to have lost track. Roughly 15 /16,000 standard years, if you want an exact century count we are gonna need a bigger abacus.
    Species: Croke
    Homeworld: Crakull

    Height: Yay tall by yay wide.
    Weight: Did you bring a scale?
    Physical Attributes: As desired this can be changed, recently styled as a roguishly good looking green Mikkian Male
    Clothing: Ceremonial attire for the position, functional attire, or fashion rogue with black leather and silks with red piping and accents.
    Abilities: Abilities are the foundations by which we take the actions of our lives. There are not many that cannot be chosen from.
    Weapons/Tools: Has his re-forged black holocron. Collection of poisons and fungal spores. Twin Yuuzhan Vong short staffs of power - amphistaff variants with Rainbow Gems instead of lambets. Lambet, Villip and Comlink. Set of code cylinders and dataspikes. A few soul shards. Couple sets of multitools. Occasional creature experiments.

    Occupation/Title: High Lord - Retired Reluctant Emperor
    Family: Shimmer, one supposes.
    Associates: Some of column A, all of column B, and a variety of all following columns.
    Born allegedly under a dark star in remote and hidden world of galactic grid G-10, one you are unlikely to find on most maps this Croke strode forth into the cosmos at a young age. Unsatisfied or driven by need to be better, to know more, to understand the universe in a way that histories of generations of forebears just did not illuminate enough for this young Croke. So setting out they experienced the Unknown until it was known, living many lives as many races in plain sight on many many worlds.

    With names like drops of rain the one that would come to be known as Soliloquy moved outward from the basics of sentient life and how things worked. Or perhaps moved inward would be a better phrasing? Anyway, they shifted their focus to the energy field most commonly known as the Force. Studied under groups in the unknown and eventually with the Jedi, and after a life lived there they moved on to study other groups which led to of course studying the Sith. Sadly this is where they seem to have gotten stuck. For they met someone during these studies that opened a realm of possibilities and new avenues for research that had previously been limited. A source of test subjects and willing patsies.

    The one they met, as they flittered in orbit about the Sith Emperor of the time was one that also had several names. Only most would come to know him simply as Revan. This, with a strange gift they had tried to steal from a Black Robe, led them to create their own 'Holocron' and freeze their body inside with their mind free. The only problem encountered was that the traditional pyramid would not house everything discreetly. This led to their red and purple glowing hexagonal structure for the housing instead. Thus began their several thousand year - multi-universe spanning existence as a Holocron that was known for being of many minds. Devouring, testing and learning the Force through the most unethical means.

    Until one day they were delivered to a library in the Sith Triumvir's Palace on Moraband. A Hammerheaded Ithorian pocketed them from the collection. That was the turning point though the tale of this form was not yet finished, it was the point that set them on the road to it's end. They served through trials, defied deific powers, and traveled through the gates of Mortis unpaired. Where they a single consciousness to single consciousness defeated Mnngl-Mnngl. They did all these things, these things and more. The universe ended, the new one was invaded, and a surviving Sith Emperor gave him a number and a droid body carrier that was imbued by a celestial holocron with the late Emperor Palpatine mentation.

    Everything of course did not go smoothly and they bounced around until they stumbled into a Zakullian sphere, and accidentally triggered a process that saw themselves and the Emperor AI both being thrown into organic bodies. The Emperor's didn't last, but Soliloquy for a time got to experience life through the true form of an eight limbed woman. One that surprisingly seemed to have a type that was fulfilled by Sith-Spawn. They had this form until they traded it to Abeloth in exchange for her and her siblings betraying their big brother - something which actually worked but saw Soliloquy once more implanted back into his holocron and true body that was still on ice.

    After this they had a few spats with the Emperor, went to Kamino whilst trapped in an illusory form as they began decanting their body. What follows next is largely blamed on hibernation sickness messing with their hormones. They took an apprentice clone, defeated a new reincarnation of Mnngl-Mnngl in part, and then fled. That apprentice he named Shimmer. A few missions later they went home. There they reported in all they had learned, but left it encrypted largely so that only their offspring could open all the files. They also had a clutch of said offspring as mother and another clutch of offspring as father, and laid a few eggs as both. Returning with a banishment upon them they took Shimmer more as a daughter and less an apprentice and was thrown into a battle on Kesh that saw their holocron body damaged. From this they spawned a few terrors that they let others deal with, but rebirths an old Nightsister into a flesh fresh body and crafted his pet Blightling the Blightwing with the soul and mind of a Jawa. This is also when Soliloquy took some time to redraft his damaged Holocron with the black glass surround of a larger sphere.

    The Emperor got himself spiritually vaped on the return trip to Kamino and Soliloquy soon found themselves as Emperor due to some poor planning and travel schedules, as the others with higher numbers similarly got themselves disintegrated. Keeping the post and the Hapan Cluster together as best able he planned out a future for them in a reclusive status. This all went sideways of course as others could not leave well enough alone and those that should of been Emperor instead of him refused to return and take their rightful place. Luckily a version of the Emperor returned with those wayward souls and Soliloquy was once more just a member of court who was merely ruling two worlds with two mega labs that were birthing new species bred for peacekeeping or war.

    Of course peace was destined to be short lived, lie that it is to these people and all of that. Whisked away to Corsucant by the Empress without consent they helped conquer the world. Now if only they could finished some of these projects they could perhaps take a vacation whilst awaiting cross species grandkids. That was sadly not to be. As the returned Emperor sent him investigating tombs and reclusive positions that allowed him to meet The Master and have an illuminating talk. He ran missions and helped the members of the Sith including that same Ithorian that was his thief in getting a new body on the opposite side of the gender divide.

    Eventually it came to a head where Soliloquy's original employer that had placed him as a holocron in that library in a position to be stolen came calling. Darth Krayt. Soliloquy helped the Sith fight the One Sith and secretly helped keep the One Sith informed. Soliloquy keeping up the double agent façade that kept both sides guessing until the final conflict, where Soliloquy threw in fully against the One Sith. Suprisingly they won. As such to the victors go the spoils, and in this instance was running for their lives and eight Imperial sectors. Being now rebranded as a High Lord Soliloquy took charge of one of these small sectors in Rendili.

    Also of note in that whole Krayt war thing on Nubia, Shimmer died. Her spirit though proved more viable than Soliloquy had hoped for at this stage of life and she was able to resist chaos and come to him. From this he had been able to secure her in a soul stone, and later before the celebrations of being Sith, alive, and not dancing with Jedi he was able to create for her a new body from the resources at his Hapan worlds. She of course had ideas about her new body and so he had crafted a half-breed form that was half Falleen so she would better match and be compatible with her chosen lover. Once more he would wait news of whether he was to sooner or later have grandkids as this new body was fully functional and better than her previous Kaminoan supplied form.

    At Rendili he would refit his allocated vessels, and modify the other sector vessels as requested. All the while maintaining his contracts that the system had prior to his involvement with the New Republic or whatever they called themselves these days. ISD Vector was a personal test bed of integration, and his second ISD Saigok which patrolled and defended his tiny sector. Meanwhile he prepared and studied many little things.

    The Unexpected second sheet!

    Name: K'zk Vrai
    Age: Uncertain of Galactic conversion in counting the seasons of the tides.
    Species: Qwohog (deepwater subspecies)

    Bio: Born and raised in the deep waters K'zk Vrai's clan was unaware of the earliest meeting of the land trekker tribes with the off-worlders. Although he did, as most, learned and felt the armored feet and the heat of their weapons. It was not until after the Imperials were repelled that he left, unlike many he did not join the 'Rebels'. They were little better than the boot.

    He had learned that clearly. For in his listening to his own people he learned the Rebels that came to their world and traded were outlaws to begin with. The Imperials had merely followed these outlaws trail and discovering something they also wanted had simply taken it. Forcefully.

    Instead he traveled to the seas of Mon Cala, Iskalon, Dak, and many others. Meeting others that lived in waters as the most easy and comforting of aliens to learn and hone his understanding of war and how the galaxy worked. All the while he worked as a Mercenary, a Pirate Leader, and generally a thorn in anyone's side who had something he wanted.

    So he lived gathering power, influence, and with a considerable space maritime comfort afforded by firepower until one day a land liver asked for Parlay and did not begin by begging for their life nor their property. Merely delivering an invitation. One K'zk Vrai did not refuse.

    K'zk Vrai would live to regret that choice. During his short stay at the Princess Palpatine's villa K'zk survived two plausible assassination attempts in the form of an Emperor's Droid and then the Princess' own serving droid. All he got out of it was a datapad of proper etiquettes, dubious meetings of power hungry individuals, and of course a new job offer. Before faking his death he had accepted that offer, and was officially the Head of State for the Iskalonian committee for the preservation of aquatic species. Although that offer was not contingent nor link in any way to that situation that he was ever able to discover.

    Still with that position Star Cruisers were added to his burgeoning fleet and the ability to operate with legitimacy. Although he kept his name and face out of it. After barely escaping with his life from the Princess Palpatine's villa, and his short recovery, he has strove strengthen his peoples and build a viable defense for the dark times ahead that he fears will be coming for him. . .for them all.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  11. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    Name: Jwob Sebb or Darth Serapis

    Sex: Male Now Female.
    Age: From original body 37 Standard Years. Current body is more in the early 20s.
    Species: Originally Ithorian. Was Hapan for a while. Now back to Ithorian.
    Height: Originally 2.1 Meters, now 1.5 meters.
    Weight: Originally 85 KG, now 50 KG.
    Occupation: Part of the modern Gig Work culture.
    Physical description: Originally Brown/red skin, almost maroon, now much lighter, still tan.
    Clothing: Hooded robes. I'm in hiding.
    Lightsaber, blood-orange blade. Crystal speaks ancient Sith, though very quietly.

    Associates: None


    The one known as Darth Serapis started out as an Ithorian named Jwob Sebb. He grew up in a traditional Ithorian household. He was prospected by the Jedi, but resisted, feeling he was destined for a different path. He was independent. Also, he didn't like the idea of the "light side" saying skills in the Force were off-limits. If you were fortunate enough to be a Force user, why restrict yourself?

    Jwob became what many Force-sensitive Ithorians become: a trader. His connection to the Force served him well in negotiations. He became reasonably wealthy over the years of his trading career. He still felt he was missing something, though. After a few years of being a trader, he met and was recruited by Darth Bellorum. Since then his life has been chaotic. It's not the attempted abandonment of the Sith order and his imprisonment. It's not the mental instability he experienced after that. What really preciptated the chaos was when he acquired the ability to shift his consciousness between bodies.

    At first he would jump uncontrollably from his Ithorian body into others nearby, then back to his Ithorian body. He even combined skills, once using his Force Healing while inside the brain of his fellow Sith, Darth Cocytus. As he gained greater control of it, he became more confident. Much too confident, though. So reckless that he tried to take on Typhojem, the Sith God. It was a noble endeavor. It was successful. It distracted Typhojem enough that he lost his advantage. But Serapis lost his life.

    That would not be the end, though. After being plucked out of the emptiness by Insipid, he was shuffled between a facet of Soliloquy's Holocron, to a droid body, then back into a flesh-and-blood body of Renndar, a Hapan Queen's bodyguard. It was jarring, but healing, too. Each body he took over added something to him. Each one made him more grounded. Yet each one also took him a bit further from being Jwob Sebb.

    It was time to go back. He still was Jwob Sebb. He always would be. But he needed to reaffirm that. And, to be honest, he needed an Ithorian body back. That's right. He wasn't an Ithorian any more. And, he wasn't male any more, either. That last one was a hard one. But, when you're in a society ruled by women, you take what they give you.

    He went back to Ithor. His goal was to become Jwob Sebb again. He was mostly successful. He found an Ithorian who was Force-sensitive. Well, she's a female. Jwob Sebb was now Siri Sebb. The candidate was very strong in the Force at this young age. Serapis was quite happy with his choice. As with most of his conquests, she was inside the mind bouncing around, haunting him. He had enough practice with ignoring it that that should not be a major problem.

    When he left the herdship, his plan was to rejoin "the Sith." Little did he know the galaxy had splintered since he'd gone on his mission. Now he simply needed to survive long enough to find his compatriots.

    Class: Lv9: High Lord

    Tier I:
    Force Push/Pull
    Force Shock
    Force Drain
    Force Choke
    Force Meld
    Affect Mind
    Force Stealth
    Force Rage
    Eye of Madness

    Tier II:
    Force Wave
    Dark Side Healing
    Force Barrier
    Probe Mind
    Conceal Essence
    Consume Essence
    Mind Shard
    Force Sight
    Touch of Chaos
    Force Wound

    Tier III:
    Force Avalanche
    Force Illusions
    Dark Orbs

    Tier IV:
    - Essence transfer

  12. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022


    : Tia Graul
    Sex: She/her/they/them
    Age: 8
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Coruscant

    Height: 4.3
    Weight: 3.9 stone
    Physical Attributes: Long blonde hair, striking green eyes, pale skin

    Clothing: Black leather cropped top with Middle Ages inspired back lacing. Fitted long sleeves with mesh shoulders and sleeves, black leather gauntlets and gloves. Two-tone (red and black), mid-rise tight-fitting latex leggings. Stiletto heeled boots,

    Abilities: Basic force abilities, limited Telekinetic ability, force jump, force acrobatics, Her force gift is Telepathy which her former mentor paid special attention to developing.
    other abilities include technical skills as in re-wiring droids, opening secure doors and safes etc

    Weapons/Tools: Newly acquired lightsaber giving to her by her master Ike, an ancient pocket knife she is convinced belonged to Exar Kun. No-one can convince her other-wise

    Occupation/Title: Sith Apprentice

    Family: Aryan Graul (father) Bellorum Graul (stepmother)

    Associates: High Lord Ike, Sith Master. Sith Empire

    Tia's past is shrouded in mystery, She believed her parents died in an explosion when she was just three years old. Her memory of this supposed event is foggy, and the only thing she remembers is walking the under-levels of Coruscant, bare-footed, alone, scared and hungry. This is where she Met Dalask, the half-Muun/Pau'un opportunist. He recognised that Tia was force sensitive immediately and being versed in the force himself began to train her for his own ends.

    It was events that occurred on the pair's first visit to The Stardust that led to Dalask's downfall, After securing a trip to Nubia, Tia was abducted by Darth Talon along with her mentor. The abduction led to the introduction of Tia to Ike, who cleverly persuaded Tia to kill Dalask over a lightsaber, thus becoming Ike's first Sith apprentice.

    It Wasn't until a few weeks later, when again she found herself among the rich and powerful on the Stardust when she found the truth, Aryan Graul was her biological father....
  13. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    Triple GM Approved
    -Darth Hekate-

    Name: Cornelia Yaeldrin, Moff Hekate
    Sex: Female
    Age: 40, appears to be in her early 30's
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Alsaka

    Height: 5 ft. 6
    Weight: 141 lbs
    Physical Attributes: Long, dark brown hair that’s wavy, large dark grey eyes and a fair complexion.
    Clothing: [​IMG]
    Abilities: Uncanny abilities to understand and work with children, master shaper and manipulator of plants and animals
    Weapons/Tools: Orange bladed lightsaber, and a datapad for collecting/recording information, a speeder and a Maeb class ship, specially ordered in honor of her ascension (the ship the Sith Mother uses in the SW Visions short "Screecher's Reach")

    Occupation/Title: Sith Lord and Moff
    Family: Lord Berneal (husband), twins Thanatos and Persephone (aged 3 years, currently offworld), and centaurantula El Muerte (currently with children)
    Associates: Darth Bernael
    In her past, the Sith currently known as Cordelia Yaeldrin was first known as Istra Amelia Converse and later Anya Korikova. Her force powers relating to animal and plant manipulation manifested early and in such an unusual way, it was though she was somewhere on the autism spectrum. It was only after her parents met with the Nightsister known as Zeevah they learned their eldest child was Force sensitive. They agreed to have her trained, and it was away from Alsakan’s high society to the wild outback of Dathomir.

    After mastering her powers, Cordelia joined up with the Sith Empire. Her expertise in ancient mythology made her helpful on missions, but her tendency to withdraw into her own thoughts a bit too much led to disaster. First, she fell into a pit during a relic hunt, and after she used the life force of the nearby plants to regenerate her body. She took on the new identity Anya Korikova, a Corellian ballerina. Even then, she was the subject of an experiment by Dr. Shadow.

    Taking this as the last straw, she struck out on her own, crossing the galaxy in her own ship, before accidentally freezing herself in a stasis chamber for a year. Her ship crash landed on a small, contentious planet at the edge of the spiral arms of the galaxy.

    Considering how quiet it was in the part of the universe, Hekate took on her current identity Cordelia Yaeldrin and set herself up as an educational consultant. Thrilled to no end that the locals considered the idea of a person possessing actual magical powers as nothing more than science fiction, she set herself up in one of the large old-style houses. It was during this time she began reconnecting with the Force, manipulating local politics and aggravating tensions between neighbors.

    Of course, she made acquaintances and she was invited on more than one occasion she was invited to worship at the “sham gothic erection on the new housing estate”. During her time on-world, she came to realize how far out of the way she truly was - even for this world - and while she took her time to educate herself on her new homes literature, it did not surprise Hekate at all nobody there had read her C.S. Lewis outside of The Chronicles of Narnia.

    During her meditations, she was able to purge her childish naiveté and was able to reconnect to the spiritual aspects of the Dark Side and was able to construct a new lightsaber, one with an orange blade. During the height of a world-wide crisis, Hekate began to hear the call of her fellow Sith and she looks forward to going home.

    When she returned, Hekate had several adventures, among them running the secret Sith Academy on the Luxury Elite, with mixed results. Her care for younglings led to her ascension to the Thirteenth Throne, a high honor for someone on the cusp of becoming a full Lord. She was granted the rank of Lord upon Emperor Insipid's death at the gala celebrating Lady Bellorum's wedding to Aryan Graul.

    It was in between these adventures, she began to remember a mission she shared with Darth Bernael, and the seeds of romance were planted. They were reunited at his ascension ball, and as the month passed, they pledged themselves to each other and consummated their relationship. It resulted in Hekate carrying twins, Thanatos and Persephone.

    Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for an Anzat and a human to have children together, but around the time this was going on, Hekate was getting fertility treatments from a reclusive Kaminoan scientist (Hekate was going to pursue the single mom route), but the treatment took a little too well.

    Hekate's twins arrived one month after the gala, and Hekate has settled into motherhood well. She fought alongside her husband during the battle against the One Sith some months later, and it was decided it was time for the twins to begin their traditional Anzati education back on Anzat, with El Muerte going with them to act as guardian.

    She has settled into ruling Trellen and Humbarine rather well, taking great pride in reworking the planets PK-12 education systems and related curriculum.
  14. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 12x Wacky Wednesday Winner/2 Truths, 1 Lie Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Name: Bluth
    Sex: Male
    Age: 32
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Yullion

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 180
    Physical Attributes: Not much to look at
    Clothing: Whatever is clean
    Abilities: Average Force Skills
    Weapons/Tools: A Darth Malgus replica lightsaber/lightsaber from 'past'

    Occupation/Title: Apprentice
    Family: Link
    Associates: My Master, @HanSolo29
    Biography: Orphaned and abandon, he was found and raised by simple people. His adopted mother, a sweet and nurturing woman; his adopted father a simple farmer. Once they died of old age he secluded himself as a shut in. A few years later, he felt himself becoming mad so he left one day, to go to the market where he met his future wife. After they dated for awhile she wanted him to reach his full potential. She pressured him to become a Jedi. So he worked through the ranks, becoming a knight. However, he was sent on false mission all the while there was an attack on his homeworld. The attack caused the death of his wife, and the Jedi stood down and allowed it to happen. Bluth sought out revenge. Now he won't rest until all Jedi are extinct.

    Appointed to Grand General by The Emperor, and in the employment of Aryan Graul/Darth Bellorum.
  15. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    OOC: Triple threat, triple GM approved

    Name: High Lord Iudex (You-Dex), formerly known as Zurros Myrthic of Clan Chir-Dorna
    Age: 145 (ish)
    Species: Falleen
    Homeworld: Falleen
    Height: 7’1
    Weight: 260 lbs
    Physical Attributes:

    Iudex is a massive, imposing man, with a permanent scowl of displeasure resting on his face. His skin tone is that of polished copper. Shoulder-length silver/white hair springs from a single point atop the back of his skull, which is usually left free-flowing. The rest of his skull is shaved bald, exposing prominent bony facial ridges. Falleen physiology includes twin livers, making him resistant to most poisons found throughout the galaxy. In addition to being able to change his skin pigmentation at will, Falleen also have the ability to exude pheromones at will which aids in their ability to subtly influence others.

    Iudex prefers function over aesthetics, and his choice of clothing and armor accentuates this. When not in a social event, the Circle-Lord will almost always wear an unwieldy set of cortosis-alloyed durasteel plate armor. While ultimately unnecessary to keep him protected from harm, the armor and the racket it makes during movement has become more of a symbol of fear than anything else. On the rare occasion the Falleen Sith is forced into mingling socially, he will often wear an ornate purple robe with gold trim, emblematic of his Falleen heritage.
    Occupation/Title: High Lord of the Sith
    Abilities: Complete mastery of Force Storm, Force Rage, and Force Speed. Iudex is able to tank an inordinate amount of damage and continue swinging, long after everyone else has fallen.
    Weapons/Tools: Iudex's main weapon is a long-handled red bladed lightsaber. The added length of the hilt allows the user greater manipulation of the blade's trajectory in combat as well as a greater reach. His secondary is a standard-length red bladed lightsaber, a trophy claimed after he defeated Ren in single combat.
    In combat, Iudex prefers to brutalize his foes into submission with an overwhelming barrage of lightsaber and fist, favoring displays of savage physicality over flashy displays of the Force. That being said, Iudex’s mastery of Force Lightning and Force Rage are not to be underestimated.

    The Falleen Clan of Chir-Dorna. An aristocratic House of xenophobic zealots even by Falleen standards, Iudex abandoned their ranks long ago to fight for the Separatists in the Clone Wars, yet their influence over his early decades of life still hold sway to this day.
    Associates: Fellow Circle Lord/High Lords Bernael and Soliloquy. Shimmer, the love of his life and greatest weakness.
    The life of the man that became Darth Iudex is one of disillusionment, of rebirth, and of revenge. He witnessed first-hand the rot that was the Republic in its twilight years, how the cancer that was the Clone Wars killed it far before its eventual demise. From afar, he watched as the Galactic Empire rose from its ashes and repeated the same mistakes. Iudex had a purpose then, during the reign of the Empire. Deep within the expanse of the Unknown Region, Iudex discovered a fledgling movement of self-taught Dark-siders who adopted him as one of their own. Like the Empire itself, it would not last. Iudex's newly found family, like the Republic, was corrupted from the inside. Day by day, week by week, month by month, the conclave of self-titled Sith changed, twisted by heretical beliefs, until they, like all others, turned on themselves.

    It was on that day Zurros Myrthic died and was reborn as Darth Iudex. Christened in the blood of his former allies, Iudex retreated, stealing away in a freighter before jumping off world in search of refuge with another enclave following the Dark Side of the Force.

    Weeks and then months passed, with Iudex bouncing from world to world, port to port, never finding those than he sought. But then, things began to change. The Force, whose voice had always a confounding mumble to his ears, began to speak clearly for the first time. Like the faintest whisper in the wind, the Falleen could hear a call, a murmur beckoning him onward. It was another Sith, he was sure of it, one whose presence Iudex had not perceived before. It was an aura of pure strength, and that was enough. Iudex changed his course, setting himself on a direct journey to the forgotten world of Kesh. After a full year of uninterrupted travel, it appeared as if Iudex's journey was finally reaching its conclusion. All that was left was to meet his guiding lighthouse in person.
    After a rather dramatic crash-landing on the hidden world of Kesh, Iudex would come face-to-face with the Sith Emperor, Darth Insipid. The two would sign a contract, power for power, and blood for blood.

    The bargain quickly bore fruit for both parties. His first job was to join a Sith kill team in their mission to overthrow and replace the leader of the Hapes Consortium with a member of Insipid’s Sith. It was a dramatic success, and for his efforts, Iudex was rewarded with the sole rule of the planet Sennex. Using his prior life’s contacts within the Black Sun crime syndicate, he jump started his own operation on the desert planet, ultimately reviving the previously extinct Sennex Pirates under a new, (more subtle) branding.

    Iudex’s next post involved ensuring that the Sith’s replacement of the head of the Hapes Consortium, Darth Helinith, remained in power. Through a series of unusually adept political maneuvering, Iudex managed to discover and infiltrate a budding insurgency within a faction of Hapan nobility. Through his efforts, the greater Sith forces were able to mobilize their forces just in time before the rebel nobles began their attack.

    During the opening salvos of the ensuing Battle of Hapes, Iudex found himself an unlikely comrade in the Anzati Sith Lord known as Lord Hunger, a figure whom he would later come to refer affectionately as his battle brother. After suffering numerous casualties among the Hapan loyalists, the Sith would ultimately emerge victorious over the Hapan rebels.

    After the battle, the surviving Sith forces were ambushed by agents of Snoke, beginning a costly drawn-out war with their new enigmatic foe. The conflict was a boon to Iudex’s position within the Sith hierarchy, as became something of a rising star within the ranks of Insipid’s Sith.

    On one occasion, whilst supporting the duo Sith Lords of Hate and Hunger, alongside the introduction of a new ally, Shimmer, the group managed to infiltrate and sabotage a plan by Snoke to drag the New Republic into a direct war against the Hapes Consortium. Within said operation, Iudex met and ultimately defeated a foe from his past, the leader of the enigmatic Knights of Ren. Afterward, Shimmer and Iudex were ambushed by a mysterious dark-side welding Chagrian female known only as IV. After a brief duel within the bridge of a self-destructing Star Destroyer, all three were forced to flee. After regrouping, Hate, Hunger, Shimmer, and Iudex fled the system, leaving the New Republic ultimately unaware of how close they had come to another galactic war.

    The Sith’s war against Snoke culminated in the Battle of the Akkadese Maelstrom. After months of searching and constant setbacks, Snoke’s powerbase had been located within the Akkadese Maelstrom. The recently promoted Lord Iudex, along with what forces the rest of Inspid’s Sith and their allies could muster, all converged within the system for one final battle against Snoke.

    Faced with a force drastically outnumbering their own, each Sith Lord was forced to partake in individual suicide missions against Snoke to achieve any hope of victory. Iudex, Shimmer, and an allied Chiss Admiral were tasked with infiltrating Snoke’s newly constructed Death Star. Within, the group were set upon by the remaining members of the Knights of Ren, which were unceremoniously defeated. Within the control room of the station, the surviving members of Iudex’s party were forced to battle a Yuuzhan Vong Yammosk. The battle was exceptionally brutal for the Sith, who only barely managed to defeat the creature with their minds and bodies intact. Gathering what little strength remained, the battered group moved to flee the Station, just as New Republic forces arrived in system to mop up the remaining First Order ships and put a final end to the Death Star.

    With the New Republic occupied in the Maelstrom, Insipid’s Sith discovered the old galactic capital world of Coruscant relatively undefended. As a final victory lap, the Sith, Iudex included, descended upon the capital world, taking it for their own after a brief extermination of the local stormtrooper legions defending it. With Coruscant surrendered to the Sith, a grand celebration was called for, aboard the luxury yacht, The Stardust.

    They mingled, they plotted, and they drank, as all good Sith do. For the first time in what felt like forever, there was a shared peace. They had survived a great ordeal together and were now stronger than ever. For their efforts they would be rewarded, Iudex perhaps more than the others. From seated twelfth in line, to a full Lord of the Circle Iudex would rise, considered equal to not only Lord Hunger, but the temporary Emperor Soliloquy themselves, who had also been named a Circle Lord.
    With Snoke seemingly killed after the Battle of the Akadese Maelstrom, Inspid’s Sith were afforded a rare six months of relative peace. Iudex however, found the peace unnervingly worrisome. He was a warrior without a war, and found himself unsure with what to do with this unexpected free time. At first, he trained incessantly, dramatically improving his potency with the Force as well as general lightsaber combat, but it wasn’t fulfilling enough for his liking. Shimmer, his newfound love, was instrumental in calming his frayed nerves, but still, six months of sitting on his hands were driving Iudex up the wall.

    Finally, he was given a new mission. He, along with Shimmer, fellow Circle Lord Hunger, and Lord Azathoth, were tasked in finding the hidden Dark Side world of Exegol. Inexplicably, before they were to set out, a full Order of long believed dead Sith appeared in the galaxy from another timeline, each harboring a bitter grudge against the longer serving members of Insipid’s Order. These so-called One Sith, as Iudex would later find they were identified as, would serve as the crux for the upcoming struggle.

    The group’s first stop was the world of Nyssa, buried within the Unknown Regions. Rumors of a guild of assassins that had only been known to exist in the same timeline as the One Sith had been discovered, and it was judged too important of a clue to ignore. Arriving in the system, the group was gifted a chance visit with the ever confounding Arb, before ultimately being introduced to High Lord Bodé Leobund X of House Mecetti, the leader of Nyssa. House Mecetti had organized the meeting in the hopes of creating a formal alliance between themselves and the True Sith. Unfortunately, as with what had happened in the Hapes Consortium, House Mecetti was equally embroiled in inner conflict. Mere hours after Iudex arrived, the great House was embroiled in a coup staged by the High Lord’s nephew. Instead of picking a side, Iudex and the other Sith moved to conquer the House outright.

    Their actions however were stymied by the untimely arrival of the same female Chagrian from the Akkadese Maelstrom event, who was now identifying herself as Darth Wyyrlok IV, lieutenant to Emperor Krayt of the invading One Sith. Before they could react, Krayt himself emerged, springing a trap upon Iudex and the group aboard a Mecetti Star Destroyer. After a fruitless battle with the Emperor which left both Azazoth and Shimmer critically injured, Iudex and Hunger surrendered, accepting Krayt’s offer of allegiance in order to learn more about the One Sith’s organization. As a reward for his new “loyalty”, Iudex was gifted the entirety of House Mecetti’s resources, men, and fleet to use as he saw fit. Shimmer would be held as a hostage to keep Iudex in line.

    Iudex and Hunger, as a method to measure their new loyalty, were dispatched by Krayt to Pelagia to mop up a group of Imperial Knights still loyal to Insipid’s Sith. The pair played the part well, deceiving not only Wyyrlock IV and Darth Havok, but even the Imperial Knights as well, to both Circle Lords' chagrin. The farce was temporary, as before they could complete their ultimate deception, all loyal forces of Inspid were immediately recalled to defend Nubia.

    Iudex mustered his forces, bringing to bear the combined fleets of House Mecetti, the surviving Pyke Syndicate, and the Sennex Pirates against those of the One Sith. Using his pirates to flank the invading One Sith fleets, Iudex and Hunger hijacked a One Sith Star Destroyer and used it as a battering ram to thrust straight up the middle of the enemy fleet. The pair wove a path of total destruction through the One Sith’s fleet, all in search of the enigmatic Krayt, who had hidden his presence on the far side of the system. Within, the pair found a hidden space station, which held a number of Krayt’s lieutenants, Darths Inexor and Havok, and more importantly to Iudex, Shimmer. Iudex and Hunger made short work of the station’s defenses and boarded without issue. Iudex, upon discovering how grievously Darth Inexor had wounded the love of his life, went ballistic. In a beautifully savage dance, the Circle Lords Iudex and Hunger utterly destroyed Darth Inexor before he could offer any token resistance. In response, Krayt forced the station to de-orbit, crashing it into Nubia’s crust in an attempt to kill the encroaching Circle Lords.

    Rising injured from the wreckage, and joined by their fellow Circle Lord Soliloquy, the three Lords came face to face with the remaining One Sith lieutenants of Havok and Kroan. Both had taken hostages important to Hunger and Iudex. In the ensuing battle, Iudex was forced to watch Shimmer seemingly perish in the crossfire. Such an act broke the Falleen Sith, his rage going supernova. Kroan died by Iudex’s hands. Havok fell to Soliloquy and Hunger soon after. The act of brazen violence, possible compounding on some unseen mental damage he had suffered from the Yammosk within the Battle of the Akkadese Maelstrom, fractured Iudex’s mind. He lost control of himself, his rage transforming him into little more than a slavering beast.

    He charged blindly into the One Sith’s reinforcements, brutalizing them with reckless abandon as he sought out his true foe. Krayt. So, the surviving members of Inspid’s Sith met Krayt in open battle within the ruins of the Graul estate. It took everything that they had to finally kill Krayt. None of the survivors came away without fresh wounds, yet some fared better than others.

    Iudex emerged victorious in name alone. Something within had broken irreparably during the final battle with Krayt, leaving him feeling a broken man. He found his attention scattered, his personality soured. The light of his world had vanished, leaving him hollow in despair. Not even the discovery of Shimmer’s revival by Soliloquy woke him from his stupor. He was relieved, undoubtedly so, yet still he felt.. empty.

    Just like after the Battle of the Akkadese Maelstrom, the survivors of the Battle of Nubia converged upon the luxury starcruiser Stardust. In which, the Lords of the Sith were awarded sectors of the new Empire to govern as they saw fit. Iudex, rechristened as a High Lord instead of a Circle Lord, chose the Exodeen sector, specifically to gain control over the Imperial Archives located within. Weeks had passed since the Battle of Nubia, yet his internal malaise remained. Both his own studies of the Force as well as modern medicine had failed to heal his fractured mind, now his only hope lay within the scrolls and tomes of the archives.
    A year passed. Then a second. The machinations of the greater galaxy were ignored by the hermit Faleen Sith, locked away in his archives like a dragon atop its horde. The governance of the sector was handled by intermediaries, with naught by a select group of trusted underlings gifted the knowledge of their ruling High Lord. So it went for Iudex’s holdings outside of the immediate sector as well.

    His Sennex Pirates had reorganized themselves into the Sennex Lords after the Battle of Nubia. Money and supplies still flowed freely into his coffers, as was his right as patriarch of the organization, yet it had been years since any of the senior staff of the Lords had felt his hand actively coordinating their efforts. The Pykes, those few that remained, continued to send their required tributes, but they too were left to run themselves. House Mecetti had been all but exterminated during the war with the One Sith, the few members which had survived instead finding themselves absorbed into other Tapani royal houses through necessity.


    Name: Arthur Donvoy
    Sex: Male
    Age: Early 40s
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Vardos
    Height: 6’4
    Weight: 210 lbs
    Physical Attributes: Arthur is a pale-skinned human standing near six-and-a-half feet tall. His face is pockmarked by various scars, old and new, which criss-cross over his cheeks and forehead which accentuate his near permanent frown. He maintains a neatly trimmed reddish-brown beard.

    Clothing/armor: Arthur continues to wear the standard crimson colored armor with black cape of the Imperial Knights. The only addition to his uniform is two golden lapel pins in the shape of starbursts, indicating his rank of Grand Master.
    Occupation/Title: Grand Master of the Office of the Imperial Knights
    Abilities: Extensive combat experience with both the standard Stormtrooper’s E-11 Blaster Rifle and Controller FP Force Pike. Intermediate understanding of the Force.
    Standard Royal Guard Robes/armor.
    (x1) Force Pike modified to be deployed/collapsed in a telescoping manner.
    (x1) Relby-K23 blaster pistol
    (x1) Imperial Knight lightsaber
    (x4) Imperial Code cylinders
    Associates/Family: Arthur considers any and all surviving members of the original ten members of the Imperial Knights his adopted family. He’s worked the closest with Knights Sam Hhat and William Tyrell.

    Model: Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    Length: 1600 meters
    Hyperdrive: Class 2 (primary), Class 8 (backup)
    Crew: Approx. 6,230 Officers and 21,329 Enlisted Crew
    (x60) Heavy Turbolaster batteries (x30 fore, x30 port/starboard)
    (x50) Heavy Ion cannon batteries (x20 fore, x30 port/starboard)
    (x8) Octuple barbette turbolasers (x4 port, x4 starboard)
    (x8) Dual concussion missile turrets (x4 underslung keel mounted, x4 center mounted along topside central ridge)
    (x10) Heavy tractor beam projectors (x6 fore, x2 port, x2 starboard)
    (x48) TIE/In Fighters
    (x12) TIE/IN Interceptors
    (x12) TIE/sa Bombers
    (x2) Theta-class AT-AT Barges
    (x4) Lambda-classT-4a Shuttles
    (x8) Sentinel-class landing craft
    (x5) AT-ATs (x2 functional, x3 in various states of repair)
    (x22) AT-STs
    (x4,219) Imperial Army/Marines (Not Stormtroopers, we pinky promise)
    Arthur Donroy is a cold, distant man, forged by the rampant poverty of his youth. Born in the often-forgotten slums of Vardos to a pair of destitute scavengers, Arthur would spend the majority of his childhood on the run, pilfering what little he could to feed himself through the nights. He was orphaned at a young age, with both of his parents passing from consumption. Yet he endured, adapting quickly to the harsh reality of his world.

    During his formative years, far outside his own perspective, the Clone Wars raged. The world of Vardos managed to sneak away relatively unscathed in the grand scheme of things. Yet, as the years of war dragged on with no end in sight, things began to change. The tides of opinion were turning slowly but surely against the Republic. If the Republic was incapable of defending itself, surely then it was only reasonable to let it die and be reborn? Arthur Donroy was one of many reaching the same conclusion. The Republic had allowed people like him to live destitute among the core worlds, so who knew what other horrors it was inflicting on its people? When Palpatine announced the Republic’s demise, the proclamation was met with cheers. Finally, the former Chancellor could shake off the yoke of the bloated republic, and bring peace to the Galaxy!

    At 17 years of age, Arthur joined the Stormtrooper Corps. Within three years, he had proven himself exceedingly dedicated to the new Empire. The Corps had quickly become a home, its Stormtroopers his family. For the first time, he not only had a reliable source of food, but purpose. Here he would excel, always striving to improve himself in a way to pay back all the Empire had done for him.

    Arthur rose quickly through the ranks of the Stormtrooper Core, proving himself time and time again a dedicated servant of the Empire on numerous deployments across the Inner and Outer Rim. He slowly gained a reputation for getting the job done, no matter the cost. Compared to some of his other troopers, Arthur had no qualms with brutally suppressing those who dared rebel against the Empire. Recognized for his skill, Arthur was removed from his squad to receive special training that would make him a Royal Guard. Alongside forty-three other recruits, Arthur arrived on Yinchorr, the home of the Imperial Royal Guard Academy.

    The training was beyond brutal, the original class of forty-three reducing quickly to a mere six. There was a lesson behind the madness, one that had already been beaten into Arthur by the slums of Vardos. One’s own life was irrelevant, inconsequential. All that mattered now was the Emperor, who demanded the best of the best. Arthur formally graduated as a Royal Guardsman from the Royal Academy in 2 ABY.

    Arthur served with distinction for several years, but matters outside his control would eventually change his life forever. In 4 ABY, Arthur was transferred from his post aboard the second Death Star to guard the Emperor’s Palace on Coruscant. Not even a full month after his transfer, news filtered in about the outcome of the Battle of Endor. Robbed of time even to mourn for the loss of his Emperor, Arthur and the few other Royal Guardsmen were forced to organize a defense against a suddenly rebeling populace against Imperial rule. The riots lasted weeks before some semblance of order could be achieved. The damage though was done. Arthur, as with what few Guardsmen who survived, turned in their cloaks out of shame. The Emperor, their sole charge and leader, was dead. As a Guardsman, what greater failure could there be?

    For several years, Arthur traveled the galaxy in self-exile, refusing to join the various warlords that made up the Imperial Remnants of the Galaxy. They were weak, little more than squabbling thugs, unfit to uphold the mantle of the Empire. After the Galactic Concordance was signed, Arthur would wage a one-man war against the New Republic, hoping more than anything to fall in battle against his most hated of foes.

    By 7ABY, he had grown tired, poisoned by growing disillusionment in his righteous cause. How could the Empire have fallen so quickly, and why was it that only he seemed to be fighting back?

    Finally, his prayers for change were answered. The squabbling warlords who had despoiled the capital world of Coruscant had been purged. A new Emperor, seemingly building off of the legal traditions of Palpatine himself had returned to the throneworld and had put out the call for all loyal sons and daughters of the Empire to return home. With everything else having failed, how could Arthur refuse such a call?

    Arthur’s gut instinct had been correct. This new Empire, led in public by Emperor Graul and Empress Bellorum, was exactly what he had wished for. He, along with ten other suitable candidates, were immediately pressed into Imperial service as Imperial Knights. For Arthur, the distinction between new and old postings was negligible. Even the uniform was practically the same. Paired with Knight Tyrell, Arthur was first assigned the duty of the Emperor’s bodyguards.

    The pair, along with the Imperial Knights as a whole, performed their duties exceptionally. An assassination plot targeting both Emperor and Empress was discovered and quickly defeated. Novel and robust security measures were then developed and adopted from the Knights’ experiences. Following the failed assassination attempt, Arthur was paired with Knight Hhat in order to investigate a senator who had been directly involved with the conspiracy. Their investigation ultimately pointed towards the CEO of Rendili Stardrives, Nayr Cooles.

    After apprehended and then interrogating the slimy Nayr Cooles, the Knight’s investigation would lead them to the former Royal Guardsman training academy on Yinchorr. After arriving at the facility, the two would accidentally come into contact with Darth Kroan, a member of Krayt’s One Sith. Kroan was using the facility to hire and train new foot soldiers for the One Sith cause. After a brief struggle, the Knights were captured by Kroan and brought to his superior, another One Sith called Darth Maladi, along with the re-emergence of William Tyrell. The introductions were short, as immediately after the trio were brought to the One Sith aligned world of Fondor.

    Immediately after their arrival planet-side, the Imperial Knights were separated from both each other as well as from their One Sith captors as the citizens of Fonder rose up in open rebellion. Using the confusion to their advantage, the Imperial Knights managed to escape off world. With the One Sith’s intentions clearly being to take over the newly formed Galactic Empire,the Knights decided to head to Nubia, homeworld of the Emperor, to try and stage a defense before the upcoming battle.

    Arriving in orbit, the Knight’s shuttle was immediately set upon by a One Sith Interdiction SD and tractor beamed inside. Deciding that none of them were excited to be prisoners again, the surviving Imperial Knights executed a daring plan to storm the Bridge of the Interdictor and claim it for themselves. It was a hard fought battle, the success of which felt more earned due to luck rather than skill,but at the end of the day, the Interdictor was theirs for the taking.

    Arthur immediately offered pardons to the surviving crew of the Interdictor, many of which jumped to proclaim their loyalties to the Galactic Empire. With crew and ship firmly under Imperial control, the ship was positioned in orbit over Nubia, just in time for The Battle of Nubia to begin.

    The mustered forces of the One Sith and Galactic Empire clashed violently over the skies of Nubia. Arthur, having been promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral for his efforts thus far, took charge of the loyalist fleets above Nubia. Using his captured Interdictor-class SD as a command ship, Arthur managed to blunt the first assault of the One Sith onslaught. It was, however, a measure of futility. The loyalist forces were outnumbered and outgunned by a factor of three to one. No matter the cunning strategy or devilish ploy, the numbers were simply against them. After may days of constantly punching far above their weight, the Interdictor was eventually boarded by One Sith forces. Fearing a route, Arthur lured the One Sith’s admiral, Darth Talon’s command ship into knife-fighting range, before ultimately forcing both vessels into Nubia’s atmosphere.

    Both vessels crashed hard into Nubia’s surface. It had been a costly choice, but the only one that made sense. Without Talon in orbit, the One Sith’s fleet were left leaderless to fend for themselves. On the ground however, Arthur and the remaining Knights would be forced to fight a brutal stalling retreat within the halls of the Interdictor as more and more enemy Sith breached their walls. But then, as abruptly as the battle had begun, it was over. The One Sith simply faded from existence mid-attack,a s if they had never existed to begin with. The Battle of Nubia was over, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Galactic Empire.

    Licking their wounds, the survivors of the battle converged on the luxury yacht Stardust to receive their various honors and promotions, as well as to finally be shown the true hierarchy of the Galactic Empire. Under Emperor Insipid, Arthur was again promoted, now to the rank of Grand Master of the Imperial Knights, as well as given command of a Star Destroyer, which Arthur christened the Triumphant.

    Two years have passed since. Arthur has left the life of field work behind, transitioning into the role of an administrator well after being given a full staff of dedicated staff positioned all across the Galactic Empire’s remaining sectors. His first task was restarting the Imperial Knight program, beginning with opening a semi-secret Imperial Knight academy on the world of Quellor. Through necessity, his academy is far less brutal than he would have liked, preferring the harsh truths within the Royal Guardsman academy on Yinchorr, yet it is still undeniably harsh. There are no longer deaths amongst students within the academy, (save for freak accidents), yet the washout rate hovers at a comfortable 67%. In the two years since starting the academy, only 13 candidates have passed their training and become Imperial Knights.

    Outside of creating and originally running the Quellor Academy, Arthur has also remained busy managing the existing Imperial Knight program. Unlike before, a clear set of policies and procedures have been created for the position, clearly stating what the responsibilities and jurisdictions of each Knight are. This is both to bring the office in line with New Republic demands as well as to make the day-to-day operations of an individual Knight easier to manage. But this is all set dressing. Arthur isn't a fool. He understands that the current state of the galaxy cannot last. Above all else, his main priority has been to strengthen what aspects of the Empire he could to prepare it for war. Supply lines have been hardened, new factories and assembly lines created and funded, training academies expanded to all species and genders. The Galactic Empire barely survived the Battle of Nubia, without change, it couldn't survive another war.

    Arthur doubted that they would have a choice.

    OOC: The unexpected addition *shrug*

    Name: Sulnerea Galrada Oolidu-Udee von Hytovin Voldumarr
    Age: Physically appears to be in his mid to late 20s, by date of birth he would be in his 60s.
    Species: Arkanian
    Gender: Male (For the time being)
    Sulnerea was born on the frigid world of Arkania, the culmination of several generations of selective breeding from multiple noble houses (the Galrada's, the Oolidu-Udee, the von Hytovin's, and the Voldumarr's, respectively), and now stands alone as the inheritor to all of their collective riches.

    Outwardly, Sulnerea has fostered an infamous persona as a fabulously wealthy hedonist, just as comfortable shooting up amongst the dregs of the galaxy as he is wining and dining with the upper echelons of high society. An every man for everyone, hopping from one party to the next, seemingly always chasing some new hobby or curiosity to regale his fellows with. He upholds the Arkanian tradition of self-modification to the highest degree, often undergoing extreme constructive surgeries for the most minor of excuses. Once simply to see "what all the fuss is with Twi'lekian lekku". He was not impressed.

    Sulnerea is never satisfied with staying in one place, or as one person, for long, often changing genders or entire body shapes just to mix things up. The only constant that remains is Sulnerea's name. Which is generally the only warning party goers will get before their nights are changed forever.

    Inwardly, Sulnerea is a far different beast. Over the course of twelve years, every blood relative of each of the great noble houses he belongs to, no matter how distant or polluted, met with some unforeseen accident or tragedy which lead to his direct benefit. At first, their deaths served to increase his wealth and political power. Soon, simply because he could, as no one was stopping him. Now, he has grown bored. The pleasures of the flesh do nothing for him. Stims and spice binges are but mere distractions. He believes he has seen every sight, sampled everything and everyone, and poured over every novel, poem and treatise worth reading.

    The political state of the galaxy of late is mind-numbingly familiar. Everyone had grown far too comfortable with their lots in life. The emergence of a potential heir to the Palpatinian dynasty is an interesting wrinkle on the galactic stage. If handled appropriately, the affair could spawn some delectable chaos..
    Sulnerea, along with a host of other potential suitors, arrived on Naboo to partake in a grand game to win the hand of Princess Ederlathh Palpatine in political marriage. Through a handy combination of political skullduggery, luck, and unceasing flattery, Sulnerea managed to supplant the other suitors and claim the title of consort for himself. A surprise to him far more than anyone else. After being brought into the fold of Ederlathh’s grand schemes for the galaxy, the pair, along with Ederlathh’s allies, fled Naboo into the greater galaxy to begin their conquest..
    Becoming consort to Princess Ederlathh has made Sulnerea fabulously wealthy through a host of new binding contracts with Imperial companies. Not that the Arkanian noble needed any assistance on that front, but still, more the merrier. If nothing else, the added prestige has awarded Sulnerea with a far greater reach than he could have achieved previously on his own. Currently, the Galaxy sits upon the precipice of open war. It would only take the tiniest of sparks to set the galaxy ablaze..

    Reneging on the terms of a negotiated peace accord, willingly or unwillingly.. A surprisingly wealthy separatist group coming to power.. There were so many new ways for the delicate peace to shatter. The threat of spiraling chaos had never felt so close. Sulnerea couldn’t wait to begin.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  16. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Both Sheets Approved by the GMs


    Name: Darth Bernael
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? but at least 2500 standard years
    Species: Base is Anzati, but due to DR I, much evolved
    Homeworld: Anzat

    Height: 1.85 meters
    Weight: 110 kg
    Physical Attributes: Human tan with grey base, hair is black, eyes are silver-grey with black sclera, hidden proboscises in recessed cheek pouches, dense musculature, Anzati physiology which includes dispersed into nodes around the body brain and heart, ability to regenerate from almost any wound, given time.

    Clothing: Constantly wears specially designed light armor that makes no noise when moving,
    Chameleon cloak with a hood that assists with blending into the surroundings. When necessary will change clothes to those appropriate for the occasion while hunting. Featureless black mask, openings for eyes, slit mid cheek, each side. A pauldron upon his left shoulder, with the emblem of Trask’s squad upon it, a braided lock of blonde hair secured under it.
    Abilities: He is extremely fast; natural stealth ability; highly charismatic (allows him to get close to targets more easily); high degree of mind control without using the Force power; is highly intelligent but after so many years of life easily bored with most subjects; at his weakest point is stronger than 5 humans combined; master of many martial arts from across the galaxy; has a voracious hunger, that can be stretched out for months due to age, for sentient beings essence but prefers Force users; and can regenerate from almost any wound once out of battle due to his physiology. These are not learned skills but rather are part of an Anzat from birth and become stronger as an Anzat ages.

    Bernael has studied and utilised Jar'Kai since before he left his home world. And, as needed, he incorporates parts of other forms such as Ataru, Soresu, and Dun Moch while he fights.

    When he was killed and reborn, he had lost the portion of himself that had been occupied by the remaining shard of Ooru that existed in this timeline, absorbing all of his cousin’s abilities into his own, including shapeshifting as one that he utilizes as needed in battle.
    Weapons/Tools: 1 Pair Combat Lightsabers; Color-Black Blade; Solari and Heart of Darkness crystal embedded, Doubles blade width, More effective at blocking blasters and other lightsabers; Pistol Grip style, i.e. Count Dooku style; Collection of knives covered in Force Runes to penetrate shields and get in close in battle that he keeps on his person
    2 proboscises kept coiled in cheek pouches to appear more humanoid until use for draining a victims "soup"
    2 Blackened Blade Kukri with similar strengths to ancient Sith swords. Enhanced with runes of Essence Drain, Hunger, and Shatterproof, becoming aware.
    When going into battle, Bernael wears his combat armor, has a brace of daggers in various locations, and has his 2 kukri sheathed at the small of his back, for most missions, duels, or battles.

    Occupation/Title: Assassin-Sorcerer - High Lord
    Family: Lord Hekate (Spouse), Thanatos (Son), and Persephone (Daughter) ((Twins))
    Associates: Emperor Insipid, Emperor Graul, Empress Graul, High Lord Iudex, Lord Hekate, Lord Soliloquy
    Bernael was born on Anzat as all Anzati are. He was trained during his first two centuries, the youth of an Anzat, to be a hunter of any being by his sire. He respected both his sire and grandsire as he was raised on the stories of them associating with some of the greatest Sith, such as Exar Kun. His sire had trained in the double bladed Form of Jar Kai while in the company of Exar Kun.

    When Bernael left at a young age to travel the galaxy and hunt he chose his given name to blend in with other races. While out and hunting he began to realize that much of the truth or learning that had been passed of his species had either disappeared entirely from the galaxy or had been spun into myth and legend. In some ways this made it easier to survive as all Anzati do by draining life essence and “luck” or “soup”, also known as the mind and force essence. Because of his nature he quickly learned he had to move from planet to planet as once found out most societies would willingly scorch their own planet to destroy him.

    At one time, during a hunt he was discovered by a Sith assassin, named Darth Kwaad, while in the process of draining said assassin’s apprentice. He fought the Sith to a standstill before agreeing to become his new apprentice to learn his Sith arts. On a mission his master perished and he continued across the galaxy seeking out more Force users to drain. During his studies under the assassin he learned that the best meals were Force users and that doing so increased his own strength in the Force.

    At his current age he must feed only infrequently so only does so in the course of an assassination or if his client is unworthy upon completion of the task at hand. His strength in the Force is such it has greatly reduced his need to feed.

    For the last 500 years he has travelled the galaxy, searching out nexuses of both Dark Side and Light Side energy, studying them, and removing artifacts of great power from such before the unworthy could find or utilise them. At the end of time, he was called to meet with his old master on Kesh, and his tale began anew.

    The following takes place during events of Dark Reach Chapter I

    Bernael, along with Renn and Helinith had been taken from the dying timeline and thrown into the current timeline, sent back in time almost a hundred and fifty years as well. They had to fight for their lives, pretending to die, at the hands of the Sith Order before being ‘reborn’ as a part of it. Each was sent upon their own missions after a banquet celebrating the Sith and their becoming a part of it. Bernael was paired with Lord Manticore and Leda, to assist the Emperor in his mission to Kuat.

    The mission itself seemed simple, but even with that, there were always complications. In this case, it was the complication that Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Luke Skywalker were already there. Their cover was blown from the moment they attempted to reach their contact and a massive battle ensued. During it, the Emperor ‘died’, transferring his essence to Leda as Manticore and Bernael fought their foes, trying to escape the battle. Bernael fed upon the remaining essence of Insipid as they fled and that assisted them, even as a New Republic cruiser fired upon them. Insipid took the body of their contact, and they used the ruse of a medical shuttle to escape from under the noses of the New Republic.

    Their troubles were not at an end when they returned to Kesh, finding that a pair of Force twins had taken control when the Order departed. No sooner had the Order returned than the male twin, the only one still upon Kesh, attacked. The battle was fierce, Insipid almost assassinated by one of the Sith themselves, Vyatoris, before Manticore and Bernael were able to drive the twin into the arms of his sister, who had returned from Hapes to save him.

    The Sith regrouped and Insipid gave over the punishment of Vyatoris to Bernael and Manticore. They confronted the traitor and, in the end, chose to have Bernael drain his soul and mind. The experience was interesting and touched the closed door of his mind that hid his ‘Father’, even as the parts of Insipid in his mind escaped with Vyatoris’s soul into the Netherworld.

    The second feast of the Sith was as boisterous as the first, leading to Insipid directing Manticore and Bernael to track down the twins, and the missing Leda, snatched as the twins departed. The Emperor set the task of tracking down Leda, sending them out into the Unknown Regions. Bernael and Manticore requisitioned a cruiser, in the process learning even more of the changes that were there between timelines. And, in the process, found that Leda and the twins had retreated to the rebuilt Star Forge.

    Their first trouble hit when they stopped to refuel at Yag’Dhul. They were ambushed and those that they had secured the cruiser from was less than inclined to aid them, as it turned out he was this timeline’s version of what Bernael had been in the previous one. The First Order were the ones behind the attack, it turned out. During the battle, it also turned out their contact aboard their craft was Wapoe himself, which only added to their troubles.

    The battle eventually brought both Bernael and Manticore onboard the Resurgent that led the assault. They fought their way through the craft Bernael made it to the bridge first and began to destroy the operating systems of the craft. After chasing Hux through the ship, defeating his Praetorian Guard, they faced one last, great task, Snoke himself, in the hangar bay.

    The battle between the three of them was fierce, ripping apart the hangar, causing great damage to both Sith as they fought. In the end they melded, into almost one being, using all of their power to drive off Snoke and Ship, which had been aiding the misshapen being during the fight. Wapoe reappeared at the end of the fight in time to returned both Manticore and Bernael to life.

    It was then that Bernael began to truly merge with his Father’s shard, absorbing it almost completely into himself, or so it seemed. This drew the remaining shards of gods that existed in this timeline to himself. The Red Guard that had survived their battle swore fealty to both Sith, dividing into those that were warriors and those that were assassins.

    The Emperor called them back to Hapes, where the Sith had taken command of the Consortium. They were ensconced in their places in the current scheme of the Order and new orders were given by the Emperor, including the use of the Resurgent they had recovered, to use as their battle platform. While at Hapes, Bernael, at Renn’s insistence, released most of the godly fragments, which would lead to chaos for others along the way.

    As Bernael and Manticore headed to confront the Twins and, possibly, Leda at the Star Forge, they once again ran into Wapoe. His aid brought them toward the battle to come, by way of Jakku. After temptation was led before them, the two Sith decided that to press on and defeat their foes was a more pressing issue. Both Sith lead the assault on the Star Forge, their personal retainers following, or spread out around them, allowing them to breach the facility. The fight against the Twins, Sian and Merel, was long, Manticore facing off against the former and Bernael against the latter. In the end, though, they were able to overcome the twisted Twins. With the help of a mysterious Chiss Sith, they left the facility, even though the mission to find Leda had failed. To compound all that was occurring, the presence, the essence of the Emperor disappeared from reality as they fought, the Star Forge destroying itself around them.

    The two Sith found themselves with the Chiss, named Lord Sabel, a Sith and ruler of a territory in the Unknown Regions. They thanked him and convinced him to return with them to see the Order and decide if he wanted to take part of it, join with them. However...their return to Hapes revealed a massive trap. The Sith had taken Hapes but the Hapan nobles were rebelling. A massive armada, including First Order elements, had invaded the system.

    That they had a Resurgent with FO codes allowed them to infiltrate as they headed in system but both Bernael and Manticore had to decide how they would react and aid the Sith in this fight. Most of the Order was within the shield of mines that protected the capital, with a small portion of the rebel fleet. Which left the two Sith the option of destroying the fleet beyond the shield. Both, dedicated to the Sith, took action. Manticore sacrificed himself to destroy a large portion of the fleet, as Bernael and his retainers destroyed as much of the rest of the fleet as possible.

    It was during this time that his Father began his true assault against Bernael and the fight drove him into the hunger killing frenzy. He ignored damage after damage as he fought, until he found himself aboard a Beta class cruiser, all but dead. He revived himself, to a great degree, as he fought his way through the cruiser, slowly approaching the bridge as another of the Sith, Iudex, was doing the same.

    As the battle continued to rage, Bernael fought his own, internal battle. He managed to finish the job that Manticore had begun, leaving the Sith to only have to face the smaller fleet before them before the battle against his Father was lost and his body stolen by the God. He disappeared from the galaxy, it seemed. However, he found one of the shards that still was left, of Ooru. The godling fought against Bernael’s spirit, but since it had taken of Bernael to make itself, Bernael overcame it, stealing the godling’s power and abilities as he reabsorbed the god.

    He stole a miy’til during the battle against Ooru and, by the time he was reborn he found himself at the edge of the Akkadese Maelstrom, adrift in space. Luckily Manticore had been reborn as well and his battle brother found him in space. Landing on the nearby planet, they faced the forces of the Pyke Syndicate, defeating them handily before allowing the Darkstaff that Manticore had take over the body of the leader of the Pykes.

    The First Order forces that had been within the Maelstrom emerged, forcing the Pykes and a small force of the Sith that had come from Hapes to fight them. In the process, Manticore and Bernael found themselves aboard one Resurgent with Iudex and Shimmer aboard another. The two ships jumped, locked into a course that would have attacked the New Republic capital and proclaim that it had been their Order that had been the ones to cause it. Manticore and Bernael fought a battle through the Resurgent and took it over, forcing it to stop in its headlong drive for Chandrilla. They dropped out of hyper, right into a Republic blockade of the Hapes Consortuim. Which allowed the Sith to sense their presences for mere moments before they jumped again, chasing the second Resurgent.

    With the other Sith’s help, and the timely intervention of their retainers who appeared in a ship they’d been given as they searched for their Lords, the four Sith stopped the assault on the Republic capital before it truly occurred. Taking the craft their retainers had arrived in, after destroying the Resurgent, they took to hyper and back to the Maelstrom.

    After arriving, they found themselves caught up in a massive battle. The trip there had been eventful on it’s own as the FO’s superweapon revealed itself. They’d had to fight through hyper to reach the system and when they arrived the system was crowded, Hapan craft and FO craft, including what seemed like a living Death Star, were all present. Included there was the returned Emperor Insipid and a large portion of the Sith, including Bernael’s wife, who he had not been able to interact with through most of the recent action, as she was pregnant.

    The battle split, a portion of their forces, including Sabel, Shimmer, and Iudex heading for the Death Star while Manticore, Bernael, and many of the others assaulting the other vessels. Snoke eventually revealed himself and pulled a large group of them into the Eclipse resulting in a massive battle against the misshapen being. Each of the Sith suffered wounds and injuries in the process of finishing off Snoke. Bernael was injured to the point he even had to feed upon ancient souls to revive himself, with Manticore’s aid as well. Eventually they won, staggering away from the battle.

    As the Sith made their escape from the Eclipse the New Republic made its presence known, including that of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Once again, there was a battle to fight, against the living Death Star. Which Bernael knew was housing his father’s soul. Between the united Sith and the Jedi, they managed to defeat the superweapon, even if, unbeknownst to most of the others, the shreds of his Father escaped, only to be trapped in his mind once more.

    Finally done with this battle, the Sith departed the Oba Deah system, headed to Coruscant. When they arrived, they had one final battle to face, against the Imperial forces there that refused to recognize their command. The battle was a slaughter, non Force users against an order of Sith that had spent the last year fighting battle after battle. With the battle finally won, the celebration commenced and the Sith prepared for the next stage of their dominion over the galaxy. Bernael was elevated to the Circle of Lords and he prepared to aid the others of the Circle in leading and guiding the Sith.

    The following takes place during events of Dark Reach Chapter II

    The story opened with the Sith actively seeking information that would lead them to Exegol. As the team that had been chosen to seek the information set out each had been taunted by voices that sought to weaken and divide them. The voices were particular to each of them and the one that taunted Bernael was a familiar one. One he had not heard in decades but one tied to an act that had caused the ancient being pain.

    Having traveled to Nyssa the Sith team was confronted by representatives of House Mecrosa, leading them into supposed negotiations to allow the House to decide whether they should side with them. The depth of what they had entered into was evident as they found themselves in the company of Arb, in the guise of a Black Coat. With the first meeting with the High Lord of the Mecrosa barely finished, that worthy was apparently assassinated and the team blamed.

    Which then led to a faceoff between them, the High Lord, and his son. A fragile stalemate that was broken when the Sith, unamused by the arrogance of the High Lord, refused to be cowed by the man. What followed was a bloodbath, one that ended quickly as the Sith destroyed their foes, the High Lord incapacitated and his son eaten.

    That bloodbath, the necessity of removing the threat revealed the true threat to the Sith. Not just Wyyrlok or Inexor but the fact that the One Sith as a group, led by Darth Krayt, had somehow found their way to the timeline. The group found themselves facing both Wyyrlok and Krayt, having to find their way out of the situation.

    Having managed to convince Krayt that he, and Iudex, were still One Sith, as Krayt himself had called them, they were sent to Pelagia to seek out Imperial Knights of the Sith and assist Darth Havok in capturing them.

    Descending to the surface it could not have truly been called a battle, the two Circle Lords vastly more powerful than the Knights. Even as they attempted to give a message to the Knights a recall sounded, they were needed and the One Sith needed being destroyed in the process. The recall came just moments before a Change washed over the Knights and Circle Lords.

    The Change, which only meant that Krayt had brought the remainder of his trusted Sith to the timeline, awoke the shard of Bernael’s Father within him. Sine attempted to absorb Bernael, leading to a battle that raged in his mind, both the shard and the anzati vying to be the victor. In the space of only a few heartbeats the battle raged for every fraction of a second between those seconds. When Bernael emerged the victor, he and Iudex took a short ranged fighter into orbit, taking over one of the One Sith ships that had yet to depart.

    Emerging from hyper, after following the remainder of the One Sith fleet, they found themselves at Nubia, home of the Graul estates. The orbital battle raged as Bernael and Iudex turned the captured ship on their foes. With the assistance of the craft that had remained to defend Nubia, they began to winnow through the One Sith fleet. Even as they were targeted they fought off their foes, giving time for the Knights to arrive. With that extra assistance to run the battle, they set their sights on the space they were certain carried the ship that they believed Krayt was aboard.

    Drawn deeper into the battle, the ship they were aboard was drawn to a station around the planet, the place that Inexor had taken Shimmer. Pulled aboard, they found the station being pulled from orbit, racing towards the surface of the planet. Ripping through the station they followed the trail of Shimmer’s terror to a module, a place where she and apparently Inexor alone were waiting, even as the station fell.

    As the pair of Circle Lords attacked the cyborg One Sith the other two One Sith that had been hidden attacked from the shadows. Their attack was too little to stop the destruction that was wrought upon Inexor though, that One Sith being destroyed by the joint assault of Iudex and Bernael. As he died, Bernael pulled the most vital information from his very soul, defending the two of them from the unexpected assault of the other two One Sith.

    When the station crashed into the planet the two Circle Lords were all but unconscious, coming to to see Havok and Kroan with not just Shimmer, but two that Bernael had felt die, Trask and San. The battle so far, the joining with his Father, and the sight before him caused further assault upon the old anzati. Within, the two beings that had been part of him for eons both attempted to take over his body, relegating him to the background of his own mind.

    Attacking, almost as one, the One Sith did their usually dishonorable thing and tried to interpose the trio of hostages between them. Trask and San fell free but Shimmer was jerked back into the path of Bernael’s attack, apparently killing Iudex’s lover. The attack, however did take Kroan through the throat, rendering him all but useless to Havok with what was to come.

    Pulling Trask and San to him, the pair of entities within Bernael touched the pair, all but winnowing out the beings within, turning them into avatars of each of them. Trask took on the aspect of Sine and San that of the Balance, leaning towards the Light as she was to counter that of Sine’s influence.

    Iudex put paid to Kroan, using his fury at Shimmer’s death to destroy the One Sith. Bernael and the two avatars used a lull of emergence of the One Sith warriors upon the battlefield to trisect Havok, destroying that One Sith as well. Being called by Insipid to join in the assault upon Krayt, the foursome ground through the wall of One Sith fighters, leaving naught but death and destruction behind them.

    The tableau they reached was a battle of epic proportions, all five of the Circle Lords present, the only ones not as highly placed as Sith present that of the hidden Soliloquy, the spirit of Shimmer held by him, and the two avatars.

    The five of them, in their own ways, attacked or defended against Darth Krayt. Due to the Change fields around, the effect upon Bernael was profound. Once again, for the second time, Sine pulled free of him, took almost all of what he’d taken from Ooru, and vanished once again, through the Portal that had brought them there. At the same time, the Balance, disappointed by the change wrought in the ancient anzati by this development, separated as well, at the moment that Krayt attacked Trask and San to attempt to destabilize Bernael further. The Balance took the pair, now all but dead again, vanishing through the Portal and leaving the ancient anzati apparently once again just an anzati.

    The battle swayed back and forth, the various Sith all demonstrating abilities and power far beyond most of the rest of the Sith, including Bernael feeding from the very Netherworld to keep himself going in the fight. With the addition of one who came from elsewhere, the Circle Lords overcame the power of the leader of the One Sith, destroying him. In the final moment Insipid destroyed Krayt’s very essence, wiping him from existence.

    What drove the ancient Anzati now was the desire to do the same as Insipid had done to Krayt to his own Creator. But, given his position, he had to do so within the framework of that position. At the gala that followed, two weeks later, the sectors taken were parceled out, Bernael choosing the Aquilae sector, for a multitude of reasons.

    Now it was time to rebuild, to expand what he had in the sector, to prepare for what he saw as the battle he had to face in the near future. The one item left undiscussed, in his mind, was whether his battle brother would join him in that quest once again, as he had the first time.



    Name: Sinclair Eldar
    Sex: Male
    Age: 26…or so, not really sure
    Species: Human but what matters is Mandalorian
    Homeworld: Concordia

    Height: 2.05m, 6ft 7in
    Weight: 100kg, 220lbs
    Physical Attributes:


    Under the helmet, human appearance, a scar that runs from his left temple, over his eye, across his nose, and onto his right cheek. Medium length reddish brown hair and golden eyes. Well built from constant training.

    Clothing: Soft weave tunic, pants, and slippered boots under his armor. When not in armor, which is infrequent, lightweight but lightly armored shirt, pants, and boots.
    Abilities: No Force ability but a cunning warrior and strategist, having risen to Warleader of his Clan before events took him to a higher position.
    Weapons/Tools: Full set of Mandalorian beskar armor with Clan Eldar crests on the pauldrons. A beskad, pair of GALAAR-15 blaster carbines, rocket gauntlet with Whistling Bird shots in it, mandalorian ripper slugthrower, modern variant.

    Occupation/Title: Grand General of the Third Imperium
    Family: Clan Eldar
    Associates: Ederlatth Palpatine, Sulrenea, Mas Amedda


    Sinclair Eldar, born….well even he didn’t know. All he knew is that, one day, the Clan Eldar forces raided one of the abandoned mines scattered across the surface of Concordia. A mine that happened to be his home. By the time the raid had ended he’d been one of only a handful of child survivors. One of the lucky ones as his ferocity as he fought for what he thought was his home impressed a large warrior with the black on green cat head on his pauldron and chestplate. That one had simply knocked him out, with a move he’d never seen.

    When he’d come to, he was in a building, on a cot. The armored man was there as well, without his helmet on. It was explained to him that his naive and undeveloped battle prowess had impressed the man enough that he’d been claimed as a foundling. He understood the system and was simply glad to be alive. The next several years had been nonstop training from before dawn until well after dark.

    It was only in the second year of his training that he realized, found out, that the one who had taken him was the Clan Chief of Clan Eldar. Which only served to deepen his resolve to become the strongest, smartest, and best warrior that his trainers could make him. Five years after he’d been taken he took part in his first raid. Which was where he got the scar across his face and a lesson to always respect the tricks that older and wiser warriors knew. He’d killed his foe but not before he’d gotten that scar.

    In the ensuing ten years he’d risen through the ranks of the Clan, first raiding then leading squads on raids. From there he began to lead raids, then coordinate raids, until he found himself kneeling before his father, being anointed with the title of Clan Warleader. He was his father’s right hand, dealing Mandalorian justice on their foes, Mandalorian or not.

    It was a surprise, however, when a report of an unknown droid airdropping in over the Clan hold reached his ears, a year later. He’d intercepted the droid, destroying it before it could close on the Hold enough to scan it well. When he landed in its debris, he’d stirred the debris with one armored foot, finding a diplomatic case. What truly surprised him was that the case had his name upon it.

    When he’d opened the case it made him chuckle, before he brought it to his father. After a few moments of laughter between them they had agreed it would be of interest to find out what this who Courtship was about. Which is why he found himself behind the controls of his Aka'jor-class shuttle, enroute to where the missive had stated.

    The following events take place during the Courtship of Princess Palpatine:

    While preparing for a new objective for Clan Eldar Sinclair was alerted to an unknown droid that had appeared. Challenging it, he ended up having to destroy it but found a case in its remains. Upon opening it, he discussed its content with the head of the Clan, having been invited to a gathering, as a suitor for the granddaughter of the former Emperor Palpatine.

    Arriving at Naboo, Sinclair was cautious in his approach, both the other suitors he found himself with as well as with those who greeted them. He didn’t trust anyone outside the clan and most of the other suitors, especially, gave him the sense that much more was afoot than the choosing of a potential suitor for the Princess.

    After having been shown to their rooms they were gathered to meet the Princess. However, Sinclair noted quickly that the suitors themselves had been split, not all of them were with the group he was with, in fact it seemed they’d been split in two almost equal sized groups. The meeting with the Princess was short, as though she was just sizing them up.

    When he left he found himself in a corridor with his fellow suitor, who he’d been paired with in the estate. As they returned to their rooms they were caught up in a commotion when another suitor was arrested by Imperial officers and troops.

    After a short break, the suitors were called back to meet the Princess once again, this time at a table, as though set for a meal. Still not entirely trusting the process, Sinclair was cautious as he took his seat. Already not impressed with the Chagrian, Amedda only reinforced his opinion. And then the attitude of the Princess caused Sinclair to see that she did not want a near equal at her side but what most would call a toady or yes man, someone who would fawn upon her and follow her every edict.

    Which caused friction between himself and her, friction that he passed along to the Mand’alore in his following report. Within a short time after reporting to them he was contacted by an Imperial, a rather rude and arrogant one. Moff Gideon made it quite clear that if Sinclair did not kidnap the Princess and kill the others the Moff would glass the surface of Mandalore again.

    Leaving his quarters once again he was confronted by Amedda once again. While the Chagrian tried to tell him they had to flee Cardo Ren appeared. Using Amedda as a meat shield as he had no weapon, using his knowledge of the Ren, he got the pair of them with prodding from Cardo, back in a room. Left alone, he questioned the Chagrian about the reasons why Cardo wanted him alive.

    Being repaid with the Scepter of Sistros as a weapon, Sinclair and Amedda got free of the room and searched for a way out of the palace and offplanet. The hidden corridor they were in took them to the private hangar, just in time to run into the Princess and Sulrenea. After a skirmish, where the Princess’s butler droid shot her, the four of them escaped the planet, the Princess having promised each of them certain positions in her Empire. In the course of their departure, he returned the Sceptre, as it was not a tool he felt he needed now that he was rearmed.[/spoiler

    Sinclair was now Grand General of Empress Palpatine’s True Empire. Clan Eldar was in a preeminent position among the clans as their Warleader was the Empress’s military commander, as well as having been key to recovery of several planets and their unwavering support for the Mand’alor. Sinclair had elevated the Mandalorians back into galactic prominence and they intended to fulfill their vow to the Empress.
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Chancellor Leia Organa
    HoloNet space between Coruscant and Nubia

    The president of the New Republic Senate was on the comms. It was their first diarised meeting. They hadn’t needed one, and Leia had been busy with issues domestically. Indeed, she had just survived an attempt to unseat her during the Almania Crisis, and an attempt before that during the Yevethan Purge.

    But they were isolated events, far from the Empire, on the other side of Coruscant, or in the far Outer Rim. But Leia had some axes to grind with the Galactic Empire now. So she had summoned the Lords of the Empire to a meeting.

    She was present with her two aides, Ackbar, the Admiral of the Defence Force, and Sinjir, her political advisors. Inevitably, Insipid passed off the responsibility to Aryan and Bellorum.

    “Moffs Graul and Belle,” she began, addressing them by their Imperial titles - the woman would never address anyone as Emperor ever again. “Are any of other Moffs going to be present?”


    TAG: @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent (combo with Sinrebirth)
    IC: Captain Jerjerrod

    Aquilae, Aquilae Sector

    “General, we believe this is the place.”

    The Interdictor was in orbit, two squadrons of TIE Interceptors boarded, as well as four shuttles each carrying twenty Army Troopers.

    Pirates had been harassing the hyperlanes inside the Galactic Empire. General Bluth had command, and as it was it was his sector, Lord Bernael was present.

    “Incoming,” commented an officer. Indeed there were some twenty TIE-Wings coming up from the surface, and three CR90 Corellian Corvettes.

    “A shield is up around a base on the surface, and we can detect a planetary turbolaser…” That meant the pirates could shrug off a planetary bombardment, and it would need an army deployment. They didn’t have any walkers - no space aboard the Interdictor - so if more was needed they would have to call in an Imperial Star Destroyer and that might be overkill, what with the resource deficit.

    But General Bluth had military command so, it was down to him. Unless of course he was overruled. He was on loan from Empress Bellorum and Emperor Graul after all.

    TAG: @Jedi Bluth, @darthbernael (singles, please TAG all three co-GMs)

    IC: Arch-Provost Bengila Urlan


    In nearly three years, Urlan, the Arch-Provost of Rendili had avoided Soliloquy. There had been a hundred delays on the modifications of the Vector, but never quite enough to warrant attendance in person.

    And yet, Republic-class Star Destroyers continued to roll off the assembly line. Some twenty-five had been constructed for the New Republic Fourth Fleet, and similarly Loronar, under the command of Insipid, had built fifty Belarus-class medium cruisers for the selfsame fleet.

    But the contract was ended. Now Rendili didn’t have any orders from the New Republic, and so, the Arch-Provost had requested a meeting, and one which sent Will Tyrell to ensure attendance by the Emperor. He ordered Soliloquy and Will Tyrell to ensure the Arch-Provost was present.

    And so, the meeting was due aboard a product of Rendili StarDrive. A Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser known as the Mersil Kebir, holding position above the Core World.

    The hangar bay was prepared for them. Security droids, double-lined up. Eight on each side of the room, holding oversized rifles. A swarthy man with a monocle took a hover chair into the hangar.

    “So I finally meet our Moff, and an Imperial Knight too?” A slight chuckle. “I hope the Vector is to your liking, Moff Soliloquy?”


    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @galactic-vagabond422 (singles, please TAG all three co-GMs)
    IC: No’ir Rodan

    Chasin City, Presidents Chamber, Commenor


    The President of Commenor looked thoroughly unimpressed by the arrival of Serapis. Commenor had overthrown its Moff before the Coruscant Accords ceded Commenor to the Empire. So it had not remotely accepted the position of itself and the sector under the Lords.

    He was a severe man, known to have three sons, but remarkably popular with the natives. So popular even, he had been able to avoid the Ithorian for years. He was simply too important to his sector, and the Empire had to accept the trade import.

    However, the Empire had enough. President Rodan accepted that it was time, too. His people were traditionalists, and if the New Republjc would not have even, then the Commenori wanted more influence in the Imperial Court. As such, Rodan reluctantly had summoned the Moff he had ignored for years - respectively - and also an Imperial Knight to act as intercessor.

    Which means Darth Serapis and Walce had been ‘invited’ to the Presidential Palace on Commenor. To discuss a greater treaty.


    TAG: @DarthIshyZ, @ConservativeJedi321 (singles, please TAG all three co-GMs)
    IC: Gilad Pellaeon

    The HoloNet

    A simple patrol route around the Imperial border by the Grand Master Arthur Donvoy was interrupted.

    It was a signal to his private comms as his Star Destroyer rounded the Inner Rim edge of the Empire.

    There was a fortress world, Gyndine, not far from the Empire, some thirty ships defending it. But in its isolation, it sought supplies and resources, which it often took from trade to the Empire it considered an enemy.

    Gyndine’s piracy impacted the New Republic too, and so the Empire had been contacted to resolve it first, before they did. With not a single Star Destroyer, merely frigates, corvettes and patrol craft, Gyndine was not well equipped for space warfare, but had ample ground defences. More than what a single Star Destroyer could handle. Careful planning would be likely needed…

    … but whatever planning the man had, was interrupted by his private comm ringing, and it was Gilad Pellaeon, from the very Outer Rim Empire.


    TAG: @Silvertough (single, please TAG all three co-GMs)
    IC: Ike


    A Core World, and a city world at that, there was more debauchery here than anywhere else in the Empire. Nearby Humbarine was even more of a world of durasteel, but it had been burned down thirty years ago, and the shadows were not quite deep enough, nor fun enough, for Ike.

    So he was on Trellen today.

    A little tapcaf, to fend off the hangover with coffee. Ike had summoned Tia to meet him in the morning, and left the young apprentice in the care of Lord Hekate, the sector Moff. He wondered what they had been up to.

    Lady Hekate liked children, and Tia was more teen than child now, and Ike liked debauchery, and being as he could not take Tia on his trysts, it worked. Another sip of caf, and he looked for Tia and Hekate.

    TAG: @Nehru_Amidala, @Tia (single, please TAG all three co-GMs too)
    IC: Shimmer

    The Library World of Boudolayz


    She was the clone of a woman of analytical, historic, mind. Boudolayz would have been a perfect place for Esmerelda, who had been her progenitor.

    That being said, Shimmer liked the library here. Built over a former Jedi Temple, it had many nooks and crannies and there was something to be said for deflowering the various alcoves. But at the same time, she was the apprentice of Soliloquy, and so not a single data wafer, paper book, or piece of papyrus had been disturbed by their trysts.

    However Shimmer was still very content to distract Iudex from the dusty treatise he was reading. She sent a flurry of hormones his way, and adopted an innocent expression as she herself tapped her way through an aged Imperial Order of Battle.

    Such a datafile had recently been found and analysed to the very bit of its bytes by New Republic Fleet Intelligence, and now Shimmer was threading through it. But twenty five thousand Star Destroyers and 2.5 million lesser warships was a tall task for anyone.

    So why not spice things up?

    TAG: @Silvertough (single, please TAG all three co-GMs)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
    HanSolo29 , Tia, Mitth_Fisto and 4 others like this.
  19. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Moff Soliloquy Arch-Provost Bengila Urlan

    In nearly three years, Urlan, the Arch-Provost of Rendili had avoided Soliloquy. There had been a hundred delays on the modifications of the Vector, but never quite enough to warrant attendance in person. In truth they had attended a few in person, you don't fashion something that has never existed before without inspecting it. Soliloquy had simply never done so in his own face nor sought an audience. The middle aged Croke didn't rule like that, not to mention what was a three year to him? The blink of a proverbial eye in the flow of things.

    What he had insured and impressed in messages had been carried out, Republic-class Star Destroyers continued to roll off the assembly line. Some twenty-five had been constructed for the New Republic Fourth Fleet, and similarly Loronar, under the command of Insipid, had built fifty Belarus-class medium cruisers for the selfsame fleet. If they stayed ahead of schedule so any delays would put them merely on schedule he was sure their prompt and excellent service would earn them recognition from future orders or orderers. Future business greater than simply servicing their own little Empire's fleets would be needed with their current lack of deep mines.

    But the contract was ended. Now Rendili didn’t have any orders from the New Republic, and so, the Arch-Provost had requested a meeting, and one which sent Will Tyrell to ensure attendance by the Emperor. He ordered Soliloquy and Will Tyrell to ensure the Arch-Provost was present.

    And so, the meeting was due aboard a product of Rendili StarDrive. A Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser known as the Mersil Kebir, holding position above the Core World. A silly old thing, but easily made more efficient with droids to lessen manning needs.

    The hangar bay was prepared for them. Security droids, double-lined up. Eight on each side of the room, holding oversized rifles. A swarthy man with a monocle took a hover chair into the hangar.

    “So I finally meet our Moff, and an Imperial Knight too?” A slight chuckle. “I hope the Vector is to your liking, Moff Soliloquy?”

    Soliloquy's fronds tangled and danced above his head in unseen currents as he gave a small head bow to the man. "Now that the pieces have been done I have been busy installing and insuring what they were there for was ship shaped. I am pleased, may they never be needed nor used. Still my hired alien ship troopers and tenders seem to have adapted admirably to fill that vessels need."

    Looking over at the Imperial Knight he shrugged. "State secrets for you." Before looking back the hover chair bound man.

    "Sorry we haven't had time to meet before now. Would you like to me to fix you while I'm here after whatever this is is done? I thought not stepping on your efficient toes was a better way to rule, but I had no idea a subject was in such need. Hoverchairs should only be for affectations or compensation for small limbs in my sector - which means I will need to do a medical survey after this. Which means Blightling will have to keep entertaining himself on Vector. That scamp, if I come back to the hyperdrive reconfigured again to egg out another 3% efficiency or increase by 0.2 speed coefficient I don't know what I will do with him." with a frustrated shrug he looked back and forth between the two again. "Right, why are we supposed to be here?" he asked dubiously.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @galactic-vagabond422 , @Lady_Belligerent , @HanSolo29
  20. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    IC: Serapis

    Serapis had been busy.

    She'd inherited a planetary systems of Commenor and Cato Neimoidia. She'd also received a substantial budget to make it "home." Cato Neimoidia was about as foreign as she was. She established a small homestead there, but that was secondary to Commenor.

    On Commenor, she established what could only be taken to be an Embassy and Consulate. The campus she'd chosen was about five acres of land. On it, she'd established, first, housing. There are barracks for a small army, about 1000 soldiers and support personnel. Though it was purposely designed to be hidden. The base also had a modest sized airfield. Ships were here all the way from Serapis' purloined ship from Coruscant, to room for Admiral Walces ship. That was, of course, nearby Walce's Flag offices.

    There Consulate offices were a smallish (three levels) building on the campus built to house and provide offices for the personnel for the campus.

    Then there was Serapis' residence. It was a smaller building than the others. Certainly it looked more like a luxurious house than anything. But, what would one expect for the head representative for the Sith Empire on this world. It was more than Serapis had ever had for housing in her life, but it was all essential.


    The campus also supported a small forest with plants obtained mainly from Ithor, though others were added for aesthetics. Serapis trusted the head groundskeeper, an Ithorian named Pedron Jonns. He had put in some nice areas where Serapis could conduct business while communing with nature. And she had exercised that ability quite a bit. Actually, if the weather was even remotely hospitable, Serapis' staff had come to expect it.

    Serapis had hired Pedron mainly for the connection to Ithor. But, then, there were her own personal reasons. It seemed strange to have the possibility of a relationship with a male Ithorian when she had originally been male. But then the body Jwob Sebb occupied was female. Which won out? The body or the mind? Or both? This would take some more observation. On the other hand, Pedron did have a nice body.

    Distraction. Back to business.

    All this was surrounded by a three meter tall fence. Though, even that was designed to be unobtrusive. Mainly wrought iron with many design elements included. This nod toward beauty belied the security the campus provided. Within two meters of the fence line was a Force dead zone provided by a few ysalamiri on climbing frames. Guards patrolled the area regularly. Every millimeter of the campus was being watched with sensors and cameras. In addition to all of these elements, there were 75 mm guns just below the soil several places throughout the campus just waiting to pop up and take out any approaching enemy vessels.

    All this was just being completed now, after a couple years on Commenor. She was quite proud of it, even if she had gone slightly over budget. It was to be expected when starting from scratch. And the sector Moff deserved nothing less.

    Serapis had also been hard at work on her mission here. She'd had staff work up profiles for each of President Rodan's children. The youngest two would be points of pride for any parent. Good grades at school. Studies in military strategy and hand-to-hand combat were coming along nicely. The oldest of the three, though, had taken a bad turn. Though Rodan had done everything he could to bury stories of his son, he was definitely the black sheep of the family. He'd taken his mothers untimely death very hard a few years prior. He'd turned to the criminal underworld for solace, as can happen with disaffected youth. Serapis had moles keeping track of him. At the worst, Serapis could use him as a bargaining chip. She had hoped, though, to hire this youth. That would really make the President take notice, she was sure. It was all so private, though. Don't want to tip your hand.

    Serapis was examining her closet. On the nearby nightstand sat the invitation that had been received earlier that day from President Rodan. It was about time. It's not like she hadn't been trying to get an audience since she got here. A few of her favorite dresses were with the cleaners. Some others weren't appropriate for a state visit. She finally decided on a white silk robe with gold trim. It looked appropriate for a state visit and for the weather. It could afford access for a lightsaber, too.

    After she was dressed, she went downstairs. The maid had put out a cup of tea for her and some snack sandwiches of local cuisine. She took these out to the front porch as she waited for Walce. She'd radioed him to invite him to travel with her to Rodan's palace. As she sat down on the extra-large chair on the porch, she noted that their limousine was already parked in front of her residence. She sent a message to Walce to check his ETA, and relaxed a bit in the overstuffed chair.

    Tags: @Sinrebirth, @Lady_Belligerent, @HanSolo29, @ConservativeJedi321
    Sinrebirth , Tia, Silvertough and 2 others like this.
  21. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022
    IC: TIA

    Tia Graul had liked Trellen enough, it had been an educational visit. Darth Hekate had made sure of that, she also made sure that during the trip the young Sith acolyte had not got up to any mischief. For the past two years or so, Her master Ike had put her through rigorous training, setting her up for some task or another so she could prove her worth, and more often than not he had forgotten her, often for days. After being reminded by the Graul's he had an apprentice, he'd go back to the location to retrieve her with an air of indifference, where, he was met time and time again with the child's distinctive scowl. Not that Ike cared, it meant a peaceful journey back. For when this happened, Tia would give the Sith Lord the silent treatment, sometimes lasting days.

    Tia had become stronger in the force, though, and she could feel it. The truth of the matter was, she got more out of training from observing her step-mother, Lady Bellorum Graul, Empress. And the Lady of the Sith would encourage her in exploring the dark-side. Her father, on the other hand, had a more complicated relationship with her, for she was often bratty, and succumbed to her temper rather easily. Tia always wanted a father figure, but being Emperor he was often away, or busy, and the time she did spend with him had to be shared with that of her half siblings, who would sometimes follow their older sister about. Secretly though, Tia adored them and vowed nothing bad would happen to them under her watch.

    The Sith child had also come accustomed to the habits of her Sith peers, and although she found all of them strange in their own way, had begun to think of them as family, though she'd often tease them to provoke a reaction.

    Tia spotted Ike on the veranda of a modest little cafe, There he is...another 'headache' no doubt. Tia did not know what Ike did in his spare time, the extent was that he liked 'parties' which meant to her he liked party poppers and disco music.

    "He's over there, look!" Tia grunts at Hekate, pointing at him before skipping over in a jolly manner "Hi MASTER IKE" she shouts knowing full well it might make his hangover worse.


    @Sinrebirth @Nehru_Amidala

    co-GM's @HanSolo29 @Lady_Belligerent
  22. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 12x Wacky Wednesday Winner/2 Truths, 1 Lie Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    IC: Bluth

    Bluth contemplated his decision, with the shields being up he decide that the next would be to fire upon the pirates. He ordered the men to fire upon one of the CR90 Corellian Corvettes.

    Tags: @darthbernael, @Lady_Belligerent, @HanSolo29, @Sinrebirth
  23. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: High Lord Iudex
    The Library World of Boudolayz

    The passage of time had not been kind to Iudex, Lord of the Sith, within his self-exile upon the library world of Boudolayz. His exploration of the silent world had driven him morose, a solitary figure sequestered within a treasure trove of fantastical knowledge that he himself could not force himself to care about anymore. Shimmer was with him of course, the object of his obsession, and the reason for the solitude he had forced upon the once bustling archives to begin with. It was his inaction in the past which had driven her so close to death. Never again, he had promised her. Never again.

    He allowed only seven others to step foot on his world, those being the other High Lords of Insipid’s gang of Sith. Even then, it had become a struggle for them to peruse the vast stores of the library world on a regular basis. For he was a jealous king, why should others be able to enjoy the fruits of his wealth if he himself could not? It was only under repeated requests that the doors to the archives opened, and only then it was just to quiet his incessantly beeping commlink.

    Ultimately, Iudex was just exhausted. Exhausted from feeling exhausted all the time. Sleep, when he could quiet his mind, came in short, irregular bursts, which often left him feeling more tired than when he started. The issues he had identified directly after the Battle of Nubia hadn’t abated. In fact, the general malaise which had plagued his condition since had only become more pervasive. The pleasures of the flesh had faded to a dull ache. The fascination with the unknown transitioned to bitter apathy.

    The Dark Side of the Force had betrayed him. That had been Iudex’s bitter revelation, perhaps a full year ago. The Sith Code, which he had always held so dear to his heart, was a lie, or at least this iteration of it. "The Force Shall Free Me", it said. So how had he found himself a slave to his own force-empowered rage? How was it that it now took every ounce of his willpower to resist dipping back into that inner wellspring of power? The Force was said to be a tool for the Sith, something to be bent to his or her own will. He felt more like an addict, desperate for his next hit.

    And so the years passed. Day by day, week by week. Month by month. Trudging slowly between his world’s vast shelves, aimlessly handing ancient scrolls and treatises to an ever dutiful protocol droid which always followed in his wake. It didn’t matter. Nothing did. Once, he had hoped the ancient writings would fix his malaise. Now? His traipsing about the archive was merely habit.

    Today, whenever or whatever that meant anymore, he found himself sequestered within one of the library’s many grand halls, alone, save for the half dozen or so attendant droids carrying his morning’s readings. He chose to start his day with a scroll recording the philosophies of a now ancient Sith Lord.

    Iudex squinted at the header of the page, unable to fully make out the author. "Traya? Kraya? Kreia?" He sighed, skimming over the various ramblings before setting it aside. At the height of his depression, he might have fancied the ravings of a dead Sith’s attempt to kill the Force itself, payback for his own feelings, but now? He just found it trite. “Apathy is death” indeed.

    He looked up from his desk, alerted to the presence of Shimmer. She had grown bored of her own text it seemed. Iudex was unable to meet her eyes. A deep part of him was ashamed for how sinisterly possessive he had become over her safety. It hurt to look at her. Hurt to see her happy. Why did she enable this? Why was she allowed to recover? Why..?

    Iudex sighed again, before forcing an apologetic smile to his lips before he waved her implied offer away. Those thoughts had become all too common recently. He turned his attention to the next text in his pile, unwilling or unable to confront his twisting feelings for the love of his life. He just needed space right now. Space and sleep. Spirits he was tired..

    Clearing his throat, Iudex opened the book before him and began to read. Just another day in paradise..

    Tags: @Sinrebirth , @Lady_Belligerent , @HanSolo29
  24. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Walce Quia-Vis
    The Past

    “You’re not being as subtle as you think.”
    Walce’s father was crouched over his desk, his whiskers inches away from a cedar scented candle that lit his paperwork. Walce never knew what exactly the old man did.

    “I wasn’t trying.” The boy argued defensively, but the grin on his fathers face revealed what little impact these words had on him. “You were tiptoeing and holding your breath.” He declared bluntly. Walce’s face fell. “What are you doing?”

    “Charity work.” The man spoke quickly, giving the same answer he always did.

    The term itself meant little to him at the time, the child had only seen Etern Quia-Vis leave the Governor's mansion two or three times in his whole ten years of life.
    Still, the son knew something was changing. His parents had been arguing less than usual recently, and the servants were whispering behind closed doors.

    Abandoning all pretense he ran up to his fathers Greel-Wood desk. “What can I do to be better.” This question brought a solemn expression to Etern’s face. “What do you mean?”
    “Better with the force.” Walce quickly answered. “Better as a son.” He whispered afterwards.
    At this stage in his life he viewed both answers as being one and the same. His father had been a member of the Church of the Force from a young age, and from the moment Walce’s talents with it had first manifested it had been the senior Quia-Vis’s life mission to teach him everything he knew.

    There were two fundamental problems.
    First: Etern may have known the force but he could never truly feel it.
    Second: Walce never had the patience or care to learn what little his father had to teach.

    This had left the man often frustrated to the point of fury, though he had never taken that anger out on his son it left Walce feeling disappointed in himself.

    Etern drew the child onto his lap and gave him a long hug. “You are already a greater son than I ever deserved, Walce.” The man's chin rested on the boy's brown mop of hair.

    Suddenly the door opened, and the graying man set his son down.
    “I keep trying to show you the way as I know it, but that's not the galaxy anymore.” He sighed, looking at his wife Magti as she entered. The youthful looking woman had her hair tied back in a bun, and wore a gray imperial uniform that looked out of place to the child who was used to seeing her in multi-colored dresses that highlighted her beauty.

    She had a strict, almost militaristic expression on her features that looked just as foreign to him.
    “Walce, we would like you to meet someone.”
    In walked a stout Zabrak in battered armor, he had a toothpick in his teeth and thin tattoos that looked like scars. Some of them may have been.
    “This is Poka Lobhad.” She gave him a formal gesture. “He will oversee your training going forward.”

    The Present

    The Imperial Blades lightsaber spun in a blinding fury, intercepting the one shot coming from the third of five remotes and immediately blocking the tip of the electronic staff his sparring droid had attempted to jab into his side. Another two shots whizzed past his head, and the heel of his foot wheeled around high, knocking one of the circling balls off its rotation.

    It wasn’t every day he went through such a rigorous practice regime, half his success in life had come from luck rather than practice. Maybe the Force as his father would have said.

    Improvisation usually worked better for him than strict adherence to the forms, he had learned that fact long ago, as much as it drove old Poka crazy.

    A bead of sweat fell down the side of his face, and the Knight parried two more strikes before noticing the intruder in his quarters. “In most systems its polite to knock.” He gave a signal for the machines to shut down.

    “Lieutenant Yahty.” The blond haired Byblosian officers maintained a stiff expression that was all too familiar to Walce. “You did not respond.” She had her answer prepped, but there was a clear forbearance in her disposition. No every day issue would cause her to break protocol so casually.

    The Knight grabbed a towel to dab his brow, before pulling on his crimson chest plate, and throwing on the holster where he kept his lightsaber around his waist. “The report?” He almost yawned the question, as she handed him the daily datapad briefing.

    As he thumbed through the mindless drivel Walce couldn’t help but wonder if this is how his mother felt every day during her time as Governor of Borosk.

    “We still have five fighters in the repair bay from our last excursion.” The Lieutenant helpfully summarized the essentials for him. “Two new wings have rotated into our service, skilled pilots I’ve been told. They’re already on patrol.”

    Walce took a swig of the flask he kept in his pocket as he listened, brushing past her into his bare bone's office. He was never one to really settle down, though it had occurred to him more than once he may as well, given his current career path.

    “Military intelligence suggests there could be civilian protests during your meeting with the President of Commoner but these are unconfirmed.” Rolling his eyes the knight took his seat, and threw his legs on top of his plain plasteel desk. “They don’t cause us trouble and I’m not worried.”

    One moment passed, and the young man sensed the cause of her interruption was at hand.

    “Darth Serapis is also pressing for your arrival.”

    Walce nearly spat out his drink. “That’s today?”

    “About five minutes ago sir.”

    The Knight hastily returned to his feet. “You are in command until I return.” Not that it was a big change, he left most of the day to day stuff to her anyways. “It may also be worth getting us an honor guard.”

    “I will have our best men on it, sir.”

    Walce couldn’t help but laugh.

    “Don’t waste the manpower.” Any unscheduled interruptions and he was sure himself and Serapis could handle the situation. And If Serapis was the interruption, it likely wouldn’t matter either way.

    “Sergeant Pakoot lost an eye at the Battle of Pelagan correct?”

    She nodded tentatively. “That, half his face, and three fourths of his squad”

    The Imperial Knight smirked. “Better to go for intimidation than professionalism when dealing with politicians. Leave the best for the area’s where they’re needed.”

    At that, he immediately departed, already fashionably late and he didn't want to test his limits.

    Tags: @Sinrebirth, @DarthIshyZ
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  25. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC: High Lord Bernael
    Aquilae, Aquilae Sector

    Standing with his back to the bridge, arms folded behind his back, Bernael’s musings about the last couple years and how the Sith had mostly pacified and grown their sectors in prosperity and power were broken when the Interdictor settled into orbit of Aquilae. He watched the shields go up, pondering what his own forces could do about pirates on one of his main worlds. However, it was not just him present for this piracy operation. He had a guest, as it were, the General Bluth.

    Bernael could sense the tension of the officers on the bridge, their thoughts simmering. Many felt as though they wondered whether the High Lord would allow the General to conduct all the aspects of the operation or if he would step in and take command. But…Bluth was on loan from Empress Bellorum and Emperor Graul so the ancient anzati wanted to see what training the man had been afforded by the other two Sith before he made any decision. Wanted to let the man sink or swim without hazarding the security of his sector by the man’s actions.

    He listened as Bluth ordered an assault on the CR90 corvettes that were approaching the SD. The corner of his lips twitched in a fractional smile as he observed. Without turning his head his voice filled the bridge, ”It might, perhaps, be wise to utilize one of the functions of this vessel. All craft that are of my sector and not of the pirates have been warned and know that the Interdictor is present. Closing off the system to hyper would starve the pirates of resources.” His voice was calm and steady yet flat.

    Moving one arm, bringing his wrist by his mouth, Bernael gave orders to the system patrollers that the Interdictor and its support craft would carry the assault and that they were to simply prevent any of the pirate fighters or capital ships from reaching the hyper limit before the SD closed off the system. He spoke in a low voice that didn’t carry, not entirely trusting that the officers of this vessel would be pleased at the actions of the ruler of the sector.

    It was time to see exactly how Bluth handled not just the corvettes but the dug in pirates on the surface while minimizing casualties to civilians and local defense forces.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent, @Jedi Bluth (Mentioned)

    OOC: 'Intel' about the Sith Lords and their territory agreed upon with Sinrebirth before posting.

    IC: Sinclair Eldar
    Ederlathh’s Council

    Sinclair stood, seemingly at ease, as the Council convened. Through the visor of his helmet he saw the Empress Ederlathh, her consort Sulrenea, the to his mind slimy Chagrian Mas Amedda, as well as the extremely dangerous Force user Lady Lumiya. Each had contributed, in their own way, to the security and strength of Empress Palpatine’s new Empire. It wasn’t yet one of the larger star nations but that didn’t mean that growth and territory was beyond their grasp.

    The expansion and planetary systems under their control had been accrued with the aid of their few Star Destroyers and the amalgam of Mandalorian craft that the Eldar’s had brought to the fight. The liberation of Mandalore, while not under their banners, had done much to free up the clans to decide whether to aid the Eldars and the Empress or not. That the Eldars had freed many of the Mandalorian worlds however lent them political capital with the Mand’alor and the other Houses of the Mandalorians.

    For now, he was keeping that tidbit of information to himself, even if he was sure that Lumiya and the Empress had either already plucked it from his mind or could, at their leisure. But that was not apparently on the docket for discussion at the moment. What was was this newer Sith Empire that had formed near the Core.

    When he’d first gotten wind of the new Empire, he’d commissioned his own scouts to infiltrate and study the Sith and their holdings. Some of them he knew of and some he had very little data about. Waiting patiently for Amedda to finish speaking, he collated the information he had.

    Straightening, “We have sent various scouts into the sectors controlled by these Sith. In several the scouts have yet to return, those belonging to the…” he checked his information again, “Emperor Insipid, Empress Bellorum, and Emperor Graul. The latter is curious and makes me wonder if he is related to the Aryan Graul that was present at Naboo.”

    Changing tack, “The scouts that entered the sectors of the one known as Bernael and the one known as Soliloquy, their trackers went silent within a day of their arrival in those sectors. As did the trackers of the second set of scouts. Something is happening in those sectors those Sith do not want known.”

    He paused, eyes flicking from the Empress to Lumiya and back. “The one known as Iudex seems more of a researcher and one who is willing to allow his Imperials to more rule in his stead. The last, a Hekate...she seems the one whose sector is most ripe for us to begin our assault. She is the wife of Bernael but their sectors are as far apart as possible in that Empire. As well, her sector seems the least well defended.”

    Having finished his analysis and his report to the Council, Sinclair stepped back, returning to a rest position, waiting to see who else agreed or disagreed and where the resources of his fleet would be put to use.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent, @Mitth_Fisto (Mentioned), @Silvertough (Mentioned), @Nehru_Amidala (Mentioned)