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BTS Lucas Quotes and Interviews about the starwars saga.

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Keeper_of_Swords, May 22, 2004.

  1. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003

    Darth_Articulate and Nubbs like this.
  2. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Nubbs likes this.
  3. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Cheers, mate - incidentally, I've been waiting for you to pop in again, a lot of the quotes in this thread have been truncated and it's not an easy task to restore the whole lot (I've got a restored version of p1, though).

    Do you have access to the originals in another format? I was hoping we could try to do this thread over and perhaps organise the quotes in posts according to topic (then perhaps assemble a few more Google docs). Having a thread like this is a really handy resource for discussions.
  4. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    I have word docs of most of the paragraphs/interviews which I posted. I can send them as an e-mail or something if you like :) thanks
    Subtext Mining likes this.
  5. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Terrific - I'd like to approach this properly and maybe use the already stickied thread as the 'Quotes & Articles' resource, but it does take time to sort this stuff and put it into context (the doc I did took a bit longer than I expected, particularly considering how much real life got in the way at the time).

    Stand by & I'll figure out how best to make this happen, it would be great to have all this material at our fingertips. If you could start a Google Docs account and just copy everything to that, then PM me the link, that'd be a great start.
  6. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    I am sorry, but I don't use a google account. Can i send the word documents as an e-mail attachment or repost them somewhere?
  7. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    No problem - PM sent, just send me what you've got to that email address & I'll get started sorting through it. I figure we can eventually just add more Google docs to the stickied thread.

    Eventually this thread can just be locked and we'll post updates to the stickied one.
  8. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Reposting with Darth Nub's permission:

    George Lucas and Star Wars Canon

    In the introduction to the 1994 printing of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Lucas offered his view on the evolution of the Star Wars saga:
    Another notable mention, is this quote from an interview in the August/September 1999 issue of SW Insider:

    Further, in an August 2005 interview in Starlog magazine:

    Lucas' statements in Starlog were commented on in a December 7, 2005 post on the forums by Leland Chee, who maintains Lucas Licensing's continuity database:

    During ShoWest 2008, Lucas gave an interview where he mentioned the difference between "his world", "the licensing world" and the "fans' world":

    Another noteworthy exchange between Lucas and an interviewer appeared in the May 2008 edition of Total Film magazine:

  9. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Beautiful. Thanks heaps, these quotes & articles are pure gold, and not necessarily the same old stuff we've seen quoted, reprinted, paraphrased, pushed, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed & misquoted ad nauseam.
  10. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    thank you Darth Nub :)
  11. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Stickying for the time being.
    DarthBoba likes this.
  12. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003

    Tosche_Station likes this.
  13. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    Just FYI - I'm in the process of going through and tidying this thread up when I get the chance, so it might be a little bit messy here & there for a while. Number one priority is restoring posts which were truncated by the move, then deleting duplicates.

    For the time being I'm going to keep replies and any comments (Keeper_of_Swords, obviously) intact. At some stage it'd be nice for it all to be categorised, but for right now the thread structure will remain as it was.
    If anyone wishes to add to the thread, go right ahead, your posts won't be deleted or lost.
  14. Darth_Nub

    Darth_Nub Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 26, 2009
    OK, this monster thread has been restored somewhat to its former glory, I've taken the liberty of placing quotes inside boxes where I could, just to make it a bit easier to read.
    I've also removed whatever quotes have already appeared, deleting several posts in the process.

    Big thanks to Keeper_of_Swords for providing the vast majority of the material, and also to all the other users who have contributed, in particular Lars_Muul for that selection from The Making of ROTS.

    Still something of a work in progress - if anyone has any suggestions about how best to arrange all this material, post in this thread (or volunteer!).

    There's a number of quotes without cited sources, if anyone spots one for which he/she can provide the source, let me know via PM and I'll add it. Same deal for any errors or blatant duplicates.

    For future posting in this thread, let's keep it to quotes and interviews from George Lucas only, as it has been so far. There's an old thread with quotes from Gary Kurtz, if anything else crops up from him, add it there - - if anyone feels like starting a similar thread about, say, Mark Hamill's misinformed ramblings and blatant fanservice quotes, go right ahead, all good material for discussion and debate.
  15. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Chosen One star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    Very interesting. Thanks.

    The OT and PT, respectively [face_plain]
    Darkslayer and Keeper_of_Swords like this.
  16. markdeez33

    markdeez33 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 25, 2013
    A+ thread. Excellent read. Absolutely excellent. Keep it coming, gentlemen!
    Keeper_of_Swords likes this.
  17. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Thanks guys, and thanks Darth Nub for your time and effort.

    Not starwars related...but a quote nevertheless..

    (At the Academy Governors Awards):

    George Lucas next rose to salute, however, it was his unlikely tale that was perhaps the night's most touching. He told how when his daughter was 10 she was a huge Angelina Jolie fan "because of her humanity, fighting for what is right." (As he launched into the story, from the Lucas table, daughter Katie, who had just sat down, was heard to moan "Oh no!") So Lucas asked Jolie to lunch to meet her admirer. "At that point we sat down, and she'd adopted a son, and I'd adopted three children by myself and it was two basically single parents talking about children. And I said, children are the pathway to a meaningful life and to happiness, and this is the one true thing you can do, to have children." He paused. "Little did I know she'd take me so seriously."
  18. purplerain

    purplerain Jedi Knight star 4

    Sep 14, 2013
    That fits ROTJ perfectly.

    DBZGTKOSDH Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 31, 2013
    Has this been posted? I found it in Wookiepedia.

    "However, after all of his limbs were severed and he was extremely burned on Mustafar he lost much of his Force potential. As Darth Vader, Skywalker was believed to have had roughly 80% of the strength of the Emperor. Had he sustained none of his injuries on Mustafar he would have been twice as powerful."
    ―George Lucas
    Alienware likes this.
  20. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    Lucas from The Making of Revenge of the Sith:

    On the auteur theory

    "The auteur theory is very abstract and intellectual until you get to know filmmakers," Lucas says. "But when you know them personally and you know how they make their decisions,then you realize these people are their movies. Marty (Scorcese) is Marty's movies;Francis (Ford Coppola) is Francis's movies; Steven (Spielberg) is Steven's movies. You can actually see their sensibilities in their films.

    "I come out of abstract filmmaking. I like the idea of cutting together contrasting images and ideas so they flow one after the other. If you watch a silent movie, you can see how a story is told; if you watch abstract films, you can see that by juxtaposing images, you also tell stories, and, in doing so, the issue of cutting on one frame rather than on another becomes very important.

    "On the editorial level, which is the cinematic level, movies are a mass of objects moving across a large surface. You're watching these little details, which are the ones that make the cut work, as they move through the back of the frame. YOu're orchestrating how these things flow, by deciding how you cut from one shot to another. The subtlety of the medium demands that a star break the frame at the right moment, because what reaction you get has a lot to do with spatial relationships: where things are in the frame, what color things are, where the bright objects are--and where you eye is going to be.

    "When the movie cuts to a different shot, if your eye has to move a great distance to follow an object, it becomes a rough cut; if your eye stays in the same place, then it's a smooth cut. If your eye has to move too much, you're usually lost for two frames on a cut. You don't understand what you're seeing because you can't register it that fast. If you're just cutting dialogue, it doesn't matter; it's just talking heads and the emphasis is all on the dialogue. But in my films, the dialogue is not where the movie is. My films are basically in the graphics. The emotional impact comes from the music and from juxtaposing one image with the next.

    "Cinema is about moving images. But it's moving from one image to the next that creates emotional impact."

    On technology

    "Cinema started out as a part of vaudeville," says writer-director George Lucas. "They took out the magic act and they put in a film because it was like a big magic act. 'Look! Right here on our screen-a giant train, moving right toward you!'That was a big event."

    "Science fiction also came into it's own at the beginning of the twentieth century, as it matured from Jules Verne to George Orwell and other writers, and while the literature of science fiction and fantasy became much more sophisticated, it was extremely difficult to translate those books into cinema."

    "So when I did a fantasy film, we were really bumping up against the ceiling of technology all the time, which made it very hard. I'm a strong believer of cinema as cinema-not as a literary medium and not as a musical medium and not as a theatrical medium-but cinema as the moving image. And so I was able to design a fantasy film and push the limits of the medium of the cinematic form just a tiny bit. But what I really wanted to do was much grander and much bigger and much more outrageous but I knew that I couldn't do that. I could only do so much with the technology I had."

    "So I've always been pushing that technology. I've always been thinking,'Wouldn't it be great if we could do this or we could do that!' But most of the time you would get stopped. You couldn't do a movie with 20,000 extras; you wouldn't even think of writing a scene like that. But now you can do it.

    "Now you can pretty much do whatever you want. You're in the same arena that writers are in. If you can write it you can film it."
  21. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    "Everything in Star Wars is based on something here on Earth.

    It's a root of a design or an idea or a culture or an artefact that exists already.

    We have changed it, twisted it, moved it, shown it in a different light, put it with a different background, taken it out of it's context, done everything we could to make it unusual but it has a very familiar and strong ethnic base."

    George Lucas, BBC Omnibus - A Long Time Ago: The Story of Star Wars 1999
  22. SW Saga Fan

    SW Saga Fan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2015
    Here's an excellent interview between George Lucas and Bill Moyers about the mythology and other various topics related to Star Wars. This discussion has taken place in 1999, after the release of Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

    You should try to put some time aside and watch it. It's very interesting and enriching.

  23. bstnsx704

    bstnsx704 Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 11, 2013
    I remember watching that one a while back and loving it. Gonna have to revisit it.
  24. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    Sometimes I wonder how much Lucas envies Spielberg and Coppola.
    They went off to make many great movies on a wide variety of topics, Lucas... He hit a brick wall. He made Star Wars, produced Raiders, and then that's as far as he got. They went on to new bits of brilliance. He gets told that the best bits of his creation are the bits made by someone else.

    He must dream of making his Godfather or Schindler's List.
  25. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    He already did twice and he know better than anyone else what he did.

    These other people obviously don't.