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Lucasfilm Animation launched.

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by jp-30, May 12, 2003.

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  1. jp-30

    jp-30 Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2000
    Thanks to for the heads-up.

    On today's IMDB news, this appeared at the end of a Finding Nemo / Pixar article;

    [i] Meanwhile, George Lucas, who sold Pixar to Jobs in 1986 for $10 million, has launched Lucasfilm Animation to develop and create its own films. Spokeswoman Lynn Hale told today's (Monday) Los Angeles Times: "It's extremely exciting to have the opportunity to start the search for directors to build projects around." [/i][hr][/blockquote]

    Interesting... I wonder how this bodes for future [b]Star Wars[/b] projects? [face_confused]

  2. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Might be gearing up for a post-Episode 3 series; as Genndy hinted he'd like to do in the recent Insider article (he says he'd like to do a Han & Chewie series).

    Or perhaps the Shadows of the Empire animation project that McCallum hinted (or perhaps was just teasing) about.
  3. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    I would mind something like that. I would like to see a Star Wars series, more about the relaxed side of Star Wars and having fun, kindda like when I rented one of the droid series movies a long long time ago.

    In fact, I wouldn't mid watching that droid series again. It's fun to watch and relax, not all this action and explosions. Does anyone know where you could rent the droid series at, or parts of it at least?
  4. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    A video store may have a few episodes on tape.

    They'll probably release the whole thing on DVD after Episode 3 comes out, especially since Ben Burtt worked on them and included so many references to them in the Prequels.
  5. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    Yeah, I'll go check out my local Blockbuster and see what they have. I'll even give my local food store a look and see what they have.
  6. StarDude

    StarDude Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2001
    Gee, am I the only one who is looking forward to see Lucas do something new outside of Star Wars?
  7. Blackout

    Blackout Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2000
    Unfortunately, stores like Blockbuster (in the UK at least) don't seem to have Droids / Ewoks. Their shelves are kept too up-to-date.
    The best bet for tracking them down is probably going to be the smaller, independent video-rental stores or Ebay. That's where I got mine from, got em all now :D

    {||||| ?||} -----------------------------
  8. Pooja

    Pooja Jedi Knight star 6

    May 25, 2002
    I'd absolutely love to see some post-Episode III/ pre-Episode IV projects.
  9. Devistro

    Devistro Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2003
    What about the very old republic time period when the sith were in greater numbers. A project dealing with that could be interesting.
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