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MidWest Midwest Newsletter

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by DarthJurist, Jul 24, 2002.

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  1. DarthJurist

    DarthJurist Admin Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 10, 2000
    Ok gang, I'm in a helpful, organizing mood, so I've decided to start to working on a Midwest Newsletter that would let all the Midwest clubs know what their fellow fan forcers are doing.

    At this point, I'm thinking the newsletter will have three parts:

    Calendar : Events happening that month and the upcoming month in the various cities on whatever dates. Hopefully with links to threads discussing the events.

    Announcements : New Forums, New CR's, new forum features, etc. Basically news that impacts our clubs or the boards, including messages from Sebulba 8-}

    Other : Things such as local cons, misc announcements or things that I or anyone else wants to share with everyone.

    My current plan is to post the newsletter in each forum, unless such repetitive posting would be considered spamming. (Hopefully not :D ) I'll also post it in the Fan Force Activities Forum to make the rest of the regions jealous of us [face_devil]. Each newsletter would contain information about that month's events and the next month's events.

    The newsletter would appear on or about the first of the month. I'll try to forage through the forums and announcement pages to pick up the events, but if you want to make sure your city's events appear in the newsletters, please PM or email me before the 1st. I'll also post a thread here in the Midwest general forum for people to give the necessary info (I'll call it something like "Midwest Newsletter: Post events for the next edition here".

    When notifying me of events, please provide the following: Date, name/type of event (ie, movie night, general meeting), whether you are looking for other cities to participate, and if there is a specific contact person. Also please include links to helpful threads or people.


    September 22 - Chicago Force is organizing a Paintball excursion (<--link to thread with detail info) in northern Indiana. Please contact Rex Kadre (<--link to his profile) for more information. We're looking for targets, so please join us!

    That's it. I don't want to make this too complicated.

    If you have questions or comments or would like to help, please feel free to post here or email/PM me. If someone else wants to help out, we can split up the months or take turns doing the newsletters.

  2. Bobafemme

    Bobafemme FF Jedi Council Member, Chicago IL RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 25, 2000
    I think it's a good idea. I would just post it in here though. That way, it's easy to track everyone's comments. You could put a link to the newsletter in each city to alert them to the presence. Now, the real question is, do you have a license to herd cats? :)

    I'll bother Doright and come up with some ideas.
  3. DarthJurist

    DarthJurist Admin Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 10, 2000
    Now, the real question is, do you have a license to herd cats?

    I hear you there, which is why I want to keep this as simple as possible. ;)

    I figure I'll try it for a few months, and if people seem to like it and start to help out in some nominal way, then I'll keep doing it. If, however, it proves to be more trouble than it's worth, I'll probably let it drop after 4-5 months.

    Yub Yub.
  4. Red05

    Red05 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 15, 2002
    The Milwookie Council has something to offer you might like to post in your MidWest Newsletter: We have several active strings that are having meetings. Some of them are: The Costume Club, The Collector's Guild, The Galactic Enquirer Newsletter... and there are many more. See Milwaukee, WI's links for more!
  5. Skywalker1138

    Skywalker1138 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 7, 2002
    Our first Galactic Enquirer Newsletter for the Milwooke Council, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fan Force Chapter, is premiering at the end of October 2002! When are you bringing the MidWest Newsletter out? The official editor and assistant for our newsletter are TwistyMaeSkywalker and myself! Maybe we can work regionally too!
  6. DarthJurist

    DarthJurist Admin Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 10, 2000
    Hello to the Milwaukee folks! The midwest newsletter will be monthly, and the first edition will be on or about August 1. I'll email/pm you later tonight and we can chat to see if we can combine efforts.

  7. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    Do you want official events only or friendly gatherings too?
  8. DarthJurist

    DarthJurist Admin Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 10, 2000
    Generally, friendly gatherings are good, but within reason. Part of the goal of the newsletter is to give other clubs (especially the new ones) ideas for events or meetings, and of course, social events.

    Example 1: Member X will be working on his armor this weekend, and has extended an open invitation to anyone that wants to join him. Send him an email at XXX.

    Example 2: Member X and some of his co-workers are going to meet up at the Bar on Central street and watch the fight on Pay Per View. Some member of Fan Force Wherever might meet him there.

    I'm having trouble articulating the difference, but to me it's there. Example 1 would go in, but I would lean against putting Example 2 in the newsletter.

    Basically, factors I would consider: does it involve star wars, how many members are attending, is this an event that the club would otherwise sanction or organize (but didn't for whatever reason).

    One example is the Air & Water Show here in Chicago. It's not going to be an 'official event', but a handful of CF members (and their families) are going to meet up at a specific place to hang out, picnic and watch the show together. Not SW related, but because the members are specifically getting together based upon membership in our group and it's good, clean, fun event, I think it merits a mention.

    Feel free to PM or email if you have specific questions.


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