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Mos Eisley Cantina

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by malcolm-darth-am-i, Oct 21, 2005.

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  1. malcolm-darth-am-i

    malcolm-darth-am-i Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 21, 2005
    1. This thread is not an extension of ANY OTHER thread in this forum. Keep the Jedi Trials /whatever other thread-specific issues in those threads. The idea is that any problems that might erupt in those other threads should be contained within those threads and not spill over into the MEC. That way this thread can remain fun and inviting for everyone. Lightsaber Dules ARE alowed. But lets keep it in control. Like No Robing the place. You can only pull a lightsaber Once a day(24Hours)

    2. This is also not a place for e-romance, e-bickering or any other such thing. If you choose to get involved in e-relationships then that's your issue but please don't bring that drama in here. Do not bring the e-sex or cyber sex or whatever anywhere close to this forum. Or anywhere on these boards for that matter. Be mindful at all times of the TOS.

    3. Be mindful of the TOS... Swearing, spamming, innuendo, flaming and baiting are not allowed. If discussion ensues that relates to the SW films, please remember the "Films not fans" rule.

    4. The JC does not allow glorification of alcohol. Comments about getting drunk or being drunk (even tho only "virtual") are not allowed. Let's steer away from the whole drunk thing. "Ordering" drinks and shots and stuff is ok, but no comments on people being drunk or getting drunk...

    Also please dont spam us with stupid stuff. I want it to be good fun . So Have Fun
  2. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005
    That looks like Strilo's handwriting to me... [face_thinking]
  3. Kenobi-Negotiator

    Kenobi-Negotiator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 19, 2005
    All you did was repost the opening post of the 'CCC.'

    'Do not fix stupid with stupid.'

    ~Attempts to lock thread but fails.~

    Is that Strilo I sense?

  4. Apailana

    Apailana Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 19, 2005
    Bacon, gold star for you. :p

    but seriously, Malcolm. i suggest you stop.. these are only going to get locked.
  5. malcolm-darth-am-i

    malcolm-darth-am-i Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 21, 2005
    Totally Sorry I didnt think the other one proseesed

    Anyone new plaese dont posthere thanks
  6. -Phoenix-

    -Phoenix- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 21, 2005
    Why do you need to start another thread on this?
  7. Kenobi-Negotiator

    Kenobi-Negotiator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 19, 2005
    Uh... Yes, you did know. You copied/pasted the rules from the 'CCC.' That is two bad things.

    1. This threads redundancy.
    2. Plagerism. (SP?)

    Anyways, my point has been made.

    'Do not fix stupid, with stupid.'
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