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Lit Nanotech in the GFFA?

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Galactic Bibliophile, Mar 4, 2025 at 12:58 PM.


Nanotech in the GFFA?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  1. Galactic Bibliophile

    Galactic Bibliophile Jedi Knight star 2

    Nov 24, 2021
    Nanotechnology exists in both Star Wars Legends and Canon, yet we never see it utilized to its full potential. At some point, do you think there was a nanotech cold war in the galaxy?
  2. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    Nanobot's designed to kill midichlorians and weaken force connection
  3. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    The thing with nanotech in the GFFA is, it exists but it is rare. Probably expensive. The scale most scifi uses it in is usually ignorant of the costs and reality of it. Or goes full on ai takes over via selfreplicating nanotech bots that can accumulate into anything.

    I think the GFFA knows its use but probably uses it very controlled only. That is in medtech, spycraft and does keep it out of publics hands (and news) on purpose.
    I also think the GFFA limited its potential by forbidding nanobots to become intelligent like droids did. They have limited programming to do their job, but are not allowed to use micro-droid technology to form a persona.

    Legends showed nanobots used in war are so dark and dangerous to do more damage than the intended one that most would not use it but the most vile or stupid villains.

    Probably in the past there was some nano escalation that lead to these restrictions. But I doubt it reached galactic levels, just scary planetary or systemwide ones that made the rounts as cautionary tale. Same for not just nanotech, but AI, virtual reality, etc.

    There is a reason holograms are kept low key despite entertainment holos or holodroids like Proxy being able to look fully real life convincing in Holocoverage!

    Ssi Ruuvi entechment, Callistas computer hopping, Iskalonian Borg technology and hive mind,... all tells of likewise technology that is prominent only locally or restricted. Nasdra Magrody and his institute study those but seems most cultures that originated such tech, kept it secret and did not spread it about, especially after reaching a fallout with it most likely.

    But one could argue that nanotech in the GFFA is used in many areas where one does not think it is or see it as such.
    Jedimarine likes this.
  4. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Chosen One star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    We don't see much nano-tech for the same reason we don't see much in the way of exotic viruses or other biological maladies...

    The details and consequences are so sweeping and so hard to imagine, that it is difficult to always anticipate what a reader might imagine.

    It also is step more sci-fi than the "space-fantasy" setting usually wants to get. Scenes involving labs and computer monitor readouts are rare in this franchise...unless they are smashing them up.

    So, as was mentioned before...they try to "encapsulate" the use of these things into small episodes...have things engineered to certain groups/species, have expiration dates, etc...because things that could tilt over the status quo of the galaxy tend to be hard to digest for people who just want their nostalgic GFFA that never really changes (except perhaps the government in charge).

    In universe excuses?

    Well, for viruses and such...a healthy amount of exposure, perhaps with vaccines and fairly cheap/available medical care has created a galactic populace that is resistant/resilient to viruses from millions of worlds.

    The danger someone might have of stepping foot on a world in the GFFA and breathing in spores is something the galactic healthcare system has mostly alleviated.

    Nanotech may be countered in much the same way. Perhaps there is even a medical "anti-nano" injection which disables or destroys the power systems of circuits in the blood stream. They thus prevent the potential for widespread exploitation of the tech, and it becomes reserved just for circumstances of immediate and intended use (people who work around the general safety measures against nanotech run-amok).