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Star Wars New Sith Trials III: The War of Three

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , May 27, 2018.

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  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Typhojem.

    The Left Handed Lord.

    The Father of Shadows

    The Master of Masters

    The True Dark Lord.

    The Immortal God of the Sith

    The End

    The Immortal Lord was here. His body was reaching through the gap Beyond Shadows, pushing through the shell that was Bedlam. But even now, His arrival was being undone. His tether was these Sith, and the blood of Snoke, which had became his Key in this reality. The True Dark Lord beckoned, and he would be Master of them all.

    But Soliloquy had given shape to His siblings, to Abeloth, Mnngal-Mnngal and Ooru, the latter in the body of Darth Ravenous. The Old Ones reborn, rather than just Him, and His immortal rule. It was maddening, that they had made it to His new realm before him.


    The Sith were in various vessels, and ships, dotted around, pushing to escape the Bedlam pulsar. Typhojem allowed his mind to ensnare their drives, and their metal shells. He held firm their propulsion units, leaving them dead in space. Syren, Cocytus and his Sidious AI mind-buddy, Bo, Drost, Hades, Ike, Bellorum, Zalen, Hel, Cal and mad, mad Anark. He left them all stranded, abandoned - lost, so Typhojem could finish them off later. So he could enjoy finishing them off.

    He allowed them power to communicate with each other - to panic.

    He allowed them power to breathe - so they would feed him their fear.

    He allowed them to see His victory - so their minds would break.

    With that done, He turned his attention to the Old Ones.

    Typhojem's armies were being consumed, destroyed, assaulted, and He decided enough was enough.

    He was supreme, and his three siblings were but minor inconveniences. Distractions. With an exertion, Typhojem reached out for them, for all three of them. He atomised Abeloth. He drew Ooru from the semi-immortal-body of Ravenous and shredded him, the empty body dropping to the ground. He erased Mnngal-Mnngal. Enough was enough. In His minds eye he held Soliloquy's Holocron, and he began to slowly tease at the gaps between the various triangles and pyramids and angles that made up the multi-faceted creation. He drew out the fragment of Abeloth that she had hidden within Soliloquy's Holocron - she screamed, begging, crying, demanding that her brother release her. With a mental shrug, he undid what remained of the Beloved Queen of the Stars. He should never have allowed his sister to seek refuge from the Mortis Dagger within Him.


    He cast aside Soliloquy, paying as much attention to the Holocron as the atom of Serapis...

    Now, the others...

    Aboard the fused wreck of two shuttles

    Darth Insipid had been fearful of Typhojem's emergence in this realm, and especially the other Old Ones. Initially he had wondered whether Soliloquy was deranged, aligning with Abeloth, Ooru and Mnngal-Mnngal, of all to align with.

    But now Typhojem was focused on them, and Insipid had a chance. He reached out, using the Force to tweak the flights of the Sith. Aryan was first, because he was in the most danger - into the World Between Worlds he went with Syren. For as much as Insipid hated the High Lord’s influence over Aryan, Insipid loved the strength Syren gave Aryan and he let her go.

    Snoke took the chance to reach out for Ship, to wrestle with Hades with control. Insipid returned his focus, blocking the Supreme Leader mid-act. Snoke was focused solely on Ship, and so did not try to divert Insipid.

    His mind turned to Haretisch, whose life was a candle. Insipid winced, grabbing at the hulk of his flagship, and turning it. It vanished into the World Between Worlds. Snoke pulled Ship closer, again, and Insipid wrestled with him. He faltered, his wounds assailing him, and Insipid reached out to the Sith for support, promising them that they would be safe. Refusing to abandon them out of sheer stubbornness - out of love of them as much as hate of Snoke and Typhojem.

    And so, the dance began while Typhojem smote his siblings.

    Insipid would reach out for a fellow Sith, and divert them into the World Between Worlds. Snoke would reach for Ship, and draw the vessel that little bit closer. It would try to obey Hades in the gap between the control that Snoke had, but it always took a little more time to wrestle free of Snoke’s control.

    Next Bellorum went. And Hel, and Dr Jepsun, of course - because Haretisch would need them, and they would need him.

    Then Jerod, and the tumult of tragedy that tumbled from his wreck of a ship vanished with him. Mad, mad, Anark followed, and Insipid felt nothing as he said good bye to the mad shell that had once been his apprentice.

    Bo was to follow, but Insipid found himself hitting a point of equilibrium with Snoke. He had less Sith to draw upon, and Snoke’s power was siphoned from Typhojem himself. Eventually Insipid would be unable to stop Snoke, and unable to save anymore Sith.

    He had to choose who to save, that was left. And who might die, if Insipid did not manage to save them. He passed over Bo and turned to Ike, because he still loved the man. He opened himself to his former husband, apologising about everything that he had taken from him, and for how much he had changed Ike, to the point that Ike could not function fully without the man who had Shaped him. Insipid found that he, too, had been changed by loving the man for more than a decade. Since he had escaped a mind trap a timeline ago - Ike returned the love, reconnecting himself to their bond, and Insipid allowed his one, last hope to cross that divide...

    And then he consigned his husband to the World Between Worlds.

    But as Typhojem ripped from the surviving part of Abeloth from Soliloquy’s holocron, and snapped it between his mental fingers, His attention shifted back to Insipid and the remainder of the Sith that remained on the wrong side of what was about to become a Hell dimension.

    The vast clouds of flying monstrosities that held Bedlam’s orbit began to convalesce anew, surrounding the surviving ships in orbit. What crew members still lived aboard the shattered remnants of the Twilight Sun and Imperium and First Order fleets died, consumed, their ships overran and their armadas done. Only the First Order ships which had fled earlier under Hux would live to fight again.

    Bo, Soliloquy, Serapis (though not noticed by Insipid), Cocytus, Hades, Drost, Zalen - they were still here.

    Ravenous, unconscious, but technically still alive, too - Bron Dooku, Kronos, Esmerelda, Valdimar, Kralkus, Leda they had yet to be accounted for, perhaps lost in the disaster of the battle. The carbonite slabs of Manticore, Saadi, Mallace, Titus, and others remained here, trapped in the blood-ichor that was giving form to Typhojem in the depths of Bedlam.

    Insipid swore, and Snoke snatched Ship. The spheroid sidled up to the wreck of their ship, and Insipid hissed. Last try.

    Essence Transfer was the act of, would you believe, transferring ones essence. It was one of the most sought after skills a Sith could learn. Virtual immortality was possible with it. Insipid’s clone, Darth Malthus, so named for the Malthusian philosophy he had adopted, had aligned with the Shadow Council of the Old Ones and mastered Essence Heart. Through that, Malthus had been able to occupy the bodies of dozens of slaves and lesser Sith, filleting them out and doubling his power - so he could take more bodies. It had taken the combined efforts of Insipid and Haretisch to destroy him, at the very start of the last Twilight War, as Insipid had called the time period in which Typhojem escaped through the Well of the Dark Side.

    Insipid had not yet mastered essence transfer again since he had arrived in this time. He had never performed the evolved form, Essence Heart.

    But nonetheless Insipid knew he needed to do so.

    Darth Insipid emptied himself across dozens of monsters, creatures, and Sithspawn. He became full of a hundred braying, screaming, confused entities, and his mind broke, shattered, crushed by the innumerable essences he became. That power came roaring in, and one small, tiny, thought, kept him hinged.

    The Sith way was one of selfishness, one of conceit, and deceit, and everything in-between. A Sith gathered more and more unto themselves, taking and taking, until they had amassed so much, that they, again, needed to take more to hold onto what they had.

    They had to acquire the power to do what they needed to do.

    To Protect what they had. As Protectors.

    Whilst the Old Ones were the Destructors, who sought nothing more, nor less, than Destruction.

    Darth Insipid held onto that thought as he lost what he was to the tide of minds.

    And he drove that thought into the World Between Worlds. He reached for Darth Haretisch, and for Darth Bellorum, and Syren, and Anark, and Aryan, and Jerod, and Jerod’s son, because Insipid was to far gone to remember names, he reached for the Nightsister, and the Doctor, and the Daughter -

    He could hear someone.


    Haretisch was indeed the Key. Not just for a time, like Syren, Manticore and others had been, so long ago. But the Sith were the bridge. The connection between the two parts of the New Sith Order, of the True Sith, of the First Sith, was the font which enabled Insipid to control the Door, now that he had the Power to Protect, because of the Sith.

    Insipid shut the Door.

    Leaving the rest of them behind.

    Typhojem roared, and ensnared the mental network, connecting with it, seeking Insipid’s mind through the hundreds if not thousands of creatures that now made up Insipid. Snoke, growling to himself now that the Door was gone, smirked as Typhojem shifted his attention to Insipid - and with a twist of his own essence, Snoke cut off the connection between the God of the Sith with this reality. He had no need for Typhojem anymore.

    Snoke’s essence severed, the bodies that Insipid had stolen from Him began to combust, a chain of little explosions that filled the orbit of the planet, the atmosphere, and lead down to the ground -

    Under the blood-ichor, not to blow apart the shell of Bedlam and release Typhojem -

    But to blow apart the heart of Bedlam - destroying the planet and the bridge that Typhojem had wielded with the blood of Snoke - Bedlam ceased to be, and Typhojem with it, defeated by the Sith, undone by Insipid, and betrayed by Snoke. The Rule of Three undoing the Master of the Rule.

    Snoke took Ship and jumped into hyperspace, taking Arach, her impossible older twin, and Finis with him.

    The rest of the Sith found power restored to their escape pods, floating in a void of debris and broken world and carbonite slabs. The gravitic singularity surrounding Bedlam was undone as there was no Bedlam to hold it together, and all that remained was Darth Insipid and a handful of Sith.

    Insipid came back to himself with a gasp, and knew that he could never, ever, do that again. That his essence was a mere slither of itself now - that he would never, ever recover enough to do that again.

    But he knew that they had more work to do, and he reached out for the Holocron of Soliloquy in the impossibly busy local space-scape. He reached out for the rest.

    Snoke would return to the Unknown Regions and seize Nirauan, and the First Order. He had a head-start on them all. The Hapans and the criminal networks of the galaxy were broken, and the New Republic would have the opportunity to spread unfettered, because of what they had done in the War of Three. Snoke would grow stronger, and stronger, in the Unknown Regions, until he was ready to strike, with the new weapons that Insipid had cultivated for him. Better Star Destroyers. Superior TIE designs.

    The Starkiller project.

    And he would hunt another way into the World Between Worlds.

    Which meant that the Sith had to get started.

    And found the Sith Resistance.

    TAG: @Darth_wanderguard, @Lady Belligerent, @DarthIshyZ, @Snokers, @Mitth_Fisto, @Silvertough, @WookieeRage, @Jerjerrod-Lennox, @HanSolo29, @Darth Kronos, @greyjedi125, @Darth Master Titus, @QueenSabe7, @Dagobahsystem, @E. L.Knight, @Darth Cocytus, @LelalMekha

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  2. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016
    Post-Credits Scene:

    IC: Darth Insipid, Darth Kronos, and Esmerelda


    There were eight of them left, to Insipid’s eye.

    Insipid, Hades and his lover Morrigan, Drost, Cocytus, Zalen, Soliloquy, an unconscious, and the perhaps dead, Ravenous. Insipid didn’t count the insane medical droid that had came along with them.

    Floating in the abyss.

    Insipid absently reflected that this was a good way to die, but between them each they had to salvage a hyperdrive from the wreckage. Maybe send one of them away - Hades, because he was the most invested in hunting Snoke and the Finis and Arach he had kidnapped with Ship. He’d definitely come back for them.

    Inevitably they’d come across a semi-functional hyperdrive. Hopefully before they died of starvation or a lack of oxygen.

    Or -

    A ship emerged from hyperspace. A yacht of some kind. Insipid eventually recognised it - he had bailed from it a day or so ago.It belonged to Darth Kronos and Esmerelda. They’d enter a system filled with the wreckage of three fleets and the shattered remnant of a planet.

    Wearily, he opened the comm, including the other escape pods and broken ships of the Sith survivors. “I don’t suppose you have spare for some Sith? Typhojem is gone. He can’t get across anymore. Dr Shadow - Snoke - the man who took your children, he’s still at large.”

    He grinned, slightly.

    “Want to join the Resistance?”

    A broken hyperdrive.

    That was all it took for the two to be a day late to the Bedlam crisis, a miracle that Kronos would be extremely grateful for when he saw the decimation that remained. During that time, Esme had grown restless. While Kronos more than appreciated and enjoyed the alone time he had with her, she now carried deeply seeded anger and despair at the thought of their missing twins. Her desperation was palpable, and he was determined to do anything to help her.

    To him, after even more thought on it, the idea of becoming a father was met with mostly frightening thoughts, yet there were still hints of excitement layered throughout. He knew deep down that raising a child, two of them no less, was next to impossible in this environment. As soon as they were born, they'd be taken from them, and the idea of their twins experiencing the same rigorous tests and trials he was put through, in service of turning them into mindless drones for the Sith Empire, or the Empire of the Hand, or the First Order, or whatever they were now, made his skin crawl. He knew there was next to nowhere they could escape to. As much as he wanted to. Yet, those fears were met with the same parental excitement most moms and dads experience.

    He was conflicted. He wanted children, just not... now.

    At that thought, the navicomputer finally began beeping, and he quickly made his way toward the cockpit. As soon as he disengaged the hyperdrive, he was met with a shocking discovery.

    Three decimated fleets and an obliterated planet just nearby. Immediately, he put his hands over his agape mouth and beckoned Esme to come over.

    "What the flying hell?" he whispered, mostly to himself.

    A sudden voice replied over the comm channel, one he immediately recognized as Insipid's.

    He spoke of Typhojem and his inability to return, Dr. Shadow apparently being Snoke in disguise, and a question asking them to act as a transport vessel, and Kronos was immediately confused.

    He quickly decided that he needed more information. Seeing Insipid's location via the yacht's sensor, he made an opening for him and whoever else he was with to enter safely.

    Nerves consumed him as he turned to Esme.

    “Are we doing this again?” Esmerelda said, sharply. “Picking up Insipid and the survivors, leading them to somewhere where they consolidate, them lock us into their control?”

    “At what point do we start hunting our children?” She said, cuttingly. “Can you sense them here? You’ve the Force - I’m sure they will have too.”

    Kronos was welcome to try - though the co-mingled essence of the two of them was faintly detectable, it was old. At very least days old.

    Esme had a point. He knew helping Insipid was only allowing him an opportunity to finally get his hold on them again, but he also realized that getting on his bad side could open entirely new problems for them - ones that could definitely restrict them from finding their twins.

    Tossing those thoughts away, he turned attention into the Force, to search for their kids through it. He felt... something. It was faint and old, a few days old at least, but it was there.

    "They're not here," he announced, and he felt immense relief at that. At the very least, their twins didn't have to suffer through this. "They're... somewhere else. I don't know where, but... they're still alive." Happiness was in his tone.

    He briefly paused before continuing. "We'll find them.... Don't worry. We'll find them."

    He was trying to reassure himself as much as he was attempting to reassure her. Hopefully she didn't notice that.

    “Very touching,” said Insipid over the comm. It had been set private, but he’d overridden it with the Force. “But I will help you find your children... and I will help you disappear afterwards if you wish.”

    “You have earned that, my friends.”

    Their escape pods and fragmented ships banged into the yacht, attaching themselves magnetically at Insipid’s behest. “But Snoke is still out there, and he’ll take control of the First Order in my absence. He took your twins. So you’ll need to counter the strength and resources of an Imperial Warlord with enough power in the Force to face down Darth Haretisch...”

    Esme looked fearful. Insipid allowed them both to feel that he was telling the truth. “Allow us to help you?”

    It all sounded too good to be true, and Kronos couldn't help but not trust Insipid's word. There had to be a catch to his "promise."

    Yet, through the Force, he could sense Insipid was telling the truth. In any other circumstance, he would have believed it, but...

    He couldn't shake that feeling.

    "What's the catch?" he blurted, asking partially for him and partially for Esme, whose fearful expression had not gone unnoticed.

    “We’re stranded, at least for now, that’s the only catch.” Insipid rolled his eyes somewhat. This was supposed to be a finale, not a negotiation.

    With a gesture of the Force, the airlock pressurised on the shuttle wreck that Insipid had docked with their yacht. The doors whisked open and Insipid smiled at them through the camera of the bay, gesturing the other Sith to join him and flicking a finger to freeze them out of the controls.

    “Oh, and you didn’t have much of a choice about saving us, I’m afraid.” The smile grew beatific. “But thank you, Lord Kronos. I’ll keep my word to you, of course.”

    Kronos let out a slight scoff at that last comment, quiet enough such that he wouldn't hear it. Or so he hoped.

    I'll believe it when I see it, he thought.

    With no way to undo this decision, and no possible way out of their current situation without help, Kronos walked to stand next to Esme. His eyes met hers for a brief moment, an unintentional sign of worry about the unknown, before he glanced out into the vast openness of space.

    He heaved a quiet sigh. Of uncertainty. Of worry.

    They were about to face entirely new struggles.

    But at least they would be together.

    TAG: No one?
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