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Story Non Star Wars One Sentence Challenge 2023 Story Thread

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by devilinthedetails , Oct 14, 2023.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Non Star Wars One Sentence Challenge 2023 Thread where Non Star Wars stories written for the 2023 One Sentence Challenge can be posted:D

    We are excited to have you join the thread as writers, readers, and reviewers[face_dancing]

    As a quick reminder of the ground rules, please adhere to the following guidelines when posting your One Sentence Non Star Wars stories!

    The Posting Rules It’s Super Important You Read Before Posting Your Stories:

    Due to the unique one-sentence format of this challenge, there have been special posting rules made for this challenge as a courtesy to the fanfiction community to avoid clutter. That is why it is very important that all participants in this challenge read this section before posting and comply with these rules when posting their entries.

    1. Once this challenge starts, I will post threads in both the Star Wars and non Star Wars sections of these boards for people to post their stories. The Star Wars thread will be for Star Wars entries, and the non Star Wars thread for all non Star Wars entries.

    2. I will post the links to each of those threads in this one once the challenge begins so that it is easy for all readers and writers to find those threads from this one.

    3. Writers are limited to one post per day with one sentence challenge responses, so if you wrote seven one sentence stories in one day, simply compile them all in one post, and post to the appropriate thread.

    4. All entries for the One Sentence Challenge should be posted in those respective threads unless you already have a multi-story thread in existence in which you can post your entries.

    5. The most important point is that no new threads apart from the Star Wars and non Star Wars ones I make may be created for this challenge.

    6. If you believe your situation warrants an exception to the above rules (i.e. if you’ve made a longer story consisting of a bunch of single sentences you’d like to make its own thread), please contact me for approval prior to posting.

    Thank you for your consideration! Happy writing and reading[:D]
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  2. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Mod Deleted - see note below.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2023
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    @amidalachick =D= Great to read a great insight about even small birds having claws and excellent also setting the scene of Sansa watching the sparrows.
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  4. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    @amidalachick - I am so, so sorry to say this, but George R.R. Martin is very much anti-fanfiction, so all Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire content is on our disallowed works list. (But I loved your sentences, and hated to delete them - especially your Sansa one. That's our girl. [face_love]) If you would like to edit your post with another sentence, please feel free to do so! [:D]
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: Veela

    Molly Weasley; Bill Weasley; Fleur Delacour.

    Harry Potter

    Romance; Family.

    Summary: Molly's thoughts on first realizing that Fleur is interested in her eldest son.


    Molly felt a red-hot surge of disapproval as she noticed that blonde-haired Beauxbatons Champion, who surely must have Veela blood flowing in her veins as The Daily Prophet had so archly speculated, eyeing Bill’s fanged earring with interest, because no decent young lady could be attracted to such a hideous adornment that she had been urging her eldest son to remove for years.

    Title: Dragons

    Molly Weasley; Charlie Weasley.

    Harry Potter

    Family; General.

    Summary: Molly's second son is more interested in dragons than girls.


    Molly had always known that Charlie would never marry because he was too in love with his dragons.

    Title: Law and Order

    Characters: Molly Weasley; Percy Weasley; Audrey (name taken from the Weasley Family Tree released by JK Rowling).

    Fandom: Harry Potter

    Genres: Romance; Family.

    Summary: Molly is satisfied that Percy has met his match.

    Law and Order

    Molly was delighted when Percy brought Audrey to dinner at the Burrow because in the self-possessed and eloquent barrister, Percy had finally found someone who was as passionate about maintaining law and order as he was.

    Title: Yule Ball

    Characters: Molly Weasley; Fred Weasley; Angelina Johnson.

    Fandom: Harry Potter.

    Genres: Romance; Family.

    Summary: Molly learns Fred invited Angelina to the Yule Ball.

    Yule Ball

    Molly was so proud when Fred wrote to her that he had plucked up the courage to ask his Quidditch teammate, Angelina Johnson, to the Yule Ball.

    Title: Wedding Tears

    Characters: Molly Weasley; George Weasley; Fred Weasley; Angelina Johnson.

    Fandom: Harry Potter.

    Genres: Romance; Family; Angst.

    Summary: Molly has damp eyes at George's wedding.

    Wedding Tears

    Molly had tears shining like diamonds in her eyes when Angelina and George exchanged their vows because not only was George getting married, but Fred was dead and buried beneath a lonely gravestone.

    Title: A Good Influence

    Characters: Molly Weasley; Ron Weasley; Hermione Granger.

    Fandom: Harry Potter.

    Genres: Romance; Family; Friendship.

    Summary: Molly is confident that Hermione will be a good influence on her last son.

    A Good Influence

    Upon first meeting her, Molly was convinced that Hermione Granger would have a good, steadying influence on Ron, because the girl seemed to have a sharp head on her shoulders and a no-nonsense demeanor that would make her a strong voice for reason when Ron was tempted to get his nose into mischief at Hogwarts.

    Title: Chosen One

    Characters: Molly Weasley; Harry Potter; Ginny Weasley.

    Fandom: Harry Potter.

    Genres: Romance; Family.

    Summary: Molly has an instant urge to mother a lost boy.

    Chosen One

    When Molly first met Harry Potter, she didn’t know that he was the Chosen One because his unruly black hair concealed his scar, nor did she know that he would one day marry her only daughter; all she knew was that he was a polite boy who looked lost and in need of mothering.
    Kahara, pronker, Seldes_Katne and 2 others like this.
  6. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    Title: And They Danced
    Fandom: Disney's Robin Hood (1973)
    Narrator: Alan-a-Dale (the Rooster)

    And They Danced

    "Now, most folks know it's not the done thing to upstage the bride and groom at their own wedding reception, but when Little John and Lady Kluck took the floor, well--Robin and Marian were not about to get in their way."
    Kit', Kahara, Findswoman and 7 others like this.
  7. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    @Pandora I don't look in at NSWFF all that often, but I am delighted that I did so today because Disney's Robin Hood has been one of my favorite movies since childhood, and upon reading this I can instantly see those scenes where Little John and Lady Kluck were dancing, and nope, not even Robin and Marian are going to get in their way :p Thank you for this little jewel of nostalgia! I'm going to have to go watch Robin Hood again now :D
  8. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    I second everything Gabri said, @Pandora! That was absolutely DELIGHTFUL and I am smiling such a smile now! :D (I love your new avatar for much the same reason, as well. [face_love])

    @devilinthedetails - Your Molly set was a fantastic look at a mother's love for all of her children. [face_love]
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
  9. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    For a first offering from me, I am happy to share (with thanks to @ViariSkywalker for the prompts! :*) this little foray into the fandom of Once Upon a Time. (You can read these as canon compliant, or as part of a vague post-Season 3a AU, as they were most certainly intended. [face_mischief])


    "True as It Can Be"
    (Once Upon a Time)


    Snow fell, hushed from the pewter-grey skies above, and David Nolan was so taken by his wife’s flushed cheeks and glittering eyes – Snow in the snow – that he entirely missed her raised hand – armed and sweetly dangerous – before a shock of cold broke over his chest, stunning him completely.


    Belle wasn’t entirely convinced that the spider was a bespelled former maid, but – just in case Rumpelstiltskin meant his jape true – she nudged the unfortunate creature into the palm of her hand, determined to find a corner of the castle where it could spin to its heart’s content.


    It was a different time and a different place – and the both of them different people, besides – but there was familiarity enough when Tink ordered the lone pirate at the bar another round and wryly toasted, “to happy endings,” once more.


    “You still spin?” his son asked, nodding at the wheel – awkward and guarded where, once, he’d been the boy’s entire world, even when he had nothing of that same world to give – and Rumpelstiltskin tightened his grip over his cane to hide the way his hands trembled, nodding mutely.


    Henry Mills liked to consider himself an expert on fairy tales – and every story ever told said that the way his dad smiled at his mom, and his mom hesitantly smiled back, meant that happily ever after wasn’t quite done with their family yet.

    ~MJ @};-
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
  10. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Perfect, no notes.

    Okay, maybe just a few notes to say that Disney's Robin Hood was also one of my favorites growing up and still holds a special place in my heart, and this was a delightful surprise to stumble upon. [face_love]


    @Mira_Jade HOW VERY DARE YOU

    ( :* )

    These two are so adorable, I can't stand it. :D

    OMG OF COURSE SHE DID [face_love]



    Henry knows what's up. [face_mischief] [face_tee_hee] Look at those Swanfire feels... [face_love]

    You sneak, you're trying to suck me back into OUaT, aren't you?

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    @Mira_Jade -- =D= excellent settings with so many different tones and moods. :cool:
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    So glad to see this thread taking off[face_dancing]

    @Pandora Your sentence made me chuckle and put such a smile on my face I tell you. Well done!=D=

    @Mira_Jade Thank you so much for the kind words about my collection of Molly sentences![:D] I really wanted to look at how Molly loved all her children (and those who became her children through marriages) because despite her temper she truly is a great example of the power of maternal love, and it was so nice to be able to offer a little tribute to that here!

    I must confess that I have only seen a very scattered smattering of Once Upon a Time episodes over the years, so I am not super familiar with the fandom, but I enjoyed all your sentences anyway from my position of ignorance;)

    In particular, I was drawn to the phrasing "Snow in the snow" and the mental image of Belle finding a corner of the castle where the spider could spin to its hearts content whether or not it is a bespelled former maid.

    And the last sentence truly warmed my heart with a feeling of true love and happily ever after[face_love]

    Title: Wet Blanket

    Characters: Puddleglum; Eustace Scrubb; Jill Pole.

    Fandom: Narnia

    Genres: Humor; Friendship; Character Study.

    Summary: Puddleglum doesn't see himself as a wet blanket.

    Wet Blanket

    Puddleglum never quite understood why Scrubb and Pole seemed to regard him as a wet blanket when among his own people he was considered almost indecently merry and frolicsome.

    Title: Disappeared

    Characters: Tumnus; Lucy Pevensie.

    Fandom: Narnia

    Genres: Friendship; Drama; Angst.

    Summary: Tumnus in the aftermath of Lucy's disappearance.


    Tumnus grieved when Lucy and her siblings disappeared on a hunt for the mythical White Stag near the same lamppost where she had first arrived in Narnia as a little girl.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
    Kahara, pronker, Seldes_Katne and 2 others like this.
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    @devilinthedetails ... =D= on Tumnus' caring for Lucy. His friendship with her is how it all started. :) And [face_laugh] Puddleglum is definitely merry for a Marsh wiggle :p
    Kahara and devilinthedetails like this.
  14. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    [Thanks for the comments, everyone! I will reply at further length soon. But for now...]


    Title: Ooops
    Fandom: Blackadder [specifically Blackadder II episode "Money"]
    Summary: "Repayment--or Revenge."


    As the monk approached him with an amused chuckle (oh dear ****, that amused and terrible chuckle!), Bunnie remembered the exact wording of that fine print when he had filled out his loan forms--and that he had indeed known what the consequences were for defaulting on any student loan taken out from the Bank of the Black Monks of St. Herod.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
  15. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    @Pandora - I am unfamiliar with your fandom, but between the title of Ooops and the sentence itself, that gave me quite the dark little chuckle. [face_tee_hee] =D=

    And for a few replies . . .

    Aw, thank you! [:D]

    You know, that always means just as much to me, knowing that you're ready to dive into a fandom you're unfamiliar with! (And OUaT is so much fun - even if I tend to check-out midway through Season 3, myself - and something I bet would be right up your alley. [face_love])

    And, speaking of approaching fandoms from a position of ignorance, Narnia yet remains quite the gap in my nerdy wheelhouse, but I have to say that I loved Wet Blanket. I needed no prior knowledge; that was just a great bit of universal story telling all on its own! =D= [face_love]

    [face_batting] [face_devil] :*


    Because she would! Belle is my favorite Disney princess anyway, and I just loved her in OUaT before things got . . . weird - bad weird, you know, and not campy-good-weird. :oops:


    RIGHT??? I just wanted everything from TPTB about this very large, very complicated family tree (and Rumple and Neal, in particular) learning how to be a family, and then go on crazy family adventures together as a family . . . apparently, that was too much to ask. :p

    *ugly cries* we could have had it aaaaaaaaaalll . . . */cries*


    Maaaaaaybe . . . is it working? [face_mischief] [face_batting] [:D]

    Now, for a few more sentences from me . . .

    "Down Below and Up Above"
    (Hadestown, post-finale)​


    That year, she walked barefoot through the fields until the last days of summer – coaxing seed to sprout for harvest and sickle and table – and hummed an old song as she worked, letting her own heart crown with gold, ripe for the reaping to match.


    As the autumn neared, her song was joined all the more so by an echoing refrain – rumbling through the ground that still connected them to kiss the soles of her feet, and pulsing like a shared heartbeat, alive to continue the cycle once more.


    A chill whispered through the air, but instead of threatening with winter, it merely promised a season of rest for the earth – and rebirth for its daughter in the cold and dark and deep – so much so that Persephone quite agreed: “Soon, lover; soon, I’ll be home.”

    ~ MJ @};-
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
  16. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Title: Lovers of Toussaint
    Author: Jordan1Kenobi
    Fandom: The Witcher
    Genre: Romance, Fantasy
    Characters: Triss Merigold, Geralt of Rivia
    Timeline: Blood and Wine climax

    On a beautiful evening among the orchids of Corvo Bianco, Triss Merigold sat, wine in hand, gazing upon the picturesque landscape of Toussaint as the rich sunlight illuminated her rose-red hair, and the soft breeze made it flutter ever so slightly, creating a fiery display; all the while Geralt of Rivia looked on proudly, then whispered “I love you” under his breath.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Title: A Standout
    Fandom: LOTR

    Bilbo's longing for adventure was something his relatives could not quite grasp; the adventures he went on however proved the adage: be careful what you wish for.

    ( [face_laugh] )

    Title: All The Tomorrows

    Fandom: Star Trek

    Audrey was prepared to think Jim was just flirting and flattering as per usual; but something in the way he teased her, shared his views on matters, asked for her genuine input, made her realize there was an underlying trust and respect alongside the undeniable attraction, which frankly, went both ways.
  18. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    This made me chuckle, I just love it! :p =D=

    And today's humble offering from my pen . . .

    Title: "like a force to be reckoned with"
    Fandom: Firefly

    Ma Cobb had raised her boy better than this: and that’s why Jayne thrust out the brightly colored hat he'd knit for the addlepated moonbeam River and gruffly said, “here; ’is for you.”
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
    Kahara, pronker, Gabri_Jade and 3 others like this.
  19. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I believe that Tumnus cared deeply about his friend Lucy and so would have been devastated and grief-stricken when she and her siblings disappeared so unexpectedly. It must have been hard for him to lose her without a chance to say goodbye, and her friendship with him is indeed how it all started. And their meeting at the lamppost is one of the most iconic scenes and moments in Narnia[face_love] Puddleglum is indeed a merry fellow by Marsh-Wiggle standards, but Marsh-Wiggle standards tend toward the very bleak and dour[face_laugh]

    And, yes, Bilbo's adventures do indeed prove the truth of that adage about being careful what you wish for[face_rofl]

    You also do a great job building the sense of trust and respect between Audrey and Jim in a single sentence that is very sweet to read@};-

    @Pandora I love the "Oops" and the Bank of the Black Monks of St. Herod does indeed sound like an institution one would not want to be indebted to. Oops indeed! Well done=D=

    @Mira_Jade Once Upon a Time would indeed probably be right up my alley since I love fantasy and fairy tales and creative twists on fairy tales! And I'm so flattered that you enjoyed "Wet Blanket" even though you aren't familiar with the Narnia fandom and found it to be a great bit of universal storytelling all on its own. [face_blush]

    And with your Hadestown sentences, you did a fantastic job evoking the vibes and feelings of autumn and harvest time. "Coaxing seed to sprout for harvest and sickle and table" was such a magnificent description and painted such a vivid picture in my mind. In "Life," I can really hear the song, which sounds hauntingly beautiful to me. "Death" does a great job of capturing that feeling of the chill in the air but associates that chill with a needed period of rest and rebirth.

    And with Ma Cobb, I could get such a strong sense of her character and how she thinks and feels that I was truly in awe. You gave her such a powerful voice.

    @Jordan1Kenobi What a poetic description of a romantic moment! You were able to say so much in one sentence[face_love]

    Title: Lucy

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; Lucy Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Drama.

    Summary: In which Susan names her daughter.


    When Susan married and gave birth to a daughter, she named her Lucy in honor of the sister she had lost in a train crash years ago.

    Title: Train

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; Lucy Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Drama.

    Summary: In which Susan is a protective mother.


    Susan never permitted her daughter to board a train because she was terrified of her child meeting the same fate as her namesake.

    Title: Golden Age

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Mush; Fluff.

    Summary: In which Susan tells her daughter bedtime stories of Narnia.

    Golden Age

    At bedtime, Susan told her daughter stories of Narnia’s Golden Age and the triumph four siblings had attained over the White Witch until both their faces shone bright as Aslan’s mane.

    Title: Faun

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; OC; Mr. Tumnus.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Friendship; Drama; Fluff; Mush.

    Summary: In which Susan’s daughter draws a picture of a faun.


    Susan felt such a surge of pride and sorrow as she hung a drawing of a faun her daughter had sketched based on descriptions of Mr. Tumnus from the refrigerator door with a ladybug magnet.

    Title: Countryside Romp

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; Lucy Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Drama; Fluff; Mush.

    Summary: In which Susan remembers countryside romps in Narnia with her sister.

    Countryside Romp

    Whenever Susan picked a rainbow of wildflowers in a meadow or splashed with her daughter in a river, she would remember the countryside romps she and her sister had once enjoyed together in Narnia.

    Title: Lipstick and Nylons

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Drama; Fluff; Mush.

    Summary: In which Susan’s daughter takes an interest in lipstick and nylons.

    Lipstick and Nylons

    As her daughter grew, Susan did not reproach or shame her for taking an interest in lipstick and nylons; just taught her how to properly apply lipstick and assured her she looked beautiful with or without lipstick and nylons.

    Title: Wardrobe

    Characters: Susan Pevensie; OC.

    Fandom: Narnia.

    Genres: Family; Drama; Fluff; Mush.

    Summary: In which Susan’s daughter has a question about wardrobes.


    When her daughter asked why she had never found her own path to Narnia through the back of a wardrobe, Susan explained that you could never predict how you would get to Narnia and that you could never reach Narnia the same way twice.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent glimpses of Susan with her daughter: the poignancy of naming her after Lucy, avoiding boarding trains, balanced with the lighter happier moments. =D=
    Kahara and devilinthedetails like this.
  21. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Loving all the entries! Not sure I can get through all of them but...

    Not familiar with the fandom but I love the poetic descriptions of his romantic scene!
    And we all know how those adventures turned out :p

    That tone of voice says it all, really.

    @devilinthedetails I found the entries of Susan's daughter really interesting. Been a while since I've been into Narnia.
    And this is some very good parenting!

    Okay here I go for my entry. Some of you already know where this is going to be about; and for those who don't, you will soon find out and there's no turning back :p

    Title: No cats were harmed in the drowning of Númenor
    Author: gizkaspice
    Fandom: Tolkien/LOTR
    Characters: Sauron and cats
    Timeline: Second Age

    Sauron had succeeded in convincing the Númenóreans to make war against Valinor and surely this would cause their downfall so he could fill Númenor with more cats instead of humans and then the island would be called Nú-MEOW-nor and his cat servants would set up their own unique mitten businesses; unfortunately, in his victory, little did he know that the island was suddenly entirely flooded with water and killed all its inhabitants, except, of course, all the cats who safely escaped in their little tuna-shaped submarines just in the nick of time and settled elsewhere in Middle-earth.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    Kahara, pronker, Mira_Jade and 2 others like this.
  22. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Hope it's okay for another post...this is all I got for now, honest! :p
    : Visitors in the Throne room
    Author: gizkaspice
    Fandom: Tolkien/LOTR: The Rings of Power
    Characters: Halbrand/Sauron and cats
    Timeline: Second Age

    It was at Queen Regent Míriel’s Throne room in Númenor when a mother cat and her 3 kittens suddenly stumbled inside while Galadriel rolled her eyes at the cat stuff that was about to unfold because Halbrand started talking--which was always a bad thing because the guy had an uncanny obsession with cats--and he said: “Lo, Queen of Númenor, behold, this poor cat mother, homeless and unwanted, appears before you with her children to seek your help and, yet, we just stand here and do nothing about it and let their paws get cold---for crying out loud, can somebody give them some food and cute hand-woven mittens for their adorable little feetsies!?”
  23. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    A friendly general reminder: there are two more days left to post your single sentence non Star Wars stories, everyone, as we come into the home stretch of this event=D=

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for reading and commenting![:D] I'm so glad that you found the single sentences glimpses into Susan as a parent so excellent! It felt right for me that Susan would name her daughter after her lost sister Lucy, and that Susan would have fears about her daughter boarding trains given all the loved ones she lost in a train accident, but at the same time, I could imagine Susan finding many lighter moments of joy as a mother, and I am so glad both those aspects resonated with you!

    @gizkaspice Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my Narnia sentences despite it being a little while since you visited Narnia:D I'm so happy to hear that you found the entries on Susan's daughter so interesting, and that you felt Susan showed good parenting skills! I like to imagine that Susan the Gentle could one day make a great mother to her own daughter!

    What a wonderfully nefarious scheme that had me cackling[face_rofl]

    What a marvelously ironic ending! [face_laugh]

    This was perfect and made me grin such a grin!
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    A Very Important Announcement from Your Friendly Challenge Hostess:

    It is now past midnight on November 15th, 2023. The deadline for submitting your single sentence Non Star Wars stories has passed.

    This thread will, however, remain open for reading and for offering glowing reviews to all our magnificent authors.

    When you have finished reading and reviewing the single sentence stories in this thread, I highly recommend that you cast your votes for your favorites.

    For full details on how to vote for your favorites, please consult this post in the main One Sentence Challenge thread over in Resource. Thank you!
    Kahara, Mira_Jade and Findswoman like this.
  25. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    St. Herod blew me away! Love Blackadder in all his iterations.[face_rofl][face_rofl]