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OB1 Anni Duel End or middle of the movie?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Super_Ska_Master, Jul 14, 2002.

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  1. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    I was thinking Anni's gotta become Vader to kill all the jedi, he needs to duel with OB1 to get injuried and get some new threads. So i was just wondering what all of you in Star Wars Land thought.

    My very 1st topic! I amaze even myself!
  2. Adi_Gallia_9

    Adi_Gallia_9 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 16, 2001
    It has to be at the end. George said that Anakin would be Anakin, not Vader, for the majority of the movie. Therefore the duel that makes Anakin Vader has to be near the end. Personally, I think that's great. This duel is going to be one of the highlights of SW and it should be saved and used to create a dramatic finish.
  3. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    Just so everyone knows, i'm not new to Star Wars, i liked it since i was a wee lad, although i am newcomer to this here forum. So post some answers and make my day.

    i actually ruined star wars for a girl cause she only saw ep 1 and 2 hahaha i told her anni would become vader and she look at me with disbelief and said "Thanks for runining it!"
  4. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    Your insight is apperciated! Infact I think i am a little wiser now
  5. Vaderbait

    Vaderbait Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 26, 2001
    I dunno, logic says it'll be at the end, but not at the end end, you know? Like ESB, where it's at the end...but there is still a bit of action afterwards, whereas the rest are really short resolutions with no action. (Well, with the exception of ROTJ, but that was really only a few seconds of one big explosion).
  6. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    Oh I hear ya Vaderbait, sounds good, When I said middle of the Movie i meant like the Duel in ANH but the ESB way seems best
  7. Adi_Gallia_9

    Adi_Gallia_9 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 16, 2001
    I agree Vaderbait. The duel does need to occur near the end, but there needs to be falling action after it. Palpatine's power needs to be firmly cemented, the children need to be hidden and Yoda and Obi-Wan need to go into exile. But I view the duel as the climax of Ep. 3.

    S_S_M, I know how you feel. I ruined LotR for one of my friends. She was upset about Gandalf, and I said something I don't want to repeat here for fear of ruining it for someone else. :) But I don't get those people who've never seen ANH, ESB, and RotJ. It's part of our culture! ;)

    MYMUTHAZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 17, 2001
    it can still be at the end. he doesn't have to have all his crap on to be vader.
    here's what i mean....anakin kills dooku and his turn is complete. he kill him out of anger because he thinks he's responsible for padme's death(or something). he joins palpatine, who reveals himself as a sith lord to anakin, and anakin becomes the next apprentice. now he's "Darth Vader". he kills a bunch of jedi, Obi-Wan and Yoda are all that is left. Obi kicks his azz, and he gets all his "crap"
    hey it could happen!
  9. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    Well my question is sure answered. And it will be the duel to end all duels, we can all agree on that!

    Adi_Gallia_9, it amazes me how nearly every girl I talk to hasnt seen the OT. With the exception of my sister and another girl I know. infact this one girl i went out with, i was going to make her watch all the star wars with me cause she never saw them, but we broke up soon after, but thats another story! haha :p
  10. Adi_Gallia_9

    Adi_Gallia_9 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 16, 2001
    This girl has definately seen the OT. And quite a few times at that. ;) Everyone looks at me oddly though, once they find out I'm a SW fan. Girls traditionally aren't supposed to be into sci-fi.
  11. Fingorfin

    Fingorfin Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 7, 2001
    Looks like you may have found a new friend, Adi_Gallia_9. Better watch out for him. ;)
  12. DarkAnd23

    DarkAnd23 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 8, 2002
    they should actually make it a 15 minute fight and make it visually cool and very emotional music
  13. Adi_Gallia_9

    Adi_Gallia_9 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 16, 2001
    LOL Fingorfin. :)
  14. That_Wascally_Droid

    That_Wascally_Droid Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 29, 2001
    I'm saying at the start of the last part. And it's gotta be great because it's the centerpeice of the entire PT.

    THE_DOODE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 3, 2001
    there's almost no way the duel will be 15 full minutes...

    unless they have a little tea party beforehand
  16. Super_Ska_Master

    Super_Ska_Master Jedi Youngling

    Jul 14, 2002
    Oh i thought the tea party was a given. heres how i see it: anakin is pacing nervously in the waiting room, and then the twins pop out of padme...but they're GUNGANS! This sends anakin in rage, 1st he kills jar jar for having his way with padme then obi wan tries to clam him down and hes right about to slice obi wans head off until he watch goes off! Uh oh! Tea time! So they sit and discuss current events then when all the crumpets have been eaten, the fight of the century ensues!
  17. Ben_Max

    Ben_Max Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 22, 2001
    Who says that Obi-Wan has to be Anakin's first confrontation after turning to the dark side? Maybe around the middle of the movie or so, he turns and immediately starts killing Jedi right and left. Then Obi-Wan goes to confront him after the Jedi hunt has begun. Then you have the destruction of the Jedi beginning and have the Obi-Wan and Anakin duel which will result in Darth Vader coming for the end. If I remember correctly (and I'm VERY sure I do), James Earl Jones has said that George told him that he'll need his voice for the last five minutes of the movie.
  18. Scruffy-looking

    Scruffy-looking Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2002
    I'm guessing that the duel will be near the end, but it should be noted that if this is the case, all we can expect to see of the black-suited Vader is a few shots towards the end. A short appearence of Vader in Ep 3 doesn't seem to fit with what we know of James Earl Jones having recorded dialogue for Ep 3. (Is this a spoiler? ?[face_plain])

    More screen time for Vader/JLJ = Earlier duel in the movie


    Edit: Oops, should have read the preceeding post more carefully. Sorry Ben-Max! :)
  19. Pooja

    Pooja Jedi Knight star 6

    May 25, 2002
    It would just be weird to have the climactic battle in the middle.
  20. Scruffy-looking

    Scruffy-looking Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2002
    It would be different, but it wouldn't be unprecedented. I just thought of a movie that might parallel such a move: RoboCop.

    The main character is 'killed' relatively early in the movie, then transformed into RoboCop, where he begins a quest to find out what happened to his prior life and to avenge it. Something similar could happen in Ep 3: in the middle, Obi-Wan 'kills' Anakin, who is left for dead, then resurrected by Sidious (whether we see it on screen or not is up in the air). After the transformation, the new Vader is going on a rampage, wiping out Jedi left and right, and the final climax of the movie shows Vader taking on Obi-Wan again, or if you prefer Mace and/or Yoda (I'm pretty sure Vader is the one who kills Mace; anyone else and Samuel L. Jackson goes out like a "punk" ;))

    Now, all the other Star Wars movies do not have an Act I/Act II structure, but it could work for Ep 3.

  21. jrdui3

    jrdui3 Jedi Youngling

    Jul 18, 2002
    Here a thought. There has been this theme in the prequels of two Jedi taking on one. I was thinking: Obi-Wan and Mace v. Anakin.
    I always figured that by Episode III that Anakin had become the most powerful Jedi, and it would take two extremely powerful Jedi to defeat him. Anakin kills Mace, Obi-Wan out of vengeance strikes Anakin into the lava pit-or whatever. Remember in Episode II when Obi-Wan and Mace are fighting in the arena, back-to-back, perhaps that was foreshadowing.
  22. Emperor_Billy_Bob

    Emperor_Billy_Bob Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Aug 9, 2000
    Maybe I am just using wishful thinking here but I can totally see Anakin charging through the Jedi Temple, using both his Blue and New Sith Improved Red saber, cutting Jedi down left and right. Slowly you hear the ignition of two sabers. Anakin glances over and sees Mace Windu with two sabers of his own. They then proceed to go at for about 2-3 minutes, Windu loses his head and Anakin continues on. Anakin somehow loses his blue saber, and then Anakin vs. Obi-Wan blue on red. Not too bad of a climax.

    AERYN_SUN Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 1, 2001
    if there is a duel, which there most likely be, i would rather be in the middle of the movie. b/c then we see obi-wan's reaction, to have killed his apprentice and best friend, then suddennly given the responsiblity to hide padme/anakin's children.

    there is no way gl could not expand on that point. everyone wants to know. theoretically, we all know the twins are seperated and where they end up, but still, i think it would have more impact if we actually got to see it on-screen.

    plus, if he ended it right after the duel, it would leave a wide gap for the sw fanfic writers to play with. which isn't necessarily a bad thing, i love writing about ep. iii but still, i want to know.
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