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Andor Official "Andor" Series Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Outsourced, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Depens how isolated Ferrix is and how far away from the core worlds like Corucant it is. Tatooine seems to have had Jedi come to Tatooine before. So maybe they know what a Jedi is.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2022
  2. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    9-year old Anakin was also living during a high point of official Jedi activity...

    Also, different communities across the galaxy have different experiences. Perhaps Ferrix and the surrounding systems Andor has visited just haven't had much interaction with Jedi, whereas Tatooine happens to have had an unusual (and memorable) number of Jedi visits in its past, thus leading to Anakin knowing a little about them?

    All kinds of ways that this makes sense.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2022
    jc1138 likes this.
  3. IG-42

    IG-42 Jedi Knight star 2

    Oct 30, 2022
    I would argue most everyone have heard of the Jedi. Their order was very powerful, but individually they are formidable also. Now, one may certainly assume they are more myth than real, but unless you are in some remote planet that has no trade or visitors, I think people will know of the Jedi.

    But it's fine, leaving that entire aspect of Star Wars out of this show. I'm very cool with it.
    Riv_Shiel likes this.
  4. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Season 2 we might have Cassian Andor learn of the Jedi to connect with Rogue One.
    cwustudent likes this.
  5. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Well, yeah. Once connected to Mon, etc.
  6. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Yeah that too, i talk about he knows of the jedi in Rogue One. Bail might mention his Jedi allies.
    whostheBossk likes this.
  7. Riv_Shiel

    Riv_Shiel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2014
    Or he just read the dossier on Jedha.
    Bor Mullet and Mostly Handless like this.
  8. Mostly Handless

    Mostly Handless Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2017
    Found this post about the costumes on Reddit. It’s an interesting read. :)

    whostheBossk likes this.
  9. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    Wait is it established that no one on Ferrix knows about the jedi? I think we haven't heard a thing about them. But why would they mention jedi when they are all dead? It seems fully possible they know, but have no reason to care. Why would they? I think it requires no explanation whatsoever.

    Anakin did listen to deep space pilots and believe things they said. I think many would consider tales of jedi in action as nonsense as Han Solo did. Anakin took them seriously and they happened to be real.

    I wonder if Cassian Andor with his friends from Ferrix and Narkina 5 bring some warmness, loyalty and companionship to Luthen's rebellion that is now surely missing because of Luthen using methods of his enemy to be as effective as possible. This was interesting conflict in this show. It also shows in relationship of Vel and Cinta. Rebellion interferes with their relationship in major way. Sure Cassian still works in Luthen's way in Rogue One, but he hesitates to kill Galen.

    It is also central source of conflict in Star Wars due to attachment being route to the dark side. But it's also a problem why jedi failed. They lost connection to the galactic citizens and their problems. However they also became attached to the Republic system and overlooked the blatant corruption in it. I think there is still many great stories to be told from Star Wars and Andor was one of the best Star Wars stories ever. Love it!
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
    Mostly Handless, Sarge and AusStig like this.
  10. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
  11. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    But of course.
  12. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
  13. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    That's good!
  14. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018

    Thats little sad, he wont be coming back.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
  15. ewoksimon

    ewoksimon Chosen One star 5

    Oct 26, 2009
    So there's obviously a bit of a checklist for season 2 in terms of leading into Rogue and ANH, some of which I'm ambivalent about, but there are other elements that intrigue me. I figure Bail Organa will factor in at some point next season, and I really hope we get a fuller dimension to him rather than just a secondary supporting role.
  16. cwustudent

    cwustudent Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2011
    Bittersweet. I wish another show in this time-period (Dark Times) was coming to fill the gap, IU and OOU. What I really want is twelve more episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi that overlap with Andor. A live-action Journey To A New Hope initiative; and if it works, go past ANH.
    Fredrik Vallestrand likes this.
  17. The Regular Mustache

    The Regular Mustache Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    Indeed. Now that you mention it, what will be on that check list? Off the top of my head here's what I've got:

    The introduction of K2SO
    Cassian meeting Mon Mothma
    The Ghorman massacre
    Mon speaking out about the massacre and going on the run
    Bringing in Bail Organa,
    Explaining how Saw Gerrera was injured?
    Formation of the Rebel Alliance and Yavin IV
    Possibly a Krennic appearance?
    Cassian ending up on that planet he's on when we're first introduced to him in Rogue One
    Possibly a Princess Leia reference?
    More stuff with Luthen and his crew
    More Mon Mothma stuff
  18. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    This was good. I like how the incident on Ferix went down

    it wasn't a triumph it was a massacre. Which is pretty realistic. Survival and escape was the victory.
    Darth__Lobot likes this.
  19. Riv_Shiel

    Riv_Shiel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2014
    These are the only one's I think are required.
    AusStig likes this.
  20. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Aldo how Saw Gerrera was so mutch damaged to be like Darth Vader.
  21. Riv_Shiel

    Riv_Shiel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2014
    Do you think that is REQUIRED in Cassian's story, though? It isn't hard to imagine, and Saw doesn't need to be focused on. I'd like to see how he really breaks from Mon Mothma's faction, but I also think that if he didn't appear again in Andor, that would be a perfectly acceptable story choice.
    Sarge and AusStig like this.
  22. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    I have a feeling they will show us what happens to Saw. Injured by an explosion during an escape, I bet.

    That would necessitate a timeline placement after his appearance in Rebels season four, of course. Which should be doable.
    But now that I think about it, maybe they won't go there.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022
    Fredrik Vallestrand likes this.
  23. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Not when he has already made an appearance, and is to have a big part moving forward. And this a direct prequel to Rogue One. Its why I also think Krennic will appear. Last few episodes of Andor Season 2, Saw's near death.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022
    cwustudent and Bor Mullet like this.
  24. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I agree that Saw needs to be part of this, since Andor's mission in RO was directly connected to Saw. Not that he needs to be in focus in every episode. Besides Saw is great character to follow.

    I hope next season shows more rebel missions like Aldhani Heist. I really like this idea of team of rebels having a clear, but bold plan, then something unexpected happens and we see how they manage. Simple yet effective way to build war stories I really think we need more in Star Wars. Clear missions, well-planned yet still hazardous missions, with different locations, different teams, imperial enemies that are not all easy to defeat. Aldhani heist had one thing I didn't like though, it was a lack of aliens. I think Rebels should have some alien member or two like Chewie was there in OT. I think Pao for example would be great to see more in action and he was one of Cassian's own men in Rogue One. Or give us something like this alien duo from Rogue One concept art:
  25. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Saw’s crew includes Moroff, who can play the role of the huge, lumbering alien on the team. He’s in the background in Andor and RO.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022