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Official *** I've seen the movie, here are my thoughts**** thread

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Missninfan, May 12, 2002.

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  1. Missninfan

    Missninfan Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 6, 2000
    If you've seen the movie, please post your thoughts, reviews, critiques, here. Those who want to ask them questions, may do so.

    There are just too many "I've seen the movie, ask me questions!" threads, so I'm making this the official one.

    Please cut back on posts like "cool" or "nice!" (or other obvious variations) to cut back on the amount of threads people have to go through to actually read something worthwhile. Thanks! :D

    This is simply for reviews or questions of those who have seen the movie!


    Unlocked by request.
  2. Grand_Moff_Jawa

    Grand_Moff_Jawa Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 31, 2001
    How convincing was the CGI Yoda? Was there less CGI than PM or was it handled with more restraint this time? Thanks.
  3. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    Ok... I'm not going to hunt down my review (which is buried deep in here somewhere in some locked thread) and repost it so I will just say:

    I loved it. I loved it all. Loved the dialogue, action, acting, love story, overall story, cgi, setting, planets etc etc etc.

    You name it I loved it.

    Best Star Wars movie yet.

    Before AOTC I was a respectable anti-fanboy but now I have been turned to the dark side. I am now Darth Gusher. :D

  4. DarthLuxor

    DarthLuxor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 20, 2000
    My first Post from my thread
    What a great movie! 1000 times the SW PM was. Worth every penny of the $250 I paid for my ticket!

    Head Coach Mike Shanhan and Pro Bowler Ed McCaffrey from the Denver Bronco were there. I got the local movie reviewer to serve me a donut, but you want to hear about the movie. I won't ruin it, but let you know some general stuff.

    First off the humor was SW humor, with no fart jokes. C3PO has a great scene in the arena to ease the tension classic SW style.

    Second, for those who don't like Jar Jar wait until you see was GL does to him. His bluders in TPM were nothing to the trouble he causes. And he's only there for five minutes.

    Third, Obi-Wan got a big laugh with "Anakin I sense you'll be the death off me."

    Last and greatest there is a big twist ESB style. In the three years on the spoiler board no one even considered it. Classic, as the circle really is complete.

    I loved every minute, but some stuff got cut that disappoints me namely:padme finishing 3PO and Anakin saying "He's Perfect". Also the "Don't call me Ani!" line didn't make it and that sucked.

    You guys won't believe your eyes when you see it! Get back on the bandwagon we'll forgive you.

    My Sixth Post
    Two more things I remembered that bug me.

    After the opening crawl the screen drifts up instead of down. OT purist will hate that.

    Also R2D2 doesn't get shot, but he's been shot in every even number episode. That's against SW tradition.

    My final post before my thread was closed
    Assuming the general ranking for Star Wars films is:
    1. ESB
    2. ANH
    3. ROTJ
    4. TPM
    Where does AOTC fit in?

    All though I throughly loved the movie I'll have to see it afew more times, before I can make that call. In the arena you' could see a hundred thing going on in one shot. Also I may notice story things I didn't before, so it needs to stand the test of time. As of right now it's AOTC, AOTC, AOTC, AOTC, but that is while I'm in my fanboy, just been EII devirginated 3 days early, happy dance joy!
  5. User_Name

    User_Name Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 31, 2002
    Has anyone been able to figure out what the scene is that was supposedly shot last week? You'd think it would've been added for the screenings.
  6. jiabaoyu

    jiabaoyu Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 29, 2000
    To people who've seen the movie...can you also state how the audience reacted throughout the course of the movie? Where/did the crowd cheer/applaud during the movie?

    I'm trying to gauge the general audience's reactions. Thanks! :)
  7. JohnWilliams00

    JohnWilliams00 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2002
    CG Yoda works very well. I was one of the bashers who laughed at the CG Yoda seen in the trailers, but he looks better in the film. There's more shadow and detail in his face, and you'll like the way his ears wiggle just like in ESB. The fighting CG works too.
  8. Adakin

    Adakin Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 11, 2001
    Thoroughly enjoyed it!
    If you don't have tickets go & buy them.
    If you do go and by more!
    you need to see this more than once!
  9. jiabaoyu

    jiabaoyu Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 29, 2000
    There's bashers for CGI Yoda AFTER clips of him was shown?! I didn't know that...I thought he looked AWESOME when I first saw him in the trailers!

    Did the film dispell any other doubts?
  10. IEatPoodoo

    IEatPoodoo Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2000
    I have a couple sets of questions...

    About the Mace vs. Jango fight:

    1. Does Jango set Mace's robe on fire?

    2. Does Mace lose his lightsaber under the reek?

    3. Does Mace force calm the reek?

    About the slaughter scene:

    1. How much is shown?

    2. Is Qui-Gon's voice the only one telling Anakin "no" or is there another? If there is another, is there any clue of who's it is?
  11. JohnWilliams00

    JohnWilliams00 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2002
    Well, the biggest doubt (or one of them) was the fighting Yoda. And I'm not sure if you saw the bootleg Celebration II footage of Yoda fighting, but if you didn't, DON'T. It will be worth it to see Yoda for the first time in the movie. I ruined it a bit because I saw the early Yoda fight footage so many times, which diminishes the effect.
  12. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    You know... I am ashamed to say I can't remember much of what anyone else was doing while I was watching the movie. Screaming or talking or throwing food around me.. shrug. I was so in the moment. As I expressed in an earlier review I was giddy like a little kid watching his favorite movie. :D

    I know I screamed and cried and said "Yeah!!!" a few times.

  13. DarthLuxor

    DarthLuxor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 20, 2000
    For those who have seen it: I hope the jedi starfighter doesn't need that stupid thing to enter hyderdrive. That's not very good if your caught in a bad sitution you need to escape from.
  14. Sabersparx

    Sabersparx Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 7, 2002
    "Last and greatest there is a big twist ESB style. In the three years on the spoiler board no one even considered it. Classic, as the circle really is complete."

    I'm going to PM you, and guess at it. If I don't guess it, that means there is still a spoiler I don't know, and I will be a very happy man.

    You care if I do that? I'm going to anyway because its eating at my insides. So...does this mean that Lucas kept the "big twist" away from even spies and script scalpers, and early press screenings, just to keep it secret?

    I'll post my review in 2 days.

    Oh God its so close.
  15. Darth_Ignant

    Darth_Ignant Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 24, 2001
    1. Does Jango set Mace's robe on fire?

    Yes the bottom of it. MAce jumps out the box to the arena and throws off the cloak

    2. Does Mace lose his lightsaber under the reek?

    He drops it and Jango scrambles for it. Mace pulls it to him quicker, though. WHen Mace cuts off Jango's head, the next, quick shot shows the helmet flying. Maybe I imagined it, but I could swear I saw a blur (the head, presuably) fly out of it.

    3. Does Mace force calm the reek?

    No, but Anakin does.

    About the slaughter scene:

    1. How much is shown?

    We see Anakin cut down three tuckens...not flying heads or limbs

    2. Is Qui-Gon's voice the only one telling Anakin "no" or is there another? If there is another, is there any clue of who's it is?

    QUi-Gon says "Anakin...Anakin!" (sounds just like the Anakin drop! line from TPM. Then a voice says noooo! ANd I think it;s Qui-Gon, but kind of fading away.

    THE_JEDI_MASTER Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 11, 2001
    There's nothing special about the movie, to me its lost some of that noistalgia it use to have.

    What dissappointed me was the dialog, very dry and boreing. There're some holes in the plot as well.


    -Speeder Chase
    -yoda fight
    -loved the clones (saved the movie for me)
    -Tuskin Raider scene


    -Anakin playing on the in the field
    -Anakin and Padme's dialog (all of it)
    -jar jar
    -the very end with Anakins robo arm and Padme
    -poor editing (the movie didnt flow, felt choppy)
  17. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    1. Does Jango set Mace's robe on fire?


    2. Does Mace lose his lightsaber under the reek?

    yes.. or at least near it

    3. Does Mace force calm the reek?


    About the slaughter scene:

    1. How much is shown?

    You see two heads chopped off and it whipes the shot to Yoda as the third is getting hit.


  18. DarthLuxor

    DarthLuxor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 20, 2000
    Go ahead Sabre Sparx, but I don't want to Homer Simpson it for you. I'll try to respond to all PM, but let me know to spoil or not. Also I need to go to bed soon for work tomorrow so hurry if you can't take waiting four days.
  19. MrBNtrl

    MrBNtrl Jedi Youngling

    Jun 5, 1999
    I'm currently ranking this movie above Empire in favorites. That may change but I doubt it. For me, the love story worked. Yes the lines were corny but think back when you were trying to impress someone when you didn't know what you're doing. Sounds just like Anakin. Hayden is great as Anakin...he can look mad and he can be whiny. Now we know where Luke got it. CG Yoda is brilliant....I plan on seeing this movie many many more times.
    Alienware likes this.
  20. JohnWilliams00

    JohnWilliams00 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2002
    I have a couple sets of questions...

    About the Mace vs. Jango fight:

    1. Does Jango set Mace's robe on fire?


    2. Does Mace lose his lightsaber under the reek?


    3. Does Mace force calm the reek?

    Nope, not that I remember. Anakin does, I think, it's hard to tell -- he sneaks up to the Reek slowly, not sure if he was using The Force or not

    About the slaughter scene:

    1. How much is shown?

    2 Tuskens die right in front of your eyes. In less than 2 seconds. The last one, is the famous shot in the trailers....we never see the actual impact, but we get the idea. Also, the whole camp is disturbed like a hornet's nest, so we get the idea that they'll all be dead too.

    2. Is Qui-Gon's voice the only one telling Anakin "no" or is there another? If there is another, is there any clue of who's it is?

    That's the weird thing. Qui-Gon says "NO, Anakin, NOO!!" And then, there's one more final "NOOOO!!" I have no clue who it belongs to. It sounds very deep (like a Tusken Raider scream), but no way could a Tusken Raider scream in English.
  21. Darth_Ignant

    Darth_Ignant Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 24, 2001
    Sorry, Luxor, but it does need the ring for hyperspace, and it looks damn sweet too.
  22. jesscal11

    jesscal11 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 22, 2002
    About the Mace vs. Jango fight:

    1. Does Jango set Mace's robe on fire? Yes

    2. Does Mace lose his lightsaber under the reek? No

    3. Does Mace force calm the reek? No, Anakin does though

    About the slaughter scene:

    1. How much is shown? The death of three tuskens

    2. Is Qui-Gon's voice the only one telling Anakin "no" or is there another? If there is another, is there any clue of who's it is? Sound like a dying tusken to me

  23. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    Well I guess enough of us answered those questions. :D

  24. jiabaoyu

    jiabaoyu Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 29, 2000
    I know one of the biggest complaint for TPM was the pacing and choppy editing (not entirely unwarranted), but THE_JEDI_MASTER's complaint is the first for the pacing of AOTC...does anyone else who've seen it feel the pacing was out of sync anywhere?
  25. Anakin1607

    Anakin1607 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 7, 2002
    I asked this question before, but I'd like a little be more specific answer.

    Do Anakin and Obi-Wan actually cut up droids and Geonosians with their lightsabers or do they spend all their time blocking blaster bolts? The book was unclear.

    How does Padme do fighting wise?
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