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Ok, What is that?

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Wylding, Aug 10, 2002.

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  1. Wylding

    Wylding Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 13, 2000
    There's a figure just to the right of the emperors face at the top of the page. It looks as if there's some kind of lightsaber coming out of her wrist...what is she?

    Edit: I assume it's a her, because she has breasts...
  2. yodafett_77

    yodafett_77 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 25, 2001
    that's Lumiyam she was from the Marvel comics
  3. Wylding

    Wylding Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 13, 2000
    Hmm, that's why I don't recognize her... I've never read the comics. What's her story?
  4. yodafett_77

    yodafett_77 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 25, 2001
    She started out as a romantic interest for Luke, I believe, then they believed her dead, Empire cpatured her, turned her to the darkside, gave her a lightsaber whip thing.. cool character, even better appearance...
  5. Crazy_Vasey

    Crazy_Vasey Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2001
    She looks like some type of funky ninja thingy.
  6. Wylding

    Wylding Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 13, 2000
    That was my reaction too!
  7. Ozzel

    Ozzel TF.N Foreign Book Covers Staff star 5 VIP

    May 14, 2001
    From the Literature Forum FAQ:
    Who is Darth Lumiya/Shira Brie?
    "When the Imperial operative Shira Elan Colla Brie was trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force by Darth Vader, she shed her old name and became the Dark Jedi Lumiya. Shira had infiltrated the Alliance at Vader's orders, in an effort to capture Luke Skywalker. Luke shot Shira's TIE Fighter down, and Shira barely survived. After being fitted with cybernetic implants and healing in a bacta tank, she emerged as the woman known as Lumiya. Lumiya's weapon of choice was not the lightsaber, though, but a new weapon known as the lightwhip. She discovered the lightwhip while searching through an ancient Sith tome during the Battle of Endor. Vader tried to keep her training a secret from Emperor Palpatine, but eventually had to reveal her existence. In order to keep favor with Palpatine, Vader presented Lumiya to the Emperor as a candidate to be one of the Emperor's Hands. This mysterious woman was the leader of a group of Imperial soldiers on Herdessa, where she revealed herself as a Dark Side adept. Following the death of the Empire, Lumiya tried to defeat the New Republic with the help of the alien race known as the Nagai, after training her band on the planet Kinooine. She also tried to use their enemies, the Tofs, in a similar effort. Each time, she was defeated and left for dead, but her incredible strength and cunning allowed her to escape and survive. She was a force that skirted the New Republic, striking when it pleases her against remote locations. She had control of a small fleet of warships, and was supported by a contingent of crimson-armored stormtroopers. It was later discovered that Lumiya had trained the likes of Flint and Carnor Jax, developing their dark powers much the same way Darth Bane trained his progeny: with just two Sith magicians, a master and an apprentice."
    - The Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia
    Lumiya can be found in the Marvel comics, the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine, and Star Wars Gamer #5. Here's her official databank entry.
  8. Mandalore74

    Mandalore74 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 1, 2001
    The only time I see her is when the page loads. Am I still looking at the same top art as you guys? Exar Kun in the lower left and Luke and Mara in the top right? Let me know. Now I am curious.
  9. SaberGiiett7

    SaberGiiett7 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 2, 2002
    Whoever modeled for Nomi Sunriders hot
  10. Ozzel

    Ozzel TF.N Foreign Book Covers Staff star 5 VIP

    May 14, 2001
    Yeah, that's right, Mandalore. On occasion, though, the page will load incorrectly and the back will load on top. Also, dial-up users get a lot more time to look while each image loads.
  11. snarf5181

    snarf5181 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 18, 2002
    Where did it say that lumiya trained Carnor Jax? Was this in a crimson empire? I don't recall (but its been a while since i read them)
  12. Knight1192

    Knight1192 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 5, 2000
    That's just what Nomi looked like on the cover to Dark Lords of the Sith issue 5. If you go to myTales of the Jedi Character Gallery you can see more pics of Nomi and several others as well.
  13. Darth_Kevin

    Darth_Kevin Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 30, 2001

    I'm not positive, but I think how much of the banner you get so see depends on what you have set your screen display resolution to. The lower the resolution, the less of the banner will appear on the top. My resolution is set to 1024X768.

    As I said, I could be wrong.
  14. Darth_Kevin

    Darth_Kevin Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 30, 2001
    On my 21 inch monitor at work, futher to the right of Lumiya is Darth Vader wielding his lightsaber, and to the right of Vader is some eqiupement and a gun.
  15. Darth_Kevin

    Darth_Kevin Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 30, 2001
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