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Amph One Thread To Rule Them All: The Rings of Power, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings & Middle-earth films

Discussion in 'Community' started by -Courtney-, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    ^Because he's Darth Vader, and he can do whatever the hell he wants. :p
  2. Valyn

    Valyn Jedi Master star 8

    Mar 2, 2002
  3. zacparis

    zacparis VIP star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 1, 2003
    Because Darth Vader > Hobbit
  4. Kwenn

    Kwenn Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 30, 2001
    As long as Andy Serkis plays Gollum, I'll watch it. Even if it was directed by...Michael Bay! [face_skull]
  5. Cloned_Sidious

    Cloned_Sidious Jedi Knight star 8

    Oct 14, 2004
    I sure hope this is true.
  6. Darth Dark Helmet

    Darth Dark Helmet Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 27, 1999
    Yup, all this latest news is doing is making New Line move faster to get the movie made without Jackson.
  7. Katana_Geldar

    Katana_Geldar Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Mar 3, 2003
    I hope they put in a female character when they start the script, the entire cast is male.

    And for fangirl, I have a sneaking suspicion that legolas could be put into this film VERY easily. (Bilbo after all talks to Legolas' dad IIRC)
  8. anidanami124

    anidanami124 Jedi Master star 6

    Aug 24, 2002
    He is making it. He's not making it which is it here?

    If he is good for him. If he's not good for him. Really I don't see The Hobbit being better then LOTR. Sure it's a great book. But to me I just don't think it would make a good movie.
  9. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Well, I don't know if its Legolas' father, but Legolas is from Mirkwood, so yes an Orlando Bloom cameo would be very easy to arrange.
  10. Katana_Geldar

    Katana_Geldar Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Mar 3, 2003
    Hobbit is definitely a lot funnier than LOTR. Especially Gandalf's first line after Bilbo says "Good morning"

    "What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning,or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  11. EBSaints

    EBSaints Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 29, 2002
    I was hoping for Quentin Tarantino. Oh well.
  12. GIMER

    GIMER Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 15, 2000

    Sam and Frodo were doing NOTHING before the LOTR. They were content little Hobbits, leading quiet Hobbit lives.

    More likely it would deal with Bilbo, Gandalf, Gollum, and Aragorn.

    I'm excited about getting the Hobbit as a movie. It was always the much more interesting book to me.
  13. Lord Mauly Mall

    Lord Mauly Mall TFN/JC Banner Artist Team star 7 VIP

    Oct 21, 1999
    Wolfgang Peterson should direct The Hobbit and call it The Neverending Hobbit.
  14. Sebulba-X

    Sebulba-X •X C2 C3 MW RSA• star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 11, 2000
    The Hobbits are too boxy...Michael Bay can make them look more realistic in the face of the fanboy firestorm.
  15. Lord Mauly Mall

    Lord Mauly Mall TFN/JC Banner Artist Team star 7 VIP

    Oct 21, 1999

    I'm SO there!
  16. RolandofGilead

    RolandofGilead Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 17, 2001
    Especially since he won't really have all that much to do once the last Pirates movie is out. He could make a cameo in the Hobbit, wash Andy Serkis' car, maybe take out the garbage, or walk Johhny Depp's dogs...
  17. Lestet

    Lestet Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 30, 2006
    Yeah... he seriously needs to be in some good movies. Kingdom of Heaven was the only really good one, and even the critics hated that. His career was crap, went up with LOTR, then went straight back down.
  18. Lord Mauly Mall

    Lord Mauly Mall TFN/JC Banner Artist Team star 7 VIP

    Oct 21, 1999
    You could apply that logic to practically all the actors from LOTR, with the exception of Ian McKellen who is a perpetually employed actor.

    Edit: Oh yeah and the scruffy Hobbit on Lost.
  19. Lestet

    Lestet Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 30, 2006
    Elijah Wood has made some fantastic movies since.

    Er... Viggo Mortensen... Hidalgo ... [face_sick]

    Liv Tyler never really does much.

    Christopher Lee is about ready to keel over.

    Sean Astin, can't think of anything he's done since...

    Billy Boyd...nope...

    Cate Blanchett has done some stuff.
  20. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    GOLD! [face_laugh]
  21. rogue_wookiee

    rogue_wookiee Jedi Youngling star 6

    Apr 24, 2004

    He was on 24.
  22. Yodas-evil-twin

    Yodas-evil-twin Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 3, 2005
    I'll only look forward to it if Peter Jackson says he will listen to the advice of a proffesional editor.
  23. Eeth-my-Koth

    Eeth-my-Koth Jedi Grand Master star 9

    May 25, 2001
    Sean Astin has an excellent lisp in 50 First Dates. :p
  24. Crash_Davis

    Crash_Davis Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 31, 2006
    Ian Holm was in lots of great films long before LotR.

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    This is horrible news. Jackson slaughtered the books in the LotR series, and now he's going to screw up another one. How can LotR fans actually want this guy to direct the movies? He did a horrible job. The movies were good, but they pretty much re-wrote the books!