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Amph One Thread To Rule Them All: The Rings of Power, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings & Middle-earth films

Discussion in 'Community' started by -Courtney-, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. -Courtney-

    -Courtney- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 8, 2005
    (formerly the discussion thread for The Hobbit films, this thread now covers all 6 films in the Middle-earth series)

    (Original Post follows)

    From IMDB

    As Lord of the Rings fans mounted a protest following word that New Line had dropped Peter Jackson from consideration as director of The Hobbit and another Lord of the Rings prequel, producer Saul Zaentz has given assurances that Jackson will indeed direct the two films. A German website,, posted an interview with Zaentz, who acquired the rights to the works of the late Rings writer, J.R.R. Tolkien, in 1976 (the Saul Zaentz Company owns Tolkien Enterprises), in which Zaentz says, "It will definitely be shot by Peter Jackson. ... Next year The Hobbit rights will fall back to my company. I suppose that Peter will wait because he knows that he will make the best deal with us. And he is fed up with the studios: to get his profit share on the Rings trilogy he had to sue New Line. With us, in contrast, he knows that he will be paid fairly and artistically supported without reservation." (The preceding quotation is a translation that appeared on from the German interview posted on

    That has to be the greatest news I have ever heard...Ever! Just goes to show you what the power of the fans can achieve.

    Edit: Unlocking for new news.

    Yvette Edit: More unlocking
  2. Siths_Revenge

    Siths_Revenge Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jul 27, 2004
    Oh brother. Who cares?
    V-2 likes this.
  3. Padawan716

    Padawan716 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 7, 2001
  4. Mr_Blah_666

    Mr_Blah_666 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 30, 2006
    for a start, she posted the thread for people who DO care about it...
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  5. Frosted_Lemon_Jedi

    Frosted_Lemon_Jedi Jedi Youngling

    Oct 25, 2006
    Awesome. This sorta made my day. I can't imagine the Hobbit being directed by anyone else, except maybe George Lucas.
  6. Im_just_guessing

    Im_just_guessing Jedi Knight star 7

    Oct 23, 2002
    I cant imagine a worse director for any movie ever.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  7. zacparis

    zacparis VIP star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 1, 2003
  8. PrincessChattyCathy

    PrincessChattyCathy Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2005
    There is a problem with this whole thing. The rights don't fall back to that company for a year. Meaning if New Line wants to they could start principal photography with a new director and maintain those rights.
  9. Raja_Io

    Raja_Io Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 28, 2005
  10. wild_karrde

    wild_karrde Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 8, 1999
    News from IMDB is about as reliable as a Wiki.
  11. Frosted_Lemon_Jedi

    Frosted_Lemon_Jedi Jedi Youngling

    Oct 25, 2006
    Good. We can be sure it is true then.
  12. -Courtney-

    -Courtney- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 8, 2005

    I actually found this through AICN.
  13. DarthSapient

    DarthSapient Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jun 26, 2001
    If it's from IMDB, I would keep researching and check That's where Jackson sent the letter to begin with that he wouldn't be making the film.
  14. Leonard_Shelby

    Leonard_Shelby Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 31, 2002
    It's been posted at TORN, I guess it could go either way at this point...though I'm hopin' that this second report comes true, as it wouldn't be the same without PJ and crew.
  15. Semi-DarkLord90

    Semi-DarkLord90 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 16, 2004

  16. JediTrilobite

    JediTrilobite Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Nov 17, 1999
    I know has an article that Sam Raimi has been asked to direct the film.
  17. Armenian_Jedi

    Armenian_Jedi Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 14, 2003
    Damnit, I was hoping Uwe Boll would direct it. :(
  18. KissMeImARebel

    KissMeImARebel Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    Well, this producer guy seems to just be assuming PJ will get on board with him. So I'll take this will a grain of salt. Good to know though. ;)
  19. Tabula Rasa

    Tabula Rasa Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 8, 1998
    Don't underestimate the power of the fanboys!
  20. Darth Dark Helmet

    Darth Dark Helmet Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 27, 1999
    Exactly. Once New Line starts making the movie without Peter Jackson, this company won't be able to get the rights back.
  21. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    I hope it's true. I liked the LOTR films.
  22. Frosted_Lemon_Jedi

    Frosted_Lemon_Jedi Jedi Youngling

    Oct 25, 2006
    Peter is the ONLY one who will do this right...of that I am sure.

    Of course, I find it slightly hard to be TOO excited for the Hobbit...its like getting the Pea Soup after the T-Bone Steak.
  23. Siths_Revenge

    Siths_Revenge Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jul 27, 2004
    Wow. It's obvious Peter and this other guy are trying to make New Line look evil in the maagzines, etc.

    I can't get too excited for the Hobbit, either. I'm more excited about that LOTR preque; film. It would be cool to get characters like Aragorn, Sam, Gandalf, etc back on the screen again, and show people what they were all doing before the LOTR trilogy began.
  24. ZebulaNebula

    ZebulaNebula Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 10, 2005
  25. -Courtney-

    -Courtney- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 8, 2005
    Why did this thread become a place to post pictures of Vader?