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OT on laserdisc

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by that_guys_wise, Jan 23, 2003.

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  1. Darth-Stryphe

    Darth-Stryphe Former Mod and City Rep star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 24, 2001
    Good luck trying to find these discs.

    As has already been mentioned, it's not luck, it's ebay. Finding them is not the problem, finding them for cheap is.

    True that the LD won't have the high quality of the DVD UE, but you're still getting a good digital quality OE, and that's not something you'll ever be able to get on DVD.
  2. Master Salty

    Master Salty Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 18, 1999
    You also have to be careful who you buy stuff from on EBAY.
  3. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    "a good digital quality OE"
    All your fine points notwithstanding, LD is analog. Regardless of this, the best analog format beats a non-existent digital counterpart everyday of the week.
  4. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Bad news, guys.

    I can't get either of my video-capture boards to work.

    Let's just say the ATI All-in-wonder Radeon SUCKS!

    Those screen-caps will have to wait (unless someone wants to e-mail a better board to me ;) )
  5. Master Salty

    Master Salty Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 18, 1999
    I've heard Dazzle is one of the best video capture systems there is.
  6. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Yeah, but I can't afford it right now.

    This ATI card was borrowed.
  7. Master Salty

    Master Salty Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 18, 1999
    I've been saving up my pennies and now I'm getting ready to buy the Dazzle system.
  8. General Kenobi

    General Kenobi Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 31, 1998
    I picked up the 1995 THX LD releases this week on eBay (all three for around $48). They should be arriving soon. :D

    Now I just hvae to find an LD player... any suggestions for a good model? ?[face_plain]

    I'm not an LD expert; I know the video signal on LD is analog, but isn't the audio digital?
  9. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    LDs usually had a stereo track and a PCM (pulse code modulated) track. This is an uncompressed analog soundtrack, and it's what's used on music CDs.

    Later on, they did start recording Dolby Digital soundtracks onto LDs, but it has to be transformed into a modulated form, like the PCM track. This is why you need an RF (radio frequency) output on the player, and an RF demodulator to restore the digital soundtrack. DTS soundtracks are different, and do not require this setup, but the Star Wars discs use DD, not DTS.

    Now, before you start worrying about all this, you should know that the THX "Faces" discs and the Definitive Collection have PCM only (but it's still a superior soundtrack to the Pro-Logic track on VHS. The SW:Special Edition does have DD.

    Here's a good site for basic information...
    LaserDisc Archive

    Most players on this site have pictures and details. Although I am a home theater buff, this is my first LD player. If anyone else has any questions, I'll do my best to either answer them, or lead you in the right direction :)
  10. General Kenobi

    General Kenobi Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 31, 1998
    Thanks, MBJ! :)

    And so, the hunt for a player begins...
  11. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    You know, I gave this info to Mr. Kenobi, and decided it would probably fit well into this topic, so here goes...

    As far as LD players are concerned, let me tell you what you absolutely need.

    If you only want the "faces" or Def. Col. editions, then any player with digital out is ok. Althought the PCM track is technically analog, it does use the digital out. Make sure that...

    1) Your receiver has an open digital input and...
    2) The LD player that you purchase has a similar input. If your receiver has an "optical" input, and the LD player has a "coaxial" output, you're screwed. There are cables that with convert the signal inline, but they start at $50 bucks.

    Keep in mind that there are 2 possible "digital outs." All players have 2 analog outs (obviously :) ), most players have 2 digital outs (they are also RCA jacks, like the analog), and some players have a single AC/3 or RF digital out. Unless you get the SE's, you won't need the RF out (but if the player you get does come with it, it's a bonus.)

    Video - don't worry about S-video. Without going into technicalities, laserdisc video is in "composite" format. DVDs and DSS are in "component" format. When you use an LD player with S-video, the player has to "upconvert" the video signal. If you use the composite video of the player, then the TV has to "upconvert".

    So which is better? It's better to have the TV upconvert the video, because the electronics are newer, and have benefitted from several years of updates and improvement. If you use the LD's S-video, you are using older technology. S-video is not a necessary option, though again, it's no reason not to buy one, either. Chances are, your HDTV's electronics will do a superb job on the upconverting. :)

    Hope this helps someone...
  12. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    "I have one coax digital input, and 3 opticals on my Yamaha. I am currently using one optical for my dvd, and the coax for my digital cable.

    So...I guess that means I want an LD player with an optical digital output, or else I'll have to keep switching my coax cable (that might not be a huge deal if it's only for SW OT), or use the RCA jacks (yuk). Correct?"

    Actually, you can use a cheap Radio-Shack composite-video switcher. I know it sounds funny, but the switcher will switch whatever you send through it, regardless of whether it's audio or video. I know of people who use it to switch component video sources (3 component cables hooked up to the video/left/right inputs.) If you get a good deal on an LD that only has a coaxial out, go ahead and get it. The Radio-shack switcher is $20 bucks. You implied that it wouldn't be horrible to switch occasionally for the LD, but this way, you need only push a button to switch between LD and cable.

    Actually, you might want to go ahead and buy the switcher now, and try it out with your digital cable. As far as I know, it should still carry the signal, but mileage may vary according to your components. If it works, bonus! If not, you can easily return the switcher to Radio-shack, and you know for certain that you have one less option available to you.

    " I understand the bit about composite video on LD. Oh well, I know it must still be way better than VHS. "

    The composite video on LD is still far superior.

    VHS has only 250 lines of resolution, while LD has up to 450 (DVD is in 500's). Even though they're both composite, you are getting twice the picture. When you compare the LD picture to VHS, your jaw will DROP! I can't even bear to watch my tapes anymore.

    Not to mention the fact that the LD picture will not degrade with use! (bonus :D )
  13. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Just wanted to "up" with this little addition.

    If possible, could anyone with an LD player please speak up, and perhaps make note good/bad recommendations. I have a Sony MDP 333, which is considered a "middle-of-the-road" player. It does everything I need it to. However, if i ever get the SE's (for the Dolby Digital only!, I will need a newer player with an AC/3 digital RF output.

    I will say this, the fast-forward/rewind is much cleaner, faster, and smoother than my DVD player (Toshiba 1200). I love the jog wheel on the player and the remote. (The only real problem I had with it, initially, was that the original owners were heavy smokers :( -- yeech!)
  14. DarthPierce

    DarthPierce Jedi Youngling

    Jan 25, 2003
    Did they release all 3 special editions on LD or just ANH?
  15. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    There have been several releases on LD, more so than VHS, if you can believe it. Go to, type in Star Wars, and you'll get the list of movies. Click any one, and hit the laserdisc link. There's numerous copies, but the two mentioned on this thread are the best quality ones.

    Every release has been all three films together (though the Def. Col. is the only set that contains all 3 films in a single container.)
  16. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
  17. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Up again. Come on, folks! Get into LD today! :D
  18. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    I'll throw my two cents in- though I don't have an LD player (although I did get a bunch of o the def. collection extras + THX WOW content on a bootleg VHS 6 years ago [as a sidenote, I'll certainly be burning those to DVD eventually [face_batting] ]), my DVD player does play VCD's, so I did pick up TPM and the OT:SE (the most recent release that has the episode 2 documentary in front of it) on VCD, but I must say that VCD's are pretty junky quality. The image isn't too bad, though pixelation is common and there is a slight vertical stretch effect that's noticable, on top of the pan and scan-only format. The audio, however, is terrible- everything is high pitched, making people sound like they've inhaled helium.

    Only reason I have them is that they can be easily opened up in Quicktime Player, which makes them useful for screen grab purposes. It's about the only thing they're good for.
  19. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Exactly my point. The VCD's were made overseas, and quality was not a huge concern. Both the Def. Col. and the THX "Faces" transfers were scrutinized for as much quality as possible. Even if you have a problem with the level of quality, they are still the last, best versions of the unbastardized OT that you can buy.
  20. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Yeah, I'm certainly tempted to pursue the LD route- it'll help me with my aim to make my own edit of the films, balancing the OT and SE elements, since, IIRC, LD's didn't contain anti-copy methods as advanced as DVD.
  21. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    To my knowledge, they didn't have any copy-protection, or if so, it was on a as-needed basis, and not generally applied. (Not that I am advocating anything.)
  22. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    "I have a question. Would that be the OT BEFORE GL added his new special effects? What was originally released in theaters? The untouched version I fell in love with at the tender age of 9??? If and where did you get them???"

    Yes, in fact there are several versions prior to the SE's available. Be sure to ask which one the person is selling, or look for the picture on E-bay. If you can't find (or don't want to spend the bucks for) the two best versions, I will try to find out which, if any other sets, are decent enough for viewing.

    From Wars laserdiscs

    There are 4 French versions, and 2 German versions, then...

    Laserdisc details for
    Star Wars (1977)


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    Color - 112 minutes

    Video Information Disc Details
    1.33 : 1
    Pan & Scan
    PAL Closed Captioning: none
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 2 (CLV)
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Analog Track


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    Color - 121 minutes

    Released in 1986

    Video Information Disc Details
    2.35 : 1
    NTSC Closed Captioning: unknown
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 5 (CAV)
    Language: English
    Subtitles: Japanese

    Sound Encoding Digital Track Analog Track

    MeBeJedi note: This is the THX "Faces" edition. They have the same Vader/Stormtrooper/Yoda as the videocassettes, as well as the Leonard Maltin interview.

    Disc Title: Star Wars
    Fox Video 8763-85
    [PG] Color - 121 minutes

    Released in 29 August 1995
    List Price: $59.98

    Video Information Disc Details
    2.35 : 1
    NTSC [THX]
    Closed Captioning: CC
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 3 (CLV)
    Chapter stops: 39
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Digital Track Analog Track


    * Interview with George Lucas conducted by Leonard Maltin.


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    [PG] Color - 121 minutes

    List Price: Y

    Video Information Disc Details
    2.35 : 1
    NTSC Closed Captioning: unknown
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 3 (CLV)
    Language: English
    Subtitles: Japanese

    Sound Encoding Digital Track Analog Track

    Transfer not as good as US version.


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    CBS FOX 1130-85
    [PG] Color - 121 minutes

    Released in 1989
    Out of print
    List Price: $69.98

    Video Information Disc Details
    2.35 : 1
    NTSC [CC]
    Closed Captioning: CC
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 3 (CLV)
    Chapter stops: 13
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Digital Track Analog Track


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    CBS FOX 1130-84
    [PG] Color - 122 minutes

    Out of print
    List Price: $64.98

    Video Information Disc Details
    1.33 : 1
    Pan & Scan
    NTSC Closed Captioning: none
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 5 (CAV)
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Analog Track


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    CBS FOX 1130-80
    [PG] Color - 120 minutes

    Released in 1982
    Out of print
    List Price: $34.98

    Video Information Disc Details
    1.33 : 1
    Pan & Scan
    NTSC Closed Captioning: none
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 2 (CLV)
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Analog Track

    Time compressed.


    Disc Title: Star Wars
    CBS FOX 5651-80
    [PG] Color - 120 minutes

    Released in 1993
    Out of print
    List Price: $34.98

    Video Information Disc Details
    1.33 : 1
    Pan & Scan
    NTSC Closed Captioning: none
    Master format: Film
    Sides: 2 (CLV)
    Language: English

    Sound Encoding Digital Track Analog Track

    Time compressed.

    MeBeJedi's note: There are 9 versions of Star Wars on LD prior to this point.

    Disc Title: Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition
    20th Century Home

    Released in March 1998
    List Price: DM

    Video Information Disc Details
    2.35 : 1
    PAL [THX]
    Closed Captioning: none
    Master format: Film
    Language: German

    Sound Encoding Digital Track


    Disc Title: Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition
    Encore EE 1232
    Certificate: U
  23. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    If and where did you get them???"

    Oops, I forgot the second part. Copy these links into the address bar of your browser, and E-bay away! (The does accept links this long, apparently)

    For Star Wars LDs

    For Empire Strikes Back

    For Return of the Jedi
  24. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Just thought I'd throw this in for hard-core fans (like myself)

    I uncovered an LD that you might be interested in.

    It is (almost) the original, untouched OT, with a small exception.

    It includes the confrontation with Han Solo and the "human" Jabba the Hutt.

    Yes, you heard me correctly, this is the scene in the OT:SE without the digital Jabba. Funny, no?

    Anyways, if that doesn't bother you, here are the good and bad points.


    -All three films included (Just like the Def. Col.)

    -Original OT (with above-noted exception)

    -Dolby 5.1 soundtrack (Def. Col. and THX "faces" have PCM Pro-Logic, which is DD 4.0. It's still fantastic, but if you've gotta have 5.1, this is it. Otherwise, only the OT:SE has 5.1)

    -It comes with another disc called "From Star Wars to Jedi - The Making of the Saga". I have no idea how good it is, but for you fan-boys out there, it's one more source for your posts :)

    -Expensive (It's a Japanese import, and quite rare. I've seen a recent example on E-bay going starting at $150 bucks, though this is what the Def. Col. can go for also.

    -Japanese subtitles (Hey, I said it was from Japan! The subtitles are in the black portion of the widescreen picture, so you can ignore them, or put a piece of tape over them.)

    -Dolby Digital 5.1 (Huh? Why is this bad? 2 reasons. 1) Your LD player has to have an AC/3 or digital RF out to hear this soundtrack, 2) If not, you only get 1 channel of analog sound, and there are no running commentaries, as far as I can see. You wil also need an RF demodulator to restore the DD soundtrack, and a corresponding ditigal input on your receiver - as far as I know, most demodulators output to a coaxial.)

    For more info, here are the links...

    Japanese Star Wars Laserdisc set.


    That being said, this set would be my wet dream. Anyone with this set and willing to part with it, please contact me :D

    (can we make payment arrangements? [face_laugh] )
  25. Master Salty

    Master Salty Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 18, 1999
    Heh...I might go the LD route for the original OT.
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