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Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by sluggo, Jan 30, 2012.

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  1. sluggo

    sluggo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 10, 2001
    I hope that end of the Clone Wars show (after season 5-6-7 - whatever) is not the end of Star Wars on tv. I know we have the Seth Green show (the name escapes me right now) coming, but I wouldn't want the comedy show to be the only star wars show on tv. I think the Star wars universe could easly spawn more tv cartoon shows. Theses are the ones I'd like to see.

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - Set between ANH and ESB, the show would focus on Luke, Wedge, Dax, Hobby, Janson, with Leia, Han, and Chewie playing supporting roles (similiar to Padme in Clone Wars). We'd see the missions and adventures the Squadron goes on, as well as some of the training in the force that Luke does before he trians with Yoda. Vader could/would pop-up from time to time, a Inquisitor character following Luke could be a main villian (maybe hes the one who discovers Luke is a Skywalker, which is how the EMperor knows in ESB), and Baron Fel with the 501 could be featured as villians and rivals as well.

    Star Wars: The New Republic - I think there are some great ideas in the Post-RotJ EU but many of those books either poorly written and conceved or the PT has changed the universe to thepoint they don't really make sense.I also don't have an issue when a new piece of work overrides an older one. I'd like to see a series set after RotJ with the Luke, Han, and Leia and co. setting up the New Republic, dealing with Imperial remains, setting up a new Jedi order etc... Obviously Thrawn would be a natural choice as a main villian.

    Star Wars: The Sith Empire - Lucas has talked about/hinted at his/the real (Depending on how you look at it) Sith history without really telling it. I think a series set during the Sith Empire that Darth Ruin started, with the Jedi and others leading a Rebellion against the Sith/Empire could be a really good, really fun, really interesting show that could (if done well/right) capture some of the feeling of the OT - heroes fighting an Evil Empire etc...

    Indiana Jones - Ok not Star Wars but its Lucas Film. A weekly Indiana JOnes series.......need I say more?


    Jun 8, 2002
    How about a show based on Willow?

    *avoids thrown object and runs away*
  3. GGrievous

    GGrievous Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 6, 2005
    sluggo, didn't you make a thread like this before? :p I think we also have an official TV show idea thread.
  4. Game3525

    Game3525 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2008
    A Dark Times era show is something I hope they do if they can't get the live action series off the ground. I wouldn't mind post-ROTJ if it doesn't focus on LUke, Han, and Leia....there story is over and done with IMO.
  5. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    -I wouldn't mind a series dealing with Darth Ruin and the beginning of the New Sith Wars. But I don't want it to just be the same old, overused Jedi vs. Sith bull****. There needs to be stuff like new factions or new races; just new creative material. They shouldn't make it derivative of the movies or Expanded Universe.

    -A CGI series set during the Dark Times, perhaps starting immediately after Order 66. I mean, who knows how long the live-action TV series is going to take? I don't think LucasFilm should give up on the live-action series, but I think they can also have another TV series set during the Imperial era. Again, hopefully LucasFilm expands the lore and comes up with their own creative material.

    -Another CGI series that takes place during the Galactiv Civil War. It could take place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back then later take place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

    -A series set after the Ruusan Reformation and before The Phantom Menace. A lot can happen in a millennium.

    -A series set 25,000 years in the past during the Unification Wars.
  6. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    I think it would be unlikely for Lucasfilm Animation to sit idle after developing its skills for TCW's production.

    These are the two potential shows I'd like to see the very most. The setting is truly action-packed and exciting - ideal as a successor to TCW and ideal as subjects of cartoon shows. It would be fascinating to see new OT-era stories with George Lucas approval and inspiration. What is his take on the journeys of the OT characters between and after the films?

    There would be continuity hiccups; a lot of them. However, the younger generation which grew up with TCW and watched the six films as very young children in the late 2000s/early 2010s would have had very little experience of the old Expanded Universe material. They're unlikely to pick up a 1990s novel or comic that has already been rendered non-canonical by the PT and TCW. The EU serves Lucas' vision, not the other way round. If either of these shows got off the ground in the late 2010s and continued into the 2020s, the chance of the target audience caring about what happens in the older EU is reduced to practically nothing. There could be Slaves Of The Republic-style adaptations of EU material, though.

    The problem would be more severe for your New Republic idea as the existing EU goes into great depth about exactly what happens to the Rebellion, Empire, Jedi and GFFA after ROTJ - stuff which GL would probably overwrite completely for the sake of his personal vision. Entire successful book and comic series have been written based on what came before. If GL ever decided to do a post-ROTJ series, I predict the entire post-ROTJ EU would subsequently split into separate alternate universes - the new (2010s/2020s) T-Canon 'verse and the older (1990s/2000s) C-Canon 'verse.

    Even if this isn't what LFA will get up to after TCW finishes its run (ie. if GL's "stepping away from the company" includes letting SW lie fallow), I think they've learned enough lessons from making TCW to know how to make decent animation. Hopefully, they put their skills to good use.

    Have LFA considered branching outside Star Wars and other Lucasfilm franchises? Lucasfilm divisions working for other companies and filmmakers is nothing new.
  7. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    I'm not familiar enough with SW outside of the films to know what would be a good area to explore as blasphemous as it probably sounds. I am curious and enjoy TCW enough to where I could probably get behind any TV series with the Star Wars name on it. I would enjoy seeing something take place during the original Trilogy or After it. But I would also like to see TCW just blow past ROTS and got into the Darktimes with a name change.

    I could see Lucas Animation becoming an animation firm and developing other things besides Indiana Jones and Star Wars. There are all kinds of things I have a wishlist for to see as animated movies or TV shows. But its completely unlikely any of those would ever be under consideration.
  8. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    Care to share them with us? Who knows, there might be an LFL bigwig lurking. :p

    LFA should have a very well-developed competitive advantage by the end of TCW's run. If GL doesn't want to do any more Star Wars shows, he could easily get LFA to do licensed work for other filmmakers and companies just like Skywalker Sound and ILM do.
  9. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    ^Oh let see,

    Swat Kats, Radical Squadron
    Phantom 2040
    David the Gnome (I'm serious)
    Biker Mice From Mars
    The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
    Road Rovers
    The Pirates of Dark Water
    Wish Kid
    Animorphs, To bad Nick already did a horrible live action show and is probably sitting on the TV and movie rights.

    lol this list goes on forever. Anyone from LFL or just alot of free time is welcome to PM me. I'll talk all day about stuff that needs an animated series or movie and could be the next big franchise.

    Seriously, I figure ILM is already in business against firms like Animal Logic, Blue Sky Studios, Illumination Entertainment, Nitrogen Studios, etc. Guess the Animation would be a dedicated division. I don't think it would be a good move to try doing stuff like Pixar, Paramount Animation, and Dreamworks Animation. There just doesn't seem to be room for more players like that.
  10. WormieSaber

    WormieSaber Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 22, 2000
    I really enjoyed the Droids cartoon, especially when they brought Boba Fett into the picture or the Empire. Would love to see an updated, animated series of Droids.
  11. shanerjedi

    shanerjedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 17, 2010
    Lucasfilm Animation isnt sitting idel now even with TCW show going. They're already developing a feature animated film.
  12. Asharak

    Asharak Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 23, 2003

    I think that when TCW series is finished (probably by s7 or 8) lucasfilm will have such an insane amount of Star Wars animated creatures, worlds, and vehicle models, that not making a new SW series using them is economically completely out of the question. Its way to cost saving not to continue to use most of those models.

    My mouth starts to water just thinking about a new Star Wars series starting its season 1 with TCW s4 level of animation.

    I would like to see a post ROTJ series with Luke as the main character, rebuilding the Jedi order, and possibly The Mandalorians as the main enemy (since Lucas has said no Sith post ROTJ). I have nothing against the EU, but I would like to see the Lucas
    version of the future of the Star Wars universe.
  13. CernStormrunner

    CernStormrunner Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 6, 2000
    i would love to see the post ROTJ novels adapted, but what about something set after the LEGACY comics?

    Either that or a THE OLD REPUBLIC series
  14. Alexrd

    Alexrd Chosen One star 6

    Jul 7, 2009
    Probably season 6. But I agree with the rest of your post. Personally I would love if they made Shadows of the Empire into an animated movie, but I know that's never going to happen.
  15. n8storm

    n8storm Jedi Master star 1

    May 24, 2005
    I'd just be happy if they finally released some complete series DVD sets of Ewoks and Droids. Considering a majority of obscure cartoons shows from the 80s have had a complete release, it puzzles me how they sit on these.
  16. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    A series set in the three year gap between ANH and ESB would be phenomenal.

    CGI-BOBAFENT Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2002
    2 and a half Sith , a heeelarious look at the lives of Vader, Sidious and Maul living together in a beach house on Tatooine.
    Darthgoodguy likes this.
  18. Dark Lord Tarkas

    Dark Lord Tarkas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 29, 2011
    Only if Dash Rendar is one of the main characters. Yeah, I went there.
  19. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    And maybe after they're done with that, a series set in the three year gap between ESB and ROTJ.
  20. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    LMAO. :p


    What 3 year gap? According to most official timelines, TESB takes place in 3 ABY and ROTJ takes place in 4 ABY.

    I personally think that ROTS-ANH and ANH-TESB are the best intervals for a new TV series, comparable to AOTC-ROTS. A lot of intriguing action-packed stuff is implied to happen between these films. In the former case, Leia grows up, Vader becomes deep dark side, the institutions of the CIS and Republic are torn down and replaced, the Empire's power grows and Loyalist dissent begins to propagate. In the latter case, Luke becomes a hero of the Rebellion and the leader of Rogue Squadron, the son of Skywalker comes to Vader's attention and the fight between the Rebels and the Empire intensifies. All of these have a potential for TCW-style action and drama.

    IMO, the time between TESB and ROTJ is not particularly interesting subject material for a TV series. Most of the drama takes place in the actual films themselves and the films are not particularly open-ended about it.
  21. Dark Lord Tarkas

    Dark Lord Tarkas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 29, 2011
    Most shameful fail of all time.
  22. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    Tarkas, you're the one that said it! :p
  23. sluggo

    sluggo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 10, 2001
    There is one idea I can't believe I forgot to include - a Han/Chewie pre ANH tv show.
  24. sluggo

    sluggo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 10, 2001
    Of all the idea, I personally think Rogue Squadron would be the best one.

    The show could/would obviously focus on Luke and probably R2 (this co-pilot) but give him a different supporting cast in most episodes. As much as I love seeing Luke, Han, Leia and company together changing it up and letting the main character deal with new characters would be more fun and more interesting. That doesn't mean we'd never see Han, Chewie and Leia and I would want/demand to see episodes centered on them, but I think they should be focused about as much as Padme is TCW.

    I also don't think you could or would use Vader as the main villian. Sure he'd show up from time to time, but having Vader there constantly I think would undermind ESB which appears/seems to be the first time those 2 really come into contact with each other. Certainly they couldn't have Luke duel Vader in the series, though 1 or 2 star fighter meetings would/could be doable. What would get me excited would be to see new villians they could introduce. Palpatine could send one of his dark side inquisitors out there to track down and find this new Rebel Pilot who is strong in the force. Baron Fel and the 501st would be fantasic villians to introduce as well, as the Imperial verison of Rogue Squadron.

    The main reason I think Star Wars: Rogue Squadron would be a great/the best follow up to TCW is the different tone the show would have. A post RotJ show (while interesting, and Icould care less if it contratics some EU novels) would have to include elements of the Rebellion turning into a government and the Galactic Republic reforming. Making a show about Luke, Rogue Squadron and the Rebellion would mean the show could/would get away from the politics that are a big part of the PT and TCW (not saying its a bad thing, just saying) and focus sololy on the adventure elements.
  25. harrison13

    harrison13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 18, 2004
    Option # 1( My Favorite)Continue right where ROTS leaves off. We could see the rise of a young Darth Vader and the rise of the empire. I was even thinking you could even have Ashoka survive and be the main protagonist of the show. Maybe even Rex is teamed up with her as well. This is such an unexplored time of the saga and would be great to see. I would like to see the development of the Vader Sidious relationship.

    Option # 2 The show could take place during the original trilogy. Either start before or after A New Hope. We could focus on the rebellion and the main characters from the Originals.

    Option #3 Post ROTJ. This might be more appealing to the average fan. You could have the new jedi order full of jedi to populate the series. Something that Option # 2 could not have.

    Option #4- The Old Republic: This option breaks free of the continuity chains that the first three options run into. There are many possibilities with having a show in this time period.

    Option # 5- Pre TPM : We could have a show that shows us a young Qui-Gon and Dooku or a young Obo-Wan and Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon continues to become more important of a character as he years go on.

    Option # 6- Star Wars Direct to Video Films: Similar to what DC Animation does, release a new movie every six months or so. You could even base these movies off of fan favorite EU story lines.
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