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Personal loss

Discussion in 'Literature' started by killfire, Aug 25, 2001.

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  1. corran_rouge9

    corran_rouge9 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 28, 2001
    This Jimmy, he cannot die. A certain small furry character who has since gone into the great beyond has the vision that Jimmy and Jenny will do great things. It will come true!!! Now, there is another character, who I have also seen referred to as Jimmy, who could easily die. *Cough*Jacen*Cough*

    Seriously, this character has been fully developed, his stuff's done, and it would be easy for Jania to turn dark with his death. Jimmy still has too much going on. He can't die!!!!!!!
  2. Darth_Kevin

    Darth_Kevin Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 30, 2001
    I think you're right. Jimmy is involved with way too many plot threads to get rid of him right away - that is unless ALL of Jimmy's loose threads are tied up by the end of SBS, which would mean that most of the book would have to be devoted to him and that he would only die near the very end of the book. I think Jimmy's death would cut Jenny's plot involvement short and this is unlikely in my opinion, unless Jenny is going to be removed also.

    Jimmy's brother, let's call him Johnny, could probably take the dirt nap and serve the exact same purpose as Jimmy's death, without hurting any of the continuing plot threads. His death would equally affect Han, Leia, Luke and Jaina as Jimmy's would. Johnny seems to be becoming pretty much a non-player lately, plus the whole galaxy is gunning for Johnny.
  3. LoveisSuicideSP

    LoveisSuicideSP Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 23, 2001
    About the 'Jimmy has too many plot threads going on right now' thing, think about real life. In real life you don't always get to resolve everything before you die. That's one of the things about death. It comes so quickly that you usually don't even have a chance to say goodybe.
  4. Balance_Point

    Balance_Point Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 10, 2001
    I disagree with the notion that Jacen as a character has fulfilled his purpose. Yes, his brother has many plot threads moving at the moment. Yes, Jacen has little or none in comparison. But do you honestly think that's going to last for long?

    SbS's page count has been estimated at everywhere from 500 pages to 700. That's a lot of space in which practically anything could happen. It wouldn't be that hard to resolve everything going on with Jimmy in that amount of space (and if my theory is at all right (hey, one can still hope), they wouldn't even have to), and it would be equally easy to begin a few new ones for Jacen. Even though he doesn't have much going on at the moment, he's far from a useless character; on the contrary, out of all of the players in NJO, he's still right up there among those with the most potential. I can with very little effort think of half a dozen new situations they could thrust him into in the forthcoming books, especially if Jimmy dies.

    Jimmy's character potential, on the other hand, has already been used up a great deal. He's already had some fantastic moments in the series, and it's hard to imagine what else they could do with him. I still say that, much as I would hate for it to happen, it makes sense to kill him off.

    Just my opinion.
  5. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Good points, BP. That's what I tried to say more than once...
  6. corran_rouge9

    corran_rouge9 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 28, 2001
    Jimmy has not come near fulfilling his potential. He is going to be the next Luke. Ikrit had the vision about him. Corran has stated others look up to him as such. He's the only one who really know's his stance against the Vong. Johny on the other hand, has been focused upon. He has had major development since the Dark Tide series, and came to an acceptable conclusion of his quest in a certain previous book Balance Point. And are you guys sure that Jimmy isn't really Johny. I have been in and out of the boards for a while, and I was almost sure that at first the Jimmy name applied to the character we are calling Johny now.
  7. LoveisSuicideSP

    LoveisSuicideSP Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 23, 2001
    Yes, I'm sure. I was there when the alias Jimmy was originally given. I'm trying to remember what thread that was.
  8. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Try to... But it's no more there...
  9. Balance_Point

    Balance_Point Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 10, 2001
    Yeah, it's been deleted. I was there when the nickname Jimmy first appeared too, but when I came to go back to that thread the next day, it was gone. I still don't see the point in deleting that thread when the thread where the Jimmy spoiler first originated is still floating around somewhere, merely locked and still readable. But anyway...

    True, as of late Jimmy has been set up in a position to be the next Luke. But Jedi visions have been wrong before. In fact, it seems to me that they're at least partially wrong more than half the time. That doesn't necessarily mean anything; it may in fact be intentionally misleading. Those authors can be a crafty bunch at times. ;)

    Also, I just want to point out that while it seemed that Jacen (or Johnny, though I don't really see the point in calling him that, as by that point it's obvious who he is anyway)'s quest came to a reasonable end in BP, the subsequent two books have shown that he's still got a ways to go. In a sense, he's found the right path to follow, but he's still having some trouble actually following it. I think there's more potential story in that than there is in Jimmy growing up and becomming even more perfect. Don't get me wrong; I'd love to see Jimmy surpass everyone's expectations, live, and become the Jedi Master he seems destined to become. But not at the expense of his brother, who's got the potential to do things just as great.

    (Edit: addressed a couple more points)

    AT-ST_DRIVER Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 1, 2001
    uh... i'm kinda new here, and could you tell me something? WHO THE KRIFF IS JIMMY!!! is it ani? i know who herbert is. also, i think there were alot of good characters we should see more of. i think Droma ain't comin' back, but i'd like to see Pelleaon. he should get his fleet(s?) together and help the Jedi out. and he should kill jimmy.
  11. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Jimmy is a no-no. You shouldn't know who he is. Sorry, but it's the admins' will.
  12. Rebecca191

    Rebecca191 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 2, 1999
    I don't care about Jimmy! I just want all my files back!!!! My whole hardrive has been wiped by a virus!!!! :(

    AT-ST_DRIVER Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 1, 2001
    c'mon, why not, xizor?
  14. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Okay, lemme explain : there was a certain 'insider' who came here about 2 weeks ago, and he revealed who was the major death in SbS. But he said it in an unkindly way, he just went around saying 'Yadi Yadi Yada dies in Star by Star'. The few people that were around here at the time began to 'flame' him, because they thought he was just a troll. SO he soon regreted what he did and asked the admin to remove his posts, so people aren't spoiled. The admins agreed and asked to the few of us who were there at the time to say nothing about what we knew, just telling us that the guy was no troll... But such a big thing couldn't remain undiscussed, and those people came with the nick Jimmy. Nevertheless, the admins haven't changed their mind, so I won't reveal Jimmy's name. And if the other people are kind enough not to spoil you, you shouldn't know before you read the book. As Darth Ludicrous said, you don't want to know, this is too big. That's it. So I'll keep my mouth shut about who is Jimmy.
  15. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Rebecca, are there some SW files you need ? Maybe we have them and can help you ?
  16. corran_rouge9

    corran_rouge9 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 28, 2001
    BP, I think that Jacen would be able to finish up his quest, and actually walk the right path before dying if he's the one. I still am not going to be convinced either way until I read the book. If it is Jimmy(whose identity is now pretty obvious as well) who dies, I suppose it could be well used. But I just like him a lot more, and I want to see the whole Jimmy/Jenny storyline play out.
  17. Balance_Point

    Balance_Point Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 10, 2001
    Well, I can't argue with you there, Corran. As I mentioned earlier, SbS is looking to be a pretty long book. Definitely long enough to wrap up the last remaining plot threads for whichever character dies, no matter who it is. If it's Jacen, he could finish up his quest easily enough. If Jimmy, it may be a little more difficult, but certainly not impossible. Killing either one (or anyone else for that matter) would disappoint a lot of fans, but would probably do wonders for the series at the same time. So I guess that until the book actually comes out, it will remain a matter of personal opinion. :)
  18. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Ahem... The use of Jimmy has become a bit ridiculous those last few posts...

    AT-ST_DRIVER Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 1, 2001
    oh, okay. i thought you guys were just being mean to a newcomer like me, but that helps explain it, Xizor.
  20. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Don't worry, newbies are always welcomed ! :) (hum except if they reveal the death of certain characters... ahem)

    AT-ST_DRIVER Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 1, 2001
    LOL!!!!!! :)
  22. LoveisSuicideSP

    LoveisSuicideSP Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 23, 2001
    Virus's (is that a word?) suck...

    Anyway, anyone else think that by the end of the NJO practically everyone will be dead? That would be pretty cool if it was well written. So then not only the New Republic but the Jedi also would have to start from scratch.
  23. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    What about the Empire, in a last attempt to reach power and get rid of the Vongs, put in use the ultra-secret Galaxy-Annihilator ?
  24. Rebecca191

    Rebecca191 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 2, 1999
    I don't see why everyone wants to know who Jimmy is. Is everyone here a spoiler addict or something??
  25. corran_rouge9

    corran_rouge9 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 28, 2001
    Of course we are! :p

    We are in the Jedi Council, and aren't those guys supposed to be the great, wise, much knowing Jedi??? ;)
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