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Plain and simple, will ep 2 be better than ep 1?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by rayrayjay, Mar 27, 2002.


Plain and simple, will ep 2 be better than ep 1?

Poll closed Apr 3, 2002.
  1. YES, Tricky Ricky and our boy George will create a masterpiece that rivals eps 4,5,and 6!

    78 vote(s)
  2. No, don't say such things. Episode 1 is better than water!

    7 vote(s)
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  1. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    I think it's gonna blow everybody away. From what I've seen in the trailers, it's a heck of a lot better than Episode I.
  2. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    I think it's so funny the way some people here are worried about our abilities to think and reflect because we enjoyed TPM and consider the SW saga to be one story made up of individual parts. And it's also funny how some people get really worried about our sense of critical analyzes because we say "it's Star Wars, I'm gonna love it"...Not much childish sense of wonder and excitement in some people, heh?

    For me - I think AotC looks like it's going to rule, but that's also thanks to TPM. Because of the first movie AotC can kick major bottom. It's like being part of a team - each player makes the other players good. Teamwork. TPM did a ****load of that without much recognition, but all that will change this summer.

    And the argument about all movies in a series having to stand on its own...I just don't get it. Do TESB and RotJ stand on their own? No. Do the three parts of Lord of the Rings all stand on their own? No. But if you want all series to have the depth of Lethal Weapon I understand what you mean.
  3. rickwalz

    rickwalz Jedi Youngling

    Mar 22, 2002
    Yes I actually belive the Movies of the OT do stand on their own. As I have said I have friends who only like ROTJ and do not wath the others.

    As for Lord of the Rings, it is not a trilogy. Just because New Line advertises it as such does not make it true. It was wriiten as one book, but the publisher refused to publish such a large book and simply cut it in three. It is one story that simply takes more than 9 hours to tell.

    I do beleive Ep 2 will be better than Ep 1. But no matter how good it is it can't improve the quality of Ep 1. If my crap smells like roses today that won't improve the smell of the pile I left yesterday.

    ST-TPM-ASF-TNE Moderator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 27, 2001
    I loved all SW films equally. Am I bad person? :confused: [face_plain]

  5. Jeremiah_Bullfrog

    Jeremiah_Bullfrog Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 7, 2001

    As for my vote, I think it will be better because the plot is going to move along a lot in this one. Should be exciting!
  6. kornknealious

    kornknealious Jedi Youngling

    Jun 17, 2001

    Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Even if its one book cut into three, its still THREE, (thats 3, three, t-h-r-e-e) seperate stories that work together as a whole - AND stand on thier own.

    Episode I does little to introduce the world of Star Wars. Mostly what it has done is confuse and annyoy everyone. Its weak, uneven, no main character, (execpt maybe *shudder* Jar Jar) Pedantic in its very nature being specificly aimed for 10 year olds. When the OT was aimed for the kid inside everyone.

    TPM,Standing on its own, which every part of a larger story needs to, falls flat. No matter how much Lucas has learned from his (huge) mistakes in Menace, it needs to stand next to the whole saga. IF thats the case, the Saga has sunk... unless you completly ignore the Prequells.......
  7. Oakessteve

    Oakessteve Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 9, 1999
    I would hope Attack of the Clones is better than The Phantom Menace. Ewan McGregor seems to think so, which is an encouraging sign.
  8. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    To Kornknealius ( or whatever his bloody name is ) is Matrix your favorite movie?
  9. rayrayjay

    rayrayjay Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 7, 2002
    If Boba yells yippie, the reation is a huge hiss from the audience...
    superty>right on budy...that what I'm talkin about, that alone raises the bar atleast a little I hope.
    My current opinion (atleast how I feel today), is that SW will be like a flight of stairs. We start at the bottom, and what a bottom that was, and from there we take a step up, the bigger the step the better, we are not old ladies in this example, we are NBA players. And then ep 3 will come around and if we are lucky, (forgive my lack of faith) bam we get a lead in to the greatest trilogy of all time! And THAT INCLUDES LOTR, nobody better argue that considering 2/3s of it aren't even done!
  10. Malthus

    Malthus Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 31, 1999
    I have to say I have no idea. That the trailers are awesome don't mean a thing to me. I loved the trailers for TPM too, and I found TPM lacking and disappointing (didn't hate it though).

    I will know when I experience the movie on the 16th. Trailers cannot possibly communicate the overall emotional power and dramatic influence that the movie has.
  11. Omi-Lin

    Omi-Lin Jedi Youngling

    Mar 25, 2002
    "one film isn't any better than the other" ??
    "Ep 1 is worthy to be in the Star Wars saga" ?
    "A package deal"??????

    What the....... ?????

    I'm definitely going to have to absolutely
    disagree to the package deal thing. Like Rick said, you can't say that ANH is like the first 1/2 of ESB!! Star Wars is not like Lord of the Rings, where it leaves you in the middle of action. Each Star Wars movie DOES have an ending. In each film they wrap things up. Sure, more COULD happen, but the movies don't end before the mission is accomplished. In ANH the Death Star is destroyed and Luke and Han get their medals. In ESB Luke confronts Vader and then is rescued from the underside of Bespin, and his hand is repaired, Lando and Chewie go to find Han. Even though at that point we don't know if Han will ever be rescued, everything has still ENDED. The movie doesn't suddenly end with Luke hanging on under Bespin with one hand, and Leia and Lando being clueless as to his whereabouts, and Han in the hands of Boba Fett. Then in ROTJ the second death star is destroyed and everyone celebrates. In TPM the Trade Federation is defeated, and the gungans and Naboo make peace ... you see what I'm saying here. So to even say Ep 1 is like the first part of Ep 2 is to say it isn't as good as the rest because it has to rely on Ep 2 to make it good!!!

    So while Ep 1 may have all the characters and lightsabers, personally at least i think it lacks something the original trilogy has...mainly there's less action and less exciting action, plus worse acting in TPM. To me it stands out and doesn't seem to quite fit the saga. Also, you can compare the films...if you couldn't there wouldn't be hundreds of people out there who talk about which Star Wars film is their "favorite" !
  12. rickwalz

    rickwalz Jedi Youngling

    Mar 22, 2002
    Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Even if its one book cut into three, its still THREE, (thats 3, three, t-h-r-e-e) seperate stories that work together as a whole - AND stand on thier own.

    LOTR is not a trilogy, the 3 do not stand own there own. The OT movies did stand on there own and could be judged on their invidual merits.

    REBEL_SKUM Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 20, 2000
    I thihnk episode I seems week becuse it's a huge jump... you go from TPM right to ANH.. I think if it was the other way around if you went from Episode III to ROTJ... it would be weird... it's just the nature of the prequal trilogy, and it's the benefit of it... you know where you'll end up but it's just how you get there, and episode I was only 1/3 of getting there... I think maybe people just arn't used to the whole prequal mentality... even though I'm kinda sceptical of that guy who reviewed the movie (can't remember his name? was it someting knowles?) anyway say what you will about him or his review... but I like what he said about the problem with TPM is that it is so reliant on AOTC... that kinda goes with what I've been saying all along... you can't really judge an interductory movie purely on it's own when you don't know what the rest will look like. I think that for the majority of us ( excuse the generalization) anyway for the majority of us ANH wouldn't be our favourite in the trilogy , and I think that has to do with the fact that it is an introduction. When it came out it was creme of the crop, because people had no other sw to compare it too... but in ESB and ROTJ you don't have the introductory slow moving parts... and this sort of happens in every saga, especially with the amount of characters sw has.

    What I'm saying is that maybe AOTC won't make you a lover of TPM but it SHOULD if lucas does a good job, make you appreciate what he did in it more

    as for my opinion of TPM I don't have a full opinion, I think AOTC has potential to be better, but not till after opening night E III will I sit back and cast my final judgements on TPM and AOTC
  14. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    Superty88, you forgot to list the Asteroid chase...I am really looking forward to seeing that in its entirety. :eek:
  15. PruneF8ce

    PruneF8ce Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 5, 2002
    Each Star Wars movie DOES have an ending. In each film they wrap things up. Sure, more COULD happen, but the movies don't end before the mission is accomplished.

    I didnt say that it didnt end. Im not talking about the individual mini story archs. Im talking about the saga story arch. Im referring this to people that say they dont know everything there is to know about the Jedi and the force and for the ones who believe that TPM has a crappy enemy to overcome (the trade fed), and for those that say TPM was too uplifting. They need to realize like said that its like stairs going up right now. Things get more complex and more perilous, and more revelations will be given as we travel along with Anakin. For the full picture in these respects, the entire saga needs to be viewed. Then the reason why the trade fed was a relatively minor threat comnpared to the Empire will be realized, or maybe not, for some ;)

    So ya see, I didnt mean it that way.

  16. Maceo_Windu

    Maceo_Windu Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 16, 2001
    Man, if everything I've seen in the trailer is executed half as well as TPM in context, this movie will still be the bomb; from content alone.
  17. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Hmmm, some of you guys out there need to explain to me how the hmpf TESB or RotJ are stand-alone movies... Because you may think the acting is better than in TPM does not make this so. I can't for the life of me see how RotJ makes any sense if you know nothing of the previous couple of movies. Good fun, sure. Clear story? Nope.

    The stuff you say about how Lord of the Rings is ONE story which happens to take a bit more than a couple of hours to tell - well, the same can be said for the PT. Although the scripts aren't written all at once, Lucas doesn't merely sit down after one film and go "sooo, what am I gonna do with the next one...?". This project is conceived as a 3 part story, which happens to take between 6 and 8 hours of screentime to tell. So to judge it right now is a bit like taking books 2 and 3 out of Lord of the Rings (Tolkien wrote it as 6 "books", released as 3 volumes) and saying 1 doesn't seem to fit with 4-5-6. I'd have to agree with the conclusion, but I'd have to say the premises are far from fair or fulfilling.

    And actually, if yesterday's crap smells like roses today - it DOES smell better today than yesterday.

    As much as I'm grateful for your concern about my ability to've got the wrong guy with that thoughtful "3, three, t-h-r-e-e" thingy, pal. I can read. Now you go back and read again, please.

    And for your thoughts on TPM - "mostly what it has done is annoy and confuse everyone". You shouldn't pretend to be speaking for "everyone" when all of the ways we have to judge this by - box office numbers, VHS and DVD retails, internet polls and polls conducted during the movie's cinema run - all show that TPM is very popular with people.
  18. PruneF8ce

    PruneF8ce Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 5, 2002
    The OT movies did stand on there own and could be judged on their invidual merits.

    The only reason ANH can stand on its own is because GL wasnt sure how it was gonna do at the box office. In ESB, theres a blatant cliffhanger there about the empire not being vanguished, while in ANH all we knew, the death star was the soul of the empire and they were finished when it blew up.
  19. Darth-Mouth

    Darth-Mouth Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 18, 1999
    I think that while the OT films certainly stand on their own better than, say, the LoTR trilogy, you can't separate them from each other.

    ANH ends with Vader escaping.

    ESB would really raise some eyebrows if not for ANH. The characters, the conflicts, and the Force would be a complete mystery. The ending is inappropriate for a finale or a single film.

    RoTJ, especially the beginning, would make no sense if we hadn't seen the others.

    So it's possible TPM will only get better with the release of AoTC, and that both films and the saga as a whole will prosper when it is finally completed by the release of EPIII.
  20. snailwalker_DK

    snailwalker_DK Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 21, 2002
    Good point Darth-Mouth. aintitcool said that TPM were better after he had seen AOTC. Soo I think Tpm is getting better when we get AOTC and episode 3
  21. rayrayjay

    rayrayjay Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 7, 2002
    That is why it was nominated for an academy award! It was an incredible film! It is like 5 on AFI....Anyone who disagrees with me can't fall back on a matter of opinion, they are wrong! ESB stood on it's own. ROTJ stands on it's own. They are good without saying well, I have to watch the next one now because that stunk. Who of you has to watch 5 after 4. LOTR is one long film...I say that because they stop damn near mid sentence. "Frodo how are you going to"...OOps thats it, we will see the rest in December.

    That being said...I hope ep1 does depend on ep 2, because as much as ep 1 bothers me, that is the only hope I have left for TPM. May Ep 2 kick ass!
  22. Omi-Lin

    Omi-Lin Jedi Youngling

    Mar 25, 2002
    Kornknealious -

    You have some good points about Ep 1, I do agree with some of them!
    But I would still have to say Lord of the Rings is not a Trilogy. The books you could argue are, because they each have their own ending and are related in theme, but the movies I wouldn't count as a Trilogy becaue even if they are three movies, each movie drops off in the middle of the story. There's no definite ending until the last one, otherwise you're left hanging... which is something I found extremely disorienting when i saw the movie. I thought it'd be a trilogy, I thought they'd kinda wrap things up, you know, cuz that's what a trilogy is, and then all of a sudden they see the dark mountain over the ridge and.... the end! I was like... "uh... I guess it's continued!"
  23. flyingseal

    flyingseal Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 20, 2002
    a big yes
    althought i am not sure if it can rival with episode IV, V and VI.
  24. Omi-Lin

    Omi-Lin Jedi Youngling

    Mar 25, 2002
    Adali-Kiri -
    Well,if I wanted to watch rotj or esb alone, and had not seen the others, it might be a little confusing at first, but the opening crawl explains the situation, and then as the movie progressed I could piece it all together. Many movies today do that anyway... you start watching and are like what the hell is happening here, and then at some point thins are explained and you go Ohhhhhhhhh I see. I for one saw rotj first when I was about 12, and only saw from when Luke enters Jabba's palace on, and I understood what was happening. Maybe I didn't understand the whole weight of Luke, Han and Leia's situation but I understood the storyline of Rotj.
    Oh and I thought I'd point out if YOU would go back and read rickwalz's crap qoute, you would see you have it badly mixed up, he said "If my crap smells like roses TODAY, that won't improve the smell of pile I left YESTERDAY." Not "If YESTERDAY'S crap smells like roses TODAY...."
    One last thing, every SW fan has a copy of TPM, even if they don't like it much, or if it annoys them. I don't know a single fan, even those who bitch about TPM, who doesn't have a copy. Granted there are probably some out there, I just don't know of any yet. I complain about TPM, it's my absolute least favorite, it annoys me,I think it's weak, but yet I have FOUR copies of it at my house... two VHS, a VCD and DVD.... so there... statistics aren't everything.....
  25. thenink

    thenink Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 19, 2002
    Its weak, uneven, no main character, (execpt maybe *shudder* Jar Jar)

    Kornelius: main character? Hello...'Anakin', 'Obi-wan', there's two main characters right there that I *think* might show up in the next two movies...
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