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Art Archive PLJ's SW Fan Art Collection - 8/12 Anakin/Padme Wallpaper

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by PadmeLeiaJaina, Nov 9, 2005.

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  1. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Beautiful update of wallpapers, PLJ--and big congrats on the contest win, too! I especially love the "Destiny" piece--showing the innocent child against the flame-eyed Sith he eventually becomes is very powerful. Lovely--and very deserving of the honor!

  2. kennyboy

    kennyboy Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 16, 2006
    Love the new Smallville Wallpapers, brill job on them. By the way I love your SV site, great job on it and everything you have on it. Congrats on your win and I love the A/P peice as well.
  3. Jada

    Jada Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 20, 2006

    These are brilliant! Great work PLJ! :D
  4. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002

    Many thanks for the congrats! It was fun while it lasted :)

    Glad you liked that piece - I thought it came out nicely also :)


    Oh thanks so much! You can pretty much check my SV site daily - I'm nearly always posting new art on it.

    Glad you liked the Ani-Padme piece!


    Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by!

    Here's a general question to anyone out there who might know - do you know of any sites w/ ultra hi-res photos for STAR WARS? A few weeks back my lovely browser decided to just dump all of my bookmarks so if I had any bookmarked they're long gone.

    I'd love to make some more SW art especially since I'm at a point where my artwork has really reached a whole new level and I'd love to go back now and do some SW stuff also. But I can't do it w/o hi-res photos - I've become a hi-res snob :p

    Here are a few of my recent Smallville & Supernatural pieces that I'm most proud of...once I can get my hands on hi-res caps from STAR WARS - SW art will be back!









  5. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Hey PLJ--quite a nice splash of wallies here! Bright colors, good images and compositions--and so sorry to hear you lost all your favorite pages for SW! Take a look here for some good hi-res images--I've found a few to draw from there, too. We have an Official Reference Materials Thread here in the forum, with sites found and used by other artists--that might give you some results, too. Hope you can find some of what you need! :D

  6. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Hey FF - thanks for the links. Our dear Moddess already gave me that link and I've been having a good time preusing it - that was one of the ones that I lost, so I'm happy to get it back :)

    Alright so this week was an awesome episode of SMALLVILLE where there was a giant fight between Clark and a Titan a Phantom Zoner. I made this wallpaper from it and was so impressed by how it came out that I'm going to start cranking out the SW art again. I still seriously want super duper hi-res pics though - the ones I found were good but I prefer even larger pics. Oh well - these will work for now.

    Hope you all like the new wallpaper - I'll try to get more SW stuff out soon :)



    Star Wars

  7. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Whoa! Clark actually gets beat up by this...Titan? Poor Superman! Wild images there--lots of action shots. And the colors on the duel piece are almost hard on my eyes (of course, I'm looking at it at the end of a long that probably doesn't help!)--again, a lot of action shots. For wallies like these, you might want to pepper the "action shots" around some "mood face shots:" for instance, with the Vader/Kenobi duel, have a close-up of each of their faces at some point in the fight somewhere in the frame--it both pulls you into each combatant's eyes and mind, then throws you back into the battle, as shown by the action shots... Just an idea, or maybe something you could experiment with at another time.

    Who knew Clark could get scuffed up that way...?

  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Ultimate Drabbleteer star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    Nice wallpapers, you are very good and those colours are brilliant
  9. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    *Wanders in popping knuckles*

    Hi everyone! Remember me? No? :p So I'm gearing up to try my hand again at some Star Wars artwork, but for right now I'm skirting the franchise w/ my first foray back into the arena.

    First off - feedback:


    Whoa! Clark actually gets beat up by this...Titan? Poor Superman! Wild images there--lots of action shots. And the colors on the duel piece are almost hard on my eyes (of course, I'm looking at it at the end of a long that probably doesn't help!)--again, a lot of action shots. For wallies like these, you might want to pepper the "action shots" around some "mood face shots:" for instance, with the Vader/Kenobi duel, have a close-up of each of their faces at some point in the fight somewhere in the frame--it both pulls you into each combatant's eyes and mind, then throws you back into the battle, as shown by the action shots... Just an idea, or maybe something you could experiment with at another time.

    Who knew Clark could get scuffed up that way...?


    I really wanted to get some more close-up shots for that duel one but, sadly I didn't have any hi-res, or even low res pics that I could use. I just picked up a new program that allows me to cap directly off of my DVDs so I'll now be able to get whatever hi-res digital quality pics that I want for using - so I'm no longer limited w/ whatever photos I can find online (which, sadly, isn't easy to find.)

    I also know that the oranges were a bit eye screaming - sorry about that - I've learned A LOT about working my digital art since I posted those last images. The Combat/SV is still one of favs for action though - I'm glad you liked it :)


    Nice wallpapers, you are very good and those colours are brilliant

    Thanks - bright vivid colors have become my signature style for creating digital artwork, I'm glad you liked them :)

    Anyways - the first DVD I cracked out was my RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK dvd- I really like how this wall came out and am excited about thinking of doing more LFL artwork again.


    I got inspired to do this after I did a wall from the original SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE:


    I'm still hopelessly addicted to doing Smallville artwork, but I'm trying to branch out to other things :p

    I'll just showcase one of my recent SV pieces that I just love - then hopefully the next time I come back in, I'll have some SITH wallpapers done :)


    If anyone's interested in perusing more of my recent Smallville art, you can do so on my Smallville website.

  10. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Very cool wallies! Of them all, though, my favorite has to be the Raiders piece! =D= Go, Indy! **waves fangirly pom-poms** :p ;) Nice filters you used for these, giving them a very "painterly" quality--I like! [Indy]"...Snakes...why'd it have to be snakes...?"[/Indy] LOL!

    As with all your work, the compositions are all very pleasing, and the image selections are wonderful (Lois, chin in hands in the Superman piece, is just perfect! **nodding** ). All are excellent!

  11. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002

    Very cool wallies! Of them all, though, my favorite has to be the Raiders piece! applause Go, Indy! **waves fangirly pom-poms** tongue wink Nice filters you used for these, giving them a very "painterly" quality--I like! [Indy]"...Snakes...why'd it have to be snakes...?"[/Indy] LOL!

    As with all your work, the compositions are all very pleasing, and the image selections are wonderful (Lois, chin in hands in the Superman piece, is just perfect! **nodding** ). All are excellent!


    Yeah I've been dying to do some Indy art - especially w/ all of the new Indy 4 pics that are starting to come out! I figure I'll probably do some more since I just love those films.

    A few months ago I sorta figured out what I was trying to do w/ my style that I've developed for my artwork, I've been desperately trying to mirror the painted Japanese SW/EU covers. They're not exactly the same but those are my main inspiration. I just love turning photos into illustrations, they always make my pieces really stand apart and are easily identifiable to people :)

    Glad you liked the composition of the Superman wall too. I'm rather pleased w/ that one. I've been working over the last couple of months at trying to perfect 'blending' in Photoshop which isn't easy when I've applied all of my filters to my photos. Apparently I live to make things even harder on myself :p

    Alright so FF - I made this one tonight using your suggestions about my last piece. As I mentioned I finally have some capping software so I could get my own shots that I wanted to use! YAY! This one I also applied some extra filters to tone down the bright yellows so hopefully it won't burn your eyes out as much as the first one that I did.





  12. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Pretty! Toning down the bright colors does help (no eyeball-burn today!)!

    This is almost narrative in form, following the duel nearly all the way through--each image leading to the next. Very nice blending, too--I really like it!

  13. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Thanks! As I mentioned I've learned a lot over this past year - properly blending images is my final big hurdle that I've been working on leaping over. I really enjoy making walls w/ multiple images though so that they tell a story, I guess that comes from being a fan of George's films - he's such a wonderful VISUAL storyteller - I like making my walls the same way :)

    Here's the Ruminations Scene wall that I promised you all :D

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