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Discussion in 'Costuming and Props' started by Jedi_Jacen, Jan 20, 2001.

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  1. Darth_Adaul

    Darth_Adaul Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Here are two of my latest additions to my custom collection

    Here is a picture of my whole collection, customs and replicas together.
  2. Darth-Bart

    Darth-Bart Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 12, 2000
    More photos:
    My daughter and me at the Astronomy festival. And new photos of my PVC Stormtrooper blaster.
  3. Darth_Adaul

    Darth_Adaul Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Nice PVC blaster!
  4. Darth-Bart

    Darth-Bart Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 12, 2000
    Thanks Darth Adaul!
    You can see more photos here:
  5. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    I'm not the most computer literate person in the universe, I was wondering if somebody out there could post instructions on how to cut and paste some of these long link addresses into the address box in simple "Don's an idiot" english.

  6. StopherT

    StopherT Jedi Youngling

    Mar 18, 2001
    Very easy to use markup codes for those posting URL's.
    To make a link, use brackets to wrap the URL:
    Example: Just Replace the {'s with brackets!!!!!!
    to make the link:

    Or, click here for more info!

    Otherwise, just highlight the text with your cursor and copy (CTRL-C) then highlight the text in your browser's address and paste it (CTRL-V). Then hit enter!
  7. Darth-Bart

    Darth-Bart Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 12, 2000
  8. Jedi_Jacen

    Jedi_Jacen Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2000
    Alternatively and what I find easier, left-click your mouse at the beginning (or end) or the text link and drag it to the other end to highlight it in blue. Right-click on the highlighted text, select copy. Right-click in your address bar and select paste. Hit Enter.

    Ya know, writing it out makes it sound a lot more difficult than it actually is.
  9. StopherT

    StopherT Jedi Youngling

    Mar 18, 2001
    :D Yep! That's what I meant, but easier done than said!
  10. Rebel_Princess

    Rebel_Princess Jedi Youngling

    Aug 29, 2001
    StopherT : Actually, my friend made the Hoth/Bespin Escape outfit by making a long-sleeved shirt and pants. So it really isn't a jumpsuit like the one Leia wears. He then had patches sewn on that had the right pattern that were on Leia's suit. I would give you suggestions on a pattern that would make it more jumpsuit-like, but I can't sew so it wouldn't do you any good. But my outfit worked out perfectly. There are a few subtle differences in Leia's Hoth and Bespin Escape outfit, though, such as in BE she wears white high-heeled boots (or at least she did in the "bored btwn takes pose" ;)). I hope this helps!
  11. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    Thanks to all for the help. :cool:

    Now can you tell me why Rebel Princess's link keeps telling me "invalid resource identifier?" :confused:
  12. StopherT

    StopherT Jedi Youngling

    Mar 18, 2001
    That's great R_P! It's fantastic to have someone help you with things can't do very well yourself. I stink at sewing, and my wife has put up with a lot of my endeavors. She's been great at helping me sew all my stuff! All she needs a lot of resources to make something from scratch.
    For Halloween '99, she used two patterns, a bunch of screenshots, and my 4" Queen Amidala action figure to make her outfit!!
    Qui-Gon and Amidala 1
    Sleepy Qui-Gon and Amidala 2
    Qui-Gon ignited
    However, we didn't pose as well as you did!! ;)
  13. StopherT

    StopherT Jedi Youngling

    Mar 18, 2001
    DonC--- try this: LEIA PHOTOS then click on the Leia pictures folder.
  14. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    Thanks, your link worked perfectly.

    Rebel Princess,
    You look great, and those costumes are awsome! Now I don't mean to sound like a sexist pig here, but might we per chance see a certain Jedi costume in the near future? ;)
  15. Rebel_Princess

    Rebel_Princess Jedi Youngling

    Aug 29, 2001
    Your costumes are great! Your wife did a fantastic job! You both looked the part very well! :D You'll both be great as a trooper and Bespin Escape Leia.

    Thank you for your compliments! I was considering doing the costume you referred to, and possibly having it by the time Celebration 2 rolls around. (But I think I'll chicken out hehe! [face_blush]) I'm also planning to do Leia in her Ewok dress, since my hair is the perfect length for that and I've never seen it done before, as well as Padmé's blue and white outfits from Episode II.
  16. StopherT

    StopherT Jedi Youngling

    Mar 18, 2001
  17. Rebel_Princess

    Rebel_Princess Jedi Youngling

    Aug 29, 2001
    Yep, that's me on! :D I was actually really surprised to see myself online in that particular costume. On Saturday (the third day of Comic-Con) some photographers from wanted to take some pictures of me in my Bespin gown. Some stormtroopers posed with me, and then the photographers requested that they got a picture of just me. And then they put one on when I didn't even know they were taking a picture! :eek: But I'm definitely not complaining!

    The Han Solo on that page is a friend of mine. He is the most AWESOME Han you've ever seen. We had a great time posing for pictures and hanging out. We were in the Masquerade in a skit about Lando, Han, Leia and Colt 45. We didn't win any prizes, but the audience LOVED us!!
  18. Darth_Adaul

    Darth_Adaul Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Humpty Bumpty :)

    Come on people, let's see those pictures.
  19. Jedi-Finney

    Jedi-Finney Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 22, 2001
    hey i dont know how to link pics in here but here is the address to my jedi outfit!

    tell me what you think!
  20. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Amidala white parade gown pics - I did this costume last year for Halloween. Took me 2 months. NOTE: I'm currently working on the "parasol" piece. It wasn't finished (or even in existence) when these pics were taken. Hence, bare-backed cape. But it's still a fun costume to wear!

    Front view (my face is blurred out because it was midnight, and I was making a really wierd expression :\)
    Back view (without said "parasol")
    Side view and a semi-decent pic of me smiling.

    And for those who care or want to know, here's the page detailing all the crap... er, stuff... I went through to pull the costume together. :D

    kreleia ^.^
  21. jedivalens

    jedivalens Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 2, 2001
    Hey I just got my cloak made so here it is. Tell me what you guys think!
  22. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    I just finished working on a couple more sabers. This is a picture of the best ones I have done so far.

  23. Darth_Adaul

    Darth_Adaul Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Here's a picture of all my sabers i've completed so far, a few were missing in this pic due to modifications.

    Complete collection

    5 of these accept 3/4" wodden dowels and the top right saber has a longer hilt and accepts a 3/4" wooden dowel. I still have a Mace Windu Ep1, Ki Adi Mundi, Luke ROTJ and a resin Obi Wan ANH saber on the way. I'll post some pics when I recieve all of them.
  24. Doright

    Doright Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 10, 1999
    Nice sabers Those are cool.

    I make most of mine from Pvc pipe and Couplings. I just cannot get the Metal sink pipes to work when I cut them. Mine are all real cheap to make.. all cost less than $10 to make, counting paint..and that you can use on more than one. Its also real easy to add a dowel or a thinner pvc pipe to them for a blade.

    Here is a picture of My favorite one I made. I added a blade to it with photo shop.

    Sorry Geocities will not let me link to the picture. I am working on a web site. Playing around with the idea of a tutorial and stuff.
  25. Darth_Adaul

    Darth_Adaul Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Nice saber Doright, you shold keep trying with plumbing pipe. it's not that hard once you get the hang of it with a dremel.
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