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Index Prolific Fan Fiction Writer's Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Prolific_Ficcer, Oct 22, 2006.

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  1. AnakinsFavorite

    AnakinsFavorite Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 10, 2006
    The Saga

    Title: Pride and Prejudice
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama, Crossover
    Characters: Anakin, Padmé, Obi-Wan, Mace, Sabé, OC?s, and more?
    Summary: Anakin is an arrogant Jedi Master while Padmé is a bright young woman who aspires to make an impact on the Galaxy. When the Clone Wars have depleted much of the Jedi Order, the Jedi are allowed to marry. The Jedi Council becomes desperate for Anakin to marry, but will the Jedi and the politician be able to look past their pride and prejudices and into each other?s hearts?
    Status: Complete and has a sequel- Sense and (In)Sensibility

    Title: Mon Aimé Perdu
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Horror
    Characters: Vader, Padmé, Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, Bail, Breha, Wrenga Jixton
    Summary: Since they were separated on Mustafar, Vader has been searching for his beloved whom he has believed alive. Now that he has found her, will she be able to accept the Sith Lord for who he has become... or will their hearts be unable to forgive each other as she is forced to be by his side?
    Status: Completed

    Title: A Day Off From Reality
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Humor
    Characters: Anakin, Padmé, Luke, Leia, handmaidens, Jedi?
    Summary: During a fight, Anakin and Padmé decide to switch places for the day. Naturally, Anakin gets the underhand and learns some valuable lessons about appreciating the people he loves.
    Status: Completed

    Title: Sense and (In)Sensibility
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Humor, Romance, Angst
    Characters: Anakin, Padmé, Obi-Wan, Sabé, the Jedi, the Naberries, assorted handmaidens, Siri, Bail, and many, many more
    Summary: This is the sequel to Pride and Prejudice in which our favorite couple went from being bitter enemies to? being married. Padmé and Anakin thought that everything would be perfect after tying the knot, but they soon learn that it isn?t to be so. Per Anakin?s suggestion, they decide to keep their relationship a secret, but will the resulting chaos tear them apart?
    Status: WIP, sequel to Pride and Prejudice

    Title: Canvas of Secrets
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Angst, Romance
    Characters: Padmé, Palo, their OC daughter, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bail Organa, and many, many others.
    Summary: What if Padmé never married Anakin, had the twins, or became a Senator? What if she married her childhood sweetheart, Palo, and settled down to have a family? Although this changed the course of her future, it did not hinder the Empire. For reasons unexplained, the small family finds a malicious Sith Lord following their steps- but what are his intentions? Here, Vader is portrayed as a psychotic being who will stop at nothing to destroy their lives... but for what purpose?
    Status: WIP

    Title: The Consort
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Romance, Angst
    Characters: Aria Jy?tari (OC), Vader, and more to come
    Summary: Eighteen-year old Aria Jy'tari finds herself the unwilling victim of Darth Vader's interests and is swept off to Bast Castle to serve him, but will she survive after proving to be a failure in his eyes?
    Status: WIP

    Title: The Phantom of the Temple
    Timeframe: AU, Post ROTS
    Genre: Anst, Drama, Romance
    Characters: Da
  2. Sionnach-Airgid

    Sionnach-Airgid Jedi Youngling

    Jul 20, 2005
    Before the Saga

    Title: The Reason Behind the Rule
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeline: Pre TPM. Way back at the founding of the Jedi Order
    Genre: Romance/Angst
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: The reason behind the rule of no attatchment. Songfic written in response to the First Sentence Challenge (aproximately the 23rd post down)
    Status: Oneshot. Complete.

    Title: A Sith Named Luminous
    Co-Authors None
    Timeline: Sometime before the Sith Wars
    Genre: I think Drama w/ a sprinkling of Humor.
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A young Sith must prove himself worthy and overcome the difficulties caused by his unfortunate name on his rise to power. Written in response to the Pirates of the Carribean Quote Roulette Challenge. Quote #44.
    Status: WIP

    The Saga

    Title: Through the Eyes of Innocence
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeline: ROTS - March on the Jedi Temple/Order 66
    Genre: Angst
    Summary: The attack on the Jedi Temple focusing on the Jedi Initiates. Contains original characters. Spoiler Warning for RotS!
    Status: Complete

    Title: Walking the Fine Line
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: Post TPM through at least RotS and possibly ANH
    Genre: Epic, drama, action, adventure, angst (you name it, it'll probably be there!)
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, others
    Summary: A look at Obi-Wan and Anakin?s master/padawan relationship from both points of view.
    Status: WIP

    Title: The Unexpected Path
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: AU right at the end of TPM to RotS
    Genre: AU, Drama, angst, action, adventure
    Characters: Ani, Mace, Obi, Yoda, others
    Summary: Suppose Mace Windu, as the one known Jedi to have defeated the temptation of the Darkside was forced to take Anakin on as a padawan? How would Obi-Wan feel about being denied the chance to fulfill his promise to Qui-Gon? Releived because he knows he's not ready or like a failure for not finishing Qui-Gon's last order? And will it effect how Anakin turns out in the end?
    Status: WIP

    Title: Lessons In Life
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: Post TPM through at least RotS and maybe all the way to RotJ
    Genre: Angst, drama
    Characters: Obi, Ani, OCs, others
    Summary: Anakin learns a lesson in life. Originally written as a response to the First Sentence Challenge (3rd post down), but soon to be expanded into a chaptered story (will update link once next chapter is up)
    Status: WIP

    Title: The Misunderstanding
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: Sometime between AotC and RotS
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: OC
    Summary: Two friend's struggle to go beyond a simple misunderstanding on how to live one's life. Written as a response to the First Sentence Challenge (7th post down)
    Status: One Shot. Complete

    Title: Guilt and Honor Bound
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeline: AU, TPM to ?
    Genre: Drama, AU, Obi-angst
    Characters: Obi, Ani, Qui, Yoda, Sidious, others
    Summary: Although not permitted to train Anakin, Qui-Gon insists that Anakin remain under his care at the temple as his ward.
    Status: WIP
  3. furrylittlebantha

    furrylittlebantha Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 2, 2005
    Note: fics are ordered from oldest to most recent.

    Title: The Mills of the Dark
    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Luke, Han, Leia, Mara
    Summary: Everything?s gloom and doom as Han confronts the villain who took everything from him: Luke Skywalker
    Status: Complete

    Title:An Essence Rare and Deadly
    Timeframe: intertrilogy
    Genre: drama
    Characters: Mara, Palpatine, Dooku, Leia, Lando
    Summary: A young Mara infiltrates the stronghold of a powerful antique dealer with the intent to assassinate him. At last, all her plans are in place. The only thing remaining to be done is the acquisition of a little poison?
    Status: complete

    TitleThe Holy Man's Tale
    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Genre: tragedy
    Characters: Luke, Mara (indirectly), OC
    Summary: Which crime would the one-time ruler of the galaxy, tyrant, murderer, ruthless villian, be most likely to seek absolution for? It involves flowers...or rather, the lack of them...
    Status: complete

    Title:Too Many Stars
    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Genre: short story, action/adventure, drama
    Characters: Luke, Mara, OCs
    Summary: Luke and Mara have a mission to perform on the planet of Kholas. What neither of them realizes is that it has nothing to do with politics or smuggling and everything to do with the scars on Mara?s soul.
    Status: complete

    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Genre: angst, drama
    Characters: Luke, Shmi
    Summary: Alone with his daughter in the wastes of the Tattooine desert, a Jedi learns his bitter fate and struggles against it.
    Status: complete

    Title:Love is Blind
    Timeframe: post-VotF
    Genre: tragedy/romance
    Characters: Wedge, Mara, brief/implied Luke, Leia
    Summary: What if events on Niruan had taken a sharp, tragic turn? Where would Mara Jade be thirteen years later? (Disregards NJO)
    Status: complete

    Title:The Craven and the Dead
    Timeframe: NJO
    Genre: angst, afterlife
    Characters: Kunra/Yané, refs to Luke, Padmé
    Summary: After losing consciousness from severe wounds, Kunra wakes to find himself in a very different sort of place.
    Status: complete

    Title:Rescue Me
    Timeframe: post-RotJ
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Leia Organa, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Sometimes, once-upon-a-times don?t happen and the Hero and the Princess go their separate ways without ever crossing paths. Sometimes fate is frustrated, and destiny unfulfilled forever. But sometimes, paths cross anyways in a universe where all has gone wrong. And when they do, Rightness and Reality meet in a screech of outrage and cosmic sparks.
    Status: complete

    Title:Hiding Place
    Timeframe: I, Jedi
    Genre: introspection
    Characters: Luke, Mara
    Summary: Luke ponders the eternal bitterness of Mara?s heart. I, Jedi missing scene. Takes place after the battle with Exar Kun, when Mara makes a brief visit to an unconscious Luke.
    Status: complete

    Title:Lady of the Night
    Timeframe: RotS
    Genre: evilness
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, OC (s?pose you could call her that)
    Summary: She came to him while his body burned. And he was cold.
    Status: complete

    Timeframe: RotJ
    Genre: angst/romance
    Characters: L/M, Le
  4. SakuraTsukikage

    SakuraTsukikage Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 24, 2005
    Well, I haven't exactly been prolific lately, but I do have a lot of fics, I guess. And I'm running out of space in my profile. Fics organized by time period, then in order of oldest to newest.

    Before the Saga

    Fear Leads
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    Characters: Xanatos, Qui-Gon, Jerec
    Summary: Not everything was easy for Xanatos at the Temple. A childhood encounter with a bully shows early signs of what he might become.
    Status: Complete

    Even Stars
    Co-Authors: Xans_girl
    Genre: Action/Drama/Angst
    Characters: Xanatos, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and others
    Summary: Xanatos is captured and returned to the Jedi Temple. AU.
    Status: WIP

    Genre: General, hints of romance
    Characters: the Exile, Atton Rand
    Summary: A conversation in the Ebon Hawk.
    Status: Complete


    A Resolution Between Shadows and Light
    Genre: Drama
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme, though Yoda, Palpatine, and the droids make appearances too, as well as OCs
    Summary: Obi-Wan saves Anakin after his injuries on Mustafar. RotS AU.
    Status: WIP

    Genre: Action/Drama, challenge entry
    Characters: Xanatos, Obi-Wan
    Summary: A different Dark Jedi faces Obi-Wan on Geonosis.
    Status: Complete

    A Certain Point of View
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    Characters: OC, Anakin, Obi-Wan
    Summary: The beginning of A Resolution Between Shadows and Light from a certain point of view
    Status: WIP

    A Day in the Life of a Jedi Master
    Genre: Slice of life?
    Characters: Ren Kar (OC), Zad Sa-Han (OC), assorted others
    Summary: What the title says.
    Status: WIP

    You Were My Brother
    Genre: Angst, mush, and all that.
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan
    Summary: When Obi-Wan is surprisingly weakened on a mission, Anakin finds he's more of a leader than he thought.
    Status: Complete

    Genre: AU, Angst, Drama
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan
    Summary: The beginning of A Resolution Between Shadows and Light from Anakin's POV.
    Status: Complete

    Genre: Drama, I guess
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker have a midnight conversation.
    Status: Complete

    Eight Days a Week
    Genre: Humor/Romance
    Characters: Corran Horn, Lunetta (OC)
    Summary: During Corran's CorSec days, an arrest turns into something . . . else.
    Status: As finished as it's ever going to be.

    Always a Dawn
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    Characters: Rostek Horn, Valin Halcyon, Nyche Halcyon
    Summary: Rostek Horn rescues and comforts Valin Halcyon after the young Jedi's life has been shattered by the Jedi Purge.
    Status: Complete

    A Galaxy in a Hundred Words
    Genre: Drabbles.
    Characters: All Saga, all the time.
    Summary: Ultimate Drabble challenge.
    Status: WIP

    Long Live the Alliance
    Genre: reflective
    Characters: Wes Janson
    Summary: A fighter pilot reflects on the end of a battle and the end of an era.
    Status: Complete

    Beyond the Saga

  5. SithGirl132

    SithGirl132 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 6, 2005
    The Saga

    Title: The Sun Will Rise
    Timeframe: crossover, mostly post-ROTS
    Genre: crossover, a little romance
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padme, Emperor, Leia, Han
    Summary: SW/Les Miserables crossover
    Status: Complete, 7/22/07

    Title: Under the Shadows
    Timeframe: 15 years post-ROTS
    Genre: AU, dark romance, drama
    Characters: Suitless Vader, Padme, Leia, Luke, Yoda
    Summary: V/P is not a happy match. Leia is a Sith, and Luke is hiding on Tatooine. Padme must break free of Vader's grasp, or else the Rebels will be destroyed!
    Status: WIP, not going anywhere. Let me know if you want to adopt and finish it.

    [color=red]Beyond the Saga[/color]
    Title: [link=]Blind Date[/link]
    Timeframe: Post-NJO
    Genre: Humor, romance
    Characters: Jacen, Nen Yim
    Summary: Jacen is on a date with Nen Yim, and it doesn't go as planned. POTC Quotes Roulette challenge response.
    Status: Completed , vignette

    Title: [link=]Born For Greatness[/link]
    Timeframe: Post- LOTF
    Genre: Speculation, angst
    Characters: Ben Skywalker
    Summary: From beyond the grave, Ben muses on greatness' true meaning. Shakespeare Quotations Roulette challenge. A little painful.
    Status: Completed, vignette

    Title: [link=]Descent into the Abyss[/link]
    Timeframe: post-ROTJ
    Genre: angst, AU, songfic
    Characters: (dark)Luke and Mara, a new Empress
    Summary: Luke and Mara, against each other and the galaxy, try to fix what may be irreparably broken. Based off of "Hand of Sorrow," by Within Temptation.
    Status: Complete, vignette.

    Title: [link=]Frozen[/link]
    Timeframe: LOTF AU
    Genre: angst, songfic
    Characters: Caedus, Tahiri, Dark Jaina
    Summary: How do you deal with a Sith when you've become one? Based on "Frozen," by Within Temptation.
    Status: Complete, vignette.

    Title: [link=]I Understand[/link]
    Timeframe: post-FOTJ
    Genre: vague angst
    Characters: Tenel Ka, Allana, Jacen's Force-ghost
    Summary: Jacen comes back to talk to Allana. A 2009 Holiday Fic-Gift for PointGiven.
    Status: Complete, vignette.

    Title: [link=]Lightsaber and Amphistaff[/link]
    Timeframe: Starts right after Star By Star, ends about the end of LOTF. Rather ambiguous.
    Genre: AU, angst, drama, action. EPIC!!
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Han, Jaina, Jacen, Vergere, OC
    Summary: Jaina is a Sith, Jacen is a half-YV, half-Jedi warrior. Their adventures along the way to a cataclysmic battle when they meet, and the results. Tissues will be provided. NaNoWriMo 2007 response!
    Status: Completed on 10/30/08

    Title: [link=]Misguided Hope[/link]
    Timeframe: Starts 35 ABY
    Genre: AU, drama, a little L/M
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Ben, Jacen, Vergere, Leia, OC's
    Summary: After the downfall of Empress Jaina, the galaxy is at peace. But darkness looms on the horizon, as the Sith plot their revenge...
    Status: WIP. On hiatus- will be picked up when I have more time.

    Title: [link=]Misguided Trust[/link]
    Timeframe: Starts 5 years post-ROTJ, and just keeps going. Ends about 28 ABY.
    Genre: AU, drama, action, a little romance- a little of everything, but much intrigue.
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Jaina, Jacen, Daala, Iceheart, Vergere...
    Summary: Luke fell to the Dark Side after ROTJ. In a convoluted trail of betrayal, Sithly disasters, hope, misplaced trust, and Jaina on the Dark Side, will anyone other than Vergere be alive at the end? It's long and crazy, and it just gets weirder as the story continues.
    Status: Completed, sequel posted

    Title: [link=http://boards.theforce.n
  6. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
  7. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
  8. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
  9. The Musical Jedi

    The Musical Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 13, 1999
    Listed in order of their posting within each era/board.


    Title: The Ultra Stressed Jedi Students
    Co-Authors: Various
    Timeframe: JA-era
    Genre: Round Robin
    Characters: Various
    Summary: The Jedi Temple institutes an exchange program with regular students, bringing them into the Temple. Of course, mayhem ensues. Has three sequels and two companion threads: Continuing Saga (Part 2) - The Repost, Part III, Part IV, and the Truth or Dare Thread 1 and Thread 2
    Status: Complete

    Title: My Dear Padmé
    Co-Authors: Hiroko01, Jedi Master Mara Jade, Alderaan21, Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand
    Timeframe: After TPM (written before AOTC or ROTS came out)
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine, Sabé
    Summary: It begins with a letter - Obi-Wan telling Padmé of Anakin's death at his hand, and follows what happens afterwards.
    Status: On hiatus. I fully intend to finish and repost this some day.

    Title: Fate's Promise
    Co-Authors: Kenobi Maul
    Timeframe: Jedi Purge
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: Ieron Counc, Ken-Biu Maol
    Summary: Two Jedi who knew each other as children are suddenly and unknowingly thrust together during the Jedi Purges. A USJS spin-off.
    Status: Abandoned

    Title: Unknown Roads
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, OCs
    Summary: Qui-Gon comes to understand what death means.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Freeze Frames
    Co-Authors: CYNICAL21 wrote the majority of this story but kindly let me add a few vignettes.
    Timeframe: JA
    Genre: Mixed
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, others
    Summary: Obi-Wan as he struggles to grow up in the Temple and become a Jedi in every sense of the word.
    Status: Abandoned

    Title: An Anthem Deferred
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM
    Genre: Intrigue
    Characters: OCs, Qui-Gon Jinn
    Summary: A former Jedi finds herself suddenly thrown back into old habits when a young Jedi Knight wanders into her life. Sequel to To Walk Away.
    Status: Complete

    Title: To Walk Away
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM
    Genre: Action, Angst
    Characters: OCs, Qui-Gon Jinn
    Summary: Raven finds her world thrown into chaos as she realizes how fallible the Jedi Order really is. Prequel to An Anthem Deferred
    Status: Complete


    Title: Warmth
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM
    Genre: Fluff
    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan spend a moment reflecting on what it means to become one with the Force.
    Status: Complete

  10. Persephone_Kore

    Persephone_Kore Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2006
    I'm not really prolific, but I am running out of space in my profile. [face_whistling]

    Before the Saga

    Title: Gnarltree
    Timeframe: Centuries pre-TPM
    Genre: Vignette, Horror, Drama
    Characters: Nameless OCs, gnarltree/knobby white spider
    Summary: Years ago, a group of Jedi in the neighboring Bpfasshi star system went rogue and succumbed to the dark side. Jedi Masters were sent to stop this dark Jedi insurrection, and one of the fallen Jedi escaped to Dagobah. Though circumstances are unclear on what transpired, it is believed a dark Jedi died on Dagobah, and the local flora absorbed his twisted energies. -- from the Star Wars Databank entry on Dagobah.
    Status: Complete

    Title: And That's the Tooth
    Timeframe: Pre-JA
    Genre: Vignette, Humor, Insane multi-crossover
    Characters: Qui-Gon, Dooku, Dr. Wilbur Wonka, Dracula, Saruman, Mouth of Sauron, Fu Manchu, Sherlock Holmes
    Summary: Qui-Gon and Dooku are stranded in a strange place and stop for directions. There is a wait to see the dentist. Written in response to an informal challenge from Dreagoddess to write a story featuring as many different characters as possible who had been played by Christopher Lee.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Purple Palate Politicians
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM: Padmé's childhood, roughly 42 BBY.
    Genre: Vignette, Humor
    Characters: Padmé Naberrie Amidala, Palpatine, minor appearances from Sola Naberrie, Jubal Naberrie, and Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Padmé's first meeting with Senator Palpatine, at a family party. She is very small and has had a bit too much sugar.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Morality and the Sith Apprentice
    Timeframe: Interim Sith
    Genre: Vignette
    Characters: Darth Vectivus, OCs
    Summary: Darth Vectivus has a discussion with his new apprentice. Written for the Minor League Directory Challenge.
    Status: Complete

    The Saga

    Title: Apprentice
    Timeframe: Between TPM and AotC
    Genre: Vignette, Angst
    Characters: Dooku, Palpatine
    Summary: Dooku becomes the Sith apprentice.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Guests
    Timeframe: Between TPM and AotC
    Genre: Vignette, Humor, AU, Crossover
    Characters: Dooku, Palpatine, Piglet
    Summary: Dooku finds it necessary to alert his Master to a strange arrival in their galaxy. Crossover with X-Men (Marvel Comics), Winnie-the-Pooh (A. A. Milne).
    Status: Complete

    Title: Things That Never Happened to Dooku, Unfortunately
    Co-Authors: Dreagoddess
    Timeframe: Variable: Prequels and slightly before
    Genre: Short Story, AU
    Characters: Dooku, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Mace Windu
    Summary: Several things that could have changed Dooku's path.
    Status: Complete; links to longer AU A Little Prickly

    Title: A Little Prickly
    Co-Authors: Dreagoddess
    Timeframe: Pre-Rots
    Genre: Vignette, AU, Crossover
    Characters: Dooku, Scout, Yoda
    Summary: Count Dooku is turned into a hedgehog. Crossover-in-passing with the Young Wizards series (Diane Duane).
  11. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999

    Title: Breakaway
    Timeframe: KOTOR comics
    Genre: Vignette, romance
    Characters: Zayne Carrick, Jarael
    Summary: Gratuitous Zayne/Jarael shipping
    Status: Complete


    Title: Inamorato (posted as ?arica?)
    Timeframe: Saga
    Genre: Vignette, songfic
    Characters: Mara Jade, Darth Vader
    Summary: Written for Monday Mush Mania. (And "mush" is in the eye of the beholder, no?)
    Status: Complete

    Title: Imparting
    Timeframe: Unknown
    Genre: Poem
    Characters: Mara?s parents
    Summary: Written for the Balladeer Challenge in the Mara Jade Skywalker character discussion thread
    Status: Complete

    Title: The House of Bacaard
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: Drama, action, vignette
    Characters: Mara Jade, original characters, Darth Vader
    Summary: Mara Jade, Emperor?s Hand, goes on an undercover mission and makes an unexpected friend. Response to the Holiday Challenge in the Mara Jade Skywalker Character Discussion thread.
    Status: Complete

    Title: The Best Day
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: Vignette
    Characters: OC, Luke, Dama, Beru
    Summary: Sweaty!Luke challenge
    Status: Complete, sequel = The Worst Day

    Title: Recovery
    Timeframe: ROTS
    Genre: Drama, angst, vignette
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A MedStar trauma team takes part in events that change the fate of the galaxy forever.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Edge of Remembrance
    Timeframe: ROTS
    Genre: Poem-fic, angst
    Characters: Anakin, Padme
    Status: Complete

    Title: Ignite the Stars
    Co-Authors: rhonderoo
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: Drama, angst, short story
    Characters: Luke, Vader
    Summary: An introspective piece interpreting the relationship between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in the Original Trilogy, in light of Revenge of the Sith.
    Status: Complete

    Title: What Choice Remains
    Co-Authors: rhonderoo
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: AU, drama
    Characters: Darth Vader, Mara Jade
    Summary: A "What if?" Darth Vader/Mara Jade story, written to maintain continuity with the OT and, to a certain extent, parts of the EU. We hope you enjoy our interpretation of what might have happened 'behind the scenes.' Plot bunny adopted from the SJRS.
    Status: Complete, sequel = Circle of Light

    Beyond the Saga

    Title: Fangirl Footnotes
    Timeframe: Various
    Genre: Drabbles
    Characters: Various
    Summary: Ultimate Drabble Challenge # 4
    Status: WIP

    Title: Of Her Own Making
    Timeframe: Legacy comics
    Genre: Vignette, drama, AU
    Characters: That would be spoilery
    Summary: Writt
  12. Abeja

    Abeja Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    Space...I can breathe again:p

    Organized from the oldest to the most recent stories.

    The Saga

    Title: Always Serving The Empire, Sir
    Timeframe:0 BBY
    Genre: Tragedy, Vignette
    Characters: An Imperial Soldier
    Summary: The Imperial soldier, who hit the button, that was Alderaan's destruction. What was he thinking?
    Status: Complete

    Title: Shadow Bird
    Timeframe:O BBY- 4 ABY
    Genre: Angst, General, AU
    Characters:Skoloc Celchu, later Tycho Celchu,OCs
    Summary: Skoloc Celchu's journey begins on the fateful day of his homeworld Alderaan's demise.
    Status: WIP

    Beyond the Saga

    Title: Moments Like These
    Timeframe: EU; some years before Starfighters of Adumar
    Genre: Humor, Angst, short story
    Characters: Hobbie Klivian, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson
    Summary: When Rogue squadron's best go on vacation, trouble is automatically included.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Dancing In The Dark
    Timeframe: after Starfighters of Adumar
    Genre: Romance, Fluff, vignette
    Characters: Iella Antilles, Wedge Antilles
    Summary: A dance in the dark.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Nothing But A Friend
    Timeframe:After The Krytos Trap.
    Genre: Angst, Drama, vignette
    Characters: Wedge Antilles, Iella Antilles
    Summary: A troubled woman needs comfort from a friend.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Perfection(Shards)
    Timeframe: 10 ABY
    Genre: Angst, short story
    Characters: Tycho Celchu, Rogue Squadron
    Summary: Ten years after its destruction Tycho Celchu remembers his homeworld Alderaan.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Not That Imperfect After All
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance, long vignette
    Characters: Winter, Tycho Celchu
    Summary: Tycho has a question for Winter.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Nothing Romantic About War
    Genre:Angst, Short Story
    Characters:Hobbie Klivian, Rogue Squadron
    Summary:Hobbie thinks about the meaning of war and the blood on his own hands.

    Title: Chasing Soap Bubbles
    Genre: Humor, Romance, longer story
    Characters: Inyri Forge, Wes Janson, Maya (OC), Hobbie Klivian, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu
    Summary: Wes's little niece visits the Rogues and craziness ensues
    Status: Work in progress

    Title: Hands
    Timeframe: shortly after RotJ, 4 ABY
    Genre: Angst, Drama, Short Story
    Characters: Wedge Antilles
    Summary: Wedge's reflections on the Rebellion and his own actions.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Haunted
    Genre: Angst, Mystery, long vignette
    Characters: A Rogue
    Summary: A bartender in a dust
  13. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Whew! I've finally found the time to complete this :)

    The Saga

    Title: Anakin?s Misadventures in Babysitting
    Characters: Anakin, Luke and Leia
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: Complete
    Summary: What happens when Anakin is left alone with his six-year-old twins.

    Title: Yoda?s Babysitting Adventure
    Characters: Yoda, Anakin, Luke, Leia and Mace
    Genre: AU, Humor
    Status: Complete
    Summary: What happens when the Grand Master of the Jedi Order babysits the Skywalker twins.

    Title: Obi-Wan?s Night to Babysit
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke, Leia, 3PO
    Genre: AU, Humor
    Status: Complete
    Summary: What happens when Obi-Wan babysits the Skywalker Twins.

    Title: The Auction
    Characters: A/P, Obi-Wan
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: Complete
    Summary Padmé bids on an unsuspecting Obi-Wan in a bachelor auction.

    Title: The Bumpy Road to a Jedi Wedding
    Characters: A/P, Obi-Wan,
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Sequel to The Auction. Chaos erupts as Anakin and Padmé prepare for their big day.

    Title: Padmé The Matchmaker
    Characters: Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Sabe and Corde
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Summary: Padmé has decided it?s time for Obi-Wan to settle down and she knows who would be perfect for him.

    Title: A Jedi Valentine Story
    Characters: A/P, Obi-Wan, Siri
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Anakin and Obi-Wan prepare for the most romantic day of the year

    Title: A Mother?s Worry
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan and Shmi
    Genre: AU, Humor
    Status: Complete
    Summary What is a mother?s real concern when her son is injured?

    Title: Unintended Consequences
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: Complete
    Summary: The Jedi Temple is under quarantine due to a virus. Obi-Wan and Anakin have arrived from a mission to treat the ailing Jedi.

    Title: Meeting The Skywalkers
    Characters: A/P, L/L various OC?s
    Genre: AU, Comedy
    Status: WIP
    Summary: What happens when Luke and Leia introduce various friends to their parents.

    Title: A Typical Day
    Characters: A/P, L/L
    Genre: AU, Humor
    Status: Complete
    Summary: The Skywalkers celebrate Anakin's birthday

    Title: I?ll Always Come For You
    Characters: Anakin, Leia and Threepio
    Genre: AU, Mush
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Leia gets lost on Coruscant

    Title: The Best Gift Ever
    Characters: A/P, L/L
    Genre: AU, Mush
    Status: Complete
    Summary: The holidays are approaching. Will Anakin make it home in time to celebrate with his family?

    Title: [link=
  14. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005


    Title: A Blue Island In The Black Sea
    Timeframe: 480 BBY
    Characters: OC?s (Jedi: Aduman Nical [Master], Chevor Mikayzd [Padawan], Force ghost: Garahaldin)
    Genre: Drama
    Summary: Two Jedi go on a pilgrimage, and discover there is a life after life.
    Notes: This is a reposted and revised version of an earlier story called "And The Wombfish Said...". After some tweaking, and giving into a foolhardy whim to continue this story at all, I've decided to repost it and make a valiant attempt to finish the blasted thing.
    Status: WIP

    Title: The Lost Souls
    Timeframe: 110 BBY
    Genre: Reflective vignette
    Characters: Anonymous OC
    Summary: On the occasion of his natal day, a man takes the time to remember a lost ancestor.
    Status: Complete


    Title: Death of the Goddess
    Timeframe: The day after Shmi dies (22 BBY)
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: Anakin, Shmi (dead); Padme and the Lars family (mentioned)
    Summary: Anakin mourns his mother.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Moonwater Perfume: A Courtesan's Tale
    Timeframe: 1.5 ABY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
    Characters: Palai Cerunna, Josym Di?sallach, etc. (All OC?s)
    Summary: In the safety of her book of hours, a courtesan records her thoughts.
    Status: WIP

    Title: Not The Only One
    Timeframe: One week after The Force Chosen (2 ABY)
    Genre: Vignette
    Characters: Civriel, Josym, Meaithe, Nalieza
    Summary: The Force brings its children together in the oddest place imaginable.
    Status: Complete

    Title: She Does Not Love
    Timeframe: 2.3 ABY
    Genre: Romancey angst
    Characters: Civriel, Josym; Civ's girlie Ena is implied
    Summary: When the girl back home doesn't call, that's when you know things are over.
    Status: Complete

    Title: She Will Weep
    Timeframe: Two weeks before ROTS (19 BBY)
    Genre: Angst
    Characters: Padme, Motee, Anakin (mentioned)
    Summary: Padme must come to terms with some distressing news.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Sleeping and Dreaming
    Timeframe: 3-3.7 ABY
    Genre: AU, Angst, Supernatural
    Characters: OC?s, Han, Luke and Leia in supporting roles
    Summary: Nalieza meets Han in the dream world while he is in carbonite. Together, they embark upon a spirit journey that will change both of their lives, and the lives of their friends.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Strange World
    Timeframe: One year after ANH
    Genre: Vignette, Supernatural
    Characters: Han/Leia, The Recorder (OC)
    Summary: A visitor from another realm records a sweet interlude between Han and Leia.
    Author Notes: Written for the Queen Quote Roulette Challenge. Quote used: "Take your little brother swimmin' with a brick". Song: "Tie Your Mother Down".
    Status: Complete

    Title: Surprise Is Everything
    Timeframe: 1.6 ABY
    Genre: Romance, Humor
    Characters: Han, Leia, Wedge with one line near the end
    Summary: Han and Leia get interrupted.
    Status: Complete

    Title: The Lady In Green
    Timeframe: 2.2 ABY
    Genre: Angst, AU, Vignette
    Characters: A middle-aged Padme; Bail, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, Luke, and Leia are referred to, but not featured.
    Summary: On a faraway world, Padme reflects upon her life, and waits for the day of redemption.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Under The Gaze of Najahal
  15. mrjop2

    mrjop2 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jun 6, 2007

    Title: A Vision of the Future
    Timeframe: Post NJO
    Genre: Viggy
    Characters: Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
    Summary: Mara has a horrific nightmare about things to come in the future. An evil so powerful, that their child may be key to the galaxy's survival.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Sacrifices of the Heart
    Timeframe: Post NJO, Pre Second Sith War Trilogy
    Genre: Angst, Short Story
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Anakin, Jacen, Jaina, Han, and Leia
    Summary: After giving birth to twins, one of the twins dies suddenly and Mara Jade begins an out-of-control spiral downward towards the dark side. Is there someone or something behind the death of the baby and Mara Jade's present crash course towards becoming a Sith?
    Status: Complete

    Title: All I Have Left are Memories
    Timeframe: Pre Second Sith War Trilogy
    Genre: Angst, Viggy
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, and OC character: Jacina Skywalker
    Summary: Luke is unable to sleep, as he mourns the death of his wife, Mara Jade, but his mourning affects his daughter as she blames herself for her mothers death.
    Status: Complete


    Title: Star Wars Episode VII: Ressurection of the Sith
    Timeframe: The Second Sith War
    Genre: Epic Adventure and Romance
    Characters: Anakin, Jacen, Jaina, Luke, Wedge, OC Characters: Jacina Skywalker, Titinya Barkley, Gideon Mars, and Admiral Baron Barkley
    Summary: The Republic is on the brink of civil war after the mysterious probably assasinations of Chancellor Leia Organa Solo and Ambasador Han Solo. A con-artist is a witness to the probably assaination and it's a race against time to find the con artist and restory peace to the Republic, but an unseen foe threatens to start the Civil War and bring the destruction of both the Republic and the Imperial governments.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Star Wars Episode VIII: Mysteries of the Sith
    Timeframe: The Second Sith War
    Genre: Epic Adventure and Romance
    Characters: Anakin, Jacen, Jaina, Luke, Wedge, OC Characters: Jacina Skywalker Mars, Titinya Barkley, Gideon Mars , and Admiral Baron Barkley
    Summary: Five years after the events of Resurrection of the Sith, the galaxy is on the brink of the Galactic Games, a once a decade event to celebrate peace throughout the galaxy, but Assinations of political leaders is threatening the closure of the games. The assinations are being made by Siths. Is the increase of Sith attacks a sign that the evil Lord Sithious, the self proclaimed Sith god, is still alive? Even more disturbing: is his claim to be the god of the Sith actually true?
    Status: Complete

    Title: Star Wars Episode IX: Rise of the Chosen One
    Timeframe: The Second Sith War
    Genre: Epic Adventure and Romance
    Characters: Anakin, Jacen, Jaina, OC Characters: Jacina Skywalker Mars, Titinya Barkley, Gideon Mars , and Admiral Baron Barkley
    Summary: The sith now rules the galaxy and the Republic and the Imperial governments are no more. The survivors of the Sith invasion gather their forces to mount a last stand effort against Sithious and his superior army. Meanwhile, the Jedi learn the true meaning of the prophecy of the Chosen One. Has the time finally come for the coming of the Chosen One who will destroy Sithious once and for all? Who is the Chosen One?
    Status: Work In Progress

  16. moosemousse

    moosemousse CR Emeritus: FF-UK South star 6

    Oct 3, 2004
    Before the Saga

    Title: The Force Ghost of Jar Jar
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Before the Saga
    Genre: Humour
    Characters: Jar Jar Binks, various
    Summary: The Force ghost of Jar Jar travels around tormenting various characters
    Status: randomly updated (last updated 20/10/2007)

    Title: Things Lost
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Before the Saga
    Genre: action, mush, angst
    Characters: D'Shan (OC), Thane (OC), Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan
    Summary: A mission reminds D'Shan of events that occurred a few years previously, but what was it and what really happened?
    Status: Complete (complete 22/12/2007)

    Title: Dreams That Do Not Pass
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Before the Saga
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon
    Summary: Obi-Wan has a dream and seeks his master for advice
    Status: Complete

    Title: Christmas on Toola
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Before the Saga
    Genre: mush (MMM Challenge Response)
    Characters: D'Shan (OC), Thane (OC)
    Summary: D'Shan and Thane rediscover Christmas and celebrate it together
    Status: complete

    Title: The Secret Diary of a Padawan
    Author: moosemousse
    Timeframe: A few years before TPM
    Characters: OCs, with mention of canon characters
    Genre: A diary, it will cover lots of genres.
    Keywords: Tapani, OC, diary, journal, padawan, Jedi, academy
    Summary: A padawan makes a bet with another padawan to keep a diary for a year.
    Notes: This is a response to the Dear Diary Challenge 2008, a challenge to keep the diary of a character for a year.

    Title: Something Always Goes Wrong
    Author(s): moosemousse
    Timeframe: before TPM
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: Humour
    Keywords: Problems, travelling, humour
    Summary: Two young Jedi experience difficulties while travelling around.
    Notes: Written for the 'Essential Guide to OCs' January challenge.


    Title: Vader Orders Noodles
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Saga
    Genre: Humour
    Characters: Vader
    Summary: Vader orders take-away but it never seems to work out
    Status: randomly updated (last updated 21/12/2007)

    Title: The Blind Date
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Saga
    Genre: mush (MMM Challenge response)
    Characters: Tarkin, Bast
    Summary: Tarkin agrees to participate in a blind date competition and ends up being one of the lucky ones.
    Status: Complete

    Title: The End of Things to Come
    Author(s): moosemousse
    Timeframe: Shortly before Episode IV
    Characters: Laver Borscht (OC)
    Genre: angst, drama
    Summary: Laver Borscht makes a bad decision that ends up ruining his life.

    Beyond the Saga

    Title: Another Type of Treasure
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Beyond The Saga
    Genre: humour
    Characters: Han, Luke, Chewie, Leia
    Summary: Han and Luke go on a mission to find some treasure
    Status: complete

    Title: Of Thrawn and Art
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Beyond the Saga
    Genre: humour
    Characters: Thrawn
    Summary: A certain object has caught Thrawn's attention
    Status: Complete

    Title: The Perfect Couple
    Co-Authors: none
    Timeframe: Beyond the Saga
  17. Quigonjecca

    Quigonjecca Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 2, 2007
    A lot of these stories are now locked topics-- please PM me any comments or feedback! Thanks!

    ~2007 Saga Awards "Best New Author" winner
    ~2007 Beyond the Saga Awards "Best New Author" nominee



    Title: I Am Complete
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: At the end of RotJ
    Genre: Vignette, Memoir, Challenge Winner
    Characters: Vader, Luke
    Summary: Vader contemplates what his life has been and what he will be after death. This was the winner of the CT write/re-write challenge, game 18
    Status: Completed

    Title: The Dearly Departed Princess Whatshername
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: between ESB and RotJ
    Genre: Humor, AU, Eulogy, Challenge
    Characters: Princess Leia, A random Storm Trooper (Bob)
    Summary: When Darth Vader shoots Leia down in combat, he asks a Storm Trooper to give her eulogy... with a crazy outcome. Written for the first humor workshop challenge. Nommed for "Best Humor" in the 2007 Saga Awards.
    Status: Completed

    Title: Eopie Casserole
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: Between TPM and AOTC
    Genre: Humor, Holiday Fic, Challenge
    Characters: Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda
    Summary: Anakin Skywalker gets to visit his wife on Christmas. He gets her a couple of gifts, sings her a couple songs, and refuses to eat dinner because he's on a diet. This was written as a Christmas gift for KELIA through the Holiday Fic Exchange, 2007
    Status: Completed

    Title: Prophecy
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: About a year before ROTS
    Genre: Humor
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Anakin learns of the *legendary* prophecy of the Chosen One
    Status: Completed

    Title: Later...
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: AOTC
    Genre: Humor, Workshop
    Characters: Padme Amidala, Anakin
    Summary: Anakin dreams that Padme is going to die in childbirth, but he can't tell her, but she knows he is having nightmares... What does he end up telling her?
    Status: Completed

    Title: Stars
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: ANH
    Genre: Poetry, Challenge
    Characters: Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Luke reflects on his life, what he was able to acomplish, coping with Owen and Beru's deaths, and if he will be able to hold on.
    ~Nominated for "Best Poem" in the 2007 Saga Awards
    ~Winner of "Best Poem" in the 2007 Saga Awards

    Status: Completed

    Title: Chaaaaaarlieeee (AKA, the real reason Anakin turned to the Dark Side)
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: Somewhere around AOTC
    Genre: AU, Humor, Crossover, Challenge, Dialogue only
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, two pesky unicorns
    Summary: Anakin Skywalker meets up with two annoying unicorns who drive him insane. This was for the first crossover challenge. It had to be dialogue only, and had to include the words machete, shebang, camoflauge, orientation, and intellectual. I chose to crossover with YouTube's 'Charlie the Unicorn'
    Status: Complete

    Title:Dark Child
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: I'll have to get back to you on that one
  18. Mystralgurl

    Mystralgurl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 9, 2004
    Sweet! I've been needing something like this forever. Or at least since I discovered songfics..

    Before the Saga

    Title: A Family Vacation
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: vignette
    Timeframe: sometime before the saga
    Genre: humor
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A husband and wife try to take their kids on a vacation
    Status: complete

    Title: Discovery of the Galaxy and other Pharey Tayles
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: collection of short stories
    Timeframe: waaay before the saga
    Genre: humor
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Who discovered the galaxy? I know...
    Status: maybe finished, maybe not

    Title: Haunting Darkness
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: songfic
    Timeframe: several years before PM
    Genre: angst
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Character from my Soul series
    Status: complete

    Title: A Soul's Torment
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: fanfic
    Timeframe: Before PM, but only by a couple decades
    Genre: angst, most definitely
    Characters: OCs, various appearances by council members
    Summary: A girl tries to grow up as a Jedi, with some unwanted male help. Re-write of former A Soul's Torment.
    Status: part 1 of 4 parts. Complete.

    Title: A Soul's Journey
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: fanfic
    Timeframe: Before PM, but by less than A Soul's Torment
    Genre: angst
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Second part of my Soul series
    Status: complete

    The Saga

    Title: As I Give My Body to be Burned
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: vignette
    Timeframe: after RotS
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Padme, Ruwee, Vader
    Summary: Vader comes for his children, non-canon
    Status: complete

    Title: The Final Gift
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: vignette
    Timeframe: soon after RotS
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Padme, Vader
    Summary: Non-canon version of how Padme dies
    Status: complete

    Title: Lamentations for Padme
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: songfic
    Timeframe: RotS
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Padme, Vader
    Summary: songfic to Evanescence song
    Status: complete

    Title: Fading to Gone
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: songfic
    Timeframe: after RotS
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Vader
    Summary: songfic to Fading by Gretchen
    Status: complete

    Title: Released to the Light
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: songfic
    Timeframe: Between ESB and RotJ
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Vader
    Summary: Accidentally put in Before the Saga, but Vader is rethinking his life. Songfic to Evanescence
    Status: complete

    Title: Final Whisperings
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: songfic
    Timeframe: RotS
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Padme
    Summary: What Padme might have been thinking while she died.. to Evanescence song.
    Status: complete

    Title: Snare of Death
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: vignette/poem
    Timeframe: RotS, with a twist
    Genre: angst
    Characters: Padme
    Summary: Padme's final thoughts, only she kills herself. non-canon.
    Status: complete

    Title: Last Goodbye
    Co-Authors: none
    Storytype: vignette
    Timeframe: could be any timeframe, posted in The Saga boards
    Genre: angst
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: thoughts on a relative dying
    Status: comp
  19. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    Okay, I'm going to bite the bullet and just put this thing together. :p I've been meaning to do it for a long time, just never really got around to it.

    Before the Saga

    The Blue Side of the Force
    in chronological order

    Shades of... Pink?
    Timeframe: 14 years pre-KOTOR
    Characters: Leiraya Moran, Skyler Ducharme, Kira Mayn
    Genre: Life sketch
    Summary: If there's one thing Leiraya can't abide, it's a girly-girl. But maybe a flying ball of pink is more than she seems.
    Notes: Written for the Essential Guide to OC's summer challenge.

    Corellia Twirl
    Characters: Leiraya Moran, Kylan Sheffield
    Timeframe: 12 years pre-KOTOR (the offending characters are 16 years of age)
    Summary: Kylan moves like a brick when he fights, and his Master has a creative solution to remedy this.
    Notes: For the Quotations Roulette Challenge (v2.0)- "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." -Casablanca, 1942. For more information on these characters, see The Blue Side of the Force: Book I, Mobius, Voices in the Wind, and More Than Useless.

    Letters from the Selonian Conflict
    Characters: Leiraya Moran, Skylar Ducharme, Kylan Sheffield, Cyana Dakari
    Genre: historical narrative?
    Timeframe: Selonian Conflict (8 years pre-KOTOR)
    Summary: Correspondance between four members of the Jedi Order on Corellia during the time of the Selonian Conflict.
    Notes: The dates are following the Corellian calendar rather than the Galactic Standard calendar, because the locals are stubborn like that. No, I couldn't find an official reference on what it was (and if anyone happens to know one, I'd love to see it, since I'm a stickler for canon), so I just made one up. 10 months in a year, 30 days ina month, 7 days in a week, 26 hours in a day (based on Corellia's daily rotations and its rotation around Corell).

    More Than Useless
    Characters: Skyler Ducharme, Kylan Sheffield
    Timeframe: Pre-Mandalorian Wars. Kylan, Skyler, and Leiraya are 20.
    Summary: A Corellian Jedi is forced to evaluate his reasons for going to battle.
    Notes: Written for the OC Dueling Circle challenge #14. Title shamelessly yoinked from Relient K, for they are an awesome band that is way cool.

    Hume-an Emotions and the Logic Fairy
    Characters: Leiraya Moran, Kylan Sheffield
    Genre: Humour, debate, philosophical
    Timeframe: pre-Mandalorian Wars
    Summary: Two OCs debate the roles of emotion and logic in ethical decisions as regards an orange mohawk.
    Notes: Most of this wound up in a philosophy paper. Amazingly enough, the professor didn't flip out, and actually liked it. :p

    Evolution of a Poet
    Genre: Poetry
    Characters: Skyler Ducharme, Leiraya Moran, Kylan Sheffield
    Timeframe: pre-KOTOR
    Notes: Written for the Essential Guide to OCs challenge: We all have to (physically) grow up sometime, and every adult OC was once a child OC. Show us a memorable event from an adult OC's childhood. What made it memorable, either for that same character or for someone else? Was it happy, sad or something else entirely? Did it shape their adult life in any way? I'll grant you, it's a broad interpretation of the challenge. But whenever something inspired Skyler, he wrote a poem about it. So it's more like a collection of memorable events. Or something. Y'all can deal with it!

  20. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    My profile is getting crowded. I give. :p


    Title: Waiting
    Timeframe: intertrilogy
    Genre: vignette, missing moment
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: Caught between the past and the future, all Obi-Wan can do is wait.
    Status: complete

    Title: Finding Peace
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: vignette, angst, challenge response
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A Rebel doctor finds herself treating an Imperial patient.
    Status: complete

    Title: A Moment of Forever
    Timeframe: end of or immediately after RotS
    Genre: vignette, AU, angst
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: In another reality, Padmé had time to say good-bye.
    Status: complete

    Title: The End of Emperor Palpatine
    Timeframe: intertrilogy
    Genre: vignette, AU, humor
    Characters: Palpatine, Mara Jade, Darth Vader
    Summary: Palpatine meets his end in a most unexpected way.
    Status: complete

    Title: We'll Always Have Coruscant
    Timeframe: PT, between TPM and AotC
    Genre: vignette, missing moment, humor
    Characters: Elan Sleazebaggano, Hermione Bagwa
    Summary: An often overlooked couple meets on Coruscant.
    Status: complete

    Title: A Simple Twist of Fate
    Timeframe: OT, around the time of ANH
    Genre: vignette, AU, romance, challenge response
    Characters: Luke, Mara
    Summary: Fate can work in unexpected ways.
    Status: complete


    Title: Infinite Possibilities
    Timeframe: soon after TTT
    Genre: short story, AU, romance
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, others
    Summary: Luke and Mara have developed a tentative friendship, but how will it be affected when Luke asks a favor?
    Status: complete

    Title: Of Love and Ewoks
    Timeframe: NR, post-VotF
    Genre: vignette, AU, humor, romance
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Luke and Mara's new life together is interrupted by an unexpected visitor.
    Status: complete

    Title: A Fractured Reality
    Timeframe: NR, during Union
    Genre: vignette, AU, humor
    Characters: To list them would be to spoil the surprise.
    Summary: Will an unusual pair of wedding crashers mean the end of the New Republic?
    Status: complete

    Title: He Made My Bed
    Timeframe: NR, during the JAT
    Genre: vignette, missing moment
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Mara arrives at the new Jedi Academy, only to be confronted by an unexpected scenario. Archived in tandem with a short H/L fic of the same name by LadyPadme.
    Status: complete; sequel is She Kicked My Butt

    Title: She Kicked My Butt
    Timeframe: NR, during the JAT
    Genre: vignette, missing moment
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Luke realizes that he may have underestimated Mara in more ways than one.
    Status: complete; sequel to He Made My Bed

    Title: Remembrance
    Timeframe: NR
    Genre: vignette, AU
    Characters: Mara Jade
    Summary: Mara reflects on a life completely unlike what she had planned.
    Status: complete; based on LadyPadme's The Jade Prophecy

    Title: [link=http://fanfic.thefo
  21. JediNemesis

    JediNemesis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 27, 2003
    EDIT: Hit quote instead of edit and completely failed to notice. Mod delete, please. [face_blush]
  22. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Getting crowded in my profile. Here's all my stuff.

    Disclaimer: I own nothing related to the characters or settings of Star Wars, which belong to George Lucas and Timothy Zahn (bows majestically).

    The Saga

    This Just In!
    SPECIAL REPORT on the Death of The Emperor
    Time: During the events at the end of Return of The Jedi
    Place: Corusc- er, Imperial City as it was known then.
    Summary: Transcript of Imperial HoloNet Action News Special Report

    False Sense of Feeling
    Time: Three standard months before the events of Empire Strikes Back
    Characters: Mara Jade, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine
    Summary: Mara Jade seeks counsel with Lord Vader with her current mission but receives a lesson instead. Mara Jade and Darth Vader square off.

    For the "Spring Challenge"
    Setting: Somewhere in the Outer Rim eight months after Revenge of the Sith
    Characters: A mother of a future hero and another bragging mother.

    Traits Of Descent - Prologue
    Setting: Five years after the events of The Phantom Menace.
    Summary: A beginning to a much larger story coming soon. This scene features Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker.

    Questions Answered
    Summary: Obi Wan discovers an answer to the many questions he has had for some time on Tatooine.
    Part of the M*A*S*H Roulette Quote Challenge
    The M*A*S*H quote was: BJ: ?You may have treated a symptom, but the disease lives merrily on.?
    *****WINNER OF 2009 Fan Fic Award for Best Vignette*****

    The Boy Who Cried Raiders
    Setting: Approximately a standard year before ANH. Luke Skywalker tries to convince his friends that a strange old woman is more than what she seems.

    Your fic-gift is for: VaderLVR64

    Their Request is:
    I guess it will be set in the Saga time period.

    Do Jedi go to boot camp? Okay, we know they train all their lives, but with the Jedi going to war in the Clone Wars, what about military training?? They had to get them squared away before dropping them in the middle of all those clone troops, right?

    1. So, I?d like to read about a Jedi boot camp scenario. It can be funny or serious, whatever your muse dictates.
    2. This can feature canon characters we all know and love (or hate, as the case may be) or original characters.
    3. However, I would like to see at least a cameo appearance by Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you?d like to feature him prominently, then so much the better!

    There?s so much to pull from: bad food, lack of sleep, lack of privacy, military chain of command, battle tactics, military equipment, the military ?culture? and the ever-annoying drill sergeants, or whatever the GFFA equivalent might be.

    Vote Of No Confidence

    Two months after Geonosis, at the start of the Clone War

    Characters: Padawan Zett Jukassa, Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander

    Summary: Padawan Zett complains about the discipline of basic military training.

    Bad Blood

    Time: Six months after Visions of the Future with flashbacks during A New Hope.

    Setting: Tatooine; At the Lars' moisture farm.

    Summary: An AU version of how Luke left Tatooine. Luke goes back home after almost twenty years with his new fiancee, Mara Jade, to ask an important question.

    Beyond The Saga

    My Palpatine's Journal trilogy:
  23. Jaina_and_Jag

    Jaina_and_Jag Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 19, 2003

    Title: A Very Cold Christmas
    Timeframe: 6 years post-NJO
    Characters: J/J & family
    Genre: Hmm.. just a bit of holiday family fun. AU
    Summary: "Christmas" at the Fel's.
    Notes: Response to the 2004 Winter Fan Fiction Contest
    Status: Complete

    Title: Consequences
    Timeframe: 6 years post-NJO
    Characters: Jaina, Jag, Wedge, Kyp
    Genre: A little bit of everything. AU
    Summary: Before you act, you need to think of the consequences. Whenever you don't, you hurt the people you were trying to protect.
    Status: Complete

    These are in the order that I posted them.


    Title: Stalked
    Timeframe: pre-ANH
    Characters: Mara
    Genre: suspense
    Summary: Mara Jade is being stalked.

    Title: Inexorable Pain
    Timeframe: post-ROTS
    Characters: Anakin/Vader
    Genre: Drama/Angst
    Summary: Anakin has re-emerged for a moment.
    Notes: Response to the Reborn Viggie Challenge.

    Title: Hold Your Head High
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy
    Characters: Luke, Beru
    Genre: Fluff
    Summary: A young Luke learns a little about his mother.
    Notes: Response to the JC Title Challenge.

    Title: Impostor
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy
    Characters: Vader
    Genre: Drama-ish
    Summary: Vader let's his anger take over for a moment.
    Notes: Response to the First Sentence Challenge.


    Title: I Can Love You Better
    Timeframe: NJO
    Characters: Jaina, Jag, someone else :p
    Genre: Humorish, AU, songfic
    Summary: Jaina's jealous.
    Notes: This was basically my first fic, so good luck reading it. :p

    Title: Nobody Knows it But Me
    Timeframe: NJO
    Characters: Zekk, mentions of J/J & OCs
    Genre: Dramaish, songfic, AU
    Summary: Zekk misses Jaina.

    Title: When You Say Nothing At All
    Timeframe: post-NJO
    Characters: Jaina, Jag
    Genre: Drama, songfic, AU
    Summary: Jaina and Jag's life after the war.

    Title: The Way You Love Me
    Timeframe: 2 years post-NJO
    Characters: Jaina, Jag
    Genre: Romance, slight angst, songfic, AU
    Summary: Little bits from J/J's lives from Jaina's POV.

    Title: Three Little Words
    Timeframe: 3 years post-NJO
    Characters: Tenel Ka, Jacen Solo
    Genre: Romancish, AU
    Summary: Tenel Ka has to pick a husband?
    Notes: Response to the 2004 Valentine?s Day Challenge.

    Title: The Soldier
    Timeframe: 6 yrs. post-NJO
    Characters: Jaina, Jag
    Genre: Drama-y fluff, AU
    Summary: Jag's attending to his duty as a member of the New Republic military.
    Notes: Prequel to 'Til I Touch Your Face.

    Title: [link=
  24. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Before the Saga

    All stories are completed

    First Sentence Challenge! Title: Two red beads
    Timeframe: JA Obi-Wan is 23
    Characters: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Siri, Adi Gallia, Oc?s
    Genre: multi post HC SiriWan
    Keywords: shopping beads recovering
    Summary: shopping for a birthday present turns into something unexpected for Adi Gallia, Siri, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Kaagi Adin and Aaqu Maerhin.

    Diary of Kaagi Adin
    Title: Diary of Kaagi Adin
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: before JA
    Characters: Kaagi Adin
    Genre: diary
    Summary: Kaagi Adin writes in his diary
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

    Diary this is

    Title: Diary this is
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: before JA
    Characters: Master Yoda
    Genre: diary
    Summary: Master Yoda writes in his diary
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

    Friends in Low Places Country music songfic challenge
    Timeframe: JA
    Characters: my OC .
    Genre: diary
    Summary: Tige Moranis meets Laie Drik

    Earlybird drabbles
    Timeframe: KOTOR - ROTJ
    Characters: OC?s Canon
    Genre: drabbles

    hush little one
    Timeframe: 57 BBY
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Oc?s
    Genre: mush, comfort
    Summary: Obi-Wan as a baby

    Timeframe: JA
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon
    Genre: PT-rewrite challenge
    Keywords: holocron,
    Summary: Qui-Gon shows Obi-Wan a Sith holocron and a lightsaber crystal

    All masters tell you
    Timeframe: JA
    Characters: Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon
    Genre: challenge vignette
    Keywords: dreams
    Summary: Yoda and Qui-Gon tell Obi-Wan: dreams pass in time.

    A day at the archives
    Timeframe: JA
    Characters: Jocasta Nu and Oc
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Jocasta Nu and work at the archives.

    Owl and crocodile
    Timeframe: pre JA -
    Characters:, Obi-Wan (3) and my OC
    Genre: challenge only dialogue
    Summary: Master Ekiway tells a story

    To the rescue
    Timeframe: JA -
    Characters:, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan oc
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Qui-Gon defies the council again

    Nice presents
    Timeframe: JA -
    Characters:, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan,Enga
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Obi-Wan receives a present from Siri

    Red shoes, for the MMM blind date challenge
    Red shoes
    Timeframe: JA -
    Characters:, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: middle part of a trilogy of vignettes.

    Lil Obi and the lizard
    "There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
    "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief".
    Timeframe: before JA Obi-Wan is 3
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Jocasta Nu, Shh-kir
    Genre: post
    Summary:. Obi-Wan in the archives

    "News Challenge Response" Pathetic animals
    Timeframe: before JA
    Characters: Yoda, Qui-Gon, Mace, OCs
    Genre: one-post humour
    Summary: three young boys play in the garden and find something unexpected.

    Timeframe: kotor
    Characters: Oc?s
    Genre: post
    Keywords: Ebon Hawk, exile
    Summary: The exile from Kotor finds a new home

  25. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    The Saga:

    Title: Tearing Up My Heart
    Timeframe: During ?AOTC?
    Genre: Romance
    Characters: Anakin and Padme
    Summary: Challenge Songfic concerning Anakin?s tortured love for Padme. (?Tearin? Up My Heart? by the N*Sync)
    Status: Complete

    Beyond the Saga:

    *ordered by date written, oldest to newest*

    Title: The Wedding Guest
    Timeframe: During ?Union?
    Genre: 3rd Person POV
    Characters: Luke, Mara and a Wedding Guest
    Summary: A wedding guest remembers during Luke and Mara?s nuptials.
    Status: Complete

    Title: In the ?Fresher
    Timeframe: Post Union AU
    Genre: Humor, General, Romance
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Leia
    Summary: Mara has something to tell Luke.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Born in the Bath
    Timeframe: Post Union AU
    Genre: Humor, General, Romance
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Leia, Han, Anakin
    Summary: Mara and Luke welcome a new addition. Sequel to ?In the ?Fresher?
    Status: Complete

    Title: The Missing Element
    Timeframe: Post ROTJ AU
    Genre: Humor, General
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Han
    Summary: Luke and Water Challenge Fic. Luke and Leia bonding.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Element of Surprise
    Timeframe: Post ROTJ AU
    Genre: Humor, General, some Romance
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Leia
    Summary: Luke and Water Challenge Fic. Mara and Leia bond. Sequel to ?The Missing Element?
    Status: Complete

    Title: The Vital Element
    Timeframe: Post ROTJ AU
    Genre: Humor, General, some Romance
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Leia, Han, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin
    Summary: Luke and Water Challenge Fic. Skywalker family bonding. Sequel to ?Element of Surprise?
    Status: Complete

    Title: A Ghostly Laugh
    Timeframe: Post Union
    Genre: Humor, Halloween
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin
    Summary: Luke and Mara babysit the Solo kids on Harvest Day, and get more ?fun? than they bargained for.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Bun in the Oven
    Timeframe: Post Union
    Genre: Humor, Romance, Christmas
    Characters: Luke, Mara
    Summary: Luke and Mara celebrate the holidays.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Double-Speak
    Timeframe: Post Corellian Trilogy
    Genre: Humor
    Characters: Lando, Tendra
    Summary: Tendra finds out about Lando?s other woman?
    Status: Complete

    Title: In the Flesh
    Timeframe: Post ?Rebirth?
    Genre: Introspection
    Characters: Mara
    Summary: Mara thinks about her family.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Skywalker's Scion, An Interview
    Timeframe: Far Future AU
    Genre: Humor, General
    Characters: Ben Skywalker
    Summary: Ben participates in a holomag interview.
    Status: Complete

    Title: With Regards
    Timeframe: Post Union
    Genre: Humor
    Characters: Mara
    Summary: Mara writes thank you notes after her wedding.
    Status: Complete

    Title: Picking Up Mama
    Timeframe: Post NJO
    Genre: Humor, General
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Ben
    Summary: Daddy!Luke Challenge. Luke and Ben pick up Mara at the spaceport.
    Status: Complete.

    Title: The Second Time
    Timeframe: 1 year post
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