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Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Kir Kanos, Jan 28, 2004.

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  1. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    That is a very good question. I have thought about camping out myself. But here are some thing to concider. If you camp out you will only be in the line to get into the con. Once you get inside you need to get into lines for certain attractions.... store, autographs, celebs on stage, etc.
    So camping out will only cut down on half of the line. But you could also get a better spot on the inside lines. Once you are throught the door, it is pretty much a foot race.
    If you have 'da hook up' you could have someone stand in line for you. I would only do that for a few people. Try to be fair to those behind you.
    You wont have as much trouble thought since you will only be there on Thu-Fri. Sat-Sun will be twice as packed. But T-F will still be busy.
  2. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    If you guys want to waste time in lines then go for it. I'm not planning on waiting in many lines at all. At Cel 2 I never waited to get into the convention center and if the lines for a particular thing were too long I skipped it and looked for a better one and then returned to the one I missed when it was empty and I got to see and get everything I wanted. Nothing pisses me off more then fans running, pushing and shoving to beat out others. I saw gown men shove children at Cel 2 and it was very disturbing.
  3. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    I wouldn't recommend camping out. ITS PROBABLY GOING TO BE COLD. You never know what the weather is going to be like that time of year in Indiana. We've had snow as late as the middle of May. Just get yourself out of bed early, grab a cup of joe or whatever helps warm & wake you up & head on over around 6:30 ish if you want a decent place in line. I would recommend hitting the fan club store early if you want any particular goodies. Last time, by Saturday the pickings were slim, by Sunday, FORGET ABOUT IT!.

    REMEMBER! You can NOT access the convention center in the morning through the skywalks. EVERYONE has to go outside & access the two main entries (Hyperspace members & non-members). Also, we were fortunate enough that it didn't rain last time. Remember to pack a rain poncho or umbrella just in case. You'll be glad you did if it rains.
  4. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    Remember to pack a rain poncho or umbrella just in case. You'll be glad you did if it rains.

    I survived the deluge at C1. At one point I looked up at the sky and screemed "Is this the best you can do?" (ala Lt. Dan) to the dimay of those around me. I laugh at the rain [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    I then took a $50 cab ride so I could stand in line for 2 more hours and buy figs at the only TRU in Denver doing midnite madness. Ya know the figs you cant give away now. (plus $50 back)

    And remember the line party for AOTC. The cold scared most everyone away. I was the one who sleeped on the bare concrete I-)

    OH Yeah, baby. I love me some Star Wars :-B
  5. jediford

    jediford Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 16, 2002
    hay,from a stanger.I thought if not to many plans are made that a get together one nitewould be a thought. we will have an Rv in the parking lot.or if someone has a room conected.We can finaly meet the members here 501st and non-501st.we never make a meeting so we will be here.If some of you want to plan it.I will see it here or check with tambo too see what got planed.hope to meet some of you that i havenot meet yet.k
  6. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
  7. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    where will you be staying, jediford?
  8. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    I believe Chris & Terri plan to rent an RV and stay in the special RV parking lot. From what they've said in the past at C2 there was a nearby lot reserved for RVs & only 2 RVs used it.
  9. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    OOH. there's a thought. cool...
  10. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    The following guests are confirmed and listed alphabetically. Check back for more details on the Official Pix autograph program, and additional guests in the weeks to come. 1 COUPON = $10 Photos are an EXTRA $5

    Amy Allen (1 coupon)
    Episodes II, III - Aayla Secura,

    Kenny Baker (2 coupons)
    Episodes I, II, IV, V, VI - R2-D2,
    Episode VI - Ewok,

    David Barclay (1 coupon)
    Episodes VI - Jabba Puppeteer,

    Jerome Blake (1 coupon)
    Episodes I - Rune Haako,
    Episodes I, II, III - Mas Amedda,
    Episodes I, II - Oppo Rancisis,
    Episodes I - Orn Free Taa,

    Paul Blake (1 coupon)
    Episode IV - Greedo,

    Caroline Blakiston(1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Mon Mothma,

    Michonne Bourriague (1 coupon)
    Episode I - Aurra Sing,

    Ralph Brown (2 coupons)
    Episode I - Ric Olie,

    Jeremy Bulloch (2 coupons)
    Episodes V, VI - Boba Fett,
    Episode III - Alderaan Pilot,

    Sean Crawford (1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Yak Face,

    Sandi Finlay (2 coupons)
    Episode II, III - Sly Moore,

    Garrick Hagon (1 coupon)
    Episode IV - Biggs Darklighter,

    Gerald Home (1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Tessek,
    Episode VI - Mon Calamari Officer,

    Jesse Jensen (1 coupon)
    Episode II - Jedi Saesee Tiin,

    Zach Jensen (1 coupon)
    Episode II - Jedi Kit Fisto,

    Michael Kingma (2 coupons)
    Episode III - Tarrful,

    Nalini Krishan (1 coupon)
    Episode II - Barriss Offee,

    Richard LeParmentier (1 coupon)
    Episode IV - Admiral Motti,

    Bai Ling (2 coupons)
    Episode III - Senator Bana Breemu,

    Ian Liston (1 coupon)
    Episode V - Wes Janson,
    Episode V - AT-At driver,

    Daniel Logan (2 coupons)
    Episode II - Boba Fett,

    Peter Mayhew (2 coupons)
    Episode III, IV, V, VI - Chewbacca,

    Shannon McRandle (1 coupon)
    Expanded Universe - Mara Jade,

    Rena Owen (1 coupon)
    Episode II - Taun We,
    Episode III - Senator Alavar,

    Mary Oyaya (1 coupon)
    Episodes II, III - Jedi Luminara Unduli,

    Ray Park (2 coupons)
    Episodes I - Darth Maul,

    Dave Prowse (2 coupons)
    Episodes IV, V, VI - Darth Vader,

    Mike Quinn (1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Nien Nunb,

    Tim Rose (1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Admiral Ackbar,
    Episode VI - Sy Snootles,
    Episode VI - Salacious Crumb,

    Alan Ruscoe (1 coupon)
    Episode I - Plo Koon,
    Episode I - Lott Dod,
    Episode I - Bib Fortuna,

    Michael Sheard (1 coupon)
    Episode V - Admiral Ozzel,

    Orli Shoshan (1 coupon)
    Episode II, III- Jedi Shaak Ta

    Femi Taylor (1 coupon)
    Episode IV - Oola,

    Simon Williamson (1 coupon)
    Episode VI - Max Rebo,
    Episode VI - Gamorrean Guard,
    Episode VI - Mon Calamari Officer,

    Matt Wood (2 coupons)
    Episode III - General Grievous.

    Exhibit Hall A
    Indiana Convention Center
    Thursday, April 21:
    Noon -- 1:00 PM - Official Star Wars Fan Club members only.
    1:00 PM - 8:00 PM -- open to all CIII attendees.

    Friday & Saturday, April 22-23:
    9:00 AM -- 10:00 AM - Official Star Wars Fan Club members only.
    10:00 AM - 7:00 PM -- open to all CIII attendees.

    Sunday, April 24:
    9:00 AM -- 10:00 AM - Official Star Wars Fan Club members only.
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM -- open to all CIII attendees.

    Autograph stars to be announced. Times may change. Please check and for updates.

  11. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    i forget, have they said how many folks will actually be there signing?
  12. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    We have seen most all these folks...are they going to get any of the main Characters...any????? If will be sad.
  13. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    these are the people that should come

    George Lucas- Himself
    Mark Hamill- Luke
    Harrison Ford-Han
    Carrie Fisher-Leia
    Jake Lloyd -Little Anakin
    Hayden Christensen- Middle age Anakin
    Natalie portman- Padme
    Christopher Lee- Darth Tyranus
    James Earl Jones- Vader
    Ewan McGreggor- Young Obi-Wan
    Lian Neeson- Qui-Gon
    Samuel Jackson- Mace Windu
    Frank Oz- Yoda
    Ahmed Best- Jar-Jar
    Ian Mcdiarmid- Emperor
    Jimmy Smitts- Bail Organna
    Temuera Morrison- Jango Fett

    How many of these do you think will show up?
  14. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    I'm sure we all wish they could come. I think its almost written in stone that some of those on your list are a definitely "NOT GOING TO COME":

    George Lucas- Himself will be tinkering with the film until the last minute. No time for the fans.
    Harrison Ford-Han He NEVER comes to cons. Besides, if George isn't coming, why should he?
    Hayden Christensen- Middle age Anakin Will be filming another movie in April
    Natalie portman- Padme Are you KIDDING! - Show up in front of a bunch of Star Wars Geeks & get googled & whistled at. She wouldn't dare stoop to that level. Don't you know that she is part of the "Hollywood Elite"?
    Ewan McGreggor- Young Obi-Wan I heard he has a prior stage acting engagement in London
    Ian Mcdiarmid- Emperor Doesn't do cons either WE CAN HOPE that he might make an exception in this case.

    We can still dream that the rest may come.
  15. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    i would "guess" 1-3 of those people would be there...seems like Carrie does these quite a bit. good for her.

    i think it'd be cool to meet ahmed best. :) go jarjar!
    meesa likes him....

    frank oz would be awesome too

    i totally wish Natalie would come out, but, yeah, she seems to be above (and afraid) all that. ;)
  16. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    Glenn, you forgot a few BIG names...

    Alec Guniness - old OB1
    Peter Cushing - Grand Moff Tarkin
    Sebastian Shaw - (formally) spirit of Anakin

    [face_skull] [face_skull] [face_skull]
  17. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    And to be serious for a sec. I'd like to see these guys too.

    John Williams - composer
    Ben Burt - sound
    Rob Coleman - cg
    John Knoll - fx
    Irvin Kershner - director
    Kevin Smith - fanboy
  18. HothGirl

    HothGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 23, 2002
    I believe Kevin Smith was at CII but he kept a very low profile 'cause he was just there as a fellow fan.
  19. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    Celebration at Celebration III -- Star Wars Party Saturday Night!


    Saturday, April 23, 2005
    7:00 PM -- 11:00 PM
    Hall B, Indiana Convention Center
    Register now

    Celebration III looks to be the Star Wars party of a lifetime, and the Celebration at Celebration III will be the evening that helps make the weekend unforgettable. Set for Saturday night, April 23, from 7 P.M. to 11 P.M. in Hall B, the Celebration at Celebration III will bring Star Wars fans together from all over the world for a night of revelry and fun.

    The mighty Jabba the Hutt commands you to join him at Celebration at Celebration III, for a street carnival and masquerade in the good company of Star Wars fans. Enjoy live music, entertainment, games, prizes, exclusive souvenirs, plus the opportunity to purchase edgy commemorative "Celebration at Celebration III" ringer t-shirts and iron-ons exclusive to the event. Costumes are recommended, but not required. Do keep in mind, however, that it is Jabba who recommends you wear a costume.

    Bo shuda! Buy your ticket now!

    This will be the night during Celebration III to have fun with your friends, meet fans from all over the world, and let loose playing games, trivia contests, and other amusements. Two live bands are scheduled, and celebrity host Jay Laga'aia will take to the stage to entertain you and all of Jabba's guests, and to help you choose the winner of the masquerade. And you never know who else might show up to enjoy the fun!

    You'll find special Celebration cocktails fit for a Hutt crime lord, plus food and other drinks to buy. Face painters, fortune tellers, palm readers, and game hawkers will trade their services in exchange for tickets that will be handed to you for free when you enter the party.

    Admission is per person (kids under 6 years old are free), and includes commemorative souvenirs, game and amusement tickets, live music, and an entire evening of fun celebrating Star Wars with your fellow fans. Once we reach hall capacity, we'll have to cut off sales, although we plan to have a standby line the evening of the event. But you don't want to disappoint Jabba, so order now!

  20. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    Scott, did you order tix? The GenCon site doesnt seem to be updated yet... or maybe they are sold out again.
  21. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    Yes. I ordered 2 tickets for me & Dylan. Try it again. It doesn't say its full yet.

    This came with my confirmation e-mail:

    Please note - you are in one of two scenarios:
    1. If you ordered your Celebration III badge before March 4, 2005, and requested your badge be shipped to you, you will pick up your tickets at the Celebration at Celebration III kiosks, located on the east end of the registration area.

    2. If you ordered your Celebration III badge to be picked up at Will Call, your Celebration at Celebration III tickets will be waiting for you with your packet at Will Call, also in the registration area.

    To pick up your tickets you must have a valid state photo ID, driver's license, or passport.

    We will not release tickets to the event if the name on the ID does not match the name used to purchase the tickets, or if the photo on the ID does not appear to be the photo of the person retrieving the tickets.

    Here's what each person must take with them for admittance to the Celebration Saturday night:
    . A valid voucher for the event
    . A Celebration III admission badge

    Vouchers will be collected at the door to Hall B. You only need to take your voucher, not your souvenir ticket, to the event for admittance.

  22. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    I got in. Thanks, Scott.
  23. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    Mike, you do know that Cushing and Guniness are both dead don't you? I gurantee they won't be there.
  24. Doc_Savage

    Doc_Savage Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 13, 2004
    Not even as blue glowies? Well, at least AG...
  25. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    Shaw too... that is why there is 3 skulls on the post. Didn'ch notice.
    Besides if that Nashville con can advertise Tolkien's ghost, why not 'Spirts at C3'. 8-}
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