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Full Series Season 4 Preview (SDCC News & Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Claws_Bane, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. Garth Maul

    Garth Maul Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 18, 2002
    guys: tl;dr :)
  2. GGrievous

    GGrievous Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 6, 2005
  3. ImNotAStarWarsFanboy

    ImNotAStarWarsFanboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 25, 2011
  4. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    So what are they? Nazi Germany? Japan during WW2?
  5. Game3525

    Game3525 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2008
    They are what their suppose to be, high-tech warriors who ended up getting their asses handed too them by the Jedi Order in The Clone Wars.;)
  6. GGrievous

    GGrievous Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 6, 2005
    "It robbed Boba Fett of his uniqueness"
  7. CT-867-5309

    CT-867-5309 Chosen One star 7

    Jan 5, 2011
    Does this line strike anyone as strange?

    I mean, if they are a diverse people in both appearance and substance, does that really make Fett less unique?

    It really sounds like Lucas wants to place every single Mandalorian under a single stereotype just to make Fett stand out that much more.

    They don't want the Mandalorians to be like real people, they want them to be uniform.

    And yet, they are trying to make the clones more individual.

  8. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    Heh... I hope Deathwatch doesn't get owned by Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-wan inside of 66 minutes.
  9. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    That's exactly what they are meant to be.
  10. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I just think that fin of clones is not inspired by senate guards- not IU not OOU.... of course it can be but looks unlikely since it has different purpose- fin atop the helmet is of course inspired by real-life helmets like conquistadors while senate guards have feathers like spartans or romans....
    any connection between senate guards and clones looks like very made-up to me- senate guards are made after red guards they have no armor and ceremonial helmet unlike plastic bucket- senate commandos however (and maybe even ep3 guards) are combination of both...

    then you missed my point- i was not saying that they would need to be so mandos as Traviss portrayed them.... I mean they think themselves as followers of supercommandos but like "supercommandos of the republic" I'm also fine with others than Jango surviving and living as mercenaries maybe some supercommandos didn't participate in Battle of Galidraan or left the brotherhood when civil war broke out- it is possible some of these former mandos then trained clones prior AOTC but left the job when Jango died and were replaced by other bounty hunters like El-les or Bric...

    And clones definitely didn't think themselves as "kaminoans" in a way actual kaminoans are- but Kamino is "the closest thing clones can call home"

    That was my original meaning as well- I don't know their plots....

    Why not- he could be one of Vizslas lieutenants like female mando- who also has customised armor instead of DW-uniformo_O and therefore she doesn't fit aestethic either (she is also female) and we haven't seen anyone but Viszla without helmet so tattoos are nothing really..... rodian may be "wannabe mando" like Lux and they have some cruel competition and only winner is worthy and can join Death Watch or something:p ...... okay i speculate too much but could be something like that

    Rodians doesn't look mandos even as mandos...... Maybe rodian is civilian he don't have to be mando even if that clip is from mando-arc- I wouldn't be surprised about few weequaymandos though:p - rodian-mando is eu-idea -they like to use those sometimes....also there seems to be another human there- TCW would never have two background humans together without connect
  11. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    Strange? Not really.

    My sense is that Filoni is referring to the armoured Mandalorians. They're now more "uniform". They're an actual military unit rather than a culture. They don't have the weird and wonderful variations on the armour that we see in the EU. There's a baseline Mandalorian armour set - unpainted metal plates on a blue jumpsuit with blue highlights on the helmet - that is used by Death Watch and (with revisions) Jango Fett. Pre Vizsla and his female lieutenant have modified armour suits that retain the same colour scheme and basic design.

    I believe that "A bunch of Boba Fetts" refers to the idea of many thousands of Mandalorian bounty hunters - each with their own cool armour design - wandering around the galaxy. That's been torpedoed. Sucks to be a fan of this idea. However, TCW has almost rehabilitated Boba Fett's character. It would have done it all had Lethal Trackdown been well-written. :p

    There could still be a diverse array of armoured Mandos, but it would be more like the diversity of the Legacy-era Stormtrooper Corps or the CW-era Republic special ops units than the Republic Commando novels' portrayal of the Mandos. They're soldiers rather than warrior-farmers.

    As far as the Mandalorians as a whole go, they're now a minor civilisation. They've lost the quirky customs from the EU, but there's paradoxically more opportunity for diversity. Instead of a small group of X million bounty hunters, there's now an entire regional civilisation of people encompassing at least three confirmed celestial bodies (Mandalore, Concordia, Kalevala). The civilisation is fiercely independent and has a militarist streak. It's under a pacifist regime, but this could change in a heartbeat.

    There's a proper separation of labour in the economy (ie. not everyone's a farmer and a warrior). The S3 episodes were vile, but they at least showed us Mandalorian dockers, Mandalorian teachers, Mandalorian cops, Mandalorian students, Mandalorian government officials and Mandalorian doctors. If Death Watch gets its way, we'll also see Mandalorian professional soldiers and military officers.

    That would be interesting - Lux vs. Rodian dude, competing for the final slot on the Death Watch roster.

    Like Savage vs. Feral. o_O

    Regardless of what he is, I'm very interested by the tattooed guy. The tattoos tell us a story...
  12. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I agree this time with pretty much with CT- clones should be identical more than DW- and we see Death Watch customisations anyway with femalemando there- who has- not only different armor but helmet and entire style- and Viszla also has new style- maybe that tattooed fellow is one more lieutenant with customisation- that is how it started with clones- first all were identical only colors were identifying officers (AOTC)- then commanders get their customisations (ROTS) then all clones became "unique"(TCW)..... so that much about DW-uniforms, now they have two bunches of Boba Fetts- one fellow who fullfills Dave's fanboyfantasy of Boba Fett (Cad Bane) and one whining kid who has the name 'Boba Fett'[face_laugh]
  13. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    It's ironic to see how well they're handling the Mandalorians, considering how badly they screwed up Boba Fett with Lethal Trackdown.

    There's no point in overstating how "unique" they've made the clones. I have a big problem with how every Jedi or clone officer somehow knows the cute lil' nickname of every last private in their unit, but that's also down to the writers failing to understand how immeasurably gigantic the clone army should be. There have been a few insubordinate punks rather than proper clone troopers in the show, but most clones are at least treated as expendable pawns. That, if anything, is good.
  14. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    Well and well...... remember season3-mandos?:p
    Plo, Hondo, Aurra and Ahsoka stole the Trackdown- Boba was left to background to be whiny kid that is manipulated by Aurra who doesn't even seem to have any motives to do what she does, she doesn't want money she just has unlimited Jedi hate and for some odd reason she wants to use Boba as reason for it, but that's not working..... since Aurra is no more dark jedi... what the heck she is doing? Why she hates jedi so much she is prepared to risk everything to kill Mace Windu? I think Aurra needs new backstory as well....
  15. QuangoFett

    QuangoFett Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2011
    Absolutely. As I said, they were vile.

    However, as far as I'm concerned, the changes to the Mandalorians have been the only unambiguously good retcons TCW's writers have made. They turned a pile of trashy GFFA Klingons into something intriguing.

    Not even a pair of poor episodes involving the Mandos changes that.
  16. CT-867-5309

    CT-867-5309 Chosen One star 7

    Jan 5, 2011
    I've never been a fan of Mandalorians or the Fetts, so I don't really care what they do with them.

    I do think that having the Mandalorians, a warrior culture, sit out the Clone Wars was just about the most boring thing they could do with them.

    I still can't figure out what the hell Filoni is saying in this quote. Can anyone with the DVD clear this up?



    When did this happen? In some source book? (The Wook says Essential Atlas and some TCW Guide) Would it be too much to ask to show us this in the actual episodes? Did it happen in any of the episodes? Was it mentioned? They're so boring I don't remember much about them.

    By "dating back" I'm guessing he means out of universe, not in universe. Is it just me, or is "race of supercommandos" an oxymoron? I mean, commandos are small, elite forces with specialized training, you can't have an entire race of commandos.

    Strange. I haven't seen any military, mostly just guards and police. If they have a military and they're a race of warrior/supercommandos, why aren't they fighting in the Clone Wars? It seems strange that these warriors are somehow also pacifists.

    Who are they? I hope he's talking about Death Watch. Because if he's talking about the pacifist faction, it makes no sense.

    I don't know what this means, even with the next line. Can someone translate this?

    They're a warrior race, except in TCW. The problem with that is, Lucas' version is the only "authentic" version and the EU is just expensive fan fiction he stomps on regularly. So in the "authentic story", we've only seen the Mandalorians as pacifists, not warriors. In Lucas' account, we've never seen them fight in a war.

    Something just doesn't add up. If they gave up their warrior ways and became pacifists hundreds of years ago, how are they still a warrior race? If there has been a strong desire to go back to those warrior ways, how has the pacifist regime lasted this long? How have they managed to stay out of war? Why aren't the people clamoring to enter the war? Why hasn't the pacifist regime been overthrown? Why is the dissenssion reduced to a small terrorist faction? I just can't swallow it.

    Because of how poor the episodes have been, I really don't care about what's happening on Mandalore or what's going on within their society. I don't care about their pacifism, corruption, poison tea, terrorism, or Death Watch or anything that has happened in any of the Mando episodes. I know the S2 episodes are popular, but they put me to sleep faster than a Gracie choke. All they've done is make me lose interest.
  17. ImNotAStarWarsFanboy

    ImNotAStarWarsFanboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 25, 2011
    He's talking solely about the history of the Mandalorians in relation to Death Watch in the DVD interview, not Satine's pacifists. As you've probably figured out yourself by this point, Death Watch in TCW seeks to preserve the old warrior ways while the pacifists introduced by TCW want to forget the Mandalorian's several-thousand-years-old bloody heritage and forge a new era of peace.
  18. JM_1977

    JM_1977 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 23, 2011
    Quick question I know it's off topic but it's been bugging me for a while. In the extended trailer in the one split second we see cad bane (at least i think its him) who is that right beside him??
  19. Darth_Gamek

    Darth_Gamek Jedi Master star 6

    Aug 10, 2009
    Probably someone irrelevant.
  20. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    They are a warrior race in the same way that the Germans were once highly militarist. They were literally decimated which is why they are pacifist. I don't think it is unreasonable to think that they are still considered militarist characters - it is likely they will develop the return of the 'supercommandos' throughout the series.

    Its only been about 200 years in an possible history of thousands of years.
  21. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I don't have DVD but Filoni means that mandalorians were warriorculture IU- thousands of years until the Mandalorian civil war- that happened few decades ago before TPM.....

    also SW taking place "Long time ago" so they use imperfect but Satine mentions "warrior ways of the past".... in original drafts of ESB Lucas decided mandalorians are dead warriorrace anyway so in Star Wars they are thing in the past like jedi are in OT.....
    In many conflicts during those thousands of years- mandalorian wars- cold war- they were involved in numerous conflicts- usually against jedi...

    Last time this happened was during Mandalorian civil war¨two decades prior the clone war- when jedi lead by Dooku destroyed supercommandos on planet Galidraan-

    Obviously mandos also raided jedi temple during times of Darth Bane or something like that- 1000 years prior TPM -since Viszla mentions "fall of the old republic" that is obviously indirect mention of Ruusan reformation that was birth of modern republic to some.....

    This thing needs explanation since according to EU this didn't even happen on Mandalore but Galidraan- but this happened few decades ago- 44BBY according to wookieepedia so 22 years before AOTC.....

    No Filoni talks about Death Watch and Death Watch military we see in Duchess of Mandalore- Satine is pacifist- her mandalorians have no army only police and guards and Death Watch was fighting in the clone war as Mandalore Plot showed- but it's main goal is to overthrow pacifists it is not strong enough to take part on galactic war anymore.....

    Funny how you are now so interested in these "boring mandalorians"o_O but anyway it is not that complicated- Filoni just didn't remember to make difference between two factions- larger faction of mandos is now pacifists lead by Satine and Death Watch wants to bring back the old warriorculture.... majority still supports Satine....
  22. FarEasterling

    FarEasterling Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 18, 2011
    Once to the surprise of Dave Filoni George Lucas said he wants Aayla Secura be of French background. She became a tender French (love her pronouncing word "liberty"). Whether we now must look at all other twi'leks as French remains to be seen. Suspect GL could also tell that he wants Mandalorians look like post-war Germans (of course not as real ones, but as a bunch of cliches the mass culture associates with Germans), and they became something like it. And that's the end of the story of Mandalor.
    As Obi-Van didnot move a finger in ROTS to escape to Mandalor , perhaps Death Watch finished Satine at last. Neutrals have an astonishing mortality ratio in the show, while the characters with more warlike attitude persist and sometimes flourish.
  23. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I think Satine bites the dust during season 5 or 6..... maybe she reveals that Korkie-thing also:p seriously he should die -just because Obi-Wan doesn't seem to be interested in Mandalore in ROTS:p (or maybe Satine is overthrown and she escapes to Tatooine who knows[face_laugh] )..... she is also one rather major character who can die and it would make Obi-Wan bit more tragic hero... Satine not being Anakin's close friends there is no problem but Satine's decease would no doubt affect Padmé- not that she would change her mind she is already against the war....
  24. Seerow

    Seerow Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2011
    Even though Deathwatch is getting a role this season. I'll somehow be surprised if Satine appears.
  25. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    she appears at least in newsreels or i'm surprised :p but she is not confirmed- looks like they build the final confrontation by showing DW now when they last showed how Satine's world is going to bad direction...... Satine may appear -but hardly in major role....