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Lit Share your headcanons!

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Gruntz, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Allegiance-class, in my mind. Their performance against a Star Cruiser for example. It’s hardly a 4 or 6km monster, and the Empire was midway to shifting to mass production of the Allegiance if Dark Empire is any indication.
    Noash_Retrac likes this.
  2. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 38x time Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    The Urbanus class as portrayed by Fractalsponge (Fanon, but based on a Dark Empire pic) might be a better candidate than the Allegiance since it actually has hangars close to the main reactor.

    Alternatively there could have been a Xyston-type ship prior to the Xyston itself (same size as Allegiance but much more of an "oversized ISD" in shape) that didn't have the superweapon - the idea being that Sidious took an existing design (the pre-Xyston) then had the superlaser modification made to it to produce the Xyston.
    Noash_Retrac likes this.
  3. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    Ooohh...I'm keen. Link?
  4. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 38x time Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    The Urbanus:

    The ship in Dark Empire that the Urbanus was based on:


    WIP pics of the ship that would eventually become the Urbanus
  5. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    Pity we may never know the class of the Ilthmar's Fist and Pride of Tarlandia. But this design, I definitely like. Pity Fractalsponge is protective of his designs now considering he wasn't credited for the last art that was "taken" by official illustrators.
  6. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    One of the divergences between Legends and Canon is that, due to Kesh being discovered much earlier in Canon (as established in Battle Scars), the Lost Tribe of Sith were also discovered by Sidious, who decided to fold them into the Sith Eternal.
  7. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    This is not a proper head-canon, it's more of a random idea I have.

    A lot of fans of the Knights of the Old Republic games seem to dislike what Bioware did with Star Wars: The Old Republic. They don't like the way they treated Revan's character in the novel and the game, they don't like how many times the Sith Emperor resurrected, as well as a lot of the other plots that were developed in the MMO. However, I recently came up with an idea that can more or less attempt to satisfy the Knights of the Old Republic fans that were disappointed with The Old Republic. And my idea is very simple: taking the first three cinematic trailers of the MMO and building a story around them, without necessarily accepting the Revan novel and the rest of the game.

    Think about it...

    In Knights of the Old Republic II, it's revealed that Revan knew about a Sith Empire in the Unknown Regions, and turned to the Dark Side to conquer the Republic, make it stronger and prepare the Galaxy for the Sith invasion. Okay, perfect. Then you have The Old Republic: Return, where the Sith return and invade the Galaxy, indeed, thus confirming what Knights of the Old Republic II told us about the Sith invasion. That cinematic alone makes you understand that the war with the Sith has started. After Return, you have The Old Republic: Hope, which shows the Battle of Alderaan between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and also shows that the Republic wins the battle. That cinematic alone makes you understand that the war with the Sith is raging across the Galaxy. Finally, you have The Old Republic: Deceived, which shows how the Sith Empire invaded Coruscant. Since the Sith Empire successively invaded Coruscant, you can assume that the Empire won the war and conquered the Republic. But, since we know that there is no Sith Empire when Darth Ruin turned to the Dark Side, you can reasonably assume that the Sith Empire fell apart some years ago due to the continuous internal Wars between the Sith, and therefore the Republic was restored (which is more or less what happened in the Original Trilogy).

    So, as you can see, using the first three Old Republic cinematic trailers is more than enough to create an entire story without necessarily having to accept the canonicity of the Revan novel and the MMO itself. Besides, you also don't have to accept the fact that the Sith Emperor resurrected at least a dozen of times, and you can still keep Revan's original motivations intact. Furthermore, using this idea would also allow you to explain Palpatine's line in Revenge of the Sith about the Sith ruling the Galaxy once more (which means that they ruled the Galaxy in the past).
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  8. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    TOTJ and KOTOR take place during an Alsakan Conflict. This to me helps reconcile the seeming fragility of the Republic, which had seemingly been nearly overthrown by: Two rich teens and their little sith cult, A Sith Lord as of a month ago, and mandalorians who were actually treated as the lesser part of the unholy alliance.

    Then later in the mandalorian wars a roving band of nomads who were recently defeated came back and seemingly were an existential crisis for the Republic.

    Revan then came in, won, then started a coup against the Republic, and then after the jedi civil wars Onderon leaving was treated as potentially the catalyst for a secession crisis. These wars happening during massive political upheaval and a civil war among the core worlds just makes sense to me, especially since, from what i remember, we rarely actually see the core worlds across most of the kotor era, brief visits to coruscant in the comics and pantolomin not-with-standing.

    So the Core Worlds are engulfed in a civil war, slowing down response to Empress Teta, Exar Kun, Onderon, and the Mandalorians, in contrast to the Great Hyperspace War where the response to the sith invasion force was nearly instant.

    The Core Worlds being busy with their civil war leaves the outer rim undefended and hardly regulated. The Jedi are primarily occupied with the Alsakan Conflict and quite openly think that the Core was more important than the rim, Which they had previously abandoned after the Cron Supernova.

    Revan comes in and starts driving the mandalorians back, effectively becoming the Hero of the Rim, as well as growing a huge following in the military, who would rather be defending their homes in the rim than being trapped in the rim defending nobles who seemingly didnt care about them at all. These disenfranchised Rim Worlds form the backbone of Revan's Empire, which slowly started to adopt the sith moniker as a symbol of their disillusionment with the Republic and all it stood for.
  9. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    The Bedlam System is where the Waymancy Bridal Seat was located

    While the narration claims the stormtroopers remade by Splendid Ap were sent 8000 years into the past, i choose to believe that exact number was for dramatic effect, They were actually sent back some 7800 years instead.

    They looked up at the sky and witnessed strange fleets at war, reality coming undone, real-space cracking and hyperspace escaping its dimensional confines and leaking into real-space then confining and destroying itself.

    Of course they later die without meeting anyone to share this experience with, but ultimately it was just as weird of a day for them as it was for Leia.
  10. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    Ya'll are missing the obvious potential here. We could be talking about a Resurgent-class.
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Funnily, with its internal HoloNet node, and powerful jammers, the RSD is basically a communications ship.

    But the Allegiance-class fulfilled that role at the Battle of Mon Calamari in Dark Empire so it’s fits the era better I would argue.
  12. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    With how fast Veter was replaced as Grand Master after his death, the title of Grand Master feels like its likely not merely ceremonial as it seemed in Legends.

    I believe a Grand Master is in charge of a large Temple somewhere in the galaxy, in contrast to the small outpost on say Elphrona or the small jedi temple that savage attacked in TCW. By the time of the High Republic there were 3, with Starlight beacon planned to be the fourth. Avar Kriss being made Jedi Marshall of Starlight was essentially her "Grand Master Trials" with her getting that title if she proved herself capable of taking charge. Of course that ultimately never worked out.

    Veter and Lahru were in charge of other similarly sized temples. Its tempting to namedrop planets like Ossus and Tython here, but honestly those planets are too remote to be main hubs of jedi activity, in my personal opinion. The somewhat brief preview of the Living Force novel by JJM makes me feel that Kwenn is a much better candidate.

    The third outpost I have very little idea about, though i like the idea of it being up North in the New Territories, just to space these things out. Perhaps Ord Mantell even, for some irony points and due to it being something of a travel hub.

    After the High Republic all jedi were recalled to Coruscant and the other temples and outposts were downsized to the point of not needing Grand Masters anymore, leaving Yoda as the sole Grand Master for quite a while.
    Ventrix likes this.
  13. Thrawn McEwok

    Thrawn McEwok Co-Author: Essential Guide to Warfare star 6 VIP

    May 9, 2000
    The one thing we do know about the battlecruisers is that they have an ISD-style bridge tower...


    I think at one point I suggested something involving the more compact superstructure of the ISD-hulled interdictor without the grav-well generators...


    Also, @ColeFardreamer - do you want me to continue on the Tector here or in the Fleet Junk thread?

    - The Imperial Ewok
  14. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    whereever you prefer, just tag me so I know. But I guess over there fits better.
  15. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    After the GA's formal fall in Legacy, the New Republic and Galactic Alliance are colloquially known as the Second Galactic Republic. New Republic was never an official name, just an indication that it was, well, the New Republic. Given that the Galactic Alliance was just the NR renamed, with a stronger executive, but operating under the same principles, its no surprise that it could fit under the very same Second Republic branding.

    By contrast, the Empire considers itself the same entity from the Declaration of a New Order to the Imperial Remnant and Fel Empire eras. They're just under different leadership (interregnum under Pellaeonic era to the 'new dynasty' under House Fel).
    Golbolco likes this.
  16. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    Cularin, discovered in the same year as the opening of Starlight Beacon, would eventually have a population boom due to refugees fleeing Nihil attacks seeking safety in its natural Interdiction properties.

    The sheer coincidence of the date, the High Republic's focus on hyperspace technology progression, and this hypespace anomaly were just too tempting to not connect.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
    Vthuil, ColeFardreamer and Kadar Ordo like this.
  17. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    Wow, that's actually pretty freaky how well that works out.
  18. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    And soon there will be another star wars thing titled "Living Force" that
    Involves a bicentennial celebration around the time of TPM
    time is a circle.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  19. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    In canon, Lightsaber colors do have meanings, but they say more about the history of the Kyber itself, than the Jedi.

    Afterall Bled and Purified crystal colors tells us more about the Crystal than it does the user, any jedi can purify a crystal theoretically and any sith can bleed a crystal to the same color.

    Blue and Green, and the various shades there of: The crystal lived most of its life in a Force Nexus, with other crystals where it lived mostly in peace and undisturbed. This is why the Lothal Temple, Ilum, and Jedha crystals all tend to be green and blue, to the point that the Death Star laser was green.

    Yellow: the crystal lived a lonely life, without meeting many other crystals

    Purple: the crystal lived on a planet hostile to life, or was otherwise deprived of a connection to any other living things.

    Black: extremely hostile environment, like say the inside of a volcano, the Darksaber was black not because of some special connection between it and Tarre, but because tarre essentially pulled a Tenel Ka and dove into a volcano to find it before crafting his lightsaber.

    High Republic Jedi more commonly have other lightsaber colors due to them living off of Coruscant more often, and exploring the galaxy far more. 90% of HR lightsabers however are still green and blue since most of them still go to Ilum and keep that crystal.

    This to me helps explain different colors in a way that doesn't feel arbitrary, like the KOTOR jedi classes, or making them some sort of personality test. It also implies stories: like where did Loden Greatstorm find his crystal? Was it Elphrona itself, maybe?
    Watcherwithin likes this.
  20. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    I want to believe that Mara Jade, had an important lineage that's why Palpatine had a great appreciation for Random Person like her, i think Mara was a Sunrider or a Palpatine maybe the daughter of one of Palpatine's brothers or cousins or Mara was Kinman's Doriana daughter

    Shae Koda or o Lanoree Brock from Dawn of the Jedi are the ancestors of Nomi Sunrider
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
  21. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I do think a Sunrider would work.
    Iron_lord likes this.
  22. PCCViking

    PCCViking 11x Wacky Wednesday winner./8x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    If some in the New Republic had problems with Leia being Vader's daughter, can you imagine learning that Caedus was Vader's grandson and Ben potentially a Palpatine as well?
  23. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Proficient-class cruiser was the primary ship of the Corellian Home Fleet.
  24. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    There is nothing special about being a Sunrider in this day and age.

    4000 years = about 160 generations unless we assume they had an abnormally large case of single children(or resorted to the... Royal solution ) there are billions of people whose lineage goes back to Nomi.
    Alpha-Red and Golbolco like this.
  25. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Barriss Offee is a good girl in the EU timeline she never turned to the Dark Side, never fight Anakin Skywalker, she is in the same age as Anakin , she is a medic Jedi like in Medstar novels and died during Order 66 ROTS comic prove this but Sora Bulq in Disney Canon never became a Dark Jedi
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
    Ackbar's Fishsticks likes this.