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Sideshow Month long Comic Con Celebration

Discussion in 'Collecting' started by PadmeLeiaJaina, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    I love all of the funky SS characters - if I could afford it I desperately want Jabba and his throne. Sadly those came out at a time when I was flat broke, otherwise I would've gotten them. Having space for him if I did get him?...that's another story. They've just done so darned many clones and military force guys - those just don't appeal to me. I'll pick up a few troopers, etc as background figures. Because I'd rather get other characters I'm usually pretty happy to get those just as Hasbro figures.

    I tend to like main characters, good guys, droids, and monsters/aliens. There are a few SS figures that I'd love to get that are still on my "want" list: Aayla Secura (whenever I have money for her I can't find one at a good price, whenever I don't have money then come and go at a good price - GRRRR!) Lando Calrissian, Palpatine/Emperor 2 pack, CW Anakin, AOTC Obi-Wan, ROTS Obi-Wan, and Assajj Ventress.

    Glad to hear another gent loves the maroon Leia suit :) I recently had a friend make me one because I'm so annoyed that I don't have a 12" version for display.

    Ouch about your PF hand breaking. That would piss me off. You spend SO much money on those, they darned well had better NOT break! I've got a few GG mini-busts w/ minor damage. Greedo lost 2 of his fingers thanks to moves. I need to glue one back on. The Polystone is great but it's not indestructable.

    Sideshow posted a preview pic of Luke/Han and their tauntauns. The Taun Tauns look great but I just can't afford those. I might track down a Hasbro Han version and then I can put the new guys on those :p I have Luke & his Taun Taun but not Han. The beasts are space hogs, but they're worth it.

    I love all of the movies so I've got all 6 films represented. I've got oodles of 3 3/4" figures also but my real love is 12" figs and mini-busts.

    Oh! I forgot about the little guys! I LOVE my Medicom Wicket and Jawa! Both of them are amazingly detailed!
    Hando likes this.
  2. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    :cool: Lando nailed it, that suit and Hoth Leia are my favorites.

    To be honest with you I do have most of those SS's but I am a SS addict. Total addict - but don't want to come across as a spoilt brat either lol. I do work hard for my plastic addiction and my family etc comes first.
    Jabba is epic BUT even harder to display than the Dewback and combine that with Han in Carbonite and the Palace Arch. I have more stuff than I can display another reason besides the main one money why I'm cutting back.

    I was near in tears when I broke Talons hand but it was my fault. I moved her and didn't notice her saber was caught and SNAP, that was that! To be honest I can't afford the Premiums anymore - the price, the shipping and UK taxes are just insane now. Priced me out and again space is also limited!

    Funny thing is 3 3/4" figures were my main love until I saw Sideshow's Ringwraith on Steed and had to get one. That turned into a LOTR collection which I eventually Ebay'ed - very painfully - to raise cash for a house deposit. Hey ho, these things happen and by that time SS had acquired the SW license and I was collecting them instead of LOTR by that stageand I've been collecting ever since.

    Sorry I'm rambling![face_blush]
  3. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Oh I know all about collecting being a space hog and money drainer. I have a massive doll collection as well that came about in conjunction to my having used to sell custom dolls online. I've got a big box filled w/ parts of various custom 12" figures from different TV series etc that I love that I'm slowly working on putting together. I have a few other non-Star Wars batch of collectibles that will one day end up in my craft room. Star Wars is my main love though. I think because I also grew up loving Barbie is why I love the 12" series of figures. I had Kenner Han, Luke, and Leia when I was a kid, Barbie always thought Han and Luke were much hotter than Ken :p When Hasbro started producing all of these new characters to go with them I just went bananas.

    The premium formats are nice but they're not really my thing. I actually love the scale. I have all but 2 of Diamond Select Toy's 1/4 scale figures (don't have Maul or the Emperor.) I was mad when I discovered them and then learned that they were discontinued. I like them because they're toys, whereas PF figs are statues. There are a few I wouldn't mind getting, but for the same cost of trying to hunt those down I could scratch off some of the other 12" figs that I want off of my list.

    I want to know why SS hasn't done a whole series of X-Wing pilots. I would love to see them tackle doing those with great detail. I'm really shocked that we don't have an X-Wing Luke by them. Maybe if they actually get the Hoth Luke to look good we'll see that next.
    Hando likes this.
  4. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Good for Barbie!! Bananas[face_laugh] - that's what I was like with Sideshow - and I did restrain for the first couple of releases but once I'd started I couldn't stop.

    Thats the thing with the PF's they stop me buying my figures so I'm not getting any more now. How I would love a life size Darth Malgus . . . . . but at $6000 I think I'll pass.

    As long as Hot Toys do the head then I'd get one too, and while they are at it they should get the whole Pilots line going. A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing etc
    The only 1/6 Luke I have so far is the Tatooine one with Poncho which is ok . . . . oh and the Stormtrooper disguise which isn't bad. BUT, he's the same size as Han!! Nooooooooooo!
    Fingers crossed for the Hoth Luke though.[face_nail_biting]

    Edit: I have 2 Diamond figures the Hoth Hand Obi Wand - both really well done. :)
  5. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Yeah you know, I'd pick up pilots if they were done well. If they wanted to be progressive they could have giftsets w/ female pilots also.

    I really don't have room for life-sized stuff. The only thing I have is a Yoda replica because he's only 3 feet tall :p Course if I had the space and money - that Rubies throne room Queen Amidala costume would be awesome.

    The Hoth Han DS is awesome. The did one for ANH and an Indiana Jones. For toys - they really did get Harrison down, a feat that neither Hasbro or Sideshow's been able to do. I really love their sculpts, the Mace is awesome. I like my ROTJ Luke too. The best thing about that line is the costumes are gorgeous! I wish that Diamond Select would get the toy line license for new 12" figures - they have great artists. If not them I'd love Jakks Pacific (who's now doing 31" figures - I so want the Darth Vader) to do them. Jakks would do a wonderful job with the girls.
  6. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Would be good if they did some pilots but being selfish I'm running out of 1/6 space (no pun intended) so hope they don't rush too much. Here's hoping the Malgus I'm waiting for is good!
    I'd be looking at a divorce if I bought anything life sized lol!
    Shame about DS and you're right about the sculpts, thing is I know for sure that size wasn't very popular here in the UK and I doubt the tbh the larger Jakks figures would be either. MIght be a bit simplistic to say this but our houses are smaller here from my experience of the US and Cananda so space is a premium unless you're doing VERY well.! I dunno, probably other things though. :)
  7. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Well I don't exactly have a giant room for all of my stuff, but yes I know that houses over the pond are smaller than here. Some people are lucky and have huge basements that they can convert to display their stuff. I recently moved into a 1959 classic ranch, no basement and the garage was converted into the master. So I have one of 2 of the original bedrooms as my office. I don't have much room for more stuff to display and that doesn't bother me that much. I figure when the new films come out, if I like them and want to get stuff, I can rotate displays. I do have room for one more wide, tall Billy in here, so that's on my list to pick up and fill. I still have the tops of my Billys to rearrange also. They're harder for me though since I have balance issues. Right now there's just not much on them, I'm just storing stuff up there for now and keeping it out of puppy teeth range.
    Hando likes this.

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    I bought an ArtFX Boba Fett at Forbidden Planet earlier this month and he is still boxed as I have no place to display him at the moment. :(
    Hando likes this.
  9. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Well, my Star Wars room is officially gone now and said room will be filled soon with a baby on the way in a week or so.

    Tbh my wife doesn't mind me having cabinets in various places around the house but I best start saving up for a loft conversion now!! Even if I get to live that dream - no doubt I'll always want more space and MORE COLLECTABLES!!
  10. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Hee hee - well that's why I don't have any kids, I don't want to have to share my toys with anyone else :p
    JUKE-SKYWALKER likes this.
  11. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Dang wish I'd thought of that. ;) :)
  12. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Sorry not spamming but 1/6 Grievous is up!!! About time too.
  13. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    He's pretty snazzy - here's the link for those who are interested.

    I won't be getting him but it's nice seeing people get excited about a prequel figure who's not another clone.

    Oh and Hando - THIS is the Enterbay Luke I was talking about before.
    Hando likes this.
  14. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    Ah yes, I have seen it after all - just getting forgetful in my old age lol.

    And Grievous will have to take pride of place on my battle droids shelf. Hmmm, have to move Qui Gon now. . . . But where? [face_thinking]
  15. CrazyMike

    CrazyMike Former Mod & RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 4, 2000
    General Grevious looks great... I already have the 1:4 19" one so I am not sure if my wife would be impressed if I got another Grevious. Then again she never goes into my SW rooms so she may not notice :)
    Hando likes this.
  16. Hando

    Hando Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 7, 2013
    That CrazyMike is my life in a nutshell [face_laugh]

    But my Star Wars room is gone :_| Going to be so much much harder undercutting stuff in now.
  17. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Distract her w/ something awesome Harry Potter related...