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Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Kir Kanos, Apr 11, 2005.

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  1. Basill

    Basill Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2002
    ^ LOL. Don't forget the end cap signs!
  2. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    "This line capped"

    I thought I was gonna laugh myself silly when TC-760 found one unattended and used his trusty magic marker to make it say
    "This line CARPED"

    That was the Mon Cal only line I think.
  3. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    First I am posting this here since it has come to my attention by Toymaster we have too many premiere topics (partially my fault sorry my bad).

    But due to circumstances and events around me or soon to come: my granfathers spinal surgery, my brother-in-law's masters degree at UT, and movie my girlfriend from Rhodesin Memphis back to Franklin for the summer; I myself was unable to personal work on my costume this time around. I was able to commition it and like in only about a weeks time the lady who is making it for me has completed the sewing and now will have it hemmed and photos taken and ready for 2 or 3 day shipping on Monday. I m overjoyed at that and will definately send you all the pictures once I get them so you too be giddy with me. I still am waiting for my preorder of the adult sized Ani glove to arrive at my buyers local and to be sent but hopefully they'll get it soon. But yea for those in costume at the line party.

    Now if I ever get the time to work on the X-Wing flight suit for my Gavin costume...
  4. LightofEarendir

    LightofEarendir Jedi Youngling

    Sep 30, 2004
    So I know the line party is gonna be at the H27, but does anyone know if there's anything going on the Thoroughbred 20?

  5. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    we'll probly be there or Murfreesboro......
  6. Wookiee8100

    Wookiee8100 Jedi Youngling

    Apr 5, 2005
    The theatre doesnt care if you have the masks or blasters or lightsabers. They just dont want the "weapons" in the aud. and they dont want people lightsaber fighting. You can wear whatever costume you want, it just cant distract any other patron from watching the movie(s). Lets just say I know what im talking about when it comes to Regal. hint hint... Now when your outside in the mall waiting to get in, they (the mall) have the right to tell you what you can and cannot wear. Now if you call the mall and let them know ahead of time what they should be expecting then they might not care, especially if you stick to the theatre area and are not roaming around. Mall security sucks but its worth the effort to try.
  7. jedichic07

    jedichic07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 28, 2002
    I just had to say- IT"S MAY FINALLY!!!!!

    Can you believe it!!!!! in a couple short weeks, we will be sitting in a dark theatre watching the very last Star Wars movie. I just can't believe it's so close!
    Thanks to all for thinking ahead on what to bring. I have to drag down a box or two to find my lightsabers and games.
    Has anyone seen the ROTS chairs? I saw some in a Wal-mart ad....I must have one!
  8. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Its been like this all weekend long...I'd see something I just have to have and then forced to restrain myself cause I've already spent too much on my costume & tickets.
  9. Darth Blasphemous

    Darth Blasphemous Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 1999
    I will be at the IMAX at Opry Mills, any fans going to be there?
  10. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    It's about an hour and two weeks away now. My costume should arrive between tommorow and Friday. I keep seeing new previews. I'm already planning on other geeky events afterwards to feed my addiction. Excitement is building...

    "Something is happening. I'm not the Jedi I should be...."

    *Insert Imperial March Here*

    Soon the circle will be complete.
  11. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    My saber is no where to be found. The whole seller I got it from promised me i would have it before the premiere. I wasn't bidding unless he could guarantee I would have it for the 18th, & he said it would be shipped direct to me....
    Now he's saying they are coming to him first then to me, so if it comes in too late, Im going to have it shipped overnight or Im screwed. THANKS A LOT EBAY!!!
  12. jedichic07

    jedichic07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 28, 2002
    send him a note a note saying if it dosen't arrive in the next couple days, that negative feedback will be left. you'd be suprised what motivation that can be.

  13. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    I think I have a solution: If for some reason I dont get it in time, i'll just go to Best Buy suck it up and buy a saber there. Then when the other saber arrives, I'll either sell it to a friend at my cost or return it unopened to BB. I got a SW fan friend there, he'll understand.


    We'll I have my tickets now for the H27 for the midnight show. A big sorry for those who wish they could come from Jackson with us. It seems though I started a trend. A lot of people and their smaller groups of SW fans maybe doing the same thing as mine.


    And if anybody wants to see my new wookie, you can see Chewie at the site, member name Zeke. She's a little Yorkie with the same markings as Chewbacca, very tall and gangly too. And she does this garbled whine thing that sounds more like singing, just like the mighty wookie we all know and love.
  14. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Be warry Zeke, many of the BBs in the area are sold out on the Force FX sabers. Employees have told me that several were brough back for not working (most likely parents letting their yard apes bang around an expensive non-toy). I had to use BB's website this week to get my saber, but UPS says it should be here tomorrow and I ordered it Wednesday.
  15. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    Boders also carry the FX sbaers but I'm not sure their price or availablitiy as I haven't been in a few weeks. I feel yuor pain Zeke. My Anakin Ep II glove hasn't arrived yet it was a pre order in March. But I can't blame the seller totally he hasn't recieved his shipment yet. God I hope it comes in soon. I need the glove it's an important part of the costume. Yeah and a FX saber would be nice if i had that kind of money now. Not sure if I get on Skip of the 501st sorta has me thinking I'd like to wear alot of white sometime in the future. So I might start planning for that. Hmm maybe before Dragon*Con that's give me 4 months. HHhhmmm.

    But eventually I'm gonig to get the proper belt and boots for my Anakin costume and as Ryan, Greg, and I were discussing last week the proper colors dang that ultra chocolate brown... couldn't be the black I've used as referance from padawansguide could it! Grrrrr.

    BUt yeah sooon sooon. Movie is coming. Are we all going to meet up sometime before the premiere and do something? It doesn't have to be expensive or anything. I'd just like to hang out and meet more of you I had a blast with Ryan, Greg, and Glen.

    God I'm too excited to stay on topic I'm sorry.
  16. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Stay on target, stay on target....speaking of Target they're selling FX Sabers at $99 online only...

    I don't want to blame the seller, he's been nice about all of this......
    ::Vader voice::
    But nice doesnt put a fully paid for sabe in my mitts!

    Nah, I should be ok, if for some reason I dont get one in time, and BB is all out too, I can go without it ::sob::
  17. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    Shannon wanted me to let everyone know that Fandango ticket purchasers can stop by the theater anytime to put their credit card in the machine to receive their movie tickets. You don't have to wait until the day of the showing to get it.
  18. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Can you go to any Kiosk and do that or does it have to be the theater you are attending I wonder.....Im going to Memphis this weekend and can get mine now if thats the case...
  19. Keon_Ulic

    Keon_Ulic Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 2, 2001
    The Game stops have the FX Saber for $99.95..Vader and Annie's. If you need one. :-9
  20. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Well.....its a Saber all right!
    Got to Best Buy and all the sabers were bye-bye, all but the floor model that is. Got $20 knocked off and its in great shape. Score even got free batterys to go in it. When the other one comes in, i think I'll be getting a trade in for a Vader Red. These things are so freaking cool!!!!!!
  21. darthleppard

    darthleppard Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 27, 2002
    actually...the gamestop i work at is out of anakin's...i sold the last one tonite. one vader left. this is our third shipment. the last two sold out in the first couple of days that we had them.
  22. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    Books a Million is selling the FX too. The one in Murfreesboro had a whole display full yesterday.
  23. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    Any word on events hosted by radio staions for the premiere? I've got my tickets in hand for the Hollywood 27, but my local theater here in Clarksville is talking about all kinds of give aways including airline tickets and prizes for those in costume.
  24. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    104.5 has been giving away tickets to the hollywood 27 midnight premier all week. They'll be there that night.

    What's up with the clarksville thing, are we gonna troop it friday night or what?
  25. jedichic07

    jedichic07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 28, 2002
    Star 97 is giving away passes to a sneak peek at 7 pm on the 18th at the H27....listen to win, the
    # is 737-9797

    I woulden't mind seeing the film twice in a night!

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