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Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Kir Kanos, Apr 11, 2005.

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  1. obi-TN

    obi-TN Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 7, 2003
    I picked up a few more tickets last week for screen 15 at the Hollywood 27, so let me know if you need some. I went to my 10 year college reunion and showed off my ticket to quite a few people. Today is the seventh day this month I've worn a Star Wars tie and I have at least six more that I haven't worn yet.
  2. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Everybody heard about my saber dilemma, but there is more. After getting my new saber from Best Buy, I got home and got a call from my parents saying that the lady helping me with my costume alterations had delivered my robes. This woman has gone above and beyond the call of duty, I am extremely pleased. She is most definitely going to help me construct my Vader costume for the Wizard Con in Chicago this year. I had the time of my life swinging the lightsaber around in full costume this weekend. Got to make sure Im not going to trip or snag something when I take on other duelers at the line party.

    Now that I have my new lightsaber and spent the weekend honing my Jedi skills, Im reissuing my previous challenge to all you Jedi Knights & Sith Lords. A 2-to-1 & 3-to-1 duel: three tags and you are out competition. Im confident my years training with escrima sticks in Kenpo, and to be honest watching the movies since the age of 3, will see me as the victor.

    A challenge will be most welcome.
  3. Keon_Ulic

    Keon_Ulic Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 2, 2001
    Wipe them out.. ALL OF THEM......
  4. LightofEarendir

    LightofEarendir Jedi Youngling

    Sep 30, 2004
    I have my ticked, y'all! But it's for the Thoroughbred 20. If anyone else is gonna be there, let me know! :)

    Only nine more days...
  5. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    Most of us are going to the Hollywood 27. I've got 7 tickets for my self, wife and friends. If you don't have your ticket you need to get one ASAP!!!
  6. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    It's taken me long enough but here are some shots of my costume. It wasn't all I expected so as all costumnig this will be a work in progress over time. And since I'm either anal or a perfectionist eventually it'll be as close to the acual thing as I can get. Eventually. Now if that danged glove will come in. Otherwise it'll look worse and I'll be a sad sad jedi. Sadness leads to moping, moping leads to brooding, brooding leads to a loss of personality and friends. Anywho here is a few of the pics.



  7. Basill

    Basill Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2002
    Well, despite the Yoda paraphrase, I have to say I'm impressed. Hope your glove makes it! :)
  8. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    SkyWalker2584 Looking good, I like it. Be sure to get some pics with some of our 501st Clones. We will have a wide assortment of costumes coming of members who don't post or belong to NAD and are 501st/Rebel Legion. I've also got several friends and family members coming and a few of them are going to wear my other costumes. Looking forward to Blasting all you Rebels and Jedi...After order 66 that is.
  9. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    That's impressive! Too bad Ep III Anakin/Vader isn't allowed for 501st membership.... yet.
  10. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    Right now I'm dissapointed as I said before the the outer tunic, obi, and pants are all broadcloth. I will rectify this over time. I found the rayon under tunic to breath well and have a nice texture (the nice fabric lines you seeon Jedi robes) save for the rayon was sort of light so it tends to droop and not stay as well so when ever I redo the layers I'll be looking uot for other usable fabrics. Also the other problem is Anakin despite promo pics ios all brown. However a dark chocolate brown still brown. Not black. Dang Lucas and his funny colors look this way with this lighting train of thought. But thanks for the compliments no one was home todaya nd the mail left a card saying they's drop off a package that came in today, tommorow. Maybe just maybe I'll have my glove. Chances are with my luck it's the C3 Trivial Pursuit CD to add to my game. But one can dream.
  11. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    It's been my experience that the general public and the casual Star Wars fan has no clue about costume quality and how close your suit comes to the film used version. I've seen people call TIE Pilots Darth Vader. Most people and lot's of my 501st buds say my Jango is the best they have seen, but I still think it needs fine tuning, just like your Anakin. You have taken the first big step and your costume looks you can fine tune it to make yourself happy..I'm telling you most people are going to be blown away with it.
  12. JediAgent

    JediAgent Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002
    Heck, in my Obi-Wan Jedi outfit, I've been called Han Solo and Luke Skywalker....*sigh* thankfully I haven't been called Padme, Leia or Chewie yet :p

    Btw Joe, that doesn't look too bad at just need to weather it a bit!
  13. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    Maybe after the operation Ryan.....

  14. jedichic07

    jedichic07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 28, 2002
    Ok, you say it was not quite what you expected- but remember- your old one was the rubies version- enjoy the heck out of this one, it's a million times better and like Tambo said, most of the world around you will not notice the things that bug you. It's really nice, I'm so happy it came in time. i bet the package is your glove- I just know it!
  15. audiogirl21

    audiogirl21 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2001
    great costumes guys!
  16. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    when it comes to costuming the biggest critic is YOURSELF.

    There are many things I hate on my Stormtrooper Armor (Glue drips, scratches, ect...) But no one has ever noticed them but me that i know of.

    Tambo's right, I saw a lot of Jangos at C3, he is by far the best.
  17. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    Now I feel no love,
    In the mail there was no glove,
    Not here say email.

    Yes a crappy haiku for a crappy mail day. I emailed the seller as oper my paranoid usual weekly update now. And he said he still hasn't recieved his shipment. Looks like I'll be gloveless unless be freak accident he gets them in by Monday. I'm not getting my hopes up now though.

    BTW sidenote if has anyone seen any good tutorials on making spats for the boots to make them more Anakin-y could you pm me? Sorry for my rambling and getting this topic off course.

    Back to subject I'm soo looknig forward. As of not it's 40 minutes and a week away. You can almost feel the tingly kewlness of the darkside approaching. So what were the ultimate verdicts on who all will be there and in what costumes when?
  18. jedichic07

    jedichic07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 28, 2002
    Ok guys, it's getting close and I'm nervous. I'm in Atlanta this weekend for Kylie's dance comp so I feel like I am abandoning my post.
    All in all, I know we will have a good time. We will talk, laugh, play games, beat each other with lightsabers, and enthrall the kids in costume. I have organized no fundraiser like I wanted, I have no set scheduale as of yet on any costume or trivia contest,in short, I am a mess and at best will be a nervous wreck wanting everyone to have a good time out Wedensday.
    I can offer you this-
    We do have bathroom priviliges all day- you just have to leave an in or something to pick up and ddrop off at the podium on the way in/out.
    I am working on NAD/501/RL people to get the best seats in the house roped off and an early pre-seat in the auditorium.
    There will more than likely be an empty theatre provided for those in costume to change before the show, so you don't have to be 1/2 nekkid in the parking lot. If not, I've been told a bathroom or two can be closed off.
    I have not heard back from the River in a couple weeks, I'm assuming unless I hear from her monday they will not be there like they said in the beginning. however, star97 is doing their sneak peek giveaway and will have something out there, so if you are one of the lucky radio winners when they give you the cue to call, your rear could be in the seat at 7pm instead of midnight. Just don't expect us common folks to be your friend anymore :)
    I will have my cell on me this weekend- anyone that has that # and has imput on anything I should be fine tuning monday please call me. I know we will have fun but I wanted certin things to happen that are not.
    Enought rambeling! By this time next week we will no doubt still be on our SW high and probably seeing it again!

  19. TamboFett

    TamboFett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 8, 2003
    Holy Cow! it looks like they added 5 screens for opening night at the H27...It's going to be a interesting night with lot's of Star Wars fans.
  20. Zeke_WW

    Zeke_WW Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Getting down to the wire with this X-wing costume.....sweating that I wont get the flight suit in time. Why is my life still moving forward. Dosen't the rest of the world know that Lucas owns me until May 19th? After that Im happy to attend graduations and go to work, and grocery shop...
    You think that most people would have special considerations for us die hard fans. It could be like being in a special needs program. Most of our time goes into building costumes and just about all our money goes to buying collectibles....We could call it "Feed a Star Wars Geek"
  21. skip1

    skip1 Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 13, 2002
    there will be no roped off section.
    there will be no theater to change in.
    plan on dressing at your vehicle.
    originally they were going to rope off each theater.
    they now will be opening ALL the theaters to EVERYONE,which means that even though you bought tickets to theater 15 you can sit anywhere.they are also going to have the waiting line go around the "right side" and down the parking lot.
    the 7pm screening was "over" given,more passes given out than seats that line will do down the left side towards the mall.
    they are still open to whatever the groups do,but have no theaters available to anyone for changing purposes until 11pm,which doesnt really help.

    the lady there is cool but i got the impression they just want to get everybody in and get everybody out.but atleast they are cool with some organization from outside groups.
  22. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    I seriously doubt we'll see Star 97 there now, as they are no more.
  23. Skywalker2584

    Skywalker2584 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2004
    So wai your telling me the only thing kewl that day is gonig to be the company, the costumes, and the movie of course? I would be upset but the ups still outweigh the downs. The roped off seating was sounding kewl though. Damn. Well as long as we take them by storm then our seating should still be ours. Is this news going to affect anyones plans for when they are rriving I'm still trying to plan out my plans for that day as per when to eat arrive and what to bring.
  24. loki41872

    loki41872 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    I still plan on getting there the minute I get off work, about 3 or 4.

    See you all there!
  25. ChewieTitan

    ChewieTitan Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 26, 2001
    Do we know which TV stations will be present with cameras if any? I want to set the TV recorder to catch the news during the day.
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