I was browsing ebay, when I found these boots. They would be great for a sith. I say sith because "Jedi don't wear black boots!" http://www.ebay.com/itm/PLEASER-MEN..._s_Shoes&var=570015193583&hash=item3f079bbc6d
not a bad rendition of Anakin's boot. I would be leary of the price myself, they seem too cheap to me Dave
The picture looks nice, but they are cheaply made vinyl replicas. I ordered a pair a while back and returned them. They are tight around the calves and the zipper looked like it would break if I tried to close them. For the price, spend an additional $50 and get leather engineering boots. They'll last longer than these costuming boots will. And by the way, my Jedi boots are black. Thankyouvedymucho!
I used to go with the costume boots so that I could spend just a little and have some extra cash for other upgrades. Sadly, I've spent more on my last 3 pairs of boots combined than I did my most recent pair of leather boots. Check the Sears website for a 16" engineer boot. They're $99.99. Look for a coupon for free shipping or discount codes and you could save even more. I ended up with $15 off and free shipping.
i've bought two pairs of costume boots, and both are in good shape 5 or 6 years later. But yes, they are cheaply made.
black boots on a jedi eh? just another bit of evidence that Jon is secretly a sith! we are on to you!