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ST Snoke's Backstory - Theories and Speculation

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by RacoonKing, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. The Legions of Lettow

    The Legions of Lettow Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 14, 2015
    This is old, yet Yahoo had this up a few days ago like it's new. No way. If anyone, he's Jar Jar , who manipulated Palpatine and then faked his own death.
  2. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    My latest theory is either that Snoke is a Force Ghost, or a fallen Shaman of the Whills.
  3. 11-4D

    11-4D Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2015
    Sometimes I just hate the Star Wars fandom. These kinds of theories are part of it. Ugh.
  4. AplagueOnTheWise

    AplagueOnTheWise Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 27, 2013
    I heard Snoke was a Muun who trained Sidious ;)
    The Legions of Lettow likes this.
  5. Darth-Darth Binks

    Darth-Darth Binks Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2016
    My best guess is that he was either a Kadann-like character, thus being the closest thing to a peer that Palpatine had and the most privvy for his desires and intentions, and thus was secretly behind Rax and the rest, or he is like the ancient Sith leaders like Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Lord Vitiate, an ancient leader of the Force who put himself in stasis in the Unknown Regions to be found by the First Order.
  6. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    Snoke is basically Saruman. Using a kyber crystal/palantír, he's been communicating with Palpatine/Sauron from afar and kept tabs on things, secretly waiting for an opportune moment to take the Dark Lord's place as supreme ruler of the universe.
    Now, with Palpatine/Sauron gone, he attempts to build an empire of his own, starting in the backwater parts of the galaxy.
  7. LaChiffre

    LaChiffre Jedi Youngling

    Mar 6, 2017
    Well, you are right about Palpatine and Snoke connection, they knew each other.. even way before Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. Now like you said, question is if they had any contact during a star wars events? Yes i`ll agree with you, however i don`t think it was that way, because what you are suggesting is that they were some kind of partners/allies and thats a little bit off. What is more probable is that Snoke was actually prisoner of Palpatine for a very long time and i mean VERY long time, possibly whole prequel trilogy. What i believe he was released somewhere before or during original trilogy.

    So now question is how it was even possible to imprison someone like Snoke, cause he is obviously very powerful, so how that come to pass right? And we actually have some hint in Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones, in that movie we see that Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus) was able to imprison Obi-wan Kenobi. Obviously there must be significant difference in power between Kenobi and Snoke, however we have some general idea that it can be actually done, not to mention that Dooku was at the time apprentice to Palpatine, so if he knew how to do it then Palpatine must knew it as well...

    There is another question now, where was the prison right? Cause Palpatine had to keep Snoke somewhere, so where? Obviously Palpatine couldn`t be there all the time, so it had to be some hidden and safe place... to answer this question lets move to Rebels animated series. In the Rebels we learn more about Sith, now we know that Siths had actually those structures, which were not easly accessible. As we know the main character Ezra Bridger is somehow able to access it, but other then that its impossoble to be accessed by regular "people". With that being said, Palpatine probably imprisoned Snoke in that kind of a structure, hidden somewhere.

    Now it rises even more questions, who Snoke really is? Why Palpatine imprisoned Snoke instead of killing him? How Snoke get out of it and who helped him? Why he looks so terrible? Lets try to answer it.

    1. Who Snoke really is? With that being said, Snoke and Palpatine had to knew each other for a very long time, even before Star Wars events and i won`t suprise anyone saying that they were actually in the master and apprentice relationship. Snoke being a master and Palpatine the apprentice. What i believe and i won`t suprise anyone with that one either, Snoke was Darth Plagueis before, however he abandoned this title and Sith philosophy before "The Phantom Menace". Now as we know from Episode VII, Snoke isn`t either Sith or Jedi (he doesn`t even want Sith or Jedi around), he is looking for something else "the dark and the light" he prolly is looking for some kind of a balance between those two opposite sides. If we assume that he already had that point of view before Star Wars that could be a reason for a conflict between him and Palpatine, whom didn`t want to accept it. Now we know why Snoke created Anakin Skywalker, he was planning to create that powerful human being with the dark and the light inside him, balanced... and as we know he failed, cause Anakin wasnt ever balanced, he was eaither the dark (Darth Vader) or the light (Anakin Skywalker) there was no middle ground for him. Now there is another thing, didn`t Palpatine tell Anakin the he killed Darth Plagueis? Yes he did, but that was a lie. Why it was a lie, why would he lie about that? It`s simply because it was a part of his plan to turn Anakin to the dark side. He needed to convince Anakin that he is the one and only who can save Padme from certain death. If he revealed the truth, then Anakin wouldn`t ever need him, because he would know that there is an other person who can save Padme and its not Palpatine and as we know from The Revange of the SIth, it was an only reason why Anakin turned to the dark side, cause he was convinced that Palpatine will help him to save Padme. There was no other reason.

    2. Why Palpatine imprisoned Snoke instead of killing him? That one is simple, if Snoke was originally a master of Palpatine then he prolly has that all wisdom and knowledge about the force and same time he didn`t reveal everything he knows, basically he didn`t share all he knows. So with that being said, he was just too valuable to be killed as the one who holds a key to all ancient wisdom and knowledge about the force.

    3. Why Snoke looks so terrible? Could it be some single time assassination attempt or cause of single fight? If we take a look at Snoke face the answer is no. The amount of damage there is just too much for a single time "incident", if he took all that damage same time he wouldn`t ever survive it. So what really happened to him? As we know, he was a prisoner of Palpatine for a reason, Palpatine wanted to extract that whole knowledge from Snoke and obviously Snoke as a prisoner didn`t want to "cooperate", so what happened? Palpatine was actually torturing Snoke in order to make him talk. Same time Snoke probably wasn`t so easy to break, so he was tortured for a very long time (what explain why he looks like that) and what i believe he actually revealed part of his knowledge to Palpatine, which part? Important one, but thats for another topic.

    4. How Snoke get out of it and who helped him? To answer that question lets move again to Rebels animated series. We know that main character Ezra Bridger is the one who is able to access those Sith structures/temples whatever you wanna call it. So probably leter on he will be the one who will find that hidden prison with Snoke inside, he will be able to access it and he will be the one to release Snoke and help him escape, because Snoke will be too weak to escape on his own, so he will need help and it will take place most likely before original trilogy. Thats why we didn`t see Ezra there, simply because he was already bounded with Snoke and just stay in the shadows, cause Snoke was too weak at that point to confront Palpatine. As we know Palpatine had Vader on his side (whats ironic considering that Vader is actually Snoke`s "son") and whole Empire Army, so yes it was impossible for Snoke to act, however he had that little group of enforcers which were "working" for him and they are obviously Knights of Ren, with Ezra being a leader, first one. As we know in The Force Awakens Ben Solo is a leader of Knights of Ren. Why it`s not Ezra anymore? That`s also thing for other topic.
  8. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    I just stumbled upon this post, which I'd forgotten all about.
    And this:
    Chris Terrio, are you lurking here? o_O
    Not that it was a mind-blowing idea, but I wouldn't mind a small percentage of what they paid you.
    Sauron_18 likes this.