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St. Lou, MO So I was at Walt Disney World the other week...

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by quigon_brian, Jun 23, 2004.

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  1. quigon_brian

    quigon_brian Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 16, 2001
    I completely forgot to tell this story when I got back last week.

    So I was at Magic Kingdom with my friends getting ready for the fireworks to start and I had a good spot where I could see everything. Being 6'5, that's not to difficult. When all of a sudden, some guy walks in front of me and is like half a foot taller than me. I'm thinking "you gotta be kidding me." Then he starts talking to his family and I think to myself "that sounds really familiar." He looked to the side for a second and my susspicion was confirmed. It was Peter Meyhew. I introduced myself, shook his hand, and talked to him for a minute. He was a helluva nice guy.

    I had completely forgotten that it was Star Wars Weekends at MGM Studios.
    So here's a couple of pictures.
  2. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Saying that you are one of the luckiest people on earth doesn't even come close to what happened. That was awesome! Last time I went to Disney World last summer we had to leave the week after the SW Weekends had wrapped up, so I missed it by a week. :_|

    Awesome story, good pictures!
  3. VoijaRisa

    VoijaRisa Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 12, 2002
    Lucky bastard. :p

    Some day I'm going to have to get out there.
  4. Jedi_Dajuan

    Jedi_Dajuan Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 30, 2002
    I echo Jon's sentiments.
  5. DarthShoey

    DarthShoey Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 28, 2003
    Does MGM still have that Indiana Jones stunt show going on?
  6. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Yes, last time I was there last year they had reopened to the public after restoration I believe.
  7. quigon_brian

    quigon_brian Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 16, 2001

    I went to see it the day I was there for Star Wars Weekends. My friend Natalie got picked to be an extra.

    I also forgot to mention that I briefly met Warrick Davis and Mike something or another (the guy that played Nien Nunb). They did kind of a talk show thing with them. It was pretty crappy, but I found out some cool stuff like for the scenes in the Falcon during the Battle of Endor, they cut out part of the floor of the set so that Mike could lay down under Nien and control him. So that isn't a guy in a costume.

    You may resume the jealousy.
  8. VoijaRisa

    VoijaRisa Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 12, 2002
    Urge to flame..... rising.... Lock.... thread.... now...

  9. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    Oooo.. I oughta...

    I don't know how much more I can take of this torment. :p
  10. Jedi_Dajuan

    Jedi_Dajuan Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 30, 2002
    I say we perma-ban him. Anyone with me? ;)
  11. Dagobah_Diva

    Dagobah_Diva Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 24, 2002
    I just went to MGM on Wednesday. Star Wars weekends were over by then so I got to meet no one except the guys who worked the Star Tours ride (loved that one). I got a cool Jedi T-shirt though!
  12. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    That's it. :p [face_not_talking]

    Hey, I thought TFN said that Star Tours was closing down for some renovations. Why is it still open? Did I read that article wrong? It was a while back, maybe I don't remember what it said right...
  13. Dagobah_Diva

    Dagobah_Diva Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 24, 2002
    I dont know if they already finished or if they havent even started renovations. I would have been totally pi**** if it were closed. LOL...I've got that same picture of the outside of it. On the Backlot Tour they have the sand cruiser that they used in ROTJ by the Sarlaac (sp?)pit and a couple of speeders.
  14. Comic_Guy

    Comic_Guy Jedi Youngling

    Jun 30, 2002
    Hey, all. Welcome, new members, greetings to the old.

    I met Warwick Davis, Jeremy Mulloch, and Rick Mccallum. No jealousy here ;)
  15. quigon_brian

    quigon_brian Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 16, 2001
    Hey!!! Great to see you again!!!


    who are you?
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