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Rogue One [Speculation] The Empire in Rogue One

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by DaddlerTheDalek, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. DaddlerTheDalek

    DaddlerTheDalek Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2014
    The Galactic Empire returns to the big screen.
    Maybe we learn something new about the GE in Rogue One.
    What do you expect? What would you like to see?

  2. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
    Snoke!! Since he saw the rise and fall of the Empire!!8-}
  3. Darth_Articulate

    Darth_Articulate Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 1, 2012
    That really actually would be cool to see him :)
    DaddlerTheDalek and B99 like this.
  4. BlueHenDave

    BlueHenDave Jedi Knight star 2

    Oct 21, 2013
    Story telling by a character or characters. Our imagination is the greatest movie maker so lets hear a character tell the audience something about the empire...something about Palpatine, Vader or the rebels. We don't need to see it...just hear it and let our imagination run with it.

    When Obi-Wan mentioned the clone wars in ANH.....I created it in my mind. While what Lucas brought to the screen in AOTC was visually stunning, it left me disappointed.
    MS1 and DaddlerTheDalek like this.
  5. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    - The 501st Legion/Vader's Fist
    - Daine Jir
    - The Devastator
    - The crew of the Devastator
    - (if relevant) the Imperial Senate
  6. DaddlerTheDalek

    DaddlerTheDalek Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2014
    Yeah. Some world building like that would be nice.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the 501st and the Devastator. I even kind of expect it.
  7. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    Surely not every imperial, whether grunt or officer, is a moustache twirling villain. What kind of personal philosophy do they have? Do they not give a crap on the effect the Empire is having on the galaxy? Or do the end justify the means? Etc.

    The Empire can't only consist of psychopaths like Tarkin.

    I would also just love to see characters from the current comics enter the movie-verse like Kreel or Thanoth or Tagge, who has been fleshed out a lot more recently.
  8. 11-4D

    11-4D Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2015
    Imperial propaganda about the Jedi... Now that would be interesting to see.
  9. DarthZ07

    DarthZ07 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 11, 2005
    A Stormtrooper hit his target.
  10. ImpreciseStormtrooper

    ImpreciseStormtrooper Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 8, 2016
    Can agree to a point. I can highly recommend Das Boot or Stalingrad if you want to see a brilliant story from the perspective of 'grunts' in Nazi Germany. But any serious flip through the pages of histrory suggests Fascists are a pretty unredeemable bunch.

    That said I suspect Rogue One might be the film you're looking for in a way...
    Sarge and DaddlerTheDalek like this.
  11. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    I'm not calling for whitewashing the Empire, just a little more realism in its presentation.
  12. GunganSlayer

    GunganSlayer Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2013

    I think this is something many of us have always wanted, particularly those of us who are really invested in world-building. There are a few selected works here and there in the original EU, and a couple of TCW episodes (in this case, focusing on the CIS), but for the most part, we really don't get much of a sense of actual, run-of-the-mill Imperial citizens. You even get a hint in the opening crawl to ROTS, with it stating "There are heroes on both sides." Unfortunately, we didn't get too much of that in the final product.

    Ultimately, while this topic is important to me (and others), it wasn't a very big concern for Lucas. ANH is a very much a good vs evil tale. That's one of the main points that Lucas wanted to commit to film. The 1970s was filled with the aftereffects of Vietnam, public distrust in public officials, government, and so forth. ANH is a black and white story, with no grey areas. In the PT, we do get a bit more exploration of that grey area, and it seems like in the ST we will also.

    And yes, while the galaxy was essentially duped by the Sith into a massive conflict that formed the Empire, it was still a fully functioning political entity, and for that to be so, it has to have many members (planets, organizations, citizens, etc) that believe and support the Imperial cause. Planets seceded from the Republic and formed the Confederacy because they were tired with the incompetency and corruption of the Republic, as well as the Jedi. Our representation of the CIS mainly focuses on battle droids and "mustache twirling bad-guys," similar to how the Empire is typically represented, but it's important to note that both political entities had supporters. The Empire brought order and security to the galaxy, and in fact, increased the boundaries of the galaxy through trade and exploration. While the Empire had its detractors (hence, an open rebellion), it did have its supporters and loyalists. Unfortunately, whenever we do delve a bit into them, they always end up being incompetent, arrogant, and often times defectors.
    Hyrum_Solo, jc1138, Lt. Hija and 4 others like this.
  13. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    I think the entire franchise would benefit from having more imperial characters who have some smarts. It would simply increase tension in stories. You can't always use Vader when you want a threat. As much as I love Vader (he's my favorite character), he shouldn't be the only competent person in the entire Empire.
  14. JawaDog

    JawaDog Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 2, 2016
    This would be a great opportunity to give some backstory on Snoke.
    Thorin Oakenshield likes this.
  15. Jmacq1

    Jmacq1 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 20, 2005
    Pretty sure if we get any Snoke it will be super-minimal. But I don't think we will. I suspect Snoke was hiding from Palpatine unless he was somehow enslaved by him.

    We'll get some new types of troopers, it seems. That's always fun.
  16. Mungo Baobab

    Mungo Baobab Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2014
    I think there'll be a focus on the fact, I think Mendelsohn's character is a high ranking ISB officer.
  17. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    Watch ANH.
    Thorin Oakenshield likes this.
  18. DarthZ07

    DarthZ07 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 11, 2005
    Yea, but the broad side of barns across the galaxy have been safe since after the opening scene.
  19. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    Only because main heroes with plot armor were standing in front of those barns. :p
  20. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015

    Stormtroopers did hit their targets during the capture of Princess Leia's ship and later sucessfully missed their targets aboard the Death Star...because this was part of Vader's plan to allow the Princess to escape and so he could track her to the Rebels' hidden base.

    If I ever compile a list of Star Wars "myths" the "imprecise stormtrooper" will be at the top spot. ;)
    Hyrum_Solo and EHT like this.
  21. ViktorShade

    ViktorShade Jedi Youngling

    Jan 20, 2016
    - Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones of course)
    - Darth Sidious via hologram cameo
    - Grand Moff Tarkin (portrayed by Wayne Pygram, who played a young Tarkin in ROTS)
    - Bail Organa appearance (with age make-up on Jimmy Smiths)

    Other possibilities
    - Supreme Leader Snoke via hologram cameo
    - Young Lor San Tekka
    - Admiral Ackbar cameo
  22. DaddlerTheDalek

    DaddlerTheDalek Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2014
    I wonder if we see the Imperial Senate.
  23. Hopeless

    Hopeless Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 28, 2006
    How about an explanation as to what happened to the Separatist droids since they could hardly just leave them to rust given their sudden massive build up in forces including the over sized star destroyers' that all but screamed the use of whatever the Separatists used to build the Malevolence?
    DaddlerTheDalek likes this.
  24. Blackhole E Snoke

    Blackhole E Snoke Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 26, 2016
    I hope we see COMPNOR play a role. Will director Armand Isard be Executed in 0 bby again?
  25. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    The Death Star needed alot of metal to be built....
    Imagine huge smelters on Geonosia, the Droids are ordered to march in their millions to their fiery doom.
    Alhazred and DaddlerTheDalek like this.