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Story [Star Trek] A Welcome Addition (S/U, Kirk, McCoy) 8.11.2019

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by JediMaster_Jen, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Title: A Welcome Addition

    Summary: A new member joins the crew of the USS Enterprise.

    Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Trek and I’m not making any money off of this.


    A Welcome Addition

    It was well past midnight when Spock was awakened by a deep groan from Nyota. He shifted and looked at his wife, seemingly still asleep beside him. He was about to return to his own sleep when he heard her again.

    “Nyota,” he called softly. “Nyota, wake up.”

    The woman beside him opened her eyes and all Spock could see was pain. When she sat up her hands went immediately to her eight-month swollen belly.

    “Are you in labor?” came his question.

    Her silent nod spurred Spock into action. He stood quickly and pulled on his discarded civilian attire from the night before.

    He activated the comm unit and called for Dr. McCoy.

    “What is it, Spock?” came a sleep voice.

    “Nyota is in labor,” he revealed in a rush, slight panic heard in his voice. “Please meet us in sickbay.”

    Spock then scooped Nyota into his arms and carried her from their quarters to sickbay. He ignored the stares of their crewmates as he hurried through the halls.


    “Breathe, Nyota,” Spock said calmly from her side where she was squeezing his hand as another contraction ripped through her body.

    “I am breathing!” she seethed. “You try pushing something the size of a bowling ball out of something the…”

    “Okay, darlin, that’s enough of that,” Leonard teased with a smile. “Let’s just get this little one out of there so we can all go back to bed.”

    Nyota crushed Spock’s fingers again as another contraction hit. “They aren’t stopping anymore.”

    “Time to push, little lady,” the doctor said as he took his place at the end of the biobed. “Give me a good one.”

    Spock moved to sit behind his wife so she could rest against him between pushes.

    “You can do this, my love,” he whispered to her softly. “You are so strong.”

    She pushed as long and as hard as she could. Hearing the encouraging words of her husband and her friend kept her going.

    Five hours after arriving in sickbay, a shrill cry was heard. Dr. McCoy and the nurses checked the tiny infant over and once the baby was given a clean bill of health, the small Vulcan/human hybrid was handed to Nyota.


    Jim was awakened by the squawking of his comm. He crossed the room and demanded an answer for the early interruption of his sleep.

    “We have a new crew member, Cap’n,” McCoy told him. “Best come down to sickbay to check it out.”

    Jim grinned as he threw on a shirt and ran from his quarters. There was only one possibility for a new crew member, and they had all been waiting for a long time to meet the new addition.

    He barged into sickbay and immediately saw Uhura sitting on the biobed with Spock hovering close. Cradled in her arms was a tiny infant.

    Spock noticed the captain first and motioned him over. Jim came to stand next to his communications officer and his best friend. He looked down at the blanket, but could only see the child’s face and pointed ears.

    He smiled. “Boy or girl?”

    Nyota gave a brilliant smile as she looked up at Jim.

    “A girl, Captain,” she revealed. “A very beautiful baby girl.”

    Spock cradled his daughter as Nyota handed the baby to him. Then he walked over to Jim and passed her off to him.

    “Meet our daughter,” Spock began. “Amanda, after my mother.”

    Jim gazed down at the small girl. Her features were clearly Vulcan; pointed ears, slightly upcurved eyebrows. Her mocha-colored skin was so soft as he took her tiny hand in his.

    He looked up finally from his perusal of the infant and grinned at his friends.

    “She’s…amazing,” he said softly. “Very beautiful, and a welcome addition.”
  2. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oh my goodness, but if this sweet little gem of a fic wasn't a breath of fresh air then I don't know what is!!! [face_love]

    Little Amanda is indeed a most welcome addition to the crew of the Enterprise - I loved meeting her just as much as I loved this glimpse at the loving bond between her parents and numerous uncles. :p [face_love]

    Thank you for sharing this delightful piece with us! =D=
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    JEN, JEN, JEN! THIS IS ME EVAPORATING AND SQUEEEEEEEEEEEING! [face_dancing] ^:)^ ^:)^ Oh yes! :D =D= Thank you for sharing this.
    JediMaster_Jen and Mira_Jade like this.