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Star Wars CLOSED Star Wars: Episode X: DUEL OF THE FATES ~ 2021 Best RPG ~

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Dec 25, 2020.

  1. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    OOC: @Sinrebirth

    IC: Barriss Sunrider

    There was nothing that she could do for those experiencing the bombardment from the Capitol except trust in the Force to keep as many on the surface as safe as possible... and hope that those she cared about would be able to survive. If not, she would mourn for them when the time came.

    But now was not that time.

    She could still try to find Vicrul, she had a feeling that he had fled from the battle like a coward. She did not trust the First Order bombardment to finish him and Vestara off. She would prefer to make sure that they were dead herself. But there was also the matter of the escape pod that had launched from the Capitol and the TIE Whispers that were firing on it. Barriss had a feeling that whoever was in that escape pod was not someone that the First Order liked. She had only a moment to decide, but Barriss chose to swing her ship around and fire at the TIE Whispers swooping on the escape pod. At the very least, she would save one more life today.

    The TIE Whisper erupted into flames, and the second wheeled around, reinforcing its shields and painting Barriss with a lock.

    The escape pod rebounded off the roof of a building with repulsors, and a panicked "Thanks!" came across the comms.

    A missile shot out -

    Barriss reached out with the Force, using it to throw the missile off course before then guiding her own missile toward the other TIE Whisper.

    The TIE pilot goosed his engines and dove, diverting her missile into a building. Her comms crackled. “You’re good.”

    The man had a presence in the Force.

    “A Jedi, I guess.”

    His tone was stiff; unimpressed.

    The escape pod bounced to another building behind his TIE Whisper.

    "Not quite," Barriss told the TIE pilot. "What about you? I can sense the Force in you..."

    “Same here. Not quite a ‘Dark Jedi,’ either.”

    He growled as he spat laser fire at her, more a ranging shot than anything. “I used to be the Emperor’s Reach.”

    Barriss did her best to dodge the laser fire, though she didn't fire back.

    "I used to be an Inquisitor, actually," she admitted.

    “Lovely,” the TIE pilot said, slightly sarcastic. “So what’s the plan? We dance until we run out of fuel? Or I get a lucky shot at that escape pod?”

    “Do you even know who is aboard? It could be a mass murderer for all you know.”

    "I have a feeling," Barriss said as she continued to try to distract the TIE pilot and buy time for the escape pod. "And no offense, but the First Order are the biggest mass murderers in the galaxy so I doubt whoever is in the escape pod can't be that bad."

    "We gave the galaxy a chance. To create a democracy that could rule justly and competently."

    "The New Republic and its Galactic Alliance with the rest of the galaxy - it failed. It squabbled endlessly - trying to take down its own elected leaders as they fought against the Terrors; a crisis over the Caamasi; a defective defense of the galaxy against alien marauders; in-fighting in the Core as the galaxy accepted bloody dictator after bloody dictator," snarled the man.

    "The First Order is just honest about what it needs to do to bring peace and order."

    The TIE Whisper gunned forward, and the escape pod suddenly went off on an angle towards the Imperial Boulevard; it was going to ground not too far away.

    The two of their fighters were matched evenly technologically, but one of them was an aged elite pilot, having fought for the Empire, the Imperial remnants, the First Order - the other was a Jedi, then an Inquisitor, then a victim at the galactic edge.

    "The First Order did nothing except create war and chaos," Barriss said as she flew toward the TIE Whisper. "Have you looked around you? You call this peace and order? And your leaders, they have been lying to you. They care for nothing except their own personal power and are willing to sacrifice as many as necessary in order to achieve it. The galaxy has been plunged into anarchy thanks to your masters." She tried to clip the other pilot while she talked.

    "Coruscant has yielded more than once; it should have again. The First Order was an attempt at the Empire without Palpatine and his murderous inclinations. We can build an Empire without him; there was peace for years, the Imperial way was expanding, showing how to do it right. Thrawn, Pellaeon, Fel, Reige, Graul. We could do it. It was over. It was your kind that forced our hand."

    The TIE shifted into a head-on collision.

    He didn't fire, but Barriss would sense his hands on the triggers.

    The pilot wanted to die for his dream of Empire.

    Barriss' hands were also on the trigger... but she didn't fire either.

    "You shouldn't have to die for a lie," she said softly, veering away from his TIE Whisper to avoid the collision. Perhaps she shouldn't feel sorry for him, yet she sensed the potential for good in him. A potential that he was wasting by serving the First Order. He was misguided, like so many others had been. Like she had been.

    I'm getting soft, Barriss thought to herself as she felt compassion for the man trying to kill her. She thought she would learn after Vicrul... but a part of her was still too stubborn.

    The TIE took advantage and fired, but his bolts... they fell short.

    There was no enthusiasm behind them, either.

    "My name is Maarek Stele. I come from Kuan," he said softly. "The Empire - it saved my world from invasion. Our sector, the Old Republic never managed to make it calm. Piracy, plague - the Empire ended it all. A fourteen year long civil war ended by them."

    "That's what my Empire did; it ended conflict."

    Stele sighed. "You were an Inquisitor. Before that, I bet you were a Jedi. Why did you embrace the Empire - when you did?"

    "I had no choice," Barriss told him. "The Empire tortured me, dismembered me... and even took my mother from me. Perhaps it saved your world, but it destroyed mine." She sighed. "You remind me of an old friend who actually become one of the Emperor's Hands. She stayed with the Empire longer than I did, but I do not hold that against her. I was... a very different person once. And because of that, I believe in change. Surely you have to understand that the First Order you are fighting for now is not the same Empire that saved your world. This is not your Empire. This is Hux's. This is Kylo Ren's. This is Phasma's. The First Order does not save worlds, it destroys them."

    "As for my name," she added softly. "Previously I was known as Barriss Offee, but I don't go by that anymore."

    “It’s not a name I know,” he sounded apologetic.

    “Where is the Empire I believed in, the former Jedi firmly named Barriss Offee?” Stele said, almost sadly. “Does it exist? Is there a way for benevolent order to simply be? Not all the Imperial remnants had genocide and slavery in their ledger; some made nonhumans equal, and protected their neighbors. Why can’t a fully formed Empire do the same? The Old Republic failed the galaxy; the New was no better.”

    He was rambling, exhausted, in body and soul. “Is there not a way in which both the strength and honor of the Empire can co-exist with the representation and inclusivity of a Republic? Must we be forget at odds? Empire and Republic? Sith and Jedi?”

    “Dark and Light?”

    The Whisper wobbled as if his despair was causing his arms to shake.

    “Is it to be an eternal Duel of the Fates?”

    In many ways, this pilot spoke the creed of Xundel, in his exasperation at the galaxy.

    Barriss felt his despair and it was something she knew all too well. "I was once a Jedi," she spoke. "But I became disillusioned during the Clone Wars... and I fell. I learned Sith knowledge and I lashed out against the Order. I betrayed those closest to me and I killed innocent people. I have known both the Dark and the Light. Both sides of the Force are a part of me, either now. It is why I do not call myself a Jedi. Because I am something else, even if I am not completely sure what. And I have given myself the name Sunrider."

    "The Old Republic failed this galaxy, as did the Jedi Order," Barriss acknowledged. "I foresaw it, but neither faction was able to prevent the rise of Palpatine. And Palpatine's Empire... it was born from a lie. It rose from the dark side, from the deception of a Sith Lord wanting only ultimate power. The Empire was nothing more than a tool for his evil, even if not everyone who fought for it was evil. And the same can be said for the First Order. It is an extension of Palpatine's lie, just another tool that has now outlived its master. You hope for a better Empire, for a better future. But that will never be possible, not as long as Palpatine's lie continues. Not as long as we don't learn from our history and take steps not to repeat it. But too often have we learned the wrong lesson."

    She looked down. "I don't have all the answers, admittedly. But I'm fighting for love. It has saved me and it has saved others. I think it can save the galaxy as well. Maybe not right now, but eventually."

    The TIE Whisper settled.

    "Love. I have never known it," Stele admitted. "I used to love flying. It's all I used to do, after I left the Remnant. But flying doesn't make ends meet. Not when the Galactic Racing is over." He sounded a bit wry.

    "Barriss Sunrider, I thank you. I think I shall remember what I love, and fly. Fly away from all these tyrants and madmen. The middle ground, I don't know if we'll ever find the right balance. But one day, perhaps." His voice grew introspective. "Perhaps you'll find it."

    "If you ever happen to be in the Sartinaynian system, ask for me. I'll be there. It's as Imperial as it comes, but it's been an Imperial world for the last sixty years and hasn't done anyone any harm."

    With that, he headed into orbit, away from the conflagration above.

    Barriss blinked in surprise. Did that really just work?

    It did.

    "May the Force be with you," she whispered gently, relieved that she wouldn't have to kill Stele. And perhaps she would see him again, one day...

    But for now, Barriss reached out with the Force to continue her search for Vicrul and Vestara. As long as they were still on Coruscant, she had to try finding and stopping them.

    And after that... well, she would see.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  2. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Xundel
    Ruusan, depths

    As Xundel spoke, Vergere had questions. He wasn’t sure how many were true curiosity about the events or how many were trying to understand him better but he suspected they were a mixture of both. So he took them as they came.

    "Do you feel responsible for the carnage that Vicrul Ren will now cause?"

    He sighed, thinking about the man. That one was filled with chaos, anger, self loathing, and pain. ”I was not the one who separated us, that was Mortis and it was not my fault he was gone when I was let free from the Tho Yor. I am sure you are not the only one that will blame me for actions I have no control over, his actions. But they are his actions, his responsibility for taking those actions, not mine. Yes, I’d prefer that he’d stayed with me and let the seed of Balance in him germinate but he chose otherwise.”

    "Was Ravijari really what he seemed?"

    A chuckle came from Xundel as he jumped over a rather large root, ”Of course he wasn’t what he seemed, not fully. Some of who he was was there but mostly it was Mortis borrowing what it needed, that I’d recognize and listen to, to both keep me busy while Vicrul was dealt with, and to try to give me better understanding of what needed to be done.”

    "Do you anticipate that Nomi succeeded in encouraging the others to come?"

    Hopping along, Xundel thought about the answer to that question. He had felt Nomi’s will to help him but that he also knew the others would have their own wills. ”I honestly don’t know. I am sure that those she spoke to trust her deeply and would accept her desire that they do so. But the galaxy is in such chaos that they may not come soon or at all.” he said with a tinge of regret at that.

    "What will you say to Barriss Ofee when you next meet her?"

    That one was truly a difficult question. He pondered it for quite a time, as they walked. His focus upon the question was so that several times he almost tripped over roots. Finally, he looked back up to Vergere, ”I’m not even sure she’ll listen to me if that happens. She distrusts me intently, thinks I am a charlatan and worse. I’m sure, at some point, she will choose to follow what Nomi told her, and come here, but...when she sees me, she’s just as likely to turn around and depart. If she’s willing to listen, I’d apologize for any pain or misunderstanding that occurred. And try to just talk to her.”

    "Why did you give the Darksaber away?"

    Xundel smiled at the question, ”That one is simple, those that would have been considered allies or friends would have turned themselves into foes simply because they could not respect that I have taken possession of it to return it to its correct owner. They would have refused to allow me to depart Bonadon because of their misguided belief that simply because they are part of the same creed that they alone should have had it. And I’m not going to create even more foes.”

    He walked further with her, memorizing the path and comparing it to the path he’d seen, in his mind. It was slightly different as this was underground, not on the surface, but the general direction was the same. ”Tell me, are you planning on having us wander this meandering path until I answer every question you may ever have or is it simply that twisting a path down here, compared to the surface? If it’s the first, we could be down here for centuries.” he said with a small chuckle.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Shadowsun (Mentioned), @CosmoHender (Mentioned)
  3. QueenSabe7

    QueenSabe7 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 23, 2001
    Combo with Sinre

    IC: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo & Rey


    Rey had connected, folded into the Force in such a way she had never attempted before. And yet, she hadn’t made the effort to become so entwined in its currents – it had just happened. It had just come to be. Her body felt weightless, her mind razor sharp in focus, so much so that her lack of sight was now an afterthought.

    Each attack Kylo leveled at her was strong and powerful, but she had become more powerful than him, countering each strike with one of her own that would knock him back. Forcing him to defend. Pushing him into retreat. She could sense his outrage, his indignance at his own shortcomings. It fueled her but not in darkness; with her acceptance of both sides of the Force it became a righteous energy, a refreshing bolstering of what had become her mission to stop this man and end his suffering.

    Well advanced in reaching her goal, she succeeded in wounding Kylo Ren significantly by severing his fingers from one hand and destroying his saber. He was shocked, enraged, as Rey drew up and paused before a follow-up attack.

    The last Jedi was not tired, she was not hindered by such distractions in this moment. Her heart remained at an even beat and she inhaled deeply through her nose as she stood tall a few feet from his kneeling form. The raw Force emanating from the Well at his back was like looking directly into a sun, though she didn’t shy away from it.

    She was ready to end this. Rey was ready to kill Kylo Ren.

    “I’m sorry,” she stated without emotion, not speaking to this man, but to another that wouldn’t hear her.

    In one swift move, she swung upwards with her saber and prepared to swing downwards in a fatal blow, but just as her foot lifted to lunge forward, the course of the fight shifted entirely.

    A spear of darkness punched her in the chest; through her chest and into her heart, passing through to burrow deep into her soul. It happened so quick that she wasn’t even able to scream in surprise. Her body seized and every ounce of strength and Light she had been granted began to drain away. Every passing second was an excruciating pain that failed to be described by words.

    "They were wrong," she could hear Kylo say through the storm raging inside her mind. "All of them. The power of this place can't be taken... it can only be unlocked."

    Fight, Rey. Fight, she struggled to remember. Her thoughts were disappearing, the life force being drawn from her and leaving her an empty husk of a once luminous being.

    "But it's nothing compared to you."


    Kylo takes more from her, strengthening, looming over her weakening form.

    She is almost gone.

    Drained of life.

    With all of her strength, she can only lift a single hand to him.


    It's Leia's voice.

    Kylo hesitates, hears his mothers voice.

    Come back. Come home.

    He regards Rey, but his heart is black.

    His light is gone.

    It is GONE, he screams to himself.

    He feels the very same thing that destroyed his grandfather.

    Not Vader.


    But he doesn't feel weak.

    He looks at Rey.

    He is still, unable to leave and claim his Throne, unable to move closer to her.

    Even the darkest form of Ben Solo is frozen by this moment.


    Rey urges again, within the confines of her waning thoughts. Her body feels light, the last wisps of life clinging to her heart as its beats slow. The edges of her vision are blurring and through her sightless eyes, she can still 'see' him though even that is dissipating as well.

    The warmth of Leia's presence is not lost on her but she cannot react to it beyond using the last vestiges of her energy to continue to reach her hand for Kylo Ren; reaching for the man beyond him. Like Leia was...

    Rey would be granted a vision of what she sought.

    Her Ben, somewhere beyond, elsewhere and nowhere. Was he alive… no. He was somewhen…


    She would understand that Ben no longer existed. But yet he was not lost.

    He responded through Kylo… looking at her hand, and taking it.

    The living Force flows back into her.

    Both light and dark would swirl within Rey as Kylo is reduced to an empty shell. A man without power. A frightened boy.

    He is weakened by their fight; by their battle. By the raging of their souls. His darkness had been lost…

    … he leans on her, their foreheads touching.


    He breathed hard.

    “The name that your parents used when they were hiding… they wanted to be heroes. They… put together the names of Organa and Solo…”

    The next we’re his last words.

    “Rey Solana.”

    The light dies from his eyes; but it is the light.

    With a look that could be perceived as love, Ben Solo dies.

    A second death.

    They’ve fought to the death.

    A moment passes but it had been stretched into eternity.

    Their touch burned with their love, his words restored her soul, his Light brought her back to life.


    With a small gasp as oxygen rushed back into her lungs and her heart pumped freely, Rey dropped the short distance to the ground, Kylo Ren collapsing beside her. Her hand still clutched his as she whined with the renewed onset of pain, her wounds reminding her that she still lived. But he... Ben Solo did not. Remaining still on her back, she let the endless void that he left behind consume her. But it wasn't darkness nor evil; it was everything that had made him good, mixing with the dying of his corruption.

    It was their balance, and it settled into the deepest parts of her in a way she knew would never vanish.

    Her hand squeezed his tighter, thinking only of Ben, and the name he had given her.

    "Rey... Solana..." she whispered, her blood-cracked lips barely moving.

    Then, she let him go.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
  4. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Vicrul Ren
    By the Night Buzzard, Coruscant

    Anger resonated throughout the Knight of Ren as he thought back on the battle. What an utterly wasted opportunity. He had meant to kill hundreds, thousands, millions. And how many had he killed? Perhaps a few dozen at best. Hardly what he came to accomplish.

    "Looks like you did it, Lord Vicrul. Forced them to pile more and more resources into one spot, and Hux took them out in one fell swoop. Or, you happened to escape and the First Order just tried to kill you,"

    His eyes whipped round in wrath as he saw the individual named 'Nihl' approach. He recognized the man, he knew who he was. Vicrul's eyes grew narrow in disdain he did not make a move for his lightsaber, merely staring at the man.

    "Which was it? I come with curiosity but I will kill you if I need to."

    "It will not matter, for in time they will all die."

    He looked aside, his mind racing, elsewhere thinking on his next move.

    "What is it that you truly want?"

    Nihl stared for a while.

    As he did, turbolasers continued to impact in the distance. The Resistance would die, and that would be that. But the orbital battle was clearly going badly - there was a thundercrack as a superlaser slammed into the shields of the Capitol, and Nihl watch it.

    “I want purpose.”

    He looked down to Vicrul.

    “I want to know if you are that purpose.”

    Vicrul stared deeply into the man's eyes, his head tilting off to one side as he thought.

    "Purpose..." he repeated.

    "I too once craved purpose, until I found my own... I spent my time spinning in circles chasing an absent master as I continued in my lifeless, continuous vacuum."

    His eyes seemed dead as if he was speaking more to himself than Nihl.

    "Until I realized my greater purpose. That all things, all life. Must be eradicated."

    The Nagai sniffed. “I don’t call myself Nihl for fun. Out in the Unknowns, my people were hunted for centuries, and now we hunt those who dared prey on us. Life is nothing more than death forestalled, death giving meaning.”

    He squeezed his fist. “I want to have power over death. Power to inflict it. I had a vision of striking down a Jedi once, when I was older. Pouring lightning into his back and killing him.” Nihl thought of that moment on the unfamiliar world, a Jedi with two blades of blue and green dancing atop a pile of corpses in black armour as he battled red-blades.

    Nihl realised that this Vicrul Ren may very well be the answer to his vision. He knelt. “I would serve you. Become Nihl Ren.”

    Vestara looked impatient, looking around at the chaos raining down on Coruscant. Her entire expression and body language said one thing.

    We need to go.

    Vicrul looked to the Nagai, his eyes still devoid of life. His expression grim, distant.

    "Then arise as Nihl Ren and bask in the Legacy of Ruin as we bring about the destruction of all things,"

    His eyes then turned to Vestara, their impatient noted and not unfounded.

    "Let us depart, our first target is clear. The First Order, it will become our instrument,"

    As it always should have been he thought. The failure of the other military commanders, the fracturing nature of the First Order. It all spoke to what Vicrul saw to be the Truth. He would have it or raze it to ashes.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  5. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009

    Taking cover in the hull of the Skate, Rhoen and Syal were back to back holding their little position as the pair of astromechs took on the task of getting the battered ship back into the air. Troopers seemed to close in encircling the pair of pilots. He let off two shots that connected with another faceless foe. A lifetime spent in combat had deadened his compassion for his enemy. It was still there, he knew every life he took was blood on his hands but, he didn't let it touch his heart. It was a necessity. For the freedom of his galaxy many had died, and would die again. All that mattered was that he and his wife stood at the end of it.

    Out of the corner of his eye he saw a white helmet pop up. Syal was turned away from it, he could feel her shoulder against his back. Acting on instinct, Rhoen stepped around putting his body between his wife and the new aggressor. His weapon came up just a moment too late as the trooper fired, a red bolt flying across the distance between the two soldiers and catching Rhoen in the chest. With a twitch of his finger the heavy blaster in his hand went off miraculously catching the other man under the chin and sending him falling backwards.

    "Rhoen!" Syal cried out feeling her husband slump against her.

    "I'm fine…" Rhoen said through gritted teeth. He could barely move his right arm, it refused to answer his commands. He could still breathe, that was good at least. "So that's what that feels like…" He continued as Syal laid him down against the hull of the freighter. "It doesn't feel that bad…" The adrenaline in his system was stopping the searing pain but it was only for a moment. "Oh...there it is…" He grit his teeth as the throbbing pain of the laser burn radiated out from his upper chest.

    "Oh force Rhoen…" Syal exclaimed.

    "Better me than you…" A smile came over his face, as the pain started to overtake his mind.

    "No, keep your eyes open…Medic!" She cried before jumping into the craft desperately searching for a medpack.

    Rhoen just sat fighting against the pain struggling to keep conscious. All around him the world seemed to slow, the troopers started to throw down their weapons raising their hands in surrender. Up above him the Capitol ascended into the sky. A slight smile came to his lips as he watched the Resistance win, the fight was over...His eyes closed, thinking of Syal, and Valerie...

    "Here I found it…" Syal was breathless, slapping a bacta patch over the wound and injecting something into his arm. "Please...Please don't go…"

    His eyes snapped open as the stimulant hit his system. His breathing became quick and shallow. How long had he been out, what was going on.

    "Oh thank the force." His beloved said wrapping her arms around him pressing her lips against his.

    "Hey...I think we won…" His words came out quickly as the drugs fully took effect.

    "Yeah...Yeah we did." her blue eyes met his tears falling down her cheeks.

    "Hey...we're still alive." His hand reached out wiping a tear away.

    "Yeah…" Her cheek pressed into his palm.

    "I love you…"

    "I love you too…" She pulled him into a tight embrace, which he could only half return as his injured side was still inoperable.

    Over her shoulder he saw the sky alight with fire….

    "No…" he whispered.

    As the first shots landed he could feel the shockwave coming. As it hit he felt himself be lifted off the ground.

    "Rhoen!" Syal shouted her arms reaching out and grabbing what she could...him. Together they tumbled first through the air, then across the ground. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, his body angled to take the first and worst impact of the unforgiving metal boulevard. They roll further as more bolts from the heavens strike the ground.

    A long cry of pain ripped from Rhoen's throat finding his back on the ground and Syal atop him pressing into his injury.

    "I'm sorry." She said getting up…

    "It's fine...get to cover…" He growled

    "I know…" She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a solid piece of the Skate's hull. It would hold...for a few shots surely.

    He held her close eyes closed hoping that this rain of death would be over soon...

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @TheSilentInfluence
  6. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Eleanor Magnus

    Eleanor kissed Kaz back, relaxing before everything suddenly turned to chaos. She was thrown to the ground and her ears started to ring as an explosion ripped over them. It took her a minute to realise that Kaz was on top of her and that he must have pushed her to the ground. She thought of her mother and Asteria, sensing then a few feet away.

    "Asteria, stay down." Madelyn told her granddaughter. She shielded her with her body and covered her ears with her hands. She looked up and saw Mirta a little ways away, on the ground as well and then reached out with the force, finding her daughter and her partners nearby. Madelyn let out a sigh of relief and kept her head down.

    Eleanor could sense and feel Amaria next to her. Kaz must have grabbed her too went he pushed her to the ground. Eleanor tilted her head and tried to breath, hoped her family was okay.

    "Kaz, we need to move." Eleanor told him through a strained voice. He was a little heavy. "Quickly. Get the family together. I don't know what the heck that was but we have to get rid of it."

    Tag: @Sinrebirth @galactic-vagabond422
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  7. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tirran Huxley
    The hovel, Arikinnea

    There was a trail of workers and people making their way into the hovel, clearly this was time for a meal. Some of them looked openly at him and he was sure many more took side glances. Few knew of his kind, and he was curious what they would try to feed him today. Of course the looks were varied, not everyone was ever happy to have to sell something they had made, and rural bumpkins all the more so.

    A table was set by the open kitchen, an immensely long one, as if it was a staff cafeteria set outside to enjoy the nice weather. After this meal he knew he would have to endure a full tank flush and fluid exchange to wash out whatever it was they fed him with.

    A human woman cast a grin at him as he arrived, either she was glad for the deal or planned to kill him. An aged Veknoid seemed to grimace, leaning heavily on his cane, clearly blind. That was curious, didn't see many of their kind around these days. Hopefully the old timer wasn't against the deal or was the accepting sort.

    A young Wookiee folded his arms expectantly. That one he would give a wide berth, even if it didn't kill him the repairs were always expensive with wookiees involved.

    Other humans looked at him and as the number grew he simply ignored them, following Ruk's waved hand for where he should sit. "Come, sit with us. Not all of the Council is present, but enough. Two of our," the Whiphid approximated a smile. "Master Farmers are on the other side of the planet, dealing with an infestation."

    The words 'Council' and 'Infestation' both stood out to Tirran as key words to pay attention to. Likely meant these people saw themselves as a labor co-op and would be against any one beings authority over them in any manner. Infestation meant next years export quotas would be downgraded depending on what they shared for projections.

    Three Scars relented; the Veknoid sighed. Wonderful, it meant he had less pro selling then he would wish to ever have in such a painful situation. "So were you negotiating in bad faith just now or were you honestly a representative for these? I do not see a majority happy nor a majority resigned, so if you are not wasting my time. . ." Tirran gurgled slightly, "What is this? Because this is no feast to celebrate the completion of a deal."

    Tirran shook and bobbed in his tank. This was turning into a sour deal and so far all he had was a lone Whipids word that they even had one. If they were trying to rob him they were greener to the gamble then they appeared and he hated violence in negotiations.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  8. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    The following is a combo with @Sinrebirth – thank you so much! :)

    IC: Chancellor Aryan Graul, Lyz Graul, Arek Graul, Captain Phasma, Senator Haydnat Treen, and Sistros

    Landing Platform, Wavett

    Too many
    images floated across Aryan’s awareness, many evoking feelings of pleasure—his great-grandchildren, Arek’s charitable efforts during the reign of peace, even a quiet family meal on Coruscant. They were all happy reflections conjured by the Refrain’s stimulating effects.

    But then the spark within his mind’s eye began to waver, almost as if someone had jolted him with a bolt of electricity. The picturesque landscape physically shuddered, shifting and swaying until it transformed into a much somber place. Dark, cumulonimbus thunderheads rolled overhead to mirror the turbulence he now felt within his mind. And then a voice echoed from the ether, swelling to a crescendo as it reverberated in perfect cadence with the thunder.

    "Chancellor Graul."

    It was firm with a clear metallic modulation.

    And unmistakably female.

    Aryan recognized it instantly as belonging to the silver-plated Phasma; the feared warrior who had ambushed him and his team during his brief stint with the Resistance forces. The only reason he had escaped with his life was due to—

    The darkened sky wavered once more, the clouds roiling in response to his thoughts, forming a distinct image. It was a man in a hooded cloak, his sanguine eyes burning beneath his cowl with an unnatural light. After a moment, the slit of his mouth parted, and he spoke:

    " last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith."

    Emperor Palpatine.

    A gasp escaped from the Vice-Chancellor’s throat as his body shook violently, the convulsion thrusting him back into a conscious state.

    Suddenly, he had returned to his ship, the cold deckplates of the conference room pressed up against his cheek. It was a rather compromising position, prompting Aryan to groan as he slowly propped himself up on one elbow to survey his surroundings. The familiar hum of the engines had gone silent, signaling that they had reverted from hyperspace.

    But it was almost too quiet.

    Had they landed as well?

    As if on cue, Lyz yelled for him from the direction of the landing ramp, her voice echoing up the access corridor. "Aryan?"

    She sounded concerned, perhaps even desperate, and that’s when he realized that he had lost all concept of time. How long had he been lying there?

    Another groan slipped from his lips as he struggled to his feet, his tired body not wanting to cooperate under the strain of his recent trauma. He would’ve cursed his physical infirmities for hindering his progress, but he was too focused on reaching his wife before he caused her more emotional distress.

    While more time elapsed through his laboring, Aryan ultimately appeared at the top of the ramp, his weary frame leaning heavily on his cane for support. His customary smirk began to tug at the corner of his mouth, but then he paled when he noted the figure standing next to Lyz.

    So, it hadn’t been a memory, after all.

    Captain Phasma stood stoically on the tarmac, her pristine armor shining brightly in the garish light of Wavett’s sun. The mere sight of her caused Aryan to lose his balance. He stumbled, nearly tumbling off the side of the landing ramp, but he was able to catch himself on one of the support struts at the last second. He knew that he had just narrowly averted a terrible disaster—embarrassingly so—and that fueled his irritation.

    "What is this?" he said gruffly, angling his chin to glare at Lyz. He appeared to pick himself up, his determination sustaining his forward momentum as he planted his cane and hobbled down the rest of the incline to meet them. "Why is she here?"

    "I brought your son with me," the woman in metal said, and a black armoured stormtrooper shoved Arek down the ramp of her chrome yacht. "And a piece of the puzzle that you lacked."

    An elderly woman stepped after Arek, and Lyz didn’t manage to not pull a face. "Senator Treen.”

    "Lyz!" The Kuati said, glowering. "I did not expect to see you here. It would seem we have been brought together to put together a New Order once more!" She looked to Aryan. "It has been a while, my old friend. The Imperial Senate; perhaps?"

    Arek stood, carefully. "The Captain said you’d agreed to join her as the Chancellor, Dad. In exchange for my safety."

    "He did," Lyz said firmly, frustrated by the situation.

    Phasma looked to Aryan. "After all, he can’t become Chancellor without what we’ve gathered." She turned to go, her cape twirling. The black armoured Stormtroopers - two of them, stood to attention, waiting for the Graul’s to board.

    There were other troop transports landing on Wavett, more so attired troops appearing. It was a quiet occupation, clearly. Foreman Chrys hung back, looking infuriated but unable to comment for fear of his life.

    "I shall keep your facility safe, Chancellor," stated Phasma, her tone darkly mocking. Treen turned back inside the yacht with a cheery grin and the others - Arek, Lyz, and Chrys too - looked to him for guidance on what they were to do next.

    Any elation Aryan felt over his son’s safety instantly vanished as soon as Senator Treen appeared at the top of the yacht’s entry ramp. Once more, his complexion paled and he merely stared at the elder stateswoman, the remainder of the conversation drifting in and out of his awareness.

    Her presence evoked a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he recalled the time they had served together, nearly fifty years ago, in the Imperial Senate. They had both been young and ambitious, resilient in their quest to enact change in a tired system; they had truly believed that they could take on the entire galaxy.

    Unfortunately, time had passed them by, as it tends to do. He quickly realized that the last time he had seen her was on that fateful day when Palpatine had dissolved the Senate. Perhaps that explained why he had begun to shift uncomfortably, angling his cane to the side as if he felt ashamed of his ailments—of admitting that he had fallen victim to the aging process. He was no longer the man that she would undoubtedly remember.

    And that was the problem.

    It was also a reason for concern.

    From his experiences, Aryan knew that she had not decided to journey out to the Expansion Regions simply to reminisce about the past. Someone of Treen’s stature and influence always had a plan, an ulterior motive that she could exploit. Considering her connections to Kuat, along with the elusive puzzle that Phasma had alluded to, he began to form a very grim picture in his mind. He didn’t like where this was going…at all.

    "I don’t know how I can do this," Aryan whispered breathlessly after the Senator had retreated back into the ship, leaving him alone with his wife and son. Across the way, he gave the Foreman a regretful look. "It feels…wrong."

    He recognized that it was likely the Force speaking to him, but it was also a result of his own conclusions. The connections he was able to draw all led to a very bleak place, and he found that he could no longer ignore the despair that was rising within his throat. "They stole our ships from under us," he hissed in the same hushed tone. "And now they intend to acquire the Eclipse Fleet—if they haven’t already. All of those dreadnoughts will be under their command."

    Expelling a heavy breath, Aryan turned to regard his family. "But I don’t see any other option. I have an obligation to lend my support; to carry out my duty." He paused as his gaze shifted between Lyz and Arek, searching for answers. "If we can better understand their motives…"

    He trailed off, not wanting to utter the rest so openly, especially in a climate where mere words could easily condemn them. Hopefully, they would catch his meaning.

    They did. With Treen as the suddenly revealed move behind things, Lyz saw precisely what her husband had in mind. "Let’s get going," Lyz said. She reached over and squeezed Aryan’s hand.

    Phasma had hesitated at the top of the ramp, and the two troops were at ready, clearly.

    "The First Order needs us."

    Arek nodded, looked to his father.

    "It needs you, Chancellor."

    His son looked at the silver yacht.

    "Let’s do it for Jalynn, shall we?"

    Yes. Let’s.

    Sistros agreed.

    Their pact was made.

    The Chancellor inclined his chin and nodded, his blue-gray eyes reflecting his conviction. It was clear that he was more certain of his path; his family had helped to forge the foundation with their encouraging words, and Sistros had only solidified the deal with his quiet approval. That bolstered his confidence more than he cared to admit, and he idly touched the Holocron—which he had tucked into the folds of his jacket—as an expression of gratitude.

    Only then did he reciprocate Lyz’s gesture by accepting her hand, squeezing it within his own while he clenched his cane in the other. Aryan then sought her gaze and offered a warm smile. "Thank you," he uttered quietly.

    With their hands still interlocked, husband and wife—Chancellor and First Lady—ascended the ramp to fulfill their destiny.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Commander Sellik
    In orbit, Battle of Coruscant

    The Capitol was besieged.

    Even though the dreadnought was basically invincible, it was being hammered at by an axial superlaser and it’s shields were collapsing. Worse, the long range turbolasers were gone. Sellik had already computed for a hyperspace jump, and though he’d lost touch with much of the ship -

    Some kind of toxin?

    He had sealed the most important parts of the Capitol and even the loss of more than half of the crew wouldn’t stop him. But it did cut his fighting ability in half, and it wasn’t winnable. Better to live and fight another day - which Hux had clearly decided against, from the body found in his private quarters.

    Sellik growled. Fine, he’d lead the First Order. If Kylo Ren never returned, or Graul vanished as he seemed to have done, he’d do it. Save the galaxy.

    The Capitol took another superlaser shot but was clear. “Order the fleet to disengage and jump. Now.” There we’re still dozens of Star Destroyers in orbit, he had enough to start over. Another ecumenopolis world, a short conversion of their power grid, and the Galactic Jamming would be restored - it would be for nothing, all the millions who had died today.

    Sellik smiled to herself.

    It was over.

    Ceasing fire on the remnants of the New Resistance Army, the ship readied itself to leave.

    Imperial Boulevard

    The rain of destruction and death decimated the survivors of the ground battle, but many managed to find cover beneath the hulk of the Millennium Falcon, or the Pulsar Skate, or the fallen walkers.

    It did, however, stop shortly after.

    Finn had seen something in the pandemonium, and his heart was in his throat as he ran across the now-crater filled Imperial Boulevard. An escape pod, which opened as he reached it.

    "Rose!" He touched her face, searching. "Aare you okay?"

    She touched his hand, affectionately, smiling. "I'm fine."

    Rose looked up at the rising Capitol, backlit against the rising sun. Poe, Chewie, BB-8 and Threepio follow her eyes.

    "They're getting away!" Threepio lamented.

    Looking back to her, Finn sounded desperate. "Did you disable the hyperdrive?"

    "I couldn't figure it out," Rose said.

    Their conversation could be heard by those who had survived; Eleanor, Rhoen, Madelyn, Syal, Mirta, Asteria, Kaz, Almira, and hundreds of others, all staring in awe and wonder and growing panic.

    Hope fell away.

    The war is lost; the galaxy couldn't do this again, not at another world like Contruum or Eriadu or even Metellos or Corulag. Another city world could be adapted, and the Galactic Jammer rebuilt. There were plenty, even if they were not quite as grand and important as Coruscant.

    Rose continued to speak, carefully. "So I made some adjustments to their navicomputer. Without precise calculations that thing could... "

    The Capitol jumps to lightspeed.

    The moment it vanishes.

    It collides with a distant planet.

    The impact is so massive, so galaxy-shaking, it's visible for light years.

    "... fly right into a star."

    Aboard the Eclipse, Connix shields her eyes at the enormous EXPLOSION in deep space, pulsating in the starry twilight.

    A beacon of hope.

    Communications instantly crackle to life.

    A cacophony of voices fill the frequency waves, calling on their brethren to fight.

    They’d won.

    They’d won.

    Finn, Poe, Rose, Chewie and the droids all look up. Awe, inspired. But they can't celebrate. Not yet.

    Poe looked at Finn, speaking volumes.

    Amira and Kaz and Madelyn and Asteria and even Mirta emerged from the wreckage to draw Eleanor into a hug, tears of joy flowing between them.

    They’d won.

    Syal crushed Rhoen and Whistler in an embrace and kissed her husband with a fervour they’d not had in years.

    They’d won.

    They’d won.

    The cries of jubilation lifted up and consumed Coruscant.

    In low orbit

    The TIE Whisper of Barriss Sunrider would have the perfect avenue of sight to see the bright star in the sky, and the jubilation of the masses beneath. She’d also have opportunity to see the Star Destroyers in orbit that could jump into hyperspace - but to differing coordinates fo the dreadnought, clearly having headed to the original target and not the replaced ones - and a smattering of First Order ships launching into orbit that had been caught out by the sudden collapse of the battle.

    Among them were TIEs and battered shuttles, yes, but so too did the Night Buzzard, with Nihl Ren piloting. Vicrul had not seen the ship since before Bonadan - it was filled with memories, with the personal effects of his fellow Knights over the years - Hattaska, Lorl, Ott, Jaedec, Cardo, Ap’lek, Trudge, Kuruk, Ushar. He was the very last one standing.

    Vestara watched him exceptionally carefully.

    They had the coordinates of the fleets’ withdrawal - and the news that the Capitol had just been lost. The Knife 9 hung in orbit like a loyal pet, but if it did not depart soon would be the target of the Eclipse that lay beneath it, and the massed Resistance/Smuggler fleets.

    Aboard it, was a Force presence that Vicrul would recognise; the Stranger from Taris. The intruder aboard the Knife 9 had not been found, and there was little else to do but connect and depart.

    Unless of course Barriss gunned her engines for all their had in them and intervened one final time, unless of course Vicrul had a cunning turnabout in mind? What if he simply left, widening the great divide between them - the entire Imperial Boulevard and wrecked Capitol Building they were on opposite sides of...

    But for all involved, after that sudden flash of light, their comms came alive after nearly a decade of silence.


    Vergere mused on his answers as if they were riddles, as they each walked, clambered and navigated the rocky ways of Ruusan.

    ”I was not the one who separated us, that was Mortis and it was not my fault he was gone when I was let free from the Tho Yor. I am sure you are not the only one that will blame me for actions I have no control over, his actions. But they are his actions, his responsibility for taking those actions, not mine. Yes, I’d prefer that he’d stayed with me and let the seed of Balance in him germinate but he chose otherwise.”

    “You can lead a Bantha to water but cannot make it drink,” Vergere quoted the old adage. “The Sith added to it, mind you.” Her tone was amused. “But you can still drown the Bantha.” A musical laugh. “Perhaps you need to drown the Ruinous one.”

    ”Of course he wasn’t what he seemed, not fully. Some of who he was was there but mostly it was Mortis borrowing what it needed, that I’d recognize and listen to, to both keep me busy while Vicrul was dealt with, and to try to give me better understanding of what needed to be done.”

    “It wasn’t Mortis though. It was a different monolith.” Vergere itched absently at her beak. “You do recall that some of the monoliths were used to imprison Shadow Beings; those without form. Similar principles were used to defeat the Drengir in the past. So whose to say if a dark entity was not manipulating you?”

    ”I honestly don’t know. I am sure that those she spoke to trust her deeply and would accept her desire that they do so. But the galaxy is in such chaos that they may not come soon or at all.”

    “Until the dark side is returned to its proper place, you won’t be able to balance anything, I fear.”

    ”I’m not even sure she’ll listen to me if that happens. She distrusts me intently, thinks I am a charlatan and worse. I’m sure, at some point, she will choose to follow what Nomi told her, and come here, but...when she sees me, she’s just as likely to turn around and depart. If she’s willing to listen, I’d apologize for any pain or misunderstanding that occurred. And try to just talk to her.”

    “An apology is worthless without acceptance. Words are useless tools, unable to convey their true meaning.” Vergere’s voice was chiding. “It is only through action you can communicate fully.” She peered over her shoulder. “Perhaps you should fight her. Let your bodies do the talking.”

    ”That one is simple, those that would have been considered allies or friends would have turned themselves into foes simply because they could not respect that I have taken possession of it to return it to its correct owner. They would have refused to allow me to depart Bonadon because of their misguided belief that simply because they are part of the same creed that they alone should have had it. And I’m not going to create even more foes.”

    “Do you have a lot of foes, Xundel? Sounds exhausting.”

    ”Tell me, are you planning on having us wander this meandering path until I answer every question you may ever have or is it simply that twisting a path down here, compared to the surface? If it’s the first, we could be down here for centuries.”

    “Who knows?” Vergere clucked as they made it to an open portion of the cave system, showing that the planet had descended into night. “The journey is the important part, after all.”

    Even out in the dark depths of Ruusan, the flash in the sky was visible, and of course their comlinks activated abruptly; the galactic jamming was over.

    Vergere had hers in hand as it spoke. “All Sith return to Pesegam.” In the shadows and caves - the words resonated loudly.

    The Fosh turned her eyes to Xundel.



    The shipyards of Kuat.

    Where it all began.

    The attack by the Resistance here had crippled the final stage of the First Order’s plan for conquest. Six Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyers - all but one of which was crippled, damaged; but not beyond repair.


    The moment the Eclipse escaped, a week ago

    With the slaughter of the Kuat Moon denizens by the Knights of Ren, the system had been pre-purged of unwelcome elements, and new slaves brought in.

    But the damage to the fleet was sufficient to delay a decade-long project for some times - the original project had been crippled by Black Squadron around the same time as the Battle of Exegol - Tiber, Zara, Jess and Dev - an originally seven man team before Poe and Snap had headed back to Ajan Kloss in response to Palpatine's grant speech, and before Aryan Graul had started his journey to Vice Chancellorship of the First Order.

    And yet, the Eclipse represented a refinement of Palpatine's Dark Empire concept, a regime which abandoned the bureaucracy of the Old Republic Senate and the Imperial Moffs, for a dark side magnocracy, where Palpatine would rule as God and his lesser Sith acolytes as direct governors. The One Sith project, the prototype of which was once on the Deep Core world of Byss - which itself commanded the original Eclipse design - and later perfected on Exegol, and thankfully defeated in short order.

    The First Order considered them the perfect weapons of terror; not nearly as fragile as the Xyston-class Star Destroyer, nor as expensive and unwieldy as a Death Star. An axial superlaser to tax planetary shields and eventually pierce them, rather than deploying an armada to achieve the same goal. The ability to simply crack the surface of a planet was as useful as blowing it up wholesale, and sometimes a dead world was a better abject example than an asteroid field.

    Perhaps those thoughts flooded through the minds of Treen, Aryan, Lyz and Arek.

    Perhaps not.

    Captain Phasma was completely silent as the yacht arrived in the Kuat system.

    They spent some time going through layered security systems, the surrounding sector in the process of being heavily mined and gravity projectors placed. Resurgent-class Star Destroyers held each of the outer worlds of the sector, and the Kuat system itself was abuzz with activity as resources were commandeered to the shipyards.


    There was basically no way in-system unless you were detected.

    The First Order was unchallenged here.

    It was thus the perfect spot to consolidate.

    Arek had looked out the side viewport as they passed Horthav. "I think those are our Star Destroyers."

    At that she did turn from her supervision of the cockpit. "All such ships belong to the Supreme Leader, ultimately. You merely stored them for him."

    Treen opined carefully from her seat, sipping a fruity alcoholic beverage. "That brat Solo? He's not a leader, he's a loose cannon. It was you and Hux that kept the First Order in power. Technological prowess and clear vision."

    Lyz winced, expecting Phasma to shoot the Senator there and then. Phasma instead said. "Perhaps."

    Interesting, said Sistros, silently inside Aryan's mind. So she's not behind all this?"

    "So, you're not behind all this?" Arek spoke those same words, clearly deducing the same.

    A short bark of a laugh. "Not at all, my dear. I am quite finished with my attempts at galactic reordering. I did lose some very dear friends to me over a decade ago, after all. I had been rather enjoying my retirement... and watching an old colleague of mine reach greater heights of course." She reached over to lightly place a hand on Aryan's forearm, but did not leave it there.

    Arek looked at Phasma. "And if you're content for us to disparage Kylo Ren..."

    Lyz finished his sentence, and so, too, did Sistros.

    "... then who is behind this."

    Then there was a flare in the distance, a star explosion that was visible across the galaxy...

    ... and their comlinks all beeped. There had been no need to confiscate them when the First Order controlled the signal, but now they were reconnecting to the HoloNet...

    ... a billion nodes were suddenly able to speak.

    The Galactic Jammer had been destroyed.

    Phasma snorted. "The Chancellor is dead."

    Treen chortled. "Long live the Chancellor."


    When Johnson awoke, he had been moved to the edge of the crystal caves, and as he came too, there was a flutter of glowing petals that darted away, deeper into the shadows.

    What had woken him was a flash of light in the sky, and then, following, his comlink beeping to tell him that the HoloNet was active again. The channels were alive as the galaxy could suddenly speak.

    The Galactic Jammer had been destroyed.

    Rose must have done it.

    But the petals, they were almost bioluminescent in the gloom of the cave, and they eventually, it followed, would lead to a open area in the heart of the crystal cove, the trees within all white and lit up in a beautiful spectral and calming scene.

    At the centre of the glen was crystal.


    At the centre of the crystal, well.


    There she was.

    And yet…

    He could look right through her.



    It was a fair question, rippling across the table as the twilight sky of Arkinnea drew to dusk.

    Into the silence, three-scarred woman sighed. “Tirran, the Council did vote on opening up Arkinnea to the outside.”

    “But it was a close thing,” the Veknoid said. “And the Grandmaster-“ A look from Ruk caused him to continue perhaps differently. “Farmer ruled on the tie. So some of us are overjoyed, and some of us are concerned.”

    The Wookiee yipped and roared in his native language; many of them had fled here sixty years ago to avoid the Rise of the Empire, with a second wave of settlement when the First Order announced itself on the galactic stage.

    “And it is on that basis we are careful,” Ruk finished. “And besides the Farmers are a naturally stoic bunch. Emotional entanglements are not to be encouraged, if they imbalance the affairs of the Order.” A rumbling laugh. “I think they take things a bit too seriously.”

    He raised a goblet to the gathered farmers. “We should celebrate our new accord with Mr Huxley here. He is bringing us back into the galaxy, and we shall change it for the better with our produce.”

    There was a flash in the sky, a star twinkling in the distance, and suddenly their comms all were alive. The Galactic Jammer had been destroyed. “The Resistance won,” Ruk uttered, surprised. His eyes darted to three-scars. “Master Veila, get to comms room. We need to ensure we’re on top of what happens next.”

    The Whiphid looked to Tirran. “I imagine you have contacts to get in touch with now we can all talk?” His jaws spread into a massive smile. “But now we have much more to celebrate? No?”

    Indeed, there was much cheering from the fields, dozens of voices all celebrating. In a moment the hovel and it’s garden grounds were full of youngsters and elders, all in their brown and tan robes…

    Ruk stared at Tirran, waiting for him to state the inevitable.


    Had Dol Khan gone down with the ship?

    Had Abaddon decided to lay low and prepare a more devastating blow?

    What of Rey and Kylo Ren?

    Where were they in all this?

    These questions would, it turned out, be left open for some time…

    But Finn, he looked at Poe.

    "You feel it too."

    Pod nods, affirming their connection.

    Rey is gone.

    TAG: @CosmoHender, @TheSilentInfluence, @Shadowsun, @galactic-vagabond422, @HanSolo29, @darthbernael, @Jerjerrod-Lennox (combo for you), @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @QueenSabe7
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
  10. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    ... the Force was the lifeblood of connectivity...

    ... and now the HoloNet had reconnected the cosmos...

    ... the Force was bound to life...

    ... and life was bound to community...

    ... the HoloNet meant that they could connect to any one of each other...

    ... would Barriss Ofee call Vicrul Ren? Or Xundel? Or, would she join the celebration?

    ... what of the Stranger, here and now? Or Dol Khan?

    ... how soon until Rhoen reached out to his daughter? Or Eleanor to the rest of her scattered family?

    ... the Graul's were all together, but was there anyone else that Aryan needed to speak to now?

    ... Tirran would find an Underworld no longer his oyster, but now full to the bring of fixers and movers who could not talk...

    ... and Johnson, well, did he want to speak to anyone but the person who was in-front of him, and yet not?

    ... and even with all that connectivity...

    ... nobody could speak to Rey Skywalker
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: The HoloNet

    Messages would be received by them all, caught up in the snarl of communications…

    … some, they came from the here and now, when the system came alive…

    … others, were messages sent nine years ago that never made it to their recipients…

    … as we shall see.

    Rhoen, I just wanted to let you know I’m safe. A local cell pulled me out of the First Order encampment, and I’m at home if you ever want to come back. I’m so proud of you; I know that you found you way back to fight in the end. You’re a hero, Rhoen. It’s in your blood.

    His father.

    Johnson, I don’t care if you’ve been assigned to Lucrecia, she is mine, and you can’t have her. The child she will birth, it will create the ultimate AGENT for the First Order. You are nothing to the brilliance of I, Dr Edda Gast!

    A message of hate from the past.

    Eleanor, I wanted to send you this before, well, y’know. You’re my daughter, and I’ve always been so proud of you. I know your other father died before you had chance to get to know him, but he would have been literally psyched by you - he used to have these smiles that literally lit up the room. But when he saw you? It could have powered the whole galaxy. I’ll be with him soon, and I’ll be looking out for you too. Look after your Mom, she’s not one to ask for help but she’ll need you and your siblings more than ever. Love, Buir

    A goodbye, delivered late, years after the fact.

    Tirran, now the comms are up, I’ll be coming for you. Just you watch.

    Ominous and anonymous.

    Xundel, the chaos of the Battle of Exegol has prevented us from meeting face to face. But if you receive this message, then I would like to meet you on Tython in two days time. I believe I have something that will aid you in your quest. I attach a safe route through the Deep Core.

    A secret rendezvous, long missed?

    Barriss, in the year since the destruction of Hosnian Prime, I have realised that evil no longer lurks in the shadows, and that those shadows are deeper than I could have ever imagined. I know it’s been years, but I did not know you survived, and I have kept a low profile since Order 66. I’m sure we’ll cross paths soon.

    An unknown, but was that hope?

    Granddad, I wanted to let you know that I've adopted a new son. Yeah, I know, it wasn't on the cards when we last spoke, but it's war - things tend to happen quickly during times of strife, they say? But Adom agreed and we do have two girls so we thought why not a second boy! But I wanted to let you know that I wanted to redeem a family name. Our family, it's been up and down, and I've been told we're villain's I know we're not, even though you're Vice Chancellor of the First Order. So I wanted to work on the black mark in our family tree. I hope you're not mad, but I've named my son Norin. Love, Bren.

    A new addition, at this time? Named after his hateful father?

    Vicrul, at Kuat, we will build anew your weapons of rage. You know me, and yet, you do not know yourself. I shall explain, and you will see that you shall be my new Master of the Ren.

    A threat? A promise?

    Barris, I'm sorry. I hope you made it out alive. It was just too much for me; I'm sorry. Let me know if you want to hook up sometime, when this is all over. I'd love to see you again, under better circumstances.

    That was Trace.

    The Stranger had no comlink to speak of.

    And who would speak to Dol Khan?


    Nobody at all.

    They were all dead, after all.

    And a hundred messages would never find Rey.

    She was beyond them all.

    @CosmoHender, @TheSilentInfluence, @Shadowsun, @galactic-vagabond422, @HanSolo29, @darthbernael, @Jerjerrod-Lennox, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @QueenSabe7
  12. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    IC: Barriss Sunrider

    They'd won.

    Barriss had shielded her eyes from the explosion of the Capitol after its distant collision. It didn't take her long to realize what had happened... and what it meant. She sat there in silence, wondering if the loss of the Capitol was the result of either direct sabotage or just First Order incompetence. Either way, it was gone. And the with the destruction of the Capitol came the end of the communications black-out that the First Order had put in place nine years ago.

    She watched the remaining First Order forces flee from Coruscant and she knew that among them was Vicrul Ren, running away like a coward. Barriss was about to try to intercept him before he got away and attempt to bring him down for all the hurt that he caused, but she stopped.

    You've done enough.

    She fought with the Resistance, distracted Vicrul, saved Asteria and Trace, got some information from Hux that she intended to look more into later, saved whoever was in that escape pod (who she suspected might have something to do with the destruction of the Capitol) and convinced Stele to abandon the First Order. She had extended herself even more than she though possible and it wouldn't be long before her exhaustion caught up to her.

    Vicrul would get his comeuppance one day, just like how all the Knights of Ren before him had gotten theirs. But deep down, Barriss knew that she probably wouldn't be able to stop him alone. Especially not in her current one-armed state. She had to realize that she had limits and it was not worth getting herself killed.

    Especially since she could sense that Madelyn and her family was still alive. And Barriss still had to do one last thing for an old friend...

    Ruusan, Barriss remembered. She had to tell Asteria to go to Ruusan. Then she honestly needed a break, so that she could get some proper rest and sleep. Barriss figured that she could go back to Trace's place, where her old ship would still be. After reuniting with Trace she could take the necessary time to regain her strength, go over the information she collected, get a new mechanical arm, figure out what to do with Palpatine's lightsaber, and then finally plan her next move. There was a lot that she needed to process before deciding where to go or what to do next.

    And in light of all that, Vicrul was honestly insignificant. So instead of pursuing him, Barriss began making her return to the Barriss so that she could be with the people who actually mattered. The people that she loved.

    Despite everything, Barriss had made it. She had survived. And that was worth celebrating.

    She found a place to put her TIE Whisper down, not far from where the survivors on Imperial Boulevard would be. As she climbed out of the ship, Barriss looked up at the sky and could have sworn that she saw a convor overhead. Or perhaps she was just seeing things. She wasn't sure, but she still smiled nonetheless before heading over to where she would be able to reunite with some of the others that she had fought with this day.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tirran Huxley

    Into the silence, three-scarred woman sighed. “Tirran, the Council did vote on opening up Arkinnea to the outside.”

    “But it was a close thing,” the Veknoid said. “And the Grandmaster-“ A look from Ruk caused him to course correct. A blind man reacting to a look? “Farmer ruled on the tie. So some of us are overjoyed, and some of us are concerned.”

    The Wookiee yipped and roared in his native language; many of them had fled here sixty years ago to avoid the Rise of the Empire, with a second wave of settlement when the First Order announced itself on the galactic stage. Or at least that's the best he could get out of his translator in the scrolling text inside his tank.

    “And it is on that basis we are careful,” Ruk finished. “And besides the Farmers are a naturally stoic bunch. Emotional entanglements are not to be encouraged, if they imbalance the affairs of the Order.” A rumbling laugh. “I think they take things a bit too seriously.”

    He raised a goblet to the gathered farmers. “We should celebrate our new accord with Mr Huxley here. He is bringing us back into the galaxy, and we shall change it for the better with our produce.”

    There was a flash in the sky, a star twinkling in the distance, and suddenly their comms all were alive. The Galactic Jammer had been destroyed. “The Resistance won,” Ruk uttered, surprised. His eyes darted to three-scars. “Master Veila, get to comms room. We need to ensure we’re on top of what happens next.”

    The Whiphid looked to Tirran. “I imagine you have contacts to get in touch with now we can all talk?” His jaws spread into a massive smile. “But now we have much more to celebrate? No?”

    Indeed, there was much cheering from the fields, dozens of voices all celebrating. In a moment the hovel and it’s garden grounds were full of youngsters and elders, all in their brown and tan robes…robes that reminded him of stories his mother used to tell and of the wanted posters of his youth when he had dreamed about making a big score.

    Ruk stared at Tirran, waiting for a response. "No." Tirran simply stated. Letting the sentiment linger in the air and saturate it on the tides of all the others bustling to activity. He had his own message waiting for him off the normal channels that his droids had not forwarded on his special comm link for obvious reasons. Another death threat through routine channels. For all he knew the threatener was already dead, not likely, but one could dream.

    "I have no comms to respond to and already was on top of things. If anything this will be bad for business as competition will now escalate on all fronts again. The pond has been flooded with competition." he bobbed a shrug in his tank as his eyes slowly blinked. "As for our deal, Masterful Jedi's, the choice is in your hands. Whether this changes anything or not. Indeed whether we still have a deal or not."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  14. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    OOC: A rather...emotional combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Rogue Agent Bernhardt Johnson, Lucretia
    Location: Christophsis

    Johnson awoke again, he must have not been out long as he still felt exhausted and in pain. No rest for the wicked…

    He could hear his comlink beeping in his ruined jacket pocket. And at that he began to laugh. She'd done it. Rose Tico had helped to destroy the jammer. The Resistance had won the battle.

    A couple of minutes later he turned his head to see where he was. He had been moved, and it was a rather pretty sight, crystal, petals, white trees. It almost looked heavenly.

    And then he saw her in the crystal. Lucretia. And he had to admit she looked pretty in the scene. But she was hollow, was she a hologram? Was she dead?

    His fury grew but he was too tired to move.

    "You" he growled "You can't even come out and face me. Did Ilsa lie then? Are you actually dead? Or do you think you can hide in there forever?".

    "Look what you've done, what ypu made me become. You created monsters, I became one. And you used me to play your little game when you said you loved me" he scoffed at that.

    "So come out and face me. I'm not talking to your hologram. If you are dead then the last words Ilsa said to me were a lie. And I have come here for nothing".

    "I'm sorry, I really am," she said, openly weeping.

    "I'm not a hologram," Lucrecia said sadly. "I am not dead, no, but I'm not wholly alive either, my love. I had to fix what I had done wrong... and you were the only option I had, the only way forward."

    "It wasn't my decision..." she was devastated, you could tell, in her every word and movement. "You were Chosen to do this."

    She gestured, and the trees around the cave seemed to rustle in response, unfurling and furling. "I am part of this place now, merged with the greater essence of this world, and the Force that flows between it and the other planets of our galaxy."

    Johnson wearily pulled his body up into a sitting position, it was rather painful. He could see Lucretia's pain on her face, whatever she was now.

    "So what, you think it absolves you of what you've done? What you've done to me? To others? I have NOTHING!" Johnson roared.

    "I got Ilsa back, but do you know what happened? We broke up. She saw me for what I was, saw that I was a monster and left me. She tried to get me back, maybe back into the First Order but she didn't want me to continue fighting. So we fought, and I killed her. That's right...I BLOODY WELL KILLED HER!" Bernhardt's voice broke at that.

    Johnson's face fell "You and your comrades broke me, tortured me, forced me eventually to comply. And I did your dirty work. Killed my own comrades, innocents, the woman I loved. All because I was chosen".

    "I now have to wake up every day with that on my conscience. That I can never rejoin the Resistance. That every day I will wake up alone. That nobody will ever love me again because of what i've done. After the war I was going to marry Ilsa, have kids. But it's all gone and i'll never have that chance again".

    "But you" his voice growled again "Get to escape justice by submerging yourself in this crystal cave. By thinking you can atone for your sins by doing this. No. It means you are running away that you chose the coward's way out".

    He sneered "I was kind of hoping that we could share a jail cell together".

    Lucrecia waited until she was sure he was done. “I can’t ask you for forgiveness, you’re right. I don’t deserve it. But Ilsa, she wanted you for herself. She wouldn’t have allowed you to stay within the Resistance… we both know she was… possessive.”

    The woman hesitated. “I’m sorry she’s dead. But I forgave her for what she did to me a long time ago. Dr Gast… she brought us to the edge of ruin. Before we knew it, we’d done terrible things to people… and made it so the only way we could stop it was by doing as terrible things…”

    “… but you did, with the anti-agent… the program will be destroyed, as long as Dr Gast is dead.”

    Lucrecia hesitated. “She is dead, yes?”

    Lucretia did have a point about Ilsa there but…

    "She is yes, I threw her off my ship, so unless she survived the fall I'd say she's pretty much dead. But Ilsa, what did she do to you?"

    He heard his comlink beep again, and he pulled it out. It seemed Gast had left a message for him. And his fury was back again.

    "Well, well. It seems Dr Gast thought that I reciprocated your feelings for me. She must have heard you talking to me whilst I was captured. She did'nt know I didn't share your feelings...but it seemed you were destined to carry a child…"

    His voice turned dangerous again "Was that something else you stole from me? A way to create a child? Because if I wanted kids I would do it out of love, not science. Just to create some all powerful Agent".

    "Please don't tell me you did have a child. That you ran away before this happened...that you didn't use me for that too".

    "She also said I could'nt have you. But...I don't know what to think seeing you again. And the fact you are not even alive anymore".

    “You weren’t the father,” Lucrecia said neutrally. “Dr Gast provided the origin… She had the cells from the dig site. The Zero of the AGENT project was, well, it was scientifically impossible.”

    “With them she could create a neural network between separate individuals… something she could manipulate to follow orders… but I could see that robbing people of free will was wrong, but it was too late…” Lucrecia lamented. “And I was worried that the cells were only interested in taking more and more people.”

    She hesitated. “I know you don’t care but. The child was taken from me. Before Dr Gast sent me away, and took you from me.”

    “Do you remember our picnics in the artificial gardens on Coruscant?”

    Johnson shook his head, Gast was pure evil. He was glad she was dead.

    "I am sorry" he said sincerely "You didn't deserve that".

    Thinking back through his memories…"I do. I thought it was a dream. I was conflicted. I did'nt know what I felt at the time. I loved Ilsa, but with you it felt different. Like it was..normal if there was such a thing. That unlike with me and Ilsa we didn't need to look over our shoulders all the time".

    "I guess I've been given a second chance at life and I intend not to waste it. Maybe your second chance is here in these crystal caves. But maybe I had hoped to find you maybe you could come with me. Fight side by side against the First Order. Maybe you would have a chance at love again...maybe having a child of your own''.

    “Your destiny could end here, sitting with me, talking about our dreams and past and the future,” she sounded hopeful. “But you can leave, and be happy. I don’t deserve your… friendship, or anything. It’s too late for that.”

    Lucrecia wanted Johnson to have a real life.

    To be able to live and dream.

    “Gast’s experiments will fall with Coruscant, hopefully, and that will be end of all of this. Your life will be yours.”

    Johnson snorted "What life? Of course we won the day but the war is not over yet. The First Order will come back fighting. Even after the war ends I will have to turn myself in. And spend my remaining years in a prison cell. Because it's the right thing to do".

    He looked deeply into her face "I've been alone for so long and that's probably what I deserve after killing Ilsa. But you've been through as much as I have it seems and I am giving you a second chance. To come with me. We can help the Resistance bring the First Order down with our knowledge".

    "Would you rather be stuck here for the rest of your life? Or would you rather do something more? Something that could mean you actually get to live your life? And hell we could share a cell together at the end of it or maybe have a future".

    "You said you loved me? Then prove it"

    “I can’t,” Lucrecia said. “It is my punishment to be pinned here forever more. The Angels have decided it, so I may remain to give advice should Chaos return.”

    She sounded exhausted.

    “I have to perform my penance… and if there is nowhere for you in the real world, you could stay here - and we can work through this together...” her voice was quietly hopeful.

    “Or you can go and face your punishment, but I am sure you will be forgiven. You are a Hero, my love. I was just a First Order scientist who acquired a conscience all too late.”

    Her eyes closed, exhausted by the conversation.

    Johnson had a choice, stay here and talk to a spirit or go out alone and fight. Lucretia wasn't coming, it was clear to see.

    He wanted to punch that crystal substance but he had no strength left.

    Johnson knew he couldn't stay, he knew he would drive himself crazy just talking to a spirit, no physical contact. There was still a war going on and he owed it to his former comrades to carry on.

    At least his conscience would be clear. But it was clear he would be alone too. Condemned to a life of solitude after killing the love of his life and with Lucretia refusing to come with him.

    Johnson picked himself up wearily standing up.

    "Then your love for me was a lie. If you loved me you would come with me, but no. You choose to serve some Angels who keep you imprisoned when you could have been free. To stop the Chaos or whatever".

    "You've chosen to become a slave. I won't be, not any more. I won't let innocents be ruled by tyranny. I'm going to do something about it while you float there. I gave you a chance and it's clear you don't want it. That you choose to leave me alone and unloved".

    He looked at her "Goodbye Lucretia. Perhaps you, me and Ilsa will meet up in the afterlife. And I will make sure me and Ilsa make your afterlife a living hell".

    He turned away then and wearily headed back towards the Silencer. He had nothing left now except the job he had to do.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  15. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: An interesting conversation on Ruusan with @Sinrebirth

    IC Xundel

    Xundel had moved to the side somewhat when the flash occurred, better to be separate if an attack came. When his commlink came on, it was a relief, he didn’t need it but being able to communicate with others again was going to make things less complicated. And then Vergere’s comm spoke.

    A chuckle rumbled in Xundel’s chest, ”Surprise surprise…” he said, laughter bubbling in his voice. He hopped up onto a tall root, eyes now almost on level with Vergere’s. ”I, of course, was suspicious when you offered to take me to the Valley of the Jedi and led me on this circuitous route. Because we were already there. So,” his eyes narrowed slightly as they swirled with greys, ”what is the plan now? Steal me away to Pesegem and convince me to have the real Sith return?”

    "Actually," Vergere settled on a rock. "No."

    She shrugged. "As you've seen on your adventures, the Light and Dark are not purely represented by Rey Skywalker and Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren. There are ex-Jedi, old Jedi, New Jedi... Lost Sith, fallen Jedi, broken darksiders..."

    "It's their fate to be in conflict, eternally so."

    Vergere's gaze acquired a knowing edge.

    "Do you intend to populate your Council with purely those of the middle path, or the Light?"

    She placed a hand on her chest. "I am Sith, yes, but that is not all I am."

    He nodded, letting out a sigh, ”There are those, on the Light side, that would hope that is exactly what I do, but then all it would be then is a diluted Jedi Council and that does the Balance no good. I want one such as you on the Council. Especially when one of those encounters you and finds that not all that are Dark are evil.”

    Opening his mouth to say something else his pad chimed. Checking the message he noticed the date it was sent, from what people had told him it would have been from just before the Net had gone down. It read, Xundel, the chaos of the Battle of Exegol has prevented us from meeting face to face. But if you receive this message, then I would like to meet you on Tython in two days time. I believe I have something that will aid you in your quest. I attach a safe route through the Deep Core.

    He chuckled, holding up the pad so Vergere could see the message, ”Fancy a trip to Tython?”

    Vergere’s headcrest flared orange; she was piqued. “A message that’s nine years old? Is that not a long shot.” She clear at her beak. “The Deep Core routes will definitely have shifted.”

    She ruffled her feathers. “One Gray and one Dark, that doesn’t make a Council. Shouldn’t it be, if we’re following the old rules - six of each? That’s a lot of well-rounded Force users to hunt, no?”

    Xundel chuckled, ”Yes, nine years, but sent just before the Net went down, and only received today, with,” he doublechecked, ”a read receipt. So the sender just found out that I finally was able to read it, as I did, and would have known why I never did.”

    Her other comment and question actually tied into the first. ”Well rounded, yes, that’s a good point. Know where any of those are? Because I’ve seemingly run into mostly the burnouts or fanatics. And chances are that those that Nomi took my message to will not or may choose not to come here. Either way the trip to see if that sender is at Tython could have the message spread more. Plus we could leave a Force imbued message here for any that may make the trip here, of those called. So they know we will return.”

    Vergere gestured to the cave depths. There was a Door, and her actions illuminated it. “All paths lead to here, so why not leave your Force sign there? Or something as mundane as a beacon, perhaps?”

    Her eyes glinted slightly as if she had an opinion. “So we’re not going to Pesegam?”

    Xundel chuckled, ”How long do you think it would take to visit Tython, see if the mysterious man is there, then travel to Pesegam? Your message only said the Sith need to return to Pesegam, but didn’t give an immediate deadline.” he responded. ”Yes, a choice must be made. You are here and now and willing to aid, no matter my choice, which makes me wish to see what other darksider would join this Council.”

    “A couple of days. Depending on the Deep Core,” Vergere mused. “There’s a couple of ancient Sith routes into the region after all. I could be convinced to supply them.”

    She chuckled. “I’m sure whatever self-appointed Dark Lord exists on Pesegam will want us to punctual but they’ll be used to my ways of doing things.” A snigger. “I am Darth Traya, after all.”

    “But I digress, your mystery awaits.”

    Vergere turned to open the door into the memorial part of the Valley.

    Xundel chuckled at Vergere’s response. ”So Tython first, then be your usual self to go to Pesegam. That’s settled. Now let me see what you wished to show me.”

    He stepped up beside her at the door. They’d just met and there were many things yet to know about each other and the way she would fit in the Council. So he trusted her but as a beginning of trust. So knowing she could possibly shove him through the door and shut it was certainly a possibility in his mind, or the reverse also being true, he was sure, in hers.

    There were statues here, a variety of them. Jedi Lords and a statue of the then-Chancellor, Tarsus Valorum. Vergere shook her head at it all. “The idolatry of the Jedi Order. The ultimate example of their zeal and radicalism, given form. Yet, they profess to be different from the Sith, but this room would not look out of place in the Valley of the Dark Lords. It’s almost exactly the same; the tombs are simply empty, because the High Council did not want to emphasise the actions of the Army of Light…”

    Vergere shook her head. “And yet, the Council opted to shackle the Jedi to the Republic. To settle the Force to the whims of mortals. What is worse? To claim to speak for the Force - as its Army - or to allow those with no connection to the Force to dictate the position of the largest Jedi contingent?”

    She turned to Xundel. “I just want to emphasise that you will have as much resistance from the Jedi Order as you will the Sith. That the Jedi and Sith both lurk in the shadows of the First Order.”

    Xundel snorted as he took in the statuary. It was a ‘hidden’ memorial to the vanity of the Jedi. Vergere was right, both orders were hypocritical. Glancing at the tombs he shook his head. They’d made an epitaph to their glory even as they lost a part of themselves by making their future be the same as the Republic. Jedi were meant to have been outside the rule of polities. At least the Sith were mostly honest about that, creating their own polities rather than serving those who had not touch of the Force.

    His ears shook as he twisted his head back and forth. ”The First Order says it is outside the boundaries of both. The Sith and Jedi, from what I have seen so far, are both acting like carrion beasts, waiting for the prey of the FO to weaken enough for them to surge in and feed upon it.”

    Feeling weary for a moment, ”There is always going to be resistance, be those who see the Council as a deep threat to the Light or the Dark. As long as we can find those more willing or understanding that the Council is necessary and are willing to be a part of it, that resistance can be mitigated.”

    “And yet at the ultimate core of the First Order is the fact that it has been ruled directly and indirectly by Sith - Palpatine, his stand Snoke, and of course Kylo Ren.” Vergere stroked her chin.

    “You’re going to need some serious firepower in your corner to enforce a peace treaty against factions that have fought for millennia…” she mused aloud. “And the Resistance is fundamentally tied to the Jedi - Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, the Rey girl.”

    “What’s to stop the war continuing on and on I ask?” Vergere eyed him. “Do we need to debase ourselves with politics and military confederations to bring ultimate peace? Or wage holy war against any Force user that seizes control of a government or apparatus?”

    Xundel ran his fingers along one long ear as he thought. ”If we must debase ourselves so then we threaten to become as the Jedi and Sith before us. And that takes away from our purpose.” he mused as well. Looking up at her, ”I have had others ask how we must deal with the, as they put it, extremists.”

    Sighing, he swung the cane in a circle, several times, ”We cannot, must not, get caught in the trap of serving any polity, any Order. Those others will continue to exist, that cannot be stopped. But what can be done is us serving as a buffer ground between the extremes, to encourage those polities and those who would seek the Balance to do so.”

    “Ah,” Vergere said. “So we accrue Force power and strength to ensure we are listened to? Very apt. If we can keep them apart and they can hopefully weed out their own extremists?”

    Her gaze grew intense. “Perhaps we encourage each to their own domain, to prevent periodic efforts to massacre the other side?” She tapped her beak. “I am minded to the millennium of peace between the Two Hundred Years Darkness and the Great Hyperspace War, with the Jedi and Sith in power in various dominions, albeit separated by the Unknowns.”

    A dry chuckle. “Who shall we encourage to abscond from the Knowns for a satellite galaxy?”

    Xundel’s three fingered hand stroked his chin, before he smiled. ”Pesegam and the Sith that will be gathering there are closer to where they could be encouraged to take a place in a satellite galaxy. But,” he hummed, ”that could cause the Jedi to return to their old ways. Perhaps the reverse would be better, and give the Jedi a chance to return to their roots.” he was thinking aloud but it felt right to him.

    He smiled, ”Otherwise, yes, that is what I had in mind for the Council and how we handle things and the various Orders.”

    “A curious thought.” Vergere turned around full circle, regarding the statues of Hoth, of Kiel Charny, of Morrit Ch’gally, of Newar Forrth, of Pernicar, of Berethon, of Kerra Holt, of Farfalla, of Gale, of Saleeh

    “Let us move beyond the Light Lords of the Jedi and Dark Lords of the Sith. Return to the ways of the Je’daii Order, to the Protectors.” Vergere smiled a human smile. “To peace in moderation.”

    Xundel turned, thinking, as she spoke. A soft smile came to his face. Concentrating, he created both a physical representation and a Force Message in one, <The Council of Balance has departed Ruusan on business. We shall return shortly. Please forgive the absence, your desire to speak to us is important; we would ask for your patience as you wait.>

    He turned back to Vergere, ”Very well said. The Prime Jedi smiles upon our endeavor, in the Force.” he replied with a smile."Shall we leave this temple to arrogance and discover if my mysterious messenger is at Tython?"

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, any that are considering the trip to Ruusan
  16. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Lord Vicrul Ren

    Vicrul sat quiet and alone aboard the Night Buzzard, his eyes tired and disgruntled. He had failed once more. It seemed it did not matter if his Master was Kylo Ren or himself, his destiny, his fate was to fail, over and over. His newfound understanding of darkness had brought him nothing. Only Lorl's death and the deaths of some insignificant rebels.

    He had failed to slay Barriss and he had failed to slay Eleanor. How could he possibly hope to slay the Last Jedi, to slay his Master, to achieve even a fraction of what he wanted if he was still so weak.

    The anger palpitated quietly under his system, his eyes harsh with unfounded purpose as he felt the comms come alive, a voice speaking to him.

    Vicrul, at Kuat, we will build anew your weapons of rage. You know me, and yet, you do not know yourself. I shall explain, and you will see that you shall be my new Master of the Ren.

    He scoffed slightly. Who was this? Was this the next Kylo Ren? The next Xundel? The next Ren? One who promised him more power and yet ultimately failed to deliver, caught up with their own agendas and schemes. He could feel the pulsation of the Stranger too, but he had little interest in setting out after him. If he wanted to meet with Vicrul he would do so himself.

    "Nihl board the Knife 9 and then take us to Kuat,"

    TAG: @Sinrebirth Mentions for @CosmoHender @TheSilentInfluence @darthbernael @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
  17. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Rhoen Aquilla

    The rain of death thundered all around them echoing in his ears. He'd never been this close to it, watched as bolts of destruction fell from the sky and landed at his feet. The stench of ozone hung in the air the heat rose dangerously the steel above their heads groaned and creaked always in danger of giving way, of leaving them exposed to the hellfire that surrounded them. But it held, for what felt like an eternity he held his wife clutching her close thankful that if they were to go, it would be together. And that their daughter would be safe.

    It all stopped the sickly green bolts ceased. For a moment he just held Syal close expecting another wave of fire, another firestorm to rain down on them. When it never came he looked hesitantly up. He could still see the behemoth hanging there in the sky. When news that the hyperdrive hadn't been sabotaged he slummed to his knees.

    "No," he said quietly looking up to the sky. It was all he could say. He'd lost again, he'd fought and he'd killed and he'd risked everything. And now he was losing it all again.

    It's only when he saw that brilliant flash did he finally believe. Before he could rise Syal tackled him to the ground kissing him deeply and passionately. All the struggles and fights they'd had faded away into a finally joyous moment. His good arm wrapped around her pressing her into him. He felt her warmth against him for the first time in a long time they were finally together no more distance between them, no more frosty tension in every word they say to each other. They were finally back together.

    He kissed her again and again reveling in the feeling of her. She became his world, the war, the death everything fell away. All he knew was her, and it was the only thing he wanted in the world.

    For that small brief moment everything was perfect, everything was as it should be. Both of them together.

    I couldn't last forever, as much as he would have wanted it to.

    His comm buzzed for the first time in what felt like forever. Syal gave him a scandalous look.

    "Is that a comlink in you pocket?" She asked.

    "Yes and I am very happy to see you." He shot back pulling the com up. The message played from his father. A sense of relief and pain washed over him. His father was alive, he hadn't perished. But, again he was his mother's son, never his father's. He was a hero because of her, not because of the man that gave him a home, that taught him how work was done, and the value of peace.

    He wasn't sure if he liked that.

    Though messages were coming in from everywhere...didn that mean that the holonet had returned? Without much thought he keyed the code for his daughter, a little comm that she had in her go bag when the time came.

    "Daddy?" her voice rang in his ears, bringing tears to his eyes.

    "Hey Val,"

    "Hey little girl…" Syal added.


    "Yeah it's us." Rhoen added, "Are you ok?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine, I think a lot of the other kids are getting calls too."

    "I'm sure they are Val." Rhoen paused smiling like an idiot. He'd won, he'd gone to war hoping to save what he had, and succeeded, He still had his family.

    That was all that mattered.

    "Hey Val, we're coming to pick you up real soon…" He looked to the Skate, "As soon as we have a ride, we'll come get you alright?"

    "Ok, I had fun with Uncle Booster…"

    "Uncle Booster huh?"

    "Yeah, he's really fun, let me fly in the simulators…"

    "Did he now…" Syal said with a smile, Rhoen rolled his eyes a little…

    "Yeah he said I was a natural."

    "You should be," Syal continued, "You're the daughter of two of the best pilots in the galaxy."

    "I think I want to be a Pilot." Val added,

    "We'll talk about it when we get home." Rhoen cut in a slight worried expression on his face.

    Is this what his mother felt when he said he wanted to fight in the stars?

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  18. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Dol Khan

    The toxins were released throughout the ship, As planned. Certain areas were sealed off; That was accounted for as well. But something was wrong. Outside of the bombardment and the invincibility of the Capitol, something seemed off. He watched a few guards collapsed as he walked through the ship and his datapad pinged as hyperdrives were being powered up. A jump. He found it curious, though not wholeheartedly unexpected. Imperials were cowards after all.

    He thought forward. Subsequent a jump, it would be him with no ship aboard a ship with a few surviving imperials. He would fight and die, away from the home that he had dedicated his life to. That was not the way he wished for his story to end. Wishes were for children, he knew, yet they had determined the trajectory for most of his life. The loss of friends and the destruction of a planet, the lives he had ended, the children he'd made orphans.... All of it was born from his wish of being free.

    And as Dol Khan made his way to an escape pod, he spoke a few words to his comlink.

    "Initiate Prerogative TrashKid."

    His datapad hummed and heated up as it transferred everything. Everything. Decades of intel and networks to a single droid located on the back of a young woman on a distant planet. She would know that effectively, either by his hand or another, Dol Khan was retired. Dol Khan was dead. The truth was...irrelevant. Because it never was about him. The ideal of being free. Of having the galaxy at one's disposal, limited not by the wars, silenced coms, initiatives by new republic after empire after new republic after another empire... Only limited by one's own parameters and imagination.

    She would now be free. Not having to worry about some old war torn Kubaz. He dropped the datapad as it wiped itself and took his comlink out of his ear. He reaches to press the eject button on the escape pod as everything goes white.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth @Master Vo'Un'Var
    darthbernael and Sinrebirth like this.
  19. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Eleanor Magnus, Madelyn Linnett

    Eleanor watched, heart thudding in her chest as she felt the change in the force, if they got away; if they lost;how could they rebuild?

    She winched as an explosion in the starts followed, and almost covered her ears at the cheering that rose, the light in the force-

    They had won!

    It took a moment for it to register, but Eleanor wrapped an arm around Amaria, around everyone she could get her hands on; lifted Asteria up in her arms and hugged her, turned to her mother and wrapped her arms around her as Madelyn wondered and hoped that Barriss had survived-

    They had won!

    She was still grinning when she got a message from the holonet, a communication long thought lost. Eleanor stepped back for a moment to read it, emotion already high. Her face dropped slightly, because she could still see her father, her Buir.

    Remembered how he had taught her proper footwork, how he looked at his children and wife with so much love, talked about her Papa. Eleanor swallowed hard at the message of pride from him, blinked back tears because she wished she had known her Papa better.

    Madelyn came up behind Eleanor, took her daughters hand in her wrinkled one. "Paz was right love. Fenn would be so so proud of you. " She paused, voice thick with emotion. "...You're everything Fenn wanted in a daughter."

    Eleanor turned to her mother and cried.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth @CosmoHender @Shadowsun @galactic-vagabond422 @HanSolo29 @darthbernael @Jerjerrod-Lennox @Mitth_Fisto @The Jedi in the Pumas @QueenSabe7

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  20. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Chancellor Aryan Graul
    Above Kuat

    As Aryan reclined back and followed the course of the conversation, he couldn’t help but note how things had come full circle. His journey toward ascension had begun at Kuat when he had served as an anomalous member of the infamous Black Squadron. And now, a decade later, he had returned to Kuat to complete his quest to the top. He had finally achieved Chancellor—and yet his triumph was bittersweet. Not only did he have his own personal demons to contend with, but he knew that his authority was not absolute; he had to share it with the elusive Supreme Leader.

    Even now, he narrowed his eyes and observed the others as they tried to pinpoint the man’s identity. Kylo Ren had disappeared from the galactic scene, so he did not fit the description, nor did Senator Treen step up to lay claim to the coveted title. A single nudge from the Holocron confirmed that even Sistros appeared perplexed by the mystery.

    Who was left to lead their New Order into the future?

    Aryan continued to ponder that question, a hand perched on his chin, while he focused his attention beyond the large viewport. He noted a flotilla of ships drifting nearby and inwardly bristled; he recognized them as the fleet he had painstakingly gathered over the tenure of his reign. They were so close, but under the current circumstances, he had no way to recover what was rightfully his. It was an insoluble dilemma that only exacerbated his frustration.

    And that’s when he felt a light touch on his forearm. It was gentle and soothing, perhaps bordering on intimate.

    Glancing up, he found the Senator watching him under a hooded gaze. "I had been rather enjoying my retirement...and watching an old colleague of mine reach greater heights of course," she uttered with obvious delight.

    He wasn’t entirely surprised by her behavior, and thankfully, she retracted her hand before he could fully react. He didn’t want to press the issue, though he would certainly rebuke her if the situation warranted such a response.

    However, it would ultimately become negligible; in short order, nothing else mattered.

    A flare illuminated the void in the distance, a visible explosion that shot across the cosmos with the intensity of a supernova. In the next moment, every comlink in the vicinity beeped instantaneously as the individual nodes reconnected to the larger HoloNet. It was a liberation of sorts, and it didn’t take long for Aryan to recognize what had occurred—the Capitol had detonated, along with Chancellor Hux and the previous leadership of the First Order.

    They were all dead.

    Treen chortled. "Long live the Chancellor."

    Aryan breathed a sigh of relief and canted his head to regard the others with wide eyes, the significance of this moment finally sinking in. But before he could address his family and colleagues—to share in their jubilation, his own comlink vibrated to announce that it had received a message. It was such a startling development that he stopped short to retrieve the device from his pocket:

    Granddad, I wanted to let you know that I've adopted a new son. Yeah, I know, it wasn't on the cards when we last spoke, but it's war - things tend to happen quickly during times of strife, they say? But Adom agreed and we do have two girls so we thought why not a second boy! But I wanted to let you know that I wanted to redeem a family name. Our family, it's been up and down, and I've been told we're villain's I know we're not, even though you're Vice-Chancellor of the First Order. So I wanted to work on the black mark in our family tree. I hope you're not mad, but I've named my son Norin. Love, Bren.


    They wanted to name his great-grandson after his abusive and hateful father?

    The Chancellor recoiled from that notion, running a hand over his jaw as he angled the comm to allow his wife and son to peruse the text. In a sense, it felt like someone had punched him in the gut. This was a wound that ran deep, going back to his childhood and the horrors that his father had conjured through his strict and impossible standards. He couldn’t help but feel as if Bren had deliberately betrayed him by honoring such a loathsome man—particularly at a time when they were still reeling from Jalynn's death.

    That’s why he decided to push the comm across the table toward Arek. "He’s your son," Aryan stated in a gravelly tone, his expression firm. "I think you should be the one to speak with him first. I—I need more time."

    Pursing his lips, he then shook his head slowly. "I don’t want to say anything I’ll later regret."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  21. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    In the hours and days to follow…

    IC: Vergere
    Across the galaxy

    It was a decent length journey to the Deep Core. Not just across the chaotic Expansion Region, but also the aflame Core and Inner Rim, which was mid-Galactic Rebellion.

    The third? I do not believe anyone was keeping track anymore. As Vergere made herself comfortable in a shadowed corner, she nuzzled into sleep.

    Their ETA was expected to be some two or even three days, and most of that was to be spent traversing the dangerous straits of the Deep Core. There was not much to add but to wonder about it all; to relax, even.

    Of course, the Force had other ideas.

    There was a tremor.

    Then another.

    Kylo Ren was dead.

    As was Rey Skywalker.

    The two great Force users and hopes for balance had passed into death.

    Indeed, try as one might, no vestige of their strength and presence was evident within the Force. And yet, the essence of Yoda seemed active after many years of silence, but not with him, not to see Xundel.

    What would the former Jedi make of all this?

    One had to wonder.

    And when they arrived in the Deep Core, the First Order Security Zone was evident, meaning they had to navigate by First Order Star Destroyers. But after nearly a week, they would make it to the Tython system.

    There was a calming presence here.

    A quiet space in the Force.

    A light, and a dark, but in cosmic balance…

    Ashla, the moon tidally locked to the day side of Tython, called to the light in him…

    … Bogan, the moon caught on the night side of Tython, called to the dark in him…

    There was a chasm in the Force too, a deep and crazy madness…

    … and an enlightened state, atop a mountain vista…

    Which would attract the former Jedi Master?

    Where would his mystery messenger meet him?

    TAG: @darthbernael
    IC: Captain Phasma

    Kuat, aboard the Second Eclipse, dock

    As Phasma lead the shuttle through the chaos of the reclaimed shipyards, it became apparent that the damage the Resistance had wrought had not even began to be undone.

    Five other Eclipse-class warships hung beneath the shipyards, held by the powerful tractor beams of the orbiting stations and even some Star Destroyers specifically assigned to the task. Only one had made itself back to drydock, and even that had a opening at the nose where there should have been an axial superlaser emitter. The Second Eclipse was the pennant code, but for the moment the TIE Dagger escorts were holding position as the drama played out inside the shuttle.

    Lyz was furious with Aryan. “Do you forget that the simple fact that you’re the Vice Chancellor of the First Order caused no end of grief for your grandson, with your name?”

    A slight chuckle from Treen, but she was silenced by a glare before his wife continued. “We redeemed that name with sane leadership notwithstanding that Hux and the Dark Lord of the Sith were our political bedfellows. A triumvirate made in the Nine Corellian Hells, Denjax Teppler once told me, and he used to work with Thrackan Sal-Solo and Sadras Koyan!”

    “But the family dealt with it. We were overjoyed by your recovery and decision to take the position in the First Order. You know we were. So we did what we could to redeem the name of Aryan Graul.” Lyz was firm in her words. “And if your grandson wants to do the same for the name of Norin Graul then good on him.”

    It’s a point, slightly interjected Sistros.

    Watching the interplay between his father and mother, he suddenly stiffened as he recognised a change in the Force. He eyed his father; a great power had died. Kylo Ren was gone - but then another. Rey Skywalker had perished also.

    Captain Phasma muttered to herself.

    “The Supreme Leader is dead. Long live the Supreme Leader.”

    They had their signal; the TIE Daggers threaded through the system traffic - and errant debris - to head towards the bridge of the Second Eclipse.

    The Force was strangely placid; as if something had artificially made it so. Even the more ordinary stresses of a shipyard staff and crew were muted, purposely so.

    The signal for their approach had been the arrival of the Knife 9. The Super Star Destroyer had arrived at a high altitude, Captain Peavey having had extreme difficulty navigating the gap between the three Knights of Ren and the fourth, but first one he’d had aboard.

    But he took it that the larger group was legitimate and he wasn’t hosting a random amalgamation of Sith, if only because he recognised Vicrul Ren, who has served Kylo Ren for the last decade in one shape or another. Vestara had prowled the door of the personal chambers of Vicrul, even as Nihl perpetually scowled, keeping the crew of the ship on their toes.

    While the Stranger had run of the prow as he hunted down their mystery intruder - Abaddon, who may even have absconded from the ship by this point - Vicrul Ren had his worries and concerns.

    He also had acquired Force certainty of two facts.

    One; that not just Kylo Ren had died, but also Rey Skywalker.

    Second, that Xundel was not dead, but that was a lesser understanding, as if he had passed cartographically nearby him, and headed elsewhere.

    He too would recognise that the Force was oddly muted, as if there was a presence overlapping upon them.

    Vestara tapped the door lightly. “We’ve been summoned to the flagship.”

    Indeed, a command shuttle was prepared to take them, and Vicrul, Nihl, Vestara and the Stranger were summoned.

    Their ship would arrive at the hangar of the Second Eclipse at the same time as Phasma with Treen, Lyz and Aryan.

    It was time for the pieces to meet, and the New Order truly rise. What would they all make of each other? Aryan recast as the Hux, Vicrul, recast as the Kylo Ren.

    Had the entire Battle of Coruscant been nothing more than a necessity to rearrange the pieces?

    TAG: @HanSolo29, @Shadowsun (combo), @MASTER Vo’Un’Var
    IC: Admiral Trench

    Christophsis, aboard the Invincible II, in orbit

    It had been tempting to fire a turbolaser bolt and strand the Agent on the surface, but Admiral Trench had been curious as to what the First Order was up to in Andoan Space.

    He watched the Agent return to his downed Firespray, and Trench was assured that the ship could take off even with one steering vane. Indeed, Johnson would disaster that half his engine banks were out and his cannons too, but he had hyperdrive, his missiles, his seismic mines.


    He also had comms, and a plethora of updates from High Command. Orders to withdraw to fortress worlds at Chasin, Kelada, Commenor and other systems; reports of seizures of First Order vessels in joint-commands in the Outer Rim; confirmation that the Capitol was lost, and suspected with it to be Chancellor Hux, Supreme Commander Sellik, and Intelligence Minister Dorja. The whereabouts of Diplomat Minister Graul and his father, the Vice Chancellor, were unknown. Some orders had been given by the self-declared Grand Admiral Airen Yage but nobody seemed to be listening to her.

    Trench opened a channel to the Silencer. “I’m sure you know that Coruscant has fallen by now. So I am caught in the delicate position of having to curry favour with the rebels but also balance against it the First Order inevitably recovering and striking back, just like it did after the Battle of Exegol.”

    He made a noise that was akin to a mouse patting its teeth together loudly in rapid fashion, but it was a nonhuman that was clearly evolved from an arachnid and thus more unsettling.

    “Perhaps you can tell me what I should do, Agent Johnson.”

    TAG: @Jerjerrod-Lennox (combo)
    IC: K’Kruhk


    “Masterful Jedi?” The Whiphid said with some joviality. He looked around the table at his fellows, as a set of middling aged Jedi shuffled the youngsters away from the meeting.

    He held a hand to his chest. “It depends more upon you. We are as you recognise the seed of the Jedi Order. My name is truly K’Kruhk.”

    He introduced his colleague Jedi Masters. Lowbacca, Vao, Chase Piru. He had indicated the Wookiee, the Veknoid, the dark-skinned human woman. “And Tahiri Veila left to check on the comms.”

    “This is Jedi Knight Sidirri, otherwise,” he confirmed. That was the woman who had smiled at him as he arrived. The Whiphid’s eyes returned to Tirran. “My two other colleagues on the Council, they are dealing with what I said.”

    K’Kruhk leaned forward, towards Tirran. “But this place has not survived Vader and Tsavong Lah and Caedus and Kylo Ren by leaping into the open the moment that the galaxy rises up. Our business arrangement is what we voted for, and what we stated we would commit to, regardless of a miracle defeat of the forces of Empire.”

    He nodded. “If the galaxy settles down for more than a decade, we shall return. The light of the Jedi Order will never go out; Force users will always find their way to the light and our teachings.”

    The Whiphid regarded the dozens of students cavorting in the distance, celebrating. “But this way we shall not be destroyed because of the mistakes of others.” He grinned at Tirran. “Nor surprised when the Sith inevitably reveal another master plan. The war between Light and Dark will never end; this Council simply acknowledges that. It cannot be won; it cannot end.”

    He made a noise of annoyance. “It can only be lost.” And then, a mischievous eye. “Or profited from, no?”

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto
    IC: Lando Calrissian


    The orbiting smugglers came down to the now renamed Republic Boulevard. In the hours since, the people of Coruscant had brought forward the food and supplies that had stockpiled and hoarded, divided by fear and the beskar heel of the First Order. But their joint suffering in the last week as the enemy abandoned all appearances of civilian rule for military fist, and eroded all the barriers of species, gender, social status and sex.

    They were one against the First Order.

    It came together in one giant celebration, broadcast across the galaxy and the HoloNet, repeaters and nodes that had lain unused for nearly a decade connecting the galaxy together in light and hope.

    The Errant Venture joined the orbiting collection of ships - swelling with reinforcements, with well-wishers, with observers - and shuttled down the children of the Resistance as much as many ships settled on the surface, leaving a crew of defenders aboard the Eclipse should any of the Galactic Warlords try to take advantage.

    Which meant that Rhoen’s family’s as reunited; that Eleanor’s brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews joined them on-world; that Barriss would be able to join the celebrations and even recognise some aged clones that she had fought with in the celebrations, all watched by an owl that made her presence both known and unknown. Even Lando was reunited with Tendra and Junior, his near-teen son.

    Poe, Finn, Rose, Chewbacca, Connix, Beaumont and other core Resistance members formed the center of the event, coordinating and dolling out supplies to the survivors of the battle and accepting hugs and warmth and praising everyone that came forward with food and drink. The smugglers ships, at Lando and Booster’s and Karrde’s nudging, released their hard earned wares to the masses, and everything was plentiful where, days before there had been basically nothing.

    There was also time to mourn those lost.

    Rafe, Dade, Nomi, Artoo, those who had fought and died for freedom… and of course Rey.

    It was a victory, and they could all imbibe in it and enjoy it and regroup and lament and celebrate.

    It was a free-for-all of hopes and dreams.

    The future was here.

    TAG: @CosmoHender, @TheSilentInfluence, @galactic-vagabond422, @The Jedi in the Pumas (free-form combo and singles week, request away whatever you want of me)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
  22. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    OOC: Single post approved by GM

    IC: Rogue Agent Bernhardt Johnson
    Location: Christophsis

    It had been a rather exhausting day.

    And now after his meeting with Lucretia he was emotially exhausted too.

    She had decided to stay half alive and half dead. Floating away peacefully in her crystal prison. Leaving him to battle on alone.

    She never loved you Bernhardt. If she did she would have come with you, to truly atone for her sins, like you are. She is no Ilsa.

    Johnson slowly made it back to the Silencer. The exhaustion was eating away at him, Lucretia's rejection of him still echoing through his brain. It tasted as bad as Ilsa letting him go, shutting him out.

    He had had no time to grieve for Ilsa but perhaps he would eventually.

    As he came aboard he decided to maybe do some final checks on his Firespray before settling down for some well earned downtime. With no cannons he had lost a bit of bite but with missiles and mines he could still do a lot of damage.

    Shields were gone plus half his engines. If he went into a fight we would have to either attack like crazy or jump away as quick as he could.

    Comms were still working and he had to weakly smile at the report of the Capitol being lost. Hux and Sellik, his former boss, were gone; he would not miss them one bit. Well done Rose.

    The First Order was now in chaos, he could decide to stay on as a Agent and wreak havoc from within or do maybe what he planned to do, fight for the Resistance from the shadows. Whatever he chose he would do what he had said to Lucretia he would do at the end.

    Turn himself in.

    I don't know what you would think of all this Ilsa...what you would have thought of Lucretia. But I wish you were here. I can't do this alone.

    His comm was squawking at him with a message but he shut it off. He was too tired to think straight at present. He needed to be clear headed for the obstacles that lay ahead. A repair subroutine was activated to try and sort out some of the systems.

    Johnson pulled himself up from the pilot's seat and managed to push himself down the ladder before making his way to the refresher. Stripping off his clothes and dropping his blaster he took a quick shower.

    The heat felt good stinging his painful limbs and wounds. It made him feel more...human.

    Afterwards he managed to pull himself out, dry himself slowly and padded through to his cabin picking his blaster up and tucking it under his pillow. Collapsing on top he managed to wearily pull the blanket over himself.

    The darkness took him from there.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  23. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC Xundel
    Inbound, Near Tython

    Much had occurred, but not to them, as Xundel and Vergere traveled to Tython. He’d sighed and wilted slightly as he felt first Kylo Ren and then Rey Skywalker pass into the Force. Two that could have salvaged all, now gone. He sent a silent thought into the Force, that he hoped they had found peace, at last. As he had done so he’d felt another presence, an old friend. But that one was slippery, as though he was present but not entirely willing to speak to him now.

    It took several more days and many slight detours to avoid being held up by First Order forces. When they reached the system it was a relief in a way to the small Force user. And peace there was in the system. The Force was as a comforting blanket covering all. felt as though there were four separate presences in the system and none of them was giving any indication that they were who he sought.

    Ashla, the moon tidally locked to the day side of Tython, called to the light in him…

    … Bogan, the moon caught on the night side of Tython, called to the dark in him…

    There was a chasm in the Force too, a deep and crazy madness…

    … and an enlightened state, atop a mountain vista…

    Xundel knew he had to close the odds more than one in four, but how? He glanced at Vergere. But he also had a feeling that while this here may be a test she was also seeing how he dealt with this test.

    One of his claws on the end of his three fingered hand tapped his pad as he thought. And then a small smile came to his face. He pulled up the message he’d received, tapping out a reply. <I have come. Great lights have disappeared from the Galaxy. And the First Order is shortly behind my arrival.> His hope was, as he sent the message, that even if the being did not respond he’d be able to sense a resonance in the Force as it emotionally reacted to the message.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  24. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tirran Huxley

    “Masterful Jedi?” The Whiphid said with some joviality. He looked around the table at his fellows, as a set of middling aged Jedi shuffled the youngsters away from the meeting. Not a denial then. Good. Lies would break this tenuous arrangement faster than a Hutt a recliner. He held a hand to his chest. “It depends more upon you. We are as you recognise the seed of the Jedi Order. My name is truly K’Kruhk.”

    He introduced his colleague Jedi Masters. Lowbacca, Vao, Chase Piru. He had indicated the Wookiee, the Veknoid, the dark-skinned human woman. “And Tahiri Veila left to check on the comms.”

    “This is Jedi Knight Sidirri, otherwise,” he confirmed. That was the woman who had smiled at him as he arrived. The Whiphid’s eyes returned to Tirran. “My two other colleagues on the Council, they are dealing with what I said.”

    K’Kruhk leaned forward, towards Tirran. “But this place has not survived Vader and Tsavong Lah and Caedus and Kylo Ren by leaping into the open the moment that the galaxy rises up. Our business arrangement is what we voted for, and what we stated we would commit to, regardless of a miracle defeat of the forces of Empire.”

    He nodded. “If the galaxy settles down for more than a decade, we shall return. The light of the Jedi Order will never go out; Force users will always find their way to the light and our teachings.”

    That was good, he had his timetable now. He could safely profit for ten years from the shadows ontop of his other operations, but if peace lasted nine, he needed to be prepared for everything to Jedi shaped insanity. The Whiphid regarded the dozens of students cavorting in the distance, celebrating. “But this way we shall not be destroyed because of the mistakes of others.” He grinned at Tirran. “Nor surprised when the Sith inevitably reveal another master plan. The war between Light and Dark will never end; this Council simply acknowledges that. It cannot be won; it cannot end.”

    He made a noise of annoyance. “It can only be lost.” And then, a mischievous eye. “Or profited from, no?”

    Tirran grinned inside his tank, "War, Strife, Peace." he belted out in a loud grungy tone, "What it isn't good for? Absolutely Nothing! Huh! Good Profits!" he stated with a raised hand as his drink straw inside his tank extended for him to take a drink toast to their partnership that the hairy mammal had just ratified. Of course if no made to stop him he was liable to start pumping the music accompaniment out of his droid- exo-suite and sing the entire song. That was a hazard with deals with a wannabe singer that failed to break through.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  25. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009

    Rhoen looked up to the sky seeing a crimson Star Destroyer hanging in orbit.He could honestly say it was the happiest he'd ever been to see that war machine in above him. Because It meant one thing. His daughter was returned to him. Waiting with the other parents he watched as the shuttles descended one by one delivering their precious cargo. The first shuttle passed, no sign of Val, another and another, the knot forming in his stomach. He can't of come this far, just to...then finally the next landed and the ramp lowered. Right at the front his blonde haired girl. She looked around confused, her go bag over her shoulder. Her gaze swept the crowd. Both Rhoen and Syal rushed up to meet her.

    "Val!" he called out

    "Mommy Daddy!" she replied running as fast as her little growing legs could carry her. The trio meet in the middle the two adults kneeling down to embrace their daughter. It hadn't been that long but it had felt like an eternity. Tears were shed all around the family holding each other close, a small bit of normalcy after days of unending chaos.

    As food was laid out the Aquilla's moved towards it together.

    They were finally back together, Syal, Valerie and him. The war was over, they were alive. He'd given up a lot to get here, he was dragged kicking and screaming into this war. Now it was finally over. Though in the back of his mind he worried that he wouldn't be free, that in a few years they would be back here, fighting for the galaxy again, and again, there would be no lasting peace.

    Then he looked to his wife, the ring on his finger, and his daughter's beautiful smile. For a moment he locked it all away, the fear, the doubt, the anxiety, put it all away to enjoy the moment. Plucking a Chandrilan ale from a cooler he sat down next to Syal, squeezing her hand. Finally the tension was gone, they could have a family dinner without the specter of war hanging over their heads, without the constant fight between Syal and Rhoen that simmered just beneath the surface for near a decade.

    They could now officially be the family Rhoen always wanted. With news that the farm and her father were still around, maybe he could be granted his peace, his greatest wish. To never have to go to war again, to not have to see his daughter take up the mantel of the greatest pilot in the Republic.

    Though his life and that of his family was never his to direct, the Force and those that wielded it always controlled the destiny of those that didn't.

    He couldn't run from it, he'd tried that, it was inevitable, the Force only cared for balance, and Damn those that couldn't feel it. Whether they wanted it or not, the galaxy would always be dragged into another Force War, the Cold War, The Clone Wars, The Civil War, the First Order, and this one, every last one, started and ended by those that can touch the Force, and the ones that bore the brunt of it all were the citizens, the ones that had no part to play in the game other than to die so that someone else's destiny could be played out.

    War would come to this family again, through no fault of their own, and without their consent. Another war started by the Force. An energy they couldn't touch, a power barred from them by order of their blood. They were not Skywalkers, they were just Aquillas, farmers sent to war to fight and die for freedom that would be taken away, and peace that would be shattered by the Force.

    They were just pieces in a game they were blind to.

    And it would never change.

    At least for now, they could enjoy their hard earned peace, their freedom...for however long it lasted.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth