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Classics Star Wars: Ewoks (1985-1986) discussion, rewatch, information & analysis thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Ewok Poet, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. revan772

    revan772 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 5, 2014
    You just made my day lol. :D
    Iron_lord likes this.
  2. Orrelios

    Orrelios Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 21, 2005
    I would still like to see how a Dulok looks like in the new canon and it would be interesting to see what kind of stories they could fit them into, but Endor-related tales doesn't seem to be a priority.

    By the way, I wonder if there are any good Duloks. They were portrayed as savage and belligerent bad guys in the series and do seem to be nasty in general but I'm not so sure they are all rotten (I remember the shaman Umwak's reluctant nephew from one of the episodes and he didn't seem to be that bad); I wonder if there would have been a story about Wicket & company befriending any young Duloks if the show would have had continued for another season.
  3. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Umwak's nephew looks like a normal kid.

    Послато са SM-J500FN уз помоћ Тапатока
    whostheBossk likes this.
  4. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Been a long time. Anyway, I made a MBTI chart for the characters from the cartoon.

  5. Blur

    Blur Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 1999
    Well, it's 2017 and we still don't have the Ewoks/Droids cartoons on DVD/Blu-ray (in their entirety). Very disappointing. I would have been satisfied if Lflm./Disney had, at the least, cleaned the prints up & released them to streaming only - that would have been far better than nothing. As it stands, however, I doubt we'll ever get these released at this point.

    However, I hope I'm wrong.
    whostheBossk and revan772 like this.
  6. Kez-Iban

    Kez-Iban Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 4, 2012
    I have a feeling we won't be getting them either, but like you, I hope I'm wrong. LFL under Disney doesn't seem to have much interest in Star Wars productions that were made before the Disney acquisition.
  7. Kez-Iban

    Kez-Iban Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 4, 2012
    Does anyone know if the entire Ewoks series was ever released on VHS? As far as I know, all of Droids was except for Coby and the Starhunters. Has anyone here collected the VHS versions?
  8. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    A couple of episodes were never on any VHS, as far as I know. Three Lessons, Prow Beaten, Party Ewok, perhaps a couple of others.
  9. Blur

    Blur Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 1999
    I haven't had a VCR or any VHS tapes since 1996, when my player broke; I never replaced this - since I always felt the VHS format was sub-par. Neither Droids or Ewoks series ever got a comprehensive VHS release - i.e., some of the episodes were released, but not all of them. Here's an informative link:

    I feel the VHS format is antiquated these days. I know players still exist, but I don't think any companies are producing new VHS tapes - not that I'm aware of, at least....unlike Vinyl records, which have experienced a resurgence in popularity...
  10. Kez-Iban

    Kez-Iban Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 4, 2012
    New 2D micro series Forces of Destiny is coming! Although the episodes are short, at least we already have confirmation from the EW article that Endor and Ewoks will be seen. Since this is a series focused on female characters, I hope Princess Kneesaa can make an appearance!
    whostheBossk, AniSkylover, B3 and 3 others like this.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Ooooo! Where can I see that? The preview thingy, that is?
  12. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    There have been hints in that mobile game, that card game and that young reader novel, but nothing concrete yup, totally interested in that, once you see it. I bet it'll take ages to get here.

    And hi, been a while. :D
    Iron_lord likes this.
  13. Mother_Talzin

    Mother_Talzin Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 23, 2014
    That's great, I love these little easter eggs! I was hoping we'd see more Droids / Ewoks connections in Rebels. It looks like Kneesaa may appear in Forces of Destiny though!
  14. n8storm

    n8storm Jedi Master star 1

    May 24, 2005
    I enjoyed the show as a kid. I was at the right age to fully appreciate the Ewoks. I have always been a big Wicket fan in particular. It felt like some of the characters changed a bit between seasons 1 & 2. I'd like to see this in high quality again. I assume Disney has full rights to this and Droids, so it would be nice to see these released completely on DVD and streaming on Disney +.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  15. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod & Bewildered Conductor of SWTV Lit &Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    So I've finally started watching this. My god it's so 80s it hurts. It's not terrible by any means, but it's definitely aimed at a much younger audience than all the later animated shows. It also very much feels more like a typical Saturday Morning Cartoon than a serious entry into the Star Wars universe. The characters from He-Man wouldn't feel out of place here, while some of the characters from Star Wars would seem jarring if they were included. The voice acting leaves a lot to be desired, but it's relatively par for the course for its era. Animation itself is fine though.
  16. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod & Bewildered Conductor of SWTV Lit &Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    A couple episodes in I'm still more or less enjoying it for what it is. One thing's for certain, I'll never get that ****ing theme song out of my head, and therefore I'm gonna share it here so I can share my pain.
  17. indydefense

    indydefense Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 2, 2019
    A big reason I enjoy watching these as an adult is because they feel exactly like the stuff I used to watch as kid. Growing up in the 90s, I used to watch all the 80s re-reruns on Cartoon Network - Pound Puppies, Snorks, Smurfs, Fantastic Max, etc. I would've LOVED a show like Ewoks when I was a kid.
    Riv_Shiel likes this.
  18. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod & Bewildered Conductor of SWTV Lit &Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    It's reminding me a lot of the Legend of Zelda universe, especially some of the entries from the early 90s. It's almost like a full-length series version of the infamous CDi cutscenes. It definitely has its own charm, if you ignore that it's supposed to be in the Star Wars universe.
  19. Darth Baga

    Darth Baga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 21, 2021
    I've been watching the series alongside Droids on Disney+. As somebody without any nostalgia for the series, I actually enjoyed much of the show. Ewoks has a lot of 80s kitsch and it definitely isn't for everyone, but I'd definitely recommend giving it a try at the very least.

    Although there's no Rebels, Empire or space battles (before the finale), a lot of the themes of Star Wars (e.g. family and conflict) carry through to the show. One of the episodes even has Ewok force ghosts!

    My favourite episodes are
    1. Asha
    2. Sunstar vs. Shadowstone
    3. Battle for the Sunstar
    4. The Cries of the Trees
    5. The First Apprentice
    Also, I thought I should tag @EwokPoet like her bio says. Just in case she is still following this thread. I'm glad it exists. It's so hard to get discussions on obscure Star Wars media going on places like Reddit. Predictably, everybody just wants to talk about The Bad Batch. [face_laugh]
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
    TCF-1138 and Riv_Shiel like this.
  20. My young Padawan

    My young Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 13, 1999
    This is an amazing thread, Ewok Poet. The discussion is very much appreciated, as is your insight. We’ll done!

    I am also very happy that Darth Baga posted a reply recently that bumped the thread to the top so that I was able to notice it. Adding Star Wars: Ewoks to Disney+ was a great decision. I know that many fans of a galaxy far, far away agree.

    Let me begin by answering Ewok Poet’s initial series of questions. I watched Star Wars: Ewoks when the DVD was released in 2004. My favorite episode is “Sunstar vs. Shadowstone”. My favorite character is Logray. I own two animation cels. I never shared my enjoyment of Star Wars: Ewoks with my friends. I suppose that what I appreciate the most about the series is the nostalgia. It is very reminiscent of The Smurfs.

    I was seven years old when ANH was released in 1977. I was therefore obviously too old to appreciate Star Wars: Ewoks when I was in high school. I watched the DVD again last year, and I enjoyed it so much that I purchased a Logray animation cel. The purchase also included the original sketch, as well as a painted background. I absolutely love it.

    I also received an animation cel in 2004, when the Star Wars Official Fan Club issued authentic one-of-a-kind animation cels to all members. I had it framed.

    Thanks again to Ewok Poet for creating this thread. Star Wars: Ewoks is an essential piece of Star Wars lore. May the Force be with you! Yub nub!
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
  21. Darth Baga

    Darth Baga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 21, 2021
    I sometimes wonder how a third season of the show would have turned out. According Paul Dini, the third season would have focused more on Asha, Malani and the woklings. I had some of my own thoughts about a third season that never was. I've even imagined some episode concepts.

    After the Battle for the Sunstar, I think the show would have becomes less afraid of featuring elements/characters from the saga films and the Ewok adventures.

    * We may have actually seen that episode featuring the crashed Imperial pilot.

    * There could have been a few episodes setting up the events of Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor; possibly through episodes dealing with Gorax and Marauder attacks on Bright Tree village.

    * Teek and the Towani family could have had cameo appearances in the series.

    * There could have been an episode about the Yuzzums in Jabba's pallace (i.e. Wam Lufba and Joh Yowza) and the Max Reebo Band attempting to buy or steal Latara's flute.

    * More exploration of the Yuzzums as a whole would have been cool.

    * I think there would have been an episode featuring Nippet and Wiley bonding with a baby Dulok (likely King Gorneesh's kids), which would lead to better relations between the Bright Tree Tribe and King Gorneesh.

    * I think the finale would have shown what Kneesa and Latara were doing during the Battle of Endor (of course this was partly done in Forces of Destiny).

    Of course this is all speculation. But it would have been cool to see. :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  22. My young Padawan

    My young Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 13, 1999
    That is some great fan fiction, Darth Baga. We’ll done.
    Darth Baga likes this.
  23. Reepicheep775

    Reepicheep775 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 27, 2019
    Of course the INTJ is the villain. *sigh*
  24. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod & Bewildered Conductor of SWTV Lit &Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    I mean it's pretty accurate- she lives alone, she's always scheming and her plans are pretty clever (if terribly executed), and she's super judgy about those pesky Ewoks.
  25. Darth Baga

    Darth Baga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 21, 2021
    Thank you! I've also thought about how they could revive the show in addition to Ewoks as a whole in the public's broader consciousness. I think the best thing they could do is create a live-action Disney+ special or two featuring characters from the show. If the specials are moderately successful, I think they could feature Ewok characters in an animated series set after Return of the Jedi. Maybe one in the same vein as The Clone Wars, Rebels and The Bad Batch.

    We know that Ewoks went off-world, so I think some of specials and shows would revolve around their off-world adventures with the New Republic. It would be refreshing to explore worlds like Coruscant, Naboo and even Nal Hutta from the perspective of a stoneage tribe. As a side note, I'd like to see how they would portray characters like Kneesa and Latara in live-action. :D