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Full Series Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Discussion (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Neverx, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    It's called the writers got bored and didn't feel like going that direction. Otherwise known as bad writing. :p
  2. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    It will be interesting to see what loose ties from TCW they tie up
  3. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    I hope we see how Saw gets into his physical state as seen in RO.

    could it have been Vader who put him in that state? Would be ironic, Anakin trained Saw as a Rebel and decades later makes him more machine than man.
  4. Noir Deux

    Noir Deux Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 27, 2015
    Things that I think are still up for grabs:

    -Sabine's mandalorian plot (maybe two-three episodes dedicated to this with Kanan or Ezra joining the fight at the last minute)
    -What ever happened to Hondo? At least one more cameo from him could be fine
    -What happened to Ketsu?
    -The fate of Lothal
    -Ashoka's fate (they don't need to portray the crew meeting her, maybe Ann Ashoka centric episode)
    -The fate of Zeb (I think that he will sacrifice at certain point)
    -Confirm that Hera, Rex and Chopper are with the Rebels Alliance on ANH
    -The fate of Kanan and Ezra (the most important plot)
    -Explain the cray cray personality of Saw maybe a Jedha centric episode/arc.

    They have plenty of time with those 22 episodes to slightly address all the pending plots, enough with OT cameos, we don't need Lando, Han, Leia to show up, of course Mon, Bail and Tarkin will be prominent next season but they are needed the other cameos don't.

    And yes this needs to be the last season, at this point (3x22) they should be around 14 months BBY enough time to center the last episodes on the Scariff Battle (were I think the show will finish).
    Loth-cat and ConservativeJedi321 like this.
  5. SyndicThrass

    SyndicThrass Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2016
    I do think Vader will have to play a more active role going forward. If we're going to see Ahsoka's fate mentioned in some form or another he's really the one who has the most insight and if Kanan is to die, Vader's realistically the only I can Imagine being able to physically pull that off. Though I think Thrawn's fine from Tarkin, he may not have captured the Rebel leadership for public execution, but he largely destroyed Phoenix Squadron and basically wiped out the Rebels in the Lothal sector, so it's not a sign of incompetence or anything that Tarkin can get too worked up over.
    Loth-cat and Snafu55 like this.
  6. my kind of scum

    my kind of scum Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2002

    Didn't they already confirm that inquisitors would be back next season?
    BliTTzZ and Ithorians like this.
  7. ChefCurryWindu

    ChefCurryWindu Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 18, 2015
    Things I'm looking forward to the most next season include:

    Sabine/Clan Wren/Mandalorian Civil War: How will the fighting in Mandalore effect Sabine and Clan Wren's status? Will they benefit from it, or suffer notable casualties as a result of the fighting? Will she and Tristan be able to rescue their father from being a hostage? I also hope we get to see more development of Sabine's relationships with Tristan and Ursa. I'm also excited to see Bo-Katan again. I'm curious on to what she's been up too the last 17 years since the Empire has taken control of Mandalore. Maybe she's with Korkie, and he might make an appearance?

    Ezra/Kanan's fate: Will Ezra continue to further develop his powers? I'm curious to see how Ezra will continue to develop in playing an important role in the Rebellion. What about Kanan, since he told Ezra he feels he has nothing left to teach him at least force-wise. If Kanan dies, how will it effect Ezra? Hopefully we get to see them explore for more Jedi lore and knowledge. Maybe they run into some hidden Sith knowledge or holocrons on Yavin, which could recanonize Exar Kun.

    Still can't believe Season 3 is over. It was a quick 5-6 months. Now, we'll just have to wait and see till Season 4 opens up in another 6 months or so.
  8. mattman8907

    mattman8907 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 17, 2012
    i'm interested to see what they do with Pryce.
    Snafu55 likes this.
  9. SyndicThrass

    SyndicThrass Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2016
    She really didn't like the thought of dissapointing Thrawn at the end there. I'm sure the shippers will have a good time with that :p
  10. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    That's a thing?
  11. SyndicThrass

    SyndicThrass Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2016
    Weirdly enough. Not as much as Kallus/Zeb, but there's a few "Thyrce" or "Prawn" shippers around.
    MandaloreRex2015 likes this.
  12. ManWithoutAStar

    ManWithoutAStar Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 19, 2017
    Yup, they did :)
    my kind of scum and Ithorians like this.
  13. Ancient Whills

    Ancient Whills Chosen One star 6

    Jun 12, 2011
    Actually there is only one person (two if you count the owl as a person) who knows what happened to Ahsoka after she entered the Sith temple since Vader believes she's gone (i.e. Pablo) he wouldn't know what exactly happened to her.
    Some predictions:
    - Mandalore and the mission to rescue Sabine's father and find a new leader (team Bo-Katan)
    - Tensions between Saw and the other leaders. Since Kallus is now officially part of the rebellion it could create tensions between them.
    - I don't think we'll see Vader much beside what happened once the Sith temple closed. Remember how they talked about the cost of the cape and how he's not interested to hunt down the Ghost crew and also how they don't want to take Vader's time? There was only one reason why they brought Vader into the show so I don't expect much. For the inquisitors, as we are closing to ANH, I suspect we'll see the phasing out of the inquisitor program like Filoni hinted last year.
    - Kanan and Ezra exploring Yavin IV, finding Force stuff and the Ghost crew continuing to do missions for the rebellion, the usual basically.
    - More Thrawn, assuredly. Seems like he'll be the main villain of the series from now on. Well, until they decide to kill him off.
    - More Hera and droid stories starring AP-5 and Chopper
    - Wasn't there supposed to be a Lando episode somewhere? Probably see Leia again and Bail, Mothma, Ackbar? There has to be cameos.

    My hopes: More diverse and less empty environments. Going to different planets in the same episode and more diverse mission and that means not just infiltration episodes which was way too overused in season 3 imo.
  14. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    They seemed like they definitely are excited to show us some new animation techniques
    TheMDOSS1313 likes this.

    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012
    Filoni hinted Vader was pretty much done in Rebels, well in a significant factor. He might make a one off appearance, but I'm not too sure.

    Season 4 might be just one huge Mandalore arc and the show ends, for good, at the start of Rogue One.
    Vialco and Snafu55 like this.
  16. Skywalker2B

    Skywalker2B Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 8, 2000
    I believe it was either Pablo or Filoni that said that even the unproduced arcs of TCW is considered the Siege of Mandalore is canon. Anakin loans his 501st troopers to Ahsoka before he and OB1 have to leave to go rescue Chancellor Palpatine (i.e. the beginning of RotS). The arc ends with Ahsoka leaving Bo-Katan as the provisional leader of Mandalore. Maybe, just maybe, in S3, we'll get a character (Bo-Katan) telling another character (Sabine, Hera, etc.) about the Siege so that we'll get little clips of what happened.

    Did Aftermath:Empire's End, or some other source, say that Palpatine brought Thrawn into the Empire because of his knowledge of the Unknown Region? Or, is it that Thrawn learns about the UR and relays that info to Palpatine?
    I ask this because the answer could determine whether or not Thrawn should live past Rebels. I'd like to see Palps send Thrawn to the Unknown Region to gather information and to await further contact, meaning that he could come back sometime after RotJ.
    Loth-cat and cwustudent like this.
  17. Wrenegade

    Wrenegade Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2015
    I've said this before, and it bears repeating, EVERY conceivable ship is a thing. And that's in general, not just this fandom.

    Well there's your first mistake, trusting Reddit. :p

    Anywho, considering how close we are to the RO/ANH timeframe, I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if this were the last season, especially considering that after the realese of The Last Jedi, all of the "big reveals" that would be spoiled by a series set between the OT and ST may be out of the bag, so I can see them moving right into that potential series.
    MandaloreRex2015 likes this.
  18. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 48x Wacky Wed. winner/2x Two Truths/Lie Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    When I google it - I get this quote from Empire's End:

    "Palpatine had one in the navy who knew something of the Unknown Regions: Admiral Thrawn, an alien with ice-blue skin who came from beyond the borders of the known galaxy. Palpatine only kept that one around because of what he knew of traversing those deadly interstices. Much of what Thrawn knew went into the computations of this machine.”

    Of course, that's from Rax's point of view - he may be biased some.
    Skywalker2B and MandaloreRex2015 like this.
  19. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    I really don't think we need to see Hondo again in this show- he really should get his own show or something. I don't think Lothal can have very interesting fate in this show- probably it remains imperial controlled- They cannot really free entire planet before ANH that would contradict entire "first victory over the Empire"- thing. I think Rex should die before ANH, Ezra however not necessarily, but Kanan needs to go.
  20. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Nah Rex needs to be on Endor.
  21. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    I think the fact that Rex survived this attack and the fact that he was in the conversation about Yavin, which essentially bridges Rebels to the original trilogy, almost guarantees that he's Gramps from ROTJ.
    Sandtrooper956 likes this.
  22. Sandtrooper956

    Sandtrooper956 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 15, 2015
    I was actually thinking about this the other day. It can't be a coincidence that they gave Rex the exact same beard/mustache as the guy on Endor. I'm thinking ever since they designed Rex they wanted him to be that guy. Otherwise I feel like his design might have been different.
    Loth-cat and Skywalker2B like this.
  23. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    You guys ain't going to like what I have to say but I hope that Filoni does not do the Battle of Scariff in Animation. That should be left to the movie. We know already that Herra will take part in the battle and she is a general and that chopper is there also. We don't know about anyone else. I also hope, I guess its more of a wish and a prayer but I hope that we do get 5 seasons that way we cross 100 episodes just like the clone wars. We all can agree on this, they have to end it good or know one will follow star wars animation again, or a least take it serious. And lets face it, with Disney and new canon which became official canon, TCW and Rebels are very important and are attached to the movies at the hip.
  24. apfrance

    apfrance Jedi Master

    Jan 25, 2004
    Oh how I wish Young Han Solo had been first so that Rebels S4 would complete series and lead right into Rogue One in May 2018.
    Movie's story wouldn't change much, but many characters would get backstory in Rebels.
    I'm thinking Admiral Raddus replaced by Hera, Cassian replaced by Kallus, AP-5 in Rebels is replaced by K-2SO. Possibly Chirrut/Baze replaced with Kanan/Zeb.
    Ezra's story should be self-contained in Rebels, R1 doesn't need Jedi. In my version, Kanan's powers much weaker, Ezra needs Maul to advance training.
    Jyn and Galen Erso, and Orson Krennic would be saved for R1 and not appear in Rebels, as Rebellion should not know about Death Star yet.
    Season 4 becomes Ezra's dark side struggle and final fate (likely involving Vader and maybe Ahsoka), Sabine's quest to unite and rule Mandalor, Hera's quest to somehow defeat Thrawn before Scarif without causing ANH crawl discrepancy, Kanan/Zeb do something with Saw that points toward R1 without revealing Death Star (Quest to extract imperial defector Bodhi?). Somehow involve development of X-wings. Kallus and K-2SO adapt to life as rebels. Give Leia something to do and let Alderaan be an important location for the season.
  25. Zejo the Jedi

    Zejo the Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 16, 2016
    Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka all need to die - no exceptions.