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Star Wars: The High Republic: The Acolyte: Peace, War, and Legacy

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Nov 11, 2024.

  1. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    IC: Goya

    Goya was true to her word, always would be. She had been hired to, as stated, Protect Naboo, protect the peace proceedings, keep the peace. And so, as Lord Tapalo came up and began his speech, she twitched her cheek. It was a subtle facial command, picked up by her helmet interface that began a transmission. The combat log from her suit, began an upload and burst broadcast. The attack from the Jedi, the fight after, the arrival of these men, the Lord's declaration of intentions, the attack her sensors picked up on the senator's ship over Theed. From her suit, to her ship, to a number of contacts, including the Black Vulpine's she'd contacted en route. And then, taking a page from the Republic 11 years ago, a comm Jammer in her suit activated.

    She would have privacy, in her moment of catharsis. As her Mandalore took to draw her blasters, Goya took a step forward. It was not slow, it was not methodical. Amplified by her power suit and the Force Goya was in one moment one place, and the next directly in front of Lord Tapalo. Her left arm raised, armored hand clenched into a fist and seething fury for what had clearly, to her, been planned all along. And she threw a punch, right at the Lord's face. He could have armor, he could have a personal shield. But an Echani warrior, in a Mandalorian Armor enhanced power suit was throwing a Force enhanced punch directly into his face. Inertia, as they say, kills.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth et al
    Sinrebirth and Silvertough like this.
  2. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    "When action is necessary, make sure it is decisive." - The Senator, Conversations with Fiadh and Saoirse


    IC: Bairre O'Loingsigh aka The Senator, Saoirse

    The Senator evened out the flight. "Saoirse! Go get changed, then come and relieve me." The Senator then activated his comms for Sola, "House Malreaux tanks fired upon us. I suspect Veruna to be behind this as well. I believe they are launching a coup. The Longbeam is the flagship..." He looked at the sensors, "The Dreadnoughts may be suspect as well. I'm going to make a call."

    The next signal he found was from his contacts in the Trade Federation, "There are hostile forces to the current government on Naboo trying to stage a coup. They have also fired on me. Tentatively identified a Longbeam as the flagship with possible assistance from three Dreadnought cruisers. I am requesting your help as a Representative of the Republic and as Leader of the Core Faction. Please get here quickly. "

    In that time, Saoirse made it up to the cockpit, he spared her a glance and grinned. "Good, you guessed correctly."

    Saoirse arched an eyebrow, "That we are going after them?"

    "Exactly, take over please."

    They swapped places, The Senator ran off to find his "hunting" clothes. Something black and comparatively simple.

    Saoirse took the seat and started actively searching for an approach on the Longbeam. Good, I would like to peal one of their ships like a fruit.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  3. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    IC: Queen Helena
    Theed - outside of the Palace

    “You have gone too far Lord Tapalo,” Helena said calmly, “it’s clear that you are the one of unsound mind.”

    She had suspected that something was up when they tried to force their guards on her, and given the scene they had witnessed in the skies over Naboo she didn’t question that he had ships in position to invade.

    Before she could say more, a female warrior walked up to Tapalo and punched him in the face. Helena prayed that no one had caught her brief smile of amusement, sadly it wouldn’t have been very Queen-like if she had snickered.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth and HanSolo29 like this.
  4. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003

    Every hero has their breaking point.

    The Queen’s aide had said so just a moment before. She’d complimented his restraint. He’d protected the Jedi. The mission finally seemed it was going well. Though he’s thought she was wrong in specific—a champion of the Sacred Place didn’t wither—he’d appreciated the remark and tried to offer a compliment in return.

    That was before. Now someone was trying to take over. Bucketheads were swarming into action. And even if somehow, they could do the right thing for once, there were still all the first man’s guards.

    Binks pushed away from everyone. Drew his dagger defensively. Readied to drop. Accepted imminent death. Maybe this still came out okay—but most likely not.

    So he prayed that side was radically wrong. That he wasn’t about to find his breaking point. That the Jedi hadn’t really fallen either. When the moment was right, she would rise up to save the Naboo. She had to. She promised at the Sacred Place. And it was there only hope.

    Heroes didn’t break . . .did they?

    Tag: @Sinrebirth et al
  5. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: Trask Thul

    It wasn't often that Trask was granted the opportunity to feel smug about a situation. Events played their course, and he was usually just along for a ride. The less he had to think about minor points of issue like ethics or reasonable force or legality the better. Not that it ever made accepting the credits from a job hard either way, but as Trask watched Tapalo not only readily incriminate himself, but seemingly eagerly so, he did indeed feel rather smug.

    He had been right after all. It was nice to not have any doubt of culpability for once.

    After remembering that the Mandalorian, Goya, was most likely recording the whole interaction as well only made his decision easier.

    "I, and Lord Veruna, we formally request you follow the letter of your contract to the word and bring peace and justice to.."

    Trak's twin heavy-blaster pistols were unholstered and in his hands before Tapalo finished speaking. He clocked his mechanical arm lagging behind his flesh arm by 0.334 seconds. He clicked his tongue. That meant maintenance. He fired with both barrels just as Goya's fist impacted Tapalo's face. Once, twice, three times in rapid succession, aiming to absolutely disintegrate the rebelling noble's kneecaps.

    He wouldn't be walking much within a jail cell.

    Tags: @Sinrebirth , @Kahn_Iceay
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  6. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Chancellor Willem Graul
    Arriving at New Cov


    The Chancellor narrowed his eyes, one hand resting on the back of the pilot’s chair as he stared out the forward viewport. Rugess Nome’s presence was rather odd, though he couldn’t say this development surprised him. The Bith had a way of manifesting at the most opportune times, ensuring he was present to exact his influence on any situation. In that sense, he was almost like a parasite.

    But what did he hope to gain by luring Willem here?

    "Yes, he’s also a business rival," he answered Yoda’s inquiry about Nome’s presence on Naboo eleven years ago. "After he lost the starship contract, which Graul Enterprises secured handily, he slipped away in the chaos." He turned to regard the diminutive Jedi. "And now he resurfaces with the Bounty Hunter’s Guild? When they are under scrutiny? None of this is a coincidence."

    The Chancellor flashed a knowing look and scoffed.

    "We will proceed. I’m curious to see what he’s up to."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  7. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Rowan Organa

    Rowan took a deep breath, trying to steady herself on the wider currents of the force. "I think we all need the calm down. There's been enough killing today." She looked at Tor carefully. And stepped closer to Isadora, ready to protect her if necessary. "There's something bigger at play here." She held out her hands. "Please, just let me use the force for a moment. It won't hurt."

    She ignored Talapo lying kocked out on the ground. She was greatful he had finally shut up.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    IC: Cradossk


    The young Trandoshan loathed his father right now.

    It was he who had accepted that contract eleven years ago, and now, Cradossk was under an awful lot of pressure.

    First, the quietly powerful Rugess Nome, master of his various corporations and projects.

    Second, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Cradossk was well over his head. Never should have accepted that contract.

    So the two ships landed, and a beautiful young woman strode down besides the Chancellor Willem Graul and Grandmaster Yoda?!

    He looked from the Chancellor to the Bith, to the Grandmaster, jaw completely dropped. "And who in the Nine Corellian Hells are you?"

    "Lady Palpatine of Naboo," Ederlathh said, drily. "I invited the Chancellor and Senate heads to the Peace Celebration, and you appear to have accepted a contract that ostensibly interferes with all of that."

    Rugess Nome was looking at Willem Graul with a curious eye.

    Grandmaster Yoda glowered at the Bith, and Nome turned aside.

    Cradossk spluttered, if possible for a Trandoshan. "A protection contract, yes, to defend the proceedings? Though it didn't specify who from, I assume the Gungans were the target? They did march on Theed eleven years ago, no, in the middle of that Rogue Jedi mess."

    Yoda shifted his gaze to the head of the Bounty Hunters Guild. "More of such mess, we seek to avoid."


    "Your client, you must give up."

    "The contract between the Guild and its business partners has been tried in Court a dozen times, Grandmaster," Cradossk said, tongue slipping out nervously. "You have no legal right."

    "A moral requirement, I would impose upon you," Yoda said.

    "Quite," Elderathh added. "As I am of Naboo, and a member of the Royal Court, I speak with the voice of the Queen." That was a lie, or a technicality, or a bit of both.

    Cradossk pursed his lips. "Shall I contact the gentlemen, and see if they wish to, well, reveal themselves? With you present, Lady Palpatine?" He looked to Yoda, Willem and Rugess. "I doubt I can swing client confidentiality to include outsiders. Perhaps one of you?"

    Rugess cleared his throat, face-flaps rippling. "I came to ascertain the source of the contract of my own initiative, merely out of concern for the peace." He looked to the Chancellor. "Perhaps you and I should quietly confer, independently? I know the heads of the Senate, and it may be prudent for the Chancellor to delegate to his Jedi Grandmaster."

    Yoda's nose wrinkled up in annoyance. "As long as one of the Republic officials attend Cradossk's... disclosure, concerned, I am not. Discuss with you, Mr Nome, I wish to - your other concerns."

    "I am here to serve the Chancellor," Rugess said, drily. "He is a powerful man in his own right, his presence here is more than sufficient, but what with Senator O'Loingsigh and Senator Damask both already at Naboo, no doubt, it strikes me that survivors of the crisis eleven years ago should speak frankly to each other." His black eyes took in Willem. "Privately, perhaps."

    Yoda stamped his stick on the ground, impatient.

    "One of you, it's the best I can swing without opening myself to being violently sued by half the Guild's clientele," Cradossk said.

    "And we should hurry, before anything goes awry," Ederlathh added, leaning on Willem, Yoda and Rugess to decide who would be in attention with Cradossk when he broke contract.

    TAG: @HanSolo29
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    IC: Tapalo


    Shoot, shoot.

    He felt pain in his face as he fell, and then pain in his kneecaps, and Tapalo dropped face-down, unconscious.

    Goya's punch, and then Trask's shot, and that was that.

    What the Gungan Binks would make of Naboo and non-Naboo interactions was completely unclear.

    Isadora nodded to Rowan. "Do what you need to."

    There was a sudden missive to the comms of Trask, Goya, Ordo, Rowan, Isadora, Ryan Bluth and even Deptina.


    The update came even though Tapalo was unconscious... and he didn't even have a comlink to hand.

    The twenty Picturion Guards pointed their spears at the few Naboo Royal Guards here, the Queen, and thus it included Sola and Binks and Tarpals.

    A bugle horn sounded in the distance; the Gungan Grand Army was ready... behind the Queen, the tanks that House Malreaux had sent were approaching. This little group were about to be between two forces if they weren't careful.

    Mereel began to reach out to Senator O'Loingsigh even as Saiorse opened comms to the Trade Federation. The Trade Federation hadn't replied, yet, but the orbiting Longbeam and Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser were launching aged Vectors and more modern Tikiars. Signals were entering the sensors of the Gravestone, so that was a problem.

    But, the Gravestone was stable, and relatively unharmed, in all this, circling the outskirts of Theed.

    Queen Helena had a message from Volpau.

    I am inside the Palace and confronting Veruna now. I will challenge him to a duel, and bring an end to this affair!

    TAG: @adaml83, @Nehru_Amidala, @Jabba-wocky, @Silvertough, @Lady_Belligerent, @TheSilentInfluence, @Kahn_Iceay, @Jedi Bluth
  10. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    "There are times when mercy is a luxury you cannot allow." - The Senator, Conversations with Fiadh and Saoirse


    IC: Bairre O'Loingsigh aka The Senator, Saoirse

    The Senator returned to the cockpit. Glancing at the sensors he spoke as he was sitting, "Looks like we might have incoming, we'll need escorts if we want to go after the Longbeam."

    Saoirse switched on the autopilot and got up, "I will need to meditate if we do not get our escort."

    The Senator nodded, "Do it." He connected back to Sola, "This is Senator O'Loingsigh requesting an escort in order to get to the Longbeam cruiser and confront the people there."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Lady_Belligerent
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
    Silvertough likes this.
  11. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    IC: Goya

    Before the Lordling had even hit the ground Goya had moved again, standing now between the Queen and the House Guards. Her right arm held out to the side and her blade, still embedded in the ground, flew into her grip as she drew a second shorter blade with her left. Ports on her armor hissed open, thermal vanes shedding heat as her suits power plant ramped up to actual combat numbers. "I am Goya, of the Echani clan Hotgo, of the Mandalorian clan Vhett. I have been trained by the two most lethal warrior cultures in this Galaxy. The scant few souls who have been in opposition of me and lived, are behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else." The heated plasma sheaths of her blade ignited, putting emphasis on her point.

    The Silver Wings
    Detecting the transmission, despite the comms jammer, as well as the deployment in orbit the ships AI activated its overwatch protocols. Lifting off the dirt it began accelerating towards Goya's location, low, fast. Intent on staying below any offensive fire and getting to its master for a quick escape, or fire support. Eleven years ago it held its own against Mandalorian and Republic fighters, now it only had to deal with one. And in eleven years, it had learned, and had a few new toys.

    An old and venerable Captor-class Heavy Cruiser dropped out of Hyperspace a few hundred kilometers out from the Republic ships. Its identification transponder ID it as the Black Vulpine a craft that had appeared eleven years prior in the climax, and exchanged a few blows with the Jedi cruiser that day. As it began righting itself to the orbital plane dozens of Scarab-class droid fighters began pouring out of its hangar, and forming delta formations around their mothership, it transmitted a message. "We are the Black Vulpine Security Force, we have been sent on behalf of the Echani Confederation. The Six Sisters of Eshan extend our support to their friend and ally Queen Helena, rightful ruler of Naboo." If Helena knew the Echani considered her a friend and ally was another thing all together, what did matter, was that they were here.

    Tag: Whole dang planet at this point.
  12. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 11x Wacky Wednesday winner. star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
  13. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    IC: Deptina Sidvthark

    She had her orders, take out the Queen by any cost necessary.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Silvertough and Sinrebirth like this.
  14. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    IC: Binks
    Theed Edge

    Sitting at the edge. Now tipping over. As one man's body fell, blasters and lances rose. Voices, too. Some trying to stop what was about to happen, but all shouted down by momentum. They were only seconds away from the whole area becoming a hot fire zone. As much so as the skyboats overhead, except this would look unrepentantly ugly. Binks was right there on a knife's edge with them, finally ready to topple down into hell. He could already feel his body moving. That is, until the sound of instruments reminded him to dance.

    "Issa blowing. The war horn of the Grand Army. If theysa thinking I failed, they launch muy big assault on this city. Everything they have," he intoned as the last note sounded.

    "Yousa wants to stop them? Wesa needs to talk. Me. Queenie. Only two names the Gungans know. Get a communicator what can show usa picture. We two be talking to the Army together. Or wesa all gonna die."

    He didn't actually know what they were up to. If he could persuade the leaders of the Army, or if it was even possible to stop the troops if their commanders could be convinced. He didn't know whether the Hooded Man had come back. He couldn't guarantee the Queen would find the right words to make their act convincing, especially when there was no space to discuss things in advance or at all in private. It could be that he had only guaranteed a "revenge" fire-bombing of Otoh Gungah--or judging by this crowd, a half dozen blaster bolts into his own corpse for daring to speak. All possible. But this was his best play, and he owed it to Crepaud to try.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @Lady_Belligerent @Silvertough @TheSilentInfluence @Nehru_Amidala @Kahn_Iceay @Jedi Bluth
    Sinrebirth and Silvertough like this.
  15. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    IC: Queen Helena
    Theed - outside of the Palace

    She quickly read Volpau’s message. He was a feeble old man and Helena had no idea how he could duel anyone.

    “This is preposterous,” Helena tried to make herself heard over the chaos, “I demand that we are admitted to the palace immediately.”

    Then General Binks made a request that she could actually fulfill.

    ”I do have a holocom,” she answered and handed him the device. She would’ve given him anything he wanted if he could stop the madness.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth @Jabba-wocky
  16. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: Trask Thul
    Theed - Mayhem

    Tapalo was down, and with that, Trask's die was cast on the side of the Queen. Funny that, he'd never considered himself a monarchist before.

    Ah well, when in Theed, as the saying goes.

    Trask spun on his heel, dropping into a half crouch as Goya began to monologue towards their shared foe. He for one didn't give the usurpers a chance to respond. Doing so had once cost him a hand, a lesson he wouldn't be quick to forget. Using the pontificating Mando as cover, Trask began firing both heavy blaster pistols into the collection of twenty Picturian guards. One fell immediately, toppling over backwards with a new hole in his forehead.

    He squinted, only now noticing their spears. Trask laughed in between shots, a boisterous, rasping cough of a sound if there ever was one. It was a spear that had once taken his hand. The utter impossibility of a coincidence was impossible to ignore.

    "Come on then Mandos! ..hnng..We can't get paid if there's no one left to pay us!"

    Tags: @Sinrebirth , @Kahn_Iceay , Et al
    HanSolo29 likes this.
  17. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Rowan Organa

    Rowan nodded, a slight determined frown on her lips. She looked at Cassius Ordo, "Keep her safe." She said; referring to Isadora.

    Taking a deep breath, despite the chaos around her and settled in the force; reaching out to the wider currents to figure out the truth. Please help me. We need to defend the queen, but i also need to know who's behind this.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Silvertough likes this.
  18. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 11x Wacky Wednesday winner. star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Lady_Belligerent likes this.
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004


    IC: Volpau Palpatine


    The man of the hour was Volpau Palpatine.

    He took steps towards the Throne Room, which had been commandeered by Lord Veruna.

    It was clear, to Volpau, who had commissioned the mercenary army all those years ago.

    Veruna, and Tapalo.

    Presumably they had been squabbling over the Royal Yacht contract as a cover, using Rugess Nome and Willem Graul as distractions for Queen Helena.

    This time, they had Lord Picturion and Lord Malreaux's wedding proposals as the cover, and the Peace Conference as the pretext.

    Using a variation of the same plan twice was rather foolish. This time, similarly, they didn't have a belligerent Mandalore nor Durge to come in as the threat - and comparing Deptina's minor break with reality to the efforts of the Potentium Jedi was weak.

    Indeed, the war with the Gungans had calmed, considerably...

    So perhaps, after the failed attempt last time... this was their last gasp?

    Volpau wasn't clear.

    Or... was the Queen's heir the target, all those years ago? As a way for them to get closer to the Queen? To court her anew?

    Of course, Helena was immune to the petty advances of nobility, Volpau thought, smirking to himself.

    To think, the entire affair was about power.

    The lives of Helena, Willem, Rowan, Crepaud, Ryan Bluth, O'Loingsigh and Goya, all upended over the petty politics of a Mid Rim world...

    ... let alone what they were even now doing to Trask, Binks and the new generation of victims - including Ederlathh.

    With his lightfoil swinging from his belt, Volpau strode into the Throne Room, before the collected lesser nobles and servants - some complicit, some hostages.


    A crimson blade ignited.

    He pointed it at the man on the Throne.

    "I challenge you, for honour, to a Duel! For your confession that you and Lord Tapalo have been a scourge upon Naboo all along!"

    Veruna grinned, throwing off his most regal robes. He was no young man, either. Volpau had visions of the two of them beating each other up with their canes, had this fight taken place a handful of years from now. But Veruna drew his own lightfoil - a ceremonial, archaic version of the lightsaber, favoured by Tapani nobility but in-vogue across many Ancient Houses.


    A blade of golden sun.

    Ostentatious, Volpau reflected wryly.

    A salute, formal - Makashi style, as the Jedi called it.

    Veruna responded in kind.

    A clash commenced.

    Volpau didn't even notice a Muun slink away in the middle of it.

    TAG: NOBODY - mentions for @TheSilentInfluence, @Jabba-wocky, @Jedi Bluth, @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay, @Silvertough, @Lady_Belligerent, @HanSolo29, @Nehru_Amidala
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    IC: Sola

    Royal Speeder

    There was a crunch, and through a nearby building came a Malreaux crawler-tank -

    "Your Majesty!"

    She pointed to Ryan Bluth. "Tank!"

    The horn blew again, in the distance, as the projector-comm passed from Helena to Binks.

    This was their last chance. At the third blow of the horn, the army would charge.

    Tor, for his part, was updated by the sensors of his ship. "Mandalore! Gungan army behind us!" He was shouting to them all, so Deptina, Ordo, Trask and Rowan could hear -

    It was over the hill, closing, ceremonially pacing before the order went out... or didn't.

    Tor ignited his jetpack and flew up, turning to face the army -

    "Permission to fire?!"

    Before Isadora could say, one of the Picturion guards had lobbed a spear at Trask, missed, and the blade slammed into her beskar, sending her tumbling one way, and her helmet and blaster the other -

    A crawler tank rolled forward, heading towards Trask, who had already shot down several of the soldiers -

    Deptina, in the middle of all of this, was completely left to her own devices.

    The Queen was right there.

    Jenkins and Tarpals, leaning on each other, had a Naboo blaster in each hand and were firing at a crawler-tank that was rounding the battle -

    Ordo was rushing another tank, too far from Rowan and Isadora and the Queen to do anything but confront it -

    A roar, and ten guards broke off to charge the Queen's position -

    Goya's words were ignored.

    On her comms, shouting to the Naboo Space Force, Sola drew a holdout blaster and shot one in the neck -

    "Your Majesty! General! Run!"

    TAG: @Jabba-wocky, @Silvertough, @TheSilentInfluence, @Lady_Belligerent, @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay, @Nehru_Amidala

    In orbit

    The Gravestone was suddenly escorted by twelve Naboo Z-95 Headhunters.

    A pilot spoke up. "This is Olie. Apologies for the delay, we had to fight our way out of the Royal Hangar."

    In orbit, the singular Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser and enemy Longbeam were turning slowly, because they were being assaulted from the rear -

    A Captor-class cruiser was disgorging modern Scarab-class fighter craft -

    The Picturion cruiser birthed two squadrons of Tikiars -

    Then, as cover, unleashed a devastating broadside with its turbolaser clusters into the Scarabs -

    The Tikiars rushed into the gap -

    The Longbeam slid behind the Dreadnaught and began firing upon the Gravestone and the advancing fighters -

    A Z-95 exploded -

    Half a dozen Scarab's vanished -

    TAG: @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay
  21. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    IC: Binks
    Battle of Theed

    Faster and faster. The horns blew louder. The beat thrummed more insistent. He swayed more precariously, even as the space for his feet evaporated. On and on in this terrible dance. His words had a direct objective, yes. But his deeper intention had been to freeze everyone. To somehow make his finger plug the oncoming torrent of violence. A vain hope. He and every other plea for reason was drowned out by the insane music of violence. The guards were charging forward. The bucketheads' guns were blazing. All sliding towards the one objective he had been meant to stop. What was a general, if nobody listened?

    Still a soldier. So he took the device pressed into his hands. Fumbled to activate it. He didn't know enough to adjust any of the systems, but hoped it had been preset to some sort of broad channel that anyone in the area would pick up. At the time, he tried to use the voices to scramble. Towards the woman calling him towards putative safety. Away from the screams of the dead, now louder than they'd ever been, with so many on the verge of joining them. Straining, he almost thought he could hear Crepaud himself. But most of all, he fixated on one voice.

    "Queen! Thisaway!" he called, trying to press his way to her.

    The machine was booting up. About to project whatever image was in front of it. But Binks knew it had to both of them. A claim of peace while standing in the middle of bloodbath would look ridiculous. If anything, that would only invite a more rapid assault. If there was any chance of stopping this nightmare, it had to be the both of them, shoulder-to-shoulder, proving what they really thought of one another. With Crepaud's dagger in one hand and the holoprojector in the other, he tried his best to get close enough to her to make that a reality. If only events would favor him this once.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @Lady_Belligerent
  22. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    "You can be obvious, or you can be subtle. There are advantages for both, but knowing when is the most important." -The Senator, Conversations with Fiadh and Saoirse

    IC: Bairre O'Loingsigh aka The Senator, Saoirse

    The Senator keyed the comms with the Z-95s, "Going evasive, suggest you do the same as well!" He twisted his head the crew compartment, "Whatever you're planning, do it quick!"

    Saoirse, meditating, searched out through the Force towards the Longbeam. She'd been aboard one or two previously by people showing off their ships harkening back to something that never existed. She'd seen many parts of the ship, so she knew where the most... volatile portions were. Saoirse searched for one such spot, reached out through the Force, and started squeezing.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Kahn_Iceay
  23. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Rowan Organa

    Rowan startled from her meditation, looking over just in time to see Isadora get hit and go down.

    "Isadora!" She yelled out, and ran after her. She knelt next to her; holding her head in her hands, and looking down at her; worry in her voice, and fear. "Isadora?! Please please be okay." She begged. She was vaughly aware of Ordo confronting a tank, and the battle around them. But she had to make sure her wife was okay.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  24. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: Trask Thul

    "Stop questioning and start shooting!" Trask barked, firing off a shot as another thrown spear whizzed by his head. He ducked instinctively, ignoring the fact that the movement wouldn't have saved him either way. Grimacing, he turned and executed the aggressor with a double shot to the chest.

    This was ridiculous. How was it that the supposedly elite guardsmen were stuck throwing spears while the native savages somehow had a somewhat modern army? Ridiculous!

    "Oh for pity's sake!" He yelled, throwing himself out of the way of a charging crawler tank. "Mandos!" He yelled, coughing through his vocabulator, "Do something about these tanks!" The tank continued on, seemingly searching for a new target to trample.

    Oh how he longed for a missile launcher.

    Trask scrambled to his feet just as a Picturian guard decided to close the gap, stabbing the ground he had just occupied with a spear. Grunting with effort, Trask ducked under another thrust before kicking in the figures knee. He heard the crunch of bone and ligament, heard the gasp of shock, but didn't stay to watch him fall. Didn't have the time. There were too many foes, in too short a range. Not to mention the incoming armor.

    He'd have spat in frustration if he still had the physical capacity to do so. As he backpedaled to put some pace between himself and any other of the guards, he spied the Queen and a Gungan attempting to get to safety. Unfortunately for them, it appeared as if a contingent of the surviving Picturians had seen the same, and were rushing to engage. Seeing no one else moving to assist, Trask groaned and counter-charged, hoping to close the distance before they surrounded the Queen.

    If nothing else, Trask could give them a few extra seconds. Maybe that'd be enough.

    He really hoped he'd be getting some hazard pay for this..

    Tags: @Sinrebirth , @Lady_Belligerent , @Jabba-wocky
    HanSolo29 likes this.
  25. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Chancellor Willem Graul
    Bounty Hunter’s Guild Headquarters, New Cov


    Even with the Chancellor’s nominal Force abilities, the tension in the room was palpable. The skittish Tandoshan, who also served as the controller for the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, clearly did not want them here. His anxiety was only exacerbated by Master Yoda’s persistence to find answers.

    However, Rugess Nome and his penetrating gaze drew most of Willem’s attention. The two men locked eyes, the interaction sending a chill down the length of his spine. He wasn’t sure if it was a warning or merely the thrill of the hunt… almost as if something was about to happen. Either way, the Chancellor felt compelled to honor Nome’s request for a private meeting.

    "Uh, Master Yoda," he turned and nodded toward the Jedi. "If you and Lady Ederlathh would proceed with Mr. Cradossk, I will be along momentarily. I shouldn’t be long. After all, if Mr. Nome traveled all this way simply to speak to his Chancellor, surely it must be urgent."

    Willem inclined his chin and regarded the Bith carefully.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth