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SW Favorites Poll

Discussion in 'Archive: Ann Arbor, MI' started by Idgie, Feb 2, 2006.

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  1. Idgie

    Idgie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 17, 2001
    1)What was the first SW film you ever saw?

    2)Favorite opening sequence?(not the opening crawl)

    3)Favorite SW theatrical poster?

    4)Favorite SW soundtrack/cue?

    5)Favorite ground battle in a SW movie?

    6)Favorite space battle or chase sequence?

    7)Favorite SW character?

    8)Favorite SW duo and/or couple?

    9)Favorite quote from a SW film?

    10)Favorite movie novelization?

    11)Favorite hero and/or villain?

    12)Favorite ship,vehicle,and/or weapon?

    13)Favorite planet from a SW film?

    14)Favorite SW film?

    15)What is your favorite SW item that you own?

    16)Favorite Expanded Universe?

    17)Favorite SW video game?
  2. YodasBrownEyedGirl

    YodasBrownEyedGirl Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 18, 2003
    1)What was the first SW film you ever saw? Return of the Jedi

    2)Favorite opening sequence?(not the opening crawl) probably Ep 3 now b/c the space battle is so awesome, I think before it might have been Ep 4 b/c of the big vs little ship, how crazy was that

    3)Favorite SW theatrical poster? I'm not sure if it's considered a theatrical poster but I love the IMAX Yoda poster

    4)Favorite SW soundtrack/cue? I love all the music and listen to it quite often but I can say I really think he outdid himself on the Ep 3 soundtrack. I really like when he uses choral with the orchestra.

    5)Favorite ground battle in a SW movie? Jedi vs droids in the Geonosis Battle Arena

    6)Favorite space battle or chase sequence? Millenium Falcon thru the asteroid field

    7)Favorie SW character? DUH!!!

    8)Favorite SW duo or couple? that's hard - Chewbacca and Yoda??? I guess if that doesn't count Obi Wan and Anakin

    9)Favorite quote from a SW film? "That is why you fail." Of course one of many quotes I could have used.

    10)Favorite movie novelization? haven't quite gotten around to those yet

    11)Favorite villain? that's hard too, Vader or Palpatine

    12)Favorite ship,vehicle,and/or weapon? weapon - lightsaber

    13)Favorite planet from a SW film? Dagobah, Kashyyyk

    14)Favorite SW film? I love them all for different reasons, it's so hard to pick one. If I had to say a favorite moment it would have to be when I first saw Yoda. I really have to say that was in Ep 4 even though we now have them in numerical order.

    15)What is your favorite SW item that you own? my Yoda backpack, although it's really hard to choose here too b/c some of the items I have in my collection were given to me by special people or for special reasons.

    16)Favorite Expanded Universe? Clone Wars cartoon

    17)Favorite SW video game? The Lego game - it's the only one I can handle.
  3. DetroitBountyHunter

    DetroitBountyHunter Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 10, 2003
    1. First SW film? A New Hope
    2. Favorite opening? ROTS opening space battle
    3. Favorite poster? TPM with lil anikin and the vader shadow(thank u movie poster calender)
    4. Favorite soundtrack? Ummmm... sadly only own ROTS so i'll go with that
    5. Favorite ground battle? battle on frozen plains of Hoth
    6. Favorite space battle? the fetts chasing obi wan above genosies
    7. Favorite SW charcter? can't choose so i'm going to say the fett's
    8. Favorite SW couple? R2 and C-3PO
    9. Favorite quote? "Why do I get the feeling your going to be the death of me?" obi wan
    10. Favorite novelization? Ummmmm... need to read them before choosing.
    11. Favorite villain? Darth Maul
    12. Favorite ship? slave 1
    13. Favorite planet? endor
    14. Favorite film? ESB (ROTS gave it a run for it's money)
    15. Favorite expanded? bounty hunter trilogy
    16. Favorite game? bounty hunter
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