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PT Technically, when Anakin cut off Mace Windu's hand, he did the right thing...

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by fistofthedarklord, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Darth Philosophical

    Darth Philosophical Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 8, 2015
    Does everyone who thinks Mace was wrong ignore the fact that he not only witnessed Palp murdering three of his Jedi friends, but had to fight for his life as well? Of course he was going to change from, "You're under arrest" to attempting to destroy the Sith lord. C'mon guys. There was certainly some moral ambiguity in the PTs, but this wasn't one of those times. LOL
  2. Seagoat

    Seagoat Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2013
    Killing is killing

    Aside from that;

    Palpatine: "You did well, Anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive."
    Windu: "He has control of the Senate and the courts. He's too dangerous to be kept alive."
  3. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Mace had already beaten Sidious once, I'm sure he could do it again. Not to mention he has the aid of Anakin this time.
  4. TX-20

    TX-20 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 21, 2013
    He did the right thing to his right arm? Now that is poetry!
  5. Darth Philosophical

    Darth Philosophical Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 8, 2015
    As someone astutely said earlier in the thread, the Jedi's mission is to destroy the Sith; not put them on trial. In ROTJ, Obi-Wan tells Luke that his destiny was in killing Vader. In ROTS, he implores with Yoda to send him to kill Palpatine because he can't bring himself to kill Anakin (he knew what needed to be done). Yoda goes to kill Palpatine in his office. Recognizing and destroying evil is as much a part of being a Jedi as is wielding a lightsaber and using the force.

    I'll quote another post I think sums it up perfectly.

    Chancellor Yoda likes this.
  6. Chancellor Yoda

    Chancellor Yoda Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2014
    Good grief.

    It's clear Anakin was merely acting on selfish motives in this and not protecting "innocent" Palptine for the right reasons.

    This is not ambiguous people.

    Also Palpatine was evil, just making sure everyone knows that.
  7. Kururu

    Kururu Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 9, 2007
    Yes, the Jedi´s mission is to destroy the Sith. However, there is a big problem here because the Jedi are trying to fight them in the old fashion ways, refight the last battle, but the Sith have evolved. Politics and war are now powerful weapons wielded by the new Sith and the Jedi can´t stop them only with a lightsaber. Palpatine is the legally elected Chancellor of the Republic and Mace can´t kill him only because he is a Sith. What does being a Sith mean to the Senate in the first place? Absolutely nothing, to them Palpatine is the savior of the Republic no matter what religion he practices. At the end of the day, the "destroy the Sith we must" achieved almost nothing, it was a desperate move and the new Sith were only destroyed when Luke refused to fight against his father, bringing him back to the light and making him fulfill the prophecy. Yoda realized that the Jedi have to evolve too if they want to destroy the new Sith while fighting Palpatine inside the Senate chamber as can be read in the novelization.

    Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith novel, page 356.

    In that lightning-speared tornado of feet and fists and blades
    and bashing machines, his vision finally pierced the darkness that
    had clouded the Force.
    Finally, he saw the truth.
    This truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme Master of the
    Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly
    powerful foe the darkness had ever known...
    have it.

    He'd never had it. He had lost before he started.

    He had lost before he was born.
    The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, had adapted, had
    invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not
    only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this
    day. The Sith had remade themselves.
    They had become new.
    While the Jedi—
    The Jedi had spent that same millennium training to refight the
    last war.
    The new Sith could not be destroyed with a lightsaber; they
    could not be burned away by any torch of the Force. The
    brighter his light, the darker their shadow. How could one win a
    war against the dark, when war itself had become the dark's own
    He knew, at that instant, that this insight held the hope of the
    galaxy. But if he fell here, that hope would die with him. Hmmm,
    Yoda thought. A problem this is...
    GrimdarkRose and Iron_lord like this.

    PHIERY Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 7, 2009
    What really happened was Sidious had set up the entire confrontation. Windu was silly enough to fall into the trap. Sidious quickly defeats and kills 3 Jedi masters, then keeps Windu alive long enough until Anakin shows up. He needed Anakin to commit to the Sith. At no stage was Sidious in danger of being killed. He knew for certain that Anakin was was going to become a Sith. Windu was only the tool for Anakins turn. Once Anakin made his decision, Palps no longer holds back and kills Windu instantly with ease. At no stage could Windu defeat and kill Palps.

    Did Anakin do the right thing?
    Yes, Windu should've seen and heard Anakin ignite his lightsabre and stopped. Anakin warned Windu it wasn't the Jedi way. Anakin did the right thing in preventing an attempted murder. It wouldn't have mattered any way, because Sidious would've stopped Windu very easily.
  9. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Windu was owning Sidious.

    At 0:55 Master Windu almost effortlessly holds off Sidious's assault
    At 1:07 Sidious gains the upper hand, only to be yanked by Master Windu into a bladelock
    At 1:35 Mace goes on the offensive. Sidious is forced to flip away and is pressed on the defensive
    At 1:50 Mace and Sidious smash the window. Sidious's face is contorted with effort, while Master Windu barely even registers the added challenge the wind poses
    At 2:00 Sidious gives one last offensive and Mace delivers a kick to the grill. Sidious backs away in fear and panic. Anakin was NOT in the room yet.

    Mace won the fight. He is stronger. Lucas even agrees in the ROTS commentary.
  10. mihaitzateo

    mihaitzateo Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 5, 2015
    When Anakin did that,he was just a coward.
    Since I doubt that Darth Sidious with Anakin turned to the dark side,
    could have beaten Mace Windu in a fair fight.
    Darkslayer likes this.
  11. LZM65

    LZM65 Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 24, 2015
    I agree with Merkan12. I'm not saying that Mace was right to attempt to kill Palpatine. I believe both he and Yoda were wrong in their separate attempts to kill the Emperor. But Anakin's decision to cut off Mace's hand was more about his selfish desires, instead of simply helping Palpatine.
  12. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    palps was waiting for anakin to get there. he still has his lightning and we know he has a second saber up his sleeve. he uses both in tcw at the same time and later uses his second saber vs yoda. sidious has both sabers on him at all times.

    it was all a ploy to get anakin there at the right moment. also sam jackson didn't want to go out like a punk so they made it a good fight.
  13. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    and we know he has a second saber up his sleeve.

    I must have missed this pivotal bit in ROTS, was this in the US cut only?
    Darkslayer likes this.
  14. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    tcw and second saber used against yoda. 2 and 2.

  15. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    but that doesn't prove that he had both sabers when Mace confronted him, from what I understand he hid one inside the statue of Sistros and only one.
    Darkslayer likes this.
  16. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    say he doesn't have another on him. he has more than enough lightning and mace needed anakin's help.
  17. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Doesn't mean he had it on him in the film. In fact that novelization implies otherwise.
    He didn't need Anakin's help. Sidious was the one asking for help, not Mace.
  18. Mace Windu's Cousin

    Mace Windu's Cousin Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 6, 2015
    What's stopping mace windu from cutting off palpatine's hands and thereby eliminating him as a threat (if we ignore order 66).
  19. Mace Windu's Cousin

    Mace Windu's Cousin Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 6, 2015
    These guys use to be BFF.WTF happened to them ?

    Dinos4Ever likes this.
  20. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    so why didn't mace just kill him then. he couldn't cuz lightning. when anakin got there it was all acting on palps part.
  21. PHIERY

    PHIERY Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 7, 2009
    Mace couldn't even defeat and kill Palps when Mace has the help of 3 other Jedi masters in the one battle. Think about it...Palps defeats and kills Mace and 3 Jedi masters in the same fight. George Lucas agrees by filming this in the ROTS movie. He is showing everyone that Palps is more powerful than Mace and his posse combined. All Mace was, was just a tool to be used in Palps plan to turn Anakin to be a Sith. Once Anakin was turned, Palps easily kills Mace.
  22. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    1) The other masters were nowhere near Mace's skill level. That's why they were cut down so quickly.
    2) Even Sidious is not powerful enough to playfight against Mace Windu. I think I remember GL saying that one could only compete with Sidious if one were Yoda or Windu (and Anakin had the potential to get to that level as well).
    3) No, he is showing that Mace and Sidious are way above Fisto, Tiin, and Kolar.
    4) Mace had Sidious on the ropes.
    5) There's an explanation for that: Mace had just lost his hand and his lightsaber due to Anakin's surprise attack, he was done for.
  23. LZM65

    LZM65 Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 24, 2015

    So why did Lucas claim in a book about the making of "Revenge of the Sith" that Mace, Yoda and Anakin were the only three powerful enough to take on Palpatine in a duel?
    Darkslayer likes this.
  24. PHIERY

    PHIERY Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 7, 2009
  25. Baks

    Baks Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Apr 30, 2003

    People forget that Mace was acting selfishly too and not behaving like a Jedi. What gave him the damned right to act as judge, jury and executioner.