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The Acolyte Official “The Acolyte” Series Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Darth Chiznuk , Apr 22, 2020.

  1. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    I just like to think that after that little red carpet interview, Kathleen txted her "Okay. Pitch me."
    Mostly Handless likes this.
  2. MrDarth0

    MrDarth0 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2015
    I still think they're referring to the Ahsoka live-action show.

    Ahsoka and Sabine searching for Ezra in the UR sounds like a female-centric series to me set in a new timeline.

    New timeline could simply mean 10 years post-ROTJ or the writer doesn't know that The Mandalorian is taking place 5 years after ROTJ. Or by new timeline, they mean new part of the GFFA, like the UR.
    DarthKreVass and DarthRamRod like this.
  3. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Agreed. Kathleen Kennedy has been excellent. And she knows when to shift gears, which is a crucial leadership skill. People rightfully give Favreau and Filoni a lot of credit for an amazing start to Disney+ Star Wars TV, for example, but it was Kennedy who had the vision and foresight to bring them on.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
  4. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    It always baffles me when people say they want Filoni or Favrue to take over

    I mean, KK is a businesswoman/producer ......She may have good creative instincts and all but she has to run a Studio and a IP.

    George could do it because George was a good businessman, he''s the exception of not the rule. He can be a creative yes, but he was good administration Lucasfilm and keep the IP going. This is the guy who kept the Toy rights of A New Hope and made millions because of it.

    I mean not saying Filoni and Favrue couldn't do it per say, but they are creatives why put them in charge of Corperate
    Mostly Handless likes this.
  5. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I loved Russian Doll and I say let this project happen and be awesome. I'm interested!
    Mostly Handless and Bor Mullet like this.
  6. DarthRamRod

    DarthRamRod Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 1, 2018
    Doc-tor Aph-ra! clap clap clap-clap-clap!
    Thrawn082 and GregMcP like this.
  7. DannyD

    DannyD Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2017
    Exciting news. Glad to hear more women involved in important roles.

    Dr.Aphra or Princess Leia could be fun, but the timeline comment may suggest not? I suppose the young Leia timeline/era hasn't been done. a Knight Rider format lol.
  8. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    OK. Cool. But...don't any of you guys think this is getting a bit TOO MUCH? too much Star Wars? yep, i never thought i would say this one day...but we already have the mandalorian. And they're producing the cassian series and obi wan series. Once Star Wars was something special and rare, a unique event. I'm afraid that in ten years or so, the next generation who grew up with disney star wars won't find anything special about it. It will be just another franchise like marvel, you'll take some of it and leave the rest, it won't feel as it used to be. it kinda loses its magic.

    Shouldn't Disney try to rebuild the "mystique" around the brand instead? if i were in their shoes, i'd go for two live action tv shows at the most, wait at least half a decade before a new trilogy (audience enjoy SW as trilogies IMO) focusing on the old republic

    But the way they keep on pushing it, i think we might expect to hear/read the phrase "yet another star wars movie/show" in a couple of years from almost evyone except us hardcore fans :_|
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    Darth_Bertie likes this.
  9. Outsourced

    Outsourced Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 10, 2017
    Not even a little bit. Why would any fan want less of the thing we love?
  10. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    because quality is better than quantity? because a lot of fans, even hardcore fans, think they shouldn't have released a SW movie each year since TFA? because on the long term Disney might dammage the franchise as they kill the goose with the proverbial golden egg?...because the audience might get tired of it if it ever loses its cult appeal? etc... and i say this as someone who enjoyed all disney movies a lot despite their occasional flaws.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  11. Outsourced

    Outsourced Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 10, 2017
    1. Saying "If there's more stuff, it's worse" is a gross simplification of things. If everything is being handled by different teams, why would quality suffer? I mean, we had The Mandalorian and S7 a few months apart, and they were both excellent.

    2. ...What?

    3. Cult appeal? What are you talking about? Star Wars is one of the most mainstream franchises around. And it has been for a long while.

    I'm a Star Wars fan. I love Star Wars. I want to experience more Star Wars content. There's no point in me worrying about a non-existent base of casuals who will, as soon as Star Wars becomes too 'saturated' or 'mainstream' or whatever just drop it.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    DarthRosie and TCF-1138 like this.
  12. DarthTalgus

    DarthTalgus Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 3, 2012
    While the whole ''different part of the timeline'' comment sorta speaks against it, I would love for it to be a Qi'ra centric show. It's supposed to have a lot of martial arts in it which could mean Teräs Käsi ;)
  13. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    I'm just asking questions about Disney wanting to put out so many Star Wars in the years to come when there are right now a lot of criticism about there being too many SW projects. I understand that it's not your opinion of couse, and this is why i was wondering other fan's opinions. What suprises me is that you seem to think my questions are not a common topic within fandom and that the answers are obvious ("more sw, yes!!"). From what i read and hear, it doesn't seem that obvious to me. Whether it's hardcore fans or casual fans. there are people satisfied with current SW, and others who think that Disney should slow down on the SW schedule. So the debate over yet a new announced tv series being overkill or not is valid IMO.

    1. yes, more stuff doesn't mean it's worse. But if we're being honest, and considering disney is you classic corporation with share holders, the more projects you have, the less it's likely there's the same quality-control-state-of-mind about it all. It might end up being equally as good each. But i wouldn't bet too much money on it. A possibility yes, but not the most likely.

    2 what what? hmm..greed etc... sw wars means money...let's make many sw movies so we have the money now, no matter the long term even if that means no more sw movies in a decade people main audience are tired of it. Please, we're not children any more or that much naive, you know how the powers-that-be think...

    3 When i say cult appeal i don't mean cult as "underground cult". Some cults are mainstream (see christianity, islam & friends :D)

    PS: please don't read my posts as disney SW bashing, or an example of the "disney ruined star wars" narrative. I enjoyed all movies. And looking forward any new Star Wars content. But i'm quite suprised that they still focus on producing so many star wars stuff when i hear more and more complaints about there being too much star wars out there (and disney even admited they shouldn't have go that way...still they continue doing the same?)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  14. Outsourced

    Outsourced Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 10, 2017
    Are there? Because you seem to be the only person criticizing it. Again, two majorly successful projects within like four months of each other.

    Disney is a corporation. Soulless, money grabbing, and smart enough to keep people hooked. You really think they'd spend billions of dollars only to trash all the time they've invested over the last few years putting out ****? That doesn't sound like good business to me.

    Mod Edit: No Baiting.
    I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2020
  15. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    well i'm not the only person..but whatever...i must say i don't understand you neither, why you seem to be on the defensive.. but things like that happen, ok, no harm done...
    about's not because they care about money that it means they'll always know how to keep that money comin'. Also, even though their marvel & remakes movies are a success, i find them to be terrible pieces of cinema. so....well...what more can i say? So far i think the SW movies were good. But i'm questionning their approach. I'm really not sure the 'more SW is what's best for the franchise" approach is the good one. There's a risk the next generation won't find it as special as we did. We'll see...
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  16. Outsourced

    Outsourced Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 10, 2017
    Mod edit: No baiting.
    Again, what evidence is there of that? I grew up during the end of the Prequel era and the start of the Clone Wars era. I inhaled every piece of Star Wars media I could get my hands on. Every piece of EU literature from the past 25+ years. I eagerly awaited every new piece of content, and there was a LOT of it. Not the same spectacle as a movie, but it was constant. And a lot of it wasn't very good.

    I'm still here. And I reckon I'll be here for years to come. No amount of Star Wars is gonna change that, and I find the notion that some anomalous likely non existent group of people is going to just up and quit the franchise one day because an arbitrary quota was hit is complete pearl clutching. It's an entirely baseless fear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2020
  17. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    I like Star Wars. I want more Star Wars. I can't get enough Star Wars.
  18. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    I assure you my french is way better, i'll try my best in english, promise

    Even though i don't agree with your analysis I understand and respect your opinion. After all, i was asking other people's opinion about this "issue" and that's what you did. Thanks about that. I'm just as surprised with you thinking there's no "issue" here as you are with my "baseless fears". Interesting.

    I dare say it might be a generational thing? Not sure about that of course. But from my own experience (even If it means little because i cant generalize) friends of my age or older seem to think disney should slow down when it comes to star wars. My younger friends dont seem to share that "fear" much. Just a thought.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  19. SilentGuy66

    SilentGuy66 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 1, 2014
    The only thing I don't agree with is that they halted the anthology movies due to one mis-marketed movie that was released only a few months after of one of the most divisive star wars movies.

    But they're happy to greenlight as many Star Wars TV shows as possible because a single season of Mandalorian was well-received.

    As silly as it sounds, it's kneejerk business strategies like this that make me fear that one day Star Wars will stop (at least in terms of movies/tv) if it doesn't make enough however-many billion dollars the estimates predicted.
    wobbits, Twain, Riv_Shiel and 4 others like this.
  20. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    Knock off the baiting @Outsourced unless you want to take a vacation from the boards.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    Outsourced likes this.
  21. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    Of course there is a possibility of doing too much, but you can't really look at that in the same way as it is with movies. Releasing one movie every year for five years is a lot. The only other franchises who have done sonmething like that are Marvel and DC, and those have the benefit of their characters being more independent from each other than Star Wars is. Not to mention that no one blinks an eye if something like Antman does 200m+, while with Star Wars Solo doing those kind of numbers is more or less a bomb and even a regular episode doing 500m+ is considered somewhat disappointing.

    TV-shows, on the other hand, don't really have this broad reach that movies have. Having one or two shows per year isn't really all that much, especially when you don't have a network-style 20+ episode season but instead something that runs for just 10 episodes or less. In a way, most tv-shows are still more ancilliary material when looking at the grand scheme of things. Even back when there were less SW-movies, there were still books and comics and games or an animated tv-show all at the same time, and it didn't really bother anyone. There doesn't really seem to be as much of a "didn't we just have one of those recently?" effects that might exist with big movie releases.

    Just because there might be four shows currently in different stages of development, doesn't mean that you can expect to get all of them at the same time. There will be just The Mandalorian this year, maybe The Mandalorian and the Cassian Andor show next year, Obi Wan will just be a short one-off, and this project will be years away from release as well. As long as they are kept spread out a bit, overcrowding shouldn't really be an issue. Now, if they somehow end up with 4 multiple-season shows all at the same time, things might look a bit different.
  22. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    yes, it might take more years than i expect. And you're right, tv shows and movies can't be judged in the same way. I'm still curious about Disney wanting to put out so many tv series and how we all respond to that. Is there a future where SW is everywhere on TV? maybe. And maybe it works! But i thought disney would be more cautious about it. As you said, SW is not Marvel.

    Apart from that, i hope we'll learn more about this series and the future of SW in general.
  23. StarWarsFan91

    StarWarsFan91 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 14, 2008
    I want this series to be about a Jedi duo. Or what about the Sith?

    Would be unique having a Star Wars series where the main lead is a villain.
    wobbits likes this.
  24. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    maybe in this series or not but i suspect next star wars could be about a group of jedi. We've never really seen that so far. the OT and ST were about one jedi (and their masters), the PT had plenty of jedi but it was mostly a padawan/master dynamic (the real focus was on anakin/kenobi). So a group of various jedi as central heroes, a proper ensemble cast, would be a welcome news!! And this seems like it could work better on a tv show rather than movie, because we have time to devellop each of them through many hours of television.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  25. Lord-Skywalker

    Lord-Skywalker Hangman Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Jul 8, 2002
    Like it or not Disney intends to get maximum return on its $4 billion purchase.
    Worry not, more than half the projects they throw up on the wall don't stick.