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The Acolyte Official “The Acolyte” Series Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Darth Chiznuk, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    this project in itself sounds good, well at least we know so little about it that we can project anything into it :) But it sounds quite fresh if indeed it's not an era we've already seen. The real question to me is why of all posiblities they had to choose a "cassian andor" tv show...sounds like the odd one out to me...

    -The Mandalorian? already a hit, bring it on!!
    -the Kenobi series? i think we don't need it but a lot of fans seem to be looking forward to it, so Disney might be wise in doing so!
    -a star wars series that takes place during a different era? yes that is what a lot of people want to see
    -dark times era? focusing on Cassian Andor? this one sounds like the more risky project. I have the feeling more and more people want to go beyond the stormtrooper/imperial/rebels/xwing vs tie fighter aspect of star wars. It's iconic, it's wonderful, it's star wars, but we've had plenty of it for years now. Time for a change? I'm not saying it can't be good. Just that it sounds a but more risky for disney.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    black_saber and Lord-Skywalker like this.
  2. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Sure they stick just not with you.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  3. Lord-Skywalker

    Lord-Skywalker Hangman Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Jul 8, 2002
    Unfortunately it comes down to $$$
  4. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    i actually like all disney star wars movies and series, but it's true that -just like any other studio for that matter- there are a lot of projects at lucasfilm regarding star wars, but a lot of them won't make it to the screen -big or small-. Most of them are scrapped before they hit production, or even pre-production. So i suppose that until we hear about actual shooting for kenobi, cassian andor, this third series, then we can't be 100% assured it's gonna get released. Projects in hollywood come and go. And i suppose we only hear about the more "concrete" projetcs. There must have been dozens of aborted projects we've never heard of.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    black_saber and Lord-Skywalker like this.
  5. starfish

    starfish Chosen One star 5

    Oct 9, 2003
    I’m probably not the best person to ask as to what’s to much Star Wars

    We currently have nearly a dozen films, The Mandalorian, a handful of animated shows, dozens of books, hundreds of comics, some video games, and so far it’s not to much for me. :p
  6. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    The Cassian show is not an odd one out. The concept is both promising and highly original for Star Wars. A spy thriller in the GFFA simply hasn’t been done before, and the opportunities are massive. Just think of the planet-hopping in a time of Imperial occupied systems and the intrigue and skills needed to survive as someone on the run, who’s actively fighting the power structure. It’s TV gold. And now we know there are prestige TV writers attached to it, a brilliant show runner and director, and crazy good actors like Stellan Skarsgard. It’s a sleeper hit, and Lucasfilm knows that. And they’re putting out press releases for it in the midst of a crisis, showing confidence and progression. And casting is proceeding apace. TV shows are not going to be scrapped. If anything, we’re going to get a lot more of them than expected.

    Fans focus way, way too much on the idea that viewers either enjoy Star Wars, or not, based on the era. That’s nonsense. The strength of the storytelling is the key. There are legions of fans, for example, who love the OT, really didn’t like the PT, and love TCW, despite the fact that TCW is set during the PT era. Why? Because TCW is a story well told.

    Bring on multiple eras, by all means. But you could tell a million very different stories set in the same year in the GFFA, nevermind the same era. It’s a huge place. It contains multitudes.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  7. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015
    I agree with Bor on this one.
  8. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    Heck strip it of the Spy Element and the fact that it's a show about Cassian has to draw in some people...Cassian is like the unifying character behind Rogue One Fans and Detractors.

    Most of the people I know who don't like Rogue One at least say "Well I liked Cassian" so not only is it unique, it's actually quite clever.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  9. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    A wise choice.
  10. DannyD

    DannyD Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2017
    This isn't terribly original of me as I think it's been said a few times already but I think there are all sorts of genres that could be readily adapted to the SW universe. Partly because they already have been done in other sci-fi series. Like...

    "V"... Imperial occupation thriller.
    Starship Troopers... Aspects of Clone Wars.
    Babylon 5/The Expanse ...Some kinda mini conflict in part of the galaxy. Political thriller.
    Battlestar Galactic... Rebel fleet stories.
    Firefly... Ok, just keep it as it is and call it SW.

    (Buck Rogers...)

    Then you've got others...

    Detective, spy, autobiography, coming of age, survival, romance, western/samurai (oh hello Mando).

    All of which I would love to see. Not saying they would be good for everyone, but the possibilities... All in a Galaxy, Far, Far Away...
  11. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    They haven't said what genre it'll be yet...
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  12. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Agreed. And a spy thriller is already in the works. The Cassian show.
    black_saber and DannyD like this.
  13. Pliolite

    Pliolite Jedi Master star 3

    May 3, 2014
    If they do a female-centric series and it's not based around any of the amazing female characters already in lore, what a wasted opportunity that would be... Aphra in particular is perfect for this job. Especially when you consider they have the potential additional draw of Vader... and her bickering with Triple-Zero is something I especially want to see on screen!
    DarthRamRod likes this.
  14. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I don't think at all that it would be a wasted opportunity to finally, FINALLY, go off into a totally different timeline in the Star Wars Galaxy and do something new that's not attached to anything else we've seen already. And if they do that WITH a few badass women main characters? Totally fine with me. I embrace it and look forward to it.
  15. DarthRamRod

    DarthRamRod Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 1, 2018
    Solo got the bad end of the stick. It was a really fun movie that barely got marketed, came out too close to TLJ, and got sandwiched in between Deadpool 2 and Avengers. I don't know why they didn't have Solo as a December release like all of the other Disney Star Wars movies. I'm really hoping that they eventually have some more Solo stories on Disney +. There was just so much left to explore.

    Bazillion great characters in her comics. If Hasbro asked what I wanted I'd just point at my Dr Aphra collection and say "ALL OF THIS!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2020
  16. Thrawn082

    Thrawn082 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 11, 2014
    Aphra would be such a great choice, for a lot fo reasons. Even if this show isn't about her, I hope she gets one eventually.
  17. SilentGuy66

    SilentGuy66 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 1, 2014
    Maybe this could be the show to finally canonise Mara Jade?
    DarthRosie and Tython Awakening like this.
  18. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    There are also rumors that top Disney executives are livid about the female centric tv show from Lesley headland Because it might of been announced without Disney’s approval.

    The only way we will find out is to hear it from Disney.

    Anyways, if the show happens, I would love it to be a plot about the night sisters of dathomir since this should could have the females know martial arts.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Jedi Knight Fett and vong333 like this.
  19. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    And here is the thing, this what happens with star wars. You get a positive and then a negative comes out. Now its the rumors that the Disney exce's aint happy about the news or something. This is were star wars has to change a lot. I am happy to read that the Cassian show is picking up and there has been some positive news.
    DarthRosie and black_saber like this.
  20. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    I am also glad that tony gilroy is becoming the tv showrunner for the Cassian Andor tv show.

    Also the official does not have the news of the female centric tv show on there website and I couldn’t find lesyle headland show on it.

    So it may not be official or confirmed yet.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  21. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    If it happens, I'm hoping it's not Aphra just because of the timeline. I'd rather a new show not be set during the Empire era. For the same reason, I hope it isn't young Leia. I'd watch either of those shows, I just think we have a lot in that time period and I'd rather see something new. I definitely like the idea of a show about the night sisters from before the Clone Wars, although to be honest the visuals of Dathomir might get old fast. I think my biggest hope is that we get some urban, non-dystopian environments. If it's way after the ST or way before the PT, even better.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  22. Darth Dnej

    Darth Dnej Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2013
    I'm interested, of course. I really hope it's not during really any of the Skywalker Saga. I'm pretty sick of rebels vs. stormtroopers right now. It would be cool if this was set between Episode I and II, or well before Episode I.
    The Shadow Emperor likes this.
  23. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    I say have it explore any time line regardless if it’s rebels versus imperials again, just as long it’s a good show, and compelling.

    If we’re lucky then maybe we could see more Vader, boba fett or Even some EU characters come back in some forum of live action casting if it’s going to take place between episodes 3 and 4 or during the classic era which I doubt, and if not then most likely, a bunch of other shows will do the job.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  24. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    Sounds like the usual rubbish to me...
    Got any even remotely reputable source for that?

    Why would Disney executives be livid about the show itself, or its "announcement"?
    For one, it wasn't announced, therefore they can't be livid about the announcement. Secondly, if they were angry that news got out - which is an entirely different matter - they still wouldn't be mad about the show itself, but instead about the news leaking before they were ready for it. The connections that are drawn here simply make no sense at all.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  25. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    I got it from the source web site bounding into comics. I don’t know yet on how to send a link in my phone.

    I know that’s just rumors and gossip, but it’s still not official if this show is going to happen or not. does not confirm it yet.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.