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Fanclub The Acolytes of Darkness v.2 - Welcome the new Dark Lady of the Sith!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by darth_nemisis, Apr 22, 2008.

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  1. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    My mistake Master, it will not happen again.
    On a side note do you require me to do anything for the Sith in the SWC reconstruction thread [previously Aflame]. I have already avenged us by taking out a potential non sith emperor and a Febraysis Force user who used to be under the tutelidge of the leader who defiled this thread [the one who stole a holocron]? I am currently chancellor for a few more days but relinquish the post soon. I need a long term task to keep me occupied. Also a warrior task would not go astray.
    ****Bows and vanishes into the darkness***
  2. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    You have done well Typhon and I will give you a task once I think of one.
    aalagartassle likes this.
  3. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    aalagartassle - you next Warrior task is What were the known planets of the Sith Worlds and what leader or leaders occupied them?
    aalagartassle likes this.
  4. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    It will be done Dark lady
  5. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
  6. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    The task mylady is coming along, but as you know this is a large enterprise. There are many planets/systems the Sith had once controlled.
    [+ rl of a new memeber to the family and reporting, I have started but not finished]
  7. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    Ok just asking and congrats on the new member.
  8. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    Thankyou dark lady, he has the traits of his father! A Sith he will become.

    ooc is it every Sith world ever won/occupied/used?
  9. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    To answer your question no. It's a big task but if you go to woookiepedia and go to Sith Worlds or Sith Planets it should list all of them.
  10. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    yes M'lady, in excess of 65 Sith planets that the Sith controlled. I will be putting some planets together into systems or sectors as some planets though controlled are of less value for discussion
  11. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    ***appears from the shadows**
    Master it is done, though as you can see my research took a turning point. I worked slowly on this as the daunting task to me meant all sith worlds. I started that way but it became apparent the Sith had occupied many more worlds than previously thought. Here are some and then the answer you look for is at the end.
    Aargona in the perknell sector mid Rim. Located within space controlled by Darth Revan's Sith Empire, the planet would later align with the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars. It also was in Darth Krayts empire. Strategic base.
    Abhean. Mid rim in the Maldrood sector r7.The planet was annexed by the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War. Also Revans Empire. A ship building centre

    Abraxas was a planet in the Abraxas system within the Yushan sector of the Mid Rim of the galaxy. It was also known for its rich mineral and ore deposits. Abraxas was integrated into Sith Space during the New Sith Wars, a prolonged conflict between the Galactic Republic and New Sith Empire, the latter lead by the new Sith Order. Used for ore, mining.

    Abregado-rae located in the core was a major manufacturing and trade-oriented planet, It was controlled by Revan and then later Krayt. Strategically important to Krayt for the “bacta run”.

    Adras was a imperial held world under Sidious, it was in the Sith empire and Krayts Empire. It’s importance is that it is in the Seswenna sector . After the Sith offensive seized the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim, the Imperial armada tuned its sights closer to the Core." ―Jedi Master Gnost-Dural
    The Sith Empire conquered the entire Seswenna sector during the Great Galactic War. The Sith Emperor's conquest of the Seswenna sector made Republic citizens and soldiers lose all hope in the Republic's survival.
    Aefao n5, Located near the areas of space controlled by the Sith Empire, it remained apart of Sith Space until the defeat of the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars. [border world].
    Aneid, Aligned with the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars it is found in Hutt space.
    Agon 9 outer rim was absorbed into Darth Revan's Sith Empire. When Darth Malak was assassinated and Revan disappeared, the Ash Worlds remained neutral through the New Sith Wars, Darth Vader used it as a penal colony in the Imperial Empire years.
    Agridon joined the Galactic Senate during the settling of the Slice. During the Jedi Civil War, the planet aligned itself with Darth Revan's Sith Empire it then went on to be in Krayts empire. While not directly involved in major galactic affairs, the Tapani sector did stir trouble for the Galactic Republic during its early years. While ostensibly allied with the Galactic Republic, member worlds sent troops to aid Exar Kun during the Great Sith War. While the Jedi Order worked to destroy the sector sponsored Mecrosa Order, the worlds sided with Darth Revan's Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War. Drawn back into the Republic's fold, the Tapani sector remained loyal until the dissolution the body and the birth of the Galactic Empire.

    Aleron,, Alisandor, Allandor , After annexation by the Empire, the world was located in what would be known as the Shapani sector. As of 137 ABY, the world was a member of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. A world that constantly betrayed everyone apart from the Sith it was this reason it truly is a loyal Sith world.
    Alk'lellish III ,Brintooin , Aligned to the Sith Empire, Sidious and Krayt.

    Alkenak seceded from the galactic Republic to join Darth Revan's campaigns against the Republic. Also aligned with
    Sidious and Krayt.

    Allanteen sixAt the start of the Jedi Civil War, a conflict between the Republic and Darth Revan's Sith Empire erupted on the world; resulting in Sith control of the system and neighboring worlds. At the highest extent of the Sith Empire, Allanteen remained under Imperial control as part of an isolated area of Sith Space. It was used as a launching point for the Sith attack on Rhommamool.
    Allinga As the Hutt Empire encroached into the sector, the world aligned with the Sith Empire under the leadership of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. After the defeat of the two Sith, the planet realigned with the Republic, though it was on the border of Sith Space until the defeat of the Brotherhood of Darkness at the conclusion of the New Sith Wars. Alos aligned with Sidious and Krayt.
    Allyuen k-18 was a remote desert mining world in the Allyuen system of the Anoat sector, located in the Greater Javin of the Outer Rim Territories, it had vast resources of Chromite for mining. Under Sidious and Krayt.
    Almania was a cold and windy planet located in the Almanian system. It had three moons, Pydyr, Auyemesh, and Drewwa, controlled by the brotherhood of darkness.
    Almaran was a tropical planet located in the Elrood sector's Almaran system with beaches, marmaw-inhabited oceans, rain forests, and wide plains of orange grasses. Under the Krayt Empire.

    Almas. Darth Rivan built t his Sith fortress here , at some point before 1,250 BBY. The castle was located on the desert side of the planet. It was built on this planet in hope to gather dark side energy from the Force-dense Cularin system. It was here that Darth Rivan tried to create an corps of Sith Battlelords. The ruins and surrounding area were also home to the Dark lizards of the Sith; a species of Hssiss dragon that was thoroughly permeated with the dark side of the Force.
    Alzar, Engulfed in the Empire of Darth Revan during the Jedi Civil War, and under Mandalorian control before that, Alzar eventually joined the Republic following the defeat of the controlling Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars. Also under Sidious and Krayt.
    Amarin Darth Revan's Sith empire until its fall in 3,960 BBY. Remaining separate from the Republic, the world joined the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars; the world was seized from the Sith after their defeat several years before the Ruusan Reformation. Also part of Sidious and Krayts empire.
    Ambria was a mineral-rich world, which boasted several indigenous sentient species, and a wide variety of fauna. Located in the Stenness Node, Ambria along with most of the other worlds in the sector, was considered a lucrative mining world. A Sith Sorceress made Ambria her home. Little was known of her origins, and even her name was lost to history, though her deeds had been recorded by the Jedi Order, and were stored in their great archives. She used her dark powers to enslave the native sentients, and used many of the planet's wildlife as war-beasts, aided by the dark side. She began construction of a great black obelisk infused with the dark side; it took her slaves over a century to build it, obsession standing the test of time. Eventually, she had the chance to conduct the Sith ritual the obelisk had been built for but it caused devastation and became a font of the dark side. Later, some time after the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY, several of the remaining Sith Lords sought refuge on Ambria, where they hid among the dark side energies in order to avoid persecution. They stayed on the planet for many years, until passing into the Force themselves, leaving yet more dark side spirits on Ambria. They remained embedded in the planet itself, preventing anything from growing on the desolate world. Darth Bane and Darth Zannah visited this world, Bane was poisoned here and eventually was usurped by Zannah on this world.
    Anark iv, Anantapar, Andalasa, Anic Controlled by Krayt Empire.
    Anaxes,Ansarra, Antipose X,XII and iix Worlds under Sidious and Krayt.
    Anchoron Ankus, Ansata, Ansillivog, Anstares VI,worlds under Sidious and Krayt.
    Andara joined the Galactic Empire as it rose from the ashes of the Republic. Following the Galactic Civil War, during the Dark Empire crisis, Andara was besieged by the Empire's war machine coming out of the Deep Core. Eventually turned over to the New Republic, Andara remained largely unscathed during the Yuuzhan Vong War and Second Galactic Civil War. As of 137 ABY, Andara was part of the Core Worlds Security Zone under Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.
    Ando, During the Great Sith War, Ando was attacked an conquered by the Sith empire as part of the Krath Holy Crusade. While the Empire was defeated and Ando returned to the Republic, it was claimed by the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars. Under Sidious as well.
    Discovered by the Galactic Republic circa 5,000 BBY, Angeria was engulfed in the Empire of Darth Revan during the Jedi Civil War. Liberated after the war, the world joined the Republic and remained loyal, joining the Galactic Empire following the Clone Wars. It was a member of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire as of 137 ABY.
    Ank Ki'Shor, Annaj, Anoat,Anobis, Ansion under Sidious.
    Annoo, brother hood of darkness.
    Antared III was then turned over to Darth Revan's Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War. Following the defeat of the Sith, Antared III lingered independently for several centuries until the Brotherhood of Darkness reclaimed the world during the New Sith Wars. Never in Sidious clutches although went over to Krayt.
    Anteevy, under Revans empire, Sidious and Krayts. Excellent for Phrik mining.
    Anzat, under all Sith empires. A great place for assin breeding, good dark force sensatives.
    Aplooine was lost to the Galactic Republic with the rise of the Sith Lords that rose to power with the fall of the New Sith Empire. As the Second Sith Civil War broke out, the worlds of the Grumani sector were cut off from outside contact. As the civil war ended with Lord Kaan's formation of the Brotherhood of Darkness, the world continued under Sith control until the Army of Light defeated Kaan at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. Also under Sidious and Krayt.
    Aqarius Under Darth Revans Empire.

    Aquella was a part of the Galactic Empire, but only begrudgingly. At least one Aquellan man joined the Empire; Wermyn was an office stationed at the Maw Installation. The planet was known to be within Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire as of 137 ABY.
    Arabanth part of the Sith Empire.
    Arkania's a planet rich in diamonds. , the Sith Empire enveloped the plantet in their iron-clad grip and established a massive library called Veeshas Tuwan circa 6,900 BBY. Drawing Sith Lords from across the Empire, the library grew over the centuries as scientists would draw upon dark side magics to conduct their experiments. As the structure became so cavernous that no one could find what they were looking for; still Lords would practice their dark arts in hidden chambers far from the control of the Republic or the Jedi Order. The growth of the great library came to a fiery end at the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War however. Following the exile of Sith Lord Naga Sadow, the Jedi Order learned of the library's location and deemed it a threat to the stability of the Order and the Republic. Dispatched by the Jedi High Council, a team of several Jedi Masters descended upon Arkania and destroyed Veeshas Tuwan, wiping out the Sith population. It later resurfaced in the Krayt empire.

    Attahox was a planet controlled by the Krath, by the Sith empire, a place to mine phosavane salts for pain killers.
    Averam, part of the Sith empire, Sidious Empire and Krayts.
    Bakkah was part of the New Sith Empire, may have had a Sith Amulet on world.
    Both Sith Empire and Empire post hyperspace war and prophets of the dark side.
    The planet was the site of a Republic Military outpost during the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire over fifty years later. That outpost was later wiped out by the Sith Lord Kavos, who killed the experienced Jedi Knights Ayesho and Nil in the process. During the Cold War, an anarchist group known as the Revolutionary Edge Brigade was active on Brentaal, and the group—including a Rattataki named Kaliyo Djannis—frequently robbed banks, blew up public holorelays, and kidnapped influential corporate and political figures.

    Brentaal IV During the New Sith Wars, a series of conflicts between the Republic and various Sith factions that spanned the millennium between 2000 BBY and 1000 BBY, the Bormea sector was conquered by the Brotherhood of Darkness in the year 1002 BBY. Brentaal IV was captured by the Sith shortly after Corulag and Chandrila, with the planet's defenders only offering what the Sith Lord Skere Kaan considered to be token resistance.Kaan's capture of Brentaal forced his Jedi counterpart Lord Hoth to make his move and draw the Sith into battle at the planet Ruusan.
    Part of The Brother hood of Darkness and Sidious’ Empire.
    Byllura was controlled by Chagras . Following the death of Chagras, the ruler of the hegemony, Byllura became the capital of the Dyarchy and was governed by the Sith Lord twins Dromika and Quillan. Their reign ended in 1,032 BBY when Byllura fell to forces of Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra

    Byss Located in space controlled by the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, its space would be contested millennia later during the Clone Wars. Also controlled by Sidious This is not the Byss that Sidious reverted too.
    Daalang was a world on the Gamor Run in the Mid Rim, near Attahox. It hosted a trade conference.

    Daalang, During the Great Sith War, Krath came from Nixor and conquered the planet, from which they moved to Lannik.
    Dantooine, A jedi school called the enclave was bombed, the Enclave, along with many of Dantooine's other settlements, was destroyed by Darth Malak, who was obsessed with finding Revan and Bastila (Malak also took special care to bombard the ancient Rakatan temple to preserve the Star Forge's secrecy, but by then it was too late). This attack sent the Dantooine farming community into decay, as the Republic, weakened by the war, could not offer its support to the remote world. Until the collapse of the Sith Empire a year later, Dantooine was occupied by the Sith, who executed almost all local leaders.

    Here is when I found Your Meaning of Sith Worlds
    Ziost::: Adas's Sith Empire, Old Sith Empire, Revan's Sith Empire, Order of the Sith Lords, Lumiya's Sith
    Ziost became the capital of the ancient Sith Empire after the reign of the Sith Overlord Adas came to an end. Without his unifying force holding them together, the Sith degenerated into previous feudal ways. After centuries of battle and strife, the remaining Sith utilized Rakatan vessels to relocate to other planets, leaving their desolated homeworld . Ziost obviously housed academy’s due to “ships’ unearthing there by Ben Skywalker.
    Korriban Leader(s): Sith Infinite Empire, Adas's Sith Empire, , Old Sith Empire, Brotherhood of the Sith/Exar Kun's Sith Empire, Revan's Sith Empire, Sith Triumvirate, Great War/Cold War Sith Empire, New Sith Empire/Brotherhood of Darkness. Sidious Empire.
    First leaderLeader Killick Sith Lord.
    Second Leader Adas
    Korriban is the ancestral home of the Sith. It is a place of great power; the dark side lives and breathes in the very core of this world. It was set up as an academy and housed the dead lords of the Sith, it is a font of power for the Sith.

    Rhelg was the location of Ludo Kressh's private fortress during the Great Hyperspace War and was one of Sith Space's few holy worlds. It was close to Khar Delba.
    Nfolgai was a world on the Descri Wris in Sith Space. Sorzus Syn encounted a Mrlssi slave on this world, burdened with stones and nearly unrecognizable under its soot-slicked feathers.
    Krayiss Two was considered one of the five sacred Sith planets that formed the heart of the Sith Empire. In ancient times, Krayiss Two was home to a massive library-temple that was a place of meditation and study for Sith sorcerers. However, after 14,000 BBY it was buried and largely forgotten, with its large obelisk being all that remained above ground. Still, Krayiss Two attracted a number of Jedi seeking to learn the secrets of the ancient temple. In 4000 BBY, a Jedi Knight named Vara Nreem traveled to the world for this purpose, but she was deemed unworthy by the Sith spirits that dwelled within the ruin. As a result, Nreem was killed and made to suffer in torment for eternity.

    Ashas Ree Leader(s): Adas's Sith Empire, Old Sith Empire, King Adas
    Ashas Ree
    Part of the Adas Empire and the old Sith Empire, Lord Garu left Adas holocron here and where Freedon Nar recovered it.
    ANTHIS Sith Emperor
    Athiss was the site of a mysterious cult devoted to Vodal Kressh, a powerful Sith Lord who once challenged the Sith Emperor. Also a place where Chamma a Jedi knight fought a Sith Devotee and lost to the simplicity of the use of the Sith arts against him. He may have killed a Sith Devotte here but went into hermitage for along time.

    Leader(s): Sith Empire, Brotherhood of Darkness, Warlord Zsinj's Empire, and Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire
    Begeren was seized by the Sith Empire some time prior to approximately 5,000 BB The Empire set about constructing massive monuments of noteworthy Sith alchemists, warriors, and philosophers. Slave labor was used to build the statues, and an estimated hundred thousand slaves died before the work was completed. Darth Thanaton liberated the world later. Both Sith Empire and Empire post hyperspace war.
    Bosthirda was a planet of the Sith Empire, close to Korriban and Dromund Kaas, and was located on the Kamat Krote. The planet was the location of a dark side temple, the hidden retreat of Supreme Prophet Kadann.

    Leader(s): Sith Empire

    Leader(s): Sith Empire, Sith Lord Shar Dakhan

    Dromund Fels
    Leader(s): Old Sith Empire, Sith Empire (Post Great Hyperspace War)

    Dromund Ixin
    Leader(s): Unknown

    Dromund Kaas
    Leader(s): Old Sith Empire, Reconstituted Sith Empire, New Sith Empire, Prophets of the Dark Side

    Dromund Kalakar
    Leader(s): Unknown

    Kalakar Six
    Leader(s): Sith Empire, New Sith Empire, Prophets of the Dark Side

    Dromund Tyne
    Leader(s): Unknown

    Jaguada/Jaguada's Moon
    Leader(s): Sith Empire

    Leader(s): Adas's Sith Empire, Old Sith Empire

    Khar Delba
    Leader(s): Naga Sadow, Old Sith Empire

    Leader(s): Sith Infinite Empire, Adas's Sith Empire, Xim's empire, Old Sith Empire, Brotherhood of the Sith/Exar Kun's Sith Empire, Revan's Sith Empire, Czerka Corporation, Sith Triumvirate, Great War/Cold War Sith

    Empire, New Sith Empire/Brotherhood of Darkness

    Leader(s): Sith Empire

    Krayiss Two
    Leader(s): Sith Empire

    Leader(s): Unknown

    Leader(s): Adas's Sith Empire, Old Sith Empire
  12. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    Well done Typhon well done. Give yourself 20 DSP's.
  13. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    Thankyou Dark Lady
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  14. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    How low have the Sith fallen? This once proud order seems reduced to little more than memories of better times, like the tombs of our ancestors these halls are filled now with only dust.

    Know this Sithlings and Peons of the AoD, my arrival serves as a warning that my Master follows.
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  15. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    aalagartassle likes this.
  16. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    I am here still here preparing,plotting and attaining my persoanl ambition of becoming a Sith Warrior first then Sith Master after that. Presently I am defending the criminal cartels as a lawyer as it serves my purposes.
  17. Jedi_Kenobi32

    Jedi_Kenobi32 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 24, 2005
  18. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    It is time now to act. The Sith are resurgent. Prepare yourself for when the Master comes to put his house in order.
  19. aalagartassle

    aalagartassle Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2011
    Yes dread lord.

    ****disposes of old corpses*****
  20. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    I was wondering what that stench was. :p
  21. Jedi_Kenobi32

    Jedi_Kenobi32 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 24, 2005
    Teegirloo I am ready for a new task.

    aalagartassle its good that you disposed of those corpses. The place was really starting to stink. :p
    aalagartassle likes this.
  22. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    I have stepped down as Dark Lady. Darth Valiant you no longer need tasks for you are a Sith Master. Congratulations Darth Valiant. you have proven to be a worthy Sith.
    aalagartassle likes this.
  23. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    I have stepped down as Dark Lady. Darth Valiant you no longer need tasks for you are a Sith Master. Congratulations Darth Valiant. you have proven to be a worthy Sith.
  24. Jedi_Kenobi32

    Jedi_Kenobi32 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 24, 2005
    I am? I thought you had to earn a hundred points to be a Sith Master. :confused:

    Who's in charge of the AOD now? And thanks for the congrats. Still a bit confused though.
  25. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    Think of it as an early promotion. You are almost there anyway.

    Sinre will be in charge of the AoD and NSO.
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